Influence of lesson study on teachers' mathematics pedagogy

Book chapter

Olson, Jo Clay, White, Paul and Sparrow, Len. (2011). Influence of lesson study on teachers' mathematics pedagogy. In In L.C.Hart, A.Alston and A.Murata (Ed.). pp. 39 - 57 Springer.
AuthorsOlson, Jo Clay, White, Paul and Sparrow, Len
EditorsL.C.Hart, A.Alston and A.Murata

The experiences of five U. S. elementary teachers who engaged in lesson study to investigate the teaching and learning of mathematics were quite different. Three teachers accepted the challenges highlighted by the lesson study process. They reflected on and changed their mathematics teaching practice in fundamental ways. The other two teachers rejected the challenges and maintained their traditional pedagogy for teaching mathematics. System-wide requirements (e.g., state testing) constrained the development of these two teachers while the ability to personalize insights and critically reflect became catalysts for professional growth of the three who changed.

Keywordssocial capital; professional development; school district; cognitive demand; mathematical thinking
Page range39 - 57
Place of publicationUSA
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Research GroupSchool of Education
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File Access Level
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