Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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The relations between motivation, strategy use, frequency, and proficiency in foreign language reading : An investigation with university English language learners in China
Han, Feifei. (2021). The relations between motivation, strategy use, frequency, and proficiency in foreign language reading : An investigation with university English language learners in China. SAGE Open. 11(2), pp. 1-12.

Journal article

Developing English language learners’ oral production with a digital game-based mobile application
Wang, Zehua and Han, Feifei. (2021). Developing English language learners’ oral production with a digital game-based mobile application. PLoS ONE. 16, p. Article e0232671.

Journal article

The relations between teaching strategies, students’ engagement in learning, and teachers’ self-concept
Han, Feifei. (2021). The relations between teaching strategies, students’ engagement in learning, and teachers’ self-concept. Sustainability. 13, p. Article 5020.

Journal article

Creencias atribucionales y autoeficacia en la lectura en lengua extranjera
Han, Feifei. (2021). Creencias atribucionales y autoeficacia en la lectura en lengua extranjera. Revista de Educación. 394, pp. 409-433.

Journal article

Challenges in assessing the nature of effective group work in blended university courses
Ellis, Robert A., Bliuc, Ana-Maria and Han, Feifei. (2021). Challenges in assessing the nature of effective group work in blended university courses. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 31(1), pp. 1-14.

Journal article

Configurations of collaborations based on learning orientations amongst medical students
Han, Feifei and Ellis, Robert A.. (2021). Configurations of collaborations based on learning orientations amongst medical students. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26, pp. 581-598.

Journal article

Predicting students’ academic performance by their online learning patterns in a blended course : To what extent is a theory-driven approach and a data-driven approach consistent?
Han, Feifei and Ellis, Robert A.. (2021). Predicting students’ academic performance by their online learning patterns in a blended course : To what extent is a theory-driven approach and a data-driven approach consistent? Educational Technology and Society. 24(1), pp. 191-204.

Journal article

Assessing university student collaboration in newways
Ellis, Robert and Han, Feifei. (2021). Assessing university student collaboration in newways. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 46(4), pp. 509-524.

Journal article

Infant educators’ reported conceptions of, and approaches to, infant language development : How do they relate to educator qualification level?
Han, Feifei and Degotardi, Sheila. (2021). Infant educators’ reported conceptions of, and approaches to, infant language development : How do they relate to educator qualification level? Early Childhood Education Journal. 49(2), pp. 259-271.

Journal article

Assessing the quality of university student experiences in blended course designs : An ecological perspective
Han, Feifei and Ellis, Robert A.. (2021). Assessing the quality of university student experiences in blended course designs : An ecological perspective. Higher Education Research and Development. 40(5), pp. 964-980.

Journal article

Patterns of student collaborative learning in blended course designs based on their learning orientations : A student approaches to learning perspective
Han, Feifei and Ellis, Robert A.. (2021). Patterns of student collaborative learning in blended course designs based on their learning orientations : A student approaches to learning perspective. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. 18(1), p. Article 66.

Journal article

Play and community playgroups : Caregiver motives and early childhood societal values
Thomas, Melanie Joy. (2021). Play and community playgroups : Caregiver motives and early childhood societal values [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education

PhD Thesis

A rare missense variant in the ATP2C2 gene is associated with language impairment and related measures
Martinelli, Angela, Rice, Mabel L., Talcott, Joel B., Diaz, Rebeca, Smith, Shelley, Raza, Muhammad Hashim, Snowling, Margaret J., Hulme, Charles, Stein, John, Hayiou-Thomas, Marianna E., Hawi, Ziarih, Kent, Lindsey, Pitt, Samantha J., Newbury, Dianne F. and Paracchini, Silvia. (2021). A rare missense variant in the ATP2C2 gene is associated with language impairment and related measures. Human Molecular Genetics. 30(12), pp. 1160-1171.

Journal article

Non-pharmacological interventions for stuttering in children six years and younger (review)
Sjøstrand, Åse, Kefalianos, Elaina, Hofslundsengen, Hilde, Guttormsen, Linn S., Kirmess, Melanie, Lervåg, Arne, Hulme, Charles and Bottegaard Næss, Kari-Anne. (2021). Non-pharmacological interventions for stuttering in children six years and younger (review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. (9), p. Article CD013489.

Journal article

The opt-out movement in New York : A grassroots movement to eliminate high-stakes testing and promote whole child public schooling
Chen, Zhe, Hursh, David and Lingard, Bob. (2021). The opt-out movement in New York : A grassroots movement to eliminate high-stakes testing and promote whole child public schooling. Teachers College Record. 123(5), p. Article 050304.

Journal article

Creating a classroom vision for teaching writing
Graham, Steve. (2021). Creating a classroom vision for teaching writing. The Reading Teacher. 75(4), pp. 475-484.

Journal article

The opt-out movement and the reform agenda in U.S. Schools
Pizmony-Levy, Oren, Lingard, Robert Leslie and Hursh, David. (2021). The opt-out movement and the reform agenda in U.S. Schools. Teachers College Record. 123(5), pp. 1-15.

Journal article

Exposure to gun violence : Associations with anxiety, depressive symptoms, and aggression among male juvenile offenders
Shulman, Elizabeth P., Beardslee, Jordan, Fine, Adam, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2021). Exposure to gun violence : Associations with anxiety, depressive symptoms, and aggression among male juvenile offenders. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 50(3), pp. 353-366.

Journal article

Democracy and teachers : The im/possibilities for pluralisation in evidence-based practice
Holloway, Jessica and Larsen Hedegaard, Maria Louise. (2021). Democracy and teachers : The im/possibilities for pluralisation in evidence-based practice. Journal of Education Policy. 38(3), pp. 432-451.

Journal article

Building STEM in schools : An Australian cross-case analysis
Falloon, Garry, Stevenson, Michael, Beswick, Kim, Fraser, Sharon and Geiger, Vincent. (2021). Building STEM in schools : An Australian cross-case analysis. Educational Technology and Society. 24(4), pp. 110-122.

Journal article

Speechreading in hearing children can be improved by training
Buchanan-Worster, Elizabeth, Hulme, Charles, Dennan, Rachel and Macsweeney, Mairéad. (2021). Speechreading in hearing children can be improved by training. Developmental Science. 24(6), p. Article e13124.

Journal article

Is a procedural learning deficit a causal risk factor for developmental language disorder or dyslexia? A meta-analytic review
West, Gillian, Melby-Lervåg, Monica and Hulme, Charles. (2021). Is a procedural learning deficit a causal risk factor for developmental language disorder or dyslexia? A meta-analytic review. Developmental Psychology. 57(5), pp. 749-770.

Journal article

Developing cutoff scores for the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU) in justice-involved and community samples
Kemp, Emily C., Frick, Paul J., Matlasz, Tatiana M., Clark, Julia E., Robertson, Emily L., Ray, James V., Thornton, Laura C., Wall Myers, Tina D., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2021). Developing cutoff scores for the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU) in justice-involved and community samples. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 52(4), pp. 519-532.

Journal article

Crossroads in juvenile justice : The impact of initial processing decision on youth 5 years after first arrest
Cauffman, Elizabeth, Beardslee, Jordan, Fine, Adam, Frick, Paul J. and Steinberg, Laurence. (2021). Crossroads in juvenile justice : The impact of initial processing decision on youth 5 years after first arrest. Development and Psychopathology. 33(2), pp. 700-713.

Journal article

Assessing the association between participation in extracurricular activities and delinquent behavior among justice-involved young men
Simmons, Cortney, Kan, Emily, Simpkins, Sandra, Datta, Sachiko, Steinberg, Laurence, Frick, Paul J. and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2021). Assessing the association between participation in extracurricular activities and delinquent behavior among justice-involved young men. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 31(2), pp. 335-350.

Journal article

Early language screening and intervention can be delivered successfully at scale : Evidence from a cluster randomized controlled trial
West, Gillian, Snowling, Margaret J., Lervåg, Arne, Buchanan-Worster, Elizabeth, Duta, Mihaela, Hall, Alexandra, McLachlan, Henrietta and Hulme, Charles. (2021). Early language screening and intervention can be delivered successfully at scale : Evidence from a cluster randomized controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 62(12), pp. 1425-1434.

Journal article

A within-individual examination of the predictors of gun carrying during adolescence and young adulthood among young men
Beardslee, Jordan, Kan, Emily, Simmons, Cortney, Pardini, Dustin, Peniche, Monica, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2021). A within-individual examination of the predictors of gun carrying during adolescence and young adulthood among young men. Journal of Youth and Adolescence: a multidisciplinary research publication. 50(10), pp. 1952-1969.

Journal article

The making of male reader identities across generations : Assemblages of rural places in shaping life as a male reader in Australia and Sweden
Scholes, Laura and Asplund, Stig-Börje. (2021). The making of male reader identities across generations : Assemblages of rural places in shaping life as a male reader in Australia and Sweden. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 42(8), pp. 1192-1209.

Journal article

Big data in qualitative research
Mills, Kathy A.. (2021). Big data in qualitative research. In In Atkinson, Paul, Delamont, Sara, Cernat, Alexandru, Sakshaug, Joseph W. and Williams, Richard A. (Ed.). SAGE research methods foundations pp. 1-12 SAGE Publications.

Book chapter

The GTPA as a collaborative project in Australian initial teacher education : A cultural-historical activity theory perspective
Nuttall, Jocelyn Grace. (2021). The GTPA as a collaborative project in Australian initial teacher education : A cultural-historical activity theory perspective. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Adie, Lenore and Nuttall, Joce (Ed.). Teaching performance assessments as a cultural disruptor in initial teacher education : Standards, evidence and collaboration pp. 149-163 Springer.

Book chapter

PIAAC Cycle 2 assessment framework : Numeracy
Tout, Dave, Demonty, Isabelle, Diez-Palomar, Javier, Geiger, Vincent Stephen, Hoogland, Kees and Maguire, Terry. (2021). PIAAC Cycle 2 assessment framework : Numeracy. In The assessment frameworks for Cycle 2 of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies pp. 65-153 OECD Publishing.

Book chapter

Generating a design and implementation framework for mathematical modelling tasks through researcher-teacher collaboration
Geiger, Vincent, Galbraith, Peter and Niss, Mogens. (2021). Generating a design and implementation framework for mathematical modelling tasks through researcher-teacher collaboration. In In Leung, Frederick Koon Shing, Stillman, Gloria Ann, Kaiser, Gabriele and Wong, Ka Lok (Ed.). Mathematical modelling education in east and west  pp. 129-139 Springer.

Book chapter

Methodological challenges for collaborative research in senior science classrooms
Unsworth, Len, Tytler, Russell and Fenwick, Lisl. (2021). Methodological challenges for collaborative research in senior science classrooms. In In White, Peta J., Tytler, Russell, Ferguson, Joseph Paul and Cripps Clark, John (Ed.). Methodological approaches to STEM education research ; volume 2 pp. 66-84 Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Book chapter

Die bedeutung von sprachbezogenen merkmalen und von in universitären lerngelegenheiten genutzten studieninhalten für den wissenserwerb von lehramtsstudierenden
Jentsch, Armin, Doll, Jörg, Stangen, Ilse, Meyer, Dennis and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Die bedeutung von sprachbezogenen merkmalen und von in universitären lerngelegenheiten genutzten studieninhalten für den wissenserwerb von lehramtsstudierenden. Journal für Bildungsforschung Online. 13(2), pp. 5-29.

Journal article

Writing and writing motivation of students identified as English language learners
Graham, Stephen Edward, Camping, April, Harris, Karen R., Aitken, A. Angelique, Wilson, John M., Wdowin, Jeanne and Ng, Clarence. (2021). Writing and writing motivation of students identified as English language learners. International Journal of TESOL Studies . 3(1), pp. 1-13.

Journal article

A systematic review on task design in Dynamicand Interactive Mathematics Learning Environments (DIMLEs)
Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). A systematic review on task design in Dynamicand Interactive Mathematics Learning Environments (DIMLEs). Mathematics. 9(4), p. Article 399.

Journal article

A poetry lesson
Shann, Steve, Macken-Horarik, Mary and Edwards, CeCe. (2021). A poetry lesson. Changing English. 28(1), pp. 14-28.

Journal article

High school science infographics : Multimodal meaning complexes in composite image-language ensembles
Unsworth, Len. (2021). High school science infographics : Multimodal meaning complexes in composite image-language ensembles. Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigacion Educacional Latinoamericana . 58(2), pp. 1-18.

Journal article

Understanding how early childhood educators 'see' learning through digitally cast eyes : Some preliminary concepts concerning the use of digital documentation platforms
White, E. Jayne, Rooney, Tonya, Gunn, Alexandra C. and Nuttall, Joce. (2021). Understanding how early childhood educators 'see' learning through digitally cast eyes : Some preliminary concepts concerning the use of digital documentation platforms. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 46(1), pp. 6-18.

Journal article

Erfassung der fachspezifischen Qualität von Mathematikunterricht : Faktorenstruktur und Zusammenhänge zur professionellen Kompetenz von Mathematiklehrpersonen
Jentsch, Armin, Schlesinger, Lena, Heinrichs, Hannah, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2021). Erfassung der fachspezifischen Qualität von Mathematikunterricht : Faktorenstruktur und Zusammenhänge zur professionellen Kompetenz von Mathematiklehrpersonen. Journal fuer Mathematik-Didaktik. 42, pp. 97-121.

Journal article