Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Long-term outcomes after bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of weight loss at 10 or more years for all bariatric procedures and a single-centre review of 20-year outcomes after adjustable gastric banding
O'Brien, Paul E., Hindle, Annemarie, Brennan, Leah, Skinner, Stewart, Burton, Paul, Smith, Andrew, Crosthwaite, Gary and Brown, Wendy A.. (2019). Long-term outcomes after bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of weight loss at 10 or more years for all bariatric procedures and a single-centre review of 20-year outcomes after adjustable gastric banding. Obesity Surgery. 29(1), pp. 3 - 14.

Journal article

The roles of writing knowledge, motivation, strategic behaviors, and skills in predicting elementary students’ persuasive writing from source material
Wijekumar, Kay, Graham, Steve, Harris, Karen R., Lei, Pui-Wa, Barkel, Ashley, Aitken, Angelique, Ray, Amber B. and Houston, Julia D.. (2019). The roles of writing knowledge, motivation, strategic behaviors, and skills in predicting elementary students’ persuasive writing from source material. Reading and Writing. 32(6), pp. 1431 - 1457.

Journal article

Emotion management and solidarity in the workplace : A call for a new research agenda
McKenzie, Jordan, Olson, Rebecca E., Patulny, Roger, Bellocchi, Alberto and Mills, Kathy A.. (2019). Emotion management and solidarity in the workplace : A call for a new research agenda. The Sociological Review. 67(3), pp. 672-688.

Journal article

Examining the complexity of the out-of-field teacher experience through multiple theoretical lenses
Hobbs, Linda, du Plessis, Anna E., Quinn, Frances and Rochette, Emily. (2019). Examining the complexity of the out-of-field teacher experience through multiple theoretical lenses. In In L. Hobbs and G. Torner (Ed.). Examining the Phenomenon of "Teaching Out-of-field": International Perspectives on Teaching as a Non-specialist pp. 87 - 128 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Popular girls aren't into reading: Reading as a site for working-class girls' gender and class identity work
Scholes, Laura. (2019). Popular girls aren't into reading: Reading as a site for working-class girls' gender and class identity work. Critical Studies in Education.

Journal article

Middle years students' engagement with science in rural and urban communities in Australia: Exploring science capital, place-based knowledges and familial relationships
Stahl, Garth, Scholes, Laura, McDonald, Sarah and Lunn, Jo. (2019). Middle years students' engagement with science in rural and urban communities in Australia: Exploring science capital, place-based knowledges and familial relationships. Pedagogy Culture and Society.

Journal article

'Struggles as engagement' in teacher change: A longitudinal case study of a reading teacher's changing practices
Ng, Clarence and Leicht, Alysse. (2019). 'Struggles as engagement' in teacher change: A longitudinal case study of a reading teacher's changing practices. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 25(4), pp. 453 - 468.

Journal article

Learning to read in Chinese: Evidence for reciprocal relationships between word reading and oral language skills
Hulme, Charles, Zhou, Lulin, Tong, Xiuli, Lervåg, Arne and Burgoyne, Kelly. (2019). Learning to read in Chinese: Evidence for reciprocal relationships between word reading and oral language skills. Developmental Science. 22(1), pp. 1 - 11.

Journal article

Perceptions of police-juvenile contact predicts self-reported offending in adolescent males
Walsh, Hannah, Wall Myers, Tina D., Ray, James V., Frick, Paul J., Thornton, Laura C., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2019). Perceptions of police-juvenile contact predicts self-reported offending in adolescent males. Psychology, Crime and Law. 25(10), pp. 963 - 976.

Journal article

Conduct disorder
Fairchild, Graeme, Hawes, David J., Frick, Paul, Copeland, William E., Odgers, Candice L., Franke, Barbara, Freitag, Christine M. and De Brito, Stephane A.. (2019). Conduct disorder. Nature Reviews Disease Primers. 5(1), pp. 1 - 25.

Journal article

Stage 2 registered report: There is no appreciable relationship between strength of hand preference and language ability in 6-to 7-year-old children
Pritchard, Verena E., Malone, Stephanie A., Burgoyne, Kelly, Delaney, Michelle, Bishop, Dorothy V. M. and Hulme, Charles. (2019). Stage 2 registered report: There is no appreciable relationship between strength of hand preference and language ability in 6-to 7-year-old children. Wellcome Open Research. 4(81), pp. 1 - 18.

Journal article

Developing the multimodal language of emotions of low SES primary students (LP150100030, 2016-2019)
Mills, Kathy, Unsworth, Len, Williamson, Mark, Ferguson, Angela, Quinn, M., Clay, Rosalind, Trembath, Melissa and Maksoud, Tony. (2019). Developing the multimodal language of emotions of low SES primary students (LP150100030, 2016-2019) [Dataset].


Maintaining our critical work : Stories of curriculum making in initial teacher education
Martin, Jenny and King, Donna. (2019). Maintaining our critical work : Stories of curriculum making in initial teacher education. In In Bazzul, Jesse and Siry, Christina (Ed.). Critical voices in science education research : Narratives of hope and struggle pp. 115-125 Springer.

Book chapter

Barriers to effective management of diversity in classroom contexts: The out-of-field teaching phenomenon
Du Plessis, Anna. (2019). Barriers to effective management of diversity in classroom contexts: The out-of-field teaching phenomenon. International Journal of Educational Research. 93, pp. 136 - 152.

Journal article

Estimating and predicting the course of callous-unemotional traits in first-time adolescent offenders
Ray, James V., Frick, Paul, Thornton, Laura, Wall Myers, Tina D., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2019). Estimating and predicting the course of callous-unemotional traits in first-time adolescent offenders. Developmental Psychology. 55(8), pp. 1709 - 1719.

Journal article

Teachers’ voices: Perceptions of effective professional development and classwide implementation of self-regulated strategy development in writing
McKeown, Debra, Brindle, Mary, Harris, Karen, Sandmel, Karin, Steinbrecher, Trisha D., Graham, Steve, Lane, Kathleen Lynne and Oakes, Wendy Peia. (2019). Teachers’ voices: Perceptions of effective professional development and classwide implementation of self-regulated strategy development in writing. American Educational Research Journal. 56(3), pp. 753 - 791.

Journal article

Behavioural support in the Republic of Korea
Hwang, Yoon-Suk, Ku, Jeong-Ah, Song, Mi-Jin and Noh, Jae-Eun. (2019). Behavioural support in the Republic of Korea. In In F. Bryer and W. Beamish (Ed.). Behavioural Support for Students with Special Educational Needs: Trends Across the Asia-Pacific Region pp. 127 - 139 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Teaching writing to young African American male students using evidence-based practices
Graham, Steve, Harris, Karen R. and Beard, Keith. (2019). Teaching writing to young African American male students using evidence-based practices. Reading and Writing Quarterly. 35(1), pp. 19 - 29.

Journal article

A systematic review of mindfulness-based school interventions with early adolescents
McKeering, Phillipa and Hwang, Yoon-Suk. (2019). A systematic review of mindfulness-based school interventions with early adolescents. Mindfulness. 10(4), pp. 593 - 610.

Journal article

Big data for qualitative research
Mills, Kathy A.. (2019). Big data for qualitative research Routledge.


Emotion work at the frontline of STEM teaching
Bellocchi, Alberto, Mills, Kathy, Olsen, Rebecca, Patulny, Roger and McKenzie, Jordan. (2019). Emotion work at the frontline of STEM teaching. In In Bryan, Lynn A. and Tobin, Kenneth (Ed.). Critical issues and bold visions for science education : The road ahead pp. 247-264 Brill Sense.

Book chapter

Numeracy across the curriculum: Research-based strategies for enhancing and learning
Goos, Merrilyn, Geiger, Vince, Dole, Shelley, Forgasz, Helen and Bennison, Anne. (2019). Numeracy across the curriculum: Research-based strategies for enhancing and learning Allen & Unwin.


Working-class boys’ relationships with reading: Contextual systems that support working-class boys’ engagement with, and enjoyment of, reading
Scholes, Laura. (2019). Working-class boys’ relationships with reading: Contextual systems that support working-class boys’ engagement with, and enjoyment of, reading. Gender and Education. 31(3), pp. 344 - 361.

Journal article

An empirical case study of young adult carers' engagement and success in higher education
Day, Chantelle. (2019). An empirical case study of young adult carers' engagement and success in higher education. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Journal article

Pathways to reading comprehension: A longitudinal study from 4 to 9 years of age
Hjetland, Hanne Naess, Lervåg, Arne, Lyster, Solveig-Alma Halaas, Hagtvet, Bente Eriksen, Hulme, Charles and Melby-Lervåg, Monica. (2019). Pathways to reading comprehension: A longitudinal study from 4 to 9 years of age. Journal of Educational Psychology. 111(5), pp. 751 - 763.

Journal article

Gendered emotion management and teacher outcomes in secondary school teaching : A review
Olson, Rebecca E., McKenzie, Jordan, Mills, Kathy A., Patulny, Roger, Bellocchi, Alberto and Caristo, Fiona. (2019). Gendered emotion management and teacher outcomes in secondary school teaching : A review. Teaching and Teacher Education. 80, pp. 128-144.

Journal article

Order and timing of home ownership and fertility decisions in Australia
Spallek, Melanie and Haynes, Michele. (2019). Order and timing of home ownership and fertility decisions in Australia. Critical Housing Analysis. 6(1), pp. 9 - 21.

Journal article

An indigenous Australian student's perezhivanie in reading and the evolvement of reader identities over three years
Ng, Clarence and Renshaw, Peter. (2019). An indigenous Australian student's perezhivanie in reading and the evolvement of reader identities over three years. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 22, pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

Schooling reform in Australia: Legitimation through "Projections" onto Shanghai and East Asian schooling systems
Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2019). Schooling reform in Australia: Legitimation through "Projections" onto Shanghai and East Asian schooling systems. In In F. Waldow and G. Steiner-Khamsi (Ed.). Understanding PISA’s Attractiveness: Critical Analyses in Comparative Policy Studies pp. 49 - 64 Bloomsbury Academic.

Book chapter

Exploring the pedagogical features of integrating essential competencies of scientific inquiry in classroom teaching
Chen, Ya-Chun, Pan, Yi-Ting, Hong, Zuway-R., Weng, Xue-Fang and Lin, Huann-Shyang. (2019). Exploring the pedagogical features of integrating essential competencies of scientific inquiry in classroom teaching. Research in Science and Technological Education.

Journal article

Enhancing father engagement in parenting programs: Translating research into practice recommendations
Lechowicz, Meryn E., Jiang, Yixin, Tully, L. A., Burn, Matthew, Collins, Daniel A. J., Hawes, D., Lenroot, Rhoshel, Anderson, Vicki, Doyle, Frances L., Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Frick, Paul, Moul, C., Kimonis, Eva R. and Dadds, Mark R.. (2019). Enhancing father engagement in parenting programs: Translating research into practice recommendations. Australian Psychologist. 54(2), pp. 83 - 89.

Journal article

What makes mathematics teacher knowledge specialized? Offering alternative views
Scheiner, Thorsten, Montes, Miguel A., Godino, Juan D., Carrillo, José and Pino-Fan, Luis R.. (2019). What makes mathematics teacher knowledge specialized? Offering alternative views. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 17(1), pp. 153 - 172.

Journal article

Teachers' ratings of social skills and problem behaviors as concurrent predictors of students' bullying behavior
Elliott, Stephen N., Hwang, Yoon-Suk and Wang, Jin. (2019). Teachers' ratings of social skills and problem behaviors as concurrent predictors of students' bullying behavior. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 60, pp. 119 - 126.

Journal article

Teachers’ professional selves and motivation for continuous professional learning amid education reforms
Ng, Clarence. (2019). Teachers’ professional selves and motivation for continuous professional learning amid education reforms. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 47(2), pp. 118 - 136.

Journal article

Procedural and declarative learning in dyslexia
West, Gillian, Clayton, Francina J., Shanks, David R. and Hulme, Charles. (2019). Procedural and declarative learning in dyslexia. Dyslexia. 25(3), pp. 246 - 255.

Journal article

Non-pharmacological interventions for stuttering in children aged between birth and six years
Sjøstrand, Åse, Kefalianos, Elaina, Hofslundsengen, Hilde, Guttormsen, Linn S., Kirmess, Melanie, Lervåg, Arne, Hulme, Charles and Naess, Kari-Anne B.. (2019). Non-pharmacological interventions for stuttering in children aged between birth and six years. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2019(11), pp. 1 - 34.

Journal article

Evaluating practitioner training to improve competencies and organizational practices for engaging fathers in parenting interventions
Burn, Matthew, Tully, L. A., Jiang, Yixin, Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Collins, Daniel A. J., Sargeant, Kristina, Hawes, D., Moul, C., Lenroot, Rhoshel, Frick, Paul, Anderson, Vicki, Kimonis, Eva R. and Dadds, Mark R.. (2019). Evaluating practitioner training to improve competencies and organizational practices for engaging fathers in parenting interventions. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 50(2), pp. 230 - 244.

Journal article

Effectiveness of volunteer-led strategy instruction on the story writing of third grade students experiencing difficulties learning to write
Rogers, Leslie Ann and Graham, Steve. (2019). Effectiveness of volunteer-led strategy instruction on the story writing of third grade students experiencing difficulties learning to write. Reading and Writing.

Journal article

Writing skills, knowledge, motivation, and strategic behavior predict students’ persuasive writing performance in the context of robust writing instruction
Graham, Steve, Wijekumar, Kay, Harris, Karen R., Lei, Pui-Wa, Fishman, Evan J., Ray, Amber B. and Houston, Julia D.. (2019). Writing skills, knowledge, motivation, and strategic behavior predict students’ persuasive writing performance in the context of robust writing instruction. The Elementary School Journal. 119(3), pp. 487 - 510.

Journal article

Mentoring early career mathematics teachers from the mentees' perspective - a case study from China
Lu, Xiaoli, Kaiser, Gabriele and Leung, Federick Koon Shing. (2019). Mentoring early career mathematics teachers from the mentees' perspective - a case study from China. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Journal article