Empowering engagement: creating learning opportunities for students from challenging backgrounds

Journal article

Ng, Clarence, Bartlett, Brendan and Elliott, Stephen. (2018). Empowering engagement: creating learning opportunities for students from challenging backgrounds. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94652-8
AuthorsNg, Clarence, Bartlett, Brendan and Elliott, Stephen

This book examines promoting engagement for children and adolescents from challenging contexts or who are dealing with challenging conditions. The volume concentrates on three vulnerable groups: marginalized youths who have experienced repeated exclusion and sought their second chance in alternative education; children who are coming from economically, culturally, and linguistically disadvantaged backgrounds; and students with social or emotional issues. It defines engagement as evolving over the course of learning, an interpersonal as well as personal process involving students, learning environment, teachers, and peers. Chapters identify the complex personal, sociocultural, economic, and systemic barriers that keep these vulnerable students from fully engaging in school, and explore the enabling role of collaborative and supported learning activities in building academic success and a foundation for productive adult lives. In addition, chapters present instructional practices based on engagement enablers. Chapters also pinpoint specific learning skills and subject areas that can provide openings for promoting motivation and participation.

PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94652-8
Page range1 - 253
Research GroupInstitute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)
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File Access Level
Place of publicationSwitzerland
EditorsC. Ng, B. Bartlett and S. N. Elliott
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Religious background and language learning: Practical suggestions for deriving best practice in ELT
Liyanage, Indika, Bartlett, Brendan John and Grimbeek, Peter. (2010). Religious background and language learning: Practical suggestions for deriving best practice in ELT. Asian EFL Journal. 46, pp. 28 - 47.
Effects of using modified items to test students with persistent academic difficulties
Elliott, Stephen, Kettler, Ryan J., Beddow, Peter, Kurz, Alexander, Compton, Elizabeth, McGrath, Dawn, Bruen, Charles, Hinton, Kent, Palmer, Porter, Rodriguez, Michael C., Bolt, Daniel M. and Roach, Andrew T.. (2010). Effects of using modified items to test students with persistent academic difficulties. Exceptional Children. 76(4), pp. 475 - 495. https://doi.org/10.1177/001440291007600406
Introduction to the special issue on alternate assessments based on modified academic achievement standards: New policy, new practices, and persistent challenges
Kettler, Ryan J. and Elliott, Stephen. (2010). Introduction to the special issue on alternate assessments based on modified academic achievement standards: New policy, new practices, and persistent challenges. Peabody Journal of Education. 84(4), pp. 467 - 477. https://doi.org/10.1080/01619560903240814
Assessment accommodations for children with special needs
Kettler, Ryan and Elliott, Stephen. (2010). Assessment accommodations for children with special needs. In In P Peterson, E Baker and B McGaw (Ed.). pp. 530 - 536
The evaluation of principals: What and how do states and urban districts assess leadership?
Goldring, Ellen B., Cravens, Xiu, Murphy, Joseph, Porter, Andrew C., Elliott, Stephen and Carson, Becca. (2009). The evaluation of principals: What and how do states and urban districts assess leadership? The Elementary School Journal. 110(1), pp. 19 - 39. https://doi.org/10.1086/598841
Using academic enabler nominations and social behavior ratings to predict students performance level on Australia's national achievement test
Kettler, Ryan, Elliott, Stephen and Davies, Michael. (2009). Using academic enabler nominations and social behavior ratings to predict students performance level on Australia's national achievement test. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research 2009. United States of America: American Educational Research Association. pp. 1 - 11
The effects and perceived consequences of testing accommodations on math and science performance assessments
Elliott, Stephen, Kratochwill, Thomas R., McKevitt, Brian C. and Malecki, Christine Kerres. (2009). The effects and perceived consequences of testing accommodations on math and science performance assessments. School Psychology Quarterly. 24(4), pp. 224 - 239. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0018000
Prologue: An introduction to the evaluation of NAEP
Lane, Suzanne, Zumbo, B. D., Abedi, J., Benson, J., Dossey, J., Elliott, Stephen, Elliott, Stephen, Kane, M., Linn, R., Paredes-Ziker, C., Rodriguez, Michael C., Schraw, G., Slattery, J., Thomas, V. and Willhoft, J.. (2009). Prologue: An introduction to the evaluation of NAEP. Applied Measurement in Education. 22(4), pp. 309 - 316. https://doi.org/10.1080/08957340903221436
Modifying achievement test items: A theory-guided and data-based approach for better measurement of what students with disabilities know
Kettler, Ryan J., Elliott, Stephen and Beddow, Peter. (2009). Modifying achievement test items: A theory-guided and data-based approach for better measurement of what students with disabilities know. Peabody Journal of Education. 84(4), pp. 529 - 551. https://doi.org/10.1080/01619560903240996
Constructing knowledge schemas in the workplace: A microanalysis
Bridges, Susan and Bartlett, Brendan John. (2009). Constructing knowledge schemas in the workplace: A microanalysis. In Language and Social Cognition pp. 237 - 266 De Gruyter Mouton.
Moving Teachers, public texts and institualizing power
Bridges, Susan and Bartlett, Brendan John. (2009). Moving Teachers, public texts and institualizing power. In Media, Policy and Interaction pp. 185 - 204 Ashgate Publishing Limited.
Research Brief: Assessing Social Validity of School-wide Positive Behavior Support Plans: Evidence for the Reliability and Structure of the Primary Intervention Rating Scale
Lane, Kathleen Lynne, Kalberg, Jemma, Bruhn, Allison, Driscoll, Steven A., Wehby, Jospeh H. and Elliott, Stephen. (2009). Research Brief: Assessing Social Validity of School-wide Positive Behavior Support Plans: Evidence for the Reliability and Structure of the Primary Intervention Rating Scale. School Psychology Review. 38(1), pp. 135 - 144.
An examination of differential item functioning on the Vanderbilt assessment of leadership in education
Polikoff, Morgan S., May, Henry, Porter, Andrew C., Elliott, Stephen, Goldring, Ellen B. and Murphy, Joseph. (2009). An examination of differential item functioning on the Vanderbilt assessment of leadership in education. Journal of School Leadership. 19, pp. 661 - 680.
The contributions of educational psychology to school psychology
Bartlett, Brendan and Elliott, Stephen. (2009). The contributions of educational psychology to school psychology. In In T.B. Gutkin and C.R. Reynolds (Ed.). The Handbook of School Psychology pp. 65 - 83 John Wiley & Sons.
Psychology Applied to Teaching
Jack Snowman, Jill Scevak, Eva Dobozy, Brendan Bartlett and Fiona Bryer. (2009). Psychology Applied to Teaching John Wiley & Sons.
Consultation to support inclusive accountability and standards-based reform: facilitating access, equity, and empowerment
Roach, Andrew T. and Elliott, Stephen. (2009). Consultation to support inclusive accountability and standards-based reform: facilitating access, equity, and empowerment. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 19(1), pp. 61 - 81. https://doi.org/10.1080/10474410802463320
The Mississippi alternate assessment of extended curriculum frameworks: purpose, procedures, and validity evidence summary
Elliott, Stephen, Roach, Andrew T., Kaase, Kristopher J. and Kettler, Ryan J.. (2009). The Mississippi alternate assessment of extended curriculum frameworks: purpose, procedures, and validity evidence summary. In Alternate Assessments Based on Alternate Achievement Standards - Policy, Practice, and Potential pp. 239 - 274 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co..
Structured teacher ratings to identify students in need of academic assistance: Validation of the brief academic competence evaluation screening system
Kettler, Ryan J., Elliott, Stephen and Albers, Craig A.. (2008). Structured teacher ratings to identify students in need of academic assistance: Validation of the brief academic competence evaluation screening system. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 26(3), pp. 260 - 273. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734282907304236
Intervention validity of social behavior rating scales: Features of assessments that link results to treatment plans
Elliott, Stephen, Gresham, Frank M., Frank, Jennifer L. and Beddow, Peter. (2008). Intervention validity of social behavior rating scales: Features of assessments that link results to treatment plans. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 34(1), pp. 15 - 24.
Evaluating action research
Piggot-Irvine, Eileen and Bartlett, Brendan John. In B. Bartlett and E. Piggot-Irvine (Ed.). (2008). Evaluating action research NZCER Press.
Qualitative research methods for evaluation
Fletcher, Margaret, Zuber-Skerritt, Ortrun, Piggot-Irvine, Eileen and Bartlett, Brendan John. (2008). Qualitative research methods for evaluation. In In L. J. Saha and A. G. Dworkin (Ed.). Evaluating action research pp. 53 - 87 New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Alternate assessments of modified achievement standards: More accessible and less difficult tests to advance assessment practices?
Elliott, Stephen, Kettler, Ryan J. and Roach, Andrew T.. (2008). Alternate assessments of modified achievement standards: More accessible and less difficult tests to advance assessment practices? Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 19(3), pp. 140 - 152. https://doi.org/10.1177/1044207308327472
Contextually responsive transfer: Perceptions of NNES on an ESL/EFL teacher training programme
Liyanage, Indika and Bartlett, Brendan John. (2008). Contextually responsive transfer: Perceptions of NNES on an ESL/EFL teacher training programme. Teaching and Teacher Education.
I've Been Workin on the Railroad: Action Research in Changing Workplace Climate
Bartlett, Brendan John. (2008). I've Been Workin on the Railroad: Action Research in Changing Workplace Climate. In Evaluating Action Research pp. 167 - 189 NZCER Press.
The effects of testing accommodations on students' performances and reactions to testing
Lang, Sylvia C., Elliott, Stephen, Bolt, Daniel M. and Kratochwill, Thomas R.. (2008). The effects of testing accommodations on students' performances and reactions to testing. School Psychology Quarterly. 23(1), pp. 107 - 124. https://doi.org/10.1037/1045-3830.23.1.107
Introduction: What is evaluation of action research?
Bartlett, Brendan John and Piggot-Irvine, Eileen. (2008). Introduction: What is evaluation of action research? In In R. Maclean and D. Wilson (Ed.). Evaluating Action Research pp. 9 - 52 NZCER Press.
Global Academic Movement: Wandering Scholars or Tradable Commodities?
Bridges, Susan and Bartlett, Brendan John. (2008). Global Academic Movement: Wandering Scholars or Tradable Commodities? Journal of The World Universities Forum.
Prospect or promise Internationalisation in Australia
Bridges, Susan M. and Bartlett, Brendan John. (2007). Prospect or promise Internationalisation in Australia. In Langauge and Languages: Global and Local Tensions pp. 15 - 39 Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Education in a recovering nation: Renewing special education in Kosovo
Bartlett, Brendan John. (2004). Education in a recovering nation: Renewing special education in Kosovo. Exceptional Children.
Ageing and Disability: A Person-Centred Perspective
Tourky, Afaf and Bartlett, Brendan. (2004). Ageing and Disability: A Person-Centred Perspective. Humanities Conference. Victoria, Australia: Common Ground Publishing. pp. 1290 - 1295
Weaving accounts of literacy through the official curriculum: Stitching policy to practice
Fletcher, Margaret, Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Bartlett, Brendan and Kearney, Judith. (2004). Weaving accounts of literacy through the official curriculum: Stitching policy to practice. Annual International Conference on Cognition, Language and Special Education Research. Australia: School of Cognition, Language and Special Education, Griffith University. pp. 81 - 93
Effects of Structure Stratergy Instruction Delivered to Fifth-Grade Children Using the Internet With and Without the Aid of Adult Tutors
Meyer, Bonnie J.F, Middlemiss, Wendy, Theodorou, Elena, Brezinski, Kristen L., McDougall, Janet and Bartlett, Brendan. (2002). Effects of Structure Stratergy Instruction Delivered to Fifth-Grade Children Using the Internet With and Without the Aid of Adult Tutors. Journal of Educational Psychology. 94(3), pp. 486 - 519. https://doi.org/10.1037//0022-0663.94.3.486
Teaching as Goal and Guide: The Evaluation of Innovative Assessment Integration by First-Year Teacher Education Students on Two Campuses and the Role of technology in its Integration
Fletcher, Margaret, Bartlett, Brendan and Bryer, Fiona. (2000). Teaching as Goal and Guide: The Evaluation of Innovative Assessment Integration by First-Year Teacher Education Students on Two Campuses and the Role of technology in its Integration. In Learning-Centred Evaluation of Computer Facilitated Learning Projects in Higher Education pp. 99 - 112 Murdoch University.
Reading Comprehension and the Use of Text Structure Across The Adult Lifespan
Meyer, Bonnie J.F, Young, Carol J. and Bartlett, Brendan. (1993). Reading Comprehension and the Use of Text Structure Across The Adult Lifespan. In Reading Across the Lifespan pp. 165 - 192 Springer-Verlag.
The Asia-Pacific Position
Bartlett, Brendan. (1991). The Asia-Pacific Position. In The University and Literacy pp. 4 - 19 UNESCO Publishing.
Discussions of the findings
Meyer, Bonnie, Young, Carol and Bartlett, Brendan John. (1989). Discussions of the findings. In Memory improved reading and memory enhancement across the life span through strategic text structures pp. 82 - 88 Psychology Press.
Knowing What and Knowing How Book 1 (Lower Primary)
Bartlett, Brendan, Barton, Bridget and Turner, Anne. (1989). Knowing What and Knowing How Book 1 (Lower Primary) Thomas Nelson Australia.
Background literature in aging and reading
Meyer, Bonnie, Young, Carole and Bartlett, Brendan John. (1989). Background literature in aging and reading. In Memory improved reading and memory enhancement across the life span through strategic text structures pp. 13 - 42 Psychology Press.
Introduction and rationale for the study
Meyer, Bonnie, Young, Carole and Bartlett, Brendan John. (1989). Introduction and rationale for the study. In Memory improved reading and memory enhancement across the life span through strategic text structures pp. 1 - 12 Psychology Press.
Findings from the study
Meyer, Bonnie, Young, Carole and Bartlett, Brendan John. (1989). Findings from the study. In Memory improved reading and memory enhancement across the life span through strategic text structures pp. 57 - 81 Psychology Press.
Method for the evaluation study
Meyer, Bonnie, Young, Carole and Bartlett, Brendan. (1989). Method for the evaluation study. In Memory improved reading and memory enhancement across the life span through strategic text structures pp. 43 - 56 Psychology Press.
Memory Improved: Reading and Memory Enhancement Across the Life Span Through Strategic Text Structures
Meyer, Bonnie J.F, Young, Carol J. and Bartlett, Brendan. (1989). Memory Improved: Reading and Memory Enhancement Across the Life Span Through Strategic Text Structures Lawrence Erlbaum Associates inc..
Knowing What and Knowing How: Book 2 (Middle School)
Bartlett, Brendan, Barton, Bridget and Turner, Anne. (1988). Knowing What and Knowing How: Book 2 (Middle School) Thomas Nelson Australia.
Knowing What and Knowing How Book 3 (Upper Primary)
Bartlett, Brendan, Barton, Bridget and Turner, Anne. (1987). Knowing What and Knowing How Book 3 (Upper Primary) Thomas Nelson Australia.
Organisational structure : The key to improved comprehension and the use of text structure across the adult lifespan
Bartlett, Brendan. (1985). Organisational structure : The key to improved comprehension and the use of text structure across the adult lifespan. In Reading: An Australian Perspective pp. 83 - 102 Thomas Nelson Australia.
Text organisation : A base for strategic reading
Bartlett, Brendan, Christie, F., MacLean, Rupert, Matthews, R. and Smith, R.. (1985). Text organisation : A base for strategic reading. In ECT412 Reading Curriculum Reader pp. 204-212 Deakin University Press.
Using authoring programs to construct software
Bartlett, Brendan. (1985). Using authoring programs to construct software. In Computers in the Language Classroom pp. 72 - 76 Australian Reading Association.