Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Teaching elementary school students to be effective writers
Graham, Steve, Bollinger, Alisha, Olson, Carol Booth, D'Aoust, Catherine, MacArthur, Charles, McCutchen, Deborah and Olinghouse, Natalie. (2012). Teaching elementary school students to be effective writers United States of America: Institute of Education Sciences.


Spiegelt sich pädagogisches Wissen in den Kompetenzselbsteinschätzungen angehender Lehrkräfte?
König, Johannes, Kaiser, Gabriele and Felbrich, Anja. (2012). Spiegelt sich pädagogisches Wissen in den Kompetenzselbsteinschätzungen angehender Lehrkräfte? Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 58(4), pp. 476 - 491.

Journal article

Mid-aged adults' sitting time in three contexts
Burton, Nicola W., Haynes, Michele, van Uffelen, Jannique G. Z., Brown, Wendy J. and Turrell, Gavin. (2012). Mid-aged adults' sitting time in three contexts. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 42(4), pp. 363 - 373.

Journal article

Numeracy in society and environment
Cooper, Cath, Dole, Shelley, Geiger, Vince and Goos, Merrilyn. (2012). Numeracy in society and environment. Australian Mathematics Teacher. 68(1), pp. 16 - 20.

Journal article

The Causal Role of Phoneme Awareness and Letter-Sound Knowledge in Learning to REad : Combining Intervention Studies with Mediation Analyses
Hulme, Charles, Bowyer-Crane, Claudine, Carroll, Julia, Duff, Fiona and Snowling, Margaret. (2012). The Causal Role of Phoneme Awareness and Letter-Sound Knowledge in Learning to REad : Combining Intervention Studies with Mediation Analyses. Psychological Science. 23(6), pp. 572 - 577.

Journal article

Francis Galton, measurement, psychometrics and social progress
Goldstein, Harvey. (2012). Francis Galton, measurement, psychometrics and social progress. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 19(2), pp. 147 - 158.

Journal article

The mental health patient in the pre-hospital emergency care setting
Shaban, Ramon, Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Cumming, Joy. (2012). The mental health patient in the pre-hospital emergency care setting. In In R Townsend and M Luck (Ed.). pp. 225 - 249 Elsevier.

Book chapter

Development of a standardised Occupational Therapy - Driver Off-Road Assessment Battery to assess older and/or functionally impaired drivers
Unsworth, Carolyn, Baker, Anne, Taitz, Carla, Chan, Siew-Pang, Pallant, Julie, Russell, Kay and Odell, Morris. (2012). Development of a standardised Occupational Therapy - Driver Off-Road Assessment Battery to assess older and/or functionally impaired drivers. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 59(1), pp. 23 - 36.

Journal article

Government Regulation of Nonpublic Schools in the United States (US)
Mawdsley, Ralph and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2012). Government Regulation of Nonpublic Schools in the United States (US). International Journal of Law and Education. 17(1), pp. 39 - 45.

Journal article

Technology in mathematics education
Geiger, Vince, Forgasz, Helen, Tan, Hazel and Calder, Nigel. (2012). Technology in mathematics education. In In B Perry, T Lowrie and T Logan, A MacDonald & J Greenlees (Ed.). pp. 111 - 141 Sense Publishers.

Book chapter

Valuing Students with Impairment: International Comparisons of Pratice in Educational Accountability
Cumming, Jacqueline. (2012). Valuing Students with Impairment: International Comparisons of Pratice in Educational Accountability Springer.


Practicum assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse early childhood pre-service teachers
Nuttall, Joce and Ortlipp, Michelle. (2012). Practicum assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse early childhood pre-service teachers. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 20(1), pp. 47 - 60.

Journal article

The quality of planning scholarship and doctoral education
Goldstein, Harvey A.. (2012). The quality of planning scholarship and doctoral education. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 32(4), pp. 493 - 496.

Journal article

Parsing the Australian curriculum English : Grammar, multimodality and cross-cultural texts
Exley, Beryl and Mills, Kathy A.. (2012). Parsing the Australian curriculum English : Grammar, multimodality and cross-cultural texts. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 35(2), pp. 192-205.

Journal article

The impact of high stakes testing: the Australian story
Klenowski, V and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2012). The impact of high stakes testing: the Australian story. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 19(1), pp. 65 - 79.

Journal article

Numeracy in secondary school mathematics
Gibbs, Melissa, Goos, Merrilyn, Geiger, Vince and Dole, Shelley. (2012). Numeracy in secondary school mathematics. Australian Mathematics Teacher. 68(1), pp. 29 - 35.

Journal article

Beyond "killing, screaming and being scared of insects": learning and teaching about biodiversity in early childhood education
Edwards, Susan, Moore, Deb and Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy. (2012). Beyond "killing, screaming and being scared of insects": learning and teaching about biodiversity in early childhood education. Early Childhood Folio. 16(2), pp. 12 - 19.

Journal article

The use of video technology to enhance research capacity to meet scientific and moral criteria for evaluation for discursive psychological studies in education
Martin, Jenny and Clarke, David. (2012). The use of video technology to enhance research capacity to meet scientific and moral criteria for evaluation for discursive psychological studies in education. Joint AARE/APERA Inernational Conference. Sydney, NSW, Australia 2012 Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1-11

Conference paper

Reaction time variability in Children with ADHD symptoms and/or dyslexia
Gooch, Debbie, Snowling, Margaret and Hulme, Charles. (2012). Reaction time variability in Children with ADHD symptoms and/or dyslexia. Developmental Neuropsychology. 37(5), pp. 452 - 472.

Journal article

Multilevel Modeling of Social Segregation
Leckie, George, Pillinger, Rebecca, Jones, Kelvyn and Goldstein, Harvey. (2012). Multilevel Modeling of Social Segregation. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 37(1), pp. 3 - 30.

Journal article

Enhancing expressions of attitudes: Achieving equity for international students in everyday communication
Unsworth, Len, Feez, Susan and Ngo, Thu. (2012). Enhancing expressions of attitudes: Achieving equity for international students in everyday communication. TESOL in Context. S3, pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

Numeracy in health and physical education
Peters, Colleen, Geiger, Vince, Goos, Merrilyn and Dole, Shelley. (2012). Numeracy in health and physical education. Australian Mathematics Teacher. 68(1), pp. 21-27.

Journal article

Australian students with disabilities accessing NAPLAN: Lessons from a decade of inclusive assessment in the United States
Elliott, Stephen, Davies, Michael and Kettler, Ryan. (2012). Australian students with disabilities accessing NAPLAN: Lessons from a decade of inclusive assessment in the United States. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. 59(1), pp. 7 - 19.

Journal article

Ecosystem-Based Agriculture Combining Production and Conservation-A Viable Way to Feed the World in the Long Term?
Bjorklund, Johanna, Araya, Hailu, Edwards, Susan, Goncalves, Andre, Hook, Karin, Lundberg, Jakob and Medina, Charito. (2012). Ecosystem-Based Agriculture Combining Production and Conservation-A Viable Way to Feed the World in the Long Term? Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 36(7), pp. 824 - 855.

Journal article

The analysis of record-linked data using multiple imputation with data value priors
Goldstein, Harvey, Harron, Katie and Wade, Angie. (2012). The analysis of record-linked data using multiple imputation with data value priors. Statistics in Medicine. 31(28), pp. 3481 - 3493.

Journal article

Time use differences in activity participation among children 4-5 years old with and without the risk of developing conduct problems
Yu, Mong L., Ziviani, Jenny, Baxter, Janeen and Haynes, Michele. (2012). Time use differences in activity participation among children 4-5 years old with and without the risk of developing conduct problems. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 33(2), pp. 490 - 498.

Journal article

A systems-level approach to building sustainable assessment cultures: Moderation, quality task design and dependability of judgement
Colbert, Peta Jane, Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Klenowski, Val. (2012). A systems-level approach to building sustainable assessment cultures: Moderation, quality task design and dependability of judgement. Policy Futures in Education.

Journal article

Moderation and consistency of teacher judgement: Teachers' views
Connolly, S, Klenowski, V and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2012). Moderation and consistency of teacher judgement: Teachers' views. British Educational Research Journal.

Journal article

The role of strategies, knowledge, will, and skills in a 30 year program of research (with homage to Hayes, Fayol, and Boscolo)
Graham, Steve and Harris, Karen. (2012). The role of strategies, knowledge, will, and skills in a 30 year program of research (with homage to Hayes, Fayol, and Boscolo). In In V. W. Berninger (Ed.). Past, Present, and Future Contributions of Cognitive Writing Research to Cognitive Psychology pp. 177 - 196 Psychology Press.

Book chapter

Teaching through assessment: Reconsidering the transfer problem through a convergence of technology and assessment in early childhood teacher education
Edwards, Susan. (2012). Teaching through assessment: Reconsidering the transfer problem through a convergence of technology and assessment in early childhood teacher education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 18(5), pp. 585 - 599.

Journal article

Practice-Based Professional Development for Self-Regulated Strategies Development in Writing: A Randomized Controlled Study
Harris, Karen, Lane, Kathleen, Graham, Steve, Driscoll, Steven, Sandmel, Karin, Brindle, Mary and Schatschneider, Chris. (2012). Practice-Based Professional Development for Self-Regulated Strategies Development in Writing: A Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of Teacher Education: the journal of policy, practice, and research in teacher education. 63(2), pp. 103 - 119.

Journal article

Gender and language learning strategies: looking beyond the categories
Liyanage, Indika and Bartlett, Brendan. (2012). Gender and language learning strategies: looking beyond the categories. The Language Learning Journal. 40(2), pp. 237 - 253.

Journal article

Measuring success: League tables in the public sector
Foley, Beth and Goldstein, Harvey. (2012). Measuring success: League tables in the public sector London, United Kingdom: The British Academy.


To Be or Not To Be? Metacognitive: Learning EFL Strategically
Liyanage, Indika, Bartlett, Brendan, Birch, Gary and Tao, Thomas. (2012). To Be or Not To Be? Metacognitive: Learning EFL Strategically. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. 9(1), pp. 5 - 25.

Journal article

The effects of including a callous-unemotional specifier for the diagnosis of conduct disorder
Kahn, R, Frick, Paul, Youngstrom, E, Findling, R and Youngstrom, J. (2012). The effects of including a callous-unemotional specifier for the diagnosis of conduct disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 53(3), pp. 271 - 282.

Journal article

Urban pre-service teachers' conceptions of teaching in rural communities
Adie, Lenore and Barton, Georgina. (2012). Urban pre-service teachers' conceptions of teaching in rural communities. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 37(6), pp. 111 - 123.

Journal article

Why school English needs a 'Good Enough' grammatics (and not more grammar)
Macken-Horarik, Mary Rose. (2012). Why school English needs a 'Good Enough' grammatics (and not more grammar). Changing English. 19(2), pp. 179 - 194.

Journal article

Testing a multi-stage screening system: Predicting performance on Australia's national achievement test using teachers' ratings of academic and social behaviors
Kettler, Ryan, Elliott, Stephen, Davies, Michael and Griffin, Patrick. (2012). Testing a multi-stage screening system: Predicting performance on Australia's national achievement test using teachers' ratings of academic and social behaviors. School Psychology International. 33(1), pp. 93 - 111.

Journal article

Evaluation of students' digital animated multimodal narratives and the indentification of high-performing classrooms
Chandler, Paul D., Unsworth, Len and O'Brien, Annemaree. (2012). Evaluation of students' digital animated multimodal narratives and the indentification of high-performing classrooms. The Journal of Literacy and Technology: an international online academic journal. 13(3), pp. 80 - 127.

Journal article

Integrating peer assisted learning and elearning: Using innovative pedagogies to support learning and teaching in higher education settings
Edwards, Susan and Bone, Jane. (2012). Integrating peer assisted learning and elearning: Using innovative pedagogies to support learning and teaching in higher education settings. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 37(5), pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article