Bob Lingard
Contact category | Researcher (past) |
Job title | Professorial Fellow |
Research institute | Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE) |
Faculty of Education and Arts |
Research outputs
Doing enactment within the logics of policy privatisation : how inclusion policy can be interpreted and translated for English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) students
Hogan, Anna, Creagh, Sue, Lingard, Robert Leslie, Choi, Taehee and Poudel, Prem Prasad. (2024). Doing enactment within the logics of policy privatisation : how inclusion policy can be interpreted and translated for English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) students. Language and Education. pp. 1-15. article
Internationalising research in a neoliberal climate : maintaining integrity in developing and executing funded comparative research
Choi, Taehee, Creagh, Sue, Tsatsaroni, Anna, Lingard, Robert Leslie and Yamato, Yoko. (2024). Internationalising research in a neoliberal climate : maintaining integrity in developing and executing funded comparative research. Globalization Societies and Education. pp. 1-16. article
Researching policy elites in education
Al’Abri, Khalaf, Hogan, Anna, Lingard, Robert Leslie and Sellar, Sam. (2024). Researching policy elites in education. In In Stacey, Meghan and Mockler, Nicole (Ed.). Analysing Education Policy : Theory and Method pp. 235 Routledge. chapter
Historicizing the new sociology of education and considering its continuing impacts
Lingard, Bob. (2023). Historicizing the new sociology of education and considering its continuing impacts. Curriculum Perspectives. 43(2), pp. 187-191. article
Grek, Sotiria and Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2023). Education. In In De Francesco, Fabrizio and Radaelli, Claudio M. (Ed.). The Elgar Companion to the OECD pp. 147 Edward Elgar Publishing. chapter
Ever-Morphing Relations Between the Global, Supranational and the National in Schooling Policy : A Reflection on Some European Cases
Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2023). Ever-Morphing Relations Between the Global, Supranational and the National in Schooling Policy : A Reflection on Some European Cases. In In Krejsler, John Benedicto and Moos, Lejf (Ed.). School Policy Reform in Europe : Exploring Transnational Alignments, National Particularities and Contestations pp. 263 Springer. chapter
Global policy mobilities in federal education systems
Beech, Jason, Engel, Laura, Savage, Glenn C. and Lingard, Bob. (2023). Global policy mobilities in federal education systems. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 31(67), pp. 1-19. article
Global-National Networks in Education Policy : Primary Education, Social Enterprises and 'Teach for Bangaldesh'
Adhikary, Rino, Lingard, Robert Leslie and Hardy, Ian. (2023). Global-National Networks in Education Policy : Primary Education, Social Enterprises and 'Teach for Bangaldesh' Bloomsbury Academic.Book
Shrewd marketization : the impact of internationalization policies on curricula practices in a Singaporean and an Australian school
Hameed, Suraiya and Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2023). Shrewd marketization : the impact of internationalization policies on curricula practices in a Singaporean and an Australian school. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. pp. 1-15. article
Initial teacher education and social justice
Mills, Martin and Lingard, Bob. (2023). Initial teacher education and social justice. In In Menter, Ian (Ed.). Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education pp. 1013 - 1034 Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature). chapter
Exploring education policy through newspapers and social media
Baroutsis, Aspa and Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2023). Exploring education policy through newspapers and social media Routledge.
Platforms, profits and PISA for schools : New actors, by-passes and topological spaces in global educational governance
Lewis, Steven and Lingard, Bob. (2023). Platforms, profits and PISA for schools : New actors, by-passes and topological spaces in global educational governance. Comparative Education. 59(1), pp. 99-117. article
Following performative imaginations : Social enterprises, policy networks, and reforming primary education in Bangladesh
Adhikary, Rino Wiseman and Lingard, Bob. (2022). Following performative imaginations : Social enterprises, policy networks, and reforming primary education in Bangladesh. International Journal of Educational Research. 116, p. Article 102086. article
Education policy in the time of climate emergency and global pandemic
Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2022). Education policy in the time of climate emergency and global pandemic. In Humanizing Education in the 3rd Millennium pp. 45-53 Springer. chapter
Reflections on how education can be for democracy in the twenty-first century
Aly, Anne, Blackmore, Jill, Bright, David, Hayes, Debra, Heffernan, Amanda, Lingard, Bob, Riddle, Stewart, Takayama, Keita and Youdell, Deborah. (2022). Reflections on how education can be for democracy in the twenty-first century. Journal of Educational Administration and History. 54(3), pp. 357-372. article
Australian policy on international students : Pivoting towards discourses of diversity?
Hong, Min, Lingard, Bob and Hardy, Ian. (2023). Australian policy on international students : Pivoting towards discourses of diversity? The Australian Educational Researcher. 50(3), pp. 881-902. article
Relations and locations : New topological spatio-temporalities in education
Lingard, Bob. (2022). Relations and locations : New topological spatio-temporalities in education. European Educational Research Journal. 21(6), pp. 983-993. article
The ‘everywhere and nowhere’ English language policy in Queensland government schools : A license for commercialisation
Creagh, Sue, Hogan, Anna, Lingard, Bob and Choi, Taehee. (2022). The ‘everywhere and nowhere’ English language policy in Queensland government schools : A license for commercialisation. Journal of Education Policy. 38(5), pp. 829-848. article
Globalisation, cultural knowledges and sociomateriality in Middle Eastern education : How the global and local influence classroom practices
Friend, Lesley, Mills, Kathy A. and Lingard, Bob. (2023). Globalisation, cultural knowledges and sociomateriality in Middle Eastern education : How the global and local influence classroom practices. Globalization, Societies and Education. 21(1), pp. 66-77. article
Reimagining globalization and education : An introduction
Rizvi, Fazal, Lingard, Bob and Rinne, Risto. (2022). Reimagining globalization and education : An introduction. In In Rizvi, Fazal, Lingard, Bob and Rinne, Risto (Ed.). Reimagining globalization and education pp. 1-10 Routledge. chapter
PISA for sale? Creating profitable policy spaces through the OECD's PISA for Schools
Lewis, Steven and Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2022). PISA for sale? Creating profitable policy spaces through the OECD's PISA for Schools. In In Lubienski, Christopher, Yemini, Miri and Maxwell, Claire (Ed.). The rise of external actors in education : Shifting boundaries globally and locally pp. 91-112 Policy Press. chapter
Emergent developments in the datafication and digitalization of education
Lewis, Steven, Holloway, Jessica and Lingard, Bob. (2022). Emergent developments in the datafication and digitalization of education. In In Rizvi, Fazal, Lingard, Bob and Rinne, Risto (Ed.). Reimagining globalization and education pp. 62-78 Routledge. chapter
Practices of scalecraft and the reassembling of political boundaries : The contested nature of national schooling reform in the Australian federation
Savage, Glenn C., Di Gregorio, Elisa and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Practices of scalecraft and the reassembling of political boundaries : The contested nature of national schooling reform in the Australian federation. Policy Studies. pp. 1-22. article
A methodological approach to the analysis of PISA microblogs : Social media during the release of the PISA 2015 results
Baroutsis, Aspa and Lingard, Bob. (2022). A methodological approach to the analysis of PISA microblogs : Social media during the release of the PISA 2015 results. Journal of Education Policy. 37(6), pp. 904-924. article
Numbers, nations, globalization and education policy
Bob Lingard. (2019). Numbers, nations, globalization and education policy. IJHE Bildungsgeschichte. 2, pp. 264-267.Journal article
The opt-out movement in New York : A grassroots movement to eliminate high-stakes testing and promote whole child public schooling
Chen, Zhe, Hursh, David and Lingard, Bob. (2021). The opt-out movement in New York : A grassroots movement to eliminate high-stakes testing and promote whole child public schooling. Teachers College Record. 123(5), p. Article 050304. article
The opt-out movement and the reform agenda in U.S. Schools
Pizmony-Levy, Oren, Lingard, Robert Leslie and Hursh, David. (2021). The opt-out movement and the reform agenda in U.S. Schools. Teachers College Record. 123(5), pp. 1-15. article
Performative bilingual policy : An analysis of two Taiwanese White Papers on international education
Li, Yu-Chih, Lingard, Bob, Reyes, Vicente and Sellar, Sam. (2023). Performative bilingual policy : An analysis of two Taiwanese White Papers on international education. Compare. 53(2), pp. 253-268. article
Datafication and surveillance capitalism : The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS)
Holloway, Jessica and Lewis, Steven. (2021). Datafication and surveillance capitalism : The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS). In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Lingard, Bob and Heck, Elizabeth (Ed.). Digital disruption in teaching and testing : Assessments, big data, and the transformation of schooling pp. 181-194 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.Book chapter
Multiple temporalities in critical policy sociology in education
Lingard, Bob. (2021). Multiple temporalities in critical policy sociology in education. Critical Studies in Education. 62(3), pp. 338-353. article
Schooling in Hong Kong, youth aspirations, and the contesting of Chinese identity
Tsao, Jack, Hardy, Ian and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Schooling in Hong Kong, youth aspirations, and the contesting of Chinese identity. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 42(2), pp. 196-212. article
How to achieve a ‘revolution’ : Assembling the subnational, national and global in the formation of a new, ‘scientific’ assessment in Japan
Takayama, Keita and Lingard, Bob. (2021). How to achieve a ‘revolution’ : Assembling the subnational, national and global in the formation of a new, ‘scientific’ assessment in Japan. Globalisation, Societies and Education. 19(2), pp. 228-244. article
Enriching educational accountabilities through collaborative public conversations : Conceptual and methodological insights from the Learning Commission approach
Lingard, Bob, Baroutsis, Aspa and Sellar, Sam. (2021). Enriching educational accountabilities through collaborative public conversations : Conceptual and methodological insights from the Learning Commission approach. Journal of Educational Change. pp. 1-23. article
Assessment and learning : an in-depth analysis of change in one school's assessment culture
Adie, Lenore, Addison, Bruce and Lingard, R.. (2021). Assessment and learning : an in-depth analysis of change in one school's assessment culture. Oxford Review of Education. 47(3), pp. 404-422. article
In the name of the nation : PISA and federalism in Australia and Canada
Sellar, Sam, Lingard, Bob and Sant, Edda. (2022). In the name of the nation : PISA and federalism in Australia and Canada. In In Tröhler, Daniel, Piattoeva, Nelli and Pinar, William F. (Ed.). World yearbook of education 2022 : Education, schooling and the global universalization of nationalism pp. 153-168 Routledge. chapter
Transforming schooling through digital disruption : Big data, policy teaching and assessment
Lingard, Bob, Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Heck, Elizabeth. (2021). Transforming schooling through digital disruption : Big data, policy teaching and assessment. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Lingard, Bob and Heck, Elizabeth (Ed.). Digital disruption in teaching and testing : Assessments, big data, and the transformation of schooling pp. 1-44 Routledge. chapter
National curriculum making as more or less expressions of and responses to globalization
Lingard, Bob. (2021). National curriculum making as more or less expressions of and responses to globalization. In In Priestley, Mark, Alvunger, Daniel, Philippou, Stavroula and Soini, Tiina (Ed.). Curriculum making in Europe : Policy and practice within and across diverse contexts pp. 29-51 Emerald Publishing Limited.Book chapter
Globalisation and education : Theorising and researching changing imbrications in education policy
Lingard, Bob. (2021). Globalisation and education : Theorising and researching changing imbrications in education policy. In In Lingard, Bob (Ed.). Globalisation and education pp. 1-27 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.Book chapter
The state of education policy : The policy sociology of Roger Dale
Lingard, Bob and Rizvi, Fazal. (2020). The state of education policy : The policy sociology of Roger Dale. In In Bonal, Xavier, Coxon, Eve, Novelli, Mario and Berger, Antoni (Ed.). Education, globalisation and the state : Essays in honour of Roger Dale pp. 55-65 Peter Lang Publishing.Book chapter
‘Indentured autonomy’ : Headteachers and academisation policy in Northern England
Thompson, Greg, Lingard, Bob and Ball, Stephen J.. (2021). ‘Indentured autonomy’ : Headteachers and academisation policy in Northern England. Journal of Educational Administration and History. 53(3-4), pp. 215-232. article
Test-based accountability, standardized testing and minority/racialized students' perspectives in urban schools in Canada and Australia
Rezai-Rashti, Goli and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Test-based accountability, standardized testing and minority/racialized students' perspectives in urban schools in Canada and Australia. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 42(5), pp. 716-731. article
Bourdieu and position-making in a changing field : Enactment of the national curriculum in Australia
Musofer, Reshma Parveen and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Bourdieu and position-making in a changing field : Enactment of the national curriculum in Australia. Curriculum Journal. 32(3), pp. 384-401. article
Teacher concerns regarding commercialisation
Thompson, Greg, Hogan, Anna, Shield, Paul, Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2021). Teacher concerns regarding commercialisation. In In Thompson, Greg and Hogan, Anna (Ed.). Privatisation and commercialisation in public education : How the public nature of schooling is changing pp. 152-167 Routledge.Book chapter
Explaining publicness : a typology for understanding the provision of schooling in contemporary times
Mockler, Nicole, Hogan, Anna, Lingard, Bob, Rahimi, Mark and Thompson, Greg. (2021). Explaining publicness : a typology for understanding the provision of schooling in contemporary times. In In Hogan, Anna and Thompson, Greg (Ed.). Privatisation and commercialisation in public education : how the public nature of schooling is changing pp. 198-211 Routledge.Book chapter
Teach For Bangladesh as a de facto social enterprise : What is it and where is it going?
Wiseman Adhikary. Rino and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Teach For Bangladesh as a de facto social enterprise : What is it and where is it going? In In Thomas, Matthew A. M., Rauschenberger, Emilee and Crawford-Garrett, Katherine (Ed.). Examining Teach for All : International perspectives on a growing global network pp. 117-137 Routledge.Book chapter
Social enterprise as a policy panacea : Panel discussions, data and the cultural formulation of policy in Bangladesh
Adhikary, Rino Wiseman, Hardy, Ian and Lingard, Bob. (2020). Social enterprise as a policy panacea : Panel discussions, data and the cultural formulation of policy in Bangladesh. Globalization, Societies and Education. 18(2), pp. 194-207. article
Enactments and resistances to globalizing testing regimes and performance-based accountability in the USA
Lingard, Bob. (2020). Enactments and resistances to globalizing testing regimes and performance-based accountability in the USA. In World yearbook of education 2021 : Accountability and datafication in the governance of education pp. 279-293 Routledge.Book chapter
Toward a global political sociology of school choice policies
Lingard, Bob. (2020). Toward a global political sociology of school choice policies. Educational Policy: an interdisciplinary journal of policy and practice. 34(1), pp. 261 - 280. article
The changing and complex entanglements of research and policy making in education: Issues for environmental and sustainability education
Lingard, Bob. (2020). The changing and complex entanglements of research and policy making in education: Issues for environmental and sustainability education. Environmental Education Research. article
The policy sociology of Geoff Whitty: Current and emergent issues regarding education research in use
Lingard, Bob. (2020). The policy sociology of Geoff Whitty: Current and emergent issues regarding education research in use. In In A. Brown and E. Wisby (Ed.). Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Education and the Struggle for Social Justice: Essays Inspired by the Work of Geoff Whitty pp. 165 - 178 UCL Press. chapter
Commercial activity in Pacific education
Hogan, Anna, Thompson, Greg, Lingard, Bob and Dakuidreketi, Mesake. (2019). Commercial activity in Pacific education Australia: Education International.Report
Digital learning assessments and big data : Implications for teacher professionalism
Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Lingard, Bob and Heck, Elizabeth. (2019). Digital learning assessments and big data : Implications for teacher professionalism Australia: Unesco.Working paper
Schooling reform in Australia: Legitimation through "Projections" onto Shanghai and East Asian schooling systems
Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2019). Schooling reform in Australia: Legitimation through "Projections" onto Shanghai and East Asian schooling systems. In In F. Waldow and G. Steiner-Khamsi (Ed.). Understanding PISA’s Attractiveness: Critical Analyses in Comparative Policy Studies pp. 49 - 64 Bloomsbury Academic. chapter
Teachers' perceptions of commercialisation in Australian public schools: Implications for teacher professionalism
Hogan, Anna and Lingard, Bob. (2019). Teachers' perceptions of commercialisation in Australian public schools: Implications for teacher professionalism. In In D. M. Netolicky, J. Andrews and C. Paterson (Ed.). Flip the system Australia: What Matters in Education pp. 19 - 29 Routledge. chapter
Resisting the neoliberal: Parent activism in New York State against the corporate reform agenda in schooling
Hursh, David, McGinnis, Sarah, Chen, Zhe and Lingard, Bob. (2019). Resisting the neoliberal: Parent activism in New York State against the corporate reform agenda in schooling. In In L. Tett and M. Hamilton (Ed.). Resisting Neoliberalism in Education: Local, National and Transnational Perspectives pp. 89 - 102 Policy Press. chapter
Grassroots democracy in New York State: Opting out and resisting the corporate reform agenda in schooling
Lingard, Bob and Hursh, David. (2019). Grassroots democracy in New York State: Opting out and resisting the corporate reform agenda in schooling. In In S. Riddle and M. W. Apple (Ed.). Re-Imagining Education for Democracy pp. 239 - 255 Routledge. chapter
Mobile Chinese students navigating between fields: (Trans) forming habitus in transnational articulation programmes?
Dai, Kun, Lingard, Bob and Musofer, Reshma Parveen. (2019). Mobile Chinese students navigating between fields: (Trans) forming habitus in transnational articulation programmes? Educational Philosophy and Theory. article
The global education industry, data infrastructures, and the restructuring of government school systems
Lingard, Bob. (2019). The global education industry, data infrastructures, and the restructuring of government school systems. In In M. P. D. Amaral, G. Steiner-Khamsi and C. Thompson (Ed.). Researching the Global Education Industry: Commodification, the Market and Business Involvement pp. 135 - 155 Palgrave Macmillan. chapter
Datafication of schooling in Japan: An epistemic critique through the ‘problem of Japanese education’
Takayama, Keita and Lingard, Bob. (2019). Datafication of schooling in Japan: An epistemic critique through the ‘problem of Japanese education’. Journal of Education Policy. 34(4), pp. 449 - 469. article
Global-local imbrications in education policy: Methodological reflections on researching the sociology of Teach for Bangladesh
Adhikary, Rino Wiseman and Lingard, Bob. (2019). Global-local imbrications in education policy: Methodological reflections on researching the sociology of Teach for Bangladesh. London Review of Education. 17(3), pp. 252 - 267. article
Headlines and hashtags herald new 'damaging effects' : Media and Australia's declining PISA performance
Baroutsis, Aspa and Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2019). Headlines and hashtags herald new 'damaging effects' : Media and Australia's declining PISA performance. In Education Research and the Media: Challenges and Possibilities pp. 27-46 Routledge. chapter
The Australian curriculum: A critical interrogation of why, what and where to?
Lingard, Bob. (2018). The Australian curriculum: A critical interrogation of why, what and where to? Curriculum Perspectives. 38(1), pp. 55 - 65. article
Teachers’ and school leaders’ perceptions of commercialisation in Australian public schools
Hogan, Anna, Thompson, Greg, Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2018). Teachers’ and school leaders’ perceptions of commercialisation in Australian public schools. The Australian Educational Researcher. 45(2), pp. 141 - 160. article
A critical policy analysis of ‘Teach for Bangladesh’: a travelling policy touches down
Adhikary, Rino Wiseman and Lingard, Bob. (2018). A critical policy analysis of ‘Teach for Bangladesh’: a travelling policy touches down. Comparative Education. 54(2), pp. 181 - 202. article
'In-betweenners': Chinese students' experiences in China-Australia articulation programs
Dai, Kun, Lingard, Bob and Reyes, Vicente. (2018). 'In-betweenners': Chinese students' experiences in China-Australia articulation programs. Scottish Educational Review. 50(1), pp. 36 - 55.Journal article
Reforming education: The spaces and places of education policy and learning
Lingard, Bob. (2018). Reforming education: The spaces and places of education policy and learning. In In E. Hultqvist, S. Lindblad and T. S. Powkewitz (Ed.). Critical Analyses of Educational Reforms in an Era of Transnational Governance pp. 41 - 60 Springer International Publishing. chapter
Excellence in education policies: Catering to the needs of gifted and talented or those of self-interest?
Rasmussen, Annette and Lingard, Bob. (2018). Excellence in education policies: Catering to the needs of gifted and talented or those of self-interest? European Educational Research Journal. 17(6), pp. 877 - 897. article
Aspirational ambivalence of middle-class secondary students in Hong Kong
Tsao, Jack, Hardy, Ian and Lingard, Bob. (2018). Aspirational ambivalence of middle-class secondary students in Hong Kong. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 39(8), pp. 1094 - 1110. article
Student preparation for large-scale assessments: A comparative analysis
Sellar, Sam, Lingard, Bob and Rutkowski, David. (2018). Student preparation for large-scale assessments: A comparative analysis. In In B. Maddox (Ed.). International Large-Scale Assessments in Education: Insider Research Perspectives pp. 137 - 156 Bloomsbury Academic. chapter
International large-scale assessments, affective worlds and policy impacts in education
Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2018). International large-scale assessments, affective worlds and policy impacts in education. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 31(5), pp. 367 - 381. article
International responses: Bob Lingard, Meg Maguire and David Hursh
Lingard, Bob, Maguire, Meg and Hursh, David. (2018). International responses: Bob Lingard, Meg Maguire and David Hursh. In In M. Thrupp (Ed.). The Search for Better Educational Standards pp. 213 - 229 Springer International Publishing. chapter
Changing modes of governance in Australian teacher education policy
Savage, Glenn C. and Lingard, Bob. (2018). Changing modes of governance in Australian teacher education policy. In In N. Hobbel and B. L. Bales (Ed.). Navigating the common good in Teacher Education Policy: Critical and International Perspectives pp. 64 - 80 Routledge. chapter
2018 Queensland NAPLAN review: School and system perceptions report and literature review
Cumming, Joy, Jackson, Christine, Day, Chantelle, Maxwell, Graham, Adie, Lenore, Lingard, Bob, Haynes, Michele and Heck, Elizabeth. (2018). 2018 Queensland NAPLAN review: School and system perceptions report and literature review Australia: Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University.Report
A critical examination of Teach for Bangladesh’s Facebook page: ‘Social-mediatisation’ of global education reforms in the ‘post-truth’ era
Adhikary, Rino Wiseman, Lingard, Bob and Hardy, Ian. (2018). A critical examination of Teach for Bangladesh’s Facebook page: ‘Social-mediatisation’ of global education reforms in the ‘post-truth’ era. Journal of Education Policy. 33(5), pp. 632 - 661. article
The national curriculum in Australia: A response to and articulation of globalisation
Lingard, Bob. (2018). The national curriculum in Australia: A response to and articulation of globalisation. In In A. Reid and D. Price (Ed.). The Australian Curriculum: Promises, Problems and Possibilities pp. 253 - 262 Australian Curriculum Studies Association.Book chapter
Lingard, Bob. (2018). Miseducation. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 39(5), pp. 723 - 728. article
Accountabilities in schools and school systems
Lingard, Bob, Sellar, Sam and Lewis, Steven. Accountabilities in schools and school systems. In In Nobilt, George W. (Ed.). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education pp. 1-28 Oxford University Press. chapter
Policy mobilities and methodology: A proposition for inventive methods in education policy studies
Gulson, Kalervo N., Lewis, Steven, Lingard, Bob, Lubienski, Christopher, Takayama, Keita and Webb, P. Taylor. (2017). Policy mobilities and methodology: A proposition for inventive methods in education policy studies. Critical Studies in Education. 58(2), pp. 224 - 241. article
Counting and comparing school performance: An analysis of media coverage of PISA in Australia, 2000–2014
Baroutsis, Aspa and Lingard, Bob. (2017). Counting and comparing school performance: An analysis of media coverage of PISA in Australia, 2000–2014. Journal of Education Policy. 32(4), pp. 432 - 449. article
Placing PISA and PISA for schools in two federalisms, Australia and the USA
Lingard, Bob and Lewis, Steven. (2017). Placing PISA and PISA for schools in two federalisms, Australia and the USA. Critical Studies in Education. 58(3), pp. 266 - 279. article
Globalization of the Anglo-American approach to top-down, test-based educational accountability
Lingard, Bob and Lewis, Steven. (2016). Globalization of the Anglo-American approach to top-down, test-based educational accountability. In In Brown, Gavin T. L and Harris, Lois R. (Ed.). Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment pp. 387-403 Routledge.Book chapter
Think tanks, ‘policy experts’ and ‘ideas for’ education policy making in Australia
Lingard, Bob. (2016). Think tanks, ‘policy experts’ and ‘ideas for’ education policy making in Australia. The Australian Educational Researcher. 43(1), pp. 15 - 33. article
Argumentation in educational policy disputes: Competing visions of quality and equity
Anagnostopoulos, Dorothea, Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2016). Argumentation in educational policy disputes: Competing visions of quality and equity. Theory into Practice. 55(4), pp. 342 - 351. article
Commercialising comparison: Pearson puts the TLC in soft capitalism
Hogan, Anna, Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2016). Commercialising comparison: Pearson puts the TLC in soft capitalism. Journal of Education Policy. 31(3), pp. 243 - 258. article
NAPLAN data: A new policy assemblage and mode of governance in Australian schooling
Gable, Alison and Lingard, Bob. (2016). NAPLAN data: A new policy assemblage and mode of governance in Australian schooling. Policy Studies. 37(6), pp. 568 - 582. article
PISA for schools : Topological rationality and new spaces of the OECD's global educational governance
Lewis, Steven, Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2016). PISA for schools : Topological rationality and new spaces of the OECD's global educational governance. Comparative Education Review. 60(1), pp. 27-57. article
The life of data : Evolving national testing
Thompson, Greg, Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2016). The life of data : Evolving national testing. In National testing in schools: An Australian assessment pp. 212-230 Taylor and Francis. chapter
National testing from an Australian perspective
Lingard, Robert Leslie, Thompson, Greg and Sellar, Sam. (2016). National testing from an Australian perspective. In National testing in schools: An Australian assessment pp. 1-17 Taylor and Francis. chapter
Globalizing Educational Accountabilities
Lingard, Robert Leslie, Martino, Wayne, Rezai-Rashti, Goli and Sellar, Sam. (2016). Globalizing Educational Accountabilities Routledge.
The multiple effects of international large-scale assessment on education policy and research
Lewis, Steven and Lingard, Bob. (2015). The multiple effects of international large-scale assessment on education policy and research. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 36(5), pp. 621-637. article
Researching the habitus of global policy actors in education
Lingard, Bob, Sellar, Sam and Baroutsis, Aspa. (2015). Researching the habitus of global policy actors in education. Cambridge Journal of Education. 45(1), pp. 25 - 42. article
Navigating the demands of the English schooling context: Problematics and possibilities for social equity
Keddie, Amanda and Lingard, Bob. (2015). Navigating the demands of the English schooling context: Problematics and possibilities for social equity. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 19(11), pp. 1117 - 1125. article
Thinking about theory in educational research: Fieldwork in philosophy
Lingard, Bob. (2015). Thinking about theory in educational research: Fieldwork in philosophy. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 47(2), pp. 173 - 191. article
Texturing space-times in the Australian curriculum: Cross-curriculum priorities
Peacock, David, Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2015). Texturing space-times in the Australian curriculum: Cross-curriculum priorities. Curriculum Inquiry. 45(4), pp. 367 - 388. article
Assured optimism in a Scottish girls’ school: Habitus and the (re)production of global privilege
Forbes, Joan and Lingard, Bob. (2015). Assured optimism in a Scottish girls’ school: Habitus and the (re)production of global privilege. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 36(1), pp. 116 - 136. article
The OECD and the expansion of PISA: New global modes of governance in education
Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2014). The OECD and the expansion of PISA: New global modes of governance in education. British Educational Research Journal. 40(6), pp. 917 - 936. article
Two contrasting Australian Curriculum responses to globalisation: What students should learn or become
Lingard, Bob and McGregor, Glenda. (2014). Two contrasting Australian Curriculum responses to globalisation: What students should learn or become. Curriculum Journal. 25(1), pp. 90 - 110. article
The activation, appropriation and practices of student-equity policy in Australian higher education
Peacock, David, Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2014). The activation, appropriation and practices of student-equity policy in Australian higher education. Journal of Education Policy. 29(3), pp. 377 - 396. article
Re-articulating social justice as equity in schooling policy: The effects of testing and data infrastructures
Lingard, Bob, Sellar, Sam and Savage, Glenn C.. (2014). Re-articulating social justice as equity in schooling policy: The effects of testing and data infrastructures. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 35(5), pp. 710 - 730. article
Gendering in gender research in education: Methodological considerations
Martino, Wayne, Rezai-Rashti, Goli and Lingard, Bob. (2013). Gendering in gender research in education: Methodological considerations. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 26(4), pp. 391 - 399. article
Looking East: Shanghai, PISA 2009 and the reconstitution of reference societies in the global education policy field
Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2013). Looking East: Shanghai, PISA 2009 and the reconstitution of reference societies in the global education policy field. Comparative Education. 49(4), pp. 464 - 485. article
The OECD and global governance in education
Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2013). The OECD and global governance in education. Journal of Education Policy. 28(5), pp. 710 - 725. article
Ethical issues in cross-cultural research
Honan, Eileen, Hamid, Obaidul M., Bandar, Alhamdam, Phommalangsy, Phouvanh and Lingard, Bob. (2013). Ethical issues in cross-cultural research. International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 36(4), pp. 386 - 399. article
Globalization, edu-business and network governance: The policy sociology of Stephen J. Ball and rethinking education policy analysis
Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2013). Globalization, edu-business and network governance: The policy sociology of Stephen J. Ball and rethinking education policy analysis. London Review of Education. 11(3), pp. 265 - 280. article
'Catalyst data': Perverse systemic effects of audit and accountability in Australian schooling
Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2013). 'Catalyst data': Perverse systemic effects of audit and accountability in Australian schooling. Journal of Education Policy. 28(5), pp. 634 - 656. article
Redistribution, recognition and representation: Working against pedagogies of indifference
Lingard, Bob and Keddie, Amanda. (2013). Redistribution, recognition and representation: Working against pedagogies of indifference. Pedagogy Culture and Society. 21(3), pp. 427 - 447. article
The impact of research on education policy in an era of evidence-based policy
Lingard, Bob. (2013). The impact of research on education policy in an era of evidence-based policy. Critical Studies in Education. 54(2), pp. 113 - 131. article
Managing oppositional masculinity politics: The gendering of a government-commissioned research project
Lingard, Bob, Martino, Wayne and Mills, Martin. (2013). Managing oppositional masculinity politics: The gendering of a government-commissioned research project. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 26(4), pp. 434 - 454. article
Languages, cultural capital and school choice: Distinction and second-language immersion programmes
Smala, Simone, Paz, Jesus Bergas and Lingard, Bob. (2013). Languages, cultural capital and school choice: Distinction and second-language immersion programmes. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 34(3), pp. 373 - 391. article
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