Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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The emotional correlates to callous-unemotional traits in children
Ciucci, Enrica, Baroncelli, Andrea, Golmaryami, Farrah and Frick, Paul. (2015). The emotional correlates to callous-unemotional traits in children. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 24(8), pp. 2374 - 2387.

Journal article

A Mindfulness Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: New Directions in Research and Practice
Hwang, Yoon-Suk. In N.N.Singh (Ed.). (2015). A Mindfulness Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: New Directions in Research and Practice Springer.


After the RCT : Who comes to a family-based intervention for childhood overweight or obesity when it is implemented at scale in the community?
Fagg, James, Cole, Tim, Cummins, Steven, Goldstein, Harvey, Morris, Stephen, Radley, Duncan, Sacher, Paul and Law, Catherine. (2015). After the RCT : Who comes to a family-based intervention for childhood overweight or obesity when it is implemented at scale in the community? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 69(2), pp. 142 - 148.

Journal article

Data linkage errors in hospital administrative data when applying a pseudonymisation algorithm to paediatric intensive care records
Hagger-Johnson, Gareth, Harron, Katie, Fleming, Tom, Gilbert, Ruth, Goldstein, Harvey, Landy, Rebecca and Parslow, Roger. (2015). Data linkage errors in hospital administrative data when applying a pseudonymisation algorithm to paediatric intensive care records. BMJ Open. 5(8), pp. 1 - 8.

Journal article

A reflection on mathematical modelling and applications as a field of research: Theoretical orientation and diversity
Geiger, Vince and Frejd, Peter. (2015). A reflection on mathematical modelling and applications as a field of research: Theoretical orientation and diversity. In In G. Stillman, W. Blum and M. Biembengut (Ed.). pp. 161 - 171 Springer.

Book chapter

Is substance use associated with perpetration and victimization of physically violent behavior and property offences among homeless youth? A systematic review of international studies
Heerde, Jessica A. and Hemphill, Sheryl A.. (2015). Is substance use associated with perpetration and victimization of physically violent behavior and property offences among homeless youth? A systematic review of international studies. Child and Youth Care Forum. 44(2), pp. 277-307.

Journal article

Language knowledge and its application : A snapshot of Australian teachers' views
Love, Kristina, Macken-Horarik, Mary and Horarik, Stefan. (2015). Language knowledge and its application : A snapshot of Australian teachers' views. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 38(3), pp. 171 - 182.

Journal article

Phonological and Semantic Knowledge Are Causal Influences on Learning to Read Words in Chinese
Zhou, Lulin, Duff, Fiona J. and Hulme, Charles. (2015). Phonological and Semantic Knowledge Are Causal Influences on Learning to Read Words in Chinese. Scientific Studies of Reading. 19(6), pp. 409 - 418.

Journal article

Effects of feedback in a computer-based learning environment on students learning outcomes: A meta-analysis
Schoenmaker van der Kleij, Fabienne Michelle, Feskens, Remco C. W. and Eggen, Theo J. H. M. (2015). Effects of feedback in a computer-based learning environment on students learning outcomes: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research. 85(4), pp. 475 - 511.

Journal article

Formative assessment and writing: A meta-analysis
Graham, Steve, Hebert, Michael and Harris, Karen. (2015). Formative assessment and writing: A meta-analysis. The Elementary School Journal (print). 115(4), pp. 523 - 547.

Journal article

Role of self-talk in the classroom : Investigating the relationship of eight-to-nine-year-olds' self-regulatory self-talk strategies with their classroom self-regulatory behaviour and mathematical achievement
Lee, Scott and McDonough, Andrea. (2015). Role of self-talk in the classroom : Investigating the relationship of eight-to-nine-year-olds' self-regulatory self-talk strategies with their classroom self-regulatory behaviour and mathematical achievement. Early Child Development and Care. 185(2), pp. 198 - 208.

Journal article

Child-framed video research methodologies : Issues, possibilities and challenges for researching with children
Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, Edwards, Susan and Widdop-Quinton, Helen. (2015). Child-framed video research methodologies : Issues, possibilities and challenges for researching with children. Children's Geographies. 13(3), pp. 343 - 356.

Journal article

Diversity, affirmative action and higher education
Cumming, Jacqueline and Mawdsley, Ralph. (2015). Diversity, affirmative action and higher education. In In S. Varnham, P. Kamvounias and J. Squelch (Ed.). pp. 137 - 148 Federation Press, the.

Book chapter

The foundations of literacy levelopment in children at familial risk of dyslexia
Hulme, Charles, Nash, Hannah M., Gooch, Debbie, Lervag, Arne and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2015). The foundations of literacy levelopment in children at familial risk of dyslexia. Psychological Science. 26(12), pp. 1877 - 1886.

Journal article

Identifying possible false matches in anonymized hospital administrative data without patient identifiers
Hagger-Johnson, Gareth, Harron, Katie, Gonzallez-Izquierdo, Arturo, Cortina-Borja, Mario, Dattani, Nirupa, Muller-Pebody, Berit, Parslow, Roger, Gilbert, Ruth and Goldstein, Harvey. (2015). Identifying possible false matches in anonymized hospital administrative data without patient identifiers. Health Services Research. 50(4), pp. 1162 - 1178.

Journal article

Children's literature as an invitation to science inquiry in early childhood education
McLean, Karen, Jones, Mellita and Schaper, Clare. (2015). Children's literature as an invitation to science inquiry in early childhood education. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 40(4), pp. 49 - 56.

Journal article

Callous-unemotional traits and adolescents' role in group crime
Thornton, Laura, Frick, Paul, Shulman, Elizabeth, Ray, James, Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2015). Callous-unemotional traits and adolescents' role in group crime. Law and Human Behavior. 39(4), pp. 368 - 377.

Journal article

Obesity prevention interventions in early childhood education and care settings with parental involvement : A systematic review
Morris, Heather, Skouteris, Helen, Edwards, Susan and Rutherford, Leonie. (2015). Obesity prevention interventions in early childhood education and care settings with parental involvement : A systematic review. Early Child Development and Care. 185(8), pp. 1283 - 1313.

Journal article

What's working in working memory training? An educational perspective
Redick, T. S., Shipstead, Z., Wiemers, E. A., Melby-Mervag, M. and Hulme, Charles. (2015). What's working in working memory training? An educational perspective. Educational Psychology Review. 27(4), pp. 617 - 633.

Journal article

A rich interpretation of numeracy for the 21st century: A survey of the state of the field
Geiger, Vince, Goos, Merrilyn and Forgasz, Helen. (2015). A rich interpretation of numeracy for the 21st century: A survey of the state of the field. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 47(4), pp. 531 - 548.

Journal article

How income segmentation affects income mobility: Evidence from panel data in the Philippines
Martinez, Arturo, Western, Mark, Haynes, Michele and Tomaszewski, Wojtek. (2015). How income segmentation affects income mobility: Evidence from panel data in the Philippines. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies. 2(3), pp. 590 - 608.

Journal article

Early language and executive skills predict variations in number and arithmetic skills in children at family-risk of dyslexia and typically developing controls
Moll, Kristina, Snowling, Margaret J., Göbel, Silke M. and Hulme, Charles. (2015). Early language and executive skills predict variations in number and arithmetic skills in children at family-risk of dyslexia and typically developing controls. Learning and Instruction. 38, pp. 53 - 62.

Journal article

Erfassung berufsbezogener kompetenzen von studierenden: Ein kommentar
Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Erfassung berufsbezogener kompetenzen von studierenden: Ein kommentar. Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik. Beiheft. 61, pp. 136 - 143.

Journal article

Wissen und Fähigkeiten in Fachdidaktik und Pädagogik
Busse, Andreas and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Wissen und Fähigkeiten in Fachdidaktik und Pädagogik. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 61(3), pp. 328 - 344.

Journal article

Effective education : Conceptualising the meaning of out-of-field teaching practices for teachers, teacher quality and school leaders
Du Plessis, Anna. (2015). Effective education : Conceptualising the meaning of out-of-field teaching practices for teachers, teacher quality and school leaders. International Journal of Educational Research. 72, pp. 89 - 102.

Journal article

The relationship of discourse and topic knowledge to fifth graders' writing performance
Olinghouse, Natalie, Graham, Steve and Gillespie, Amy. (2015). The relationship of discourse and topic knowledge to fifth graders' writing performance. Journal of Educational Psychology. 107(2), pp. 391 - 406.

Journal article

Persuasive narratives : Evaluative images in picture books and animated movies
Unsworth, Len. (2015). Persuasive narratives : Evaluative images in picture books and animated movies. Visual Communication. 14(1), pp. 73 - 96.

Journal article

Assessment policies, curricular directives, and teacher agency : Quandaries of EFL teachers in Inner Mongolia
Liyanage, Indika, Bartlett, Brendan, Walker, Tony and Guo, Xuhong. (2015). Assessment policies, curricular directives, and teacher agency : Quandaries of EFL teachers in Inner Mongolia. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. 9(3), pp. 251 - 264.

Journal article

Doing digital composition on the social web : Knowledge processes in literacy learning
Mills, Kathy A.. (2015). Doing digital composition on the social web : Knowledge processes in literacy learning. In In Cope, Bill and Kalantzis, Mary (Ed.). A pedagogy of multiliteracies : Learning by design pp. 172-185 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Experience, recursive awareness and understanding in autism spectrum disorders: Insights of parents and teachers in Singapore
Hwang, Yoon-Suk, Klieve, Helen Margaret, Kearney, Patrick and Saggers, Beth. (2015). Experience, recursive awareness and understanding in autism spectrum disorders: Insights of parents and teachers in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 35(4), pp. 453 - 470.

Journal article

Clandestine Readers: Boys and girls going ‘undercover’ in school spaces
Scholes, Laura. (2015). Clandestine Readers: Boys and girls going ‘undercover’ in school spaces. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 36(3), pp. 359 - 374.

Journal article

Curriculum literacies: Accessing disciplinary discourses
Unsworth, Len. (2015). Curriculum literacies: Accessing disciplinary discourses. In In J. Turnbill, G. Barton and C. Brock (Ed.). Teaching writing in today's classrooms: Looking back to look forward pp. 262 - 280 Australian Literacy Educators' Association.

Book chapter

The role of digital technologies in numeracy teaching and learning
Geiger, Vince, Goos, Merrilyn and Dole, Shelley. (2015). The role of digital technologies in numeracy teaching and learning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(5), pp. 1115 - 1137.

Journal article

Sentence repetition is a measure of children's language skills rather than working memory limitations
Klem, Marianne, Melby-Lervag, Monica, Hagtvet, Bente, Lyster, Solveig-Alma H., Gustafsson, Jan Eric and Hulme, Charles. (2015). Sentence repetition is a measure of children's language skills rather than working memory limitations. Developmental Science. 18(1), pp. 146 - 154.

Journal article

Professional development in Self-Regulated Strategy Development : Effects on the writing performance of eighth grade Portuguese students
Festas, Isabel, Oliveira, Albertina, Rebelo, Jose, Damiao, Maria, Harris, Karen and Graham, Steve. (2015). Professional development in Self-Regulated Strategy Development : Effects on the writing performance of eighth grade Portuguese students. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 40, pp. 17 - 27.

Journal article

Incidence and course of adolescent deliberate self-harm in Victoria, Australia, and Washington State
Heerde, Jessica A., Toumbourou, John W., Hemphill, Sheryl A., Herrenkohl, Todd I., Patton, George C. and Catalano, Richard F.. (2015). Incidence and course of adolescent deliberate self-harm in Victoria, Australia, and Washington State. Journal of Adolescent Health. 57(5), pp. 537-544.

Journal article

Variability in lateralised blood flow response to language is associated with language development in children aged 1-5 years
Kohler, M., Keage, H. A. D., Spooner, R., Flitton, A., Hofmann, J., Churches, O. F., Elliott, Stephen and Badcock, N. A.. (2015). Variability in lateralised blood flow response to language is associated with language development in children aged 1-5 years. Brain and Language. 145-146, pp. 34 - 41.

Journal article

Australian primary students' motivation and learning intentions for extra-curricular music programmes
Ng, Clarence. (2015). Australian primary students' motivation and learning intentions for extra-curricular music programmes. Music Education Research. 19(3), pp. 276 - 291.

Journal article

Assured optimism in a Scottish girls’ school: Habitus and the (re)production of global privilege
Forbes, Joan and Lingard, Bob. (2015). Assured optimism in a Scottish girls’ school: Habitus and the (re)production of global privilege. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 36(1), pp. 116 - 136.

Journal article

Preface for the special issue on "video-based research on teacher expertise"
Blömeke, Sigrid, Kaiser, Gabriele and Clarke, David J.. (2015). Preface for the special issue on "video-based research on teacher expertise". International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(2), pp. 257 - 266.

Journal article