Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Predictions of machine learning with mixed-effects in analyzing longitudinal data under model misspecification
Hu, Shuwen, Wang, You-Gan, Drovandi, Christopher and Cao, Taoyun. (2023). Predictions of machine learning with mixed-effects in analyzing longitudinal data under model misspecification. Statistical Methods and Applications. 32(2), pp. 681-711.

Journal article

Patterns of students' collaborations by variations in their learning orientations in blended course designs: How is it associated with academic achievement?
Han, Feifei, Ellis, Robert and Guan, Enjing. (2023). Patterns of students' collaborations by variations in their learning orientations in blended course designs: How is it associated with academic achievement? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 39(1), pp. 286-299.

Journal article

A working likelihood approach to support vector regression with a data-driven insensitivity parameter
Wu, Jinran and Wang, You-Gan. (2023). A working likelihood approach to support vector regression with a data-driven insensitivity parameter. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 14(3), pp. 929-945.

Journal article

An integrated federated learning algorithm for short-term load forecasting
Yang, Yang, Wang, Zijin, Zhao, Shangrui and Wu, Jinran. (2023). An integrated federated learning algorithm for short-term load forecasting. Electric Power Systems Research. 214, p. Article 108830.

Journal article

Perspectives of play and play-based learning : What do adults think play is?
McLean, Karen, Lake, Gillian, Wild, Mary, Licandro, Ulla and Evangelou, Maria. (2023). Perspectives of play and play-based learning : What do adults think play is? Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 48(1), pp. 5-17.

Journal article

Playgroup families’ experiences of play-based remote learning
Minson, Victoria and McLean, Karen. (2023). Playgroup families’ experiences of play-based remote learning. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 48(2), pp. 117-133.

Journal article

Investigating teachers' job satisfaction, stress and working environment : The roles of self-efficacy and school leadership
Jentsch, Armin, Hoferichter, Frances, Blömeke, Sigrid, König, Johannes and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2023). Investigating teachers' job satisfaction, stress and working environment : The roles of self-efficacy and school leadership. Psychology in the Schools. 60(3), pp. 679-690.

Journal article

A new algorithm for support vector regression with automatic selection of hyperparameters
Wang, You-Gan, Wu, Jinran, Hu, Zhi-Hua and McLachlan, Geoffrey J.. (2023). A new algorithm for support vector regression with automatic selection of hyperparameters. Pattern Recognition. 133, p. Article 108989.

Journal article

The relations between self-reported perceptions of learning environment, observational learning strategies, and academic outcome
Han, Feifei and Ellis, Robert A.. (2023). The relations between self-reported perceptions of learning environment, observational learning strategies, and academic outcome. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 35, pp. 111-125.

Journal article

A hybrid deep learning framework for air quality prediction with spatial autocorrelation during the COVID‑19 pandemic
Zhao, Zixi, Wu, Jinran, Cai, Fengjing, Zhang, Shaotong and Wang, You-Gan. (2023). A hybrid deep learning framework for air quality prediction with spatial autocorrelation during the COVID‑19 pandemic. Scientific Reports. 13(1), pp. 1-17.

Journal article

Special and general education teachers’ beliefs about writing and writing instruction
Graham, Steve, Collins, Alyson A. and Ciullo, Stephen. (2023). Special and general education teachers’ beliefs about writing and writing instruction. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 56(3), pp. 163-179.

Journal article

Australian policy on international students : Pivoting towards discourses of diversity?
Hong, Min, Lingard, Bob and Hardy, Ian. (2023). Australian policy on international students : Pivoting towards discourses of diversity? The Australian Educational Researcher. 50(3), pp. 881-902.

Journal article

How are examinations inclusive for students with disabilities in higher education? A sociomaterial analysis
Tai, Joanna, Mahoney, Paige, Ajjawi, Rola, Bearman, Margaret, Dargusch, Joanne, Dracup, Mary and Harris, Lois. (2023). How are examinations inclusive for students with disabilities in higher education? A sociomaterial analysis. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 48(3), pp. 390-402.

Journal article

Low socioeconomic status students transitioning from Vocational Education and Training (VET) to university : Examining definitions of success
Vanderburg, Robert, Harris, Lois, Dargusch, Joanne and Richardson, Susan. (2023). Low socioeconomic status students transitioning from Vocational Education and Training (VET) to university : Examining definitions of success. Higher Education Research and Development. 42(3), pp. 742-756.

Journal article

The Triple-S framework: ensuring scalable, sustainable, and serviceable practices in educational technology
Moro, Christian, Mills, Kathy A., Phelps, Charlotte and Birt, James. (2023). The Triple-S framework: ensuring scalable, sustainable, and serviceable practices in educational technology. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. 20(7), pp. 1-15.

Journal article

Characterizing trajectories of anxiety, depression, and criminaloffending in male adolescents over the 5 years following their first arrest
Baker, Amanda E., Padgaonkar, Namita Tanya, Galván, Adriana, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2023). Characterizing trajectories of anxiety, depression, and criminaloffending in male adolescents over the 5 years following their first arrest. Development and Psychopathology. 35(2), pp. 570-586.

Journal article

Platforms, profits and PISA for schools : New actors, by-passes and topological spaces in global educational governance
Lewis, Steven and Lingard, Bob. (2023). Platforms, profits and PISA for schools : New actors, by-passes and topological spaces in global educational governance. Comparative Education. 59(1), pp. 99-117.

Journal article

‘Out of time’ : Constructing teacher professionality as a perpetual project on the eTwinning digital platform
Lewis, Steven and Decuypere, Mathias. (2023). ‘Out of time’ : Constructing teacher professionality as a perpetual project on the eTwinning digital platform. Tertium Comparationis. 29(1), pp. 22-47.

Journal article

Technical agonism : Embracing democratic dissensus in the datafication of education
Holloway, Jessica, Lewis, Steven and Langman, Sarah. (2023). Technical agonism : Embracing democratic dissensus in the datafication of education. Learning, Media and Technology. 48(2), pp. 253-265.

Journal article

Boys, science and literacy : Place-based masculinities, reading practices and the ‘science literate boy’
Stahl, Garth, Scholes, Laura, McDonald, Sarah, Mills, Reece and Comber, Barbara. (2023). Boys, science and literacy : Place-based masculinities, reading practices and the ‘science literate boy’. Research Papers in Education. 38(3), pp. 328-356.

Journal article

Globalisation, cultural knowledges and sociomateriality in Middle Eastern education : How the global and local influence classroom practices
Friend, Lesley, Mills, Kathy A. and Lingard, Bob. (2023). Globalisation, cultural knowledges and sociomateriality in Middle Eastern education : How the global and local influence classroom practices. Globalization, Societies and Education. 21(1), pp. 66-77.

Journal article

Percezione e movimento nello sviluppo del pensiero matematico. Convinzioni e pratiche degli insegnanti in Italia e in Australia.
Boscolo, Alessandra. (2023). Percezione e movimento nello sviluppo del pensiero matematico. Convinzioni e pratiche degli insegnanti in Italia e in Australia [Thesis]. Australian Catholic University


Iterative learning in support vector regression with heterogeneous variances
Wu, Jinran and Wang, You-Gan. (2023). Iterative learning in support vector regression with heterogeneous variances. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence. 7(2), pp. 513-522.

Journal article

A comparison of parent, teacher, and youth ratings on the inventory of callous–unemotional traits
Matlasz, Tatiana M., Frick, Paul J. and Clark, Julia E.. (2023). A comparison of parent, teacher, and youth ratings on the inventory of callous–unemotional traits. Assessment. 30(1), pp. 210-224.

Journal article

Topological genealogy : A methodology to research transnational digital governance in/through/as change
Decuypere, Mathias and Lewis, Steven. (2023). Topological genealogy : A methodology to research transnational digital governance in/through/as change. Journal of Education Policy. 38(1), pp. 23-45.

Journal article

Performative bilingual policy : An analysis of two Taiwanese White Papers on international education
Li, Yu-Chih, Lingard, Bob, Reyes, Vicente and Sellar, Sam. (2023). Performative bilingual policy : An analysis of two Taiwanese White Papers on international education. Compare. 53(2), pp. 253-268.

Journal article

Literacy for digital futures : Mind, body, text
Mills, Kathy A., Unsworth, Len and Scholes, Laura. (2023). Literacy for digital futures : Mind, body, text Routledge.


Professionalizing teacher education : Performance Assessment, Standards, Moderation, and Evidence
Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree, Adie, Lenore Ellen, Haynes, Michele and Day, Chantelle. (2022). Professionalizing teacher education : Performance Assessment, Standards, Moderation, and Evidence Routledge.


A right to know : The positioning of infants as ‘knowers’ in educator-infant interactions
Degotardi, Sheila and Han, Feifei. (2022). A right to know : The positioning of infants as ‘knowers’ in educator-infant interactions. In In Press, Frances and Cheeseman, Sandra (Ed.). (Re)conceptualising children’s rights in infant-toddler care and education : Transnational conversations pp. 101 Springer.

Book chapter

Education policy in the time of climate emergency and global pandemic
Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2022). Education policy in the time of climate emergency and global pandemic. In Humanizing Education in the 3rd Millennium pp. 45-53 Springer.

Book chapter

A Typology for Instructional Enablers of Mathematical Modelling
Geiger, Vincent Stephen, Galbraith, Peter, Niss, Mogens and Holland-Twining, Benjamin. (2022). A Typology for Instructional Enablers of Mathematical Modelling. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. University of Tasmania, Launceston. 2022 - 2023 Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 1-8

Conference paper

Performance Appraisal and Performance-Based Pay in Universities : In Taylor’s Shadow
Kimber, Megan Paige and Ehrich, Lisa Catherine. (2022). Performance Appraisal and Performance-Based Pay in Universities : In Taylor’s Shadow. In The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management Discourse pp. 619-638 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

From technology as tool to digitally mediated contexts for learning in early childhood education and care in Australia
Edwards, Susan Elizabeth, McLean, Karen Joy and Minson, Victoria Jane. (2022). From technology as tool to digitally mediated contexts for learning in early childhood education and care in Australia. In The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic pp. 246-253 Routledge.

Book chapter

Intercultural dialog : Media practice education
Raman, Usha, Casey, Natasha, Donohue, Chip, Edwards, Susan Elizabeth, Friesem, Yonty, Lisy, Jennifer Garrette, McLean, Karen Joy, Minson, Victoria Jane, Paciga, Katie A., Pellitteri, Marco and Sarwatay, Devina. (2022). Intercultural dialog : Media practice education. In The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic pp. 296-303 Routledge.

Book chapter

Computerized adaptive testing for ipsative tests with multidimensional pairwise-comparison items : Algorithm development and applications
Qiu, Xue-Lan, de la Torre, Jimmy, Ro, Sage and Wang, Wen-Chung. (2022). Computerized adaptive testing for ipsative tests with multidimensional pairwise-comparison items : Algorithm development and applications. Applied Psychological Measurement. 46(4), pp. 255-272.

Journal article

An empirical Q-Matrix validation method for the polytomous G-DINA model
de la Torre, Jimmy, Qiu, Xue-Lan and Santos, Kevin Carl. (2022). An empirical Q-Matrix validation method for the polytomous G-DINA model. Psychometrika. 87(2), pp. 693-724.

Journal article

Equity in mathematics education in Hong Kong : Evidence from TIMSS 2011 to 2019
Qiu, Xue-Lan and Leung, Frederick K. S.. (2022). Equity in mathematics education in Hong Kong : Evidence from TIMSS 2011 to 2019. Large-scale Assessments in Education. 10(1), p. Article 3.

Journal article

A new item response theory model for rater centrality using a hierarchical rater model approach
Qiu, Xue-Lan, Chiu, Ming Ming, Wang, Wen-Chung and Chen, Po-Hsi. (2022). A new item response theory model for rater centrality using a hierarchical rater model approach. Behavior Research Methods. 54(4), pp. 1854-1868.

Journal article

Reviewing the evidence base : Attraction, pathways and retention : A focus on attracting candidates
Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Holloway, Jessica, Alexander, Colette, Harris, Lois and Marcy, Ariel. (2022). Reviewing the evidence base : Attraction, pathways and retention : A focus on attracting candidates Sydney, Australia: Association of Independent Schools New South Wales.


Parameter estimation for univariate skew-normal distribution based on the modified empirical characteristic function
Hou, Gege, Xu, Ancha, Cai, Fengjing and Wang, You-Gan. (2022). Parameter estimation for univariate skew-normal distribution based on the modified empirical characteristic function. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 51(22), pp. 7897-7910.

Journal article