Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry
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Faculty | Faculty of Theology and Philosophy |
Latest research outputs
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‘A Possession for Eternity’ : Thomas De Quincey’s feeling for war
Champion, Michael Wesley and Stanyon, Miranda. (2018). ‘A Possession for Eternity’ : Thomas De Quincey’s feeling for war. In In Downes, Stephanie, Lynch, Andrew and O'Loughlin, Katrina (Ed.). Writing War in Britain and France, 1370-1854: A History of Emotions pp. 219 Routledge. chapter
Medieval graffiti inscriptions
Champion, Matthew Simeon. (2018). Medieval graffiti inscriptions. In The Oxford Handbook of Later Medieval Archaeology in Britain pp. 626-640 Oxford University Press. chapter
Creation, civil authority and salvation. Edward Schillebeeckx's political theology after Vatican II
van Erp, Stephan. (2018). Creation, civil authority and salvation. Edward Schillebeeckx's political theology after Vatican II. Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum. 3, pp. 293-315.Journal article
Een geschonden orde : Een theologische reflectie op migratie en de christelijke identiteit van Europa
van Erp, Stephan. (2018). Een geschonden orde : Een theologische reflectie op migratie en de christelijke identiteit van Europa. Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid. 9(1), pp. 91-103. article
The problem of suffering : A Thomistic approach
Stump, Eleonore. (2018). The problem of suffering : A Thomistic approach. In In Trakakis, N. N. (Ed.). The problem of evil : Eight views in dialogue pp. 12-25 Oxford University Press. chapter
Reasons and theoretical rationality
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Reasons and theoretical rationality. In In Star, Daniel (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of reasons and normativity pp. 529-552 Oxford University Press. chapter
Objectivism and subjectivism in epistemology
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Objectivism and subjectivism in epistemology. In In Mitova, Veli (Ed.). The factive turn in epistemology pp. 142-160 Cambridge University Press. chapter
Knowledge, reason, and errors about error theory
Côté-Bouchard, Charles and Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Knowledge, reason, and errors about error theory. In In Kyriacou, Christos and McKenna, Robin (Ed.). Metaepistemology : Realism and anti-realism pp. 147-171 Palgrave Macmillan. chapter
The right in the good : A defense of teleological non-consequentialism
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). The right in the good : A defense of teleological non-consequentialism. In In Ahlstrom-Vij, H. Kristoffer and Dunn, Jeffrey (Ed.). Epistemic consequentialism pp. 23-47 Oxford University Press. chapter
Standing in a garden of forking
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Standing in a garden of forking. In In McCain, Kevin (Ed.). Believing in accordance with the evidence : New essays on evidentialism pp. 223-243 Springer. chapter
Evidence and its limits
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Evidence and its limits. In In McHugh, Conor, Way, Jonathan and Whiting, Daniel (Ed.). Normativity : Epistemic and practical pp. 115-136 Oxford University Press. chapter
Knowledge and normativity
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Knowledge and normativity. In In Hetherington, Stephen and Valaris, Markos (Ed.). Knowledge in contemporary philosophy pp. 249-268 Bloomsbury Publishing. chapter
Moore’s Paradox and assertion
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Moore’s Paradox and assertion. In In Goldberg, Sanford (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of Assertion pp. 707-725 Oxford University Press. chapter
Just do it? When to do what you judge you ought to do
Dutant, Julien and Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Just do it? When to do what you judge you ought to do. Synthese. 195(9), pp. 3755-3772. article
Stop making sense? On a puzzle about rationality
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2018). Stop making sense? On a puzzle about rationality. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 96(2), pp. 257-272. article
Philo of Alexandria : An annotated bibliography 2015
Runia, D. T., Alesso, M., Birnbaum , E., Geljon, A. C., Keizer, H. M., Leonhardt-Balzer, J., Niehoff, M. R., Pearce , S. J. K., Seland, S. and Weisser, S.. (2018). Philo of Alexandria : An annotated bibliography 2015. In In Runia, D. T., Sterling, Gregory E., Pearce, Sarah J. K. and Cover, Michael (Ed.). The studia philonica annual ; volume XXX pp. 115-164 SBL Press. chapter
Special issue : Navigating impasses in bioethics : End of life, disability, and mental illness
Ripamonti, Lidia, De Campos, Thana and McCosker, Philip James. (2018). Special issue : Navigating impasses in bioethics : End of life, disability, and mental illness. Journal of Disability and Religion. 22(3), pp. 225-227. article
Moving objects : Reading the emotions of Japanese Christian exiles in Batavia
Broomhall, Susan. (2018). Moving objects : Reading the emotions of Japanese Christian exiles in Batavia. Australian Humanities Review. November2018 (9), pp. 71-79.Journal article
Feeling divine nature : Natural history, emotions and Bernard Palissy's knowledge practice
Broomhall, Susan. (2018). Feeling divine nature : Natural history, emotions and Bernard Palissy's knowledge practice. In In Garrod, Raphaële and Smith, Paul J. (Ed.). Natural history in early modern France : The poetics of an epistemic genre pp. 46-69 Koninklijke Brill NV. chapter
Courting Nassau affections : Performing love in Orange-Nassau marriage negotiations
Broomhall, Susan and Van Gent, Jacqueline. (2018). Courting Nassau affections : Performing love in Orange-Nassau marriage negotiations. In In Maddern, Philippa, McEwan, Joanne and Scott, Anne M. (Ed.). Performing emotions in Early Europe pp. 133-168 Brepols Publishers. chapter
Counsel as performative practice of power in Catherine de’ Medici’s early regencies
Broomhall, Susan. (2018). Counsel as performative practice of power in Catherine de’ Medici’s early regencies. In In Matheson-Pollock, Helen, Paul, Joanne and Fletcher, Catherine (Ed.). Queenship and counsel in Early Modern Europe pp. 135-159 Palgrave Macmillan. chapter
“The ambition in my love” : The theater of courtly conduct in All’s Well that Ends Well
Broomhall, Susan. (2018). “The ambition in my love” : The theater of courtly conduct in All’s Well that Ends Well. In In Finn, Kavita Mudan and Schutte, Valerie (Ed.). The Palgrave handbook of Shakespeare's queens pp. 355-372 Palgrave Macmillan. chapter
Emotion, place and memory at the Royal Abbey of St Denis
Cassidy-Welch, Megan. (2018). Emotion, place and memory at the Royal Abbey of St Denis. In In Philippa Maddern, Joanne McEwan and Scott, Anne M. (Ed.). Performing emotions in early Europe pp. 185-199 Brepols Publishers. chapter
'The king and i' : Rhetorics of power in the letters of diane de poitiers
Broomhall, Susan. (2018). 'The king and i' : Rhetorics of power in the letters of diane de poitiers. In In Broomhall, Susan (Ed.). Women and power at the French court, 1483-1563 pp. 335-355 Amsterdam University Press. chapter
In the orbit of the king : Women, power, and authority at the French Court, 1483-1573
Broomhall, Susan. (2018). In the orbit of the king : Women, power, and authority at the French Court, 1483-1573. In In Broomhall, Susan (Ed.). Women and power at the French court, 1483-1563 pp. 9-39 Amsterdam University Press. chapter
Epicurus and the Placita
Runia, David T.. (2018). Epicurus and the Placita. In In Jaap Mansfeld and David Runia (Ed.). Aëtiana IV: Papers of the Melbourne Colloquium on Ancient Doxography pp. 377-432 Brill. chapter
Normative Political Theology as Intensified Critique
David Newheiser. (2018). Normative Political Theology as Intensified Critique. Political Theology. 19(8), pp. 669-674. article
"Religion" and Its Other: A Response to Gregg Lambert, Return Statements
Newheiser, David. (2018). "Religion" and Its Other: A Response to Gregg Lambert, Return Statements. Philosophy Today. 62(4), pp. 1277-1282. article
Infinite value and the best of all possible worlds
Climenhaga, Nevin. (2018). Infinite value and the best of all possible worlds. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 97(2), pp. 367 - 392. article
'Lasst uns zur freundlichkeit gehen': A saying misattributed to Papias of Hierapolis
Carlson, Stephen. (2018). 'Lasst uns zur freundlichkeit gehen': A saying misattributed to Papias of Hierapolis. Journal of Theological Studies. 69(2), pp. 573 - 576. article
The meaning of κλύστας and the value of a μαχαίριον: Vita Dosithei (BHG 2117) and healthcare in Gazan monasteries
Zecher, Jonathan L.. (2018). The meaning of κλύστας and the value of a μαχαίριον: Vita Dosithei (BHG 2117) and healthcare in Gazan monasteries. Analecta Bollandiana. 136(1), pp. 43 - 55. article
A metaliterary approach to Ursicinus' outburst (Amm. Marc. 20.2.4)
Hanaghan, Michael. (2018). A metaliterary approach to Ursicinus' outburst (Amm. Marc. 20.2.4). Philologus: Zeitschrift fuer antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption. 162(1), pp. 112 - 136. article
Hermogenes the smith and narrative characterisation in the acts of Paul: A note on the reception of 2 Timothy
Edsall, Ben. (2018). Hermogenes the smith and narrative characterisation in the acts of Paul: A note on the reception of 2 Timothy. New Testament Studies. 64(1), pp. 108 - 121. article
Narrow content
Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani and Hawthorne, John. (2018). Narrow content Oxford University Press.
Making power: Gender, materiality, performativity and Catherine de' Medici
Broomhall, Susan. (2018). Making power: Gender, materiality, performativity and Catherine de' Medici. In In E. Dermineur, A. Sjogren and V. Langum (Ed.). Revisiting Gender in European History, 1400-1800 pp. 145 - 168 Taylor & Francis. chapter
Literary eyewitnesses: The appeal to an eyewitness in John and contemporaneous literature
Litwa, M. David. (2018). Literary eyewitnesses: The appeal to an eyewitness in John and contemporaneous literature. New Testament Studies. 64(3), pp. 343 - 361. article
The reception of evagrian psychology in the Ladder of Divine Ascent: John Cassian and Gregory Nazianzen as sources and conversation partners
Zecher, Jonathan. (2018). The reception of evagrian psychology in the Ladder of Divine Ascent: John Cassian and Gregory Nazianzen as sources and conversation partners. Journal of Theological Studies. 69(2), pp. 674 - 713. article
Luther, conflict, and Christendom: Reformation Europe and Christianity in the West
Ocker, Christopher. (2018). Luther, conflict, and Christendom: Reformation Europe and Christianity in the West Cambridge University Press.
Thoreau's Woodchopper, Wordsworth's Leech-gatherer, and the representation of “Humble and Rustic Life”
Balthrop-Lewis, Alda. (2018). Thoreau's Woodchopper, Wordsworth's Leech-gatherer, and the representation of “Humble and Rustic Life”. In In C. Deane-Drummond and R. Artinian-Kaiser (Ed.). Theology and ecology across the discipline: On care for our common home pp. 39 - 52 Bloomsbury. chapter
The Nietzschean precedent for anti-reflective, dialogical agency
Alfano, Mark. (2018). The Nietzschean precedent for anti-reflective, dialogical agency. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41, pp. 12 - 13. article
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Brassard, Sylvie
Climenhaga, Alison Marie Fitchett
Coady, Tony
Davies, Rachel Annemarie Ulrike Elizabeth
Reid, Elizabeth Ann
Taylor, Joan