Peter Howard

Contact categoryStaff
Job titleEmeritus Professor
Research instituteFaculty of Theology and Philosophy
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Research outputs

The language of dives and lazarus : Preaching generosity and almsgiving in renaissance florence
Howard, Peter. (2020). The language of dives and lazarus : Preaching generosity and almsgiving in renaissance florence. I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance. 23(1), pp. 33-51.

Journal article

Approaching renaissance religions
Howard, Peter. (2021). Approaching renaissance religions. In In Howard, Peter, Terpstra, Nicholas and Saccenti, Riccardo (Ed.). Renaissance religions : Modes and meanings in history pp. 13-44 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

The language of medicine in Renaissance preaching
Howard, Peter. (2020). The language of medicine in Renaissance preaching. In In Henderson, John, Jacobs, Frederika and Nelson, Jonathan K. (Ed.). Representing infirmity : Diseased bodies in Renaissance Italy pp. 28-46 Routledge.

Book chapter

The language of luxury in Renaissance Florence
Howard, Peter. (2018). The language of luxury in Renaissance Florence. In In C. Kovesi (Ed.). Luxury and the ethics of greed in early modern Italy pp. 47 - 70 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

Languages of the pulpit in Quattrocentro Florence
Howard, Peter. (2018). Languages of the pulpit in Quattrocentro Florence. In In E. Del Soldato and A. Rizzi (Ed.). City, Court, Academy: Language Choice in Early Modern Italy pp. 31 - 46 Routledge.

Book chapter

Making a city and citizens: The ‘fruits’ of preaching in Renaissance Florence
Howard, Peter. (2017). Making a city and citizens: The ‘fruits’ of preaching in Renaissance Florence. In In A. Brown and J. Dumolyn (Ed.). Medieval urban culture pp. 59 - 73 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

Preaching at San Lorenzo
Howard, Peter. (2017). Preaching at San Lorenzo. In In R. W. Gaston and L. A. Waldman (Ed.). San Lorenzo: A Florentine church pp. 244 - 256 Villa I Tatti.

Book chapter

'Where the poor of Christ are cherished': Poverty in the preaching of Antoninus of Florence
Howard, Peter. (2016). 'Where the poor of Christ are cherished': Poverty in the preaching of Antoninus of Florence. In In C. J. Mews and A. Welch (Ed.). Poverty and devotion in mendicant cultures 1200-1450 pp. 198 - 209 Routledge.

Book chapter

A landscape of preaching: Bartolomeo Lapacci Rimbertini OP
Howard, Peter. (2016). A landscape of preaching: Bartolomeo Lapacci Rimbertini OP. In In S. J. Cornelison, N. Ben-Aryeh Debby and P. F. Howard (Ed.). Mendicant cultures in the medieval and early modern world: Word, deed, and image pp. 45 - 64 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

La legge di natura nei sermoni e in altri scritti di Antonino da Firenze
Howard, Peter. (2016). La legge di natura nei sermoni e in altri scritti di Antonino da Firenze. In R. Saccenti and C. Sulas (Ed.). Legge e Natura. I diabattiti teologici e giuridici fra XV e XVII secolo: Convegno Modena-Bologna, 28-29 Novembre 2013. Italy: Arachne Editrice. pp. 51 - 68

Conference item

In Magnificentiae Cosmi Medicei Fiorentini' - Maffei preaching 'against the grain'
Howard, Peter. (2016). In Magnificentiae Cosmi Medicei Fiorentini' - Maffei preaching 'against the grain'. In In A. Dressen and K. Pietschmann (Ed.). The Badia Fiesolana: Augustinian and academic locus amoenus in the Florentine Hills pp. 117 - 131 LIT Verlag.

Book chapter

‘A paradise inhabited by Devils’: Bill Kent and his Florentine Renaissance
Howard, Peter. (2016). ‘A paradise inhabited by Devils’: Bill Kent and his Florentine Renaissance. In In P. Howard and C. Hewlett (Ed.). Studies on Florence and the Italian Renaissance in honour of F.W. Kent pp. 1 - 32 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

It is a great disgrace for our city. Archbishop Antoninus and heresy in Renaissance Florence
Howard, Peter. (2015). It is a great disgrace for our city. Archbishop Antoninus and heresy in Renaissance Florence. In In J. Spinks and D. Eichberger (Ed.). Religion, the supernatural and visual culture in early modern Europe an album amicorum for Charles Zika pp. 105 - 125 Brill.

Book chapter

Clemente Australia – Community-embedded, socially supported university education : Enhancing the lives and learning of the socially isolated
Howard, Peter and Butcher, Jude. (2015). Clemente Australia – Community-embedded, socially supported university education : Enhancing the lives and learning of the socially isolated. In In Brown, Elinor L., Gorski, Paul C. and Lazaridis, Gabriella (Ed.). Poverty, class and schooling : Global perspectives on economic justice and educational equity pp. 233-254 Information Age Publishing, Inc..

Book chapter

The leadership of engagement between university and community: Conceptualizing leadership in community engagement in higher education
Bernardo, Maria, Butcher, Jude and Howard, Peter. (2014). The leadership of engagement between university and community: Conceptualizing leadership in community engagement in higher education. International Journal of Leadership in Education. 17(1), pp. 103 - 122.

Journal article

New possibilities for people experiencing multiple disadvantage : insights from Clemente Australia
Howard, Peter, Butcher, Jude and Marchant, Tim. (2013). New possibilities for people experiencing multiple disadvantage : insights from Clemente Australia. The Australasian Journal of University Community Engagement. 8(2), pp. 42 - 57.

Journal article

Humanities education as a pathway for women in regional and rural Australia: Clemente Ballarat
Gervasoni, Ann, Smith, Jeremy and Howard, Peter. (2013). Humanities education as a pathway for women in regional and rural Australia: Clemente Ballarat. Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 53(2), pp. 253 - 279.

Journal article

Personal Agency as a Primary Focus of University-Community Engagement: A case study of Clemente Australia
Butcher, Jude, O'Gorman, John and Howard, Peter. (2012). Personal Agency as a Primary Focus of University-Community Engagement: A case study of Clemente Australia. The Australasian Journal of University Community Engagement. 7(2), pp. 39 - 55.

Journal article

An international comparison of community engagement in higher education
Bernardo, Maria, Butcher, Jude and Howard, Peter. (2012). An international comparison of community engagement in higher education. International Journal of Educational Development. 32(1), pp. 187 - 192.

Journal article

Promoting personal agency and social inclusion through the Clemente Australia Program
O'Gorman, John, Butcher, Jude and Howard, Peter. (2012). Promoting personal agency and social inclusion through the Clemente Australia Program. Journal of Social Inclusion. 3(1), pp. 22 - 42.

Journal article

Enhancing quality and equity in mathematics education for Australian Indigenous students
Howard, Peter, Cooke, Sharon, Lowe, Kevin and Perry, Bob. (2011). Enhancing quality and equity in mathematics education for Australian Indigenous students. In In Atwehm Bill, Graven, Mellony, Secada, Walter and Valero, Paola (Ed.). Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education pp. 365-378 Springer.

Book chapter

A tale of rhetoric and survival: a multi-case analysis of student affairs within public universities in the Philippines
Bernardo, Maria and Howard, Peter. (2011). A tale of rhetoric and survival: a multi-case analysis of student affairs within public universities in the Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 16, pp. 253 - 266.

Journal article

The impact of educational leadership in the implementation of a community :school Aboriginal language program in Western NSW
Lowe, Kevin and Howard, Peter. (2010). The impact of educational leadership in the implementation of a community :school Aboriginal language program in Western NSW. Australian Association for Research in Education. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 18

Conference item

So you want to work with the community? Principles and strategies for school leaders affecting the establishment of Aboriginal Language Programs
Lowe, Kevin and Howard, Peter. (2010). So you want to work with the community? Principles and strategies for school leaders affecting the establishment of Aboriginal Language Programs. In Re-Awakening Languages: Theory and practice in the revitalisation of Australia's Indigenous Languages pp. 194 - 209 Sydney University Press.

Book chapter

Transformative education pathways to identity, independence and hope
Howard, Peter, Butcher, Jude and Egan, Luke. (2010). Transformative education pathways to identity, independence and hope. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. 3, pp. 88 - 103.

Journal article

The Ballarat Clemente program: A doorway to the treasures of humanities education
Gervasoni, Ann, Smith, Jeremy and Howard, Peter. (2010). The Ballarat Clemente program: A doorway to the treasures of humanities education. In S. Howard (Ed.). AARE 2010 Conference Proceedings. Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 12

Conference item

Triangulating debates within the field: Teaching international relations research methodology
Howard, Peter. (2010). Triangulating debates within the field: Teaching international relations research methodology. International Studies Perspectives. 11(4), pp. 393 - 408.

Journal article

Social inclusion through transformative education: The catalyst-clemente program
Howard, Peter, Butcher, Jude, Taouk, Youssef, Hampshire, Anne, Marchant, Tim, Cherednichenko, Brenda, Flatau, Paul, Saggers, Sherry and Campton, Jonathan. (2010). Social inclusion through transformative education: The catalyst-clemente program. Australasian Journal of University Community Engagement. 5(2), pp. 40 - 66.

Journal article

Enhancing mathematics curriculum development through action-based teacher professional development: An international collaboration in the Philippines
Howard, Peter, Latino, R. and Vistro-Yu, Catherine. (2008). Enhancing mathematics curriculum development through action-based teacher professional development: An international collaboration in the Philippines. The Loyola Schools Review: School of Social Sciences. 7, pp. 65 - 82.

Journal article

Linking Powerful Mathematics Ideas and Cognitive Values to Reconceptualise Mathematics Teaching in the Philippines
Howard, Peter, Perry, Joe and Hurley, E.. (2008). Linking Powerful Mathematics Ideas and Cognitive Values to Reconceptualise Mathematics Teaching in the Philippines. Intersection: Official Journal of the Philippine Council of Mathematics Teacher Educators. 9(1), pp. 9 - 33.

Journal article

Mathematics in indigenous contexts
Perry, Joe and Howard, Peter. (2008). Mathematics in indigenous contexts. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. 13(4), pp. 4 - 9.

Journal article

The implementation of Restoring Health - a chronic disease model of care to decrease acute health care utilization
Howard, R., Sanders, Rhonda and Lydall-Smith, S.. (2008). The implementation of Restoring Health - a chronic disease model of care to decrease acute health care utilization. Chronic Respiratory Disease. 5(3), pp. 133 - 141.

Journal article

Promoting Social Inclusion: emerging evidence from the Catalyst-Clemente Program
Howard, Peter, Marchant, Tim, Hampshire, Anne, Butcher, Jude, Egan, Luke and Bredhauer, K.. (2008). Promoting Social Inclusion: emerging evidence from the Catalyst-Clemente Program. Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 48(3), pp. 479 - 501.

Journal article

Powerful Mathematical Ideas, Numeracy Matrix and Learning Stories :Assessing and Celebrating the Mathematical Capabilities of Preschool Children and their Teachers
Howard, Peter, Harley, Elspeth, Dockett, Sue and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2007). Powerful Mathematical Ideas, Numeracy Matrix and Learning Stories :Assessing and Celebrating the Mathematical Capabilities of Preschool Children and their Teachers. In Lim Chap Sam, Fatimah Saleh and Munirah Ghazali (Ed.). Proceedings of EARCOME4 2007- 4th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Penang, Malaysia: School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. pp. 98 - 105

Conference item

Community engagement and student learning :Making community a core element of teacher education
Howard, Peter and Butcher, Jude. (2007). Community engagement and student learning :Making community a core element of teacher education. In Michael Kompf (Ed.). ISATT 2007 - conference proceedings. St Catharines, Ontario,Canada: International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching. pp. 1 - 23

Conference item

Implementing a University Paradigm for Effective Community Engagement
Howard, Peter, Gervasoni, Ann Maree and Butcher, Jude. (2007). Implementing a University Paradigm for Effective Community Engagement. In Peter L. Jeffrey (Ed.). Proceedings of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) 2007 International Education Research Conference. Research impacts: proving or improving?. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 10

Conference item

Enhancing Mathematics Learning Through Effective Community Capacity Building
Howard, Peter and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2007). Enhancing Mathematics Learning Through Effective Community Capacity Building. In Lim Chap Sam, Fatimah Saleh and Munirah Ghazali (Ed.). Proceedings of EARCOME4 2007- 4th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Penang, Malaysia: School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Mal.... pp. 404 - 410

Conference item

A School-Community Model for Enhancing Aboriginal Students' Mathematical Learning
Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2007). A School-Community Model for Enhancing Aboriginal Students' Mathematical Learning. In Jane Watson and Kim Beswick (Ed.). 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Wrest Point Hotel Casino, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 02 - 06 Jul 2007 Adelaide,Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 402 - 411

Conference item

Transformational learning: An aboriginal educator's aspirations, supports and celebrations
Howard, Peter, Cooke, Sharon and Butcher, Jude. (2007). Transformational learning: An aboriginal educator's aspirations, supports and celebrations. In In J. Butcher and L. McDonald (Ed.). Making a Difference - Challenges for Teachers, Teaching and Teaching Education pp. 191 - 203 Sense Publishers.

Book chapter

Reclaiming bodily dispositions through the humanities: homeless people learning
Stevenson, John, Yashin-Shaw, Irena and Howard, Peter. (2007). Reclaiming bodily dispositions through the humanities: homeless people learning. Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 59(4), pp. 419 - 434.

Journal article

Issues in Teaching Mathematics to Aboriginal Students
Howard, Peter and Perry, Joe. (2006). Issues in Teaching Mathematics to Aboriginal Students. In Peter Grootenboer, Robyn Zevenbergen and Mohan Chinnappan (Ed.). Identities; Cultures and Learning Spaces: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Adelaide, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 293 - 300

Conference item

Comparing primary and secondary mathematics teachers' beliefs about mathematics: Mathematics learning and mathematics teaching in Hong Kong and Australia
Howard, Peter, Perry, Joseph Robert and Wong, Ngai-Ying. (2006). Comparing primary and secondary mathematics teachers' beliefs about mathematics: Mathematics learning and mathematics teaching in Hong Kong and Australia. In In K. Frederick, K. Graf and F. J. Lopez-Real (Ed.). Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions - A comparative study of East Asia and the West pp. 435 - 448 Springer.

Book chapter

Shared Ownership and Community Capacity Building
Butcher, Jude, Howard, Peter and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2006). Shared Ownership and Community Capacity Building. Australian Association for Research in Education 2006 Conference Papers. ,Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 12

Conference item

The impact of tertiary-level humanities education for homeless and marginalised people
Howard, Peter, Homel, Ross, Butcher, Jude, Henson, Connie, Egan, Luke Anthony and Hampshire, Anne. (2006). The impact of tertiary-level humanities education for homeless and marginalised people. AARE 2006 International Education Research Conference Engaging Pedagogies. Adelaide, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 15

Conference item

Successful transition programs from prior-to-school to school for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children: Methodological considerations
Mason, Terry, Whitton, Diana, Skattebol, Linda, Howard, Peter, Perry, Joseph Robert, Dockett, Sue, Woodrow, Christine, Gilbert, Shirley and Simpson, Tracey. (2005). Successful transition programs from prior-to-school to school for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children: Methodological considerations. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference - 2005. Sydney, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 16

Conference item

Learning mathematics: Perspectives of Australian Aboriginal children and their teachers
Howard, Peter and Perry, Bob. (2005). Learning mathematics: Perspectives of Australian Aboriginal children and their teachers Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne.


A graduate teacher's sense of identity: The place of social justice and community engagement?
Iskander, Bernadette, Butcher, Jude and Howard, Peter. (2005). A graduate teacher's sense of identity: The place of social justice and community engagement? In M Maguire and J Clark (Ed.). Proceedings of the 12th International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 1 - 8

Conference item

Promoting equity in education: Community service partnerships and teacher development
Butcher, Jude, Howard, Peter, Labone, Elizabeth and Breeze, Nicole. (2004). Promoting equity in education: Community service partnerships and teacher development. In In J.C. Lee, L.N. Lo and A. Walker (Ed.). Partnership and change: toward school development pp. 151 - 167 The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Book chapter

Young children starting school: A fine example of home-school partnership
Howard, Peter, Dockett, Sue and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2004). Young children starting school: A fine example of home-school partnership. In In J. Chi-kin Lee, L.N. Lo and A. Walker (Ed.). Partnership and Change: Toward School Development pp. 223 - 238 Chinese University Press, the.

Book chapter

Mathematics in Indigenous contexts: A case study
Perry, Joseph Robert, Howard, Peter, Lowe, Kevin, McKnight, Anthony and Ziems, Suzanne. (2003). Mathematics in Indigenous contexts: A case study. In L. Bragg, C. Campbell and G Herbert (Ed.). Mathematics Education Research: Innovation Networking; Opportunity Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the MERGA. Melbourne, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 436 - 443

Conference item

Engaging community service or learning? Benchmarking community service in teacher education
Butcher, Jude, Howard, Peter, McMeniman, Marilyn and Thom, Graham. (2003). Engaging community service or learning? Benchmarking community service in teacher education Dept of Education.


Developing Just Citizens in Australia
Butcher, Jude, Howard, Peter, Labone, Elizabeth, McFadden, Mark and Sheehan, Peter. (2003). Developing Just Citizens in Australia. Academic Exchange Quarterly. 7(2), pp. 188 - 193.

Journal article

Working together to enhance Australian Aboriginal students' mathematics learning
Matthews, Sue, Howard, Peter and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2003). Working together to enhance Australian Aboriginal students' mathematics learning. In L. Bragg, G. Campbell and G Herbert (Ed.). Mathematics Education Research: Innovation Networking; Opportunity Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the MERGA. Melbourne, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 17 - 28

Conference item

Teacher Education; Community Service Learning & Student Efficacy for Community Engagement
Butcher, Jude, Howard, Peter, Labone, Elizabeth, Bailey, Michael, Smith, Susan Groundwater, McFadden, Mark, McMeniman, Marilyn, Malone, Karen and Martinez, Kay. (2003). Teacher Education; Community Service Learning & Student Efficacy for Community Engagement. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 31(2), pp. 109 - 124.

Journal article

A systemic program for students who are experiencing difficulty with mathematics
Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). A systemic program for students who are experiencing difficulty with mathematics. In B. Barton, K. Irwin and M. Pfaunkuch (Ed.). Mathematics Education in the South Pacific: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia. Auckland, New Zealand: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 543 - 550

Conference item

Beliefs of primary teachers about mathematics and its teaching and learning
Perry, Joseph Robert, Vistro-Yu, Catherine, Howard, Peter, Wong, Ngai-Ying and Keowg, Fong Ho. (2002). Beliefs of primary teachers about mathematics and its teaching and learning. In B. Barton, K. Irwin and M. Pfannkuch (Ed.). Mathematics Education in the South Pacific: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia. Auckland, New Zealand: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 551 - 558

Conference item

Local partnerships in the early childhood field: The importance of context
Dockett, Sue, Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). Local partnerships in the early childhood field: The importance of context. In J. Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 174 - 177

Conference item

Researching the field: An experience in early childhood education
Dockett, Sue, Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). Researching the field: An experience in early childhood education. In J. Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 74 - 80

Conference item

Justice and education: Exploring a liasion officer's role - an example of mentoring
Howard, Peter and Breeze, Nicole. (2002). Justice and education: Exploring a liasion officer's role - an example of mentoring. In J. Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 122 - 128

Conference item

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