The Avoid Stroke as Soon as Possible (ASAP) general practice stroke audit [Letter]
Middleton, Sandy, Donnelly, Neil and Ward, Jeanette E.. (2002). The Avoid Stroke as Soon as Possible (ASAP) general practice stroke audit [Letter] John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. https://doi.org/10.5694/j.1326-5377.2002.tb04857.xOther
Are there commonalities among audit tools used to measure carotid endarterectomy outcomes in new south wales?
Middleton, Sandy and Ward, Jeanette. (2002). Are there commonalities among audit tools used to measure carotid endarterectomy outcomes in new south wales? ANZ Journal of Surgery. 72(1), pp. 21-24. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1445-2197.2002.02292.xJournal article
Outcomes of carotid endarterectomy : How does the Australian state of New South Wales compare with international benchmarks?
Middleton, Sandy and Donnelly, Neil. (2002). Outcomes of carotid endarterectomy : How does the Australian state of New South Wales compare with international benchmarks? Journal of Vascular Surgery. 36(1), pp. 62-69. https://doi.org/10.1067/mva.2002.123088Journal article
Audit of long-term mortality and morbidity outcomes for carotid endarterectomy
Middleton, Sandy, Donnelly, Neil, Harris, John, Lusby, Robert and Ward, Jeanette. (2002). Audit of long-term mortality and morbidity outcomes for carotid endarterectomy. Australian Health Review. 25(4), pp. 81-91. https://doi.org/10.1071/AH020081Journal article
The educational preparation of undergraduate nursing students in pharmacology : clinical nurses' perceptions and experiences of graduate nurses' medication knowledge
Manias, Elizabeth and Bullock, Shane. (2002). The educational preparation of undergraduate nursing students in pharmacology : clinical nurses' perceptions and experiences of graduate nurses' medication knowledge. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 39(8), pp. 773-784. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0020-7489(02)00008-1Journal article
Final Report - Workshop on Personal Property Security Law Reform
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Competing demands, competing solutions, differing constructions of recruitment and retention of frontline rural child protection staff
Hodgkin, Suzanne. (2002). Competing demands, competing solutions, differing constructions of recruitment and retention of frontline rural child protection staff. Australian Social Work. 55(3), pp. 193-203. https://doi.org/10.1080/03124070208410975Journal article
The stories my mother told me : A comparative study of the folktales of Palmi in the context of the European oral tradition
Nolan, Grace. (2002). The stories my mother told me : A comparative study of the folktales of Palmi in the context of the European oral tradition [Masters Thesis]. Australian Catholic University https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.9009vMasters Thesis
PhD students' evaluations of research supervision: Issues, complexities, and challenges in a nationwide Australian experiment in benchmarking universities
Marsh, Herb, Rowe, Kenneth J. and Martin, Andrew J.. (2002). PhD students' evaluations of research supervision: Issues, complexities, and challenges in a nationwide Australian experiment in benchmarking universities. Journal of Higher Education. 73(3), pp. 313 - 348. https://doi.org/10.1353/jhe.2002.0028Journal article
Life Imitates Art
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Life Imitates Art. Tobacco Control.Journal article
The relationship between Rothwell-Miller interest categories and abilities
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Learner support in distance and networked learning environments: Ten dimensions for successful design
McLoughlin, Catherine. (2002). Learner support in distance and networked learning environments: Ten dimensions for successful design. Distance Education. 23(2), pp. 149 - 162.Journal article
The place of theory and the development of a theoretical framework in a qualitative study
Seibold, Carmel. (2002). The place of theory and the development of a theoretical framework in a qualitative study. Qualitative Research Journal. 2(3), pp. 3 - 16.Journal article
Changing faith among Australian Catholics
Goosen, Gideon. (2002). Changing faith among Australian Catholics. Europaeische Gesellschaft fuer Katholische Theologie. Bulletin (print version). 13(1), pp. 48 - 58.Journal article
Short and long-term homelessness and adolescents' self-esteem; depression; locus of control and social support
Winkelman, Cecelia and Saade, Rachael. (2002). Short and long-term homelessness and adolescents' self-esteem; depression; locus of control and social support. Australian Journal of Social Issues. 37(4), pp. 431 - 445.Journal article
Poet of comrades: Walt Whitman and the Bolton Whitman Fellowship
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Literacy and numeracy in the home: Parents supporting children's learning
Young, Janelle Patricia and Warren, Elizabeth Anne. (2002). Literacy and numeracy in the home: Parents supporting children's learning. In Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis (Ed.). Learning for the Future: Proceedings of the Learning Conference 2001. Melbourne, Australia: Common Ground Publishing. pp. 369 - 376Conference item
Addressing an apparent crisis for Catholic school religious education
Rossiter, Graham. (2002). Addressing an apparent crisis for Catholic school religious education. Journal of Religious Education. 50(2), pp. 53 - 61.Journal article
The effects of normal aging on sleep spindle and K-complex production
Crowley, Kate, Trinder, John, Kim, Young, Carrington, Melinda Jane and Colrain, Ian M.. (2002). The effects of normal aging on sleep spindle and K-complex production. Clinical Neurophysiology. 113(10), pp. 1615 - 1622. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1388-2457(02)00237-7Journal article
The role of attachment in a time-limited marital therapy: Implications for practice and treatment
Brown, Coral. (2002). The role of attachment in a time-limited marital therapy: Implications for practice and treatment [PhD Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4c224b7a5PhD Thesis
The Vital Brush
Siebols, Jeannette. (2002). The Vital BrushCreative work
Computer supported teamwork: An integrative approach to evaluating cooperative learning in an online environment
McLoughlin, Catherine. (2002). Computer supported teamwork: An integrative approach to evaluating cooperative learning in an online environment. Australian Journal of Educational Technology (print version). 18(2), pp. 227 - 254.Journal article
The rising prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance : The Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle study
Dunstan, David, Zimmet, Paul, Welborn, Timothy, De Courten, Maximilian, Cameron, Adrian, Sicree, Richard, Dwyer, Terry, Colagiuri, Stephen, Jolley, Damien, Knuiman, Matthew, Atkins, Robert and Shaw, Jonathan. (2002). The rising prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance : The Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle study. Diabetes Care. 25(5), pp. 829 - 834. https://doi.org/10.2337/diacare.25.5.829Journal article
The voice of teachers in a changing Hong Kong society: The study of the effectiveness of a school guidance program me for teacher
Tung, Elaine Yee-Lai. (2002). The voice of teachers in a changing Hong Kong society: The study of the effectiveness of a school guidance program me for teacher [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4dbd4b7abThesis
Building theory in leadership through electronic networking
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A systemic program for students who are experiencing difficulty with mathematics
Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). A systemic program for students who are experiencing difficulty with mathematics. In B. Barton, K. Irwin and M. Pfaunkuch (Ed.). Mathematics Education in the South Pacific: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia. Auckland, New Zealand: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 543 - 550Conference item
Lactation and stress: Protective effects of breast-feeding in humans
Heinrichs, Markus, Neumann, Inga D. and Ehlert, Ulrike. (2002). Lactation and stress: Protective effects of breast-feeding in humans. Stress: the International Journal on the Biology of Stress. 5(3), pp. 195 - 203. https://doi.org/10.1080/1025389021000010530Journal article
Correlates and determinants of bone mineral density in prepubertal girls
Wiebe, Peter, Blimkie, Cameron, Farpour-Lambert, Nathalie, Briody, Julie, Woodhead, Helen, Cowell, Chris and Howman-Giles, Robert. (2002). Correlates and determinants of bone mineral density in prepubertal girls. Pediatric Exercise Science. 14(4), pp. 345 - 357.Journal article
The impact of economic liberalism on Australian academics' research activities
Webber, Ruth. (2002). The impact of economic liberalism on Australian academics' research activities. Just Policy: a journal of Australian social policy. 27, pp. 29 - 37.Journal article
Inter-religious dialogue: A comparative approach to teaching religions
Ryan, Maurice. (2002). Inter-religious dialogue: A comparative approach to teaching religions. Journal of Christian Education. 45(1), pp. 19 - 27.Journal article
A translation of the Quaestio Disputata De Spiritualibus Creaturis of St Thomas Aquinas, with accompanying notes
Goodwin, Colin Robert. (2002). A translation of the Quaestio Disputata De Spiritualibus Creaturis of St Thomas Aquinas, with accompanying notes [MPhil Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4bd64b7a4MPhil Thesis
Cross-cultural validity of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire: Comparison of factor structures in Australia, Spain, and Turkey
Marsh, Herb, Marco, Inés Tomás and Hülya Apçý, F.. (2002). Cross-cultural validity of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire: Comparison of factor structures in Australia, Spain, and Turkey. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 73(3), pp. 257 - 270. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701367.2002.10609019Journal article
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity to psychological stress and memory in middle-aged women: High responders exhibit enhanced declarative memory performance
Domes, Gregor, Heinrichs, Markus, Reichwald, U. and Hautzinger, M.. (2002). Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity to psychological stress and memory in middle-aged women: High responders exhibit enhanced declarative memory performance. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 27(7), pp. 843 - 853. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0306-4530(01)00085-3Journal article
Effects of electrical stimulation and seminal plasma on the motility of mouse sperm
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Beliefs of primary teachers about mathematics and its teaching and learning
Perry, Joseph Robert, Vistro-Yu, Catherine, Howard, Peter, Wong, Ngai-Ying and Keowg, Fong Ho. (2002). Beliefs of primary teachers about mathematics and its teaching and learning. In B. Barton, K. Irwin and M. Pfannkuch (Ed.). Mathematics Education in the South Pacific: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia. Auckland, New Zealand: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 551 - 558Conference item
Paul interpreter of the Jesus tradition
Woods, Laurie. (2002). Paul interpreter of the Jesus tradition. Journal of Religious Education. 50(2), pp. 71 - 79.Journal article
Responding to change in an Australian university: A multi-campus study
Broadbent, Carolyn. (2002). Responding to change in an Australian university: A multi-campus study. Journal of Institutional Research. 11(2), pp. 58 - 66.Journal article
What counts as quality literacy assessment in middle schooling?
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Campbell, Robert. (2002). What counts as quality literacy assessment in middle schooling? Curriculum Perspectives. 22, pp. 1 - 12.Journal article
Wages & conditions for the Victorian outdoor profession
Allen-Craig, Sandra and Moonen, Bettina. (2002). Wages & conditions for the Victorian outdoor profession. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education. 6(2), pp. 37 - 43.Journal article
The philosopher's dog
Gaita, Raimond. (2002). The philosopher's dog Text Publishing.Book
Invitation or invasion? The 'family home' metaphor in the Australian media's construction of immigration.
Burke, Rachel. (2002). Invitation or invasion? The 'family home' metaphor in the Australian media's construction of immigration. Journal of Intercultural Studies. 23(1), pp. 59 - 72.Journal article
Changing teacher education for a changing world
Moran, Wendy, Long, Janette and Nettle, Ted. (2002). Changing teacher education for a changing world. Catholic School Studies: A Journal of Catholic Education. 75(2), pp. 28 - 31.Journal article
How to dance like a 1950's robot teacher
Trotter, Penelope. (2002). How to dance like a 1950's robot teacherCreative work
Field of Buddhas
Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2002). Field of BuddhasCreative work
The Past And Future Of Literacy Training For Teachers: How Well Prepared Are Australian Teachers To Meet The Challenge Of Raising Standards Of English Literacy?
Sim, Cheryl, Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Dempster, Neil. (2002). The Past And Future Of Literacy Training For Teachers: How Well Prepared Are Australian Teachers To Meet The Challenge Of Raising Standards Of English Literacy? The Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education. Australia: Australian College of Educators. pp. 1 - 16Conference item
An analysis of Religious Educaton Coordinators' perceptions of their role in Catholic Secondary Schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne
Fleming, Gerard Patrick. (2002). An analysis of Religious Educaton Coordinators' perceptions of their role in Catholic Secondary Schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4ef74b7afThesis
Choice and responsibility: The delegation of decision making to intelligent software agents
Dowling, Carolyn. (2002). Choice and responsibility: The delegation of decision making to intelligent software agents. In In Klaus Brunnstein and Jacques Berleur (Ed.). pp. 163 - 170 Kluwer Academic.Book chapter
Business or association? The strategic response of employer associations to the decentralisation of bargaining in Australia
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Multilevel modeling of longitudinal growth and change: Substantive effects or regression toward the mean artifacts?
Marsh, Herb and Hau, Kit Tai. (2002). Multilevel modeling of longitudinal growth and change: Substantive effects or regression toward the mean artifacts? Multivariate Behavioral Research. 37(2), pp. 245 - 282. https://doi.org/10.1207/S15327906MBR3702_04Journal article
Just practicing: A response to Michael Warren's 'at this time in this place: The spirit embodied in the local assembly'
English, Graham. (2002). Just practicing: A response to Michael Warren's 'at this time in this place: The spirit embodied in the local assembly'. Journal of Religious Education. 50(1), pp. 61 - 63.Journal article
The female artist as icon of the liberation of the spirit
Griffith, Michael. (2002). The female artist as icon of the liberation of the spirit. In Colette Rayment and Mark L. Byrne (Ed.). Seeking the Centre; RLA Conference Proceedings. Sydney, Australia: RLA Press; Dept of Studies in Religion; University of Sydney. pp. 254 - 264Conference item
The homily on St Philotheus ascribed to Severus of Antioch
Youssef, Youhanna. (2002). The homily on St Philotheus ascribed to Severus of Antioch. Coptica. 1, pp. 169 - 221.Journal article
Tertullian and Daniel 9:24-27: A patristic interpretation of a prophetic time-frame
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2002). Tertullian and Daniel 9:24-27: A patristic interpretation of a prophetic time-frame. Journal of Ancient Christianity. 6, pp. 330 - 334.Journal article
Behind appearances: The many faces of discipline based art education
Carroll, Judith Stephanie. (2002). Behind appearances: The many faces of discipline based art education. In Tone Kvernbekk and Birgit Nordtug (Ed.). The Many Faces of Philosophy of Education: Traditions; Problems and Challenges. Oslo, Norway: International Network of Philosophers of Education. pp. 100 - 111Conference item
Summary of Rossiter's article on 'forms of marketing knowledge'
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Summary of Rossiter's article on 'forms of marketing knowledge'. Marketing Theory: an international review. 2(4), pp. 333 - 337. https://doi.org/10.1177/147059310200200402Journal article
Testing feature interaction : Between stream irrelevant speech effects in immediate recall
Tolan, Georgina Anne and Tehan, Gerald. (2002). Testing feature interaction : Between stream irrelevant speech effects in immediate recall. Journal of Memory and Language. 46, pp. 562-585. https://doi.org/10.1006/jmla.2001.2820Journal article
Bone of my Bones; Flesh of my Flesh: A brief history of the clone in science fiction
Webb, Janeen Suzanne. (2002). Bone of my Bones; Flesh of my Flesh: A brief history of the clone in science fiction. In In D. Pastourmatzi (Ed.). pp. 150 - 164 University Studio Press.Book chapter
A question of balance: Using self and peer assessment effectively in teamwork
Luca, Joe and McLoughlin, Catherine E.. (2002). A question of balance: Using self and peer assessment effectively in teamwork. In C. Williamson, A. Young and T. Clear (Ed.). Winds of Change in the Sea of Learning: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Auckland, New Zealand: UNITEC Institute of Technology. pp. 833 - 837Conference item
Designing an effective web-based environment for collaboration and teamwork
McLoughlin, Catherine. (2002). Designing an effective web-based environment for collaboration and teamwork. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning. 12(June), pp. 371 - 387.Journal article
The Theatrics of Cloning: The recent paintings of Juan Ford
Trotter, Penelope. (2002). The Theatrics of Cloning: The recent paintings of Juan Ford. Artlink: a contemporary art magazine in Australia.Journal article
Recommendations to the priest: Severus of Antioch or Severus of Ashmunein
Youssef, Youhanna. (2002). Recommendations to the priest: Severus of Antioch or Severus of Ashmunein. Journal of Coptic Studies. 4, pp. 171 - 187.Journal article
A 'War of Good Against Evil'
Gaita, Raimond. (2002). A 'War of Good Against Evil'. In In Tony Coady and Michael O'Keefe (Ed.). Terror and Justice: Moral Argument in a Threatened World pp. 113 - 125 Melbourne University Press.Book chapter
High-intensity resistance training improves glycemic control in older patients with type 2 diabetes
Dunstan, David Wayne, Daly, Robin M., Owen, Neville, Jolley, Damien, de Courten, Maximilian, Shaw, Jonathan E. and Zimmet, Paul Z.. (2002). High-intensity resistance training improves glycemic control in older patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 25(10), pp. 1729 - 1736. https://doi.org/10.2337/diacare.25.10.1729Journal article
Eating Mao Zedong
Kershaw, Alex. (2002). Eating Mao ZedongCreative work
Receding shores that never touch with inarticulate pang': Stevens and the language of touch
Masel, Carolyn. (2002). Receding shores that never touch with inarticulate pang': Stevens and the language of touch. Wallace Stevens Journal. 26(1), pp. 22 - 40.Journal article
Innovation: The key to success
Duvernet, Louise Frances. (2002). Innovation: The key to success. In Dr E.W.L Norman, Jill Keast and Natalia Link (Ed.). Innovation - the key to success. Coventry, United Kingdom: GSG. pp. 73 - 79Conference item
In these days of female evangelists and hallelujah lasses: Women preachers and the redefinition of gender roles in the churches
Swain, Shurlee. (2002). In these days of female evangelists and hallelujah lasses: Women preachers and the redefinition of gender roles in the churches. Journal of Religious History. 26(1), pp. 65 - 77.Journal article
Rhetorical structure in Tertullian's ad Scapulam
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2002). Rhetorical structure in Tertullian's ad Scapulam. Vigiliae Christinane. 56(1), pp. 47 - 55.Journal article
Are occupational gender stereotypes more or less extreme than the dominant gender in that occupation?
Fallon, Barry John, Terrett, Gillian and Winkelman, Cecelia. (2002). Are occupational gender stereotypes more or less extreme than the dominant gender in that occupation? In K. Moore (Ed.). Melbourne,Australia: Australian Psychological Society.Conference item
Performance approach, performance avoidance and depth of information processing: A fresh look at relations between students' academic motivation and cognition
Barker, Katrina L., McInerney, Dennis and Dowson, Martin. (2002). Performance approach, performance avoidance and depth of information processing: A fresh look at relations between students' academic motivation and cognition. Educational Psychology. 22(5), pp. 571 - 589. https://doi.org/10.1080/0144341022000023644Journal article
End-of-life issues: Case 2
Glare, Paul and Tobin, Bernadette. (2002). End-of-life issues: Case 2. Medical Journal of Australia. 176(21), pp. 80 - 81. https://doi.org/10.5694/j.1326-5377.2002.tb04292.xJournal article
Strategic alliances and innovation in the knowledge intensive pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry and research institutes
Cader, Yoosuf Ahmed. (2002). Strategic alliances and innovation in the knowledge intensive pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry and research institutes. In Mr Rao Karna (Editorial Co-ordinator) (Ed.). Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) Proceedings. Melbourne,Australia: Bowater School of Management; and Marketing - Deakin University. pp. 2661 - 2666Conference item
Religious education in Australian Catholic schools: Three historical snapshots
Ryan, Maurice. (2002). Religious education in Australian Catholic schools: Three historical snapshots. Journal of Religious Education. 50(3), pp. 2 - 6.Journal article
The professional development of Australian religious educators over the past 50 years
English, Graham. (2002). The professional development of Australian religious educators over the past 50 years. Journal of Religious Education. 50(2), pp. 23 - 29.Journal article
Legal technique
Enright, Christopher Simon. (2002). Legal technique Federation Press, the.Book
Promotion of prescription medicines: A critical review and research agenda
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Promotion of prescription medicines: A critical review and research agenda. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 2221 - 2227Conference item
Great expectations: Can the quality of teaching and learning be improved through academic development programs?
McLoughlin, Catherine E. and Samuels, Curtis. (2002). Great expectations: Can the quality of teaching and learning be improved through academic development programs? In A. Goody, J. Herrington and M. Northcote (Ed.). Research and Development in Higher Education;: Quality Conversations. Canberra, Australia: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. pp. 449 - 456Conference item
Reform; conservative and neo-orthodox - distinctions in contemporary Judaism: A useful lexicon for Catholics?
Rymarz, Richard. (2002). Reform; conservative and neo-orthodox - distinctions in contemporary Judaism: A useful lexicon for Catholics? Australasian Catholic Record. 79(1), pp. 18 - 30.Journal article
Cyprian of Carthage and the episcopal synod of late 254
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2002). Cyprian of Carthage and the episcopal synod of late 254. Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques (print version). 48, pp. 229 - 247.Journal article
Linking acute care to a strategy for improving Aboriginal health
Anderson, Ian P., Clarke, Angela, Reinhard, Russell, Otim, Michael and Andrews, Shawana. (2002). Linking acute care to a strategy for improving Aboriginal health. Australian Health Review. 25(5), pp. 118 - 129. https://doi.org/10.1071/AH020118Journal article
Counselling outcomes attributable to the working alliance.
Barletta, John and Fuller, Sally. (2002). Counselling outcomes attributable to the working alliance. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools. 12.Journal article
The ascetical theology and praxis of sixth to eighth century Irish monasticism as a radical response to the Evangelium
Thom, Catherine. (2002). The ascetical theology and praxis of sixth to eighth century Irish monasticism as a radical response to the Evangelium [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4f7e4b7b2Thesis
Introduction to the Walt Whitman Collection in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester
Masel, Carolyn. (2002). Introduction to the Walt Whitman Collection in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. In British Association of American Studies(BAAS)/Microform Academic Publishers.Book chapter
Exploring the intersections of self; practice and education: Social workers as parents; educators and practitioners.
Zubrzycki, Joanna. (2002). Exploring the intersections of self; practice and education: Social workers as parents; educators and practitioners. Women in Welfare Education. 5(September), pp. 33 - 43.Journal article
Teaching and learning in mathematics by abstraction
White, Paul and Mitchelmore, Michael. (2002). Teaching and learning in mathematics by abstraction. In In David Tall and Michael Thomas (Ed.). pp. 235 - 256 Post Pressed.Book chapter
The relation between research productivity and teaching effectiveness: Complementary, antagonistic, or independent constructs?
Marsh, Herb and Hattie, John. (2002). The relation between research productivity and teaching effectiveness: Complementary, antagonistic, or independent constructs? Journal of Higher Education. 73(5), pp. 603 - 641. https://doi.org/10.1353/jhe.2002.0047Journal article
Advanced 'prescribing' of nurses' emergency holding powers under New Zealand mental health legislation
Farrow, Tony L., McKenna, Brian and O'Brien, Anthony John. (2002). Advanced 'prescribing' of nurses' emergency holding powers under New Zealand mental health legislation. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 11(3), pp. 164 - 169.Journal article
Software agents and the 'human factor' in the electronic classroom
Dowling, Carolyn. (2002). Software agents and the 'human factor' in the electronic classroom. In Sue McNamara & (Ed.). Untangling the Web-Establishing Learning Links: Proceedings of the Australian Society for Educational Technology International Conference 2002. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Society for Educational Technology.Conference item
Enhancing the quality of the student experience online: Revising the imperative of learning as socially based
McLoughlin, Catherine E. and Luca, Joe. (2002). Enhancing the quality of the student experience online: Revising the imperative of learning as socially based. In A. Goody, J. Herrington and M. Northcote (Ed.). Research and Development in Higher Education;: Quality Conversations. Canberra, Australia: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. pp. 442 - 448Conference item
'Two hours genuine fun without the vulgarity': As the bishop said to the actress
Ryan, Delyse. (2002). 'Two hours genuine fun without the vulgarity': As the bishop said to the actress. The Journal of Religion and Theatre. 1(1), pp. 1 - 13.Journal article
Geodetic Monuments
Kershaw, Alex. (2002). Geodetic MonumentsDigital or visual media
The diversity and unity of God in Novatian's de Trinitate
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2002). The diversity and unity of God in Novatian's de Trinitate. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. 78, pp. 385 - 409.Journal article
Priests and relationships: The case of the Catholic clergy
Fallon, Barry John and Power, Georja. (2002). Priests and relationships: The case of the Catholic clergy. In K. Moore, T. Bowles and J. Fitness et al (Ed.). Melbourne,Australia: Australian Psychological Society. pp. 49 - 58Conference item
Confronting cruelty: Historical perspectives on child abuse
Swain, Shurlee Lesley and Scott, Dorothy. (2002). Confronting cruelty: Historical perspectives on child abuse Melbourne University Press.Book
Selling Plutology: Correspondence relating to the failure of Australia’s first economic text
Moore, Gregory. (2002). Selling Plutology: Correspondence relating to the failure of Australia’s first economic text. History of Economics Review. 35, pp. 63 - 71.Journal article
The canonical adventure of the Apocalypse of John: An Eastern Orthodox perspective
Michael, George Michael. (2002). The canonical adventure of the Apocalypse of John: An Eastern Orthodox perspective [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4b834b7a3Thesis
Initiating committal proceedings 'just in case' with voluntary patients: a critique of nursing practice
Farrow, Tony L., McKenna, Brian and O'Brien, Anthony John. (2002). Initiating committal proceedings 'just in case' with voluntary patients: a critique of nursing practice. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand. 18(2), pp. 15 - 23.Journal article
Social work and technology: Challenges for social workers in practice: A case study
Humphries, Peter and Camilleri, Peter. (2002). Social work and technology: Challenges for social workers in practice: A case study. Australian Social Work. 55(4), pp. 251 - 259.Journal article
Community versus individual benefit
Tobin, Bernadette, Leeder, Stephen and Somerville, Ernest. (2002). Community versus individual benefit. Medical Journal of Australia. 176, pp. 279 - 280. https://doi.org/10.5694/j.1326-5377.2002.tb04408.xJournal article
Faith seeking fantasy: Tolkien on Fairy-Stories
Kelly, Anthony. (2002). Faith seeking fantasy: Tolkien on Fairy-Stories. Global Change, Peace and Security. 15, pp. 190 - 208. https://doi.org/10.1177/1030570X0201500205Journal article
The internship as a model for field-based learning
Hansen, Paul James. (2002). The internship as a model for field-based learning. In NSW School of Education, ACU, Sydney (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 100 - 105Conference item
The socially interactive pedagogical agent within online learning communities
Dowling, Carolyn. (2002). The socially interactive pedagogical agent within online learning communities. In Kinshuk, Lewis and Akahori (Ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 30 - 34Conference item
Remembering religious education: Insights from contemporary Australian autobiography
Ryan, Maurice. (2002). Remembering religious education: Insights from contemporary Australian autobiography. Journal of Religious Education. 50(4), pp. 23 - 28.Journal article
The role of the Learning Technology Coordinator in the professional development of teachers as they integrate learning technologies into classroom practice
O'Donnell, Margaret. (2002). The role of the Learning Technology Coordinator in the professional development of teachers as they integrate learning technologies into classroom practice [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4f534b7b1Thesis
Researching agent aechnologies in the electronic classroom
Dowling, Carolyn. (2002). Researching agent aechnologies in the electronic classroom. In In Deryn Watson and Jane Anderson (Ed.). pp. 277 - 285 Kluwer Academic Publishers.Book chapter
Developing the interpersonal and communication skills necessary for effective requirements engineering
Thomas, Theda and Schroder, Cheryl. (2002). Developing the interpersonal and communication skills necessary for effective requirements engineering. In J. Cybulski, L. Nguyen and J. Lamp (Ed.). Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering. Melbourne,Australia: Deakin University Press. pp. 185 - 197Conference item
Stop the bus I want to get off: Academics coping in a time of uncertainty
Broadbent, Carolyn. (2002). Stop the bus I want to get off: Academics coping in a time of uncertainty. In Peter Jeffrey AARE Executive Member (Ed.). Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference Proceedings 2002. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education.Conference item
Local partnerships in the early childhood field: The importance of context
Dockett, Sue, Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). Local partnerships in the early childhood field: The importance of context. In J. Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 174 - 177Conference item
Psychological environment and student self-handicapping in secondary school mathematics classes: A cross-national study
Dorman, Jeffrey, Ada, Joan and Ferguson, Janet. (2002). Psychological environment and student self-handicapping in secondary school mathematics classes: A cross-national study. Educational Psychology : An international journal of experimental educational psychology. 22(5), pp. 499 - 511.Journal article
Eating Mao Zedong
Kershaw, Alex. (2002). Eating Mao ZedongCreative work
Bartholomew, Julie. (2002). RaptCreative work
Proverbs with Solomon: A critical revision of the pre-critical commentary tradition in the light of a biblical intertextual study
Moss, Alan. (2002). Proverbs with Solomon: A critical revision of the pre-critical commentary tradition in the light of a biblical intertextual study. Heythrop Journal: a Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology. 43(2), pp. 199 - 211.Journal article
Guest Editorial
Tobin, Bernadette. (2002). Guest Editorial. Contemporary Nurse. 12(3), pp. 209 - 212. https://doi.org/10.5172/conu.12.3.209Journal article
Is experience with one illicit drug associated with perceptions of the believability of anti-drug messages?
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Is experience with one illicit drug associated with perceptions of the believability of anti-drug messages? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Portugal: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.Conference item
Normal rules of law; child protection legislation and Australia’s detention of child asylum seekers
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Normal rules of law; child protection legislation and Australia’s detention of child asylum seekers. Alternative Law Journal. 27(4), pp. 165 - 170.Journal article
Researching the field: An experience in early childhood education
Dockett, Sue, Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). Researching the field: An experience in early childhood education. In J. Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 74 - 80Conference item
Arithmetic and quasi-variables: A year 2 lesson to introduce algebra in the early years
Warren, Elizabeth Anne. (2002). Arithmetic and quasi-variables: A year 2 lesson to introduce algebra in the early years. In A. Cockburn and E. Nardi (Ed.). International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference. Norwich, England: University of East Anglia. pp. 369 - 376Conference item
'But what about the learning?' Does any learning take place in the Teaching learning Consortium?
Beck, Margaret Helen. (2002). 'But what about the learning?' Does any learning take place in the Teaching learning Consortium? In J. Clark and Elizabeth Stacey (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 33 - 37Conference item
Education as encounter
Ozolins, John. (2002). Education as encounter. PESA Conference 2002: All Hallows School. Brisbane, Australia: Brisbane Papers.Conference item
Employer matters in 2001
Thornthwaite, Louise and Sheldon, Peter. (2002). Employer matters in 2001. Journal of Industrial Relations. 44(2), pp. 263 - 289.Journal article
Comparing the university-level environment in the Australian Catholic university with other universities
Dorman, Jeffrey, Ada, Joan and Ferguson, Janet. (2002). Comparing the university-level environment in the Australian Catholic university with other universities. Christian Higher Education. 1(1), pp. 39 - 53.Journal article
Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66 & GMFM-88) users manual
Russell, Dianne J., Rosenbaum, Peter, Wright, Marilyn and Avery, Lisa M.. (2002). Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66 & GMFM-88) users manual Mac Keith Press.Book
Jacques Dupuis' Christian theology of religious pluralism
Hall, Gerard. (2002). Jacques Dupuis' Christian theology of religious pluralism. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 15, pp. 37 - 50.Journal article
Derivative and indigenous in the history and historiography of child welfare in Australia: Part two
Swain, Shurlee. (2002). Derivative and indigenous in the history and historiography of child welfare in Australia: Part two. Children Australia. 27, pp. 5 - 9.Journal article
The limitations of financial deregulation in Australia in the 1980's and 1990's
Stokes, Anthony Robert. (2002). The limitations of financial deregulation in Australia in the 1980's and 1990's Greenacre Educational Publications.Book
Grace: Meaning and Catholic Education
Kelly, Anthony. (2002). Grace: Meaning and Catholic Education. In In Deirdre J. Duncan and Dan Riley (Ed.). pp. 1 - 16 Harper Collins.Book chapter
Children's understanding of 'turn arounds'
Warren, Elizabeth. (2002). Children's understanding of 'turn arounds'. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. 7(1), pp. 9 - 13.Journal article
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink: The role of the e-moderator in on-line forums
Maguire, James Martin and Brown, Gary. (2002). You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink: The role of the e-moderator in on-line forums. In Julie Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 158 - 167Conference item
Israiliyyat and classical exegetes' comments on the calf with a hallow sound on 22:33-98 1 7:147-155 with special reference to 16n Attiyya
Albayrak, Ismail. (2002). Israiliyyat and classical exegetes' comments on the calf with a hallow sound on 22:33-98 1 7:147-155 with special reference to 16n Attiyya. Journal of Semitic Studies. 47(1), pp. 39 - 65.Journal article
Coastal wetland habitat dynamics in selected New South Wales estuaries [Vol. 1]
Wilton, Kylee Margaret. (2002). Coastal wetland habitat dynamics in selected New South Wales estuaries [Vol. 1] [PhD Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4fc64b7b3PhD Thesis
How do preschool children feel about themselves? Unraveling measurement and multidimensional self-concept structure.
Marsh, Herb, Ellis, Louise and Craven, Rhonda. (2002). How do preschool children feel about themselves? Unraveling measurement and multidimensional self-concept structure. Developmental Psychology. 38(3), pp. 376 - 393. https://doi.org/10.1037//0012-1649.38.3.376Journal article
Vietnamese - Australian young people and illicit drug use in Melbourne
Webber, Ruth. (2002). Vietnamese - Australian young people and illicit drug use in Melbourne. Youth Studies Australia. 21(3), pp. 11 - 18.Journal article
Technology teacher education: Is it time to do a Maslow?
Barlow, John. (2002). Technology teacher education: Is it time to do a Maslow? In Howard Middleton, Margarita Pavlova and Dick Roebuck (Ed.). Learning in Technology Education: Challenges for the 21st Century. Brisbane, Australia: Centre for Technology Education Research Griffith University. pp. 9 - 16Conference item
Theological reflection: Is this for me?
Dean, Andrea. (2002). Theological reflection: Is this for me? Journal of Religious Education. 50(4), pp. 29 - 37.Journal article
Person; body and gender
Gleeson, Gerald. (2002). Person; body and gender. Australasian Catholic Record. 79(3), pp. 285 - 298.Journal article
The independence and reform of the judiciary in Indonesia
Zifcak, Spencer Michael. (2002). The independence and reform of the judiciary in Indonesia. In In C. Sampford, S. Condolin and M. Palmer (Ed.). Asia Pacific Governance: From Crisis to Reform pp. 307 - 327 Aldershot.Book chapter
Steel magnolias' healing journeys: Rural women speak of transforming their lives after the experience of childhood sexual assault
Allen-Kelly, Kandie. (2002). Steel magnolias' healing journeys: Rural women speak of transforming their lives after the experience of childhood sexual assault [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4cdd4b7a8Thesis
Thriving as an R.E. Teacher: A handbook for secondary religious education
Engebretson, Kathleen Veronica, Rymarz, Richard Michael and Fleming, Joe. (2002). Thriving as an R.E. Teacher: A handbook for secondary religious education Social Science Press.Book
Gender and school: Policy directions, practice and leadership
Wenham, Anne Maria. (2002). Gender and school: Policy directions, practice and leadership [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4e7d4b7adThesis
The university: Is it finished?
Raimond, Gaita. (2002). The university: Is it finished? In In Simon Cooper, John Hinkson and Geoff Sharp (Ed.). pp. 91 - 108 Arena Publications Association.Book chapter
Navigating border crossings: How primary teachers learn to teach science
Mulholland, Judith and Wallace, John. (2002). Navigating border crossings: How primary teachers learn to teach science. Teaching Science. 48(2), pp. 12 - 19.Journal article
Why swallow the silicon snake oil? Mainstreaming online learning in teacher education
Visser, Anthony Jeen and Woolford, James Arthur. (2002). Why swallow the silicon snake oil? Mainstreaming online learning in teacher education. In A. Williamson, C. Lunn and A. Young (Ed.). Winds of Change in the Sea of Learning: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Auckland, New Zealand: UNITEC Institute of Technology. pp. 701 - 710Conference item
The rising prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance: The Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle study
Dunstan, David Wayne, Zimmet, Paul Z., Welborn, Timothy A., de Courten, Maximilian, Cameron, Adrian J/, Sicree, Richard A., Dwyer, Terry, Colagiuri, Stephen, Jolley, Damien, Knuiman, Matthew, Atkins, Robert and Shaw, Jonathan E.. (2002). The rising prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance: The Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle study. Diabetes Care. 25(5), pp. 829 - 834. https://doi.org/10.2337/diacare.25.5.829Journal article
Postconciliar Catholics: Generation X and religious education
Rymarz, Richard. (2002). Postconciliar Catholics: Generation X and religious education. Journal of Religious Education. 50(4), pp. 52 - 56.Journal article
Spiritual development and a sense of the sacred. Perceptions of some final year RE teacher trainees
de Souza, Marian. (2002). Spiritual development and a sense of the sacred. Perceptions of some final year RE teacher trainees [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8821wDataset
Rush Rhees: Moral questions
Gaita, Raimond. (2002). Rush Rhees: Moral questions. Philosophical Investigations. 25(1), pp. 94 - 110.Journal article
The Past and Future of Literacy Training for Teachers: How Well Prepared Are Australian Teachers To Meet The Challenge Of Raising Standards Of English Literacy?
Sim, Cheryl, Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Dempster, Neil. (2002). The Past and Future of Literacy Training for Teachers: How Well Prepared Are Australian Teachers To Meet The Challenge Of Raising Standards Of English Literacy? Teacher Education ATEA Forum 2002. Australia: Toowoomba Education Centre. pp. 1 - 10Conference item
Remapping of Sepp 14 wetlands in the Shoalhaven district
Saintilan, Neil. (2002). Remapping of Sepp 14 wetlands in the Shoalhaven district. Wetlands (Australia). 20(2), pp. 55 - 65.Journal article
Number sense or no sense: Pre-service teachers learning and understanding the mathematics they are required to teach
Hanrahan, Frances May. (2002). Number sense or no sense: Pre-service teachers learning and understanding the mathematics they are required to teach [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4e3e4b7acThesis
High-intensity resistance training improves glycemic control in older patients with type 2 diabetes
Dunstan, David, Daly, Robin, Owen, Neville, Jolley, Damien, de Courten, Maximilian, Shaw, Jonathan and Zimmet, Paul. (2002). High-intensity resistance training improves glycemic control in older patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 25(10), pp. 1729 - 1736. https://doi.org/10.2337/diacare.25.10.1729Journal article
Moving beyond 'English and literacy' to 'English literacies': Bringing together the study of texts and social practices
Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (2002). Moving beyond 'English and literacy' to 'English literacies': Bringing together the study of texts and social practices. English in Australia. 134, pp. 57 - 66.Journal article
Intervening in Ethics
Gaita, Raimond. (2002). Intervening in Ethics. In In John H. Whittaker (Ed.). The Possibilities of Sense Palgrave Publishing.Book chapter
Self-regulation of alcohol advertising: Is it working for Australia?
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Self-regulation of alcohol advertising: Is it working for Australia? Journal of Public Affairs. 2(3), pp. 153 - 165. https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.105Journal article
Breast cancer detection messages in Australian print media advertising-are they promoting correct information?
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Breast cancer detection messages in Australian print media advertising-are they promoting correct information? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Portugal: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.Conference item
The Carthaginian Synod of 251 :Cyprian's Model of Pastoral Ministry
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2002). The Carthaginian Synod of 251 :Cyprian's Model of Pastoral Ministry. Rome,Italy: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum.Conference item
Challenges to the academic role of change agent
Doring, Allan. (2002). Challenges to the academic role of change agent. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 26(2), pp. 139 - 148.Journal article
A tale that fiction would envy: Naturalistic inquiry methods in the visual arts
Carroll, Judith Stephanie. (2002). A tale that fiction would envy: Naturalistic inquiry methods in the visual arts. In Peter L Jeffrey (Ed.). Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference Proceedings 2002. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 15Conference item
Freedom of information: Back to basics
Zifcak, Spencer Michael. (2002). Freedom of information: Back to basics. In In R. Creyke and J. McMillan (Ed.). Administrative Law: The Essentials Australian Institute of Administrative Law.Book chapter
Sequence onprostration
Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2002). Sequence onprostrationCreative work
The applicability of commercial advertising theory to social marketing: Two case studies of current Australian social marketing campaigns
Jones, Sandra and Rossiter, John R.. (2002). The applicability of commercial advertising theory to social marketing: Two case studies of current Australian social marketing campaigns. Social Marketing Quarterly. 8(1), pp. 6 - 18. https://doi.org/10.1080/15245000212540Journal article
The camps; a site of exceptionality: Australia’s detention of asylum seekers
Bessant, Judith. (2002). The camps; a site of exceptionality: Australia’s detention of asylum seekers. Australian Journal of Social Issues. 37(1), pp. 1 - 30.Journal article
Narratives of race and nation in China: Women's suffrage in the early twentieth century
Edwards, Louise. (2002). Narratives of race and nation in China: Women's suffrage in the early twentieth century. Women's Studies International Forum. 25(6), pp. 619 - 630. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5395(02)00340-0Journal article
Matthew and the gentiles: A response to Brendan Byrne - and Byrne responds
Sim, David. (2002). Matthew and the gentiles: A response to Brendan Byrne - and Byrne responds. Australian Biblical Review. 50, pp. 74 - 79.Journal article
Effects of Structure Stratergy Instruction Delivered to Fifth-Grade Children Using the Internet With and Without the Aid of Adult Tutors
Meyer, Bonnie J.F, Middlemiss, Wendy, Theodorou, Elena, Brezinski, Kristen L., McDougall, Janet and Bartlett, Brendan. (2002). Effects of Structure Stratergy Instruction Delivered to Fifth-Grade Children Using the Internet With and Without the Aid of Adult Tutors. Journal of Educational Psychology. 94(3), pp. 486 - 519. https://doi.org/10.1037//0022-0663.94.3.486Journal article
Planning for future leadership of schools: An Australian study
d'Arbon, Tony, Duignan, Patrick and Duncan, Deirdre. (2002). Planning for future leadership of schools: An Australian study. Journal of Educational Administration. 40(5), pp. 468 - 484.Journal article
A terrible beauty: David Zindell and the trans-human condition
Enstice, Andrew Graham. (2002). A terrible beauty: David Zindell and the trans-human condition. In In Domna Pastourmatzi (Ed.). pp. 289 - 298 University Studio Press.Book chapter
Extracurricular school activities: The good, the bad, and the nonlinear
Marsh, Herb and Kleitman, S.. (2002). Extracurricular school activities: The good, the bad, and the nonlinear. Harvard Educational Review. 72(4), pp. 464 - 514. https://doi.org/10.17763/haer.72.4.051388703v7v7736Journal article
Multilevel causal ordering of academic self-concept and achievement: Influence of language of instruction (English compared with Chinese) for Hong Kong students
Marsh, Herb, Hau, Kit Tai and Kong, Chit Kwong. (2002). Multilevel causal ordering of academic self-concept and achievement: Influence of language of instruction (English compared with Chinese) for Hong Kong students. American Educational Research Journal. 39(3), pp. 727 - 763. https://doi.org/10.3102/00028312039003727Journal article
Don't judge a book by its cover: Uncovering the riches contained within discussion forum message postings
Brown, Gary and Maguire, James Martin. (2002). Don't judge a book by its cover: Uncovering the riches contained within discussion forum message postings. Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 38 - 47Conference item
Student difficulties in abstracting angle concepts from physical activities with concrete materials
Mitchelmore, Michael, Prescott, Anne and White, Paul. (2002). Student difficulties in abstracting angle concepts from physical activities with concrete materials. In B. Barton, K. Irwin and M. Pfannkuck (Ed.). Mathematics Education in the South Pacific: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia. Auckland, New Zealand: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 583 - 591Conference item
Co-opting the Chinese women's suffrage movement for the fifth modernisation-democracy
Edwards, Louise. (2002). Co-opting the Chinese women's suffrage movement for the fifth modernisation-democracy. Asian Studies Review. 26(3), pp. 285 - 308.Journal article
The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab) - Methods and response rates
Dunstan, David Wayne, Zimmet, Paul Z., Welborn, Timothy A., Cameron, Adrian J., Shaw, Jonathan E., de Courten, Maximilian, Jolley, Damien and McCarty, Daniel J.. (2002). The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab) - Methods and response rates. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 57(2), pp. 119 - 129. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-8227(02)00025-6Journal article
Going overboard: Refugees and Australian immigration policy
Ozolins, John. (2002). Going overboard: Refugees and Australian immigration policy. Interface: A Forum for Theology in the World. 5(2), pp. 14 - 34.Journal article
Creating a new vision: Cross cultural partnerships in the field another problematic?
Butcher, Jude, Parker, Judith and Harney, Peter. (2002). Creating a new vision: Cross cultural partnerships in the field another problematic? In J. Clark, P. Howard and T. Harrison (Ed.). Creating a New Vision: Cross Cultural Partnerships in the Field Another Problematic?. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 56 - 64Conference item
The images of God of middle school adolescents
Duffy, Veronica Rose. (2002). The images of God of middle school adolescents [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4f234b7b0Thesis
The policies of official talk about welfare reform in Australia
Bessant, Judith. (2002). The policies of official talk about welfare reform in Australia. Just Policy: a journal of Australian social policy. 28(December), pp. 12 - 22.Journal article
Agent technologies in the electronic classroom: Some pedagogical issues
Dowling, Carolyn. (2002). Agent technologies in the electronic classroom: Some pedagogical issues. In Philip Baker and Samuel Rebelsky (Ed.). Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2002. Norfolk VA, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 437 - 442Conference item
Researching quality: What does it mean for curriculum and assessment in e-learning environments?
McLoughlin, Catherine E.. (2002). Researching quality: What does it mean for curriculum and assessment in e-learning environments? In Peter Jeffrey AARE Executive Member (Ed.). Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference Proceedings 2002. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 24Conference item
The Hymn of the Pearl: The Syriac and Greek texts with Introduction; translations and notes
Ferreira, J.. (2002). The Hymn of the Pearl: The Syriac and Greek texts with Introduction; translations and notes St Pauls Publications.Book
Parent and school partnerships in supporting literacy and numeracy
Warren, Elizabeth and Young, Janelle. (2002). Parent and school partnerships in supporting literacy and numeracy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 30(3), pp. 217 - 228.Journal article
The self-handicapping phenomenon
Dorman, Jeffrey and Ferguson, Janet. (2002). The self-handicapping phenomenon. Kappa Delta Pi Record (print version). 38(2), pp. 64 - 67.Journal article
The structure of a systematic ecclesiology
Ormerod, Neil. (2002). The structure of a systematic ecclesiology. Theological Studies. 63(1), pp. 3 - 30.Journal article
Left, right or straight ahead: Contemporary prospects for progressive and critical criminology
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Left, right or straight ahead: Contemporary prospects for progressive and critical criminology. In In K. Carrington and R. Hogg (Ed.). Critical Criminology: Issues; Debates; Challenges pp. 218 - 242 Willan Publishing.Book chapter
Journey to the margins: The contribution of the Missionary Society of St Columban to the theory and practice of overseas mission within the Catholic Church 1920-2000
Rue, Charles. (2002). Journey to the margins: The contribution of the Missionary Society of St Columban to the theory and practice of overseas mission within the Catholic Church 1920-2000 [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4d194b7a9Thesis
Promoting the professional growth of pre-service teachers through community-based learning
Broadbent, Carolyn. (2002). Promoting the professional growth of pre-service teachers through community-based learning. In Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis (Ed.). Learning for the Future: Proceedings of the Learning Conference 2001. Melbourne, Australia: Common Ground Publishing. pp. 3 - 21Conference item
Even in this distant and obscure corner of the world; the british character does not degenerate': Philanthropy in the Australian colonies
Swain, Shurlee. (2002). Even in this distant and obscure corner of the world; the british character does not degenerate': Philanthropy in the Australian colonies. Voluntary Action. 5(1), pp. 107 - 117.Journal article
How is power used in the Catholic Church? A case study of a group of male religious in the Archdiocese of Melbourne
Dowling, Peter. (2002). How is power used in the Catholic Church? A case study of a group of male religious in the Archdiocese of Melbourne [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4c554b7a6Thesis
But the children... : Indigenous child removal policies compared
Swain, Shurlee. (2002). But the children... : Indigenous child removal policies compared. In In T. Banivanua Mar and J. Evans (Ed.). pp. 133 - 143 RMIT Publishing Informit Library.Book chapter
Tobacco point of sale advertising increases positive brand user imagery
Jones, Sandra. (2002). Tobacco point of sale advertising increases positive brand user imagery. Tobacco Control. 11(3), pp. 191 - 194. https://doi.org/10.1136/tc.11.3.191Journal article
Expressions of religiosity and spirituality among Australian fourteen year olds
Engebretson, Kath. (2002). Expressions of religiosity and spirituality among Australian fourteen year olds. International Journal of Children's Spirituality. 7(1).Journal article
Theology after disaster
Veling, Terry. (2002). Theology after disaster. The Living Light (print version). 38(4), pp. 6 - 17.Journal article
Bone mineral density in adolescent female athletes: relationship to exercise type and muscle strength
Duncan, Craig S., Blimkie, Cameron J., Cowell, Christopher T., Burke, Stephen, Briody, Julie N. and Giles-Howman, Robert. (2002). Bone mineral density in adolescent female athletes: relationship to exercise type and muscle strength. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 34(2), pp. 286 - 294.Journal article
Naïve and yet knowing: Young learners portray beliefs about mathematics and learning
McDonough, Andrea M.. (2002). Naïve and yet knowing: Young learners portray beliefs about mathematics and learning [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4d814b7aaThesis
Passing through history and the experience of selfhood: An issue for education and ministry
Kelly, Anthony. (2002). Passing through history and the experience of selfhood: An issue for education and ministry. Journal of Religious Education. 50(3), pp. 14 - 20.Journal article
Probleme du mal et peches des origins
Horner, Robyn. (2002). Probleme du mal et peches des origins. Recherches de Science Religieuse. 90(1), pp. 63 - 86.Journal article
'If you were a bear': 6-year-olds negotiating 'reality' through drama
McDonald, Lorraine. (2002). 'If you were a bear': 6-year-olds negotiating 'reality' through drama. In In Bjorn Rassmussen and Anna-Lena Ostern (Ed.). pp. 280 - 287 IDEA Publications.Book chapter
Rights; obligations and public sphere: Arguments and options for securing just policies for young people
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Rights; obligations and public sphere: Arguments and options for securing just policies for young people. Children Australia. 27(3), pp. 33 - 44.Journal article
Burden of care: Ageing in urban Japan and China, the family and the State
Miller, Elizabeth Jill. (2002). Burden of care: Ageing in urban Japan and China, the family and the State [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4c8d4b7a7Thesis
Maximus the Confessor and his companions: Documents from exile
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2002). Maximus the Confessor and his companions: Documents from exile Oxford University Press.Book
Egg faced girl
Trotter, Penelope. (2002). Egg faced girlCreative work
Sacred speech: The language of the 'dialogue of love' between the roman church and the church of Constantinople
Cross, Lawrence. (2002). Sacred speech: The language of the 'dialogue of love' between the roman church and the church of Constantinople. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 15(1), pp. 51 - 64.Journal article
Interaction effects in growth modeling: A full model
Wen, Z., Marsh, Herb and Hau, Kit Tai. (2002). Interaction effects in growth modeling: A full model. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 9(1), pp. 20 - 39. https://doi.org/10.1207/S15328007SEM0901_2Journal article
The church and music publication in Australia
Gome, Dianne. (2002). The church and music publication in Australia. In Georgina Binns (Ed.). Music Printing and Publishing in Australia: Papers from the History of the Book in Australia Seminar. Melbourne, Australia: Drakard and Fraser Printers and Publishers. pp. 53 - 67Conference item
Writing church-sponsored religious education textbooks
Engebretson, Kath. (2002). Writing church-sponsored religious education textbooks. British Journal of Religious Education. 25(1), pp. 33 - 46.Journal article
The dissection of the wicked servant in Matthew 24:51
Sim, David. (2002). The dissection of the wicked servant in Matthew 24:51. Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 58(1), pp. 172 - 184. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v58i1.542Journal article
Wizard of the Thunderdome
Trotter, Penelope. (2002). Wizard of the ThunderdomeCreative work
Unfinished drawing projects
Burgess, Peter. (2002). Unfinished drawing projectsCreative work
Bridge over troubled water: Creating effective online support for the megacognitive aspects of problem solving
McLoughlin, Catherine E. and Hollingworth, Rowan. (2002). Bridge over troubled water: Creating effective online support for the megacognitive aspects of problem solving. In Philip Barker and Samuel Rebelsky (Ed.). Ed-Media 2002 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Denver, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).Conference item
Doing away with double effect?
Drum, Peter. (2002). Doing away with double effect? Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics. 4(1), pp. 60 - 63.Journal article
The concept of clinical leadership
Lett, Margaret. (2002). The concept of clinical leadership. Contemporary Nurse. 12(1), pp. 16 - 21.Journal article
Comedy research and psychoanalysis
Matte, Gerard. (2002). Comedy research and psychoanalysis. Australian Journal of Comedy. 1(1), pp. 41 - 64.Journal article
Roman Catholic and eastern orthodox approaches to ecumenism: Foundations for a theology of ecumenism
Cross, Lawrence. (2002). Roman Catholic and eastern orthodox approaches to ecumenism: Foundations for a theology of ecumenism. Eastern Churches Journal (print version). 9(3), pp. 27 - 50.Journal article
Christian parent controlled schools in Australia - A study of the relationship between functional values and prevailing practices
Justins, Charles Francis Roy. (2002). Christian parent controlled schools in Australia - A study of the relationship between functional values and prevailing practices [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e4ec64b7aeThesis
Risk assessment of violence to others: time for action
McKenna, Brian. (2002). Risk assessment of violence to others: time for action. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand. 18(1), pp. 36 - 43.Journal article
How well prepared are Australian teachers to meet the challenge of raising standards of English literacy?
Sim, Cheryl, Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Dempster, Neil. (2002). How well prepared are Australian teachers to meet the challenge of raising standards of English literacy? Unicorn Online Refereed Articles. 22, pp. 1 - 14.Journal article
Matthew's anti-Paulinism: A neglected feature of Matthean studies
Sim, David. (2002). Matthew's anti-Paulinism: A neglected feature of Matthean studies. Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 58(2), pp. 767 - 783. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v58i2.557Journal article
Generative metaphor; problem setting in policy and the discovery of youth at risk
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Generative metaphor; problem setting in policy and the discovery of youth at risk. Youth and Policy: the journal of critical analysis. 77(Autumn), pp. 33 - 46.Journal article
Translator's Introduction
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Spin series
Bartholomew, Julie. (2002). Spin seriesCreative work
Marlboro's marketing in Western Europe: Is it Ethical?
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Validating a scope of nursing practice decision-making framework
Davies, Elizabeth and Fox-Young, S.. (2002). Validating a scope of nursing practice decision-making framework. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 39(1), pp. 85 - 93. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0020-7489(00)00120-6Journal article
Development and validation of the extended practicum learning environment inventory
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Dawkin's higher education reforms and how metaphors work in policy making
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Dawkin's higher education reforms and how metaphors work in policy making. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 24(1), pp. 87 - 100.Journal article
Education and employment: The future for Aboriginal people: With responses from: Peta Goldburg, Roderic Lacey and Maurice Ryan
Goldburg, Peta, Ungunmerr-Baumann, Miriam-Rose, Lacey, Roderic and Ryan, Maurice James. (2002). Education and employment: The future for Aboriginal people: With responses from: Peta Goldburg, Roderic Lacey and Maurice Ryan. Journal of Religious Education. 50(4), pp. 65 - 70.Journal article
Between Iran, Peter Hore and Australia
Kershaw, Alex. (2002). Between Iran, Peter Hore and AustraliaCreative work
Aristotle's republic; or why Aristotle's ethics is not virtue ethics
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Symbolic use of accounting practises: The case of Australian universities
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Ramzejs Un Murs Par Propoziciju Dabu (Ramsey and Moore on the nature of propositions)
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The prenatal person: Ethics from conception to birth
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Risk and nostalgia: The problem of education and youth unemployment in Australia - a case study
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Risk and nostalgia: The problem of education and youth unemployment in Australia - a case study. Journal of Education and Work. 15(1), pp. 31 - 52.Journal article
Associations between psychological environments in religious education classes and students' attitudes towards Christianity
Dorman, Jeffrey, McRobbie, Campbell and Foster, William. (2002). Associations between psychological environments in religious education classes and students' attitudes towards Christianity. Religious Education: a platform for the free discussion of issues in the field of religion and their bearing on education. 97(1), pp. 23 - 43.Journal article
An Australian Proposal for doing Critical Literacy Assessment: The Case of Writing
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Murphy, Judy. (2002). An Australian Proposal for doing Critical Literacy Assessment: The Case of Writing. English in Education. 36(3), pp. 4 - 19. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1754-8845.2002.tb00763.xJournal article
Multitrait-multimethod analyses of two physical self-concept instruments: A cross-cultural perspective
Marsh, Herb, Asci, F. Hülya and Tomás, I.. (2002). Multitrait-multimethod analyses of two physical self-concept instruments: A cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 24(2), pp. 99 - 119. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.24.2.99Journal article
Towards a reconciliation of legal and social work practice
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Girard's mimetic theory and the image of God in man: A preliminary theological perspecitve of human mimesis
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The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab) - Methods and response rates
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Escaping from a polemical history: Until hearts and minds are changed
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An uneasy relationship: Norfolk Island and the Commonwealth of Australia
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Young People’s Perceptions of their Spirituality
de Souza, Marian, Cartwright, Patricia and McGilp, Jacqueline. (2002). Young People’s Perceptions of their Spirituality [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.855wwDataset
Stroll your way to well-being: A survey of the perceived benefits; barriers; community support; stigma associated with pram
Currie, Janet and Develin, E. D.. (2002). Stroll your way to well-being: A survey of the perceived benefits; barriers; community support; stigma associated with pram. Health Care for Women International. 23(8), pp. 882 - 893.Journal article
Justice and education: Exploring a liasion officer's role - an example of mentoring
Howard, Peter and Breeze, Nicole. (2002). Justice and education: Exploring a liasion officer's role - an example of mentoring. In J. Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 122 - 128Conference item
Automorphisms of Coxeter groups of rank 3 with infinite bonds
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Between Iran, Peter Hore and Australia
Kershaw, Alex. (2002). Between Iran, Peter Hore and AustraliaCreative work
Metinsel diyalog: Islamiyat
Albayrak, Ismail. (2002). Metinsel diyalog: Islamiyat. Islamiyat. 5(3), pp. 109 - 122.Journal article
Untitled monuments
Kershaw, Alex. (2002). Untitled monumentsCreative work
Selling Plutology: Correspondence Relating to the Failure of Australia's First Economic Text
Moore, Gregory. (2002). Selling Plutology: Correspondence Relating to the Failure of Australia's First Economic Text. History of Economics Review. 35, pp. 63 - 71.Journal article
Disparate Voices? Framlingham as a site of resistance
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The theological hermeneutics of Edward Schillebeeckx
Rochford, Dennis. (2002). The theological hermeneutics of Edward Schillebeeckx. Theological Studies. 62(2), pp. 251 - 267. https://doi.org/10.1177/004056390206300202Journal article
Keeping an anchor watch: Industry partnerships as a basis for learning
McLoughlin, Catherine E. and Luca, Joe. (2002). Keeping an anchor watch: Industry partnerships as a basis for learning. In A. Williamson, C. Gunn and A. Young (Ed.). Winds of Change in the Sea of Learning: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Australiasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Auckland, New Zealand: UNITEC Institute of Technology. pp. 441 - 449Conference item
The fourth way - mystery; myth or meaning
Drum, Peter. (2002). The fourth way - mystery; myth or meaning. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. 76(3), pp. 411 - 415.Journal article
Lifelong learning for teachers: Rhetoric or reality?
Doring, Allan John. (2002). Lifelong learning for teachers: Rhetoric or reality? In J. Reid and T. Brown (Ed.). Challenging Futures: Changing Agendas in Teacher Education. Armidale, Australia: University of New England.Conference item