Steven Lewis

Contact categoryResearcher
Job titlePrincipal Research Fellow
Research instituteInstitute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)
Faculty of Education and Arts

Research outputs

Disentangling the temporalities of digital and predictive governance : Rhythmanalysis as a methodological framework
Hartong, Sigrid, Decuypere, Mathias and Lewis, Steven. (2024). Disentangling the temporalities of digital and predictive governance : Rhythmanalysis as a methodological framework. Time & Society. pp. 1-24.

Journal article

Assembling comparison : understanding education policy through mobilities and assemblage
Lewis, Steven and Spratt, Rebecca. (2024). Assembling comparison : understanding education policy through mobilities and assemblage Bristol University Press.


Policy mobilities are more than global policy movement : Concepts and methodologies in education policy research
Lewis, Steven, Gulson, Kalervo and McKenzie, Marcia. (2024). Policy mobilities are more than global policy movement : Concepts and methodologies in education policy research. In In Brent Edwards Jr., D, Verger, Antoni, McKenzie, Marcia and Takayama, Keita (Ed.). Researching Global Education Policy - Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement pp. 189-208 Policy Press.

Book chapter

Platforming PISA : The OECD as a mobile governance actor in global education
Lewis, Steven. (2023). Platforming PISA : The OECD as a mobile governance actor in global education. In In Williamson, Ben, Komljenovic, Janja and Gulson, Kalervo (Ed.). World Yearbook of Education 2024 : Digitalisation of Education in the Era of Algorithms, Automation and Artificial Intelligence pp. 175 Routledge.

Book chapter

(Re)drawing Lines in our research : Using policy mobilities and network ethnography to research global policy networks in education [Commentary]
Lewis, Steven. (2023). (Re)drawing Lines in our research : Using policy mobilities and network ethnography to research global policy networks in education [Commentary]. ECNU Review of Education. pp. 1-8.

Journal article

‘Out of time’ : Constructing teacher professionality as a perpetual project on the eTwinning digital platform
Lewis, Steven and Decuypere, Mathias. (2023). ‘Out of time’ : Constructing teacher professionality as a perpetual project on the eTwinning digital platform. Tertium Comparationis. 29(1), pp. 22-47.

Journal article

Governing teachers through datafication : Physical–virtual hybridity and language interoperability in teacher accountability
Holloway, Jessica and Lewis, Steven. (2022). Governing teachers through datafication : Physical–virtual hybridity and language interoperability in teacher accountability. Big Data and Society. 9(2), pp. 1-14.

Journal article

Technical agonism : Embracing democratic dissensus in the datafication of education
Holloway, Jessica, Lewis, Steven and Langman, Sarah. (2023). Technical agonism : Embracing democratic dissensus in the datafication of education. Learning, Media and Technology. 48(2), pp. 253-265.

Journal article

Platforms, profits and PISA for schools : New actors, by-passes and topological spaces in global educational governance
Lewis, Steven and Lingard, Bob. (2023). Platforms, profits and PISA for schools : New actors, by-passes and topological spaces in global educational governance. Comparative Education. 59(1), pp. 99-117.

Journal article

An Apple for teacher (education)? Reconstituting teacher professional learning and expertise via the Apple Teacher digital platform
Lewis, Steven. (2022). An Apple for teacher (education)? Reconstituting teacher professional learning and expertise via the Apple Teacher digital platform. International Journal of Educational Research. 115, p. Article 102034.

Journal article

PISA for sale? Creating profitable policy spaces through the OECD's PISA for Schools
Lewis, Steven and Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2022). PISA for sale? Creating profitable policy spaces through the OECD's PISA for Schools. In In Lubienski, Christopher, Yemini, Miri and Maxwell, Claire (Ed.). The rise of external actors in education : Shifting boundaries globally and locally pp. 91-112 Policy Press.

Book chapter

Emergent developments in the datafication and digitalization of education
Lewis, Steven, Holloway, Jessica and Lingard, Bob. (2022). Emergent developments in the datafication and digitalization of education. In In Rizvi, Fazal, Lingard, Bob and Rinne, Risto (Ed.). Reimagining globalization and education pp. 62-78 Routledge.

Book chapter

Topological genealogy : A methodology to research transnational digital governance in/through/as change
Decuypere, Mathias and Lewis, Steven. (2023). Topological genealogy : A methodology to research transnational digital governance in/through/as change. Journal of Education Policy. 38(1), pp. 23-45.

Journal article

Response : Matters of (im)mobility : Beyond fast conceptual and methodological readings in policy sociology
McKenzie, Marcia, Lewis, Steven and Gulson, Kalervo N.. (2021). Response : Matters of (im)mobility : Beyond fast conceptual and methodological readings in policy sociology. Critical Studies in Education. 62(3), pp. 394-410.

Journal article

Datafying the teaching ‘profession’ : Remaking the professional teacher in the image of data
Lewis, Steven and Holloway, Jessica. (2019). Datafying the teaching ‘profession’ : Remaking the professional teacher in the image of data. Cambridge Journal of Education. 49(1), pp. 35-51.

Journal article

Communities of practice and PISA for schools : Comparative learning or a mode of educational governance?
Lewis, Steven. (2017). Communities of practice and PISA for schools : Comparative learning or a mode of educational governance? Education Policy Analysis Archives. 25(92), pp. 1-20.

Journal article

PISA, Policy and the OECD: Respatialising global educational governance through PISA for schools
Lewis, Steven. (2020). PISA, Policy and the OECD: Respatialising global educational governance through PISA for schools Springer Nature.


New shadow professionals and infrastructures around the datafied school : Topological thinking as an analytical device
Lewis, Steven and Hartong, Sigrid. (2022). New shadow professionals and infrastructures around the datafied school : Topological thinking as an analytical device. European Educational Research Journal. 21(6), pp. 946-960.

Journal article

Datafication and surveillance capitalism : The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS)
Holloway, Jessica and Lewis, Steven. (2021). Datafication and surveillance capitalism : The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS). In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Lingard, Bob and Heck, Elizabeth (Ed.). Digital disruption in teaching and testing : Assessments, big data, and the transformation of schooling pp. 181-194 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

Data, diagnosis and prescription : Governing schooling through the OECD's PISA for schools
Lewis, Steven. (2021). Data, diagnosis and prescription : Governing schooling through the OECD's PISA for schools. In In Wilmers, Annika and Jornitz, Sieglinde (Ed.). International perspectives on school settings, education policy and digital strategies : A transatlantic discourse in education research pp. 253-265 Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Book chapter

Research encounters on the move : Reflecting on policy mobilities and researcher positionality in education policy research
Lewis, Steven. (2022). Research encounters on the move : Reflecting on policy mobilities and researcher positionality in education policy research. In In Addey, Camila and Piattoeva, Nelli (Ed.). Intimate accounts of education policy research : The practice of methods pp. 153-168 Routledge.

Book chapter

Teacher perspectives of online continuing professional development in physical education
Lander, Natalie, Lewis, Steven, Nahavandi, Darius, Amsbury, Kyler and Barnett, Lisa M.. (2020). Teacher perspectives of online continuing professional development in physical education. Sport, Education and Society.

Journal article

The turn towards policy mobilities and the theoretical-methodological implications for policy sociology
Lewis, Steven. (2021). The turn towards policy mobilities and the theoretical-methodological implications for policy sociology. Critical Studies in Education. 62(3), pp. 322-337.

Journal article

Providing a platform for ‘what works’ : Platform-based governance and the reshaping of teacher learning through the OECD’s PISA4U
Lewis, Steven. (2020). Providing a platform for ‘what works’ : Platform-based governance and the reshaping of teacher learning through the OECD’s PISA4U. Comparative Education. 56(4), pp. 484-502.

Journal article

Standards without standardisation? Assembling standards-based reforms in Australian and US schooling
Lewis, Steven, Savage, Glenn C. and Holloway, Jessica. (2020). Standards without standardisation? Assembling standards-based reforms in Australian and US schooling. Journal of Education Policy. 35(6), pp. 737-764.

Journal article

‘Becoming European’? Respatialising the European schools system through PISA for Schools
Lewis, Steven. (2020). ‘Becoming European’? Respatialising the European schools system through PISA for Schools. International Studies in Sociology of Education. 29(1-2), pp. 85-106.

Journal article

Historicizing new spaces and relations of the OECD’s global educational governance : PISA for Schools and PISA4U
Lewis, Steven. (2019). Historicizing new spaces and relations of the OECD’s global educational governance : PISA for Schools and PISA4U. In In Ydesen, Christian (Ed.). The OECD’s historical rise in education: the formation of a global governing complex pp. 269-289 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd..

Book chapter

Understanding new spaces and relations of global governance in education : The OECD's PISA for schools
Lewis, Steven. (2018). Understanding new spaces and relations of global governance in education : The OECD's PISA for schools. In In Kember, David and Corbett, Michael (Ed.). Structuring the thesis : Matching method, paradigm, theories and findings pp. 349-356 Springer Nature Singapore.

Book chapter

PISA ‘Yet To Come’ : Governing schooling through time, difference and potential
Lewis, Steven. (2018). PISA ‘Yet To Come’ : Governing schooling through time, difference and potential. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 39(5), pp. 383-697.

Journal article

Visibility, invisibility, and visualisation : The danger of school performance data
Hardy, Ian and Lewis, Steven. (2018). Visibility, invisibility, and visualisation : The danger of school performance data. Pedagogy Culture and Society. 26(2), pp. 233-248.

Journal article

Policy, philanthropy and profit : the OECD’s PISA for Schools and new modes of heterarchical educational governance
Lewis, Steven. (2017). Policy, philanthropy and profit : the OECD’s PISA for Schools and new modes of heterarchical educational governance. Comparative Education. 53(4), pp. 518-537.

Journal article

The phantom national? Assembling national teaching standards in Australia’s federal system
Savage, Glenn and Lewis, Steven. (2018). The phantom national? Assembling national teaching standards in Australia’s federal system. Journal of Education Policy. 33(1), pp. 118-142.

Journal article

PISA for schools : Respatializing the OECD's global governance of education
Lewis, Steven. PISA for schools : Respatializing the OECD's global governance of education. In In Wiseman, Alexander W. and Taylor, Calley Stevens (Ed.). The impact of the OECD on education worldwide pp. 181-206 Emerald Publishing Limited.

Book chapter

Accountabilities in schools and school systems
Lingard, Bob, Sellar, Sam and Lewis, Steven. Accountabilities in schools and school systems. In In Nobilt, George W. (Ed.). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education pp. 1-28 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Tracking the topological : The effects of standardised data upon teachers’ practice
Lewis, Steven and Hardy, Ian. (2017). Tracking the topological : The effects of standardised data upon teachers’ practice. British Journal of Educational Studies. 65(2), pp. 219-238.

Journal article

Governing schooling through ‘what works’: the OECD’s PISA for Schools
Lewis, Steven. (2017). Governing schooling through ‘what works’: the OECD’s PISA for Schools. Journal of Education Policy. 32(3), pp. 281-302.

Journal article

Reform first and ask questions later? The implications of (fast) schooling policy and ‘silver bullet’ solutions
Lewis, Steven and Hogan, Anna. (2019). Reform first and ask questions later? The implications of (fast) schooling policy and ‘silver bullet’ solutions. Critical Studies in Education. 60(1), pp. 1-18.

Journal article

The ‘doublethink’ of data: educational performativity and the field of schooling practices
Hardy, Ian and Lewis, Steven. (2017). The ‘doublethink’ of data: educational performativity and the field of schooling practices. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 38(5), pp. 671-685.

Journal article

Globalization of the Anglo-American approach to top-down, test-based educational accountability
Lingard, Bob and Lewis, Steven. (2016). Globalization of the Anglo-American approach to top-down, test-based educational accountability. In In Brown, Gavin T. L and Harris, Lois R. (Ed.). Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment pp. 387-403 Routledge.

Book chapter

The multiple effects of international large-scale assessment on education policy and research
Lewis, Steven and Lingard, Bob. (2015). The multiple effects of international large-scale assessment on education policy and research. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 36(5), pp. 621-637.

Journal article

Funding, reputation and targets : The discursive logics of high-stakes testing
Lewis, Steven and Hardy, Ian. (2015). Funding, reputation and targets : The discursive logics of high-stakes testing. Cambridge Journal of Education. 45(2), pp. 245-264.

Journal article

The OECD, PISA and educational governance : A call to critical engagement
Lewis, Steven. (2014). The OECD, PISA and educational governance : A call to critical engagement. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 35(2), pp. 317-327.

Journal article

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