Jacqueline Joy Cumming
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Research outputs
Conceptualising a fairness framework for assessment adjusted practices for students with disability : An empirical study
Rasooli, Amirhossein, Razmjoee, Maryam, Cumming, Joy, Dickson, Elizabeth and Webster, Amanda. (2021). Conceptualising a fairness framework for assessment adjusted practices for students with disability : An empirical study. Assessment in Education. 28(3), pp. 301-321. https://doi.org/10.1080/0969594X.2021.1932736Journal article
Contesting educational assessment policies in Australia
Cumming, Joy, van der Kleij, Fabienne Schoenmaker and Adie, Lenore. (2019). Contesting educational assessment policies in Australia. Journal of Education Policy. 34(6), pp. 836 - 857. https://doi.org/10.1080/02680939.2019.1608375Journal article
Feasibility and value of using a GoPro camera and Apple iPad to study teacher-student assessment feedback interactions
van der Kleij, Fabienne Schoenmaker, Adie, Lenore and Cumming, Joy. (2019). Feasibility and value of using a GoPro camera and Apple iPad to study teacher-student assessment feedback interactions. In In B. P. Veldkamp and C. Sluijter (Ed.). Theoretical and Practical Advances in Computer-based Educational Measurement pp. 339 - 359 SpringerOpen. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-18480-3_18Book chapter
A meta-review of the student role in feedback
van der Kleij, Fabienne Schoenmaker, Adie, Lenore and Cumming, Joy. (2019). A meta-review of the student role in feedback. International Journal of Educational Research. 98, pp. 303 - 323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2019.09.005Journal article
Reasonable adjustment in assessment: The Australian experience
Dixon, Elizabeth and Cumming, Joy. (2018). Reasonable adjustment in assessment: The Australian experience. In In K. Trimmer, R. Dixon and Y. S. Findlay (Ed.). The Palgrave handbook of education law for schools pp. 315 - 333 Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77751-1_14Book chapter
Policy expectations and support for teacher formative assessment in Australian education reform
Van der Kleij, Fabienne Michelle, Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Looney, Anne. (2018). Policy expectations and support for teacher formative assessment in Australian education reform. Assessment in Education. 25(6), pp. 620 - 637. https://doi.org/10.1080/0969594X.2017.1374924Journal article
Student experiences of NAPLAN: sharing insights from two school sites
Swain, Katharine, Pendergast, Donna and Cumming, Joy. (2018). Student experiences of NAPLAN: sharing insights from two school sites. The Australian Educational Researcher. 45(3), pp. 315 - 342. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-017-0256-5Journal article
2018 Queensland NAPLAN review: School and system perceptions report and literature review
Cumming, Joy, Jackson, Christine, Day, Chantelle, Maxwell, Graham, Adie, Lenore, Lingard, Bob, Haynes, Michele and Heck, Elizabeth. (2018). 2018 Queensland NAPLAN review: School and system perceptions report and literature review Australia: Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University.Report
Enhancing inclusive education through teacher education reforms
Cumming, Joy, Tones, Megan, Day, Chantelle and Heck, Elizabeth. (2018). Enhancing inclusive education through teacher education reforms. In In C. Wyatt-Smith and L. Adie (Ed.). Innovation and accountability in teacher education: Setting directions for new cultures in teacher education pp. 201 - 221 Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2026-2_13Book chapter
Empowering parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: critical decision-making for quality outcomes
Webster, Amanda, Cumming, Joy and Rowland, Susannah. (2017). Empowering parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: critical decision-making for quality outcomes Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-2084-1Book
Using video technology to enable student voice in assessment feedback
van der Kleij, Fabienne S., Adie, Lenore and Cumming, Joy. (2017). Using video technology to enable student voice in assessment feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology. 48(5), pp. 1092 - 1105. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12536Journal article
Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree, Adie, Lenore, Van der Kleij, Fabienne Michelle and Cumming, Joy. (2017). Assessment. In In D. Pendergast, K. Main and N. Bahr (Ed.). Teaching Middle Years: Rethinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment pp. 301 - 320 Allen & Unwin.Book chapter
Effective enactment of assessment for learning and student diversity in Australia
Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Van der Kleij, Fabienne Michelle. (2016). Effective enactment of assessment for learning and student diversity in Australia. In In D. Laveault and L. Allal (Ed.). Assessment for learning: Meeting the challenge of implementation pp. 55 - 73 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39211-0_4Book chapter
Handling attrition and non-response in longitudinal data with an application to a study of Australian youth
Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Goldstein, Harvey. (2016). Handling attrition and non-response in longitudinal data with an application to a study of Australian youth. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 7(1), pp. 53 - 63. https://doi.org/10.14301/llcs.v7i1.342Journal article
Students at risk and NAPLAN
Cumming, Joy, Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Colbert, Peta Jane. (2016). Students at risk and NAPLAN. In In B. Lingard, G. Thompson and S. Sellar (Ed.). National testing in schools: An Australian assessment pp. 126 - 138 Routledge.Book chapter
Documenting support needs and adjustment gaps for students with disabilities: Teacher practices in Australian classrooms and on national tests
Davies, Michael D., Elliott, Stephen N. and Cumming, Joy. (2016). Documenting support needs and adjustment gaps for students with disabilities: Teacher practices in Australian classrooms and on national tests. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 20(12), pp. 1252 - 1269. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2016.1159256Journal article
School leadership in assessment in an environment of external accountability: Developing an assessment for learning culture
Cumming, Joy, Maxwell, Graham and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2016). School leadership in assessment in an environment of external accountability: Developing an assessment for learning culture. In In G. Johnson and N. Dempster (Ed.). Leadership in diverse learning contexts pp. 221 - 237 Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28302-9_11Book chapter
Restraint of students in schools in the USA
Mawdsley, Ralph and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2015). Restraint of students in schools in the USA. International Journal of Law and Education. 20(1), pp. 21 - 31.Journal article
Protecting children in Australian schools : Teacher use of force and restraint and legal challenges
Cumming, Jacqueline and Mawdsley, Ralph. (2015). Protecting children in Australian schools : Teacher use of force and restraint and legal challenges. International Journal of Law and Education. 20(1), pp. 93 - 116.Journal article
Diversity, affirmative action and higher education
Cumming, Jacqueline and Mawdsley, Ralph. (2015). Diversity, affirmative action and higher education. In In S. Varnham, P. Kamvounias and J. Squelch (Ed.). pp. 137 - 148 Federation Press, the.Book chapter
Legal issues regarding student mobile phones: Considerations of Australian context and case law from United States public schools
Mawdsley, Ralph and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2014). Legal issues regarding student mobile phones: Considerations of Australian context and case law from United States public schools. International Journal of Law and Education. 19(1), pp. 37 - 54.Journal article
Expanding approaches to summative assessment for students with impairment
Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Maxwell, Graham. (2014). Expanding approaches to summative assessment for students with impairment. In In L. Florian (Ed.). The Sage Handbook of Special Education pp. 573 - 593 Sage Publications Ltd..Book chapter
Enabling all students to learn through assessment: A case study of equitable outcomes achieved through the use of criteria and standards
Colbert, Peta and Cumming, Jacqueline Joy. (2014). Enabling all students to learn through assessment: A case study of equitable outcomes achieved through the use of criteria and standards. In In C. Wyatt-Smith, V. Klenowski and P. Colbert (Ed.). Designing assessment for quality learning pp. 211 - 231 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5902-2_14Book chapter
The Nationalisation of Education in Australia and Annexation of Private Schooling to Public Goals
Cumming, Jacqueline and Mawdsley, Ralph. (2012). The Nationalisation of Education in Australia and Annexation of Private Schooling to Public Goals. International Journal of Law and Education. 17(2), pp. 7 - 31.Journal article
Enacting policy, curriculum and teacher conceptualisations of multimodal literacy and english in assessment and accountability
Cumming, Joy, Kimber, Kay and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2012). Enacting policy, curriculum and teacher conceptualisations of multimodal literacy and english in assessment and accountability. English in Australia. 47(1), pp. 9 - 18.Journal article
The mental health patient in the pre-hospital emergency care setting
Shaban, Ramon, Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Cumming, Joy. (2012). The mental health patient in the pre-hospital emergency care setting. In In R Townsend and M Luck (Ed.). pp. 225 - 249 Elsevier.Book chapter
Government Regulation of Nonpublic Schools in the United States (US)
Mawdsley, Ralph and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2012). Government Regulation of Nonpublic Schools in the United States (US). International Journal of Law and Education. 17(1), pp. 39 - 45.Journal article
Valuing Students with Impairment: International Comparisons of Pratice in Educational Accountability
Cumming, Jacqueline. (2012). Valuing Students with Impairment: International Comparisons of Pratice in Educational Accountability Springer.Book
Managing without public examinations: Successful and sustained curriculum and assessment reform in Queensland
Maxwell, Graham and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2011). Managing without public examinations: Successful and sustained curriculum and assessment reform in Queensland. In In Lyn Yates, Cherry Collins and Kate O-Connor (Ed.). pp. 202 - 222 Melbourne University Press.Book chapter
The use of 'do not resuscitate' orders for students in US and Australian schools: Legal and policy considerations
Cumming, Joy. (2011). The use of 'do not resuscitate' orders for students in US and Australian schools: Legal and policy considerations. ANZELA: Sustainable Education, Schools, Families and Communities- Education Law and Policy Perspect. Australia: Australian and New Zealand Education Law Association.Conference item
Historic Australian conceptualisations of English, literacy and multimodality in policy and curriculum and conflicts with educational accountability
Cumming, Joy, Kimber, Kay and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2011). Historic Australian conceptualisations of English, literacy and multimodality in policy and curriculum and conflicts with educational accountability. English in Australia. 46(3), pp. 42 - 53.Journal article
Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree, Cumming, Joy, Elkins, John and Colbert, Peta Jane. (2010). Assessment. In In D Pendergast and N Nahr (Ed.). Teaching middle years: Rethinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment pp. 319 - 344 Allen & Unwin.Book chapter
Establishment Clauses, Legislation and Private School Funding in the United States and Australia: Recent Trends
Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Mawdsley, Ralph D.. (2009). Establishment Clauses, Legislation and Private School Funding in the United States and Australia: Recent Trends. International Journal of Law and Education.Journal article
Framing assessment today for the future: Issues and challenges
Cumming, Joy and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2009). Framing assessment today for the future: Issues and challenges. In In C. H. Ng and P. Renshaw (Ed.). Educational assessment in the 21st century: Connecting theory and practice pp. 1 - 16 Springer.Book chapter
Assessment challenges, the law and the future
Cumming, Jacqueline. (2009). Assessment challenges, the law and the future. In In C. Wyatt-Smith and J. Cumming (Ed.). Educational assessment in the 21st century: Connecting theory and practice pp. 157 - 179 Springer.Book chapter
Educational Assessment in the 21st Century: Connecting Theory and Practice
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Cumming, Joy. (2009). Educational Assessment in the 21st Century: Connecting Theory and Practice Springer.Book
Educational malpractice and setting damages for ineffective teaching: A comparison of legal principles in the USA, England and Australia
Mawdsley, Ralph D. and Cumming, Joy. (2008). Educational malpractice and setting damages for ineffective teaching: A comparison of legal principles in the USA, England and Australia. Education and the Law. 20(1), pp. 25 - 46. https://doi.org/10.1080/09539960802114344Journal article
The origins and development of education law as a seperate field of law in the United States and Australia
Mawdsley, Ralph D. and Cumming, Jacqueline Joy. (2008). The origins and development of education law as a seperate field of law in the United States and Australia. Australia & New Zealand Journal of Law & Education.Journal article
Legal and educational perspectives of equity in assessment
Cumming, Joy. (2008). Legal and educational perspectives of equity in assessment. Assessment in Education. 15(2), pp. 123 - 135. https://doi.org/10.1080/09695940802164168Journal article
Reliability of student informants and strip searches
Mawdsley, Ralph D. and Cumming, Joy. (2008). Reliability of student informants and strip searches. West's Education Law Reporter. 231(1), pp. 1 - 5.Journal article
Cumming, Joy. (2008). Editorial. International Journal of Law and Education. 13(1), pp. 3 - 6.Journal article
Building a nation: Religion and values in the public schools of the USA, Australia and South Africa
Mawdsley, Ralph D., Cumming, Joy and de Waal, Elda. (2008). Building a nation: Religion and values in the public schools of the USA, Australia and South Africa. Education and the Law. 20(2), pp. 83 - 106. https://doi.org/10.1080/09539960802271391Journal article
Teacher judgment: Building an evidentiary base for quality literacy and numeracy education
Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Cumming, Joy, Elkins, John and Neville, Mary. (2006). Teacher judgment: Building an evidentiary base for quality literacy and numeracy education Griffith University.Book
Literacy teaching and learning in Victorian schools
Czislowski-McKenna, Ann T., Cumming, Joy, Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Elkins, John. (2006). Literacy teaching and learning in Victorian schools Australia: Victoria Dept. of Education and Training.Report
Redesigning assessment
Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Cumming, Joy and Elkins, John. (2005). Redesigning assessment. In Teaching middle years: Rethinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment pp. 271 - 299 Allen & Unwin.Book chapter
Uncertainty, error and risk in human clinical judgment: Introductory theoretical frameworks in paramedic practice
Shaban, Ramon Z., Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Cumming, Joy. (2004). Uncertainty, error and risk in human clinical judgment: Introductory theoretical frameworks in paramedic practice. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine. 2(1), pp. 1 - 12. https://doi.org/10.33151/ajp.2.1.263Journal article
Key assessment issues for the future
Cumming, Joy and Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (2004). Key assessment issues for the future. Annual International Conference on Cognition, Language and Special Education Research. Australia: School of Cognition, Language and Special Education, Griffith University. pp. 219 - 229Conference item
Curriculum Literacies: expanding domains of assessment
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Cumming, Joy. (2003). Curriculum Literacies: expanding domains of assessment. Assessment in Education. 10(1), pp. 47 - 59. https://doi.org/10.1080/0969594032000085749Journal article
Literacy and the Curriculum: Success in Senior Secondary Schooling
Cumming, Joy and Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (2001). Literacy and the Curriculum: Success in Senior Secondary Schooling Australian Council for Educational Research.Book
A multi-theoretical and multi-disciplinary approach to literacy education and curriculum research
Cumming, Joy and Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (2001). A multi-theoretical and multi-disciplinary approach to literacy education and curriculum research. In Literacy and the Curriculum: Success in Senior Secondary Schooling pp. 2 - 10 Australian Council for Educational Research.Book chapter
Examining how evaluative talk functions in instructional sequences
Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (2001). Examining how evaluative talk functions in instructional sequences. In In Cumming, J. and Wyatt-Smith, C. (Ed.). Literacy and the Curriculum: Success in Senior Secondary Schooling pp. 117 - 130 Australian Council for Educational Research.Book chapter
Examining the Literacy-Curriculum Relationship
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Cumming, Joy. (2000). Examining the Literacy-Curriculum Relationship. Linguistics and Education. 11(4), pp. 295 - 312. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0898-5898(00)00028-0Journal article
The literacy demands of assessment practices in post-compulsory schooling
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Cumming, Joy. (2000). The literacy demands of assessment practices in post-compulsory schooling. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 8(1), pp. 21 - 32.Journal article
Examining the Literacy Demands of the Enacted Curriculum
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Cumming, Joy. (1999). Examining the Literacy Demands of the Enacted Curriculum. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 7(2), pp. 19 - 31.Journal article
Capturing students' experiences of the enacted curriculum: The concept of curriculum literacies
Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Cumming, Joy, Ryan, Jill and Doig, Shani. (1999). Capturing students' experiences of the enacted curriculum: The concept of curriculum literacies. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 7(1), pp. 29 - 35.Journal article
The Literacy-Curriculum Interface: Literacy Demands of the Curriculum in Post-Compulsory Schooling
Cumming, Joy, Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Ryan, Jill and Doig, Shani. (1999). The Literacy-Curriculum Interface: Literacy Demands of the Curriculum in Post-Compulsory Schooling. Issues in Educational Research. 15(1), pp. 133 - 139.Journal article
Evolution of Language Education within Official Accounts of Queensland Curriculum
Doig, Shani, Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Cumming, Joy and Ryan, Jill. (1998). Evolution of Language Education within Official Accounts of Queensland Curriculum. Issues in Educational Research. 14(1), pp. 4 - 44.Journal article
Beyond reading and writing
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Cumming, Joy. (1998). Beyond reading and writing. EQ Australia. 2(Winter), pp. 42-44.Journal article
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