Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Using reflective practice to foster confidence and competence to teach literacy in primary schools
McLean, Karen. (2017). Using reflective practice to foster confidence and competence to teach literacy in primary schools. In In R. Brandenburg, K. Glasswell and M. Jones and J. Ryan (Ed.). Reflective theory and practice in teacher education pp. 119 - 140 Springer Singapore.

Book chapter

And justice for all: determinants and effects of probation officers' processing decisions regarding first-time juvenile offenders
Fine, Adam, Donley, Sachiko, Cavanagh, Caitlin, Miltimore, Sarah, Steinberg, laurence, Frick, Paul and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2017). And justice for all: determinants and effects of probation officers' processing decisions regarding first-time juvenile offenders. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 23(1), pp. 105 - 117.

Journal article

Play-based learning and intentional teaching: forever different?
Edwards, Susan. (2017). Play-based learning and intentional teaching: forever different? Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 42(2), pp. 4 - 11.

Journal article

Distributed Leadership Policies and Practices : Striving for Educational Equity in High Poverty Contexts
Singh, Parlo and Glasswell, Kathryn. (2016). Distributed Leadership Policies and Practices : Striving for Educational Equity in High Poverty Contexts. In Leadership in diverse learning contexts: Studies in Educational Leadership 22 pp. 255-273 Springer International Publishing AG.

Book chapter

Powerful Practices for Reading Improvement
Glasswell, Kathryn, Mostert, Willemina, Judd, Lindsey and Mayn, Lesley. (2016). Powerful Practices for Reading Improvement ACER Press.


Comparing learning outcomes and implementation factors from student-managed vs. teacher-managed intelligent tutoring systems
Wijekumar, Kay, Meyer, Bonnie, Harris, Karen R., Graham, Stephen Edward and Beerwinkle, Andrea L.. (2016). Comparing learning outcomes and implementation factors from student-managed vs. teacher-managed intelligent tutoring systems. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Structure, Applications and Challenges pp. 175-200 CRC Press.

Book chapter

New developments in lexical inferencing and incidental vocabulary acquisition in foreign language learning
Han, Feifei. (2016). New developments in lexical inferencing and incidental vocabulary acquisition in foreign language learning. In New Developments in Foreign Language Learning pp. 161-174 Nova Science Publishers.

Book chapter

The purpose and place of mentoring for women managers in organisations : An Australian perspective
Ehrich, Lisa Catherine and Kimber, Megan Paige. (2016). The purpose and place of mentoring for women managers in organisations : An Australian perspective. In Handbook on Well-Being of Working Women pp. 225-241 Springer Netherlands.

Book chapter

The micropolitics of management in universities : Challenges and opportunities
Ehrich, Lisa, Kimber, Megan Paige and Ehrich, John. (2016). The micropolitics of management in universities : Challenges and opportunities. In Working (With/out) the System: Educational Leadership, Micropolitics and SocialJustice pp. 187-204 Information Age Publishing.

Book chapter

UDIO : Rich and authentic literacy experiences for struggling middle school readers
Boucher, Alyssa R., Evans, Miriam and Graham, Stephen Edward. (2016). UDIO : Rich and authentic literacy experiences for struggling middle school readers. In Adaptive Educational Technologies For Literacy Instruction pp. 294-301 Taylor and Francis.

Book chapter

The life of data : Evolving national testing
Thompson, Greg, Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Robert Leslie. (2016). The life of data : Evolving national testing. In National testing in schools: An Australian assessment pp. 212-230 Taylor and Francis.

Book chapter

We-write : A web-based intelligent tutor for supporting elementary classroom teachers in persuasive writing instruction
Wijekumar, Kay, Harris, Karen Renee, Graham, Stephen Edward and Meyer, Bonnie. (2016). We-write : A web-based intelligent tutor for supporting elementary classroom teachers in persuasive writing instruction. In Adaptive Educational Technologies For Literacy Instruction pp. 184-203 Taylor and Francis.

Book chapter

Students at risk and NAPLAN : The collateral damage
Cumming, Joy, Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Colbert, Peta. (2016). Students at risk and NAPLAN : The collateral damage. In National testing in schools: An Australian assessment pp. 126-138 Taylor and Francis.

Book chapter

National testing from an Australian perspective
Lingard, Robert Leslie, Thompson, Greg and Sellar, Sam. (2016). National testing from an Australian perspective. In National testing in schools: An Australian assessment pp. 1-17 Taylor and Francis.

Book chapter

The Buckley–James estimator and induced smoothing
Wang, You-Gan, Zhao, Yudong and Fu, Liya. (2016). The Buckley–James estimator and induced smoothing. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics. 58(2), pp. 211-225.

Journal article

Maximum likelihood estimation of natural mortality and quantification of temperature effects on catchability of brown tiger prawn (penaeus esculentus) in Moreton Bay (Australia) using logbook data
Kienzle, Marco, Sterling, David, Zhou, Shijie and Wang, You-Gan. (2016). Maximum likelihood estimation of natural mortality and quantification of temperature effects on catchability of brown tiger prawn (penaeus esculentus) in Moreton Bay (Australia) using logbook data. Ecological Modelling. 322, pp. 1-9.

Journal article

Otolith morphology of four mackerel species (Scomberomorus spp.) in Australia : Species differentiation and prediction for fisheries monitoring and assessment
Zischke, Mitchell T., Litherland, Lenore, Tilyard, Benjamin R., Stratford, Nicholas J., Jones, Ebony L. and Wang, You-Gan. (2016). Otolith morphology of four mackerel species (Scomberomorus spp.) in Australia : Species differentiation and prediction for fisheries monitoring and assessment. Fisheries Research. 176, pp. 39-47.

Journal article

Efficient parameter estimation via Gaussian copulas for quantile regression with longitudinal data
Fu, Liya and Wang, You-Gan. (2016). Efficient parameter estimation via Gaussian copulas for quantile regression with longitudinal data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 143, pp. 492-502.

Journal article

Mixture of time-dependent growth models with an application to blue swimmer crab length-frequency data
Lloyd-Jones, Luke R., Nguyen, Hien D., McLachlan, Geoffrey J., Sumpton, Wayne and Wang, You-Gan. (2016). Mixture of time-dependent growth models with an application to blue swimmer crab length-frequency data. Biometrics. 72(4), pp. 1255-1265.

Journal article

Partners in design : Co-inquiry for quality teaching in disadvantaged schools
Glasswell, Kathryn, Singh, Parlo and McNaughton, Stuart. (2016). Partners in design : Co-inquiry for quality teaching in disadvantaged schools. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 39(1), pp. 20-29.

Journal article

Quality in blended learning environments – Significant differences in how students approach learning collaborations
Ellis, Robert A., Pardo, Abelardo and Han, Feifei. (2016). Quality in blended learning environments – Significant differences in how students approach learning collaborations. Computers and Education. 102, pp. 90-102.

Journal article

Inclusive values : Exploring the perspectives of pre-service teachers
Mergler, Amanda, Carrington, Suzanne, Kimber, Megan and Bland, Derek. (2016). Inclusive values : Exploring the perspectives of pre-service teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 41(4), pp. 20-38.

Journal article

Movement and growth of the coral reef holothuroids Bohadschia argus and Thelenota ananas
Purcell, Steven W., Piddocke, Toby P., Dalton, Steven J. and Wang, You-Gan. (2016). Movement and growth of the coral reef holothuroids Bohadschia argus and Thelenota ananas. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 551, pp. 201-214.

Journal article

Improved confidence intervals for the linkage disequilibrium method for estimating effective population size
Jones, A. T., Ovenden, J. R. and Wang, Y.-G.. (2016). Improved confidence intervals for the linkage disequilibrium method for estimating effective population size. Heredity. 117(4), pp. 217-223.

Journal article

Development of category formation for faces differing by age in 9- to 12-month-olds : An effect of experience with infant faces
Damon, Fabrice, Quinn, Paul C., Heron-Delaney, Michelle, Lee, Kang and Pascalis, Olivier. (2016). Development of category formation for faces differing by age in 9- to 12-month-olds : An effect of experience with infant faces. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 34(4), pp. 582-597.

Journal article

Promoting the provision of parental provided play-activities in transition playgroups
McLean, Karen, Edwards, Susan, Lambert, Pamela, Gibson, Bridget and Hallowell, Leanne. (2016). Promoting the provision of parental provided play-activities in transition playgroups Melbourne, VIC: Australian Catholic University.


Community playgroups : Connecting rural families locally pilot project
McLean, Karen, Edwards, Susan, Morris, Heather, Hallowell, Leanne and Swinkels, Kathy. (2016). Community playgroups : Connecting rural families locally pilot project Melbourne, VIC: Australian Catholic University.


The murky waters of neoliberal marketization and commodification on the education of adults in the United States
Zacharakis, Jeff and Holloway, Jessica. (2016). The murky waters of neoliberal marketization and commodification on the education of adults in the United States. The European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults. 7(2), pp. 223-236.

Journal article

Validating “value added” in the primary grades: one district’s attempts to increase fairness and inclusivity in its teacher evaluation system
Amrein-Beardsley, Audrey, Polasky, Sarah and Holloway-Libell, Jessica. (2016). Validating “value added” in the primary grades: one district’s attempts to increase fairness and inclusivity in its teacher evaluation system. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. 28(2), pp. 139-159.

Journal article

What counts as good teaching? How a student growth percentile model has defined teacher quality at one urban middle school
Holloway, Jessica. (2016). What counts as good teaching? How a student growth percentile model has defined teacher quality at one urban middle school. In In Kappler Hewitt, Kimberly and Amrein-Beardsley, Audrey (Ed.). Student growth measures in policy and practice : Intended and unintended consequences of high-stakes teacher evaluations pp. 137-152 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd..

Book chapter

Crossing the boundaries of our historical ways of thinking in conceptualizing teachers' knowledge
Scheiner, Thorsten. (2016). Crossing the boundaries of our historical ways of thinking in conceptualizing teachers' knowledge. 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Washington, D.C., United States of Amreica 08 - 12 Apr 2016 American Educational Research Association. pp. 1-5

Conference paper

PISA for schools : Topological rationality and new spaces of the OECD's global educational governance
Lewis, Steven, Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2016). PISA for schools : Topological rationality and new spaces of the OECD's global educational governance. Comparative Education Review. 60(1), pp. 27-57.

Journal article

Globalization of the Anglo-American approach to top-down, test-based educational accountability
Lingard, Bob and Lewis, Steven. (2016). Globalization of the Anglo-American approach to top-down, test-based educational accountability. In In Brown, Gavin T. L and Harris, Lois R. (Ed.). Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment pp. 387-403 Routledge.

Book chapter

Theorising curriculum implementation and evaluation in early childhood education
Nuttall, Joce. (2016). Theorising curriculum implementation and evaluation in early childhood education. In In M. A. Peters (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy pp. 1 - 4 Springer Science and Business Media.

Book chapter

Eine analyse der sogenannten schlussrechnung - die relevanz der ansatze von arnold kirsch fur aktuelle lernprozesse in der lehrerausbildung
Buchholtz, Nils, Schwarz, Bjorn and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2016). Eine analyse der sogenannten schlussrechnung - die relevanz der ansatze von arnold kirsch fur aktuelle lernprozesse in der lehrerausbildung. Journal fuer Mathematik-Didaktik. 37(1), pp. 31 - 53.

Journal article

Effective enactment of assessment for learning and student diversity in Australia
Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Van der Kleij, Fabienne Michelle. (2016). Effective enactment of assessment for learning and student diversity in Australia. In In D. Laveault and L. Allal (Ed.). Assessment for learning: Meeting the challenge of implementation pp. 55 - 73 Springer.

Book chapter

The Implementation of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Primary [Elementary] Schools
McLean, Karen. (2016). The Implementation of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Primary [Elementary] Schools. Frontiers in Psychology. 7(1739), pp. 1 - 3.

Journal article

Common core writing and language standards and aligned state assessments: a national survey of teacher beliefs and attitudes
Troia, Gary A. and Graham, Steve. (2016). Common core writing and language standards and aligned state assessments: a national survey of teacher beliefs and attitudes. Reading and Writing. 29(9), pp. 1719 - 1743.

Journal article

Think tanks, ‘policy experts’ and ‘ideas for’ education policy making in Australia
Lingard, Bob. (2016). Think tanks, ‘policy experts’ and ‘ideas for’ education policy making in Australia. The Australian Educational Researcher. 43(1), pp. 15 - 33.

Journal article

If this were sport rather than education, we'd have a consistently funded national plan
Geiger, Vince. (2016). If this were sport rather than education, we'd have a consistently funded national plan

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