Jenny Martin

Contact categoryResearcher
Job titleAssociate Professor
Research instituteSchool of Education
Faculty of Education and Arts

Research outputs

Understanding supervisory practice and development in the pre-HDR space : An ethogenic approach
Martin, Jennifer, Owens, Alison, Bayes, Sara, Tofari, Paul, Lynch, Claire, Brown, Nicola, Mountford, Benjamin and Warne, Ellen. (2024). Understanding supervisory practice and development in the pre-HDR space : An ethogenic approach. Higher Education Research and Development. pp. 1-16.

Journal article

Positioning theory as a framework for understanding the facilitation of professional development for educational leaders
Martin, Jennifer Lynne, Nuttall, Jocelyn Grace, Wood, Elizabeth and Henderson, Linda. (2024). Positioning theory as a framework for understanding the facilitation of professional development for educational leaders. The Australian Educational Researcher. pp. 1-30.

Journal article

Leadership in early childhood education : A cultural-historical theory of practice development
Nuttall, Joce, Henderson, Linda, Wood, Elizabeth and Martin, Jenny. (2024). Leadership in early childhood education : A cultural-historical theory of practice development Springer Nature.


Educational leadership in early childhood education : Participant vulnerability and a ‘rule of care’
Henderson, Linda, Nuttall, Joce, Wood, Elizabeth and Martin, Jenny. (2023). Educational leadership in early childhood education : Participant vulnerability and a ‘rule of care’. Journal of Early Childhood Research. 22(2), pp. 297-312.

Journal article

Reconceptualising pedagogical leadership for quality in early childhood education : From individual dispositions to systemic creativity
Nuttall, Joce, Henderson, Linda, Wood, Elizabeth and Martin, Jenny. (2023). Reconceptualising pedagogical leadership for quality in early childhood education : From individual dispositions to systemic creativity. In In Hansen, Line Skov and Ringsmose, Charlotte (Ed.). Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care through Leadership and Organizational Learning: Organizational and professional development. pp. 221 - 237 Springer Cham.

Book chapter

The potential of ‘leading identity’ as an analytic concept for understanding Educational Leadership development in early childhood education
Henderson, Linda, Nuttall, Joce, Wood, Elizabeth and Martin, Jenny. (2022). The potential of ‘leading identity’ as an analytic concept for understanding Educational Leadership development in early childhood education. Teachers and Teaching. 28(7), pp. 875-889.

Journal article

Discourse analysis and multimodal meaning making in a science classroom : Meta-methodological insights from three theoretical perspectives
Jenny Martin, Lihua Xu and Lay Hoon Seah. (2021). Discourse analysis and multimodal meaning making in a science classroom : Meta-methodological insights from three theoretical perspectives. Research in Science Education. 51, pp. 187-207.

Journal article

Educational leaders and the project of professionalisation in early childhood education in Australia
Martin, Jenny, Nuttall, Joce, Henderson, Linda and Wood, Elizabeth. (2020). Educational leaders and the project of professionalisation in early childhood education in Australia. International Journal of Educational Research. 101, p. Article 101559.

Journal article

Researching teacher agency in elementary school science using positioning theory and grammar of agency
Martin, Jenny. (2020). Researching teacher agency in elementary school science using positioning theory and grammar of agency. Journal of Science Teacher Education. 31(1), pp. 94-113.

Journal article

Promoting Students’ Critical and Active Engagement in Socio-scientific Problems : Inter-Trans-national Perspectives
Bencze, Larry, Carter, Lynette, Groleau, Audrey, Krstovic, Mirjan, Levinson, Ralph, Martin, Jennifer Lynne, Martins, Isabel, Pouliot, Chantal and Weinstein, Matthew. (2019). Promoting Students’ Critical and Active Engagement in Socio-scientific Problems : Inter-Trans-national Perspectives. In Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2017 Conference pp. 171-188 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Rethinking equity : Standpoints emerging from a community project with victims of violence and abuse in Argentina
Rodriguez, Carolina Castano, Barraza, Laura and Martin, Jenny. (2019). Rethinking equity : Standpoints emerging from a community project with victims of violence and abuse in Argentina. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 14(2), pp. 393-409.

Journal article

Embedding ethics of care into primary science pedagogy : Reflections on our criticality
Carter, Lyn, Castano Rodriguez, Carolina and Martin, Jenny. (2019). Embedding ethics of care into primary science pedagogy : Reflections on our criticality. In In Bazzul, Jesse and Siry, Christina (Ed.). Critical voices in science education research : Narratives of hope and struggle pp. 59-71 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Maintaining our critical work : Stories of curriculum making in initial teacher education
Martin, Jenny and King, Donna. (2019). Maintaining our critical work : Stories of curriculum making in initial teacher education. In In Bazzul, Jesse and Siry, Christina (Ed.). Critical voices in science education research : Narratives of hope and struggle pp. 115-125 Springer.

Book chapter

Students' perspectives of early assessment tasks in their first year at university
Thomas, Theda, Jacobs, Diane, Hurley, Laurine, Martin, Jenny, Maslyuk, Svetlana, Lyall, Mark and Ryan, Matthew. (2019). Students' perspectives of early assessment tasks in their first year at university. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 44(3), pp. 398-414.

Journal article

Finding ways to fill the void : A study of science preservice teachers’ self–positioning as consumers
Martin, Jenny and Carter, Lyn. (2018). Finding ways to fill the void : A study of science preservice teachers’ self–positioning as consumers. In In Reis, Giuliano, Mueller, Michael, Gisewhite, Rachel, Siveres, Luiz and Brito, Renato (Ed.). Sociocultural perspectives on youth ethical consumerism pp. 19-32 Springer.

Book chapter

Ontology matters : A commentary on contribution to cultural historical activity
Martin, Jenny. (2018). Ontology matters : A commentary on contribution to cultural historical activity. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 13(3), pp. 639-647.

Journal article

Researching primary teachers' professional agency: employing interactive ethnography to overcome reluctance to teach science
Martin, Jenny. (2019). Researching primary teachers' professional agency: employing interactive ethnography to overcome reluctance to teach science. Research in Science Education. 49(5), pp. 1279-1299.

Journal article

"I had to take action straight away." Preservice teachers' accounts of pro-environmental action
Carter, Lyn and Martin, Jenny. (2018). "I had to take action straight away." Preservice teachers' accounts of pro-environmental action. In In Bencze, Larry (Ed.). Science and Technology Education Promoting Wellbeing for Individuals, Societies and Environments : STEPWISE pp. 523-537 Springer.

Book chapter

Nuttall, Joce, Kostogriz, Alex, Jones, Mellita and Martin, Jenny. (2017). Introduction. In In Nuttall, Joce, Kostogriz, Alex, Jones, Mellita and Martin, Jenny (Ed.). Teacher education policy and practice : Evidence of impact, impact of evidence pp. vii-xii Springer.

Book chapter

Becoming professionally agentic : Researching pedagogical reasoning in initial teacher education
Martin, Jenny, Keast, Stephen and Anders, Lucy. (2017). Becoming professionally agentic : Researching pedagogical reasoning in initial teacher education. In In Nuttall, Joce, Kostogriz, Alex, Jones, Mellita and Martin, Jenny (Ed.). Teacher education policy and practice : Evidence of impact, impact of evidence pp. 67-81 Springer.

Book chapter

Teacher education policy and practice : Evidence of impact, impact of evidence
In Nuttall, Joce, Kostogriz, Alexander, Jones, Mellita and Martin, Jenny (Ed.). (2017). Teacher education policy and practice : Evidence of impact, impact of evidence Springer.


Agency and learning : Researching agency in educational interactions
Rajala, Antti, Martin, Jenny and Kumpulainen, Kristiina. (2016). Agency and learning : Researching agency in educational interactions. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 10, pp. 1-3.

Journal article

The grammar of agency : Studying possibilities for student agency in science classroom discourse
Martin, Jenny. (2016). The grammar of agency : Studying possibilities for student agency in science classroom discourse. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 10, pp. 40-49.

Journal article

Preservice teacher agency concerning education for sustainability (EfS) : A discursive psychological approach
Martin, Jenny and Carter, Lyn. (2015). Preservice teacher agency concerning education for sustainability (EfS) : A discursive psychological approach. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 52(4), pp. 560-573.

Journal article

Questioning collectives and agencies : A commentary on curricular choices
Arnold, Jenny. (2015). Questioning collectives and agencies : A commentary on curricular choices. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 10(2), pp. 437-444.

Journal article

What is 'agency'? Perspectives in science education research
Martin, Arnold and Clarke, David John. (2014). What is 'agency'? Perspectives in science education research. International Journal of Science Education. 36(5), pp. 735-754.

Journal article

The use of video technology to enhance research capacity to meet scientific and moral criteria for evaluation for discursive psychological studies in education
Martin, Jenny and Clarke, David. (2012). The use of video technology to enhance research capacity to meet scientific and moral criteria for evaluation for discursive psychological studies in education. Joint AARE/APERA Inernational Conference. Sydney, NSW, Australia 2012 Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1-11

Conference paper

Multi-theoretic approaches to understanding the science classroom
Clarke, David, Xu, Li Hua, Arnold, Jenny, Seah, Lay Hoon, Hart, Christina, Tytler, Russell and Prain, Vaughan. (2011). Multi-theoretic approaches to understanding the science classroom. The ESERA 2011 Conference : Science learning and Citizenship. Université de Lyon, Lyon, France 05 - 09 Sep 2011 Lyon, France: European Science Education Research Association. pp. 26-40

Conference paper

Science students’ classroom discourse : Tasha’s umwelt
Martin, Jenny. (2012). Science students’ classroom discourse : Tasha’s umwelt. Research in Science Education. 42(2), pp. 233-259.

Journal article

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