Embedding ethics of care into primary science pedagogy : Reflections on our criticality

Book chapter

Carter, Lyn, Castano Rodriguez, Carolina and Martin, Jenny. (2019). Embedding ethics of care into primary science pedagogy : Reflections on our criticality. In In Bazzul, Jesse and Siry, Christina (Ed.). Critical voices in science education research : Narratives of hope and struggle pp. 59-71 Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99990-6_7
AuthorsCarter, Lyn, Castano Rodriguez, Carolina and Martin, Jenny
EditorsBazzul, Jesse and Siry, Christina

In this chapter, the authors analyze the difficulties and opportunities to broaden the purpose of science education using critical perspectives derived from ethics of care theory. Through the analysis of a science school-university collaborative project we discuss how the ethic of care theory became central to our work and how collaborative relations pushed the boundaries of acceptable practice and purposes of science education. We also reflect on the university roles relating to issues of parity and power within the collaborative project using narratives to describe the changes in expectations and participation. We provide an overview of the ethics of care as we believe it accedes with, and has the potential to progress criticality in science education. Carolina’s adoption and development of an ethics of care approach to her own teaching and scholarship is explored in light of her commitment to criticality and how she connects her personal life experiences, her previous path as a scientist and the political issues surrounding science. We contrast her views and our aims for the project we carried out with the teachers work and views. We conclude the chapter with a discussion of some insights that we hope will iteratively progress further the analysis and reporting of our approach to critical professional learning and pedagogy.

Keywordsethics of care ; school university partnerships; primary science; pedagogy
Page range59-71
Book titleCritical voices in science education research : Narratives of hope and struggle
PublisherSpringer Nature
Place of publicationCham, Switzerland
SeriesCultural studies of science education ; volume 17
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99990-6_7
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Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online24 Jan 2019
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Deposited18 Nov 2021
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