School of Arts and Humanities

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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In Plato's cave II
Siebols, Jeannette. (2005). In Plato's cave II

Creative work

Sequence on stillness
Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2005). Sequence on stillness

Creative work

Gertrude contemporary art spaces
Trotter, Penelope. (2005). Gertrude contemporary art spaces

Creative work

Gold on the Back of Buddha (Tit tong lang phra)
Warner, Lachlan. (2005). Gold on the Back of Buddha (Tit tong lang phra) [Exhibition].


In a manger (new arrangement)
Fromyhr, Judith Joyce. (2005). In a manger (new arrangement)

Creative work

Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2005). Zero

Creative work

Whose problem? Experts and the working mother in 1960s Melbourne
Swain, Shurlee Lesley, Grimshaw, Patricia and Warne, Ellen Mary. (2005). Whose problem? Experts and the working mother in 1960s Melbourne. In In O' Hanlon and T. Luckins (Ed.). Go! Melbourne: Melbourne in the Sixties pp. 131 - 147 Circa.

Book chapter

Over in the meadow (new arrangement)
Fromyhr, Judith. (2005). Over in the meadow (new arrangement)

Creative work

Buddha in suburbia
Warner, Lachlan. (2005). Buddha in suburbia

Creative work

Medical choice: The Australian movement to legalise abortion, 1967 - 80
Riseman, Noah. (2005). Medical choice: The Australian movement to legalise abortion, 1967 - 80. Lilith: A Feminist History Journal. 14, pp. 92 - 104.

Journal article

In a manger (new arrangement)
Fromyhr, Judith Joyce. (2005). In a manger (new arrangement)

Creative work

Vanguards and avant-gardes : The reason in revolt online project on political and cultural radicalism
Booth, Simon, Burgmann, Verity, Macintyre, Stuart, Milner, Andrew and Ryan, Matthew. (2005). Vanguards and avant-gardes : The reason in revolt online project on political and cultural radicalism. Annual Labour History Conference. Australia: Australian Society for the Study of Labour History and the Business and Labour History Group, University of Sydney. pp. 29 - 36

Conference item

Choosing Buddhism: Towards a Traditional Style of Reflexive Spiritual Engagement
Phillips, Tim and Aarons, Haydn Mark. (2005). Choosing Buddhism: Towards a Traditional Style of Reflexive Spiritual Engagement. British Journal of Sociology of Education.

Journal article

Coming to terms with ageing: What do we say?
Cook, James Henry. (2005). Coming to terms with ageing: What do we say? In Mair Underwood and Kate Suridge (Ed.). ERA 2005 The 4th National Conference for Emerging Researchers in Ageing. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland Printery. pp. 73 - 76

Conference item

Rain Cheque :D
Bell, Catherine. (2005). Rain Cheque :D

Creative work

Alasdair MacIntyre: Recent work
MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2005). Alasdair MacIntyre: Recent work

Creative work

A daily scramble': Working mothers' access to childcare in world war two
Warne, Ellen Mary. (2005). A daily scramble': Working mothers' access to childcare in world war two. In In P. Grimshaw, J. Murphy and B. Probert (Ed.). Double Shift: Working Mothers and Social Change in Australia pp. 118 - 132 Circa.

Book chapter

Homeostasis alert!
Macintyre, Alasdair. (2005). Homeostasis alert Brisbane, Australia: Prime: New Art from Queensland: Queensland Art Gallery.

Creative work

The curious case of the date of introduction of leaded fuel to Australia: implications for the history of Southern Hemisphere atmospheric lead pollution
Cook, Duncan and Gale, Stephen. (2005). The curious case of the date of introduction of leaded fuel to Australia: implications for the history of Southern Hemisphere atmospheric lead pollution. Atmospheric Environment. 39(14), pp. 2553 - 2557.

Journal article

Siebols, Jeannette. (2005). Palimpsest

Creative work

Constructing the working mother: Australian perspectives; 1920-1970
Swain, Shurlee, Warne, Ellen and Grimshaw, Patricia. (2005). Constructing the working mother: Australian perspectives; 1920-1970. Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation. 31(2), pp. 21 - 33.

Journal article

Pathways and pitfalls. The journey of refugee young people in and around the education system in greater Dandenong
Couch, Jen and Olliff, Louise. (2005). Pathways and pitfalls. The journey of refugee young people in and around the education system in greater Dandenong. Youth Studies Australia. 24(3), pp. 42 - 46.

Journal article

Over in the meadow (new arrangement)
Fromyhr, Judith. (2005). Over in the meadow (new arrangement)

Creative work

MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2005). Infiltration

Creative work

Sequence on stillness
Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2005). Sequence on stillness

Creative work

The Art Park Project
Macintyre, Alasdair. (2005). The Art Park Project Canberra, Australia:

Digital or visual media

In Plato's cave II
Siebols, Jeannette. (2005). In Plato's cave II

Creative work

Special Delivery
Bell, Catherine. (2005). Special Delivery [Performance].


Bringing Australia home: Peter Carey; the Booker; and the repatriation of Australian culture
Lamb, Karen. (2005). Bringing Australia home: Peter Carey; the Booker; and the repatriation of Australian culture. In In A. Gaile (Ed.). Fabulating beauty: Perspectives on the fiction of Peter Carey pp. 17 - 30 Rodopi.

Book chapter

Siebols, Jeannette. (2005). Palimpsest

Creative work

Magic Buddha show
Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2004). Magic Buddha show

Creative work

MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2004). Penalty

Creative work

Tabula Rasa III
Siebols, Jeannette. (2004). Tabula Rasa III Sydney, Australia: Blake Prize Exhibition: Sir Herman Black Exhibition, University of Sydney..

Creative work

Therefore in emptiness
Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2004). Therefore in emptiness

Creative work

Illuminating beauty
Bartholomew, Julie. (2004). Illuminating beauty

Creative work

Zen garden
Siebols, Jeannette. (2004). Zen garden

Creative work

MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2004). Penalty

Creative work

The Found Project
Trotter, Penelope. (2004). The Found Project

Creative work

Old Dogs Learning New Tricks. Understanding the Changing Educational Needs and Wants of Retirees
Cook, James Henry. (2004). Old Dogs Learning New Tricks. Understanding the Changing Educational Needs and Wants of Retirees. In C. Bailey, D. Cabrera and L. Buys (Ed.). Refereed Conference Papers Social Change in the 21st Century 2004 Conference Proceedings. Brisbane,Australia: Centre for Social Change Research, Queensland University of Technology. pp. 1 - 12

Conference item

Elizabeth Durack, Eddie Burrup and the art of identification
Nolan, Marguerite Rose. (2004). Elizabeth Durack, Eddie Burrup and the art of identification. In In P. Knight and J. Long (Ed.). Fakes and Forgeries pp. 135 - 145 Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Book chapter

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Aarons, Haydn Mark

Abid, Mujibur Rahman

Adeney, Ally

Akbar, Ali

Almond, Rosslyn

Alzoubi, Sarah

Andrew, Lisa

Banks, Atticus

Barnett, Chelsea

Barone, Kaleb

Bartholomew, Julie

Bartlett, Whitney

Bell, Catherine Elizabeth

Bellanta, Melissa

Black, Michelle

Borg, Anthony

Brescia, Linda

Brock, Reuben

Brooks, Jessica

Brown, Mary

Bryant, Octavia

Burney, Stuart-James

Busbridge, Rachel

Cabanit, Jerica

Carruthers, Victoria

Carter, Lissa

Carter, Nicholas Edward

Chalaby, Joy

Chalkley, Paul

Charleson, Diane Marie

Checkley, Joel

Chew, Pauline Anne Kar-Wy

Chou, Mark Fei-chun

Christie, Matthew Daniel

Christie, Pamela Helen

Clement, Tracey

Collins, Matthew

Collins-Bojovic, Jessica

Connell, Scott

Cook, Duncan Edward

Cook, James Henry

Cooper, Jai

Cooper, Lesley

Cotton, Caroline

Couch, Jennifer Rose


Cox, Katherine

Cramer, Lorinda

Croser, Hamish

Crumlin, Rosemary

Damousi, Joy

Dargaville, Timothy

Dautovic, Tijana

Desor, Shiba

Dorabialski, Jakub

Douglas, Miranda

Dowsett, Simon John

Driver, Jacqui

Eldridge, Ben

Emmett, Deborah

Ensor, Belinda

Evans, Paul

Faithfull, Anne

Fantini, Sarah

Farasoo, Ghollam Abbas

Farquharson, James

Fieldgrass, Sameera

Firth, Chris

Flaherty, Ian

Forsyth, Hannah Elise

Forwood, Madeleine

Francis, Caitlin Sara

Fries, Katherine

Fromyhr, Judith Joyce

Gardner, Tess

Ghobadzadeh, Naser

Gilbee, Tara

Gilbert, Liam Vincent

Gildersleeve, Matthew James

Gonzalez de Ciner, Ana Marcela

Graham, Mary

Grant, Jack

Gruenewald, David

Hall, Tegan

Hastings, Aqua Yvonne Denise

Hayward, Geoffrey

Haywood, Katrina

Heath, Ekaterina

Hellings, Madeline

Hill, Jennifer

Hutchison, Margaret

Jakstas, Tammie

James, Ruby

Jenkins, Emma

Johnson, Edward

Johnson, Nicholas

Johnstone, Ainsley

Katalinic, Steven

Kavenagh, Siobhan

Keating, James

Keily, Bridie

Kelly, Deborah

Khan, Golam

King, Jacqueline

Knezevic, Danica

Knott, George

Koch, Emma Greta

Ky, Ngoc Bao Nhu

Lackenby, Michelle Carolyn

Laing, Allyn

Lamb, Karen

Lane, Sharron

Lavery, Gillian

Leon Cortes, Tomas

Lim, Ly Ly

Lipton, Martina

Little, Alex

Logan, Katrina

Longo, Braden

M Perillo, Sophie

Mac Eochagain, Bridget

Macaronas, James

Macintyre, Alasdair

Mack, Matthew

Maddock, Dean

Marland, James Grice Thomas

Marshall, Elizabeth

Martorana, Rosa

Maslyuk, Svetlana

Mason, Hannah-Leigh

Matthew, Christopher Anthony

Matthews, Rachel

McGinniss, David

Middleton, Kate

Mills, Louise

Moffitt, Benjamin John

Moghimi, Habib Allah

Moore, Peter

Morabito, Andrew

Morieson, Nicholas

Morrow, Ross John

Mountford, Benjamin

Musgrove, Nell Jane

Myers, Chris

Naqvi, Syed

Neal, Claudine Louise

Needham, Michael

Nettelbeck, Amanda

Nicholson, Clare

Nolan, Marguerite Rose

O'Brien, Theresa

O'Connell, Deirdre

Oakes, Katherine

Olliff, Louise

Patterson, Michael

Peters, Georg

Phillips, Tim

Piccini, Jon

Pinilla, Claudia Patricia

Pirsoul, Nicolas

Plummer, Catharine

Potter, Jenny-Lynn

Qi, Xiaoying

Quilter, Joseph

Quirk, Christin Anne

Reese, Henry

Ribeiro Seabra Eiras, Paola

Richardson, Elvis

Riseman, Noah Jed

Robertson, Rachel

Roche, Gerald

Rodd, Helen

Rowland, David Patrick

Roy, Sajal

Rutledge-Prior, Serrin

Ryan, Delyse Joy

Ryan, Matthew David

Ryan, Simon

Saba, Arif

Salem, Michelle

Salisbury, Christopher Graham

Salsjo, Mia

Sayers, Sabrina

Scanlon, Jill

Shannon, Anna

Siebols, Jeannette

Siountris, Demetra

Slingsby, Elisabeth

Smeaton, Jason

Smith, David

Smith, Erin

Solhdoost, Mohsen

Soundranayagam, Hemamalini

Stephen, Sudeep

Stewart, Heather

Stirling, Nicole

Styles, Ben

Taft, Matthew

Taye, Safiullah

Thomas, Emma

Thompson, Christopher Hugh

Thompson, Michael

Thompson, Nicole Florence

Thompson, Ruth

Thorley, Matthew

Tierney, John Nathan

Trotter, Penelope Jane

Tsai, Jaime

Tugjamba, Navchaa

Wade, Janet

Walker, Jo-Anne Michelle

Walker, Ross

Waltho, Renee

Warne, Ellen Mary

Warner, Lachlan Phillip

Watters, Stuart John

Webster, Janice Marie

Wentworth, Isabelle

Williams, Juliette

Wilson, Jacqueline

Wolfe, Naomi Cathryn

Wood, James

Yamamoto, Shusaku

Yan, Jimmy

Zambetti, Victoria