Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Developmental dyslexia: predicting individual risk
Thompson, Paul A., Hulme, Charles, Nash, Hannah M., Gooch, Debbie, Hayiou-Thomas, Emma and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2015). Developmental dyslexia: predicting individual risk. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines. 56(9), pp. 976 - 987.

Journal article

Time on housework and selection into and out of relationships in Australia: A multiprocess, multilevel approach
Haynes, Michele, Baxter, Janeen, Hewitt, Belinda and Western, Mark. (2015). Time on housework and selection into and out of relationships in Australia: A multiprocess, multilevel approach. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 6(3), pp. 245 - 263.

Journal article

Life satisfaction and retirement in Australia: A longitudinal approach
Heybroek, Lachlan, Haynes, Michele and Baxter, Janeen. (2015). Life satisfaction and retirement in Australia: A longitudinal approach. Work, Aging and Retirement. 1(2), pp. 166 - 180.

Journal article

Conceptualising and enacting numeracy across the curriculum
Goos, Merrilyn, Geiger, Vince and Bennison, Anne. (2015). Conceptualising and enacting numeracy across the curriculum. Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Australia: International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. pp. 9 - 16

Conference item

The challenge of publication for English non-dominant-language authors in mathematics education
Geiger, Vince and Straesser, Rudolf. (2015). The challenge of publication for English non-dominant-language authors in mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics. 35(3), pp. 35 - 41.

Journal article

Violence prevention and early intervention: What works?
Toumbourou, John W., Leung, Rachel K., Homel, Ross, Freiberg, Kate, Satyen, Lata and Hemphill, Sheryl A.. (2015). Violence prevention and early intervention: What works? In In A. Day and E. Fernandez (Ed.). Preventing violence in Australia: Policy, practice and solutions pp. 45 - 62 Federation Press.

Book chapter

The future of self-assessment in classroom practice : Reframing self-assessment as a core competency
Brown, Gavin T. L. and Harris, Lois. (2014). The future of self-assessment in classroom practice : Reframing self-assessment as a core competency. Frontline Learning Research. 2(1), pp. 22-30.

Journal article

The OECD, PISA and educational governance : A call to critical engagement
Lewis, Steven. (2014). The OECD, PISA and educational governance : A call to critical engagement. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 35(2), pp. 317-327.

Journal article

Does spelling instruction make students better spellers, readers, and writers? A meta-analytic review
Graham, Steve and Santangelo, Tanya. (2014). Does spelling instruction make students better spellers, readers, and writers? A meta-analytic review. Reading and Writing. 27(9), pp. 1703 - 1743.

Journal article

The effectiveness of specialist roles in mental health metabolic monitoring: A retrospective cross-sectional comparison study
McKenna, Brian, Furness, Trentham, Wallace, Elizabeth, Happell, Brenda, Stanton, Robert, Platania-Phung, Chris, Edward, Karen-Leigh and Castle, David. (2014). The effectiveness of specialist roles in mental health metabolic monitoring: A retrospective cross-sectional comparison study. BMC Psychiatry. 14(234), pp. 1 - 6.

Journal article

Inquiry pedagogy to promote emerging proportional reasoning in primary students
Fielding-Wells, Jill, Dole, Shelley and Makar, Katie. (2014). Inquiry pedagogy to promote emerging proportional reasoning in primary students. Mathematics Education Research Journal. 26(1), pp. 47 - 77.

Journal article

Analysis of moderation practices in a large STEM-focused faculty
Czaplinski, Iwona, Senadji, Bouchra, Adie, Lenore and Beutel, Denise. (2014). Analysis of moderation practices in a large STEM-focused faculty. 2014 International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning (TALE).

Conference item

The conceptualisation of mathematics competencies in the International Teacher Education Study TEDS-M
Döhrmann, Martina, Kaiser, Gabriele and Blömeke, Sigird. (2014). The conceptualisation of mathematics competencies in the International Teacher Education Study TEDS-M. In In S. Blömeke, F.-J. Hsieh and G. Kaiser & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). International perspectives on teacher knowledge, beliefs and opportunities to learn: TEDS-M results pp. 431 - 456 Springer.

Book chapter

From 'bored witless' to 'rhetorical nous': Teacher orientation to knowledge about language and strengthening student persuasive writing
Love, Kristina, Sandiford, Carmel, Macken-Horarik, Mary and Unsworth, Len. (2014). From 'bored witless' to 'rhetorical nous': Teacher orientation to knowledge about language and strengthening student persuasive writing. English in Australia. 49(3), pp. 43 - 56.

Journal article

Towards a theoretical framework for online professional discussions
Adie, Lenore. (2014). Towards a theoretical framework for online professional discussions. Journal of Learning Design. 7(3), pp. 54 - 66.

Journal article

A Comparison of Empirically Based and Structured Professional Judgment Estimation of Risk Using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth
Childs, Kristina, Frick, Paul J., Ryals, John S., Lingonblad, Annika and Villio, Matthew J.. (2014). A Comparison of Empirically Based and Structured Professional Judgment Estimation of Risk Using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 12(1), pp. 40 - 57.

Journal article

Patient admission prediction using a pruned fuzzy min--max neural network with rule extraction
Wang, Jin, Lim, Chee Peng, Creighton, Douglas, Khorsavi, Abbas, Nahavandi, Saeid, Ugon, Julien, Vamplew, Peter, Stranieri, Andrew, Martin, Laura and Freischmidt, Anton. (2014). Patient admission prediction using a pruned fuzzy min--max neural network with rule extraction. Neural Computing and Applications. 26(2), pp. 277 - 289.

Journal article

Resolving the chicken-or-egg causality dilemma: The longitudinal interplay of teacher knowledge and teacher beliefs
Blömeke, Sigrid, Buchholz, Nils, Suhl, Ute and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Resolving the chicken-or-egg causality dilemma: The longitudinal interplay of teacher knowledge and teacher beliefs. Teaching and Teacher Education. 37, pp. 130 - 139.

Journal article

The role of social aspects of teaching and learning in transforming mathematical activity: Tools, tasks, individuals and learning communities
Geiger, Vince. (2014). The role of social aspects of teaching and learning in transforming mathematical activity: Tools, tasks, individuals and learning communities. In In Rezat, S., Hattermann, M. and Peter-Koop, A. (Ed.). Transformation - A Fundamental Idea of Mathematics Education pp. 203 - 221 Springer.

Book chapter

Multiple job holding and income mobility in Indonesia
Martinez, Arturo, Western, Mark, Haynes, Michele, Tomaszewski, Wojtek and Macarayan, Erlyn. (2014). Multiple job holding and income mobility in Indonesia. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility: a research annual. 37, pp. 91 - 104.

Journal article

Cognitive strategies for dual imperatives : EFL listening and speaking in chinese universities
Liyanage, Indika, Bartlett, Brendan and Tao, Thomas. (2014). Cognitive strategies for dual imperatives : EFL listening and speaking in chinese universities. Language Education in Asia. 5(1), pp. 46 - 65.

Journal article

Distractor functioning in modified items for test accessibility
Rodriguez, Michael, Kettler, Ryan and Elliott, Stephen. (2014). Distractor functioning in modified items for test accessibility. SAGE Open. 4(4), pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

Von der Lehrerausbildung in den Beruf – Fachbezogenes Wissen als Voraussetzung für Wahrnehmung, Interpretation und Handeln im Unterricht
Blömeke, Sigrid, König, Johannes, Busse, Andreas, Suhl, Ute, Benthien, Jessica, Döhrmann, Martina and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Von der Lehrerausbildung in den Beruf – Fachbezogenes Wissen als Voraussetzung für Wahrnehmung, Interpretation und Handeln im Unterricht. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. 17(3), pp. 509 - 542.

Journal article

Evaluating bias due to data linkage error in electronic healthcare records
Harron, Katie, Wade, Angie, Gilbert, Ruth, Muller-Pebody, Berit and Goldstein, Harvey. (2014). Evaluating bias due to data linkage error in electronic healthcare records. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 14(1), pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

Fitting multilevel multivariate models with missing data in responses and covariates that may include interactions and non-linear terms
Goldstein, Harvey, Carpenter, James and Browne, William. (2014). Fitting multilevel multivariate models with missing data in responses and covariates that may include interactions and non-linear terms. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 177(2), pp. 553 - 564.

Journal article

The OECD and the expansion of PISA: New global modes of governance in education
Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2014). The OECD and the expansion of PISA: New global modes of governance in education. British Educational Research Journal. 40(6), pp. 917 - 936.

Journal article

Two contrasting Australian Curriculum responses to globalisation: What students should learn or become
Lingard, Bob and McGregor, Glenda. (2014). Two contrasting Australian Curriculum responses to globalisation: What students should learn or become. Curriculum Journal. 25(1), pp. 90 - 110.

Journal article

Social skills intervention planning for preschoolers: using the SSiS-Rating scales to identify target behaviors valued by parents and teachers
Frey, Jennifer, Elliott, Stephen and Kaiser, Ann. (2014). Social skills intervention planning for preschoolers: using the SSiS-Rating scales to identify target behaviors valued by parents and teachers. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 39(3), pp. 182 - 192.

Journal article

A contextual approach to experiential avoidance and social anxiety: Evidence from an experimental interaction and daily interactions of people with social anxiety disorder
Kashdan, Todd, Goodman, Fallon, Machell, Kyla, Kleiman, Evan, Monfort, Samuel, Ciarrochi, Joseph and Nezlek, John. (2014). A contextual approach to experiential avoidance and social anxiety: Evidence from an experimental interaction and daily interactions of people with social anxiety disorder. Emotion. 14(4), pp. 769 - 781.

Journal article

Teachers using annotations to engage students in assessment conversations : Recontextualising knowledge
Willis, Jill and Adie, Lenore. (2014). Teachers using annotations to engage students in assessment conversations : Recontextualising knowledge. Curriculum Journal. 25(4), pp. 495 - 515.

Journal article

The cultural dimension of beliefs: An investigation of future primary teachers' epistemological beliefs concerning the nature of mathematics in 15 countries
Felbrich, Anja, Kaiser, Gabriele and Schmotz, Christiane. (2014). The cultural dimension of beliefs: An investigation of future primary teachers' epistemological beliefs concerning the nature of mathematics in 15 countries. In In S. Blömeke, F.-J. Hsieh and G. Kaiser & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). pp. 209 - 229 Springer.

Book chapter

The logogenesis of writing to learn: A systemic functional perspective
Klein, Perry D. and Unsworth, Len. (2014). The logogenesis of writing to learn: A systemic functional perspective. Linguistics and Education. 26, pp. 1 - 17.

Journal article

Mathematical modeling in school education: Mathematical, cognitive, curricular, instructional and teacher educational perspectives
Cai, Jinfa, Cirillo, Michelle, Pelesko, John, Bommero Ferri, Rita, Borba, Marcelo, Geiger, Vince, Stillman, Gloria, English, Lyn, Wake, Geoff and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Mathematical modeling in school education: Mathematical, cognitive, curricular, instructional and teacher educational perspectives. In P Liljedahl, S Oesterle and C Nicol (Ed.). Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Canada: Springer. pp. 145 - 172

Conference item

Curriculum intent, teacher professional development and student learning in numeracy
Geiger, Vince, Goos, Merrilyn and Dole, Shelley. (2014). Curriculum intent, teacher professional development and student learning in numeracy. In In Y. Li and G. Lappan (Ed.). Mathematics Curriculum in School Education pp. 473 - 492 Springer.

Book chapter

A comparison of parent and staff perceptions of setting-specific and everyday stressors encountered by parents with very preterm infants experiencing neonatal intensive care
Pritchard, Verena E. and Montgomery-Honger, Argene. (2014). A comparison of parent and staff perceptions of setting-specific and everyday stressors encountered by parents with very preterm infants experiencing neonatal intensive care. Early Human Development. 90(10), pp. 549 - 555.

Journal article

Effect of health insurance on the utilisation of allied health services by people with chronic disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Skinner, Elizabeth H., Foster, Michele, Mitchell, Geoffrey, Haynes, Michele, O'Flaherty, Martin and Haines, Terry. (2014). Effect of health insurance on the utilisation of allied health services by people with chronic disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Australian Journal of Primary Health. 20(1), pp. 9 - 19.

Journal article

Miss mum': Mind and affective experience of Korean learners identified with autism spectrum and cognitive difficulties
Hwang, Yoon-Suk. (2014). Miss mum': Mind and affective experience of Korean learners identified with autism spectrum and cognitive difficulties. Disability and Society. 29(10), pp. 1583 - 1600.

Journal article

Cultural flows in an Aboriginal school : Deterritorializing textual production through a socially mediated Indigenous heritage
Mills, Kathy Ann. (2014). Cultural flows in an Aboriginal school : Deterritorializing textual production through a socially mediated Indigenous heritage. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA 03 - 07 Apr 2014 American Educational Research Association. pp. 1-10

Conference item

Lessons learned from implementing self-regulated strategy development with students with emotional and behavioral disorders in alternative educational settings
Parks Ennis, Robin, Harris, Karen, Lane, Kathleen Lynne and Mason, Linda H.. (2014). Lessons learned from implementing self-regulated strategy development with students with emotional and behavioral disorders in alternative educational settings. Behavioral Disorders. 40(1), pp. 68 - 77.

Journal article

Callous-unemotional traits in incarcerated adolescents
Kimonis, Eva, Fanti, Kostas, Goldweber, Asha, Marsee, Monica, Frick, Paul Joseph and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2014). Callous-unemotional traits in incarcerated adolescents. Psychological Assessment. 26(1), pp. 227 - 237.

Journal article