Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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High school students' motivation to learn mathematics : The role of multiple goals
Ng, Chi-hung Clarence. (2018). High school students' motivation to learn mathematics : The role of multiple goals. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 16(2), pp. 357-375.

Journal article

Subject-specific characteristics of instructional quality in mathematics education
Schlesinger, Lena, Jentsch, Armin and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2018). Subject-specific characteristics of instructional quality in mathematics education. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 50(3), pp. 475 - 490.

Journal article

Callous-unemotional traits are uniquely associated with poorer peer functioning in school-aged children
Haas, Sarah M., Becker, Stephen P., Epstein, Jeffery N. and Frick, Paul. (2018). Callous-unemotional traits are uniquely associated with poorer peer functioning in school-aged children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 46(4), pp. 781 - 793.

Journal article

Introduction : Digital diversity, ideology, and the politics of a writing revolution
Mills, Kathy A. and Stornaiuolo, Amy. (2018). Introduction : Digital diversity, ideology, and the politics of a writing revolution. In In Mills, Kathy A., Stornaiuolo, Amy, Smith, Anna and Zaher Pandya, Jessica (Ed.). Handbook of writing, literacies, and education in digital cultures pp. 1-9 Routledge.

Book chapter

Do writing motivational beliefs predict middle school students' writing performance?
Graham, Steve, Daley, Samantha G., Aitken, Angelique, Harris, Karen and Robinson, Kristin. (2018). Do writing motivational beliefs predict middle school students' writing performance? Journal of Research in Reading. 41(4), pp. 642 - 656.

Journal article

Generating ideas for numeracy tasks across the curriculum
Geiger, Vince. (2018). Generating ideas for numeracy tasks across the curriculum. In J. Hunter, L. Darragh and P. Perger (Ed.). Proceedings of the 41st annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Jul 2018 New Zealand: MERGA. pp. 314 - 321

Conference item

Colocating an accredited practising dietitian to an adult community mental health service: An exploratory study
Furness, Trentham, Wallace, Elizabeth, McElhinney, Jo, McKenna, Brian, Cuzzillo, Celeste and Foster, Kim. (2018). Colocating an accredited practising dietitian to an adult community mental health service: An exploratory study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 27(6), pp. 1709 - 1718.

Journal article

Fluid methods to make sense of an unknown: An emergent grounded theory study of cultural wellbeing
Emery, Sherridan and Fielding-Wells, Jill. (2018). Fluid methods to make sense of an unknown: An emergent grounded theory study of cultural wellbeing. In In D. Kember and M. Corbett (Ed.). Structuring the thesis: Matching method, paradigm, theories and findings pp. 183 - 195 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Empowering engagement: creating learning opportunities for students from challenging backgrounds
Ng, Clarence, Bartlett, Brendan and Elliott, Stephen. (2018). Empowering engagement: creating learning opportunities for students from challenging backgrounds.

Journal article

Young children and digital technology: Australian early childhood education and care sector adults’ perspectives
Zabatiero, Juliana, Straker, Leon, Mantilla, Ana, Edwards, Susan and Danby, Susan. (2018). Young children and digital technology: Australian early childhood education and care sector adults’ perspectives. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 43(2), pp. 14 - 22.

Journal article

Mathematics cognition reconsidered: On ascribing meaning
Scheiner, Thorsten. (2018). Mathematics cognition reconsidered: On ascribing meaning. United States of America: Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. pp. 1234 - 1239

Conference item

The impact of transitional programmes on post-transition outcomes for youth leaving out-of-home care: A meta-analysis
Heerde, Jess, Hemphill, Sheryl and Balog, Kirsty. (2018). The impact of transitional programmes on post-transition outcomes for youth leaving out-of-home care: A meta-analysis. Health and Social Care in the Community. 26(1), pp. 15 - 30.

Journal article

Epistemic climates for active citizenship: Dialogically organised classrooms and children's internal dialogue
Brownlee, Jo Lunn, Walker, Sue, Johansson, Eva, Scholes, Laura and Ryan, Mary. (2018). Epistemic climates for active citizenship: Dialogically organised classrooms and children's internal dialogue. In In E. Johansson, A. Emilson and A.-M. Puroila (Ed.). Values education in early childhood settings: Concepts, approaches and practices pp. 69 - 87 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Using student voice to promote reading engagement for economically disadvantaged students
Ng, Clarence. (2018). Using student voice to promote reading engagement for economically disadvantaged students. Journal of Research in Reading. 41(4), pp. 700 - 715.

Journal article

An interdisciplinary approach to designing online learning: fostering pre-service mathematics teachers' capabilities in mathematical modelling
Geiger, Vince, Mulligan, Joanne, Date-Huxtable, Liz, Ahlip, Rehez, Jones, D. H., May, E. J., Rylands, Leanne and Wright, Ian. (2018). An interdisciplinary approach to designing online learning: fostering pre-service mathematics teachers' capabilities in mathematical modelling. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 50(43132), pp. 217 - 232.

Journal article

The differential influence of absent and harsh fathers on juvenile delinquency
Simmons, Cortney, Steinberg, laurence, Frick, Paul and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2018). The differential influence of absent and harsh fathers on juvenile delinquency. Journal of Adolescence. 62, pp. 9 - 17.

Journal article

What are the threats and potentials of big data for qualitative research?
Mills, Kathy A.. (2018). What are the threats and potentials of big data for qualitative research? Qualitative Research. 18(6), pp. 591-603.

Journal article

Boys, masculinities and reading: Gender identity and literacy as social practice
Scholes, Laura. (2018). Boys, masculinities and reading: Gender identity and literacy as social practice Routledge.


Evaluating the impact of teacher-designed, wellbeing and sustainability play-based learning experiences on young children's knowledge connections: A randomised trial
Morris, Heather, Edwards, Susan, Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, Rutherford, Leonie, Williams-Smith, Janet and Skouteris, Helen. (2018). Evaluating the impact of teacher-designed, wellbeing and sustainability play-based learning experiences on young children's knowledge connections: A randomised trial. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 43(4), pp. 33 - 42.

Journal article

Handwriting instruction: a commentary on five studies
Graham, Steve. (2018). Handwriting instruction: a commentary on five studies. Reading and Writing. 31(6), pp. 1367 - 1377.

Journal article

"I had to take action straight away." Preservice teachers' accounts of pro-environmental action
Carter, Lyn and Martin, Jenny. (2018). "I had to take action straight away." Preservice teachers' accounts of pro-environmental action. In In Bencze, Larry (Ed.). Science and Technology Education Promoting Wellbeing for Individuals, Societies and Environments : STEPWISE pp. 523-537 Springer.

Book chapter

Unpicking the developmental relationship between oral language skills and reading comprehension: it's simple, but complex
Lervåg, Arne, Hulme, Charles and Melby-Lervåg, Monica. (2018). Unpicking the developmental relationship between oral language skills and reading comprehension: it's simple, but complex. Child Development. 89(5), pp. 1821 - 1838.

Journal article

Evaluating short versions of the five facet mindfulness questionnaire using rasch analysis
Medvedev, Oleg N., Titkova, Elena A., Siegert, Richard J., Hwang, Yoon-Suk and Krägeloh, Christian U.. (2018). Evaluating short versions of the five facet mindfulness questionnaire using rasch analysis. Mindfulness. 9(5), pp. 1411 - 1422.

Journal article

Language skills, but not frequency discrimination, predict reading skills in children at risk of dyslexia
Snowling, Margaret J., Gooch, Debbie, McArthur, Genevieve and Hulme, Charles. (2018). Language skills, but not frequency discrimination, predict reading skills in children at risk of dyslexia. Psychological Science. 29(8), pp. 1270 - 1282.

Journal article

The conception of mathematics knowledge for teaching from an international perspective: the case of the TEDS-M study978
Dohrmann, Martina, Kaiser, Gabriele and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2018). The conception of mathematics knowledge for teaching from an international perspective: the case of the TEDS-M study978. In In Y. Li and R. Huang (Ed.). How Chinese Acquire and Improve Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching pp. 57 - 81 Sense Publishers.

Book chapter

Student preparation for large-scale assessments: A comparative analysis
Sellar, Sam, Lingard, Bob and Rutkowski, David. (2018). Student preparation for large-scale assessments: A comparative analysis. In In B. Maddox (Ed.). International Large-Scale Assessments in Education: Insider Research Perspectives pp. 137 - 156 Bloomsbury Academic.

Book chapter

Measuring Chinese teacher professional competence : Adapting and validating a German framework in China
Yang, Xinrong, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2018). Measuring Chinese teacher professional competence : Adapting and validating a German framework in China. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 50(5), pp. 638-653.

Journal article

GUILD: guidance for information about linking data sets
Gilbert, Ruth, Lafferty, Rosemary, Hagger-Johnson, Gareth, Harron, Katie, Zhang, Li-Chun, Smith, Peter W.F., Dibben, Chris and Goldstein, Harvey. (2018). GUILD: guidance for information about linking data sets. Journal of Public Health. 40(1), pp. 191 - 198.

Journal article

International large-scale assessments, affective worlds and policy impacts in education
Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2018). International large-scale assessments, affective worlds and policy impacts in education. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 31(5), pp. 367 - 381.

Journal article

Theoretical advances in mathematical cognition
Scheiner, Thorsten and Pinto, Marcia M. F.. (2018). Theoretical advances in mathematical cognition. Chile: The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. pp. 97 - 104

Conference item

Conflicting guidelines on young children's screen time and use of digital technology create policy and practice dilemmas
Straker, Leon, Zabatiero, Juliana, Danby, Susan, Thorpe, Karen and Edwards, Susan. (2018). Conflicting guidelines on young children's screen time and use of digital technology create policy and practice dilemmas. Journal of Pediatrics. 202, pp. 300 - 303.

Journal article

Using mathematics to solve real world problems : The role of enablers
Geiger, Vince, Stillman, Gloria, Brown, Jill P., Galbraith, Peter and Niss, Mogens. (2018). Using mathematics to solve real world problems : The role of enablers. Mathematics Education Research Journal. 30(1), pp. 7-19.

Journal article

Callousness and affective face processing in adults: behavioral and brain-potential indicators
Brislin, Sarah J., Yancey, James R., Perkins, Emily R., Palumbo, Isabella M., Drislane, Laura E., Salekin, Randall T., Fanti, K A., Kimonis, Eva R., Frick, Paul, Blair, R. J.R. and Patrick, Christopher J.. (2018). Callousness and affective face processing in adults: behavioral and brain-potential indicators. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 9(2), pp. 122 - 132.

Journal article

Multilevel growth curve models that incorporate a random coefficient model for the level 1 variance function
Goldstein, Harvey, Leckie, George, Charlton, Christopher, Tilling, Kate and Browne, William J.. (2018). Multilevel growth curve models that incorporate a random coefficient model for the level 1 variance function. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 27(11), pp. 3478 - 3491.

Journal article

International responses: Bob Lingard, Meg Maguire and David Hursh
Lingard, Bob, Maguire, Meg and Hursh, David. (2018). International responses: Bob Lingard, Meg Maguire and David Hursh. In In M. Thrupp (Ed.). The Search for Better Educational Standards pp. 213 - 229 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Improving literacy engagement: Enablers, challenges and catering for students from disadvantaged backgrounds
Ng, Clarence and Graham, Steve. (2018). Improving literacy engagement: Enablers, challenges and catering for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Journal of Research in Reading. 41(4), pp. 615 - 624.

Journal article

Gender equity in mathematical achievement: the case of china
Zhu, Yan, Kaiser, Gabriele and Cai, Jinfa. (2018). Gender equity in mathematical achievement: the case of china. Educational Studies in Mathematics: An international journal. 99(3), pp. 245 - 260.

Journal article

Changing modes of governance in Australian teacher education policy
Savage, Glenn C. and Lingard, Bob. (2018). Changing modes of governance in Australian teacher education policy. In In N. Hobbel and B. L. Bales (Ed.). Navigating the common good in Teacher Education Policy: Critical and International Perspectives pp. 64 - 80 Routledge.

Book chapter

The development and application of coding frameworks to explore dialogic feedback interactions and self-regulated learning
Adie, Lenore, Van der Kleij, Fabienne Michelle and Cumming, Joy Joy. (2018). The development and application of coding frameworks to explore dialogic feedback interactions and self-regulated learning. British Educational Research Journal. 44(4), pp. 704 - 723.

Journal article

Young children's everyday concepts of the internet : A platform for cyber-safety education in the early years
Edwards, Susan, Nolan, Andrea, Henderson, Michael, Mantilla, Ana, Plowman, Lydia and Skouteris, Helen. (2018). Young children's everyday concepts of the internet : A platform for cyber-safety education in the early years. British Journal of Educational Technology. 49(1), pp. 45-55.

Journal article