Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Defining and understanding dyslexia : past, present and future
Snowling, Margaret J., Hulme, Charles and Nation, Kate. (2020). Defining and understanding dyslexia : past, present and future. Oxford Review of Education. 46(4), pp. 501-513.

Journal article

Do children with reading difficulties experience writing difficulties? A meta-analysis
Graham, Steve, Aitken, A. Angelique, Hebert, Michael, Camping, April, Santangelo, Tanya, Harris, Karen R., Eustice, Kristi, Sweet, Joseph D. and Ng, Clarence. (2020). Do children with reading difficulties experience writing difficulties? A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology. 113(8), pp. 1481-1506.

Journal article

PISA, Policy and the OECD: Respatialising global educational governance through PISA for schools
Lewis, Steven. (2020). PISA, Policy and the OECD: Respatialising global educational governance through PISA for schools Springer Nature.


Annual research review : Reading disorders revisited - the critical importance of oral language
Snowling, Margaret J. and Hulme, Charles. (2020). Annual research review : Reading disorders revisited - the critical importance of oral language. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 62(5), pp. 635-653.

Journal article

‘Becoming European’? Respatialising the European schools system through PISA for Schools
Lewis, Steven. (2020). ‘Becoming European’? Respatialising the European schools system through PISA for Schools. International Studies in Sociology of Education. 29(1-2), pp. 85-106.

Journal article

Infusing pro-environmental values in science education: A multimodal analysis of ecology animations for children
Mandy Hoi Man Yu, Dezheng (William) Feng and Len Unsworth. (2020). Infusing pro-environmental values in science education: A multimodal analysis of ecology animations for children. In In Len Unsworth (Ed.). Learning from Animations in Science Education pp. 55-74 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Animation Design and Use in Science Education
Unsworth, Len. (2020). A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Animation Design and Use in Science Education. In In Unsworth, Len (Ed.). Learning from Animations in Science Education pp. 3-22 Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Book chapter

Educational leaders and the project of professionalisation in early childhood education in Australia
Martin, Jenny, Nuttall, Joce, Henderson, Linda and Wood, Elizabeth. (2020). Educational leaders and the project of professionalisation in early childhood education in Australia. International Journal of Educational Research. 101, p. Article 101559.

Journal article

Variability and generalizability of ratings for Quality of math classes between and within lessons
Armin Jentsch, Gino Casale, Lena Schlesinger, Gabriele Kaiser, Johannes König and Sigrid Blömeke. (2020). Variability and generalizability of ratings for Quality of math classes between and within lessons. Unterrichtswissenschaft. 48(2), pp. 179-197.

Journal article

Developing the evaluative language competence of teacher education students in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) courses in Vietnam
Phung Tien Nguyen. (2020). Developing the evaluative language competence of teacher education students in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) courses in Vietnam [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Faculty of Education and Arts

PhD Thesis

Access to Achievement: Enabling Students With Disability to Engage With Classroom Assessment
Marijne Medhurst. (2020). Access to Achievement: Enabling Students With Disability to Engage With Classroom Assessment [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Faculty of Education and Arts

PhD Thesis

What is an ‘educator’?: The impact of policy discourses on early childhood professionals
Rebecca May Matthews. (2020). What is an ‘educator’?: The impact of policy discourses on early childhood professionals [Masters Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Faculty of Education and Arts

Masters Thesis

Teacher as player : Co-creating with children in play
Young, Sarah Rachel. (2020). Teacher as player : Co-creating with children in play [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education

PhD Thesis

Analysing Sensitive Data from Dynamically-Generated Overlapping Contingency Tables
Joshua J. Bon, Bernard Baffour, Melanie Spallek and Michele Haynes. (2020). Analysing Sensitive Data from Dynamically-Generated Overlapping Contingency Tables. Journal of Official Statistics. 36(2), pp. 275-296.

Journal article

Synergy and tension between large-scale and classroom assessment: International trends
Louis Volante, Christopher DeLuca, Lenore Adie, Eva Baker, Heidi Harju-Luukkainen, Margaret Heritage, Christoph Schneider, Gordon Stobart, Kelvin Tan and Claire Wyatt-Smith. (2020). Synergy and tension between large-scale and classroom assessment: International trends. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. 39(4), pp. 21-29.

Journal article

Recognition of boys as readers through a social justice lense
Scholes, Laura. (2020). Recognition of boys as readers through a social justice lense. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 41(7), pp. 975-991.

Journal article

What kind of students persist in science learning in the face of academic challenges?
Clarence Ng. (2020). What kind of students persist in science learning in the face of academic challenges? Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 58(2), pp. 195-224.

Journal article

Preschool phonological, morphological and semantic skills explain it all: Following reading development through a 9-year period
Solveig-Alma Halaas Lyster, Margaret J. Snowling, Charles Hulme and Arne Lervåg. (2020). Preschool phonological, morphological and semantic skills explain it all: Following reading development through a 9-year period. Journal of Research in Reading. 44(1), pp. 175-188.

Journal article

Hybrid content-specific and generic approaches to lesson observation: Possibilities and practicalities
Ariel Lindorff, Armin Jentsch, Candace Walkington, Gabriele Kaiser and Pamela Sammons. (2020). Hybrid content-specific and generic approaches to lesson observation: Possibilities and practicalities. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 67, pp. 1-13.

Journal article

Writing motivational incentives of middle school emergent bilingual students
April Camping, Steve Graham, Clarence Ng, Angelique Aitken, John M. Wilson and Jeanne Wdowin. (2020). Writing motivational incentives of middle school emergent bilingual students. Reading and Writing. 33(9), pp. 1-30.

Journal article

The role of motivations and perceptions on the retention of inservice teachers
Alexander, C., Wyatt-Smith, C. and Du Plessis, A.. (2020). The role of motivations and perceptions on the retention of inservice teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education. 96, pp. 1-12.

Journal article

Intermodal relations, mass and presence in school science explanation genres
Unsworth, Len. (2020). Intermodal relations, mass and presence in school science explanation genres. In In Zappavigna, Michele and Dreyfus, Shoshana (Ed.). Discourses of hope and reconciliation : On J. R. Martin's contribution to systemic functional linguistics pp. 131-151 Bloomsbury Academic.

Book chapter

Conduct and oppositional disorders
Walker, Toni M., Frick, Paul J. and McMahon, Robert J.. (2020). Conduct and oppositional disorders. In In Youngstrom, Eric A., Prinstein, Mitchell J., Mash, Eri J. and Barkley, Russell A. (Ed.). Assessment of disorders in childhood and adolescence pp. 132-156 Guildford Press.

Book chapter

Catering for diversity in the digital age: Reconsidering equity in assessment practices
Harris, Lois Ruth and Dargusch, Joanne. (2020). Catering for diversity in the digital age: Reconsidering equity in assessment practices. In In Margaret Bearman, Phillip Dawson, Rola Ajjawi, Joanne Tai and David Boud (Ed.). Re-imagining University Assessment in a Digital World pp. 95-110 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

The impact of museum interpretation tour on visitors' engagement and post-visit conservation intentions and behaviours
Pan, Yi-Ting, Yang, Kuay-Keng, Wilson, Kimberley, Hong, Zuway-R and Lin, Huann-shyang. (2020). The impact of museum interpretation tour on visitors' engagement and post-visit conservation intentions and behaviours. International Journal of Tourism Research. 22(5), pp. 593 - 603.

Journal article

Young children's digital play in early childhood settings: Curriculum, pedagogy and teachers' knowledge
Wood, Elizabeth, Nuttall, Joce, Edwards, Susan and Grieshaber, Susan. (2020). Young children's digital play in early childhood settings: Curriculum, pedagogy and teachers' knowledge. In In O. Erstad, R. Flewitt, B. Kümmerling-Meibauer & I. Pereira and Í. S. Pires Periera (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Literacies in Early Childhood pp. 214-226 Routledge.

Book chapter

Children’s language skills can be improved: Lessons From psychological science for educational policy
Hulme, Charles, Snowling, Margaret J., West, Gillian, Lervåg, Arne and Melby-Lervåg, Monica. (2020). Children’s language skills can be improved: Lessons From psychological science for educational policy. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 29(4), pp. 372 - 377.

Journal article

Changing stories: Linguistically-informed assessment of development in narrative writing
Sandiford, Carmel and Macken-Horarik, Mary. (2020). Changing stories: Linguistically-informed assessment of development in narrative writing. Assessing Writing. 45, pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article

Toward a global political sociology of school choice policies
Lingard, Bob. (2020). Toward a global political sociology of school choice policies. Educational Policy: an interdisciplinary journal of policy and practice. 34(1), pp. 261 - 280.

Journal article

The lived experience of out-of-field STEM teachers: A quandary for strategising quality teaching in STEM?
Du Plessis, Anna E.. (2020). The lived experience of out-of-field STEM teachers: A quandary for strategising quality teaching in STEM? Research in Science Education. 50(4), pp. 1465 - 1499.

Journal article

The emotional trade-off between meaningful and precarious work in new economies
Patulny, Roger, Mills, Kathy A., Olson, Rebecca E., Bellocchi, Alberto and McKenzie, Jordan. (2020). The emotional trade-off between meaningful and precarious work in new economies. Journal of Sociology. 56(3), pp. 333-355.

Journal article

The role of protective factors in the predictive accuracy of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY)
Soderstrom, Melanie F. P., Childs, Kristina K. and Frick, Paul J.. (2020). The role of protective factors in the predictive accuracy of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY). Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 18(1), pp. 78 - 95.

Journal article

Estimating reliability statistics and measurement error variances using instrumental variables with longitudinal data
Goldstein, Harvey, Haynes, Michele, Leckie, George and Tran, Phuong. (2020). Estimating reliability statistics and measurement error variances using instrumental variables with longitudinal data. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 11(3), pp. 289 - 306.

Journal article

The changing and complex entanglements of research and policy making in education: Issues for environmental and sustainability education
Lingard, Bob. (2020). The changing and complex entanglements of research and policy making in education: Issues for environmental and sustainability education. Environmental Education Research.

Journal article

Marijuana use among justice-involved youths after California statewide legalization, 2015-2018
Kan, Emily, Beardslee, Jordan, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2020). Marijuana use among justice-involved youths after California statewide legalization, 2015-2018. American Journal of Public Health. 110(9), pp. 1386 - 1392.

Journal article

A serious-game for child sexual abuse prevention: An evaluation of orbit
Jones, Christian, Scholes, Laura, Rolfe, Ben and Stieler-Hunt, Colleen. (2020). A serious-game for child sexual abuse prevention: An evaluation of orbit. Child Abuse and Neglect. 107(September 2020), pp. 1 - 13.

Journal article

Mapping the specific pathways to early-onset mental health disorders: The "watch me grow for REAL" study protocol
Doyle, Frances L., Mendoza Diaz, Antonio, Eapen, Valsamma, Frick, Paul J., Kimonis, Eva R., Hawes, David J., Moul, Caroline, Richmond, Jenny L., Mehta, Divya, Sareen, Sinia, Morgan, Bronte G. and Dadds, Mark R.. (2020). Mapping the specific pathways to early-onset mental health disorders: The "watch me grow for REAL" study protocol. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 11, pp. 1 - 17.

Journal article

A review of community playgroup participation
McLean, Karen, Edwards, Susan and Mantilla, Ana. (2020). A review of community playgroup participation. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 45(2), pp. 155-169.

Journal article

The role of handwriting instruction in writers’ education
Limpo, Teresa and Graham, Steve. (2020). The role of handwriting instruction in writers’ education. British Journal of Educational Studies. 68(3), pp. 311 - 329.

Journal article

Indigenous preferences for inpatient rooms in Australian hospitals: A mixed-methods study in cross-cultural design
Nash, Daphne, O'Rourke, Timothy, Memmott, Paul and Haynes, Michele. (2020). Indigenous preferences for inpatient rooms in Australian hospitals: A mixed-methods study in cross-cultural design. Health Environments Research and Design Journal.

Journal article