Gabriele Kaiser

Contact categoryStaff
Job titleHonorary Professor
Research instituteInstitute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)
Faculty of Education and Arts

Research outputs

Teaching tactics to manage mathematisation during mathematical modelling
Brown, Jill P. and Stillman, Gloria Ann. (2024). Teaching tactics to manage mathematisation during mathematical modelling. In In Siller, Hans-Stefan, Geiger, Vince and Kaiser, Gabriele (Ed.). Researching mathematical modelling education in disruptive times pp. 201-211 Springer.

Book chapter

Longitudinal Studies on Video-based Interventions for Mathematics Teacher Noticing
Santagata, Rossella, Liu, Jinqing, Scheiner, Thorsten, König, Johannes and Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard. (2024). Longitudinal Studies on Video-based Interventions for Mathematics Teacher Noticing . In In Blikstad-Balas, Marte and Staal Jenset, Inga (Ed.). Using Video to Foster Teacher Development : Improving Professional Practice through Adaptation and Reflection pp. 113 Routledge.

Book chapter

Mathematical knowledge for teaching and mathematics didactic knowledge : A comparative study
Scheiner, Thorsten, Buchholtz, Nils and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2023). Mathematical knowledge for teaching and mathematics didactic knowledge : A comparative study. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. pp. 1-22.

Journal article

The reciprocal relationship among Chinese senior secondary students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and cognitive engagement in learning mathematics : A three-wave longitudinal study
Zhang, Yongqiang, Yang, Xinrong, Sun, Xiaojian and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2023). The reciprocal relationship among Chinese senior secondary students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and cognitive engagement in learning mathematics : A three-wave longitudinal study. ZDM Mathematics Education. 55(2), pp. 399-412.

Journal article

Will we ever teach mathematics again in the way we used to before the pandemic?
Engelbrecht, Johann, Borba, Marcelo C. and Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard. (2023). Will we ever teach mathematics again in the way we used to before the pandemic? ZDM Mathematics Education. 55(1), pp. 1-16.

Journal article

Identifying and dealing with student errors in the mathematics classroom : Cognitive and motivational requirements
Hoth, Jessica, Larrain, Macarena and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Identifying and dealing with student errors in the mathematics classroom : Cognitive and motivational requirements. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, p. Article 1057730.

Journal article

Measuring teacher noticing : A scoping review of standardized instruments
Weyers, Jonas, König, Johannes, Santagata, Rossella, Scheiner, Thorsten and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2023). Measuring teacher noticing : A scoping review of standardized instruments. Teaching and Teacher Education. 122, p. Article 103970.

Journal article

The impact of mathematics teachers’ professional competence on instructional quality and students’ mathematics learning outcomes
Yang, Xinrong and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). The impact of mathematics teachers’ professional competence on instructional quality and students’ mathematics learning outcomes. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 48, p. Article 101225.

Journal article

Promoting personalized learning in flipped classrooms : A systematic review study
Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Promoting personalized learning in flipped classrooms : A systematic review study. Sustainability. 14(18), p. Article 11393.

Journal article

Investigating teachers' job satisfaction, stress and working environment : The roles of self-efficacy and school leadership
Jentsch, Armin, Hoferichter, Frances, Blömeke, Sigrid, König, Johannes and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2023). Investigating teachers' job satisfaction, stress and working environment : The roles of self-efficacy and school leadership. Psychology in the Schools. 60(3), pp. 679-690.

Journal article

Can flipped classroom pedagogy offer promising perspectives for mathematics education on pandemic-related issues? A systematic literature review
Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Can flipped classroom pedagogy offer promising perspectives for mathematics education on pandemic-related issues? A systematic literature review. ZDM Mathematics Education. 55(1), pp. 177-191.

Journal article

Teacher noticing : A systematic literature review on conceptualizations, research designs, and findings on learning to notice
König, Johannes, Santagata, Rosella, Scheiner, Thorsten, Adleff, Ann-Kristin, Yang, Xinrong and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Teacher noticing : A systematic literature review on conceptualizations, research designs, and findings on learning to notice. Educational Research Review. 36, p. Article 100453.

Journal article

Impacts of classroom teaching practices on students’ mathematics learning interest, mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics test achievements : A secondary analysis of Shanghai data from the international video study Global Teaching InSights
Zhu, Yan and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Impacts of classroom teaching practices on students’ mathematics learning interest, mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics test achievements : A secondary analysis of Shanghai data from the international video study Global Teaching InSights. ZDM Mathematics Education. 54(3), pp. 581-593.

Journal article

Mathematical modelling and discrete mathematics : Opportunities for modern mathematics teaching
Greefrath, Gilbert, Siller, Hans-Stefan, Vorhölter, Katrin and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Mathematical modelling and discrete mathematics : Opportunities for modern mathematics teaching. ZDM Mathematics Education. 54, pp. 865-879.

Journal article

Opening up the black box : Teacher competence, instructional quality, and students’ learning progress
Blömeke, Sigrid, Jentsch, Armin, Ross, Natalie, Kaiser, Gabriele and König, Johannes. (2022). Opening up the black box : Teacher competence, instructional quality, and students’ learning progress. Learning and Instruction. 79, p. Article 101600.

Journal article

Teacher noticing and its growth toward expertise : An expert–novice comparison with pre-service and in-service secondary mathematics teachers
Bastian, Anton, Kaiser, Gabriele, Meyer, Dennis, Schwarz, Björn and König, Johannes. (2022). Teacher noticing and its growth toward expertise : An expert–novice comparison with pre-service and in-service secondary mathematics teachers. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 110(2), pp. 205-232.

Journal article

Modeling from a cognitive perspective : Theoretical considerations and empirical contributions
Schukajlow, Stanislaw, Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard and Stillman, Gloria Ann. (2021). Modeling from a cognitive perspective : Theoretical considerations and empirical contributions. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 25(3), pp. 259-269.

Journal article

Can mathematical modelling work as a creativity-demanding activity? An empirical study in China
Lu, Xiaoli and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Can mathematical modelling work as a creativity-demanding activity? An empirical study in China. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 54, pp. 67-81.

Journal article

A systematic literature review of the current discussion on mathematical modelling competencies : State-of-the-art developments in conceptualizing, measuring, and fostering
Cevikbas, Mustafa, Kaiser, Gabriele and Schukajlow, Stanislaw. (2022). A systematic literature review of the current discussion on mathematical modelling competencies : State-of-the-art developments in conceptualizing, measuring, and fostering. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 109, pp. 205-236.

Journal article

Development of prospective teachers' noticing skills within initial teacher education
Tekin-Sitrava, Reyhan, Kaiser, Gabriele and Isiksal-Bostan, Mine. (2021). Development of prospective teachers' noticing skills within initial teacher education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 20, pp. 1611-1634.

Journal article

Student engagement in a flipped secondary  mathematics classroom
Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Student engagement in a flipped secondary  mathematics classroom. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Journal article

Expert and preservice secondary teachers' competencies for noticing student thinking about modelling
Cai, Jinfa, LaRochelle, Raymond, Hwang, Stephen and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Expert and preservice secondary teachers' competencies for noticing student thinking about modelling. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 109(2), pp. 431-453.

Journal article

Creativity in students' modelling competencies : conceptualisation and measurement
Lu, Xiaoli and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Creativity in students' modelling competencies : conceptualisation and measurement. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 109, pp. 287-311.

Journal article

Variability and generalizability of ratings for Quality of math classes between and within lessons
Armin Jentsch, Gino Casale, Lena Schlesinger, Gabriele Kaiser, Johannes König and Sigrid Blömeke. (2020). Variability and generalizability of ratings for Quality of math classes between and within lessons. Unterrichtswissenschaft. 48(2), pp. 179-197.

Journal article

Hybrid content-specific and generic approaches to lesson observation: Possibilities and practicalities
Ariel Lindorff, Armin Jentsch, Candace Walkington, Gabriele Kaiser and Pamela Sammons. (2020). Hybrid content-specific and generic approaches to lesson observation: Possibilities and practicalities. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 67, pp. 1-13.

Journal article

A systematic review on task design in Dynamicand Interactive Mathematics Learning Environments (DIMLEs)
Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). A systematic review on task design in Dynamicand Interactive Mathematics Learning Environments (DIMLEs). Mathematics. 9(4), p. Article 399.

Journal article

Mathematics teacher learning to notice : A systematic review of studies of video-based programs
Santagata, Rossella, König, Johannes, Scheiner, Thorsten, Nguyen, Ha, Adleff, Ann-Kristin, Yang, Xinrong and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Mathematics teacher learning to notice : A systematic review of studies of video-based programs. ZDM Mathematics Education. 53(1), pp. 119-134.

Journal article

Growth of professional noticing of mathematics teachers : A comparative study of Chinese teachers noticing with different teaching experiences
Yang, Xinrong, König, Johannes and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Growth of professional noticing of mathematics teachers : A comparative study of Chinese teachers noticing with different teaching experiences. ZDM Mathematics Education. 53, pp. 29-42.

Journal article

The links between pedagogical competence, instructional quality, and mathematics achievement in the lower secondary classroom
König, Johannes, Blömeke, Sigrid, Jentsch, Armin, Schlesinger, Lena, née Nehls, Caroline Felske, Musekamp, Frank and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). The links between pedagogical competence, instructional quality, and mathematics achievement in the lower secondary classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 107(1), p. 189–212.

Journal article

Numeralität im Wandel der Zeiten : Analyse zentraler Konzeptionen zu Numeralität und Implikationen für die Numeralitätdiskussion in der Erwachsenenbildung
Lüssenhop, Maike and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Numeralität im Wandel der Zeiten : Analyse zentraler Konzeptionen zu Numeralität und Implikationen für die Numeralitätdiskussion in der Erwachsenenbildung. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 67(Supplement 2021), pp. 36-52.

Journal article

Die bedeutung von sprachbezogenen merkmalen und von in universitären lerngelegenheiten genutzten studieninhalten für den wissenserwerb von lehramtsstudierenden
Jentsch, Armin, Doll, Jörg, Stangen, Ilse, Meyer, Dennis and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Die bedeutung von sprachbezogenen merkmalen und von in universitären lerngelegenheiten genutzten studieninhalten für den wissenserwerb von lehramtsstudierenden. Journal für Bildungsforschung Online. 13(2), pp. 5-29.

Journal article

Relationship between Chinese mathematics teachers’ knowledge and their professional noticing
Yang, Xinrong, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2021). Relationship between Chinese mathematics teachers’ knowledge and their professional noticing. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 19, pp. 815-837.

Journal article

Flipped classroom as a reform-oriented approach to teaching mathematics
Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2020). Flipped classroom as a reform-oriented approach to teaching mathematics. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 52, pp. 1291-1305.

Journal article

Erfassung der fachspezifischen Qualität von Mathematikunterricht : Faktorenstruktur und Zusammenhänge zur professionellen Kompetenz von Mathematiklehrpersonen
Jentsch, Armin, Schlesinger, Lena, Heinrichs, Hannah, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2021). Erfassung der fachspezifischen Qualität von Mathematikunterricht : Faktorenstruktur und Zusammenhänge zur professionellen Kompetenz von Mathematiklehrpersonen. Journal fuer Mathematik-Didaktik. 42, pp. 97-121.

Journal article

Teachers' perspectives on students' metacognitive strategies during mathematical modelling processed - A case study
Wendt, Lisa, Vorhölter, Katrin and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2020). Teachers' perspectives on students' metacognitive strategies during mathematical modelling processed - A case study. In Mathematical modelling education and sense-making pp. 335-346 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Metacognitive strategies in group work in mathematical modelling activities - The students' perspective
Krüger, Alexandra, Vorhölter, Katrin and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2020). Metacognitive strategies in group work in mathematical modelling activities - The students' perspective. In In Stillman, Gloria Ann, Kaiser, Gabriele and Lampen, Christine Erna (Ed.). Mathematical modelling education and sense-making pp. 311-321 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Numeracy, adult education, and vulnerable adults : A critical view of a neglected field
Gall, Iddo, Grotluschen, Anke, Tout, Dave and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Numeracy, adult education, and vulnerable adults : A critical view of a neglected field. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 52(3), pp. 377-394.

Journal article

Pedagogical knowledge of working math teachers : Validation of the construct representation in the TEDS-M test
Felske, Caroline, König, Johannes, Kaiser, Gabriele, Klemenz, Stefan, Ross, Natalie and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2020). Pedagogical knowledge of working math teachers : Validation of the construct representation in the TEDS-M test. Diagnostica. 66(2), pp. 110-122.

Journal article

Profiles of mathematics teachers’ competence and their relation to instructional quality
Blömeke, Sigrid, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Jentsch, Armin. (2020). Profiles of mathematics teachers’ competence and their relation to instructional quality. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 52(2), pp. 329-342.

Journal article

Analyses and validation of central assessment instruments of the research program TEDS-M
Kaiser, G. and König, J.. (2020). Analyses and validation of central assessment instruments of the research program TEDS-M. In In Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia,Olga, Pant, Hans Anand, Toepper, Miriam and Lautenback, Corinna (Ed.). Student learning in German higher education pp. 29-51 Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH.

Book chapter

Relationship between pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge, beliefs and instructional practices in China
Yang, Xinrong, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2020). Relationship between pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge, beliefs and instructional practices in China. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 52(2), pp. 281-294.

Journal article

Mathematical modelling education in the cultural contexts of west and east
Leung, Frederick Koon Shing, Stillman, Gloria, Kaiser, Gabriele and Wong, Ka Lok. (2021). Mathematical modelling education in the cultural contexts of west and east. In In Leung, Frederick Koon Shing, Stillman, Gloria, Kaiser, Gabriele and Wong, Ka Lok (Ed.). Mathematical modelling education in east and west  pp. 3-16 Springer.

Book chapter

Sense-making in mathematical modelling and applications educational research and practice
Stillman, Gloria Ann, Kaiser, Gabriele and Lampen, Christine Erna. (2020). Sense-making in mathematical modelling and applications educational research and practice. In In Stillman, Gloria Ann, Kaiser, Gabriele and Lampen, Christine Erna (Ed.). Mathematical modelling education and sense-making pp. 15-29 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Analysis of students' mathematical errors as a means to promote future primary school teachers' diagnostic competence
Larrain, Macarena and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2019). Analysis of students' mathematical errors as a means to promote future primary school teachers' diagnostic competence. Uni-pluriversidad. 19(2), pp. 17-39.

Journal article

Refugees and numeracy : What can we learn from international large-scale assessments, especially from TIMSS?
Lüssenhop, Maike and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2020). Refugees and numeracy : What can we learn from international large-scale assessments, especially from TIMSS? ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 52(3), pp. 541-555.

Journal article

What does social realism have to offer for research on teacher identity in mathematics education?
Westaway, Lise, Kaiser, Gabriele and Graven, Mellony. (2020). What does social realism have to offer for research on teacher identity in mathematics education? International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 18(7), pp. 1229-1247.

Journal article

Profiles of teachers' general pedagogical knowledge : Nature, causes and effects on beliefs and instructional quality
Nehls, Caroline, König, Johannes, Kaiser, Gabriele and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2019). Profiles of teachers' general pedagogical knowledge : Nature, causes and effects on beliefs and instructional quality. ZDM. 52, pp. 343-357.

Journal article

Mentoring early career mathematics teachers from the mentees' perspective - a case study from China
Lu, Xiaoli, Kaiser, Gabriele and Leung, Federick Koon Shing. (2019). Mentoring early career mathematics teachers from the mentees' perspective - a case study from China. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Journal article

Competence measurement in (mathematics) teacher education and beyond: Implications for policy
Kaiser, Gabriele and Konig, Johannes. (2019). Competence measurement in (mathematics) teacher education and beyond: Implications for policy. Higher Education Policy. 32(4), pp. 597 - 615.

Journal article

The professional development of mathematics teachers
Schwarz, Björn and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2019). The professional development of mathematics teachers. In In G. Kaiser and N. Presmeg (Ed.). Compendium for Early Career Researchers in Mathematics Education pp. 325 - 343 SpringerOpen.

Book chapter

Do East Asian migrant students perform equally well in mathematics?
Zhu, Yan and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2019). Do East Asian migrant students perform equally well in mathematics? International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Journal article

Professional noticing of mathematics teachers: A comparative study between Germany and China
Yang, Xinrong, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2019). Professional noticing of mathematics teachers: A comparative study between Germany and China. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 17(5), pp. 943 - 963.

Journal article

Measuring Chinese teacher professional competence : Adapting and validating a German framework in China
Yang, Xinrong, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2018). Measuring Chinese teacher professional competence : Adapting and validating a German framework in China. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 50(5), pp. 638-653.

Journal article

Nutzungsverläufe für fachdidaktische Studieninhalte der Fächer Deutsch, Englisch und Mathematik im Lehramtsstudium: Die Bedeutung der Lehrämter und der Zusammenhang mit Lehrinnovationen
Doll, Jörg, Buchholtz, Nils, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Bremerich-Vos, Albert. (2018). Nutzungsverläufe für fachdidaktische Studieninhalte der Fächer Deutsch, Englisch und Mathematik im Lehramtsstudium: Die Bedeutung der Lehrämter und der Zusammenhang mit Lehrinnovationen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 64(4), pp. 511-532.

Journal article

General pedagogical knowledge versus pedagogical content knowledge? The structure of professional knowledge in pre-service teachers of German, English, and Mathematics at university
König, Johannes, Doll, Jörg, Buchholtz, Nils, Förster, Sabrina, Kaspar, Kai, Rühl, Anna-Maria, Strauß, Sarah, Bremerich-Vos, Albert, Fladung, Ilka and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2018). General pedagogical knowledge versus pedagogical content knowledge? The structure of professional knowledge in pre-service teachers of German, English, and Mathematics at university. Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft. 21(3), pp. 1 - 38.

Journal article

Subject-specific characteristics of instructional quality in mathematics education
Schlesinger, Lena, Jentsch, Armin and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2018). Subject-specific characteristics of instructional quality in mathematics education. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 50(3), pp. 475 - 490.

Journal article

The conception of mathematics knowledge for teaching from an international perspective: the case of the TEDS-M study978
Dohrmann, Martina, Kaiser, Gabriele and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2018). The conception of mathematics knowledge for teaching from an international perspective: the case of the TEDS-M study978. In In Y. Li and R. Huang (Ed.). How Chinese Acquire and Improve Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching pp. 57 - 81 Sense Publishers.

Book chapter

Gender equity in mathematical achievement: the case of china
Zhu, Yan, Kaiser, Gabriele and Cai, Jinfa. (2018). Gender equity in mathematical achievement: the case of china. Educational Studies in Mathematics: An international journal. 99(3), pp. 245 - 260.

Journal article

Empirical research on teaching and learning of mathematical modelling:a survey on the current state-of-the-art
Schukajlow, S., Kaiser, Gabriele and Stillman, Gloria. (2018). Empirical research on teaching and learning of mathematical modelling:a survey on the current state-of-the-art. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 50(43132), pp. 5 - 18.

Journal article

Perception of student errors under time limitations: Are teachers faster than mathematicians or students?
Pankow, Lena, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2018). Perception of student errors under time limitations: Are teachers faster than mathematicians or students? ZDM. 50(4), pp. 631 - 642.

Journal article

Diagnostic competence for dealing with students' errors: fostering diagnostic competence in error situations
Heinrichs, Hannah and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2018). Diagnostic competence for dealing with students' errors: fostering diagnostic competence in error situations. In In T. Leuders, K. Philipp and J. Leuders (Ed.). Diagnostic Competence of Mathematics Teachers - Unpacking a Complex Construct in Teacher Education and Teacher Practice pp. 79 - 94 Springer.

Book chapter

Erratum to: professional competencies of (prospective) mathematics teachers - cognitive versus situated approaches
Kaiser, Gabriele, Blomeke, Sigrid, Konig, Johannes, Busse, Andreas, Dohrmann, Martina and Hoth, Jessica. (2017). Erratum to: professional competencies of (prospective) mathematics teachers - cognitive versus situated approaches. Educational Studies in Mathematics: An international journal. 94(2), pp. 161 - 182.

Journal article

Understanding the development of teachers' professional competencies as personally, situationally and socially determined
Blomeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2017). Understanding the development of teachers' professional competencies as personally, situationally and socially determined. In In D. J. Clandinin and J. Husu (Ed.). The Sage handbook of research on teacher education pp. 783 - 802 SAGE Publications India.

Book chapter

Crossing boundaries in mathematical modelling and applications educational research and practice
Stillman, Gloria, Blum, Werner and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2017). Crossing boundaries in mathematical modelling and applications educational research and practice. In In G. A. Stillman, W. Blum and G. Kaiser (Ed.). Mathematical Modelling and Applications: Crossing and Researching Boundaries in Mathematics Education pp. 1 - 22 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Scaffolding complex modelling processes: an in-depth study
Stender, Peter, Krosanke, Nadine and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2017). Scaffolding complex modelling processes: an in-depth study. In In G. A. Stillman, W. Blum and G. Kaiser (Ed.). Mathematical Modelling and Applications: Crossing and Researching Boundaries in Mathematics Education pp. 467 - 477 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Professional competencies of (prospective) mathematics teachers cognitive versus situated approaches
Kaiser, Gabriele, Blomeke, Sigrid, Konig, Johannes, Busse, Andreas, Dohrmann, Martina and Hoth, Jessica. (2017). Professional competencies of (prospective) mathematics teachers cognitive versus situated approaches. Educational Studies in Mathematics: An international journal. 94(2), pp. 161 - 182.

Journal article

Reflections on research trends in international comparative studies in mathematics education
Kaiser, Gabriele and Yang, Xinrong. (2017). Reflections on research trends in international comparative studies in mathematics education. In In J. Son, T. Watanabe and J. Lo (Ed.). What Matters? Research Trends in International Comparative Studies in Mathematics Education pp. 395 - 409 Springer.

Book chapter

Der Einsatz von Unterrichtsvideos in der universitären Ausbildung: Zur Wirksamkeit video- und transkriptgestützter Seminare zur Klassenführung auf pädagogisches Wissen und situationsspezifische Fähigkeiten angehender Lehrkräfte [Using videos in teacher preparation: On the effectiveness of video- and transcriptbased classroom management courses on pre-service teachers general pedagogical knowledge and situation-specific skills]
Kramer, Charlotte, Konig, Johannes, Kaiser, Gabriele, Ligtvoet, Rudy and Blomeke, Sigrid. (2017). Der Einsatz von Unterrichtsvideos in der universitären Ausbildung: Zur Wirksamkeit video- und transkriptgestützter Seminare zur Klassenführung auf pädagogisches Wissen und situationsspezifische Fähigkeiten angehender Lehrkräfte [Using videos in teacher preparation: On the effectiveness of video- and transcriptbased classroom management courses on pre-service teachers general pedagogical knowledge and situation-specific skills]. Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft. 20(1), pp. 137 - 164.

Journal article

On the occasion of the decennial publication of ZDM mathematics education by springer
Kaiser, Gabriele. (2017). On the occasion of the decennial publication of ZDM mathematics education by springer. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 49(1), pp. 1 - 3.

Journal article

Perspectives on (future) teachers' professional competencies
Kaiser, Gabriele and Li, Yeping. (2017). Perspectives on (future) teachers' professional competencies. In B. Kaur, W. Kin Ho and T. L. Toh and B. H. Choy (Ed.). pp. 1 - 81

Conference item

The teaching and learning of mathematical modeling
Kaiser, Gabriele. (2017). The teaching and learning of mathematical modeling. In In J. Cai (Ed.). Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education pp. 267 - 291 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc..

Book chapter

A mixed-methods-evaluation approach for the study of macro-micro interactions: on the development of teaching- and learning-oriented beliefs of mathematics student teachers in the introductory phase of study
Buchholtz, Nils and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2017). A mixed-methods-evaluation approach for the study of macro-micro interactions: on the development of teaching- and learning-oriented beliefs of mathematics student teachers in the introductory phase of study. Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. 69(Suppl 2), pp. 435 - 458.

Journal article

Professional competences of teachers for fostering creativity and supporting high-achieving students
Hoth, Jessica, Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, Dohrmann, Martina, Konig, Johannes and Blomeke, Sigrid. (2017). Professional competences of teachers for fostering creativity and supporting high-achieving students. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 49(1), pp. 107 - 120.

Journal article

Eine analyse der sogenannten schlussrechnung - die relevanz der ansatze von arnold kirsch fur aktuelle lernprozesse in der lehrerausbildung
Buchholtz, Nils, Schwarz, Bjorn and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2016). Eine analyse der sogenannten schlussrechnung - die relevanz der ansatze von arnold kirsch fur aktuelle lernprozesse in der lehrerausbildung. Journal fuer Mathematik-Didaktik. 37(1), pp. 31 - 53.

Journal article

Uncovering predictors of disagreement: ensuring the quality of expert ratings
Hoth, Jessica, Schwarz, Björn, Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2016). Uncovering predictors of disagreement: ensuring the quality of expert ratings. ZDM Mathematics Education. 48(1-2), pp. 83 - 95.

Journal article

Fostering modeling competencies for complex situations
Stender, Peter and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2016). Fostering modeling competencies for complex situations. In In C. R. Hirsch (Ed.). Mathematical modeling and modeling mathematics pp. 107 - 115 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Book chapter

Early Career Teachers’ ability to focus on typical students errors in relation to the complexity of a mathematical topic
Pankow, Lena, Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, König, Johannes, Blömeke, Sigrid, Hoth, Jessica and Döhrmann, Martina. (2016). Early Career Teachers’ ability to focus on typical students errors in relation to the complexity of a mathematical topic. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 48(1-2), pp. 55 - 67.

Journal article

Theoretical and pedagogical considerations in promoting students' metacognitive modeling competencies
Vorholter, Katrin and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2016). Theoretical and pedagogical considerations in promoting students' metacognitive modeling competencies. In In C. R. Hirsch (Ed.). Mathematical modeling and modeling mathematics pp. 273 - 280 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Book chapter

The relation between content-specific and general teacher knowledge and skills
Blömeke, Sigrid, Busse, Andreas, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Suhl, Ute. (2016). The relation between content-specific and general teacher knowledge and skills. Teaching and Teacher Education. 56, pp. 35 - 46.

Journal article

Early career teachers' ability to focus on typical students errors in relation to the complexity of a mathematical topic
Pankow, Lena, Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, Konig, Johannes, Blomeke, Sigrid, Hoth, Jessica and Dohrmann, Martina. (2016). Early career teachers' ability to focus on typical students errors in relation to the complexity of a mathematical topic. 48, pp. 55 - 67.

Journal article

Diagnostic competence of primary school mathematics teachers during classroom situations
Hoth, Jessica, Döhrmann, Martina, Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2016). Diagnostic competence of primary school mathematics teachers during classroom situations. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 48(1-2), pp. 41 - 53.

Journal article

Early Career Mathematics Teachers’ General Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills: Do Teacher Education, Teaching Experience, and Working Conditions Make a Difference?
König, Johannes, Blömeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Early Career Mathematics Teachers’ General Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills: Do Teacher Education, Teaching Experience, and Working Conditions Make a Difference? International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(2), pp. 331 - 350.

Journal article

Effects of motivation on the belief systems of future mathematics teachers from a comparative perspective
Blömeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Effects of motivation on the belief systems of future mathematics teachers from a comparative perspective. In In B. Pepin and B. Roesken-Winter (Ed.). From beliefs to dynamic affect systems in mathematics education: Exploring a mosaic of relationships and interactions pp. 227 - 243 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Teacher Change During Induction: Development of Beginning Primary Teachers’ Knowledge, Beliefs and Performance
Blömeke, Sigrid, Hoth, Jessica, Döhrmann, Martina, Busse, Andreas, Kaiser, Gabriele and König, Johannes. (2015). Teacher Change During Induction: Development of Beginning Primary Teachers’ Knowledge, Beliefs and Performance. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(2), pp. 287 - 308.

Journal article

Modelling competencies: Past development and further perspectives
Kaiser, Gabriele and Brand, Susanne. (2015). Modelling competencies: Past development and further perspectives. In In G. A. Stillman, W. Blum and M. S. Biembengut (Ed.). Mathematical modelling in education research and practice: Cultural, social and cognitive influences pp. 129 - 149 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Scaffolding in complex modelling situations
Stender, Peter and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Scaffolding in complex modelling situations. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 47(7), pp. 1255 - 1267.

Journal article

Promotion of mathematical modelling competencies in the context of modelling projects
Kaiser, Gabriele and Grünewald, Susanne. (2015). Promotion of mathematical modelling competencies in the context of modelling projects. In In N. H. Lee and K. E. D. Ng (Ed.). Mathematical modelling from theory to practice pp. 21 - 39 World Scientific Publishing.

Book chapter

About the Complexities of Video-Based Assessments: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Overcoming Shortcomings of Research on Teachers’ Competence
Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, Hoth, Jessica, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2015). About the Complexities of Video-Based Assessments: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Overcoming Shortcomings of Research on Teachers’ Competence. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(2), pp. 369 - 387.

Journal article

Early career mathematics teachers' general pedagogical knowledge and skills: do teacher education, teaching experience, and working conditions make a difference?
Konig, Johannes, Blomeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Early career mathematics teachers' general pedagogical knowledge and skills: do teacher education, teaching experience, and working conditions make a difference? International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(2), pp. 331 - 350.

Journal article

Erfassung berufsbezogener kompetenzen von studierenden: Ein kommentar
Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Erfassung berufsbezogener kompetenzen von studierenden: Ein kommentar. Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik. Beiheft. 61, pp. 136 - 143.

Journal article

Wissen und Fähigkeiten in Fachdidaktik und Pädagogik
Busse, Andreas and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Wissen und Fähigkeiten in Fachdidaktik und Pädagogik. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 61(3), pp. 328 - 344.

Journal article

Preface for the special issue on "video-based research on teacher expertise"
Blömeke, Sigrid, Kaiser, Gabriele and Clarke, David J.. (2015). Preface for the special issue on "video-based research on teacher expertise". International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(2), pp. 257 - 266.

Journal article

The conceptualisation of mathematics competencies in the International Teacher Education Study TEDS-M
Döhrmann, Martina, Kaiser, Gabriele and Blömeke, Sigird. (2014). The conceptualisation of mathematics competencies in the International Teacher Education Study TEDS-M. In In S. Blömeke, F.-J. Hsieh and G. Kaiser & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). International perspectives on teacher knowledge, beliefs and opportunities to learn: TEDS-M results pp. 431 - 456 Springer.

Book chapter

Resolving the chicken-or-egg causality dilemma: The longitudinal interplay of teacher knowledge and teacher beliefs
Blömeke, Sigrid, Buchholz, Nils, Suhl, Ute and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Resolving the chicken-or-egg causality dilemma: The longitudinal interplay of teacher knowledge and teacher beliefs. Teaching and Teacher Education. 37, pp. 130 - 139.

Journal article

Von der Lehrerausbildung in den Beruf – Fachbezogenes Wissen als Voraussetzung für Wahrnehmung, Interpretation und Handeln im Unterricht
Blömeke, Sigrid, König, Johannes, Busse, Andreas, Suhl, Ute, Benthien, Jessica, Döhrmann, Martina and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Von der Lehrerausbildung in den Beruf – Fachbezogenes Wissen als Voraussetzung für Wahrnehmung, Interpretation und Handeln im Unterricht. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. 17(3), pp. 509 - 542.

Journal article

The cultural dimension of beliefs: An investigation of future primary teachers' epistemological beliefs concerning the nature of mathematics in 15 countries
Felbrich, Anja, Kaiser, Gabriele and Schmotz, Christiane. (2014). The cultural dimension of beliefs: An investigation of future primary teachers' epistemological beliefs concerning the nature of mathematics in 15 countries. In In S. Blömeke, F.-J. Hsieh and G. Kaiser & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). pp. 209 - 229 Springer.

Book chapter

Mathematical modeling in school education: Mathematical, cognitive, curricular, instructional and teacher educational perspectives
Cai, Jinfa, Cirillo, Michelle, Pelesko, John, Bommero Ferri, Rita, Borba, Marcelo, Geiger, Vince, Stillman, Gloria, English, Lyn, Wake, Geoff and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Mathematical modeling in school education: Mathematical, cognitive, curricular, instructional and teacher educational perspectives. In P Liljedahl, S Oesterle and C Nicol (Ed.). Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Canada: Springer. pp. 145 - 172

Conference item

Learning from the Eastern and the Western Debate: The case of mathematics teacher education
Kaiser, Gabriele and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2014). Learning from the Eastern and the Western Debate: The case of mathematics teacher education. In In S. Blömeke, F.-J. Hsieh and G. Kaiser & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). International perspectives on teacher knowledge, beliefs and opportunities to learn: TEDS-M results pp. 517 - 539 Routledge.

Book chapter

Is teachers' general pedagogical knowledge a premise for noticing and interpreting classroom situations? A video-based assessment approach
König, Johannes, Blömeke, Sigrid, Klein, Patricia, Suhl, Ute, Busse, Andreas and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Is teachers' general pedagogical knowledge a premise for noticing and interpreting classroom situations? A video-based assessment approach. Teaching and Teacher Education. 38, pp. 76 - 88.

Journal article

Family background, entry selectivity and opportunities to learn: What matters in primary teacher education? An international comparison of fifteen countries
Blömeke, Sigrid, Suhl, Ute, Kaiser, Gabriele and Döhrmann, Martina. (2014). Family background, entry selectivity and opportunities to learn: What matters in primary teacher education? An international comparison of fifteen countries. In In S. Blömeke, F.-J. Hsieh and G. Kaiser & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). International perspectives on teacher knowledge, beliefs and opportunities to learn: TEDS-M results pp. 327 - 353 Routledge.

Book chapter

Overcoming the gap between university and school mathematics: The impact of an innovative program in mathematics teacher education at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen
Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Overcoming the gap between university and school mathematics: The impact of an innovative program in mathematics teacher education at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen. In In S. Rezat, M. Hattermann and A. Peter-Koop (Ed.). Transformation — A fundamental Idea of mathematics education pp. 85 - 105 Springer.

Book chapter

Modelling in mathematics classroom instruction an innovative approach for transforming mathematics education
Vorhölter, Kartin, Kaiser, Gabriele and Borromeo Ferri, Rita. (2014). Modelling in mathematics classroom instruction an innovative approach for transforming mathematics education. In In Y. Li, E. A. Silver and S. Li (Ed.). Transforming mathematics instruction: Multiple approaches and practices pp. 21 - 36 Springer.

Book chapter

Teacher Education Effectiveness: Quality and Equity of Future Primary Teachers’ Mathematics and Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Blömeke, Sigrid, Suhl, Ute and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Teacher Education Effectiveness: Quality and Equity of Future Primary Teachers’ Mathematics and Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge. In International Perspectives on Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Opportunities to Learn: TEDS-M Results pp. 91 - 114 Springer.

Book chapter

Theoretical Framework, Study Design and Main Results of TEDS-M
Blömeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Theoretical Framework, Study Design and Main Results of TEDS-M. In International Perspectives on Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Opportunities to Learn: TEDS-M Results pp. 19 - 47 Springer.

Book chapter

Homogeneity or Heterogeneity? Profiles of Opportunities to Learn in Primary Teacher Education and Their Relationship to Cultural Context and Outcomes
Blömeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Homogeneity or Heterogeneity? Profiles of Opportunities to Learn in Primary Teacher Education and Their Relationship to Cultural Context and Outcomes. In In S. Blömeke, G. Kaiser and F. Hsieh & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). International Perspectives on Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Opportunities to Learn: TEDS-M Results pp. 299 - 325 Springer.

Book chapter

Mathematical modelling: Connecting to teaching and research practices - the impact of globalisation
Stillman, Gloria, Kaiser, Gabriele, Blum, Werner and Brown, Jill P.. (2013). Mathematical modelling: Connecting to teaching and research practices - the impact of globalisation. In In GA Stillman, G Kaiser and W Blum & JP Brown (Ed.). Teaching mathematical modelling: connecting to research and practice pp. 1 - 24 Springer.

Book chapter

Future mathematics teachers' professional knowledge of elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint
Buchholtz, Nils, Leung, Frederick KS, Ding, Lin, Kaiser, Gabriele, Park, Kyungmee and Schwarz, Bjorn. (2013). Future mathematics teachers' professional knowledge of elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint. ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education.

Journal article

Authentic complex modelling problems in mathematics education
Kaiser, Gabriele, Bracke, Martin, Göttlich, Simone and Kaland, Christine. (2013). Authentic complex modelling problems in mathematics education. In In A. Damlamian, J. F. Rodrigues and R. Sträßer (Ed.). Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry: Report on an ICMI-ICIAM-Study pp. 287 - 297 Springer.

Book chapter

Complex modelling problems in co-operative, self-directed learning environments
Kaiser, Gabriele and Stender, Peter. (2013). Complex modelling problems in co-operative, self-directed learning environments. In In G. A. Stillman, G. Kaiser and W. Blum & J. P. Brown (Ed.). pp. 277 - 293 Springer.

Book chapter

Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry at school level: Report on WG 4
Kaiser, Gabriele, van der Kooij, Henk and Wake, Geoff. (2013). Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry at school level: Report on WG 4. In In A. Damlamian, J. F. Rodrigues and R. Sträßer (Ed.). Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry: Report on an ICMI-ICIAM-Study pp. 263 - 270 Springer.

Book chapter

Improving mathematics teacher education in Germany: empirical results from a longitudinal evaluation of innovative programs
Bucholtz, Nils and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2013). Improving mathematics teacher education in Germany: empirical results from a longitudinal evaluation of innovative programs. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 11(4), pp. 949 - 977.

Journal article

Preface to Section IV
Kaiser, Gabriele. (2013). Preface to Section IV. In In Y. Li and R. Huang (Ed.). How Chinese Teach Mathematics and Improve Teaching pp. 384 - 390 Routledge.

Book chapter

Spiegelt sich pädagogisches Wissen in den Kompetenzselbsteinschätzungen angehender Lehrkräfte?
König, Johannes, Kaiser, Gabriele and Felbrich, Anja. (2012). Spiegelt sich pädagogisches Wissen in den Kompetenzselbsteinschätzungen angehender Lehrkräfte? Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 58(4), pp. 476 - 491.

Journal article

CERME7 Working Group 6: Applications and modelling
Kaiser, Gabriele, Carreira, Susana, Lingefjard, Thomas and Wake, Geoff. (2012). CERME7 Working Group 6: Applications and modelling. Research in Mathematics Education. 14(2), pp. 195 - 196.

Journal article

Reflections and future prospects
Kaiser, Gabriele and Li, Yeping. (2011). Reflections and future prospects. In In Y. Li and G. Kaiser (Ed.). Expertise in mathematics instruction: An international perspective pp. 343 - 353 Springer.

Book chapter

Equity and the quality of the language used in mathematics education
Schütte, Marcus and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2011). Equity and the quality of the language used in mathematics education. In In B. Atweh, M. Graven and W. Secada & P. Valero (Ed.). Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education pp. 237 - 251 Springer.

Book chapter

Expertise in mathematics instruction: Advancing research and practice from an international perspective
Li, Yeping and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2011). Expertise in mathematics instruction: Advancing research and practice from an international perspective. In In Y. Li and G. Kaiser (Ed.). Expertise in mathematics instruction: An international perspective pp. 3 - 15 Springer.

Book chapter

Bedingungsfaktoren des fachbezogenen Kompetenzerwerbs von Lehrkraften. Zum Einfluss von Ausbildungs-, Personlichkeits- und Kompositionsmerkmalen in der Mathematiklehrerausbildung fur die Sekundarstufe I
Blömeke, Sigrid, Kaiser, Gabriele and Döhrmann, Martina. (2011). Bedingungsfaktoren des fachbezogenen Kompetenzerwerbs von Lehrkraften. Zum Einfluss von Ausbildungs-, Personlichkeits- und Kompositionsmerkmalen in der Mathematiklehrerausbildung fur die Sekundarstufe I. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 57, pp. 77 - 103.

Journal article

Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling (ICTMA 14)
Stillman, Gloria, Ferri, Rita Borromeo, Blum, Werner and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2011). Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling (ICTMA 14) Springer.


Competencies in argumentation and proof :A comparative study of future mathematics teachers from Australia, Germany and Hong Kong
Schwarz, Bjorn, Vale, Colleen, Brown, Jill Patricia, Stillman, Gloria, Kaiser, Gabriele, Buchholtz, Nils and Leung, Issic. (2008). Competencies in argumentation and proof :A comparative study of future mathematics teachers from Australia, Germany and Hong Kong. In Gabriele Kaiser (Ed.). Discussion Group 14: International Comparisons in Mathematics Education. Monterrey, Mexico: International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

Future teachers' professional knowledge on argumentation and proof: A case study from universities in three countries
Schwarz, Bjorn, Leung, Issic K. C., Bucholtz, Nils, Kaiser, Gabriele, Stillman, Gloria, Brown, Jill Patricia and Vale, Colleen. (2008). Future teachers' professional knowledge on argumentation and proof: A case study from universities in three countries. ZDM. 40(5), pp. 791 - 811.

Journal article

The case of mathematical proof in lower secondary school :Knowledge and competencies of pre-service teachers
Brown, Jill Patricia, Stillman, Gloria, Schwarz, Bjorn and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2008). The case of mathematical proof in lower secondary school :Knowledge and competencies of pre-service teachers. In Merrilyn Goos, Ray Brown and Katie Makar (Ed.). Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Brisbane, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 85 - 91

Conference item

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