Chris Campbell

Contact categoryResearcher (past)
Job titleSessional Academic
Research instituteSchool of Education
Faculty of Education and Arts

Research outputs

Challenges for verifying global heatwave and coldwave forecasts: Can emerging technology help?
Robbins, J., Nairn, J., Williamson, G. J., Wheeler, Amanda, Campbell, S., Bowman, D. M. J. S. and Johnston, F. H.. (2017). Challenges for verifying global heatwave and coldwave forecasts: Can emerging technology help? 21st International Congress of Biometeorology. United States of America: International Society of Biometeorology. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

The case for using learning designs with pre-service teachers
Cameron, Leanne and Campbell, Chris. (2013). The case for using learning designs with pre-service teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 38(6), pp. 35 - 46.

Journal article

Ethical considerations when using mobile technology in the pre-service teacher practicum
Cameron, Leanne and Campbell, Chris. (2012). Ethical considerations when using mobile technology in the pre-service teacher practicum. International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education. 2(2), pp. 1 - 11.

Journal article

Learning designs: A pre-service teacher perspective
Cameron, Leanne and Campbell, Chris. (2011). Learning designs: A pre-service teacher perspective. In In T. Bastiaens and M. Ebner (Ed.). pp. 2869 - 2875 Association for the Advancement of Computing in E....

Book chapter

'Connectivism' :Who is the new kid on the learning theory block?
Dobozy, Eva, Campbell, Chris and Cameron, Leanne. (2011). 'Connectivism' :Who is the new kid on the learning theory block? In T. Fetherston (Ed.). eCULTURE. Australia: Berkeley Electronic Press. pp. 10 - 20

Conference item

Using mobile technology to develop the pre-service teacher practicum
Cameron, Leanne, Campbell, Chris and Sheridan, Lynn. (2011). Using mobile technology to develop the pre-service teacher practicum. In K. Fernstrom and C. Tsolakidis (Ed.). Proceedings of ICICTE 2011: Education and Technology: Innovation and Research. Canada: University of Fraser Valley. pp. 535 - 545

Conference item

Introducing learning design and LAMS to pre-service teachers: When is the best time to do this?
Campbell, C. and Cameron, Leanne. (2011). Introducing learning design and LAMS to pre-service teachers: When is the best time to do this? In T. Bastiaens and M. Ebner (Ed.). Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2011. USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in E.... pp. 688 - 693

Conference item

Why re-invent the wheel? Sharing teaching strategies that work
Cameron, Leanne and Campbell, Chris. (2010). Why re-invent the wheel? Sharing teaching strategies that work. Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010. United States of America: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 796 - 804

Conference item

Sharing learning designs that work
Cameron, Leanne and Campbell, Chris. (2010). Sharing learning designs that work. World Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010 (ED-MEDIA 2010). United States of America: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 1914 - 1919

Conference item

Introducing learning design and LAMS to Pre-service Education students
Campbell, Chris and Cameron, Leanne. (2010). Introducing learning design and LAMS to Pre-service Education students. 2010 European LAMS & Learning Design Conference: Sharing great ideas. Australia: LAMS Foundation. pp. 1 - 7

Conference item

Using Learning Activity Management (LAMS) with pre-service secondary teachers: An authentic task
Campbell, Chris and Cameron, Leanne. (2009). Using Learning Activity Management (LAMS) with pre-service secondary teachers: An authentic task. Same places, different spaces. Proceedings ascilite Auckland 2009. Australia: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE). pp. 96 - 103

Conference item

Junior secondary students' perceptions of influences on their engagement with schooling
Sullivan, Peter, Mornane, Angela, Prain, Vaughan and Campbell, Chris. (2009). Junior secondary students' perceptions of influences on their engagement with schooling. Australian Journal of Education.

Journal article

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