Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry
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Faculty | Faculty of Theology and Philosophy |
Latest research outputs
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On the viability of the No Alternatives Argument
Vasudev Menon, Tushar. (2019). On the viability of the No Alternatives Argument. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 76, pp. 69-75. article
Algebraic fields and the dynamical approach to physical geometry
Vasudev Menon, Tushar. (2019). Algebraic fields and the dynamical approach to physical geometry. Philosophy of Science. 86(5), pp. 1273-1283. article
The Openness of God : Eternity and free will
Stump, Eleonore. (2019). The Openness of God : Eternity and free will. In In Arbour, Benjamin (Ed.). Philosophical Essays Against Open Theism pp. 21 Routledge. chapter
Edward Schillebeekcx Van het Vlaamse klooster na de oorlog naar de wereld van nu
van Erp, Stephan. (2019). Edward Schillebeekcx Van het Vlaamse klooster na de oorlog naar de wereld van nu. Tijdschrift voor Theologie. 59(4), pp. 309-311. article
Emotions, Time And Narrative : A liturgical frame
Champion, Matthew Simeon. (2019). Emotions, Time And Narrative : A liturgical frame. In The Routledge History of Emotions in Europe: 1100-1700 pp. 30-42 Routledge. chapter
Fake intellectuals and books of unquestionable authority in Aulus Gellius’s Noctes Atticae and Lucian’s aduersus Indoctum
Krauss, Katherine Elizabeth. (2019). Fake intellectuals and books of unquestionable authority in Aulus Gellius’s Noctes Atticae and Lucian’s aduersus Indoctum. In On the Track of the Books: Scribes, Libraries, and Textual Transmission pp. 47-58 De Gruyter. chapter
The Personal God of Classical Theism
Stump, Eleonore. (2019). The Personal God of Classical Theism. In In Hazony, Yoram and Johnson, Dru (Ed.). The Question of God's Perfection pp. 65-81 Brill - Rodopi. chapter
Wereldlijk gezag, schepping en verlossing : Edward Schillebeeckx’ politieke theologie
van Erp, Stephan and Minch, Daniel. (2019). Wereldlijk gezag, schepping en verlossing : Edward Schillebeeckx’ politieke theologie. Tijdschrift voor Theologie. 59(4), pp. 335-355. article
Crawford, Matthew R. and Zola, Nicholas J.. (2019). Introduction. In In Crawford, Matthew R. and Zola, Nicholas J. (Ed.). The Gospel of Tatian : Exploring the nature and text of the Diatessaron pp. 1-9 T&T Clark. chapter
Being more realistic about reasons : On rationality and reasons perspectivism
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2019). Being more realistic about reasons : On rationality and reasons perspectivism. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 99(3), pp. 605-627. article
Introduction : The language of affect from late antiquity to early modernity
Champion, Michael W., Essary, Kirk and Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2019). Introduction : The language of affect from late antiquity to early modernity. In In Ruys, Juanita Feros, Champion, Michael W. and Essary, Kirk (Ed.). Before emotion : The language of feeling, 400-1800 pp. 1-8 Routledge. chapter
Can we know God? New insights from religious epistemology
Climenhaga, Nevin. (2019). Can we know God? New insights from religious epistemology United States of America: John Templeton Foundation.Report
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). 東亞女性與婚姻有關的移民,1500-1650. In In 陳麗君 and 游素玲 (Ed.). 亞洲婚姻移民女性 :移動與能動 pp. 3-24 國立成功大學性別與婦女研究中心.Book chapter
Philo of Alexandria : An annotated bibliography 2016
Runia, D. T., Alesso, M., Birnbaum, E., Geljon, A. C., Keizer, H. M., Leonhardt-Balzer, J., Niehoff, M. R., Pearce, S. J. K., Weisser, S. and Yli-Karjanmaa, S.. (2019). Philo of Alexandria : An annotated bibliography 2016. In In Runia, David T. and Sterling, Gregory E. (Ed.). The studia philonica annual ; volume XXXI pp. 227-277 SBL Press.Book chapter
Evagrius of Pontus on exodus and the virtues
White, Devin L.. (2019). Evagrius of Pontus on exodus and the virtues. Vigiliae Christianae: a review of early Christian life and languages. 73(5), pp. 516-530. article
The eschatological turn in German philosophy
Wolfe, Judith. (2019). The eschatological turn in German philosophy. Modern Theology. 35(1), pp. 55-70. article
Ruling emotions : Affective and emotional strategies of power and authority among early modern European monarchies
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Ruling emotions : Affective and emotional strategies of power and authority among early modern European monarchies. In In Woodacre, Elena, Dean, Lucinda H. S., Jones, Chris, Martin, Russell E. and Rohr, Zita Eva (Ed.). The Routledge history of monarchy pp. 668-684 Routledge. chapter
Medical and scientific understandings
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Medical and scientific understandings. In In Lynch, Andrew and Broomhall, Susan (Ed.). A cultural history of the emotions in the Late Medieval, Reformation, and Renaissance Age pp. 13-29 Bloomsbury Academic. chapter
Materialising women : Dynamic interactions of gender and materiality in early modern Europe
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Materialising women : Dynamic interactions of gender and materiality in early modern Europe. In In Capern, Amanda L. (Ed.). The Routledge history of women in Early Modern Europe pp. 311-334 Routledge. chapter
Heart tombs : Catherine de' Medici and the embodiment of emotion
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Heart tombs : Catherine de' Medici and the embodiment of emotion. In In Barclay, Katie and Reddan, Bronwyn (Ed.). The feeling heart in medieval and early modern Europe : Meaning, embodiment, and making pp. 143-161 Medieval Institute Publications. chapter
Diplomatic emotions : International relations as gendered acts of power
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Diplomatic emotions : International relations as gendered acts of power. In In Lynch, Andrew and Broomhall, Susan (Ed.). The Routledge history of emotions in Europe : 1100-1700 pp. 283-302 Routledge. chapter
Cross-channel conflict : The challenges of growing up in minority Calvinist communities across the channel
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Cross-channel conflict : The challenges of growing up in minority Calvinist communities across the channel. In In Berner, Tali and Underwood, Lucy (Ed.). Childhood, youth and religious minorities in Early Modern Europe pp. 167-189 Palgrave Macmillan. chapter
Cross-channel affections : Pressure and persuasion in letters to Calvinist refugees in England, 1569–1570
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Cross-channel affections : Pressure and persuasion in letters to Calvinist refugees in England, 1569–1570. In In Tarantino, Giovanni and Zika, Charles (Ed.). Feeling exclusion : Religious conflict, exile and emotions in Early Modern Europe pp. 27-43 Routledge. chapter
Corresponding romances : Henri II and the last campaigns of the Italian Wars
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Corresponding romances : Henri II and the last campaigns of the Italian Wars. In In Downes, Stephanie, Lynch, Andrew and O’Loughlin, Katrina (Ed.). Writing war in Britain and France, 1370-1854 : A history of emotions pp. 107-123 Routledge. chapter
“Such fragile jewels” : The emotional role of Chinese porcelain in early modern Jesuit missions
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). “Such fragile jewels” : The emotional role of Chinese porcelain in early modern Jesuit missions. In In Haskell, Yasmin and Garrod, Raphaële (Ed.). Changing hearts : Performing Jesuit emotions between Europe, Asia, and the Americas pp. 261-283 Brill. chapter
“Let me weep for such a feeling loss” : The emotional significance of Shakespeare’s heritage
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). “Let me weep for such a feeling loss” : The emotional significance of Shakespeare’s heritage. In In Marchant, Alicia (Ed.). Historicising heritage and emotions : The affective histories of blood, stone and land pp. 99-113 Routledge. chapter
Aquinas's ethics - The infused virtues and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Stump, Eleonore. (2019). Aquinas's ethics - The infused virtues and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. 95(2), pp. 269-281. article
The college of cardinals
Pattenden, Miles. (2019). The college of cardinals. In In Hollingsworth, Mary, Pattenden, Miles and Witte, Arnold Alexander (Ed.). A companion to the early modern cardinal pp. 23-39 Brill Academic Publishers. chapter
Cardinals and the non-christian world
Pattenden, Miles. (2019). Cardinals and the non-christian world. In In Hollingsworth, Mary, Pattenden, Miles and Witte, Arnold Alexander (Ed.). A companion to the early modern cardinal pp. 406-418 Brill Academic Publishers. chapter
The early modern historiography of early modern cardinals
Pattenden, Miles and Witte, Arnold A.. (2019). The early modern historiography of early modern cardinals. In In Hollingsworth, Mary, Pattenden, Miles and Witte, Arnold Alexander (Ed.). A companion to the early modern cardinal pp. 435-452 Brill Academic Publishers. chapter
Reading Sidonius' Epistles
Hanaghan, M. P.. (2019). Reading Sidonius' Epistles Cambridge University Press.
Être soi-même : Une autre histoire de la philosophie
Romano, Claude. (2019). Être soi-même : Une autre histoire de la philosophie Éditions Gallimard.Book
Value predicate analysis : A language-based tool for diagnozing behavioral tendencies of religious or value-based groups in regions of conflict
Ochs, Peter, Faizi, Nauman, Teubner, Jonathan and Moulvi, Zain. (2019). Value predicate analysis : A language-based tool for diagnozing behavioral tendencies of religious or value-based groups in regions of conflict. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 58(1), pp. 93-113. article
The doctrine of the atonement : Response to Michael Rea, Trent Dougherty, and Brandon Warmke
Stump, Eleonore. (2019). The doctrine of the atonement : Response to Michael Rea, Trent Dougherty, and Brandon Warmke. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 11(1), pp. 165-186. article
Early modern emotions and global encounter as gender history : The Dutch East India Company in Korea
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Early modern emotions and global encounter as gender history : The Dutch East India Company in Korea. Sixteenth Century Journal. 50(1), pp. 82-90.Journal article
Kant, divinity and autonomy
Insole, Christopher J.. (2019). Kant, divinity and autonomy. Studies in Christian Ethics. 32(4), pp. 470-484. article
Free belief : The medieval heritage in Kant’s moral faith
Insole, Christopher J.. (2019). Free belief : The medieval heritage in Kant’s moral faith. Journal of the History of Philosophy. 57(3), pp. 501-528. article
Concluding eirenic (and mostly “unscientific”) postscript
Coakley, Sarah. (2019). Concluding eirenic (and mostly “unscientific”) postscript. Religion, Brain and Behavior. 9(4), pp. 423-434. article
Catherine's tears : Diplomatic corporeality, affective performance, and gender at the sixteenth-century French court
Broomhall, Susan. (2019). Catherine's tears : Diplomatic corporeality, affective performance, and gender at the sixteenth-century French court. In In Scott, Anne M. and Barbezat, Michael David (Ed.). Fluid bodies and bodily fluids in premodern Europe : Bodies, blood, and tears in literature, theology, and art pp. 55-72 Arc Humanities Press. chapter
The failure of affectus : Affectiones and constantiae in Augustine of Hippo
Teubner, Jonathan. (2019). The failure of affectus : Affectiones and constantiae in Augustine of Hippo. In In Feros Ruys, Juanita, Champion, Michael W. and Essary, Kirk (Ed.). Before emotion : The language of feeling, 400-1800 pp. 9-25 Routledge. chapter
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Brassard, Sylvie
Climenhaga, Alison Marie Fitchett
Coady, Tony
Davies, Rachel Annemarie Ulrike Elizabeth
Reid, Elizabeth Ann
Taylor, Joan