Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Modeling from a cognitive perspective : Theoretical considerations and empirical contributions
Schukajlow, Stanislaw, Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard and Stillman, Gloria Ann. (2021). Modeling from a cognitive perspective : Theoretical considerations and empirical contributions. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 25(3), pp. 259-269.

Journal article

Classroom assessment adjustments, academic achievement, academic wellbeing: a mixed methods study of australian secondary school students with and without disabilities
Razmjoee, Maryam. (2021). Classroom assessment adjustments, academic achievement, academic wellbeing: a mixed methods study of australian secondary school students with and without disabilities [PhD Thesis]. Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE) Faculty of Education and Arts

PhD Thesis

Examining assumptions about the need for teachers to transform subject matter into pedagogical forms accessible to students
Scheiner, Thorsten. (2021). Examining assumptions about the need for teachers to transform subject matter into pedagogical forms accessible to students. Teachers and Teaching. 28(1), pp. 1-11.

Journal article

Japanese students’ emotional lived experiences in English language learning, learner identities, and their transformation
Ng, Clarence. (2021). Japanese students’ emotional lived experiences in English language learning, learner identities, and their transformation. The Modern Language Journal. 105(4), pp. 810-828.

Journal article

Evading detection during adolescence : The role of criminal capital and psychosocial factors
Knowles, Alissa, Rowan, Zachary, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2021). Evading detection during adolescence : The role of criminal capital and psychosocial factors. Justice Quarterly. 38(1), pp. 249-275.

Journal article

Numeracy, adult education, and vulnerable adults : A critical view of a neglected field
Gall, Iddo, Grotluschen, Anke, Tout, Dave and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Numeracy, adult education, and vulnerable adults : A critical view of a neglected field. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 52(3), pp. 377-394.

Journal article

Development of prospective teachers' noticing skills within initial teacher education
Tekin-Sitrava, Reyhan, Kaiser, Gabriele and Isiksal-Bostan, Mine. (2021). Development of prospective teachers' noticing skills within initial teacher education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 20, pp. 1611-1634.

Journal article

Teacher education reform and preservice teacher assessment : Representations of teachers and initial teacher education in news media
Heck, Elizabeth. (2021). Teacher education reform and preservice teacher assessment : Representations of teachers and initial teacher education in news media. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Adie, Lenore and Nuttall, Joce (Ed.). Teaching performance assessments as a cultural disruptor in initial teacher education : Standards, evidence and collaboration pp. 59-77 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Innovation in methodology : Longitudinal analysis of progression in teacher preparation
Haynes, Michele and Smith, Andrew. (2021). Innovation in methodology : Longitudinal analysis of progression in teacher preparation. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Adie, Lenore and Nuttall, Joce (Ed.). Teaching performance assessments as a cultural disruptor in initial teacher education : Standards, evidence and collaboration pp. 201-215 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

The conceptualisation of a teaching performance assessment : Designing for evidence of graduate competence
Adie, Lenore and Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (2021). The conceptualisation of a teaching performance assessment : Designing for evidence of graduate competence. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Adie, Lenore and Nuttall, Joce (Ed.). Teaching performance assessments as a cultural disruptor in initial teacher education : Standards, evidence and collaboration pp. 19-37 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Introducing a new model for online cross-institutional moderations
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Adie, Lenore. (2021). Introducing a new model for online cross-institutional moderations. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Adie, Lenore and Nuttall, Joce (Ed.). Teaching performance assessments as a cultural disruptor in initial teacher education : Standards, evidence and collaboration pp. 39-58 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Disrupting teacher education for sustainable change
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Adie, Lenore. (2021). Disrupting teacher education for sustainable change. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Adie, Lenore and Nuttall, Joce (Ed.). Teaching performance assessments as a cultural disruptor in initial teacher education : Standards, evidence and collaboration pp. 217-229 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Provocation 5 : COVID triggered disruption in teacher education and resultant actions
Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Day, Chantelle and Adie, Lenore. (2021). Provocation 5 : COVID triggered disruption in teacher education and resultant actions. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Adie, Lenore and Nuttall, Joce (Ed.). Teaching performance assessments as a cultural disruptor in initial teacher education : Standards, evidence and collaboration pp. 185-192 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Professional standards, evidence and collaboration : Cultural disruption in teacher education
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Adie, Lenore. (2021). Professional standards, evidence and collaboration : Cultural disruption in teacher education. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Adie, Lenore and Nuttall, Joce (Ed.). Teaching performance assessments as a cultural disruptor in initial teacher education : Standards, evidence and collaboration pp. 3-18 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

How do rural Australian students' ethnogeographies related to people and place influence their STEM career aspirations?
Mills, Reece, Scholes, Laura, Stahl, Garth, McDonald, Sarah, Comber, Barbara and Lunn Brownlee, Jo. (2021). How do rural Australian students' ethnogeographies related to people and place influence their STEM career aspirations? International Journal of Science Education. 43(14), pp. 2333-2350.

Journal article

Parent practices of co-play in a community playgroup
Chu, Poh Yoke. (2021). Parent practices of co-play in a community playgroup [MPhil Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education

MPhil Thesis

Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET); more than a youth policy issue
Mitrou, Francis, Haynes, Michele, Perales, Francisco, Zubrick, Stephen and Baxter, Janeen. (2021). Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET); more than a youth policy issue. International Journal of Population Data Science. 6(1), p. Article: 14.

Journal article

Conduct disorders and empathy development
Frick, Paul J. and Kemp, Emily C.. (2021). Conduct disorders and empathy development. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 17, pp. 391-416.

Journal article

Year 3 boys' and girls' enjoyment for reading across economic demographics in Australia. Implications for boys and students from lower SES communities
Scholes, Laura. (2021). Year 3 boys' and girls' enjoyment for reading across economic demographics in Australia. Implications for boys and students from lower SES communities. International Journal of Inclusive Education. pp. 1-16.

Journal article

Writing expository essays from social studies texts : A self-regulated strategy development study
Collins, Alyson A., Ciullo, Stephen, Graham, Steve, Sigafoos, Lisa L., Guerra, Sara, David, Marie and Judd, Laura. (2021). Writing expository essays from social studies texts : A self-regulated strategy development study. Reading and Writing. 34(7), pp. 1623-1651.

Journal article

Schooling in Hong Kong, youth aspirations, and the contesting of Chinese identity
Tsao, Jack, Hardy, Ian and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Schooling in Hong Kong, youth aspirations, and the contesting of Chinese identity. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 42(2), pp. 196-212.

Journal article

Response : Matters of (im)mobility : Beyond fast conceptual and methodological readings in policy sociology
McKenzie, Marcia, Lewis, Steven and Gulson, Kalervo N.. (2021). Response : Matters of (im)mobility : Beyond fast conceptual and methodological readings in policy sociology. Critical Studies in Education. 62(3), pp. 394-410.

Journal article

Multiple temporalities in critical policy sociology in education
Lingard, Bob. (2021). Multiple temporalities in critical policy sociology in education. Critical Studies in Education. 62(3), pp. 338-353.

Journal article

Multimodal play : A threshold concept for early childhood curriculum?
Grieshaber, Susan, Nuttall, Joce and Edwards, Susan. (2021). Multimodal play : A threshold concept for early childhood curriculum? British Journal of Educational Technology. 52(6), pp. 2118-2129.

Journal article

Student engagement in a flipped secondary  mathematics classroom
Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Student engagement in a flipped secondary  mathematics classroom. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

Journal article

SRSD instructional research for students with or at-risk for ld across the content areas : History and reflections
Harris, Karen R.. (2021). SRSD instructional research for students with or at-risk for ld across the content areas : History and reflections. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. 36(3), pp. 235-241.

Journal article

Research and teaching writing
Graham, Steve and Alves, Rui A.. (2021). Research and teaching writing. Reading and Writing. 34(7), p. 1613–1621.

Journal article

Does teacher self-efficacy predict writing practices of teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students?
Graham, Steve, Wolbers, Kimberly, Dostal, Hannah and Holcomb, Leala. (2021). Does teacher self-efficacy predict writing practices of teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students? Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 26(3), pp. 438-450.

Journal article

Cyber-safety and COVID-19 in the early years : A research agenda
Edwards, Susan. (2021). Cyber-safety and COVID-19 in the early years : A research agenda. Journal of Early Childhood Research. 19(3), pp. 396-410.

Journal article

"Becoming" a researcher in mathematics education
Geiger, Vince. (2021). "Becoming" a researcher in mathematics education. 43rd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Singapore: Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University. pp. 29-46

Conference paper

Transforming schooling through digital disruption : Big data, policy teaching and assessment
Lingard, Bob, Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Heck, Elizabeth. (2021). Transforming schooling through digital disruption : Big data, policy teaching and assessment. In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Lingard, Bob and Heck, Elizabeth (Ed.). Digital disruption in teaching and testing : Assessments, big data, and the transformation of schooling pp. 1-44 Routledge.

Book chapter

Developing a national Playgroup statement : Stakeholder consultation strategy
McLean, Karen, Chu, Celine, Mallia, Julianna and Edwards, Susan. (2021). Developing a national Playgroup statement : Stakeholder consultation strategy Melbourne: Australian Catholic University.


Re-professionalizing teaching : The new professionalism in the United States
Brass, Jory and Holloway, Jessica. (2021). Re-professionalizing teaching : The new professionalism in the United States. Critical Studies in Education. 62(4), pp. 519-536.

Journal article

Global Citizenship Education in the classroom : An exploratory study on teachers’ views
Caccioppola, Federica. (2021). Global Citizenship Education in the classroom : An exploratory study on teachers’ views [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education

PhD Thesis

Creativity in students' modelling competencies : conceptualisation and measurement
Lu, Xiaoli and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Creativity in students' modelling competencies : conceptualisation and measurement. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 109, pp. 287-311.

Journal article

Factors affecting procurement of wound care products: A qualitative study of hospital managers and clinicians' views
McInnes, Elizabeth, Harvey, Gill, Hiller, Janet E., Phillips, Rosemary, Page, Tamara and Wiechula, Rick. (2021). Factors affecting procurement of wound care products: A qualitative study of hospital managers and clinicians' views. Australian Health Review. 45(1), pp. 66-73.

Journal article

Callous-unemotional traits and romantic relationships
Golmaryami, Farrah N., Vaughan, Erin P. and Frick, Paul J.. (2021). Callous-unemotional traits and romantic relationships. Personality and Individual Differences. 168, p. 110408.

Journal article

Digital play and technical code : What new knowledge formations are possible?
Edwards, Susan. (2021). Digital play and technical code : What new knowledge formations are possible? Learning, Media and Technology. 46(3), pp. 306-319.

Journal article

A study into wellbeing, student engagement and resilience in early-adolescent international school students
McKeering, Phillipa, Hwang, Yoon-Suk and Ng, Clarence. (2021). A study into wellbeing, student engagement and resilience in early-adolescent international school students. Journal of Research in International Education. 20(1), pp. 69-92.

Journal article

Mathematical modelling education in the cultural contexts of west and east
Leung, Frederick Koon Shing, Stillman, Gloria, Kaiser, Gabriele and Wong, Ka Lok. (2021). Mathematical modelling education in the cultural contexts of west and east. In In Leung, Frederick Koon Shing, Stillman, Gloria, Kaiser, Gabriele and Wong, Ka Lok (Ed.). Mathematical modelling education in east and west  pp. 3-16 Springer.

Book chapter