ACU Engagement


Latest research outputs

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Incidental depiction of smoking in Australian young women's magazines: Have we progressed since the 1990s?
Jones, Sandra. (2004). Incidental depiction of smoking in Australian young women's magazines: Have we progressed since the 1990s? Non-profit Marketing: Perspectives and Advances. Australia: Proceedings of the 2006 Marketing and Public Policy Conference. pp. 75 - 79

Conference item

An exploratory study on the effect of positive (warmth appeal) and negative (guilt appeal) print imagery on donation behavior in animal welfare
Haynes, Marcus, Thornton, Jennifer and Jones, Sandra C.. (2004). An exploratory study on the effect of positive (warmth appeal) and negative (guilt appeal) print imagery on donation behavior in animal welfare. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2004. Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2004 Wellington, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Conference paper

An exploratory study of older adults' perceptions of DTCA for prescription medications
Jones, Sandra C. and Mullan, Judy. (2004). An exploratory study of older adults' perceptions of DTCA for prescription medications. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2004. Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2004 Wellington, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Conference paper

The impact of different types of incentives on re-enrolment in health-management programs
Jones, Sandra. (2004). The impact of different types of incentives on re-enrolment in health-management programs. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

Believability of messages about cannabis, cocaine and heroin among never-triers, trier-rejecters and current users of cannabis
Jones, Sandra. (2004). Believability of messages about cannabis, cocaine and heroin among never-triers, trier-rejecters and current users of cannabis. Health Education. 6(4), pp. 344 - 350.

Journal article

The influence of magazine advertising on parents' nutrition ratings of food products for children
Jones, Sandra. (2004). The influence of magazine advertising on parents' nutrition ratings of food products for children. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

Professional development activities and qualifications of health promotion practitioners in Australia
Jones, Sandra. (2003). Professional development activities and qualifications of health promotion practitioners in Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 14(1), pp. 8 - 14.

Journal article

Sexism is in the eye of the beholder: Does the Advertising Standards Board reflect 'community standards'?
Jones, Sandra. (2003). Sexism is in the eye of the beholder: Does the Advertising Standards Board reflect 'community standards'? Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference. Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 41 - 47

Conference item

Believability and effectiveness of young adult safe-driving messages
Breen, Natalie and Jones, Sandra C.. (2003). Believability and effectiveness of young adult safe-driving messages. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2003. University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2003 Adelaide, South Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1977-1983

Conference paper

Personality characteristics ascribed to young women who drink alcohol
Jones, Sandra and Rossiter, John R.. (2003). Personality characteristics ascribed to young women who drink alcohol. Drug and Alcohol Review. 22(2), pp. 117 - 123.

Journal article

A review of the consistency of breast cancer screening pamphlets produced by health authorities in Australia
Jones, Sandra C.. (2003). A review of the consistency of breast cancer screening pamphlets produced by health authorities in Australia. Health Education. 103(3), pp. 166-176.

Journal article

Does gym membership payment method influence physical activity levels?
Jones, Sandra. (2003). Does gym membership payment method influence physical activity levels? European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Scotland: European Marketing Academy.

Conference item

The word 'cancer': reframing the context to reduce anxiety arousal
Jones, Sandra. (2003). The word 'cancer': reframing the context to reduce anxiety arousal. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 27(3), pp. 291 - 293.

Journal article

Sex versus romance: effectiveness of women's fragrance ads
Jones, Sandra. (2003). Sex versus romance: effectiveness of women's fragrance ads. European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Scotland: European Marketing Academy. pp. 140 - 140

Conference item

Consumer Confusion: Parents Nutritional Perceptions of Food Advertisements
Jones, Sandra. (2003). Consumer Confusion: Parents Nutritional Perceptions of Food Advertisements. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1984 - 1989

Conference item

Are current social marketing campaigns getting through to undergraduate university students?
Jones, Sandra C.. (2003). Are current social marketing campaigns getting through to undergraduate university students? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2003. University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2003 Adelaide, South Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1935-1940

Conference paper

Life Imitates Art
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Life Imitates Art. Tobacco Control.

Journal article

Summary of Rossiter's article on 'forms of marketing knowledge'
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Summary of Rossiter's article on 'forms of marketing knowledge'. Marketing Theory: an international review. 2(4), pp. 333 - 337.

Journal article

Promotion of prescription medicines: A critical review and research agenda
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Promotion of prescription medicines: A critical review and research agenda. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 2221 - 2227

Conference item

Is experience with one illicit drug associated with perceptions of the believability of anti-drug messages?
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Is experience with one illicit drug associated with perceptions of the believability of anti-drug messages? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Portugal: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Conference item

Self-regulation of alcohol advertising: Is it working for Australia?
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Self-regulation of alcohol advertising: Is it working for Australia? Journal of Public Affairs. 2(3), pp. 153 - 165.

Journal article

Breast cancer detection messages in Australian print media advertising-are they promoting correct information?
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Breast cancer detection messages in Australian print media advertising-are they promoting correct information? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Portugal: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Conference item

The applicability of commercial advertising theory to social marketing: Two case studies of current Australian social marketing campaigns
Jones, Sandra and Rossiter, John R.. (2002). The applicability of commercial advertising theory to social marketing: Two case studies of current Australian social marketing campaigns. Social Marketing Quarterly. 8(1), pp. 6 - 18.

Journal article

Tobacco point of sale advertising increases positive brand user imagery
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Tobacco point of sale advertising increases positive brand user imagery. Tobacco Control. 11(3), pp. 191 - 194.

Journal article

Marlboro's marketing in Western Europe: Is it Ethical?
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Marlboro's marketing in Western Europe: Is it Ethical? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 3431 - 3437

Conference item

Messages in alcohol advertising targeted to youth
Jones, Sandra. (2001). Messages in alcohol advertising targeted to youth. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 25(2), pp. 126 - 131.

Journal article

Screening for prostate cancer: A consideration of screening factors in comparison to screening for breast cancer
Jones, Sandra. (2001). Screening for prostate cancer: A consideration of screening factors in comparison to screening for breast cancer. Cancer Forum. 25(2), pp. 115 - 120.

Journal article

A review of the consistency of pamphlets promoting mammographic screening in Australia
Jones, Sandra C.. (2001). A review of the consistency of pamphlets promoting mammographic screening in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Auckand, New Zealand: College of Business, Massey University.

Conference item

Believability of anti-drug advertising as a function of marijuana usage experience
Jones, Sandra C. and Rossiter, John R.. (2001). Believability of anti-drug advertising as a function of marijuana usage experience. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Auckland, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Conference paper

Regulation of Alcohol Advertising in Australia: Case Study of a Failure
Jones, Sandra. (2001). Regulation of Alcohol Advertising in Australia: Case Study of a Failure. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Conference item

The Decline of Ethics or the Failure of Self-Regulation? The Case of Alcohol Advertising
Jones, Sandra. (2000). The Decline of Ethics or the Failure of Self-Regulation? The Case of Alcohol Advertising. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 595 - 599

Conference item

Applying the Rossiter-Percy Model to social marketing communications
Rossiter, John R., Donovan, Robert J. and Jones, Sandra C.. (2000). Applying the Rossiter-Percy Model to social marketing communications. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2000. Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2000 Gold Coast, Queensland: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1073-1078

Conference paper

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