Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry

Latest research outputs

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Neuroscience, spiritual formation, and bodily souls: A critique of Christian physicalism
Rickabaugh, Brandon and Evans, C. Stephen. (2017). Neuroscience, spiritual formation, and bodily souls: A critique of Christian physicalism. In In R. K. Loftin and J. R. Farris (Ed.). Christian physicalism? Philosophical theological criticisms pp. 231 - 256 Lexington Books.

Book chapter

The gendered power of porcelain among early modern European dynasties
Broomhall, Susan and Van Gent, Jacqueline. (2017). The gendered power of porcelain among early modern European dynasties. In In J. Daybell and S. Norrhem (Ed.). Gender and Political Culture in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1800 pp. 49 - 67 Routledge.

Book chapter

Rhythmic eschatology: What poetry teaches about the nature of time
Eikelboom, Lexi. (2017). Rhythmic eschatology: What poetry teaches about the nature of time. In In C. Chalamet, A. Dettwiler and M. Mazzocco and G. Waterlot (Ed.). Game over? Reconsidering eschatology pp. 203 - 219 De Gruyter.

Book chapter

Severus of Antioch. Homilies and hymns on martyrs
Allen, Pauline. (2017). Severus of Antioch. Homilies and hymns on martyrs. In In F. Barone, C. Mace and P. Ubierna (Ed.). Philologie, Hermeneutique, et Histoire des Textes Entre Orient et Occident: Melanges en Hommage a Server J. Voicu pp. 323 - 341 Brepols.

Book chapter

Ephrem, commentary on the Gospel 1.2-1.8
Crawford, Matthew. (2017). Ephrem, commentary on the Gospel 1.2-1.8. In In A. Radde-Gallwitz (Ed.). The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings: Volume 1 God pp. 224 - 228 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

The lyric in Victorian memory: Poetic remembering and forgetting from Tennyson to Housman
Alfano, Veronica. (2017). The lyric in Victorian memory: Poetic remembering and forgetting from Tennyson to Housman Palgrave Macmillan.


Cyril of Alexandria, five tomes against Nestorius 4.1-4.2
Crawford, Matthew R.. (2017). Cyril of Alexandria, five tomes against Nestorius 4.1-4.2. In In A. Radde-Gallwitz (Ed.). The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings: Volume 1 God pp. 328 - 338 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

Reasons or fittingness first?
Cosker-Rowland, Rach. (2017). Reasons or fittingness first? Ethics: an international journal of social, political, and legal philosophy. 128(1), pp. 212 - 229.

Journal article

The origins of Pauline Theology: Paratexts and Priscillian of Avila's Canons on the Letters of the Apostle Paul
Lang, T. J. and Crawford, Matthew. (2017). The origins of Pauline Theology: Paratexts and Priscillian of Avila's Canons on the Letters of the Apostle Paul. New Testament Studies. 63(1), pp. 125 - 145.

Journal article

How explanation guides confirmation
Climenhaga, Nevin. (2017). How explanation guides confirmation. Philosophy of Science: official journal of the Philosophy of Science Association. 84(2), pp. 359 - 368.

Journal article

Paul the “god” in Acts 28: A comparison with Philoctetes
Litwa, David. (2017). Paul the “god” in Acts 28: A comparison with Philoctetes. Journal of Biblical Literature. 136(3), pp. 707 - 726.

Journal article

The present and the future of the Research Excellence Framework impact agenda in the UK Academy: A reflection from politics and international studies
Mhurchú, Aoileann Ní, McLeod, Laura, Collins, Stephanie and Siles-Brügge, Gabriel. (2017). The present and the future of the Research Excellence Framework impact agenda in the UK Academy: A reflection from politics and international studies. Political Studies Review. 15(1), pp. 60 - 72.

Journal article

The fetishization of female exempla: Mary, Thecla, Perpetua and Felicitas
Parkhouse, Sarah. (2017). The fetishization of female exempla: Mary, Thecla, Perpetua and Felicitas. New Testament Studies. 63(4), pp. 567 - 587.

Journal article

Avitus' characterisation in Sidonius' Carm. 7
Hanaghan, Michael. (2017). Avitus' characterisation in Sidonius' Carm. 7. Mnemosyne: A Journal of Classical Studies. 70(2), pp. 262 - 280.

Journal article

The polysemy of πάλιν with particular attention to Mark 15,13 (and John 18,40)
Carlson, Stephen. (2017). The polysemy of πάλιν with particular attention to Mark 15,13 (and John 18,40). Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. 93(1), pp. 51 - 74.

Journal article

Higher and lower pleasures revisited: Evidence from neuroscience
Crisp, Roger and Kringelbach, Morten. (2017). Higher and lower pleasures revisited: Evidence from neuroscience. Neuroethics.

Journal article

Ammianus' rainbows and Constantius' fate
Hanaghan, Michael. (2017). Ammianus' rainbows and Constantius' fate. Hermes. 145(4), pp. 445 - 457.

Journal article

Note introductive
Romano, Claude. (2017). Note introductive. In In C. Romano (Ed.). Du moi a l'authenticite ; la philosophie de Charles lamore pp. 7 - 9 Mimesis Edizioni.

Book chapter

Paideia as humility and becoming God-like in Dorotheos of Gaza
Champion, Michael. (2017). Paideia as humility and becoming God-like in Dorotheos of Gaza. Journal of Early Christian Studies. 25(3), pp. 441 - 469.

Journal article

Reasons-based moral judgments and the erotetic theory
Koralus, Philipp and Alfano, Mark. (2017). Reasons-based moral judgments and the erotetic theory. In In J. Bonnefon and B. Tremoliere (Ed.). Moral inferences pp. 77 - 106 Routledge.

Book chapter

White matter predicts functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease
McColgan, Peter, Gregory, Sarah, Razi, Adeel, Seunarine, Kiran K., Gargouri, Fatma, Durr, Alexandra, Roos, Raymund A. C., Leavitt, Blair R., Scahill, Rachael I., Clark, Chris A., Tabrizi, Sarah J., Rees, Geraint, Coleman, Allison J., Decolongon, J., Fan, M., Petkau, T., Jauffret, Céline, Justo, Damian, Lehericy, S., ... Johnson, H.. (2017). White matter predicts functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 4(2), pp. 106 - 118.

Journal article

Electing the Pope in early modern Italy, 1450-1700
Pattenden, Miles. (2017). Electing the Pope in early modern Italy, 1450-1700 Oxford University Press.


Encounters with the Levant: The late medieval illustrated Jerusalem Travelogue by Paul Walter von Guglingen
Ristema van Eck, Marianne P.. (2017). Encounters with the Levant: The late medieval illustrated Jerusalem Travelogue by Paul Walter von Guglingen. Mediterranean Historical Review. 32(2), pp. 153 - 188.

Journal article

Teacher of the nations
White, Devin L.. In C. Holladay, H. Lichtenberger and J. Lieu, M. Konradt, J. Schröter, and G. Sterling (Ed.). (2017). Teacher of the nations Walter de Gruyter GmbH.


The changes, or plus ça change? Newburgh Hamilton’s early writings and the politics of Handel’s Librettos
Stanyon, Miranda. (2017). The changes, or plus ça change? Newburgh Hamilton’s early writings and the politics of Handel’s Librettos. Journal of the Royal Musical Association. 142(2), pp. 221 - 255.

Journal article

Micro allusions to Pliny and Virgil in Sidonius's programmatic epistles
Hanaghan, Michael. (2017). Micro allusions to Pliny and Virgil in Sidonius's programmatic epistles. International Journal of the Classical Tradition. 24(3), pp. 249 - 261.

Journal article

Reframing neoplatonism in Zacharias Scholasticus' Ammonius
Champion, Michael. (2017). Reframing neoplatonism in Zacharias Scholasticus' Ammonius. In E. Amato, A. Corcella and D. Lauritzen (Ed.). Colloque International de Paris, Collège de France, 23-25 Mai 2013. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters. pp. 99 - 115

Conference item

Translating Dorotheus of Gaza: From Gaza to humanist Europe
O'Sullivan, Lara. (2017). Translating Dorotheus of Gaza: From Gaza to humanist Europe. In In A.R. Brown and B. Neil (Ed.). Byzantine Culture in Translation pp. 177 - 191 Brill.

Book chapter

(Not) Baptizing Thecla: Early interpretive efforts on 1 Cor 1:17
Edsall, Ben. (2017). (Not) Baptizing Thecla: Early interpretive efforts on 1 Cor 1:17. Vigiliae Christinane. 71(3), pp. 235 - 260.

Journal article

Latent criticism of Anthemius and Ricimer in Sidonius Apollinaris' Epistvlae 1.5
Hanaghan, Michael. (2017). Latent criticism of Anthemius and Ricimer in Sidonius Apollinaris' Epistvlae 1.5. Classical Quarterly. 67(2), pp. 631 - 649.

Journal article

Sublime Rauschen: Enlightening sound from Locke to Klopstock
Stanyon, Miranda. (2017). Sublime Rauschen: Enlightening sound from Locke to Klopstock. Modern Philology: Critical and Historical studies in postclassical literature. 114(4), pp. 845 - 871.

Journal article

Making a city and citizens: The ‘fruits’ of preaching in Renaissance Florence
Howard, Peter. (2017). Making a city and citizens: The ‘fruits’ of preaching in Renaissance Florence. In In A. Brown and J. Dumolyn (Ed.). Medieval urban culture pp. 59 - 73 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

'A pleasure to gaze on great conflicts': violence and Epicurean philosophy
Champion, Michael. (2017). 'A pleasure to gaze on great conflicts': violence and Epicurean philosophy. In In M. Champion and L. O'Sullivan (Ed.). Cultural Perceptions of Violence in the Hellenistic World pp. 157 - 173 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

Epistemic situationism: An extended prolepsis
Fairweather, Abrol and Alfano, Mark. (2017). Epistemic situationism: An extended prolepsis. In In A. Fairweather and M. Alfano (Ed.). Epistemic situationism pp. 44 - 66 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Coming late to the table : Methodius in the context of sympotic literary development
LaValle Norman, Dawn. (2017). Coming late to the table : Methodius in the context of sympotic literary development. In Methodius of Olympus : State of the art and new perspectives pp. 18-37 De Gruyter.

Book chapter

Nos états d'esprit sont-ils des engagements?
Romano, Claude. (2017). Nos états d'esprit sont-ils des engagements? In In C. Romano (Ed.). Du moi à l'authenticité: La philosophie de Charles lamore pp. 51 - 92 Mimesis Edizioni.

Book chapter

Development and validation of a multi-dimensional measure of intellectual humility
Alfano, Mark, Iurino, Kathryn, Stey, Paul, Robinson, Brian, Christen, Markus, Yu, Feng and Lapsley, Daniel. (2017). Development and validation of a multi-dimensional measure of intellectual humility. PLoS ONE. 12(8), pp. 1 - 28.

Journal article

'War is the father and king of all': discourses, experiences, and theories of Hellenistic violence
Champion, Michael. (2017). 'War is the father and king of all': discourses, experiences, and theories of Hellenistic violence. In In M. Champion and L. O'Sullivan (Ed.). Cultural Perceptions of Violence in the Hellenistic World pp. 1 - 20 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

Inference to the best explanation made incoherent
Climenhaga, Nevin. (2017). Inference to the best explanation made incoherent. Journal of Philosophy. 114(5), pp. 251 - 273.

Journal article

Three prayers in dialogue: The Shema, the Lord's Prayer, and Al-Fatiha
Dupuche, John, Morgan, Fred and Tuncer, Fatih. (2017). Three prayers in dialogue: The Shema, the Lord's Prayer, and Al-Fatiha. Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 52(4), pp. 587 - 609.

Journal article