Teaching percentages: Professional learning in three regional Catholic schools

Journal article

White, Paul, Mitchelmore, Michael, Wilson, Sue and Faragher, Rhonda. (2008). Teaching percentages: Professional learning in three regional Catholic schools. Journal of Catholic School Studies. 80(2), pp. 55 - 62.
AuthorsWhite, Paul, Mitchelmore, Michael, Wilson, Sue and Faragher, Rhonda
JournalJournal of Catholic School Studies
Journal citation80 (2), pp. 55 - 62
PublisherAustralian Catholic University
Page range55 - 62
Research GroupSchool of Education
Place of publicationAustralia
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A new approach to teaching percentages
White, Paul and Wilson, Sue. (2008). A new approach to teaching percentages. Reflections (North Ryde) (print version). 33(1), pp. 15 - 18.
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Percentages as Part Whole Relationships
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The context rich integrated maths and science (CRIMS) projects
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Pentimals; or why 10 is a better base than 5
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The Influence of Perceived Constrains on Teachers' Problem-Solving Beliefs and Practices
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Abstraction in mathematics and mathematics learning
White, Paul and Mitchelmore, Michael. (2004). Abstraction in mathematics and mathematics learning. In M. J. Hoenes and A B Fuglestad (Ed.). Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International group for the psychology of mathematics education. Bergen,Norway: International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. pp. 329 - 336
Professional development: Mathematical content versus pedagogy
White, Paul, Mitchelmore, Michael, Branca, N. and Maxon, M.. (2004). Professional development: Mathematical content versus pedagogy. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development. 6, pp. 49 - 60.
Possibilities not limitations: Teaching special needs children
Clarke, Barbara and Faragher, Rhonda Muriel. (2004). Possibilities not limitations: Teaching special needs children. In In B. clarke, D.M. Clarke and G. Clarke et al. (Ed.). International Perspectives on Learning and Teaching Mathematics pp. 379 - 394 National Center for Mathematics Education.
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Mitchelmore, Michael and White, Paul. (2003). Teaching angles by abstraction from physical activities with concrete materials. In N. Pateman, B. Dougherty and J. Zilliox (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Meeting of PME and PMENA. Honolulu, United States: Curriculum Research and Development Group - University of Hawaii. pp. 403 - 410
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