Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Developing a measure to understand children's internet cognition and cyber-safety awareness
Edwards, Susan Elizabeth, Nolan, Andrea, Henderson, Michael, Skouteris, Helen, Mantilla, Ana, Lambert, Pamela and Bird, Jo. (2016). Developing a measure to understand children's internet cognition and cyber-safety awareness. The Early Years. 36(3), pp. 322 - 335.

Journal article

A path to better writing: Evidence-based practices in the classroom
Graham, Steve and Harris, Karen Renee. (2016). A path to better writing: Evidence-based practices in the classroom. The Reading Teacher. 69(4), pp. 359 - 365.

Journal article

Hwang, Yoon-Suk and Singh, Nirbhay N.. (2016). Mindfulness. In In N. N. Singh (Ed.). Handbook of evidence-based practices in intellectual and developmental disabilities pp. 311 - 346 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Reading disorders and dyslexia
Hulme, Charles and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2016). Reading disorders and dyslexia. Current Opinion in Pediatrics. 28(6), pp. 731 - 735.

Journal article

Developing teachers' professional knowledge for discipline literacy instruction
Humphrey, Sally and Macnaught, Lucy. (2016). Developing teachers' professional knowledge for discipline literacy instruction. In In H. de Silva Joyce (Ed.). Language at work: Analysing language use in work, education, medical and museum contexts pp. 68 - 86 Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Book chapter

Language profiles and literacy outcomes of children with resolving, emerging, or persisting language impairments
Snowling, Margaret J., Duff, Fiona J., Nash, Hannah M. and Hulme, Charles. (2016). Language profiles and literacy outcomes of children with resolving, emerging, or persisting language impairments. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines. 57(12), pp. 1360 - 1369.

Journal article

Teachers as designers of effective numeracy tasks
Geiger, Vince. (2016). Teachers as designers of effective numeracy tasks. In B. White, M. Chinnappan and S. Trenholm (Ed.). 39th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 252 - 259

Conference item

Risk factors and risk-based protective factors for violent offending : A study of young Victorians
Hemphill, Sheryl A., Heerde, Jessica A. and Scholes-Balog, Kirsty E.. (2016). Risk factors and risk-based protective factors for violent offending : A study of young Victorians. Journal of Criminal Justice. 45, pp. 94-100.

Journal article

Profiling the mobile-only population in Australia: insights from the Australian national health survey
Baffour, Bernard, Haynes, Michele, Dinsdale, Shane, Western, Mark and Pennay, D. W.. (2016). Profiling the mobile-only population in Australia: insights from the Australian national health survey. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 40(5), pp. 443 - 447.

Journal article

Interpreting curricula to find opportunities for modeling: Case studies from Australia and Sweden
Geiger, Vince, Bergman, Jonas and Frejd, Peter. (2016). Interpreting curricula to find opportunities for modeling: Case studies from Australia and Sweden. In In C. R. Hirsch (Ed.). Mathematical modeling and modeling mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Book chapter

EAP in school settings
Humphrey, Sally Louise. (2016). EAP in school settings. In In K. Hyland and P. Shaw (Ed.). The Routledge handbook of English for academic purposes pp. 447 - 460 Routledge.

Book chapter

Third and fourth grade teacher's classroom practices in writing: A national survey
Brindle, Mary, Graham, Steve, Harris, Karen and Hebert, Michael. (2016). Third and fourth grade teacher's classroom practices in writing: A national survey. Reading and Writing. 29(5), pp. 929 - 954.

Journal article

Diagnostic competence of primary school mathematics teachers during classroom situations
Hoth, Jessica, Döhrmann, Martina, Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2016). Diagnostic competence of primary school mathematics teachers during classroom situations. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 48(1-2), pp. 41 - 53.

Journal article

Stealing and being stolen from: Perpetration of property offenses and property victimization among homeless youth - A systematic review
Heerde, Jessica Anne and Hemphill, Sheryl Ann. (2016). Stealing and being stolen from: Perpetration of property offenses and property victimization among homeless youth - A systematic review. Youth and Society. 48(2), pp. 265 - 300.

Journal article

"Turn that frown upside-down": A contextual account of emoticon usage on different virtual platforms
Kaye, Linda K., Wall, Helen J. and Malone, Stephanie. (2016). "Turn that frown upside-down": A contextual account of emoticon usage on different virtual platforms. Computers in Human Behavior. 60, pp. 463 - 467.

Journal article

New light on old horizon: Constructing mathematical concepts, underlying abstraction processes, and sense making strategies
Scheiner, Thorsten. (2016). New light on old horizon: Constructing mathematical concepts, underlying abstraction processes, and sense making strategies. Educational Studies in Mathematics: An international journal. 91(2), pp. 165 - 183.

Journal article

Agency and learning : Researching agency in educational interactions
Rajala, Antti, Martin, Jenny and Kumpulainen, Kristiina. (2016). Agency and learning : Researching agency in educational interactions. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 10, pp. 1-3.

Journal article

New concepts of play and the problem of technology, digital media and popular-culture integration with play-based learning in early childhood education
Edwards, Susan Elizabeth. (2016). New concepts of play and the problem of technology, digital media and popular-culture integration with play-based learning in early childhood education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 25(4), pp. 513 - 532.

Journal article

Globalizing Educational Accountabilities
Lingard, Robert Leslie, Martino, Wayne, Rezai-Rashti, Goli and Sellar, Sam. (2016). Globalizing Educational Accountabilities Routledge.


Teaching reflection for service-learning
Bursaw, Jimi, Kimber, Megan Paige, Mercer, Louise and Carrington, Suzanne. (2015). Teaching reflection for service-learning. In In Ryan, Mary (Ed.). Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education : A Systematic Approach Using Pedagogic Patterns pp. 153 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Writing instruction
Graham, Stephen Edward. (2015). Writing instruction. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences pp. 767-772 Elsevier Ltd. (UK).

Book chapter

Pre-service teachers and numeracy readiness
Forgasz, Helen J., Leder, Gilah C., Geiger, Vince and Kalkhoven, Natalie. (2015). Pre-service teachers and numeracy readiness. In Beswick, Kim, Muir, Tracey and Fielding-Wells, Jill (Ed.). 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Hobart, Tasmania: International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. pp. 313-320

Conference item

Visualization and the teaching of mathematical analysis
Fusaro Pinto, Márcia Maria and Scheiner, Thorsten. (2015). Visualization and the teaching of mathematical analysis. Educacao Matematica Pesquisa. 17(3), pp. 637-654.

Journal article

The multiple effects of international large-scale assessment on education policy and research
Lewis, Steven and Lingard, Bob. (2015). The multiple effects of international large-scale assessment on education policy and research. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 36(5), pp. 621-637.

Journal article

Funding, reputation and targets : The discursive logics of high-stakes testing
Lewis, Steven and Hardy, Ian. (2015). Funding, reputation and targets : The discursive logics of high-stakes testing. Cambridge Journal of Education. 45(2), pp. 245-264.

Journal article

Digital play : What do early childhood teachers see?
Edwards, Susan, Nuttall, Joce, Mantilla, Ana and Wood, Elizabeth. (2015). Digital play : What do early childhood teachers see? In In S. Bulfin, N. F. Johnson and C. Bigum (Ed.). pp. 69 - 84 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Lessons we have (not) learned from past and current conceptualizations of mathematics teachers' knowledge
Scheiner, Thorsten. (2015). Lessons we have (not) learned from past and current conceptualizations of mathematics teachers' knowledge. In K. Krainer and N. Vondrová (Ed.). Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME9, 4-8 February 2015). Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University in Prague. pp. 3248 - 3253

Conference item

A longitudinal study of the association of adolescent polydrug use, alcohol use and high school non-completion
Kelly, Adrian, Evans-Whipp, Tracy, Smith, Rachel, Chan, Gary, Toumbourou, John, Patton, George, Hemphill, Sheryl, Hall, Wayne and Catalano, Richard. (2015). A longitudinal study of the association of adolescent polydrug use, alcohol use and high school non-completion. Addiction. 110(4), pp. 627 - 635.

Journal article

The role of motive objects in early childhood teacher development concerning children's digital play and play-based learning in early childhood curricula
Nuttall, Joce, Edwards, Susan, Mantilla, Ana, Grieshaber, Susan and Wood, Elizabeth. (2015). The role of motive objects in early childhood teacher development concerning children's digital play and play-based learning in early childhood curricula. Professional Development in Education. 41(2), pp. 222 - 235.

Journal article

Relationships between substance use and depressive symptoms : A longitudinal study of Australian adolescents
Scholes-Balog, Kirsty, Hemphill, Sheryl, Patton, George and Toumbourou, John. (2015). Relationships between substance use and depressive symptoms : A longitudinal study of Australian adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence. 35(4), pp. 538 - 561.

Journal article

Learners' goal profiles and their learning patterns over an academic year
Ng, Chi-hung. (2015). Learners' goal profiles and their learning patterns over an academic year. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 16(3), pp. 86 - 109.

Journal article

Supported playgroups in schools and parent perspectives on children’s play
Lambert, Pamela. (2015). Supported playgroups in schools and parent perspectives on children’s play [Thesis].


The convergent and divergent validity of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED) : Instructional leadership and emotional intelligence
Goldring, Ellen, Cravens, Xiu, Porter, Andrew, Murphy, Joseph and Elliott, Stephen. (2015). The convergent and divergent validity of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED) : Instructional leadership and emotional intelligence. Journal of Educational Administration. 53(2), pp. 177 - 196.

Journal article

Young adult carers: A literature review informing the re-conceptualisation of young adult caregiving in Australia
Day, Chantelle. (2015). Young adult carers: A literature review informing the re-conceptualisation of young adult caregiving in Australia. Journal of Youth Studies. 18(7), pp. 855 - 866.

Journal article

Understanding teacher aides’ definitions of reading: implications for classroom practice
Harris, Lois, Davidson, Christina R. and Aprile, Kerry T.. (2015). Understanding teacher aides’ definitions of reading: implications for classroom practice. The Australian Educational Researcher. 42(5), pp. 627 - 644.

Journal article

Interpretive responses to images in picture books by primary and secondary school students : Exploring curriculum expectations of a 'visual grammatics'
Unsworth, Len and Macken-Horarik, Mary. (2015). Interpretive responses to images in picture books by primary and secondary school students : Exploring curriculum expectations of a 'visual grammatics'. English in Education (online version). 49(1), pp. 56 - 79.

Journal article

Addressing the missing instructional data problem : Using a teacher log to document tier 1 instruction
Kurz, Alexander, Elliott, Stephen and Roach, Andrew. (2015). Addressing the missing instructional data problem : Using a teacher log to document tier 1 instruction. Remedial and Special Education. 36(6), pp. 361 - 373.

Journal article

Early Career Mathematics Teachers’ General Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills: Do Teacher Education, Teaching Experience, and Working Conditions Make a Difference?
König, Johannes, Blömeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Early Career Mathematics Teachers’ General Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills: Do Teacher Education, Teaching Experience, and Working Conditions Make a Difference? International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(2), pp. 331 - 350.

Journal article

Cultivating mind : Mindfulness interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and problem behaviours, and their mothers
Hwang, Yoon-Suk, Kearney, Patrick, Klieve, Helen, Lang, Wayne and Jacqueline, Roberts. (2015). Cultivating mind : Mindfulness interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and problem behaviours, and their mothers. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 24(10), pp. 3093 - 3106.

Journal article

Copy number variation screen identifies a rare de Novo deletion at chromosome 15q13.1-13.3 in a child with language impairment
Pettigrew, K. A., Reeves, E., Leavett, R., Hayious-Thomas, Emma, Sharma, A., Simpson, N. H., Martinelli, A., Thompson, Paul A., Hulme, Charles, Snowling, Margaret J., Newbury, D. F. and Paracchini, S.. (2015). Copy number variation screen identifies a rare de Novo deletion at chromosome 15q13.1-13.3 in a child with language impairment. PLoS ONE. 10(8), pp. 1 - 11.

Journal article