Donny Michael Camera

Contact categoryResearcher (past)
Job titleSessional Academic
Research instituteFaculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences

Research outputs

Interrelated but not time-aligned response in myogenic regulatory factors demethylation and mRNA expression after divergent exercise bouts
Telles, Guilherme Defante, Libardi, Cleiton Augusto, Conceição, Miguel Soares, Vechin, Felipe Cassaro, Lixandrão, Manoel Emílio, Mangone, Flavia Regina Rotea, Pavanelli, Ana Carolina, Nagai, Maria Aparecida, Camera, Donny Michael, Hawley, John A. and Ugrinowitsch, Carlos. (2023). Interrelated but not time-aligned response in myogenic regulatory factors demethylation and mRNA expression after divergent exercise bouts. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 55(2), pp. 199-208.

Journal article

Myofibre hypertrophy in the absence of changes to satellite cell content following concurrent exercise training in young healthy men
Shamim, Baubak, Camera, Donny M. and Whitfield, Jamie. (2021). Myofibre hypertrophy in the absence of changes to satellite cell content following concurrent exercise training in young healthy men. Frontiers in Physiology. 12, p. Article 625044.

Journal article

Skeletal muscle adaptive responses to different types of short-term exercise training and detraining in middle-age men
Callahan, Marcus J., Parr, Evelyn B., Snijders, Tim, Conceição, Miguel S., Radford, Bridget E., Timmins, Ryan G., Devlin, Brooke L., Hawley, John A. and Camera, Donny M.. (2021). Skeletal muscle adaptive responses to different types of short-term exercise training and detraining in middle-age men. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 53(10), pp. 2023-2036.

Journal article

Can high-intensity interval training promote skeletal muscle anabolism?
Callahan, Marcus J., Parr, Evelyn B., Hawley, John A. and Camera, Donny M.. (2021). Can high-intensity interval training promote skeletal muscle anabolism? Sports Medicine. 51, pp. 405-421.

Journal article

Differences in lower limb strength and structure after 12 weeks of resistance, endurance, and concurrent training
Timmins, Ryan G., Shamim, Baubak, Tofari, Paul J., Hickey, Jack T. and Camera, Donny M.. (2020). Differences in lower limb strength and structure after 12 weeks of resistance, endurance, and concurrent training. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 15(9), pp. 1223-1230.

Journal article

Divergent regulation of myotube formation and gene expression by E2 and EPA during in-vitro differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts
Lacham-Kaplan, Orly, Camera, Donny and Hawley, John. (2020). Divergent regulation of myotube formation and gene expression by E2 and EPA during in-vitro differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21(3), pp. 1-18.

Journal article

A single bout of strenuous exercise overcomes lipid-induced anabolic resistance to protein ingestion in overweight, middle-aged men
Smiles, William J., Churchward-Venne, Tyler A., van Loon, Luc J. C., Hawley, John A. and Camera, Donny M.. (2019). A single bout of strenuous exercise overcomes lipid-induced anabolic resistance to protein ingestion in overweight, middle-aged men. The FASEB Journal. 33(6), pp. 7009 - 7017.

Journal article

Augmented anabolic responses after 8-wk cycling with blood flow restriction
Conceição, Miguel Soares, Mendes, Telles, Guilherme Defante, Libardi, Cleiton Augusto, Castro, Alex, Andrade, André L. L., Brum, Patrícia Chakur, Urias, Úrsula, Kurauti, Mirian Ayumi, Costa, Boschero, Antonio Carlos, Cavaglieri, Cláudia Regina, Camera, Donny M., Chacon-Mikahil, Mara Patricia Traina, Junior, Edson Manoel Mendes and Júnior, José Maria Costa. (2019). Augmented anabolic responses after 8-wk cycling with blood flow restriction. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 51(1), pp. 84 - 93.

Journal article

Autophagy, exercise, and lifestyle modification
Camera, Donny M. and Smiles, William J.. (2018). Autophagy, exercise, and lifestyle modification. In In Ren, Jun, Sowers, James R. and Zhang, Yingmei (Ed.). Autophagy and cardiometabolic diseases : From molecular mechanisms to translational medicine pp. 305-314 Academic Press.

Book chapter

Effects of creatine and carbohydrate loading on cycling time trial performance
Tomcik, Kristyen A., Camera, Donny, Bone, Julia L. L., Ross, Meg, Jeacocke, N. A., Tachtsis, Bill, Senden, Joan M., Van Loon, Luc, Hawley, John and Burke, Louise. (2018). Effects of creatine and carbohydrate loading on cycling time trial performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 50(1), pp. 141 - 150.

Journal article

Potential Roles of n-3 PUFAs during Skeletal Muscle Growth and Regeneration
Tachtsis, Bill, Camera, Donny and Lacham-Kaplan, Orly. (2018). Potential Roles of n-3 PUFAs during Skeletal Muscle Growth and Regeneration. Nutrients. 10(3), p. 309.

Journal article

Anabolic heterogeneity following resistance training: A role for Circadian rhythm?
Camera, Donny M.. (2018). Anabolic heterogeneity following resistance training: A role for Circadian rhythm? Frontiers in Physiology. 9, pp. 1 - 13.

Journal article

Potential roles of n-3 PUFAs during skeletal muscle growth and regeneration
Tachtsis, Bill, Camera, Donny and Lacham-Kaplan, Orly. (2018). Potential roles of n-3 PUFAs during skeletal muscle growth and regeneration. Nutrients. 10(3), pp. 1 - 20.

Journal article

The guardian of the genome p53 regulates exercise-induced mitochondrial plasticity beyond organelle biogenesis
Smiles, William and Camera, Donny. (2018). The guardian of the genome p53 regulates exercise-induced mitochondrial plasticity beyond organelle biogenesis. Acta Physiologica. 222(3), pp. 1 - 13.

Journal article

Protein availability and satellite cell dynamics in skeletal muscle
Shamim, Baubak, Hawley, John and Camera, Donny. (2018). Protein availability and satellite cell dynamics in skeletal muscle. Sports Medicine. 48(6), pp. 1329 - 1343.

Journal article

Where do satellite cells orbit? An endomysium space odyssey
Shamim, Baubak, Conceicao, Miguel, Callahan, Marcus J. and Camera, Donny. (2018). Where do satellite cells orbit? An endomysium space odyssey. The Journal of Physiology. 596(10), pp. 1791 - 1792.

Journal article

Muscle fiber hypertrophy and myonuclei addition: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Conceição, Miguel S., Vechin, Felipe C., Lixandrão, Manoel, Damas, Felipe, Libardi, Cleiton A., Tricoli, Valmor, Roschel, Hamilton, Camera, Donny and Ugrinowitsch, Carlos. (2018). Muscle fiber hypertrophy and myonuclei addition: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 50(7), pp. 1385 - 1393.

Journal article

Adaptations to concurrent training in combination with high protein availability: A comparative trial in healthy, recreationally active men
Shamim, Baubak, Devlin, Brooke L., Timmins, Ryan G., Tofari, Paul, Dow, Connor Lee, Coffey, Vernon G., Hawley, John A. and Camera, Donny M.. (2018). Adaptations to concurrent training in combination with high protein availability: A comparative trial in healthy, recreationally active men. Sports Medicine. 48(12), pp. 2869 - 2883.

Journal article

Dynamic proteome profiling of individual proteins in human skeletal muscle after a high-fat diet and resistance exercise
Camera, Donny M., Burniston, Jatin G., Pogson, Mark A., Smiles, William J. and Hawley, John A.. (2017). Dynamic proteome profiling of individual proteins in human skeletal muscle after a high-fat diet and resistance exercise. The FASEB Journal. 31(12), pp. 5478-5494.

Journal article

Acute low-intensity cycling with blood-flow restriction has no effect on metabolic signaling in human skeletal muscle compared to traditional exercise
Smiles, William J., Conceição, Miguel S., Telles, Guilherme D., Chacon-Mikahil, Mara P. T., Cavaglieri, Cláudia R., Vechin, Felipe C., Libardi, Cleiton A., Hawley, John A. and Camera, Donny M.. (2017). Acute low-intensity cycling with blood-flow restriction has no effect on metabolic signaling in human skeletal muscle compared to traditional exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 117(2), pp. 345-358.

Journal article

Fenugreek increases insulin-stimulated creatine content in l6C11 muscle myotubes
Tomcik, Kristyen, Smiles, William, Camera, Donny, Hugel, Helmut M., Hawley, John and Watts, Rani. (2017). Fenugreek increases insulin-stimulated creatine content in l6C11 muscle myotubes. European Journal of Nutrition. 56(3), pp. 973 - 979.

Journal article

Transcriptomic and epigenetic responses to short-term nutrient-exercise stress in humans
Laker, R. C., Garde, C., Camera, Donny, Smiles, William, Zierath, J. R., Hawley, John and Barrès, R.. (2017). Transcriptomic and epigenetic responses to short-term nutrient-exercise stress in humans. Scientific Reports. 7(1), pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article

Expression of microRNAs and target proteins in skeletal muscle of rats selectively bred for high and low running capacity
Pinto, Samuel K., Lamon, Séverine, Stephenson, Erin J., Kalanon, M., Mikovic, Jasmine, Koch, L G., Britton, S. L., Hawley, John and Camera, Donny. (2017). Expression of microRNAs and target proteins in skeletal muscle of rats selectively bred for high and low running capacity. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 313(3), pp. 335 - 343.

Journal article

Attenuated PGC-1α isoforms following endurance exercise with blood flow restriction
Conceição, Miguel Soares, Chacon-Mikahil, Mara Patricia Traina, Telles, Guilherme Defante, Libardi, Cleiton Augusto, Júnior, Edson Manoel Mendes, Vechin, Felipe Cassaro, Lugani de Andrade, André Luis, Gáspari, Arthur Fernandes, Brum, Patrícia Chakur, Cavaglieri, Cláudia Regina, Serag, Sara, Spiegelman, Bruce M., Hawley, John A. and Camera, Donny M.. (2016). Attenuated PGC-1α isoforms following endurance exercise with blood flow restriction. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 16(4809), pp. 1699-1707.

Journal article

Acute endurance exercise induces nuclear p53 abundance in human skeletal muscle
Tachtsis, Bill, Smiles, William, Lane, Steven C., Hawley, John Alan and Camera, Donny Michael. (2016). Acute endurance exercise induces nuclear p53 abundance in human skeletal muscle. Frontiers in Physiology. 7(144), pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

Circulating microRNA responses between 'high' and 'low' responders to a 16-wk diet and exercise weight loss intervention
Parr, Evelyn B., Camera, Donny M., Burke, Louise M., Phillips, Stuart M., Coffey, Vernon G. and Hawley, John Alan. (2016). Circulating microRNA responses between 'high' and 'low' responders to a 16-wk diet and exercise weight loss intervention. PLoS ONE. 11(4), pp. 1 - 14.

Journal article

Commentaries on Viewpoint: The rigorous study of exercise adaptations: Why mRNA might not be enough
Camera, Donny and Hawley, John. (2016). Commentaries on Viewpoint: The rigorous study of exercise adaptations: Why mRNA might not be enough. Journal of Applied Physiology. 121(2), pp. 598 - 598.

Journal article

Exercise-induced skeletal muscle signaling pathways and human athletic performance
Camera, Donny Michael, Smiles, William J. and Hawley, John Alan. (2016). Exercise-induced skeletal muscle signaling pathways and human athletic performance. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 98, pp. 131 - 143.

Journal article

Effects of skeletal muscle energy availability on protein turnover responses to exercise
Smiles, William J., Hawley, John Alan and Camera, Donny Michael. (2016). Effects of skeletal muscle energy availability on protein turnover responses to exercise. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219(Pt 2), pp. 214 - 225.

Journal article

Protein coingestion with alcohol following strenuous exercise attenuates alcohol-induced intramyocellular apoptosis and inhibition of autophagy
Smiles, William J., Parr, Evelyn B., Coffey, Vernon G., Lacham-Kaplan, Orly, Hawley, John Alan and Camera, Donny Michael. (2016). Protein coingestion with alcohol following strenuous exercise attenuates alcohol-induced intramyocellular apoptosis and inhibition of autophagy. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 311(5), pp. E836 - E849.

Journal article

Selective modulation of microRNA expression with protein ingestion following concurrent resistance and endurance exercise in human skeletal muscle
Camera, Donny Michael, Ong, Jun N., Coffey, Vernon Glenn and Hawley, John Alan. (2016). Selective modulation of microRNA expression with protein ingestion following concurrent resistance and endurance exercise in human skeletal muscle. Frontiers in Physiology. 7(Mar), pp. 1 - 8.

Journal article

Modulation of autophagy signaling with resistance exercise and protein ingestion following short-term energy deficit
Smiles, William J., Areta, José L., Coffey, Vernon G., Phillips, Stuart M., Moore, Daniel R., Stellingwerff, Trent, Burke, Louise M., Hawley, John A. and Camera, Donny M.. (2015). Modulation of autophagy signaling with resistance exercise and protein ingestion following short-term energy deficit. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 309(5), pp. R603-R612.

Journal article

Need for measures of satellite cell activation along with muscle protein synthesis?
Camera, Donny and Hawley, John. (2015). Need for measures of satellite cell activation along with muscle protein synthesis? Journal of Applied Physiology. 118(4), pp. 500 - 500.

Journal article

Alcohol ingestion impairs maximal post-exercise rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis following a single bout of concurrent training
Parr, Evelyn, Camera, Donny, Areta, José, Burke, Louise, Phillips, Stuart, Hawley, John A. and Coffey, Vernon. (2014). Alcohol ingestion impairs maximal post-exercise rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis following a single bout of concurrent training. PLoS ONE. 9(2), pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article

Beyond muscle hypertrophy: Why dietary protein is important for endurance athletes
Moore, Daniel, Camera, Donny, Areta, José and Hawley, John A.. (2014). Beyond muscle hypertrophy: Why dietary protein is important for endurance athletes. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 39(9), pp. 987 - 997.

Journal article

Reduced resting skeletal muscle protein synthesis is reduced by resistance exercise and protein ingestion following short-term energy deficit
Areta, José, Burke, Louise, Camera, Donny, West, Daniel, Crawshay, Siobhan, Moore, Daniel, Stellingwerff, Trent, Phillips, Stuart, Hawley, John A. and Coffey, Vernon. (2014). Reduced resting skeletal muscle protein synthesis is reduced by resistance exercise and protein ingestion following short-term energy deficit. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 306(8), pp. E989 - E997.

Journal article

Meteorin-like is a hormone that regulates immune-adipose interactions to increase beige fat thermogenesis
Rao, Rajesh, Long, Jonathan, White, James, Svensson, Katrin, Lou, Jesse, Lokurkar, Isha, Jedrychowski, Mark, Ruas, Jorge, Wrann, Christiane, Lo, James, Camera, Donny, Lachey, Jenn, Gygi, Steven, Seehra, Jasbir, Hawley, John and Spiegelman, Bruce. (2014). Meteorin-like is a hormone that regulates immune-adipose interactions to increase beige fat thermogenesis. Cell. 157(6), pp. 1279 - 1291.

Journal article

Meteorin-like Is a Hormone that Regulates Immune-Adipose Interactions to Increase Beige Fat Thermogenesis
Rao, Rajesh, Long, Jonathan Z., White, James P., Svensson, Katrin J., Lou, Jesse, Lokurkar, Isha, Jedrychowski, Mark P., Ruas, Jorge L., Wrann, Christine D., Camera, Donny, Lachey, Jenn, Gygi, Steven, Seehra, Jasbir, Hawley, John and Spiegelman, Bruce M.. (2014). Meteorin-like Is a Hormone that Regulates Immune-Adipose Interactions to Increase Beige Fat Thermogenesis. Cell. 157(6), pp. 1279 - 1291.

Journal article

ERK1/2 in the brain mediates the effects of central resistin on reducing thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue
Kosari, Samin, Camera, Donny Michael, Hawley, John Alan, Stebbing, Martin and Badoer, Emilio. (2013). ERK1/2 in the brain mediates the effects of central resistin on reducing thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue. International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. 5(3), pp. 184 - 189.

Journal article

Timing and distribution of protein ingestion during prolonged recovery from resistance exercise alters myofibrillar protein synthesis
Areta, José, Burke, Louise, Ross, M, Camera, Donny, West, D, Broad, E, Jeacocke, N, Moore, Daniel, Stellingwerff, T and Phillips, S. (2013). Timing and distribution of protein ingestion during prolonged recovery from resistance exercise alters myofibrillar protein synthesis. The Journal of Physiology.

Journal article

Skeletal muscle respiratory capacity is enhanced in rats consuming an obesogenic Western diet
Stephenson, E, Camera, Donny, Jenkins, T, Kosari, S, Lee, Joohyung, Hawley, John and Stepto, N. (2012). Skeletal muscle respiratory capacity is enhanced in rats consuming an obesogenic Western diet. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 302(12), pp. E1541 - E1549.

Journal article

Sex-based comparisons of myofibrillar protein synthesis after resistance exercise in the fed state
West, D, Burd, N, Churchward-Venne, T, Camera, Donny, Mitchell, Cameron, Baker, S, Hawley, John, Coffey, Vernon and Phillips, S. (2012). Sex-based comparisons of myofibrillar protein synthesis after resistance exercise in the fed state. Journal of Applied Physiology. 112(11), pp. 1805 - 1813.

Journal article

Low muscle glycogen concentration does not suppress the anabolic response to resistance exercise
Camera, Donny, West, D, Burd, N, Phillips, S, Garnham, A, Hawley, John and Coffey, Vernon. (2012). Low muscle glycogen concentration does not suppress the anabolic response to resistance exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology. 113(2), pp. 206 - 214.

Journal article

No role for early IGF-1 signalling in stimulating acute 'muscle building' responses
Burd, Nicholas A., West, D. W., Camera, Donny and Breen, L.. (2011). No role for early IGF-1 signalling in stimulating acute 'muscle building' responses. The Journal of Physiology.

Journal article

Early time course of akt phosphorylation after endurance and resistance exercise
Camera, Donny, Edge, J, Short, M, Hawley, John and Coffey, Vernon. (2010). Early time course of akt phosphorylation after endurance and resistance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 42(10), pp. 1843 - 1852.

Journal article

Short-term endurance training does not alter the oxidative capacity of human subcutaneous adipose tissue
Camera, Donny, Anderson, Malcolm, Hawley, John and Carey, A. (2010). Short-term endurance training does not alter the oxidative capacity of human subcutaneous adipose tissue. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 109(2), pp. 307 - 316.

Journal article

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