Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry

Latest research outputs

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The reception of the Watchers in Tertullian with regard to 1 Cor. 11.2-16
Carlson, Stephen C.. (2021). The reception of the Watchers in Tertullian with regard to 1 Cor. 11.2-16. In In Barclay, John M. G. and Crabbe, Kylie (Ed.). The reception of Jewish tradition in the social imagination of the early Christians pp. 47-60 T&T Clark.

Book chapter

Devastated nature : The emotions of natural world catastrophe in sixteenth-century France
Broomhall, Susan. (2021). Devastated nature : The emotions of natural world catastrophe in sixteenth-century France. In Early modern trauma : Europe and the Atlantic world pp. 31-53 University of Nebraska Press.

Book chapter

Fragments of Papias
Carlson, Stephen C.. (2021). Fragments of Papias. In In Bird, Michael F. and Harrower, Scott D. (Ed.). The Cambridge companion to the Apostolic Fathers pp. 332-350 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

Christian Visions and Sozomen’s Julian
Hanaghan, Michael P.. (2021). Christian Visions and Sozomen’s Julian. Studia Patristica. 128(25), pp. 167-179.

Journal article

A cumulative case argument for infallibilism
Climenhaga, Nevin. (2021). A cumulative case argument for infallibilism. In In Kyriacou, Christos and Wallbridge, Kevin (Ed.). Skeptical invariantism reconsidered pp. 57-79 Routledge.

Book chapter

Did Marcion call the creator 'God'?
Litwa, M. David. (2021). Did Marcion call the creator 'God'? Journal of Theological Studies. 72(1), pp. 231-246.

Journal article

To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?
Jones, Benedict C., DeBruine, Lisa M., Flake, Jessica K., Liuzza, Marco Tullio, Antfolk, Jan, Arinze, Nwadiogo C., Ndukaihe, Izuchukwu L. G., Bloxsom, Nicholas G., Lewis, Savannah C., Foroni, Francesco, Willis, Megan L., Cubillas, Carmelo P., Vadillo, Miguel A., Turiegano, Enrique, Gilead, Michael, Simchon, Almog, Saribay, S. Adil, Owsley, Nicholas C., Jang, Chaning, ... Coles, Nicholas A.. (2021). To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply? Nature Human Behaviour. 5(1), pp. 159-169.

Journal article

The rise of affectivism
Dukes, Daniel, Abrams, Kathryn, Adolphs, Ralph, Ahmed, Mohammed E., Beatty, Andrew, Berridge, Kent C., Broomhall, Susan, Brosch, Tobias, Campos, Joseph J., Clay, Zanna, Clément, Fabrice, Cunningham, William A., Damasio, Antonio, Damasio, Hanna, D'Arms, Justin, Davidson, Jane W., de Gelder, Beatrice, Deonna, Julien, de Sousa, Ronnie, ... Sander, David. (2021). The rise of affectivism. Nature Human Behaviour. 5(7), pp. 816-820.

Journal article

Papal Rome in lockdown : Proximities, temporalities, and emotions during the im/mobility of the conclave
Pattenden, Miles. (2021). Papal Rome in lockdown : Proximities, temporalities, and emotions during the im/mobility of the conclave. I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance. 24(2), pp. 291-309.

Journal article

Contesting Aristotle : Science, theology and the resurrection of the body in Methodius of Olympus' De Resurrectione and the Dialogue of Adamantius
La Valle Norman, Dawn. (2021). Contesting Aristotle : Science, theology and the resurrection of the body in Methodius of Olympus' De Resurrectione and the Dialogue of Adamantius. Vigiliae Christinane. 76, pp. 121-143.

Journal article

A liturgical update in Rufinus' translation of Origen's Commentary on Romans?
Edsall, Benjamin A.. (2021). A liturgical update in Rufinus' translation of Origen's Commentary on Romans? In In Fürst, Alfons (Ed.). Perspectives on Origen and the history of his reception pp. 161-171 Aschendorff Verlag.

Book chapter

The Gospels and Acts
Crabbe, Kylie. (2021). The Gospels and Acts. In In Dell, Katharine J. (Ed.). The Biblical World pp. 206-232 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

Character and conflict : Who parts company in acts?
Crabbe, Kylie. (2021). Character and conflict : Who parts company in acts? In In Schröter, Jens, Edsall, Benjamin A. and Verheyden, Joseph (Ed.). Jews and Christians – Parting Ways in the First Two Centuries CE : Reflections on Gains and Losses of a Model pp. 151-183 De Gruyter.

Book chapter

The bounds of possibility : Puzzles of modal variation
Dorr, Cian, Hawthorne, John and Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani. (2021). The bounds of possibility : Puzzles of modal variation Oxford University Press.


The evil creator : Origins of an early Christian idea
Litwa, M. David. (2021). The evil creator : Origins of an early Christian idea Oxford University Press.


Equal to angels : The early reception history of the Lukan ἰσάγγελοι (Luke 20:36)
Litwa, M. David. (2021). Equal to angels : The early reception history of the Lukan ἰσάγγελοι (Luke 20:36). Journal of Biblical Literature. 140(3), pp. 601-622.

Journal article

Belon, Palissy, Ronsard and the War for the Forests of France
Broomhall, Susan. (2021). Belon, Palissy, Ronsard and the War for the Forests of France. In In McIlroy, Claire and Scott, Anne M. (Ed.). Literature, emotions, and pre-modern war : Conflict in Medieval and Early Modern Europe pp. 179-198 Arc Humanities Press.

Book chapter

The early modern cardinal : An historical appraisal
Pattenden, Miles. (2021). The early modern cardinal : An historical appraisal. In In Baker-Bates, Piers and Brooke, Irene (Ed.). Portrait cultures of the early modern cardinal pp. 43-66 Amsterdam University Press.

Book chapter

“And it rushed in”: A new proposal for interpreting GJudas 57,24
Edsall, Benjamin Andrew. (2021). “And it rushed in”: A new proposal for interpreting GJudas 57,24. Zeitschrift fuer die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Aelteren Kirche. 112(2), pp. 238-250.

Journal article

Leonardo da Vinci and fluid mechanics
Marusic, Ivan and Broomhall, Susan. (2021). Leonardo da Vinci and fluid mechanics. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 53, pp. 1-25.

Journal article

Aphrahat and Pauline reception : 1 Corinthians 7 and baptismal reasoning in East and West
Edsall, Benjamin. (2021). Aphrahat and Pauline reception : 1 Corinthians 7 and baptismal reasoning in East and West. New Testament Studies. 67(3), pp. 407-423.

Journal article

'The blind and the lame' : An adapted category in early Christian communal self-understanding
Crabbe, Kylie. (2021). 'The blind and the lame' : An adapted category in early Christian communal self-understanding. In In Barclay, John M.G. and Crabbe, Kylie (Ed.). The reception of Jewish tradition in the social imagination of the early Christians pp. 107-128 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Scribes, pharisees, sadducees and trypho : Jewish leadership and Jesus traditions in Justin’s construal of Christian and Jewish identity
Edsall, Benjamin A.. (2021). Scribes, pharisees, sadducees and trypho : Jewish leadership and Jesus traditions in Justin’s construal of Christian and Jewish identity. In In Barclay, John M. G. and Crabbe, Kylie (Ed.). The reception of Jewish tradition in the social imagination of the early Christians pp. 145-160 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Justin Martyr without the “Parting” or the “Ways”
Edsall, Benjamin A.. (2021). Justin Martyr without the “Parting” or the “Ways”. In In Schröter, Jens, Edsall, Benjamin A. and Verheyden, Joseph (Ed.). Jews and Christians : Parting ways in the first two centuries CE? : Reflections on the gains and losses of a model pp. 239-262 Walter de Gruyter.

Book chapter

Introduction to the reception of Jesus in the first three centuries
Barclay, John M.G. and Crabbe, Kylie. (2021). Introduction to the reception of Jesus in the first three centuries. In In Barclay, John M.G. and Crabbe, Kylie (Ed.). The reception of Jewish tradition in the social imagination of the early Christians pp. 1-11 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Approaching renaissance religions
Howard, Peter. (2021). Approaching renaissance religions. In In Howard, Peter, Terpstra, Nicholas and Saccenti, Riccardo (Ed.). Renaissance religions : Modes and meanings in history pp. 13-44 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

The reception of Paul, Peter, and James in the Apostolic Fathers
Edsall, Benjamin. (2021). The reception of Paul, Peter, and James in the Apostolic Fathers. In In Bird, Michael F. and Harrower, Scott D. (Ed.). The Cambridge companion to : The apostolic fathers pp. 119-134 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

Augustine on prayer : Sin, desire and the form of life
Teubner, Jonathan D.. (2021). Augustine on prayer : Sin, desire and the form of life. In In Cocksworth, Ashley and McDowell, John C. (Ed.). T&T Clark handbook of Christian prayer pp. 303-318 Bloomsbury Publishing.

Book chapter

Knowledge in song : Liturgical formation and transformation in Romanos the Melodist
Gador-Whyte, Sarah. (2021). Knowledge in song : Liturgical formation and transformation in Romanos the Melodist. In Hymns, homilies and hermeneutics in Byzantium pp. 89-106 Brill.

Book chapter

Causal inference from noise
Climenhaga, Nevin, DesAutels, Lane and Ramsey, Grant. (2021). Causal inference from noise. Noûs. 55(1), pp. 152-170.

Journal article

Sidonius Apollinaris contra Claudianus Mamertus: Jerome, Julianus Pomerius, and the Subversion of Praise
Hanaghan, Michael. (2021). Sidonius Apollinaris contra Claudianus Mamertus: Jerome, Julianus Pomerius, and the Subversion of Praise. Journal of Early Christian Studies. 29(2), pp. 215-236.

Journal article

The art of imagining: Martha Nussbaum between vulnerability and autonomy
Drapalo, Kamila. (2021). The art of imagining: Martha Nussbaum between vulnerability and autonomy [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry

PhD Thesis

Charity and pastoral power : a reconsideration of political augustinianism
Teubner, Jonathan. (2021). Charity and pastoral power : a reconsideration of political augustinianism. Studia Patristica. pp. 121-129.

Journal article

Divine simplicity in the theology of Irenaeus
Simons, Jonatán C.. (2021). Divine simplicity in the theology of Irenaeus [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Institute of Religion and Critical Inquiry

PhD Thesis

Nature and environment
Balthrop-Lewis, Alda. (2021). Nature and environment. In In Lovin, Robin and Mauldin, Joshua (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of Reinhold Niebuhr pp. 485-499 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Reply to Speaks
Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani and Hawthorne, John. (2021). Reply to Speaks. Philosophical Studies. 178(9), pp. 3061-3065.

Journal article

Reply to Pietroski
Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani and Hawthorne, John. (2021). Reply to Pietroski. Philosophical Studies. 178(9), pp. 3055-3059.

Journal article

Reply to Byrne
Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani and Hawthorne, John. (2021). Reply to Byrne. Philosophical Studies. 178(9), pp. 3049-3054.

Journal article

Rufinus’ bloody pagan tyrants
Hanaghan, Michael P.. (2021). Rufinus’ bloody pagan tyrants. Vigiliae Christianae: a review of early Christian life and languages. 75(1), pp. 22-42.

Journal article

“The Hostile Devices of the Demented Demons” : Tatian on astrology and pharmacology
Crawford, Matthew R.. (2021). “The Hostile Devices of the Demented Demons” : Tatian on astrology and pharmacology. Journal of Early Christian Studies. 29(1), pp. 31-59.

Journal article