Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Legitimising disciplinary literacy : Rewriting the rules of the literacy game and enhancing secondary teachers’ professional habitus
McLean Davies, Larissa, Potter, Troy and Hinton Herrington, Michèle. (2022). Legitimising disciplinary literacy : Rewriting the rules of the literacy game and enhancing secondary teachers’ professional habitus. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 45(3), pp. 359-374.

Journal article

A typology for instructional enablers of mathematical modelling
Geiger, Vince, Galbraith, Peter, Niss, Mogens and Holland-Twining, Ben. (2022). A typology for instructional enablers of mathematical modelling. 44th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Launceston, Tasmania, Australia 03 - 07 Jul 2022 Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA). pp. 226-233

Conference paper

Overcoming barriers and paradigm wars : Powerful evidence-based writing instruction
Harris, Karen R. and McKeown, Debra. (2022). Overcoming barriers and paradigm wars : Powerful evidence-based writing instruction. Theory into Practice. 61(4), pp. 429-442.

Journal article

Spatio-temporal quantile regression analysis revealing more nuanced patterns of climate change : A study of long-term daily temperature in Australia
Duan, Qibin, McGrory, Clare A., Brown, Glenn, Mengersen, Kerrie and Wang, You-Gan. (2022). Spatio-temporal quantile regression analysis revealing more nuanced patterns of climate change : A study of long-term daily temperature in Australia. PLoS ONE. 17, p. Article e0271457.

Journal article

Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people
Eising, Else, Mirza-Schreiber, Nazanin, de Zeeuw, Eveline L., Wang, Carol A., Truong, Dongnhu T., Allegrini, Andrea G., Shapland, Chin Yang, Zhu, Gu, Wigg, Karen G., Gerritse, Margot L., Molz, Barbara, Alagöz, Gökberk, Gialluisi, Alessandro, Abbondanza, Filippo, Rimfeld, Kaili, van Donkelaar, Marjolein, Liao, Zhijie, Jansen, Philip R., Andlauer, Till F. M., ... Fisher, Simon E.. (2022). Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 119(35), p. Article e2202764119.

Journal article

Performance of variance estimators in the analysis of longitudinal data with a large cluster size
Hu, Shuwen, Wang, You-Gan and Fu, Liya. (2022). Performance of variance estimators in the analysis of longitudinal data with a large cluster size. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 92(1), pp. 1-18.

Journal article

How school leaders navigate the priority school support review process : An Australian case study
Spooner-Lane, Rebecca, Spina, Nerida, Carrington, Suzanne, Kimber, Megan and Williams, Kate E.. (2022). How school leaders navigate the priority school support review process : An Australian case study. School Leadership and Management. 42(3), pp. 235-255.

Journal article

Ridgelized Hotelling's T2 test on mean vectors of large dimension
Ha, Gao-Fan, Zhang, Qiuyan, Bai, Zhidong and Wang, You-Gan. (2022). Ridgelized Hotelling's T2 test on mean vectors of large dimension. Random Matrices: Theory and Application. 11(1), p. Article 2250011.

Journal article

Distribution, transfer process and influence factors of phosphorus at sediment-water interface in the Huaihe River
Xu, Jing, Mo, Yuming, Tang, Hongwu, Wang, Kun, Ji, Qingfeng, Zhang, Pei, Wang, You-Gan, Jin, Guangqiu and Li, Ling. (2022). Distribution, transfer process and influence factors of phosphorus at sediment-water interface in the Huaihe River. Journal of Hydrology. 612, p. Article 128079.

Journal article

Leadership attributes that support school improvement : A realist approach
Carrington, Suzanne, Spina, Nerida, Kimber, Megan, Spooner-Lane, Rebecca and Williams, Kate E.. (2022). Leadership attributes that support school improvement : A realist approach. School Leadership and Management. 42(2), pp. 151-169.

Journal article

A new mixture copula model for spatially correlated multiple variables with an environmental application
Abraj, Mohomed, Wang, You-Gan and Thompson, M. Helen. (2022). A new mixture copula model for spatially correlated multiple variables with an environmental application. Scientific Reports. 12(1), p. Article 13867.

Journal article

Supporting English non-dominant language authors’ efforts to publish : Perspectives from the editors-in-chief of highly recognised journals in mathematics education
Geiger, Vince, Delzoppo, Catherine and Straesser, Rudolf. (2022). Supporting English non-dominant language authors’ efforts to publish : Perspectives from the editors-in-chief of highly recognised journals in mathematics education. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 111(3), pp. 543-565.

Journal article

Predicting efficacy to teach writing : The role of attitudes, perceptions of students’ progress, and epistemological beliefs
Graham, Steve, Hsiang, Tien Ping, Ray, Amber B., Zheng, Guihua and Hebert, Michael. (2022). Predicting efficacy to teach writing : The role of attitudes, perceptions of students’ progress, and epistemological beliefs. The Elementary School Journal. 123(1), pp. 1-36.

Journal article

The effects of teacher feedback and automated feedback on cognitive and psychological aspects in foreign language writing : A mixed-methods research
Wang, Zehua and Han, Feifei. (2022). The effects of teacher feedback and automated feedback on cognitive and psychological aspects in foreign language writing : A mixed-methods research. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, p. Article 909802.

Journal article

Can flipped classroom pedagogy offer promising perspectives for mathematics education on pandemic-related issues? A systematic literature review
Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Can flipped classroom pedagogy offer promising perspectives for mathematics education on pandemic-related issues? A systematic literature review. ZDM Mathematics Education. 55(1), pp. 177-191.

Journal article

Writing motivation questionnaire : Validation and application as a formative assessment
Graham, Steve, Harbaugh-Schattenkirk, Allen G., Aitken, Angelique, Harris, Karen R., Ng, Clarence, Ray, Amber, Wilson, John M. and Wdowin, Jeanne. (2022). Writing motivation questionnaire : Validation and application as a formative assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 29(2), pp. 238-261.

Journal article

Reflections on how education can be for democracy in the twenty-first century
Aly, Anne, Blackmore, Jill, Bright, David, Hayes, Debra, Heffernan, Amanda, Lingard, Bob, Riddle, Stewart, Takayama, Keita and Youdell, Deborah. (2022). Reflections on how education can be for democracy in the twenty-first century. Journal of Educational Administration and History. 54(3), pp. 357-372.

Journal article

A teacher technology tango shows strong results on 5th graders persuasive writing
Wijekumar, Kausalai Kay, Harris, Karen R., Graham, Steve and Lei, Puiwa. (2022). A teacher technology tango shows strong results on 5th graders persuasive writing. Educational Technology Research and Development. 70(4), pp. 1415-1439.

Journal article

Rhythm in literary apps
Hagen, Anette and Mills, Kathy A.. (2022). Rhythm in literary apps. Visual Communication. pp. 1-21.

Journal article

Challenges for implementation in diverse settings : Reflections on two randomised controlled trials of educational interventions in South American communities
Newbury, Df, Mesa, Carol, Puglisi, M., Nash, M., Nag, S., Hulme, C. and Snowling, Mj. (2022). Challenges for implementation in diverse settings : Reflections on two randomised controlled trials of educational interventions in South American communities. Research Papers in Education. 38(6), pp. 966-986.

Journal article

Teaching Chinese characters to students in grades 1 to 3 through emergency remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hsiang, Tien Ping, Graham, Stephen Edward, Wang, Zhisheng, Wang, Chuang and Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno. (2022). Teaching Chinese characters to students in grades 1 to 3 through emergency remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reading and Writing. 35(8), pp. 1975-2014.

Journal article

Teachers and educational policy : Markets, populism, and im/possibilities for resistance
Stacey, Meghan, Gavin, Mihajla, Gerrard, Jessica, Hogan, Anna and Holloway, Jessica. (2022). Teachers and educational policy : Markets, populism, and im/possibilities for resistance. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 30(93), pp. 1-15.

Journal article

Impacts of classroom teaching practices on students’ mathematics learning interest, mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics test achievements : A secondary analysis of Shanghai data from the international video study Global Teaching InSights
Zhu, Yan and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Impacts of classroom teaching practices on students’ mathematics learning interest, mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics test achievements : A secondary analysis of Shanghai data from the international video study Global Teaching InSights. ZDM Mathematics Education. 54(3), pp. 581-593.

Journal article

Mathematical modelling and discrete mathematics : Opportunities for modern mathematics teaching
Greefrath, Gilbert, Siller, Hans-Stefan, Vorhölter, Katrin and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2022). Mathematical modelling and discrete mathematics : Opportunities for modern mathematics teaching. ZDM Mathematics Education. 54, pp. 865-879.

Journal article

Opening up the black box : Teacher competence, instructional quality, and students’ learning progress
Blömeke, Sigrid, Jentsch, Armin, Ross, Natalie, Kaiser, Gabriele and König, Johannes. (2022). Opening up the black box : Teacher competence, instructional quality, and students’ learning progress. Learning and Instruction. 79, p. Article 101600.

Journal article

Expanding the Direct and Indirect Effects Model of Writing (DIEW) : Reading–writing relations, and dynamic relations as a function of measurement/dimensions of written composition
Kim, Young-Suk Grace and Graham, Steve. (2022). Expanding the Direct and Indirect Effects Model of Writing (DIEW) : Reading–writing relations, and dynamic relations as a function of measurement/dimensions of written composition. Journal of Educational Psychology. 114(2), pp. 215-238.

Journal article

Building collaborative competencies through play with outdoor loose parts materials in primary school
Mackley, Honor, Edwards, Susan, McLean, Karen and Cinelli, Renata. (2022). Building collaborative competencies through play with outdoor loose parts materials in primary school. Cambridge Journal of Education. 52(4), pp. 431-451.

Journal article

Humanising feedback encounters : A qualitative study of relational literacies for teachers engaging in technology-enhanced feedback
Payne, Ameena L., Ajjawi, Rola and Holloway, Jessica. (2022). Humanising feedback encounters : A qualitative study of relational literacies for teachers engaging in technology-enhanced feedback. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 48(7), pp. 903-914.

Journal article

Scoping review of conceptions of literacy in middle school science
Stahl, Garth, Scholes, Laura, McDonald, Sarah, Mills, Reece, Lunn-Brownlee, Jo and Comber, Barbara. (2022). Scoping review of conceptions of literacy in middle school science. Research Papers in Education. pp. 1-21.

Journal article

Governing teachers through datafication : Physical–virtual hybridity and language interoperability in teacher accountability
Holloway, Jessica and Lewis, Steven. (2022). Governing teachers through datafication : Physical–virtual hybridity and language interoperability in teacher accountability. Big Data and Society. 9(2), pp. 1-14.

Journal article

Video gaming and digital competence among elementary school students
Scholes, Laura, Rowe, Luke, Mills, Kathy A., Gutierrez, Amanda and Pink, Elizabeth. (2022). Video gaming and digital competence among elementary school students. Learning, Media and Technology. pp. 1-16.

Journal article

School-university partnerships in Australian teacher education in policy and practice
Nailer, Sarah Eileen. (2022). School-university partnerships in Australian teacher education in policy and practice [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University

PhD Thesis

Multimodal language rights and Indigenous totemic identity : Cross-cultural participatory research
Mills, Kathy A., Doyle, Katherine and Friend, Lesley. (2022). Multimodal language rights and Indigenous totemic identity : Cross-cultural participatory research. Journal of Language Identity and Education. pp. 1-19.

Journal article

Energy-efficient virtual machine placement in data centres via an accelerated Genetic Algorithm with improved fitness computation
Hormozi, Elham, Hu, Shuwen, Ding, Zhe, Tian, Yu-Chu, Wang, You-Gan, Yu, Zu-Guo and Zhang, Weizhe. (2022). Energy-efficient virtual machine placement in data centres via an accelerated Genetic Algorithm with improved fitness computation. Energy. 252, pp. 1-15.

Journal article

A physics-informed statistical learning framework for forecasting local suspended sediment concentrations in marine environment
Zhang, Shaotong, Wu, Ryan, Wang, You-Gan, Jeng, Dong-Sheng and Li, Guangxue. (2022). A physics-informed statistical learning framework for forecasting local suspended sediment concentrations in marine environment. Water Research. 218, pp. 1-16.

Journal article

Robustified extreme learning machine regression with applications in outlier-blended wind-speed forecasting
Yang, Yang, Zhou, Hu, Wu, Ryan, Ding, Zhe and Wang, You-Gan. (2022). Robustified extreme learning machine regression with applications in outlier-blended wind-speed forecasting. Applied Soft Computing. 122, pp. 1-14.

Journal article

An opposition learning and spiral modelling based arithmetic optimization algorithm for global continuous optimization problems
Yang, Yang, Gao, Yuchao, Tan, Shuang, Zhao, Shangrui, Wu, Jinran, Gao, Shangce, Zhang, Tengfei, Tian, Yu-Chu and Wang, You-Gan. (2022). An opposition learning and spiral modelling based arithmetic optimization algorithm for global continuous optimization problems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 113, p. Article 104981.

Journal article

A modified memetic algorithm with an application to gene selection in a sheep body weight study
Miao, Maoxuan, Wu, Jinran, Cai, Fengjing and Wang, You-Gan. (2022). A modified memetic algorithm with an application to gene selection in a sheep body weight study. Animals. 12(2), p. Article 201.

Journal article

Robust penalized extreme learning machine regression with applications in wind speed forecasting
Yang, Yang, Zhou, Hu, Gao, Yuchao, Wu, Jinran, Wang, You-Gan and Fu, Liya. (2022). Robust penalized extreme learning machine regression with applications in wind speed forecasting. Neural Computing and Applications. 34(1), pp. 391-407.

Journal article

Packing computing servers into the vessel of an underwater data center considering cooling efficiency
Hu, Zhi-Hua, Zheng, Yu-Xin and Wang, You-Gan. (2022). Packing computing servers into the vessel of an underwater data center considering cooling efficiency. Applied Energy. 314, p. Article 118986.

Journal article