School of Arts and Humanities

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Colonial Australia, the 1887 Colonial Conference, and the struggle for imperial unity
Mountford, Benjamin. (2019). Colonial Australia, the 1887 Colonial Conference, and the struggle for imperial unity. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 47(5), pp. 912-942.

Journal article

Death relics and reflections : Engaging palliative staff to respond creatively to death experiences in hospice settings
Bell, Catherine. (2019). Death relics and reflections : Engaging palliative staff to respond creatively to death experiences in hospice settings. Mortality. 26(3), pp. 241-263.

Journal article

Public open space exposure measures in Australian health research : A critical review of the literature
Lamb, Karen E., Mavoa, Suzanne, Coffee, Neil T., Parker, Kate, Richardson, Elizabeth A. and Thornton, Lukar E.. (2019). Public open space exposure measures in Australian health research : A critical review of the literature. Geographical Research. 57(1), pp. 67-83.

Journal article

‘The "White Australia" policy must go’ : The Communist Party of Australia and immigration restriction 
Piccini, Jon and Smith, Evan. (2019). ‘The "White Australia" policy must go’ : The Communist Party of Australia and immigration restriction . In In Piccini, Jon, Smith, Evan and Worley, Matthew (Ed.). The Far left in Australia from 1945 pp. 77-96 Routledge.

Book chapter

Islamist transformations : From utopian vision to dystopian reality
Ghobadzadeh, Naser. (2019). Islamist transformations : From utopian vision to dystopian reality. In In Merkel, Wolfgang, Kollmorgen, Raj and Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Ed.). The handbook of political, social, and economic transformation pp. 321-333 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Hearing children's voices : Conceptual and methodological challenges
Musgrove, Nell, Leahy, Carla Pascoe and Moruzi, Kristine. (2019). Hearing children's voices : Conceptual and methodological challenges. In In Moruzi, Kristine, Musgrove, Nell and Leahy, Carla Pascoe (Ed.). Children's voices from the past : New historical and interdisciplinary perspectives pp. 1-25 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Populism versus technocracy : Performance, passions, and aesthetics
Moffitt, Benjamin. (2019). Populism versus technocracy : Performance, passions, and aesthetics. In In Cossarini, Paolo and Vallespín, Fernando (Ed.). Populism and passions : Democratic legitimacy after austerity pp. 49-64 Routledge.

Book chapter

A computer-based framework supporting education in STEM subjects
Peters, Georg, Rueckert, Tom and Seruga, Jan. (2019). A computer-based framework supporting education in STEM subjects. In In Hammoudi, Slimane, Smialek, Michal, Camp, Oliver and Filipe, Joaquim (Ed.). Enterprise information systems pp. 1-21 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Australia's history of LGBTI politics and rights
Riseman, Noah. (2019). Australia's history of LGBTI politics and rights. In In Thompson, William R. (Ed.). Oxford research encyclopedia of politics pp. 1-24 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

'A suitable memorial?': Painting, memory and the great war
Hutchison, Margaret. (2019). 'A suitable memorial?': Painting, memory and the great war. In The great war : Aftermath and commemoration pp. 167-178 UNSW Press.

Book chapter

Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples : Some practical suggestions for churches
Wolfe, Naomi. (2019). Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples : Some practical suggestions for churches. Zadok Perspectives. 144, pp. 20-23.

Journal article

Reconsidering Women's Role in the Professionalisation of the Economy: Evidence from the Australian Census 1881–1947
Forsyth, H.. (2019). Reconsidering Women's Role in the Professionalisation of the Economy: Evidence from the Australian Census 1881–1947. Australian Economic History Review. 59(1), pp. 55-79.

Journal article

The Interview-Document Nexus: Recovering Histories of LGBTI Military Service in Australia
Riseman, N.. (2019). The Interview-Document Nexus: Recovering Histories of LGBTI Military Service in Australia. Archivaria. 87(May), pp. 6-33.

Journal article

Hunting gays and lesbians in the Australian Defence Force, 1974–1992
Riseman, Noah. (2019). Hunting gays and lesbians in the Australian Defence Force, 1974–1992. Journal of the History of Sexuality. 28(3), pp. 325-356.

Journal article

Pathways to justice in the APY Lands : Breaking the cycle of offending
Whellum, Peter, Reilly, Alexander and Nettelbeck, Amanda. (2019). Pathways to justice in the APY Lands : Breaking the cycle of offending. Griffith Law Review. 28(4), pp. 431-453.

Journal article

Students' perspectives of early assessment tasks in their first year at university
Thomas, Theda, Jacobs, Diane, Hurley, Laurine, Martin, Jenny, Maslyuk, Svetlana, Lyall, Mark and Ryan, Matthew. (2019). Students' perspectives of early assessment tasks in their first year at university. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 44(3), pp. 398-414.

Journal article

The Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives (ALGA)
Riseman, Noah. (2019). The Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives (ALGA). History Australia. 16(3), pp. 549-552.

Journal article

Crisis, division and ideology: a comparative study of populist radical right parties in Australia and the Netherlands
Octavia Bryant. (2019). Crisis, division and ideology: a comparative study of populist radical right parties in Australia and the Netherlands [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Faculty of Education and Arts

PhD Thesis

Jewish children in Australian history
Damousi, Joy. (2019). Jewish children in Australian history. Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal. 24(1), pp. 87-108.

Journal article

Introduction: From the Modern to the Digital World: New Order, New Emotions
Damousi, Joy and Davidson, Jane. (2019). Introduction: From the Modern to the Digital World: New Order, New Emotions. In In Davidson, Jane and Damousi, Joy (Ed.). A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Modern and Post-Modern Age pp. 1-18 Bloomsbury.

Book chapter

Culture wars, local government, and the Australia Day controversy: Insights from urban politics research
Chou, Mark and Busbridge, Rachel. (2019). Culture wars, local government, and the Australia Day controversy: Insights from urban politics research. Urban Policy and Research. 37(3), pp. 367 - 377.

Journal article

From humanitarian “charity” to “justice”: The Australian foster parents plan and fostering refugees in Asia during the 1970s
Damousi, Joy. (2019). From humanitarian “charity” to “justice”: The Australian foster parents plan and fostering refugees in Asia during the 1970s. Australian Journal of Politics and History. 65(4), pp. 549 - 565.

Journal article

The politics of decolonisation and bi-nationalism in Israel/Palestine
Bashir, Bashir and Busbridge, Rachel. (2019). The politics of decolonisation and bi-nationalism in Israel/Palestine. Political Studies. 67(2), pp. 388 - 405.

Journal article

Indigenous rights and colonial subjecthood: Protection and reform in the nineteenth-century British Empire
Nettelbeck, Amanda. (2019). Indigenous rights and colonial subjecthood: Protection and reform in the nineteenth-century British Empire Cambridge University Press.


Making connections: John Darwin and his Histories of Empire
Fletcher, Robert S. G., Mountford, Ben and Potter, Simon J.. (2019). Making connections: John Darwin and his Histories of Empire. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 47(5), pp. 801 - 814.

Journal article

Contesting Australian history: Essays in honour of Marilyn Lake
Damousi, Joy and Smart, Judith. In J. Damousi and J. Smart (Ed.). (2019). Contesting Australian history: Essays in honour of Marilyn Lake Monash University Publishing.


Vietnam War, LGBTQ+ Veterans
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2019). Vietnam War, LGBTQ+ Veterans. In In H. Chiang, A. Arondekar and M. Epprecht et al (Ed.). The Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History pp. 1708 - 1710 Charles Scribner's Sons.

Book chapter

Transgender inclusion and Australia's failed Sexuality Discrimination Bill
Riseman, Noah. (2019). Transgender inclusion and Australia's failed Sexuality Discrimination Bill. Australian Journal of Politics and History. 65(2), pp. 259 - 277.

Journal article

Reading and contesting Germaine Greer and Dennis Altman: The 1970s and Beyond
Piccini, Jon and Stevenson, Ana. (2019). Reading and contesting Germaine Greer and Dennis Altman: The 1970s and Beyond. In In J. Piccini, E. Smith and M. Worley (Ed.). The Far left in Australia from 1945 pp. 249 - 266 Routledge.

Book chapter

Do instrumental music students hear differently ? : implications for students who have a disability
Walker, Ross. (2019). Do instrumental music students hear differently ? : implications for students who have a disability [Thesis].


Out of ‘common humanity’: Humanitarianism, compassion and efforts in Australia to assist Jewish refugees in the 1930s
Damousi, Joy. (2019). Out of ‘common humanity’: Humanitarianism, compassion and efforts in Australia to assist Jewish refugees in the 1930s. Australian Historical Studies. 50(1), pp. 81 - 98.

Journal article

Populism 2.0: social media and the false allure of "unmediated" representation
Moffitt, Ben. (2019). Populism 2.0: social media and the false allure of "unmediated" representation. In In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert and B.S. Turner (Ed.). Populism and the Crisis of Democracy: Politics, Social Movements and Extremism pp. 30 - 46 Routledge.

Book chapter

Indigenous peoples and the Second World War: The politics, experiences and legacies of war in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Sheffield, R. Scott and Riseman, Noah. (2019). Indigenous peoples and the Second World War: The politics, experiences and legacies of war in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand Cambridge University Press.


Populism and media in Western Europe
Moffitt, Ben. (2019). Populism and media in Western Europe. In In C. De La Torre (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of Global Populism pp. 235 - 248 Routledge.

Book chapter

Transforming Australian history: Humanitarianism and transnationalism
Damousi, Joy. (2019). Transforming Australian history: Humanitarianism and transnationalism. In In J. Damousi and J. Smart (Ed.). Contesting Australian History: Essays in honour of Marilyn Lake pp. 94 - 106 Monash University Publishing.

Book chapter

‘Hidden from view’?: An analysis of the integration of women’s history and women’s voices into Australia’s social history exhibitions
Cramer, Lorinda and Witcomb, Andrea. (2019). ‘Hidden from view’?: An analysis of the integration of women’s history and women’s voices into Australia’s social history exhibitions. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 25(2), pp. 128 - 142.

Journal article

‘It’s just more, you know, natural’: The perceptions of men who buy sex in an emerging street sex market
Durant, Ben and Couch, Jen. (2019). ‘It’s just more, you know, natural’: The perceptions of men who buy sex in an emerging street sex market. Sexualities: Studies in culture and society. 22(3), pp. 310 - 324.

Journal article

Aboriginal protection and its intermediaries in Britain’s antipodean colonies
Furphy, Samuel and Nettelbeck, Amanda. In S. Furphy and A. Nettelbeck (Ed.). (2019). Aboriginal protection and its intermediaries in Britain’s antipodean colonies Routledge.


Miriam Colombo : A retrospective
Macintyre, Alasdair. (2018). Miriam Colombo : A retrospective [Exhibition]. Australian Catholic University Gallery, Sheehan Building, McAuley Campus, Banyo, Brisbane, QLD, Australia 20 Aug - 19 Oct 2018


Serving in silence? Australian LGBTI military service since World War II
Riseman, Noah, Robinson, Shirleene and Willett, Graham. (2018). Serving in silence? Australian LGBTI military service since World War II [Exhibition]. Tap Gallery, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia 27 Feb 2018


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Aarons, Haydn Mark

Adeney, Ally

Akbar, Ali

Almond, Rosslyn

Alzoubi, Sarah

Anderson, Anna

Andrew, Lisa

Banks, Atticus

Barnett, Chelsea

Barone, Kaleb

Bartholomew, Julie

Bartlett, Whitney

Bell, Catherine Elizabeth

Bellanta, Melissa

Black, Michelle

Borg, Anthony

Brescia, Linda

Brock, Reuben

Brooks, Jessica

Brown, Mary

Bryant, Octavia

Burgess, Peter

Burney, Stuart-James

Burt, Angela

Busbridge, Rachel

Cabanit, Jerica

Carruthers, Victoria

Carter, Lissa

Casey, Daniel

Chalaby, Joy

Charleson, Diane Marie

Checkley, Joel

Chew, Pauline Anne Kar-Wy

Chou, Mark Fei-chun

Christie, Matthew Daniel

Christie, Pamela Helen

Ciclovan, Philip

Clement, Tracey

Collins, Matthew

Collins-Bojovic, Jessica

Connell, Scott

Cook, Duncan Edward

Cook, James Henry

Cooper, Jai

Cooper, Lesley

Cotton, Caroline

Couch, Jennifer Rose


Cox, Katherine

Cramer, Lorinda

Croser, Hamish

Crumlin, Rosemary

Damousi, Joy

Dargaville, Timothy

Dautovic, Tijana

Desor, Shiba

Dorabialski, Jakub

Douglas, Miranda

Dowsett, Simon

Driver, Jacqui

Durant, Ben

Eldridge, Ben

Emmett, Deborah

Ensor, Belinda

Evans, Paul

Faithfull, Anne

Fantini, Sarah

Farasoo, Ghollam Abbas

Farquharson, James

Fieldgrass, Sameera

Firth, Chris

Flaherty, Ian

Forsyth, Hannah Elise

Forwood, Madeleine

Francis, Caitlin Sara

Fries, Katherine

Fromyhr, Judith Joyce

Gardner, Tess

Ghobadzadeh, Naser

Gilbee, Tara

Gildersleeve, Matthew James

Graham, Mary

Grant, Jack

Greig, Ryan

Gruenewald, David

Hall, Tegan

Hardy, Joseph

Hastings, Aqua Yvonne Denise

Hayward, Geoffrey

Haywood, Katrina

Heath, Ekaterina

Heath, Parris

Hellings, Madeline

Hetherington, Andrew

Hill, Jennifer

Humphrys, Angela

Hutchison, Margaret

Jakstas, Tammie

James, Ruby

Jenkins, Emma

Johnson, Edward

Johnson, Nicholas

Johnstone, Ainsley

Katalinic, Steven

Kavenagh, Siobhan

Keating, James

Keily, Bridie

Kelly, Deborah

Khan, Golam

Khan, Muhammad Hassan

King, Jacqueline

Knezevic, Danica

Knott, George

Koch, Emma Greta

Ky, Ngoc Bao Nhu

Lackenby, Michelle Carolyn

Laing, Allyn

Lamb, Karen

Lane, Sharron

Lavery, Gillian

Leon Cortes, Tomas

Lim, Ly Ly

Lipton, Martina

Little, Alex

Logan, Katrina

Longo, Braden

M Perillo, Sophie

Mac Eochagain, Bridget

Macaronas, James

Macintyre, Alasdair

Mack, Matthew

Maddock, Dean

Marland, James

Marshall, Elizabeth

Martorana, Rosa

Maslyuk, Svetlana

Mason, Hannah-Leigh

Matthew, Christopher Anthony

Matthews, Rachel

McGinniss, David

Middleton, Kate

Mills, Louise

Moffitt, Benjamin John

Moghimi, Habib Allah

Moore, Peter

Morabito, Andrew

Morieson, Nicholas

Morrow, Ross John

Mountford, Benjamin

Musgrove, Nell Jane

Myers, Chris

Naqvi, Syed

Neal, Claudine Louise

Needham, Michael

Nettelbeck, Amanda

Nicholson, Clare

Nolan, Marguerite Rose

O'Brien, Theresa

O'Connell, Deirdre

O'Connor, Anthony

Oakes, Katherine

Olliff, Louise

Patterson, Michael

Peters, Georg

Phillips, Timothy Brett

Piccini, Jon

Pirsoul, Nicolas

Plummer, Catharine

Potter, Jenny-Lynn

Qi, Xiaoying

Quilter, Joseph

Quirk, Christin Anne

Ramos, Dondy Pepito II Gamboa

Reading, Eric

Reese, Henry

Ribeiro Seabra Eiras, Paola

Richardson, Elvis

Riseman, Noah Jed

Robertson, Rachel

Roche, Gerald

Rodd, Helen

Rowland, David Patrick

Roy, Sajal

Rutledge-Prior, Serrin

Ryan, Delyse Joy

Ryan, Matthew David

Ryan, Simon

Saba, Arif

Salem, Michelle

Salisbury, Christopher Graham

Salma, Umme

Salsjo, Mia

Sang, Tian

Sayers, Sabrina

Scanlon, Jill

Scott, Matthew James

Shannon, Anna

Siebols, Jeannette

Siountris, Demetra

Slingsby, Elisabeth

Smeaton, Jason

Smith, David

Smith, Erin

Solhdoost, Mohsen

Stephen, Sudeep

Stewart, Heather

Stirling, Nicole

Styles, Ben

Taft, Matthew

Taye, Safiullah

Thomas, Emma

Thompson, Christopher Hugh

Thompson, Michael

Thompson, Nicole Florence

Thompson, Ruth

Thorley, Matthew

Tierney, John Nathan

Trotter, Penelope Jane

Tsai, Jaime

Tugjamba, Navchaa

Vail, Laura

Wade, Janet

Wagstaff, Angela

Walker, Jo-Anne Michelle

Walker, Ross

Waltho, Renee

Warne, Ellen Mary

Warner, Lachlan Phillip

Watters, Stuart John

Webster, Janice Marie

Webster, Samuel

Wentworth, Isabelle

Williams, Juliette

Willmott, Julie

Wilson, Jacqueline

Wolfe, Naomi Cathryn

Wood, James

Yamamoto, Shusaku

Yan, Jimmy

Yee, Dakila

Zambetti, Victoria