School of Theology

Latest research outputs

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Ascending grace: a movement back into the world
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Ascending grace: a movement back into the world. Sarts-Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies. 25(2), pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article

Habakkuk 3:10-11: In defence of a Masoretic unit division
Wearne, Gareth James. (2014). Habakkuk 3:10-11: In defence of a Masoretic unit division. Vetus Testamentum. 64(3), pp. 515 - 518.

Journal article

The Moral Economy of Labor Mobility: Migration and the Global Workforce
Cruz, Gemma. (2014). The Moral Economy of Labor Mobility: Migration and the Global Workforce. In In E. W. Collier and C. R. Strain (Ed.). Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Global Migration pp. 35 - 51 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc..

Book chapter

The inspiring power of scripture: Three case studies
O'Collins, Gerald. (2014). The inspiring power of scripture: Three case studies. Irish Theological Quarterly. 79(3), pp. 265 - 273.

Journal article

The Gifted Self: The Challenges of French Thought
Horner, Robyn. (2014). The Gifted Self: The Challenges of French Thought. In Questioning the Human: Toward a Theological Anthropology for the Twenty-First Century Fordham University Press.

Book chapter

The rules of mercy never change
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). The rules of mercy never change Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Economic implications of the Deuteronomistic reform and the elimination of the Goddess Asherah
Breingan, Lucienne Elise. (2014). Economic implications of the Deuteronomistic reform and the elimination of the Goddess Asherah [Thesis].


Lead kindly light
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Lead kindly light [Composition].


Turtles all the way down? Pressing questions for theological anthropology in the twenty-first century
Kirchhoffer, David. (2014). Turtles all the way down? Pressing questions for theological anthropology in the twenty-first century. In In L. Boeve, Y. de Maeseneer and E. van Stichel (Ed.). Questioning the Human: Toward a Theological Anthropology for the Twenty-First Century pp. 183 - 193 Fordham University Press.

Book chapter

Words from the Wound: Selected Addresses, Letters and Homilies of Archbishop Mark Coleridge
Ekpo, Anthony and Pascoe, David. In A. Ekpo and D. Pascoe (Ed.). (2014). Words from the Wound: Selected Addresses, Letters and Homilies of Archbishop Mark Coleridge St Pauls Publications.


Leaving Christendom for good: Church-world dialogue in a secular age
McEvoy, James. (2014). Leaving Christendom for good: Church-world dialogue in a secular age Lexington Books.


Pascal's Wager Today : Belief and the Gift of Existence
Hodge, Joel. (2014). Pascal's Wager Today : Belief and the Gift of Existence. New Blackfriars. 95(1060), pp. 698 - 710.

Journal article

For you, for them
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). For you, for them Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

The Unity of Salvation: Divine Missions, the Church, and World Religions
Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan. (2014). The Unity of Salvation: Divine Missions, the Church, and World Religions. Theological Studies. 75(2), pp. 260 - 283.

Journal article

The omnivoyant. Fraternity and God's vision in Nicolas of Cues [L'Omnivoyant. Fraternit? et vision de Dieu chez Nicolas de Cues]
Falque, Emmanuel. (2014). The omnivoyant. Fraternity and God's vision in Nicolas of Cues [L'Omnivoyant. Fraternit? et vision de Dieu chez Nicolas de Cues]. Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques. 98(1), pp. 37 - 73.

Journal article

Reading Habakkuk 3:4 and Deuteronomy 33:2 in Light of One Another
Wearne, Gareth James. (2014). Reading Habakkuk 3:4 and Deuteronomy 33:2 in Light of One Another. TC: a journal of biblical textual criticism. 19, pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Dreams Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

The therapeutic relationship in Pentecostal pastoral counselling: A qualitative, interdisciplinary exploration.
Crawford, Ann. (2014). The therapeutic relationship in Pentecostal pastoral counselling: A qualitative, interdisciplinary exploration [Thesis].


Leading professional learning: An exploration of the leadership role of the REC in the professional learning of religious educators in catholic primary schools in the Melbourne Archdiocese
Dowling, Elizabeth Ann. (2014). Leading professional learning: An exploration of the leadership role of the REC in the professional learning of religious educators in catholic primary schools in the Melbourne Archdiocese [Thesis].


Pedalling the death of a life: A Late Victorian variation on dealing with grief
Cadwallader, Alan. (2014). Pedalling the death of a life: A Late Victorian variation on dealing with grief. Journal of Religious History. 38(1), pp. 35 - 52.

Journal article

Thank you
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Thank you Australia: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Overview of Ratio Translationis for the English Language
McFarland, Jason James. (2014). Overview of Ratio Translationis for the English Language. In In D. Smilanic (Ed.). The Liturgy Documents Volume Three: Foundational Documents on the Origins and Implementation of Sacrosanctum Concilium pp. 591 - 597 Liturgy Training Publications.

Book chapter

The Family of Jesus and the Disciples of Jesus in Paul and Mark: Taking Sides in the Early Church's Factional Dispute
Sim, David. (2014). The Family of Jesus and the Disciples of Jesus in Paul and Mark: Taking Sides in the Early Church's Factional Dispute. In In O. Wischmeyer, D. Sim and I. Elmer (Ed.). Paul and Mark: Comparative Essays Part I Two Authors at the Beginnings of Christianity pp. 73 - 99 De Gruyter Mouton.

Book chapter

Christianity and the cause of Asian women
Cruz, Gemma. (2014). Christianity and the cause of Asian women. In In F. Wilfred (Ed.). pp. 302 - 314 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Advisers or Fellow-revisers' : Recognition, Status and the Revised Version
Cadwallader, Alan. (2014). Advisers or Fellow-revisers' : Recognition, Status and the Revised Version. Journal of Anglican Studies. 12(1), pp. 59 - 81.

Journal article

Can catholic social thought help to alleviate liturgical tensions?
Gascoigne, Robert. (2014). Can catholic social thought help to alleviate liturgical tensions? Irish Theological Quarterly. 79(1), pp. 30 - 44.

Journal article

Your side of time
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Your side of time Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

For better or for worse: Migrant women workers and ICTs
Cruz, Gemma. (2014). For better or for worse: Migrant women workers and ICTs. In In A. M. Brazal and K. Abraham (Ed.). Feminist Cyberethics in Asia: Religious Discourses on Human Connectivity pp. 95 - 116 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

(Re-)discovering comparitive theology: An Australian perspective
Ray, Anita. (2014). (Re-)discovering comparitive theology: An Australian perspective. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 27(1), pp. 50 - 67.

Journal article

Partaking of God: Trinity, evolution, and ecology
Edwards, Denis. (2014). Partaking of God: Trinity, evolution, and ecology Liturgical Press, the.


Reading the Actio of Cognitional Acts in Bernard J. F. Lonergan and Joseph Owens
Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan. (2014). Reading the Actio of Cognitional Acts in Bernard J. F. Lonergan and Joseph Owens. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. 88(1), pp. 81 - 102.

Journal article

The appearances of the Risen Christ: A lexical-exegetical examination of St Paul and other witnesses
O'Collins, Gerald. (2014). The appearances of the Risen Christ: A lexical-exegetical examination of St Paul and other witnesses. Irish Theological Quarterly. 79(2), pp. 128 - 143.

Journal article

Beautiful life
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Beautiful life Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

The Sound of Silence: In the Footsteps of Abraham and Isaac
Nathan, Emmanuel. (2014). The Sound of Silence: In the Footsteps of Abraham and Isaac. In In R. Bieringer, R. Burggraeve and E. Nathan & M. Steegen (Ed.). Provoked to Speech: Biblical Hermeneutics as Conversation pp. 111 - 121 Peeters.

Book chapter

Biblical reflections on refugees and asylum seekers in Australia
Chia, Edmund. (2014). Biblical reflections on refugees and asylum seekers in Australia. Asian Horizons: Dharmaram Journal of Theology. 8(4), pp. 706 - 718.

Journal article

The Roman connection: Paul and Mark
Theophilos, Michael P.. (2014). The Roman connection: Paul and Mark. In In O. Wischmeyer, D. C. Sim and I. J. Elmer (Ed.). Paul and Mark: Comparative essays part I: Two authors at the beginnings of Christianity pp. 45 - 71 Walter de Gruyter GmbH.

Book chapter

"Do this in Remembrance": Last Supper Traditions in Paul and Mark
Dowling, Elizabeth V.. (2014). "Do this in Remembrance": Last Supper Traditions in Paul and Mark. In In O. Wischmeyer, D. Sim and I. Elmer (Ed.). Paul and Mark pp. 221 - 241 De Gruyter Mouton.

Book chapter

Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Meanwhile [Composition].


New evidence from the papyri: The portrayal of the woman in Revelation 2:22
Theophilos, Michael. (2014). New evidence from the papyri: The portrayal of the woman in Revelation 2:22. In In W. Mayer and I. J. Elmer (Ed.). Men and women in the early Christian centuries pp. 93 - 110 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Neither Male nor Female: The Eschatological Family in Paul and Mark
Elmer, Ian. (2014). Neither Male nor Female: The Eschatological Family in Paul and Mark. In In W. Mayer and I. J. Elmer (Ed.). Men and Women in the Early Christian Centuries St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

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Albayrak, Ismail

Asquith, Gillian

Bermudez-Goldman, Sacha Alejandro

Brown, Gavin

Brown, Teresa Grace

Browning, Anne

Byers, Catherine Philippa

Carroll, Therese

Carswell, Margaret Frances

Casey, Damien Francis

Cassar, Carmen

Chambers, Michael

Chase, Andrew

Chia, Kee-Fook

Cicutto, Pauline

Collins, John

Cook, Sarah

Cornish, Sandra

Craig, Mark

Cruz, Gemma

Dabbah, Thomas

Dizdar, Drasko

Dowling, Elizabeth Ann

Duke, Zachariah

Dunne, William

Dyball, Fiona

Elkington, Catherine

Elmer, Ian Jeffrey

Francis, Cecilia

Fundic, Leonela

Gardner, Fiona

Ghosn, Margaret

Goldburg, Peta

Gore-Jones, Lydia

Hall, Gerard Vincent

Heaney, Maeve Louise

Hemmings, Maureen Margaret

Hodge, Joel David

Horner, Robyn Lesley

Ivers, Peter James

Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan

Jongejan, Louise

Kearney, Richard

Kelly, Anthony

Kent, Deborah

Kevill, Carmel

Laffin, Josephine

Langford, Jennifer

Long, Brendan

Loughnane, Michael

Luttick, Janine

Lynch, Bernadette

Lynch, Danielle

Madigan, Daniel

Marshall Calder SJ, Jamie Timothy

Martis, John

McDonald, Lisa

McEvoy, James

McFarland, Jason James

McGovern, Kevin

McInerney, Patrick

Mellor, Anthony

Mitchell, Roderick

Monro, Michelle

Mylonas, Natalie

Nathan, Emmanuel

Noseda, Mary Josephine

O'Beirne, Ann-Maree

O'Neill, Brett

O'Neill, Christopher

Obst, Jason

Parkinson, Joseph

Pascoe, David

Pizzey, Antonia

Pollard, Eamonn

Reed, Christopher

Remond, Jacqueline

Rogers, Geetanjali

Roper, Elissa

Rush, Ormond Gerard

Schoer, John

Seseikaite-Nathan, Agne

Sharkey, Paul

Sim, David Campbell

Smith, Michael

Smoothy, Pauline

Strickler, Ryan Wayne

Stuart-Brennan, Brooke

Theophilos, Michael Peter

Tilly, Frances

Trainor, Michael

Veling, Terry Andrew

Wearne, Gareth James

Webb, Nathan Patrick

Wegner, Samantha

Westphal, Merold

Wilson, Gregory

Wilson, Janiene

Young, Ian

Yucel, Salih

Zou, Bei-En