Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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The social, behavioral, and emotional correlates of bullying and victimization in a school-based sample
Golmaryami, Farrah N., Frick, Paul Joseph, Hemphill, Sheryl A., Kahn, Rachel E., Crapanzano, Annie M. and Terranova, Andrew M.. (2016). The social, behavioral, and emotional correlates of bullying and victimization in a school-based sample. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 44(2), pp. 381 - 391.

Journal article

Factors differentiating callous-unemotional children with and without conduct problems
Wall, Tina D., Frick, Paul Joseph, Fanti, Kostas A., Kimonis, Eva R. and Lordos, Alexandros. (2016). Factors differentiating callous-unemotional children with and without conduct problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 57(8), pp. 976 - 983.

Journal article

Drivers of household income distribution dynamics in the Philippines
Martinez, Arturo, Western, Mark, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Haynes, Michele, Manalo, Maria K. and Sebastian, Iva. (2016). Drivers of household income distribution dynamics in the Philippines. Philippine Statistician. 65(1), pp. 53 - 84.

Journal article

Uncovering predictors of disagreement: ensuring the quality of expert ratings
Hoth, Jessica, Schwarz, Björn, Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2016). Uncovering predictors of disagreement: ensuring the quality of expert ratings. ZDM Mathematics Education. 48(1-2), pp. 83 - 95.

Journal article

Acceptability of adaptations for struggling writers: A national survey with primary grade teachers
Graham, Steve, Harris, Karen, Bartlett, Brendan John, Popadopoulou, Eleni and Santoro, Julia. (2016). Acceptability of adaptations for struggling writers: A national survey with primary grade teachers. Learning Disability Quarterly. 39(1), pp. 5 - 16.

Journal article

Intercultural teacher education: Elementary teacher educators' perspectives of the role of gender in leadership in Papua New Guinea
Scholes, Laura, Brownlee, Joanne Lunn, Davis, Julie and Ann, Farrell. (2016). Intercultural teacher education: Elementary teacher educators' perspectives of the role of gender in leadership in Papua New Guinea. In In Farrell, A. (Ed.). Diversity in the early years: Intercultural learning and teaching pp. 76 - 101 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Transformations of teaching and learning through digital technologies
Geiger, Vince, Calder, Nigel, Tan, Hazel, Loong, Esther, Miller, Jodie and Larkin, Kevin. (2016). Transformations of teaching and learning through digital technologies. In In K. Makar, S. Dole and J. Visnovska, M. Goos, A. Bennison & K. Fry (Ed.). Research in mathematics education in Australasia 2012-2015 pp. 255 - 280 Springer Science and Business Media.

Book chapter

A test-retest analysis of the Vanderbilt Assessment for Leadership in Education in the USA
Minor, Elizabeth Covay, Porter, Andrew C., Murphy, Joseph, Goldring, Ellen B. and Elliott, Stephen. (2016). A test-retest analysis of the Vanderbilt Assessment for Leadership in Education in the USA. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. 29(2), pp. 211 - 224.

Journal article

Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadership
Povey, Jenny, Campbell, Alice K., Willis, Linda D., Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Bennett, Sarah, Antrobus, Emma and Pedde, Charley. (2016). Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadership. International Journal of Educational Research. 79, pp. 128 - 141.

Journal article

Video-stimulated recall as a catalyst for teacher professional learning
Geiger, Vince, Muir, Tracey and Lamb, Janeen. (2016). Video-stimulated recall as a catalyst for teacher professional learning. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 19(5), pp. 457 - 475.

Journal article

An exploration of psychological factors on emoticon usage and implications for judgement accuracy
Wall, Helen J., Kaye, Linda K. and Malone, Stephanie. (2016). An exploration of psychological factors on emoticon usage and implications for judgement accuracy. Computers in Human Behavior. 62, pp. 70 - 78.

Journal article

The effect of weight loss on Indigenous Australians with diabetes: A study of feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding
O'Brien, Paul E., DeWitt, Dawn E., Laurie, Cheryl E., Brennan, Leah, Wentworth, John M., Anderson, Margaret, O'Dea, Kerin, Dean, Felicia, Smith, Andrew and Dalton, David P.. (2016). The effect of weight loss on Indigenous Australians with diabetes: A study of feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. Obesity Surgery. 26(1), pp. 45 - 53.

Journal article

Reproducing social inequality within comprehensive school systems - the case of Australia
Chesters, Jenny and Haynes, Michele A.. (2016). Reproducing social inequality within comprehensive school systems - the case of Australia. In In H. Blossfeld, S. Buchholz and J. Skopek and M. Triventi (Ed.). Models of Secondary Education and Social Inequality: An International Comparison pp. 269 - 283 Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

Book chapter

"Mathematics is just 1 + 1 = 2, what is there to argue about?": Developing a framework for argument-based mathematical inquiry
Fielding-Wells, Jill. (2016). "Mathematics is just 1 + 1 = 2, what is there to argue about?": Developing a framework for argument-based mathematical inquiry. In B. White, M. Chinnappan and S. Trenholm (Ed.). pp. 212 - 219

Conference item

Current research on conduct disorder in children and adolescents
Frick, Paul Joseph. (2016). Current research on conduct disorder in children and adolescents. South African Journal of Psychology. 46(2), pp. 160 - 174.

Journal article

Item and test design considerations for students with special needs
Elliott, Stephen and Kettler, Ryan J.. (2016). Item and test design considerations for students with special needs. In In S. Lane, M. R. Raymond and T. M. Haladyna (Ed.). Handbook of test development Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

Leaders as advocates in early childhood education: Building capacity for change through development of everyday practice
Nuttall, Joce. (2016). Leaders as advocates in early childhood education: Building capacity for change through development of everyday practice. In Research, policy and advocacy in the Early Years pp. 86 - 95 New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Book chapter

Probabilistic latent semantic analysis for multichannel biomedical signal clustering
Wang, Jin and She, Mary. (2016). Probabilistic latent semantic analysis for multichannel biomedical signal clustering. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 23(12), pp. 1821 - 1824.

Journal article

Positive and negative item wording and its influence on the assessment of callous-unemotional traits
Ray, James V., Frick, Paul Joseph, Thornton, Laura C., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2016). Positive and negative item wording and its influence on the assessment of callous-unemotional traits. Psychological Assessment. 28(4), pp. 394 - 404.

Journal article

Precursors of reading difficulties in Czech and Slovak Children at-risk of dyslexia
Moll, Kristina, Thompson, Paul A., Mikulajova, Marina, Jagercikova, Zuzana, Kucharska, Anna, Franke, Helena, Hulme, Charles and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2016). Precursors of reading difficulties in Czech and Slovak Children at-risk of dyslexia. Dyslexia. 22(2), pp. 120 - 136.

Journal article

Crafting an intrinsically motivating course environment for language learning: A Japanese pedagogical innovation
Ng, Chi-hung. (2016). Crafting an intrinsically motivating course environment for language learning: A Japanese pedagogical innovation. In In C. C. Ng, R. Fox and M. Nakano (Ed.). Reforming learning and teaching in Asia-Pacific universities pp. 275 - 296 Springer Science and Business Media.

Book chapter

Staff and youths' accounts of social enterprise programs at BoysTown
Bartlett, Brendan. (2016). Staff and youths' accounts of social enterprise programs at BoysTown. In In J. Müller and J. Zelger (Ed.). GABEK VII. GABEK als Lernverfahren für Organisationen [GABEK VII. GABEK as a learning procedure for organizations] pp. 189 - 204 Studien Verlag.

Book chapter

Stance-taking as negotiating academic conflict in applied linguistics research article discussion sections
Cheng, Fei-Wen and Unsworth, Len. (2016). Stance-taking as negotiating academic conflict in applied linguistics research article discussion sections. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 24, pp. 43 - 57.

Journal article

Age Differences in the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY)
Childs, Kristina K. and Frick, Paul Joseph. (2016). Age Differences in the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY). International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 15(3), pp. 211 - 221.

Journal article

Building a metalanguage for interpreting multimodal literature: Insights from systemic functional semiotics in two case study classrooms
Macken-Horarik, Mary Rose. (2016). Building a metalanguage for interpreting multimodal literature: Insights from systemic functional semiotics in two case study classrooms. English in Australia. 51(2), pp. 85 - 99.

Journal article

Indigenous ways with literacies : Transgenerational, multimodal, placed, and collective
Mills, Kathy A., Davis-Warra, John, Sewell, Marlene and Anderson, Mikayla. (2016). Indigenous ways with literacies : Transgenerational, multimodal, placed, and collective. Language and Education. 30(1), pp. 1-21.

Journal article

Impulse control and callous-unemotional traits distinguish patterns of delinquency and substance use in justice involved adolescents: Examining the moderating role of neighborhood context
Ray, James V., Thornton, Laura C., Frick, Paul Joseph, Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2016). Impulse control and callous-unemotional traits distinguish patterns of delinquency and substance use in justice involved adolescents: Examining the moderating role of neighborhood context. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 44(3), pp. 599 - 611.

Journal article

Embodying pre-tense conditions for research among teacher educators in the Australian university sector: A Bourdieusian analysis of ethico-emotive suffering
Zipin, Lew and Nuttall, Joce. (2016). Embodying pre-tense conditions for research among teacher educators in the Australian university sector: A Bourdieusian analysis of ethico-emotive suffering. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 44(4), pp. 348 - 363.

Journal article

Reforming the reform of teacher education: a critical grounded theory of a social approach to change and continuity
Alexander, Colette. (2016). Reforming the reform of teacher education: a critical grounded theory of a social approach to change and continuity [Thesis].


The development of quality assurance practice in Japanese Universities
Nakano, Michiko, Ng, Chi-hung Clarence and Ueda, Norifumi. (2016). The development of quality assurance practice in Japanese Universities. In In C. C. Ng, R. Fox and M. Nakano (Ed.). Reforming learning and teaching in Asia-Pacific universities: Influences of globalised processes in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia pp. 365 - 380 Springer Science and Business Media.

Book chapter

Screening for language delay: Growth trajectories of language ability in low- and high-performing children
Klem, Marianne, Hagtvet, Bente, Hulme, Charles and Gustafsson, Jan-Eric. (2016). Screening for language delay: Growth trajectories of language ability in low- and high-performing children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 59(5), pp. 1035 - 1045.

Journal article

Fostering modeling competencies for complex situations
Stender, Peter and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2016). Fostering modeling competencies for complex situations. In In C. R. Hirsch (Ed.). Mathematical modeling and modeling mathematics pp. 107 - 115 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Book chapter

Making meaning of assessment policy in Australia through teacher assessment conversations
Adie, Lenore Ellen and Willis, Jill. (2016). Making meaning of assessment policy in Australia through teacher assessment conversations. In In D. Laveault and L. Allal (Ed.). Assessment for learning: Meeting the challenge of implementation pp. 35 - 53 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Achievement gaps for students with disabilities: Stable, widening, or narrowing on a state-wide reading comprehension test?
Schulte, Ann C., Stevens, Joseph J., Elliott, Stephen N., Tindal, Gerald and Nese, Joseph F. T.. (2016). Achievement gaps for students with disabilities: Stable, widening, or narrowing on a state-wide reading comprehension test? Journal of Educational Psychology. 108(7), pp. 925 - 942.

Journal article

A spatial re-consideration of the early childhood-school relationship
Henderson, Linda Gaye, Nuttall, Jocelyn, Kriegler, Lili-Ann and Schiele, Helen. (2016). A spatial re-consideration of the early childhood-school relationship. Teachers and Teaching. 22(6), pp. 716 - 728.

Journal article

An incremental algorithm for discovering routine behaviours from smart meter data
Wang, Jin, Cardell-Oliver, Rachel and Liu, Wei. (2016). An incremental algorithm for discovering routine behaviours from smart meter data. Knowledge-Based Systems. 113, pp. 61 - 74.

Journal article

Sex differences in the measurement invariance and factors that influence structured judgments of risk using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY)
Childs, Kristina K., Frick, Paul Joseph and Gottlieb, Katie. (2016). Sex differences in the measurement invariance and factors that influence structured judgments of risk using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY). Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 14(1), pp. 76 - 92.

Journal article

The cognitive foundations of early arithmetic skills: It is counting and number judgment, but not finger gnosis, that count
Long, Imogen, Malone, Stephanie, Tolan, Georgina Anne, Burgoyne, Kelly, Heron-Delaney, Michelle Ann, Witteveen, Kate Margaret and Hulme, Charles. (2016). The cognitive foundations of early arithmetic skills: It is counting and number judgment, but not finger gnosis, that count. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 152, pp. 327 - 334.

Journal article

Teachers use of writing to support students' learning in middle school: A national survey in the United States
Ray, Amber B., Graham, Steve, Houston, Julia D. and Harris, Karen. (2016). Teachers use of writing to support students' learning in middle school: A national survey in the United States. Reading and Writing. 29(5), pp. 1039 - 1068.

Journal article

Young Indigenous students en route to generalising growing patterns
Miller, Jodie. (2016). Young Indigenous students en route to generalising growing patterns. In B. White, M. Chinnappan and S. Trenholm (Ed.). 39th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 471 - 478

Conference item