Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Iranian mothers' disciplinary strategies and theory of mind in children : A focus on belief understanding
Shahaeian, Ameneh, Nielsen, Mark, Peterson, Candida and Slaughter, Virginia. (2014). Iranian mothers' disciplinary strategies and theory of mind in children : A focus on belief understanding. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 45(7), pp. 1110 - 1123.

Journal article

Impact of misspecified random effects distribution on panel survey data
Marquart, Louise, Haynes, Michele A. and Baker, Peter. (2014). Impact of misspecified random effects distribution on panel survey data. 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling.

Journal article

Moderation in higher education: Four discourses
Beutel, Denise A., Adie, Lenore E. and Lloyd, Margaret M.. (2014). Moderation in higher education: Four discourses. Research and Development in Higher Education: Higher Education in a Globalized World. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.

Conference item

Towards valid score reports in the computer crogram LOVS : A redesign study
van der Kleij, Fabienne M., Eggen, Theo J. H. M. and Engelen, Ronald J. H.. (2014). Towards valid score reports in the computer crogram LOVS : A redesign study. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 43, pp. 24 - 39.

Journal article

Legal issues regarding student mobile phones: Considerations of Australian context and case law from United States public schools
Mawdsley, Ralph and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2014). Legal issues regarding student mobile phones: Considerations of Australian context and case law from United States public schools. International Journal of Law and Education. 19(1), pp. 37 - 54.

Journal article

Panel attrition : How important is interviewer continuity?
Lynn, Peter, Kaminska, Olena and Goldstein, Harvey. (2014). Panel attrition : How important is interviewer continuity? Journal of Official Statistics. 30(3), pp. 443 - 457.

Journal article

Observing and assessing children's digital play in eary childhood settings
Bird, Jo and Edwards, Susan. (2014). Observing and assessing children's digital play in eary childhood settings. In T. Sweeney and S. Urban (Ed.). ACEC 2014: Now IT's personal: Conference proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2014. Australia: Australian Computers in Education Conference (ACEC). pp. 39 - 49

Conference item

Out-of-field teaching and professional development : A transnational investigation across Australia and South Africa
Du Plessis, Anna, Gillies, Robyn and Carroll, Annemaree. (2014). Out-of-field teaching and professional development : A transnational investigation across Australia and South Africa. International Journal of Educational Research. 66, pp. 90 - 102.

Journal article

Reading and language intervention for children at risk of dyslexia: A randomised controlled trial
Duff, Fiona J., Hulme, Charles, Grainger, Katy, Hardwick, Samantha J., Miles, Jeremy N.V. and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2014). Reading and language intervention for children at risk of dyslexia: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 55(11), pp. 1234 - 1243.

Journal article

Gaming well: Links between videogames and flourishing mental health
Jones, Christian M., Scholes, Laura, Johnson, Daniel, Katsikitis, Mary and Carras, Michelle C.. (2014). Gaming well: Links between videogames and flourishing mental health. Frontiers in Psychology. 5, pp. 1 - 8.

Journal article

Learning from the Eastern and the Western Debate: The case of mathematics teacher education
Kaiser, Gabriele and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2014). Learning from the Eastern and the Western Debate: The case of mathematics teacher education. In In S. Blömeke, F.-J. Hsieh and G. Kaiser & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). International perspectives on teacher knowledge, beliefs and opportunities to learn: TEDS-M results pp. 517 - 539 Routledge.

Book chapter

The association between callous-unemotional traits and behavioral and academic adjustment in children : Further validation of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits
Ciucci, Enrica, Baroncelli, Andrea, Franchi, Marta, Golmaryami, Farrah and Frick, Paul. (2014). The association between callous-unemotional traits and behavioral and academic adjustment in children : Further validation of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 36(2), pp. 189 - 200.

Journal article

New challenges for literature study in primary school English : Building teacher knowledge and know-how through systemic functional theory
Macken-Horarik, Mary Rose and Unsworth, Len. (2014). New challenges for literature study in primary school English : Building teacher knowledge and know-how through systemic functional theory. Onomázein.

Journal article

Music, multiliteracies and multimodality : Exploring the book and movie versions of Shaun Tan's The Lost Thing
Barton, Georgina and Unsworth, Len. (2014). Music, multiliteracies and multimodality : Exploring the book and movie versions of Shaun Tan's The Lost Thing. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 37(1), pp. 3 - 20.

Journal article

Effects of early adolescent alcohol use on mid-adolescent school performance and connection : A longitudinal study of students in Victoria, Australia and Washington State, United States
Hemphill, Sheryl A., Heerde, Jessica A., Scholes-Balog, Kirsty E., Herrenkohl, Todd I., Toumbourou, John W. and Catalano Jr, Richard F.. (2014). Effects of early adolescent alcohol use on mid-adolescent school performance and connection : A longitudinal study of students in Victoria, Australia and Washington State, United States. Journal of School Health. 84(11), pp. 706-715.

Journal article

Using league table rankings in public policy formation : Statistical issues
Goldstein, Harvey. (2014). Using league table rankings in public policy formation : Statistical issues. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application. 1, pp. 385 - 399.

Journal article

Boys and CSA prevention: Issues surrounding gender and approaches for prevention
Scholes, Laura, Jones, Christian and Nagel, Michael. (2014). Boys and CSA prevention: Issues surrounding gender and approaches for prevention. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 39(11), pp. 1 - 15.

Journal article

Is teachers' general pedagogical knowledge a premise for noticing and interpreting classroom situations? A video-based assessment approach
König, Johannes, Blömeke, Sigrid, Klein, Patricia, Suhl, Ute, Busse, Andreas and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Is teachers' general pedagogical knowledge a premise for noticing and interpreting classroom situations? A video-based assessment approach. Teaching and Teacher Education. 38, pp. 76 - 88.

Journal article

Travelling policy reforms reconfiguring the work of early childhood educators in Australia
Nuttall, Joce, Thomas, Louise and Wood, Elizabeth. (2014). Travelling policy reforms reconfiguring the work of early childhood educators in Australia. Globalisation, Societies and Education. 12(3), pp. 358 - 372.

Journal article

Teaching persuasive texts : Building a language of evaluation through hedging and moderated intensification
Mills, Kathy and Dooley, Karen. (2014). Teaching persuasive texts : Building a language of evaluation through hedging and moderated intensification. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 22(3), pp. 33-41.

Journal article

Informing understanding of young students' writing challenges and opportunities: Insights from the development of a digital writing tool that supports students with learning disabilities
Vue, Ge, Hall, Tracey E., Robinson, Kristin, Ganley, Patricia, Elizalde, Emma and Graham, Steve. (2014). Informing understanding of young students' writing challenges and opportunities: Insights from the development of a digital writing tool that supports students with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly. 39(2), pp. 83 - 94.

Journal article

Using annotations to inform an understanding of achievement standards
Adie, Lenore and Willis, Jill. (2014). Using annotations to inform an understanding of achievement standards. Assessment Matters. 6, pp. 112-136.

Journal article

New directions for digital video creation in the classroom : Spatiality, embodiment, and creativity
Ranker, Jason and Mills, Kathy. (2014). New directions for digital video creation in the classroom : Spatiality, embodiment, and creativity. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 57(6), pp. 440-443.

Journal article

Assessment for education : standards, judgement and moderation
Klenowski, Valentina and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2014). Assessment for education : standards, judgement and moderation Sage Publications Ltd..


Understanding students' declining reading motivation in upper primary school: A longitudinal case study
Ng, Clarence. (2014). Understanding students' declining reading motivation in upper primary school: A longitudinal case study. In C Li and T Hung (Ed.). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Education and Psychology. Taiwan: Knowledge Association of Taiwan. pp. 180 - 192

Conference item

Devising principles of design for numeracy tasks
Geiger, Vince, Goos, Merrilyn and Forgasz, Helen. (2014). Devising principles of design for numeracy tasks. In J. Anderson, M. Cavanagh and A. Prescott (Ed.). Curriculum in focus: Research guided practice (Proceedings of the 37th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia). Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 239 - 246

Conference item

Cultural, environmental, and psychosocial risk factors for child maltreatment
Herrenkohl, Todd I., Hemphill, Sheryl A., Florent, Ariane and Dee, Tamara. (2014). Cultural, environmental, and psychosocial risk factors for child maltreatment. In In J. Conte (Ed.). Praeger.

Book chapter

'Technological me': Young children's use of technology across their home and school contexts
Gronn, Donna, Scott, Anne, Edwards, Susan and Henderson, Michael. (2014). 'Technological me': Young children's use of technology across their home and school contexts. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 23(4), pp. 439 - 454.

Journal article

Promoting healthy eating, active play and sustainability consciousness in early childhood curricula, addressing the Ben10 problem : A randomised control trial
Skouteris, Helen, Edwards, Susan, Rutherford, Leonie, Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, Huang, Terry and O'Connor, Amanda. (2014). Promoting healthy eating, active play and sustainability consciousness in early childhood curricula, addressing the Ben10 problem : A randomised control trial. BMC Public Health. 14(548), pp. 1 - 6.

Journal article

Narrative and multimodality in English language arts curricula : A tale of two nations
Mills, Kathy and Exley, Beryl. (2014). Narrative and multimodality in English language arts curricula : A tale of two nations. Language Arts. 92(2), pp. 136-143.

Journal article

Children's arithmetic development: It is number knowledge, not the approximate number sense, that counts
Göbel, Silke M., Watson, Sarah E., Lervåg, Arne and Hulme, Charles. (2014). Children's arithmetic development: It is number knowledge, not the approximate number sense, that counts. Psychological Science. 25(3), pp. 789 - 798.

Journal article

Knowledge and belief understanding among Iranian and Australian preschool children
Shahaeian, Ameneh, Nielsen, Mark, Peterson, Candida C., Aboutalebi, Maedeh and Slaughter, Virginia. (2014). Knowledge and belief understanding among Iranian and Australian preschool children. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 45(10), pp. 1643 - 1654.

Journal article

Family background, entry selectivity and opportunities to learn: What matters in primary teacher education? An international comparison of fifteen countries
Blömeke, Sigrid, Suhl, Ute, Kaiser, Gabriele and Döhrmann, Martina. (2014). Family background, entry selectivity and opportunities to learn: What matters in primary teacher education? An international comparison of fifteen countries. In In S. Blömeke, F.-J. Hsieh and G. Kaiser & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). International perspectives on teacher knowledge, beliefs and opportunities to learn: TEDS-M results pp. 327 - 353 Routledge.

Book chapter

How do preservice teacher education students move from novice to expert assessors?
Grainger, Peter and Adie, Lenore. (2014). How do preservice teacher education students move from novice to expert assessors? Australian Journal of Teacher Education (online version). 39(7), pp. 89 - 105.

Journal article

Exploring interactive writing as an effective practice for increasing head start students' alphabet knowledge skills
Hall, Anna H., Toland, Michael D., Grisham-Brown, Jennifer and Graham, Steve. (2014). Exploring interactive writing as an effective practice for increasing head start students' alphabet knowledge skills. Early Childhood Education Journal. 42(6), pp. 423 - 430.

Journal article

Supported playgroups in schools : What matters for caregivers and their children?
McLean, Karen, Edwards, Susan, Colliver, Yeshe and Schaper, Clare. (2014). Supported playgroups in schools : What matters for caregivers and their children? Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 39(4), pp. 73 - 80.

Journal article

Expanding approaches to summative assessment for students with impairment
Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Maxwell, Graham. (2014). Expanding approaches to summative assessment for students with impairment. In In L. Florian (Ed.). The Sage Handbook of Special Education pp. 573 - 593 Sage Publications Ltd..

Book chapter

Modelling survival and mortality risk to 15 years of age for a national cohort of children with serious congenital heart defects diagnosed in infancy
Knowles, Rachel L., Bull, Catherine, Wren, Christopher, Wade, Angela, Goldstein, Harvey and Dezateux, Carol. (2014). Modelling survival and mortality risk to 15 years of age for a national cohort of children with serious congenital heart defects diagnosed in infancy. PLoS ONE. 9(8), pp. 1 - 15.

Journal article

Identifying very preterm children at educational risk using a school readiness framework
Pritchard, Verena E., Bora, Samudragupta, Austin, Nicola C., Levin, Karelia J. and Woodward, Lianne J.. (2014). Identifying very preterm children at educational risk using a school readiness framework. JAMA Pediatrics. 134(3), pp. 825 - 832.

Journal article

Designing next-generation assessment : priorities and enablers
Kimber, Kim and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2014). Designing next-generation assessment : priorities and enablers. In In C Wyatt-Smith, V Klenowski and P Colbert (Ed.). Designing Assessment for Quality Learning. The Enabling Power of Assessment pp. 357 - 371 Springer.

Book chapter