Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

UniversityAustralian Catholic University

Latest research outputs

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Avons-nous besoin des essences en philosophie?
Romano, Claude. (2016). Avons-nous besoin des essences en philosophie? In In P. Cabeston (Ed.). L'Evenement et la Raison pp. 195 - 207 Le Cercle Hermeneutique.

Book chapter

The flexible rule of the hermeneut
Romano, Claude. (2016). The flexible rule of the hermeneut. Sophia. 55(3), pp. 1 - 10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11841-016-0535-z

Journal article

Face-making: Emotional and gendered meanings in Chinese clay portraits of Danish Asiatic Company men
Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Face-making: Emotional and gendered meanings in Chinese clay portraits of Danish Asiatic Company men. Scandinavian Journal of History. 41(3), pp. 447 - 474. https://doi.org/10.1080/03468755.2016.1179829

Journal article

'Yes!' and 'thou' in Dag Hammarskjöld's Markings: A theological investigation
Ryan, Tom. (2016). 'Yes!' and 'thou' in Dag Hammarskjöld's Markings: A theological investigation. Irish Theological Quarterly. 81(2), pp. 119 - 137. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021140015625238

Journal article

Ought of order
Finlay, Stephen. (2016). Ought of order. In In N. Charlow and M. Chrisman (Ed.). Deontic Modality pp. 169 - 199 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198717928.001.0001

Book chapter

The meaning of Christian prophecy in a liberal secular culture
Gascoigne, Robert. (2016). The meaning of Christian prophecy in a liberal secular culture. Political Theology. 17(6), pp. 540 - 554. https://doi.org/10.1179/1462317X15Z.000000000141

Journal article

Pascha in the homilies of Severus of Antioch (512-518): Preparation and celebration
Allen, Pauline. (2016). Pascha in the homilies of Severus of Antioch (512-518): Preparation and celebration. In In P. F. Beatrice and B. Pouderon (Ed.). Pascha Nostrum Christus. Essays in honour of Raniero Cantalamessa pp. 329 - 343 Beauchesne.

Book chapter

Introduction: Destroying order, structuring disorder: Gender and emotions
Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Introduction: Destroying order, structuring disorder: Gender and emotions. In In S. Broomhall (Ed.). Gender and Emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Destroying order, Structuring Disorder pp. 1 - 14 Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315583884

Book chapter

On (not) becoming 'an extension of the state' in 'seeking the flourishing of the city': A theologically-informed inquiry into the impact on 'church-related' agencies' of contracting with government to provide social welfare and human services in Australia, 1996 to 2013
Hynd, Douglas George. (2016). On (not) becoming 'an extension of the state' in 'seeking the flourishing of the city': A theologically-informed inquiry into the impact on 'church-related' agencies' of contracting with government to provide social welfare and human services in Australia, 1996 to 2013 [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a9db8ed33615


Introduction to "Quiet Powers of the Possible: Interviews in Contemporary French Phenomenology"
Hackett, Chris. (2016). Introduction to "Quiet Powers of the Possible: Interviews in Contemporary French Phenomenology". In In T. R. Dika (Ed.). Quiet Powers of the Possible: Interviews in Contemporary French Phenomenology pp. 1 - 23 Fordham University Press.

Book chapter

Gnostic self-deification: the case of Simon of Samaria
Litwa, David. (2016). Gnostic self-deification: the case of Simon of Samaria. Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies. 1(1-2), pp. 157 - 176. https://doi.org/10.1163/2451859X-12340009

Journal article

Towards a redaction-critical reading of the Diatessaron Gospel
Watson, Francis Benedict. (2016). Towards a redaction-critical reading of the Diatessaron Gospel. Early Christianity. 7, pp. 95 - 112. https://doi.org/10.1628/186870316X14555506071254

Journal article

Psalm 69: 1-3
Johnson, Clare. (2016). Psalm 69: 1-3 Sydney, Australia: Archdiocese of Sydney.

Creative work

Virtue, situationism, and the cognitive value of art
Berger, Jacob and Alfano, Mark. (2016). Virtue, situationism, and the cognitive value of art. Monist. 99(2), pp. 144 - 158. https://doi.org/10.1093/monist/onv039

Journal article

Kierkegaard, natural theology, and the existence of God
Evans, C. Stephen. (2016). Kierkegaard, natural theology, and the existence of God. In In P. Martens and C. S. Evans (Ed.). Kierkegaard and Christian faith pp. 25 - 38 Baylor University Press.

Book chapter

Rightness, parsimony, and consequentialism: A response to Peterson
Crisp, Roger. (2016). Rightness, parsimony, and consequentialism: A response to Peterson. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 19(1), pp. 39 - 47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10677-015-9671-8

Journal article

Legal pluralism: Freedom of religion, exemptions and the equality of citizens
Turner, Bryan S.. (2016). Legal pluralism: Freedom of religion, exemptions and the equality of citizens. In In R. Bottoni, R. Cristofori and S. Ferrari (Ed.). Religious rules, State law, and normative pluralism: A comparative overview pp. 61 - 73 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28335-7_4

Book chapter

Eusebius transformed
Watson, Francis. (2016). Eusebius transformed. In In J. S. McKenzie and F. Watson (Ed.). The Garima Gospels: Early illuminated gospel books from Ethiopia pp. 145 - 164 Manar Al-Athar.

Book chapter

Police courts in nineteenth-century Scotland, Volume 1: Magistrates, media and the masses
Barrie, David G. and Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Police courts in nineteenth-century Scotland, Volume 1: Magistrates, media and the masses Routledge.


Higher-Order contingentism, Part 1: Closure and generation
Fritz, Peter and Goodman, Jeremy. (2016). Higher-Order contingentism, Part 1: Closure and generation. Journal of Philosophical Logic. 45(6), pp. 645 - 695. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-015-9388-0

Journal article

Kavwv and Scripture according to the Letter of Peter to James
Crawford, Matthew Roy. (2016). Kavwv and Scripture according to the Letter of Peter to James. Zeitschrift fur Antikes Christentum. 20(2), pp. 260 - 275. https://doi.org/10.1515/zac-2016-0032

Journal article

The conversation's the Thing: The Gospel in Australian culture
McEvoy, James. (2016). The conversation's the Thing: The Gospel in Australian culture. Australasian Catholic Record. 93(1), pp. 68 - 80.

Journal article

Sexual counselling for patients with cardiovascular disease: Protocol for a pilot study of the CHARMS sexual counselling intervention
Murphy, Patrick J., McSharry, Jenny, Casey, Dympna, Doherty, Sally, Gillespie, Paddy, Jaarsma, Tiny, Murphy, Andrew W., Newell, John, O'Donnell, Martin, Steinke, Elaine E., Toomey, Elaine and Byrne, Molly. (2016). Sexual counselling for patients with cardiovascular disease: Protocol for a pilot study of the CHARMS sexual counselling intervention. BMJ Open. 6(6), pp. 1 - 10. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011219

Journal article

The Myth of a Judeo-Christian Tradition: Introducing a European Perspective
Nathan, Emmanuel and Topolski, Anya. (2016). The Myth of a Judeo-Christian Tradition: Introducing a European Perspective. In In E. Nathan and A. Topolski (Ed.). Is There a Judeo-Christian Tradition? A European Perspective pp. 1 - 14 Walter de Gruyter.

Book chapter

Belief is weak
Hawthorne, John, Rothschild, Daniel and Spectre, Levi. (2016). Belief is weak. Philosophical Studies. 173(5), pp. 1393 - 1404. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11098-015-0553-7

Journal article

Balm for the Wound? Narratives and Spiritual Practice from L'Arche
Anderson, Catherine Mary. (2016). Balm for the Wound? Narratives and Spiritual Practice from L'Arche [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5b0b87cac8774


Save us O Lord
Johnson, Clare. (2016). Save us O Lord Sydney, Australia: Archdiocese of Sydney.

Creative work

Refutation of all heresies
Litwa, David. In D. Litwa (Ed.). (2016). Refutation of all heresies SBL Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt19rmc1p


Confronting oracular contradiction in acts 21:1-14
White, Devin L.. (2016). Confronting oracular contradiction in acts 21:1-14. Novum Testamentum. 58(1), pp. 27 - 46. https://doi.org/10.1163/15685365-12341497

Journal article

KOINΩNIA and the social dynamics of the Letter to Philemon
Barclay, John M. G.. (2016). KOINΩNIA and the social dynamics of the Letter to Philemon. In In D. Marguert (Ed.). La lettre a Philemon et L'Ecclesiologie Paulinienne pp. 151 - 169 Peeters Publishing.

Book chapter

The faces of mercy: An offering for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy [video file 6 of 6 for ERA]
Campbell, Michael, Johnson, Clare, Borghese, Niké Arrighi, Brophy, Kevin and Palmer, George. (2016). The faces of mercy: An offering for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy [video file 6 of 6 for ERA] Sydney, Australia: Archdiocese of Sydney.

Creative work

The importance of perspective: The Jewish-Roman conflict of 66-70 CE as a revolution
McLaren, James and Goodman, Martin. (2016). The importance of perspective: The Jewish-Roman conflict of 66-70 CE as a revolution. In In J. J. Collins and J. G. Manning (Ed.). Revolt and resistance in the ancient Classical world and the Near East: In the crucible of empire pp. 205 - 218 Brill.

Book chapter

Kyrie Eleison
Johnson, Clare. (2016). Kyrie Eleison Sydney, Australia: Archdiocese of Sydney.

Creative work

The Mystery of Mercy
Johnson, Clare. (2016). The Mystery of Mercy Sydney, Australia: Archdiocese of Sydney.

Creative work

Our hyphenated existences: When the studio becomes the study
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2016). Our hyphenated existences: When the studio becomes the study. ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies. 27(3), pp. 7 - 13.

Journal article

Moloney, Francis J.. (2016). Closure. In In D. Estes and R. Sheridan (Ed.). How John works: Storytelling in the fourth Gospel pp. 225 - 239 SBL Press.

Book chapter

La legge di natura nei sermoni e in altri scritti di Antonino da Firenze
Howard, Peter. (2016). La legge di natura nei sermoni e in altri scritti di Antonino da Firenze. In R. Saccenti and C. Sulas (Ed.). Legge e Natura. I diabattiti teologici e giuridici fra XV e XVII secolo: Convegno Modena-Bologna, 28-29 Novembre 2013. Italy: Arachne Editrice. pp. 51 - 68 https://doi.org/10.4399/97888548816931

Conference item

The faces of mercy: An offering for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy [video file 5 of 6 for ERA]
Campbell, Michael, Johnson, Clare, Borghese, Niké Arrighi, Brophy, Kevin and Palmer, George. (2016). The faces of mercy: An offering for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy [video file 5 of 6 for ERA] Sydney, Australia: Archdiocese of Sydney.

Creative work

First-order modal logic in the necessary framework of objects
Fritz, Peter. (2016). First-order modal logic in the necessary framework of objects. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 46(4-5), pp. 584 - 609. https://doi.org/10.1080/00455091.2015.1132976

Journal article

The hermeneutics of ethical research: A case study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis. (2016). The hermeneutics of ethical research: A case study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. In N. A. Irudayadason (Ed.). India: Christian World imprints. pp. 91 - 108

Conference item

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Albayrak, Ismail

Allen, Pauline

Amidy, Jacqueline

Angert-Quilter, Theresa

Asquith, Gillian

Audi, Robert

Ayres, Lewis Odell

Balthrop-Lewis, Kathleen Alda

Barbezat, Michael

Baron, Samuel

Barrington, Mitchell Harris

Bermudez-Goldman, Sacha Alejandro

Berrick, Bruce

Blumberg, Kyle

Bolinger, Renee Marie

Boncardo, Robert

Bourne, David

Braun, Stephen Stewart

Broomhall, Susan Margaret

Brown, Teresa Grace

Buchanan, Michael Thomas

Byers, Catherine Philippa

Carey, Daniel

Carlson, Stephen Conrad

Carolan, Emma

Carroll, Monica

Carroll, Therese

Carswell, Margaret Frances

Carter, Paul

Carter, Samuel

Casey, Damien Francis

Cassar, Carmen

Cassidy-Welch, Megan

Chambers, Michael

Champion, Matthew Simeon

Champion, Michael Wesley

Chase, Andrew

Chia, Kee-Fook

Cicutto, Pauline

Climenhaga, Alison Marie Fitchett

Climenhaga, Nevin

Coady, Tony

Coakley, Sarah Anne

Colledge, Richard John

Collins, John

Collins, Michael

Collins, Stephanie Clare

Condoleon, Manuel

Cook, Sarah

Cornish, Sandra

Crabbe, Kylie Lynette

Craig, Mark

Crawford, Matthew Roy

Cruz, Gemma

Dabbah, Thomas

Davidson, Clare Hazel

Davies, Rachel Annemarie Ulrike Elizabeth

Davis, Lachlan

Dawson, Callum

Deane-Freeman, Timothy

Deligiannis, Stefani

DeSpain, Benjamin Ross

Dickson, John

Dietz, Christina

Dixon, Robert

Dizdar, Drasko

Doidge, Scott

Dorahy, James Francis

Dowling, Elizabeth Ann

Downs, Stephen James

Duke, Zachariah

Dunne, William

Dyball, Fiona

Edsall, Benjamin Andrew

Eikelboom, Alexandria

Elkington, Catherine

Elliot, Andrew David

Elmer, Ian Jeffrey

Ercole, Venessa

Eskens, Floris

Fagan, Georgia Maisie

Favor, Christi Dawn

Fayemi, Ademola Kazeem

Fero-Kovassy, Emily

Finlay, Stephen

Francis, Cecilia

Fritz, Peter Anselm

Fundic, Leonela

Gador-Whyte, Sarah Elizabeth

Gallow, Jeffrey Dmitri

Gao, Ming

Gardner, Fiona

Ghosn, Margaret

Gilmore, Shannon Emily

Goldburg, Peta

Goldstein, Simon David

Gore-Jones, Lydia

Govers, Adam

Goyal, Samiksha

Grant, Patricia

Green, Ashleigh

Green, Beatrice Alice Lucy May

Griffith, Michael

Gyulay, Peter

Haldane, John Joseph

Hall, Gerard Vincent

Hanaghan, Michael Peter

Hawthorne, John Patrick

Heaney, Maeve Louise

Hemmings, Maureen Margaret

Hodge, James

Hodge, Joel David

Horner, Robyn Lesley

Howard, Peter

Insole, Christopher

Integlia, Mirko

Ivers, Peter James

Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan

Johnson, Clare Veronica

Jongejan, Louise

Kashyap, Bhanuraj

Kearney, Richard

Kelly, Anthony

Kelso, Julie-Anne

Kent, Deborah

Kevill, Carmel

Khor, Darius

Knight, Kerstin

Krauss, Katherine Elizabeth

La Macchia, Graeme Lyle

La Valle, Dawn Teresa

Laffin, Josephine

Langford, Jennifer

Lewis, Mari-claire Sarah

Lilley, Andrew

Lindner L'Huillier, Natalie

Littlejohn, Clayton

Litwa, Matthew

Logan, Baruday

Long, Brendan

Lopez, Daniel

Loughnane, Michael

Lovett, Adam

Loy, Catherine

Luttick, Janine

Lynch, Bernadette

Lynch, Danielle

Madigan, Daniel

Mahbuba, Farjana

Maher, Linda

Manoussakis, John

Marasco, Matthew

Marendy, Sue

Marshall Calder SJ, Jamie Timothy

Martis, John

Mawby, Paris

McCollum, James

McCosker, Philip James

McDonald, Anne

McDonald, Lisa

McEvoy, James

McFarland, Jason James

McGarrity, Leah

McGovern, Kevin

McInerney, Patrick

McKenna, Sean Benedict

McKenzie-McHarg, Andrew

McLaren, James Stuart

McNeilly, Jodie

Mercieca, Bernadette Mary

Mitcham, Ashley Lee Hansen

Mitchell, Roderick

Monro, Michelle

Moy, Trent

Mueller, Christopher

Mylonas, Natalie

Nathan, Emmanuel

Neal, Timothy

Nestor, Dermot Anthony

Newheiser, David Andrew

Nguyen, Vu Dinh Toan

Nolan, Kathleen

Norman, Jack

Noseda, Mary Josephine

O'Beirne, Ann-Maree

O'Donnell, Martin

O'Neill, Christopher

Obst, Jason

Ocker, Christopher Michael

Parkinson, Joseph

Parr, Jamie

Pascoe, David

Pattenden, Miles

Perl, Caleb Herman

Philp, Samuel

Pizzey, Antonia

Pizzuti, Chloe

Pollard, Eamonn

Primoratz, Tamar

Quadrio, Philip Andrew

Quilter, John

Quinn, Rapin

Ransome, William

Reed, Christopher

Remond, Jacqueline

Robertson, Narelle

Robinson, Scott

Rogers, Geetanjali

Romano, Claude

Roper, Elissa

Rowland, Richard Alan

Rubin, Jonathan

Runia, David Theunis

Rush, Ormond Gerard

Russell, Camilla Elizabeth

Russell, Gillian Kay

Saliba, Daniel

Sarisky, Darren

Schoer, John

Seneque, Megan

Seseikaite-Nathan, Agne

Sharkey, Paul

Sharpe, Matthew

Sim, David Campbell

Smith, Michael

Smoothy, Pauline

Snoddy, Debra

Stevens, Tiania

Strickler, Ryan Wayne

Strohminger, Margot Frances

Stuart-Brennan, Brooke

Stump, Eleonore

Tajalli, Payman

Tan, Cecilia Tan

Tanter, James Kai

Taylor, Joan

Taylor, Paul Damian

Teubner, Jonathan David

Teubner, Rachel

Themi, Tim

Theophilos, Michael Peter

Tilly, Frances

Todarello, Ekaterina

Todarello, Ekaterina

Todarello, Ekaterina

Todarello, Ekaterina

Todarello, Ekaterina

Tormey, Sorcha

Torrens, Rory

Trainor, Michael

Trakakis, Nick

Turner, Denys Alan

van Erp, Stephan

Vasudev Menon, Tushar

Veling, Terry Andrew

Vincent, Michael

Wade, Richard Martin

Walker, Michael Brian

Walters, Benjamin

Wardle, Danny George

Wassell, Blake

Wearne, Gareth James

Webb, Nathan Patrick

Webb, Peter Michael

Wegner, Samantha

Westphal, Merold

White, Devin

Wilson, Gregory

Wilson, Janiene

Wolfe, Judith

Yli-Vakkuri, Tuomo Juhani

Young, Ian

Yucel, Salih

Zabarjadi Sar, Hora

Zahra, Sameema

Zecher, Jonathan

Zou, Bei-En