Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Digital technology use by and with young children: A systematic review for the Statement on Young Children and Digital Technologies
Mantilla, Ana and Edwards, Susan. (2019). Digital technology use by and with young children: A systematic review for the Statement on Young Children and Digital Technologies. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 44(2), pp. 182 - 195.

Journal article

Developmental outcomes for children at high risk of dyslexia and children with developmental language disorder
Snowling, Margaret J., Nash, Hannah, Gooch, Debbie, Hayiou-Thomas, Marianna E. and Hulme, Charles. (2019). Developmental outcomes for children at high risk of dyslexia and children with developmental language disorder. Child Development. 90(5), pp. 548 - 564.

Journal article

Disadvantaged students’ motivation, aspiration and subject choice in mathematics: A prospective qualitative investigation
Ng, Clarence. (2019). Disadvantaged students’ motivation, aspiration and subject choice in mathematics: A prospective qualitative investigation. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Journal article

Mobile Chinese students navigating between fields: (Trans) forming habitus in transnational articulation programmes?
Dai, Kun, Lingard, Bob and Musofer, Reshma Parveen. (2019). Mobile Chinese students navigating between fields: (Trans) forming habitus in transnational articulation programmes? Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Journal article

Do East Asian migrant students perform equally well in mathematics?
Zhu, Yan and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2019). Do East Asian migrant students perform equally well in mathematics? International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Journal article

If we want to get ahead, we should transcend dualisms and foster paradigm pluralism
Scheiner, Thorsten. (2019). If we want to get ahead, we should transcend dualisms and foster paradigm pluralism. In In G. Kaiser and N. Presmeg (Ed.). Compendium for Early Career Researchers in Mathematics Education pp. 511 - 531 SpringerOpen.

Book chapter

Misspecification of multimodal random-effect distributions in logistic mixed models for panel survey data
Marquart, Louise and Haynes, Michele. (2019). Misspecification of multimodal random-effect distributions in logistic mixed models for panel survey data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 182(1), pp. 305 - 321.

Journal article

Multimodal literacy and large-scale literacy tests: Curriculum relevance and responsibility
Unsworth, Len, Cope, Jen and Nicholls, Liz. (2019). Multimodal literacy and large-scale literacy tests: Curriculum relevance and responsibility. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 42(2), pp. 128 - 139.

Journal article

Learning correspondences between magnitudes, symbols and words: Evidence for a triple code model of arithmetic development
Malone, Stephanie, Delaney, Michelle, Burgoyne, Kelly and Hulme, Charles. (2019). Learning correspondences between magnitudes, symbols and words: Evidence for a triple code model of arithmetic development. Cognition. 187, pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article

Pattern understanding is a predictor of early reading and arithmetic skills
Burgoyne, Kelly, Malone, Stephanie, Lervag, Arne and Hulme, Charles. (2019). Pattern understanding is a predictor of early reading and arithmetic skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 49, pp. 69 - 80.

Journal article

Mindfulness-based intervention for educators: Effects of a school-based cluster randomized controlled study
Hwang, Yoon-Suk, Goldstein, Harvey, Medvedev, Oleg N., Singh, Nirbhay N., Noh, Jae-Eun and Hand, Kirstine Alicia. (2019). Mindfulness-based intervention for educators: Effects of a school-based cluster randomized controlled study. Mindfulness. 10(7), pp. 1417 - 1436.

Journal article

Profiles of teachers' general pedagogical knowledge : Nature, causes and effects on beliefs and instructional quality
Nehls, Caroline, König, Johannes, Kaiser, Gabriele and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2019). Profiles of teachers' general pedagogical knowledge : Nature, causes and effects on beliefs and instructional quality. ZDM. 52, pp. 343-357.

Journal article

A longitudinal study of early reading development: Letter-sound knowledge, phoneme awareness and RAN, but not letter-sound integration, predict variations in reading development
Clayton, Francina J., West, Gillian, Sears, Claire, Hulme, Charles and Lervag, Arne. (2019). A longitudinal study of early reading development: Letter-sound knowledge, phoneme awareness and RAN, but not letter-sound integration, predict variations in reading development. Scientific Studies of Reading. 24(2), pp. 91 - 107.

Journal article

New play: A pedagogical movement for early childhood education
Edwards, Susan, Grieshaber, Susan, Nuttall, Joce and Wood, Elizabeth. (2019). New play: A pedagogical movement for early childhood education. In In D. Whitebread, V. Grau and K. Kumpulainen, M. M. McClelland, N. E. Perry, and D. Pino-Pasternak (Ed.). The SAGE Handbook of Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education pp. 272 - 285 SAGE Publications.

Book chapter

Using mathematics as evidence supporting critical reasoning and enquiry in primary science classrooms
Geiger, Vince. (2019). Using mathematics as evidence supporting critical reasoning and enquiry in primary science classrooms. ZDM. 51(6), pp. 929 - 940.

Journal article

The global education industry, data infrastructures, and the restructuring of government school systems
Lingard, Bob. (2019). The global education industry, data infrastructures, and the restructuring of government school systems. In In M. P. D. Amaral, G. Steiner-Khamsi and C. Thompson (Ed.). Researching the Global Education Industry: Commodification, the Market and Business Involvement pp. 135 - 155 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Differences in attitudes towards reading and other school-related activities among boys and girls
Scholes, Laura. (2019). Differences in attitudes towards reading and other school-related activities among boys and girls. Journal of Research in Reading. 42(3-4), pp. 485 - 503.

Journal article

Risky sex, drugs, sensation seeking, and callous unemotional traits in justice-involved male adolescents
Thornton, Laura, Frick, Paul, Ray, James V., Wall Myers, Tina D., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2019). Risky sex, drugs, sensation seeking, and callous unemotional traits in justice-involved male adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 48(1), pp. 68 - 79.

Journal article

Datafication of schooling in Japan: An epistemic critique through the ‘problem of Japanese education’
Takayama, Keita and Lingard, Bob. (2019). Datafication of schooling in Japan: An epistemic critique through the ‘problem of Japanese education’. Journal of Education Policy. 34(4), pp. 449 - 469.

Journal article

A life history approach to understanding juvenile offending and aggression
Simmons, Cortney, Rowan, Zachary, Knowles, Alissa, Steinberg, Laurence, Frick, Paul and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2019). A life history approach to understanding juvenile offending and aggression. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 49, pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article

Rethinking equity : Standpoints emerging from a community project with victims of violence and abuse in Argentina
Rodriguez, Carolina Castano, Barraza, Laura and Martin, Jenny. (2019). Rethinking equity : Standpoints emerging from a community project with victims of violence and abuse in Argentina. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 14(2), pp. 393-409.

Journal article

Reasoning about social inclusion over the early years of primary school : A focus on epistemic cognition
Brownlee, Jo Lunn, Walker, Sue, Scholes, Laura and Johansson, Eva. (2019). Reasoning about social inclusion over the early years of primary school : A focus on epistemic cognition. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 27(5), pp. 616-629.

Journal article

Professional support beyond initial teacher education: Pedagogical discernment and the influence of out-of-field teaching practices
Du Plessis, Anna Elizabeth. (2019). Professional support beyond initial teacher education: Pedagogical discernment and the influence of out-of-field teaching practices Springer Singapore.


Researching primary teachers' professional agency: employing interactive ethnography to overcome reluctance to teach science
Martin, Jenny. (2019). Researching primary teachers' professional agency: employing interactive ethnography to overcome reluctance to teach science. Research in Science Education. 49(5), pp. 1279-1299.

Journal article

Shifting the focus from motivated learners to motivating distributed environments: A review of 40 years of published motivation research in distance education
Ng, Clarence. (2019). Shifting the focus from motivated learners to motivating distributed environments: A review of 40 years of published motivation research in distance education. Distance Education. 40(4), pp. 469 - 496.

Journal article

Parent-child interaction therapy adapted for preschoolers with callous-unemotional traits: An open trial pilot study
Kimonis, Eva R., Fleming, Georgette, Briggs, Nancy, Brouwer-French, Lauren, Frick, Paul J., Hawes, David J., Bagner, Daniel M., Thomas, Rae and Dadds, Mark R.. (2019). Parent-child interaction therapy adapted for preschoolers with callous-unemotional traits: An open trial pilot study. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 48(S1), pp. S347 - S361.

Journal article

Effects of a mindfulness-based program for teachers on teacher wellbeing and person-centered teaching practices
Hwang, Yoon-Suk, Noh, Jae-Eun, Medvedev, Oleg N. and Singh, Nirbhay N.. (2019). Effects of a mindfulness-based program for teachers on teacher wellbeing and person-centered teaching practices. Mindfulness. 10(11), pp. 2385 - 2402.

Journal article

Visual arts : A multimodal language for Indigenous education
Mills, Kathy A. and Doyle, Katherine. (2019). Visual arts : A multimodal language for Indigenous education. Language and Education. 33(6), pp. 521-543.

Journal article

Emerging perspectives in mathematical cognition: Contextualizing, complementizing, and complexifying
Scheiner, Thorsten and Pinto, Marcia M. F.. (2019). Emerging perspectives in mathematical cognition: Contextualizing, complementizing, and complexifying. Educational Studies in Mathematics: An international journal. 101(3), pp. 357 - 372.

Journal article

Professional noticing of mathematics teachers: A comparative study between Germany and China
Yang, Xinrong, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2019). Professional noticing of mathematics teachers: A comparative study between Germany and China. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 17(5), pp. 943 - 963.

Journal article

Senior secondary school assessment and standard-setting in Queensland, Australia: Social context and paradigmatic change
Cumming, J. Joy. (2019). Senior secondary school assessment and standard-setting in Queensland, Australia: Social context and paradigmatic change. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice.

Journal article

The bright and dark side of writing motivation: Effects of explicit instruction and peer assistance
de Smedt, Fien, Graham, Steve and Van Keer, Hilde. (2019). The bright and dark side of writing motivation: Effects of explicit instruction and peer assistance. The Journal of Educational Research. 112(2), pp. 152 - 167.

Journal article

Comparison of teacher and student perceptions of formative assessment feedback practices and association with individual student characteristics
van der Kleij, Fabienne Schoenmaker. (2019). Comparison of teacher and student perceptions of formative assessment feedback practices and association with individual student characteristics. Teaching and Teacher Education. 85, pp. 175 - 189.

Journal article

Meditation on the soles of the feet practice provides some control of aggression for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease
Singh, Nirbhay N., Lancioni, Giulio E., Medvedev, Oleg N., Sreenivas, Shubha, Myers, Rachel E. and Hwang, Yoon-Suk. (2019). Meditation on the soles of the feet practice provides some control of aggression for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Mindfulness. 10(7), pp. 1232 - 1242.

Journal article

Feasibility and value of using a GoPro camera and Apple iPad to study teacher-student assessment feedback interactions
van der Kleij, Fabienne Schoenmaker, Adie, Lenore and Cumming, Joy. (2019). Feasibility and value of using a GoPro camera and Apple iPad to study teacher-student assessment feedback interactions. In In B. P. Veldkamp and C. Sluijter (Ed.). Theoretical and Practical Advances in Computer-based Educational Measurement pp. 339 - 359 SpringerOpen.

Book chapter

A meta-review of the student role in feedback
van der Kleij, Fabienne Schoenmaker, Adie, Lenore and Cumming, Joy. (2019). A meta-review of the student role in feedback. International Journal of Educational Research. 98, pp. 303 - 323.

Journal article

ParentWorks: Evaluation of an online, father-inclusive, universal parenting intervention to reduce child conduct problems
Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Tully, Lucy A., Collins, Daniel A. J., Sawrikar, Vilas, Hawes, David J., Kimonis, Eva R., Lenroot, Rhoshel K., Moul, Caroline, Anderson, Vicki, Frick, Paul J. and Dadds, Mark R.. (2019). ParentWorks: Evaluation of an online, father-inclusive, universal parenting intervention to reduce child conduct problems. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.

Journal article

Designing challenging online mathematical tasks for initial teacher education: Motivational considerations
Fielding-Wells, Jill, Geiger, Vince, Miller, Jodie, Bruder, Regina, Roder, Ulrike and Ratnayake, Iresha. (2019). Designing challenging online mathematical tasks for initial teacher education: Motivational considerations. In M. Graven, H. Venkat and A. A. Essien and P. Vale (Ed.). 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Pretoria, South Africa, 7 - 12 July 2019. Pretoria, South Africa: The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. pp. 240 - 247

Conference item

Argumentative writing: Theory, assessment, and instruction
Ferretti, Ralph P. and Graham, Steve. (2019). Argumentative writing: Theory, assessment, and instruction. Reading and Writing. 32(6), pp. 1345 - 1357.

Journal article

A cross-linguistic, longitudinal study of the foundations of decoding and reading comprehension ability
Caralovas, Marketa, Lervåg, Arne, Mikulajova, Marina, Defior, Sylvia, Seidlová-Málková, Gabriela and Hulme, Charles. (2019). A cross-linguistic, longitudinal study of the foundations of decoding and reading comprehension ability. Scientific Studies of Reading. 23(5), pp. 386 - 402.

Journal article