
UniversityAustralian Catholic University

Latest research outputs

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A Configurational Approach of the Australian Winemakers' Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Example of Casella Wines
Dufour, Yvon and Steane, Peter. (2006). A Configurational Approach of the Australian Winemakers' Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Example of Casella Wines. Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development. France: Academy of World Business. pp. 940 - 952

Conference item

A Consideration of signature complexity using simulators' gaze behaviour
Pepe, Avni, Rogers, D and Sita, Jodi. (2012). A Consideration of signature complexity using simulators' gaze behaviour. Journal of Forensic Document Examination. 22, pp. 5 - 13.

Journal article

A contextualisation approach to health promotion guideline development in South Africa
N Siegfried, B Draper, G Draper, M Porter, C Bonaconsa, J Hunter, L Moeng-Mahlangu and S Asmall. (2018). A contextualisation approach to health promotion guideline development in South Africa. SAMJ South African Medical Journal. 108(12), pp. 1036-1041.

Journal article

A copto-Greek hymn for John the Baptist
Taouk, Youhanna Nessim and Soliman, Sameh Farouk. (2017). A copto-Greek hymn for John the Baptist. Ephemerides Liturgicae: commentarium trimestre de re liturgica. 131(1), pp. 80-91.

Journal article

A digital photographic technique for knee range of motion measurement : Performance in a total knee arthroplasty clinical population
Murphy, Michael, Hides, Julie and Russell, Trevor. (2013). A digital photographic technique for knee range of motion measurement : Performance in a total knee arthroplasty clinical population. Open Journal of Orthopedics.

Journal article

A Dusting Cloth, 2011
von Mengersen, Belinda. (2011). A Dusting Cloth, 2011

Creative work

A Forgiveness Song: The Emergence of an Ethical Framework Informing Australian Composers’ Interactions with the Music of Indigenous Peoples
McKenry, Timothy. (2013). A Forgiveness Song: The Emergence of an Ethical Framework Informing Australian Composers’ Interactions with the Music of Indigenous Peoples. In Forgiveness: Philosophy, Psychology and the Arts pp. 153 - 163 Inter-Disciplinary Press.

Book chapter

A framework to link international clinical research to the promotion of justice in global health
Pratt, Bridget and Loff, Bebe. (2014). A framework to link international clinical research to the promotion of justice in global health. Bioethics. 28(8), pp. 387-396.

Journal article

A habitus of instability: Youth homelessness and instability
Barker, Justin David. (2016). A habitus of instability: Youth homelessness and instability. Journal of Youth Studies. 19(5), pp. 665 - 685.

Journal article

A holistic approach to supporting the learning of young indigenous students: One case study
Warren, Elizabeth and Quine, Janine. (2013). A holistic approach to supporting the learning of young indigenous students: One case study. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. 42(1), pp. 12 - 23.

Journal article

A location-aware app to support the heritage trail experience in Singapore
Yew, Jude, Deshpande, Sameer, Precians, Natalie, Cheng, Kelvin and Yi-Luen Do, Ellen. (2020). A location-aware app to support the heritage trail experience in Singapore. Journal of Heritage Tourism. 15(6), pp. 680-695.

Journal article

A longitudinal person-centered perspective on youth social support : Relations with psychological wellbeing
Ciarrochi, Joseph, Morin, Alexandre J. S., Sahdra, Baljinder K., Litalien, David and Parker, Philip D.. (2017). A longitudinal person-centered perspective on youth social support : Relations with psychological wellbeing. Developmental Psychology. 53(6), pp. 1154-1169.

Journal article

A longitudinal qualitative case study of change in nonprofits: Suggesting a new approach to the management of change
David Rosenbaum, Elizabeth More and Peter Steane. (2017). A longitudinal qualitative case study of change in nonprofits: Suggesting a new approach to the management of change. Journal of Management and Organization. 23(1), pp. 74-91.

Journal article

A mixed methods study of symptom perception in patients with chronic heart failure
Riegel, Barbara, Vaughan, Victoria, Lee, Christopher S., Daus, Marguerite, Hill, Julia, Irani, Elliane, Lee, Solim, Wald, Joyce, Moelter, Stephen T., Rathman, Lisa, Streur, Megan, Baah, Foster Osei, Ruppert, Linda, Schwartz, Daniel R. and Bove, Alfred. (2018). A mixed methods study of symptom perception in patients with chronic heart failure. Heart & Lung: the journal of acute and critical care. 47(2), pp. 107 - 114.

Journal article

A modest critical pedagogy for English as a foreign language education
Kim, Mykong and Pollard, Vikki. (2017). A modest critical pedagogy for English as a foreign language education. Education as Change. 21(1), pp. 50-72.

Journal article

A monitoring system to provide feedback on student physical activity during physical education lessons
Hartwig, Timothy B., Pozo-Cruz, Borja del, White, Rhiannon L., Sanders, Taren, Kirwan, Morwenna, Parker, Philip D., Lee, Jane, Owen, Katherine B., Antczak, Devan, Lubans, David R. and Lonsdale, Chris. (2019). A monitoring system to provide feedback on student physical activity during physical education lessons. The Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 29(10), pp. 1305 - 1312.

Journal article

A Motivational Model of Video Game Engagement
Przybylski, Andrew, Rigby, C and Ryan, Richard. (2010). A Motivational Model of Video Game Engagement. Review of General Psychology. 14(2), pp. 154 - 166.

Journal article

A multidimensional account of social justice for global health research
Pratt, Bridget. (2023). A multidimensional account of social justice for global health research. Bioethics. 37(7), pp. 624-636.

Journal article

A multination study of socioeconomic inequality in expectations for progression to higher education
Parker, Philip D., Jerrim, John, Schoon, Ingrid and Marsh, Herbert W.. (2016). A multination study of socioeconomic inequality in expectations for progression to higher education. American Educational Research Journal. 53(1), pp. 6-32.

Journal article

A novel small molecule inhibitor of human Drp1
Rosdah, Ayeshah A., Abbott, Belinda M., Langendorf, Christopher G., Deng, Yali, Truong, Jia Q., Waddell, Helen M. M., Ling, Naomi X. Y., Smiles, William J., Delbridge, Lea M. D., Liu, Guei-Sheung, Oakhill, Jonathan S., Lim, Shiang Y. and Holien, Jessica K.. (2022). A novel small molecule inhibitor of human Drp1. Scientific Reports. 12(1), p. Article 21531.

Journal article

A personal constructivist approach for investigating the patterns of dependency of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder : Case study of two families
Cridland, Elizabeth K., Caputi, Peter, Walker, Beverley M., Jones, Sandra C. and Magee, Christopher A.. (2015). A personal constructivist approach for investigating the patterns of dependency of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder : Case study of two families. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 29(1), pp. 30-50.

Journal article

A pilot study investigating of the nature of point-of-sale alcohol promotions in bottle shops in a large Australian regional city
Jones, Sandra C. and Lynch, Melissa. (2007). A pilot study investigating of the nature of point-of-sale alcohol promotions in bottle shops in a large Australian regional city. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 31(4), pp. 318-321.

Journal article

A pilot study of the effects of a social-pragmatic intervention on the communication and symbolic play of children with autism
Keen, Deb, Rodger, Sylvia, Doussin, Kim and Braithwaite, Michelle. (2007). A pilot study of the effects of a social-pragmatic intervention on the communication and symbolic play of children with autism. Autism: the international journal of research and practice. 11(1), pp. 63 - 71.

Journal article

A practical application of theory : Using social marketing theory to develop innovative and comprehensive sun protection campaigns
Jones, Sandra C., Iverson, Donald C., Penman, Andrew and Tang, Anita. (2005). A practical application of theory : Using social marketing theory to develop innovative and comprehensive sun protection campaigns. At the Threshold : Second Australasian Non-profit and Social Marketing Conference. Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 22 - 23 Sep 2005 Melbourne, Victoria: Melbourne, Deakin University. pp. 1-6

Conference paper

A practice framework to guide screening and assessment in the Australian family relationship centres and advice line
Winkworth, Gail and McArthur, Morag. (2009). A practice framework to guide screening and assessment in the Australian family relationship centres and advice line. Child and Family Social Work. 14(4), pp. 410 - 419.

Journal article

A psychometric evaluation of the gender bias in medical education cale
Parker, Rhiannon B., Parker, Philip D., Larkin, Theresa and Cockburn, Jon. (2016). A psychometric evaluation of the gender bias in medical education cale. BMC Medical Education. 16(251), pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article

A public health approach to enhancing safe and supportive family environments for children
Higgins, Daryl J.. (2015). A public health approach to enhancing safe and supportive family environments for children. Family Matters. 96, pp. 39 - 52.

Journal article

A qualitative investigation of the perceived influence of adolescents’ motivation on relationships between domain-specific physical activity and positive and negative affect
White, Rhiannon Lee, Olson, Rebecca, Parker, Philip D., Astell-Burt, Thomas and Lonsdale, Chris. (2018). A qualitative investigation of the perceived influence of adolescents’ motivation on relationships between domain-specific physical activity and positive and negative affect. Mental Health and Physical Activity. 14, pp. 113 - 120.

Journal article

A quantitative analysis of a Learning Management System Usage by staff
Sinsua, Claire and Ashford-Rowe, Kevin. (2013). A quantitative analysis of a Learning Management System Usage by staff. THETA 2013 The Higher Education Technology Agenda. Australia: Higher Education Technology Agenda. pp. 1 - 2

Conference paper

A randomised controlled trial of caseload midwifery care: M@NGO (Midwives @ New Group practice Options)
Tracy, S., Hartz, D., Hall, B., Allen, Jyai D., Forti, A., Lainchbury, A., White, J., Walsh, A., Tracy, M. and Kildea, Sue. (2011). A randomised controlled trial of caseload midwifery care: M@NGO (Midwives @ New Group practice Options). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 11(82), pp. 1 - 8.

Journal article

A randomized controlled trial of whole body vibration exposure on markers of bone turnover in postmenopausal women
Turner, Sarah, Torode, Margaret Ellen, Climstein, Michael, Naughton, Geraldine, Greene, David, Baker, Michael and Fiatarone Singh, Maria. (2011). A randomized controlled trial of whole body vibration exposure on markers of bone turnover in postmenopausal women. Journal of Osteoporosis. 2011(1), pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

A Rapid Evidence Assessment on the Effectiveness of Interventions for Autistic Adolescents with Harmful Sexual Behaviours
Trew, S. and Russell, D.. (2024). A Rapid Evidence Assessment on the Effectiveness of Interventions for Autistic Adolescents with Harmful Sexual Behaviours Canberra, Australia: Australian Catholic University, Institute of Child Protection Studies.

Project report

A review of Australian Government funding of parenting intervention research
Havighurst, Sophie S., Chainey, Carys, Doyle, Frances L., Higgins, Daryl J., Mathews, Ben, Mazzucchelli, Trevor G., Zimmer-Gembeck, Melanie, Andriessen, Karl, Cobham, Vanessa E., Cross, Donna, Dadds, Mark R., Dawe, Sharon, Gray, Kylie M., Guastella, Adam J., Harnett, Paul, Haslam, Divna M., Middeldorp, Christel M., Morawska, Alina, Ohan, Jeneva L., ... Nicholson, Jan M.. (2022). A review of Australian Government funding of parenting intervention research. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 46(3), pp. 262-268.

Journal article

A review of processes and outcomes in family-centred services for children with a disability
Dempsey, Ian and Keen, Deb. (2008). A review of processes and outcomes in family-centred services for children with a disability. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 28(1), pp. 42 - 52.

Journal article

A review of the consistency of breast cancer screening pamphlets produced by health authorities in Australia
Jones, Sandra C.. (2003). A review of the consistency of breast cancer screening pamphlets produced by health authorities in Australia. Health Education. 103(3), pp. 166-176.

Journal article

A review of the consistency of pamphlets promoting mammographic screening in Australia
Jones, Sandra C.. (2001). A review of the consistency of pamphlets promoting mammographic screening in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Auckand, New Zealand: College of Business, Massey University.

Conference item

A review of the factors associated with the non-use of respite services by carers of people with dementia: Implications for policy and pratice
Phillipson, Lyn, Jones, Sandra C. and Magee, Christopher. (2014). A review of the factors associated with the non-use of respite services by carers of people with dementia: Implications for policy and pratice. Health and Social Care in the Community. 22(1), pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article

A school-based intervention incorporating smartphone technology to improve health-related fitness among adolescents: Rationale and study protocol for the NEAT and ATLAS 2.0 cluster randomised controlled trial and dissemination study
Lubans, David R., Smith, Jordan J., Peralta, Louisa R., Plotnikoff, Ronald C., Okely, Anthony D., Salmon, Jo, Eather, Narelle, Dewar, Deborah L., Kennedy, Sarah, Lonsdale, Chris, Hilland, Toni A., Estabrooks, Paul, Finn, Tara L., Pollock, Emma and Morgan, Philip J.. (2016). A school-based intervention incorporating smartphone technology to improve health-related fitness among adolescents: Rationale and study protocol for the NEAT and ATLAS 2.0 cluster randomised controlled trial and dissemination study. BMJ Open. 6(6), pp. 1 - 15.

Journal article

A school-based rope skipping intervention for adolescents in Hong Kong: Protocol of a matched-pair cluster randomized controlled trial
Ha, A, Lonsdale, Christopher, Ng, Johan and Lubans, David. (2014). A school-based rope skipping intervention for adolescents in Hong Kong: Protocol of a matched-pair cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 14(535), pp. 1 - 8.

Journal article

A school-based rope skipping program for adolescents: results of a randomized trial
Ha, A. S., Lonsdale, Chris, Ng, Johan Y.Y. and Lubans, David. (2017). A school-based rope skipping program for adolescents: results of a randomized trial. Preventive Medicine. 101, pp. 188 - 194.

Journal article

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Ahmed, Yasmin

Aitchison, Bridget Mary

Amielh, Myriam

Ancell, Amanda Jane

Anderson, Diana Gayle

Anderson, Elizabeth

Andic, Karlie Jayne

Ang, Agatha Hwee Teng

Armatas, Christine

Azhar, Fatima

Baker, Cathrine Marilyn

Baker, Michael Kevin

Bakri, Tasniem

Ball, Jennifer Susan

Battaglia, Maria

Beard, Joshua Timothy

Bichon, Clara

Boland, Jeremy

Borthwick, Josephine

Bourbous, Vicki

Bradley, Carol Anne

Branson, Christopher Michael

Breen, Michael

Brennan-herrera, Rosemary Petra

Brewster, Matthew Angus

Brooman-Jones, Susan Eleene

Brown, Jan Charles Norris

Brown, Rebecca

Bruce, Freya Sarah

Bull, Dianne Catherine

Burke, Angela Winifred

Cahill, Alexandra

Campana, Giuseppe

Campbell, Nadine

Casey, Rachel Mary Naomi

Chauvet, Marianne Marie Gilberte

Chiang, Far Joanna

Chung, Sherrie Ming-Hin

Ciancio, Sharone

Clark, Amanda Karen

Clarkson, Georgia Lynne

Cogin, Julie

Cole, Suzanne Beverley

Collins, Melissa Jane

Commander, Louise

Condon, Andrew

Coppel, Ross

Corkin, Trevor William

Cornish, Edwina

Coulson, Chelsea

Craft, Annabelle

Cranage, Kylie

Cull, Nicola Ann

Cunningham, Maddison

Currie, Sarah Jane

D'Costa, Tiziana

Dagher, Armani-Anna

Dann, Susan Jean

David, Jared

Dent, Nuala Catherine

Di Domenicantonio, Silvia

Dickson, Jessica Anne

Diezmann, Carmel Mary

Dixon, Asher Luc

Doidge, Scott

Donnelly, Kevin John

Draper, Georgia

Dunlop, Martin

Ebrahim, Scarlet Ali

Eliot, John Addison

Evans, Anne Lee

Farah, Chantal Lauren

Fennessy, Jack

Fergie, Doseena

Findlay, Andrea Louise

Fisher, Marie Bernadette

Fitzpatrick, Sarah Louise

Fletcher, Janelle

Ford, Emily

Fortyn, Vanessa Anne

Fox, Sarah

Fredericks, Vanessa

Galea, Christine

Gallage, Nilusha

Gamble, Natalie

Gan, Ying

Gangemi, Vanessa

Gargano, Veronica

Garofalo, Carmela

Gemmell, Annabel

Goswami, Kunal

Graham, Alexander William Scotton

Grech, Karen

Green, Gabrielle

Green, Julianne

Griffiths, Semra

Hadass, Elise

Hall, David Anthony

Ham, Margot

Hamilton, Meredith

Hansen, Amelia

Harris, Emma Frances

Harris, Evan

Harris, Lottie Gabrielle

Hartwig, Maxine Joy

Haskell, Cynthia

Hebblewhite, Mark Kenneth

Hendriks, Glenn

Higgins, Daryl John

Hill, Andrew Julian

Hill, Terence Andrew

Holden, Anna Mary

Hong, Wanrong

Hossain, Sayem

Houghton, Kerrin Rachel

Hudson, Paul Patrick

Hunt, Gabrielle Rose

Ismail, Juanita

Jarrott, Helen Mary

Jeffery, Faye Susanne

Johnston, Kristin

Jones, Elizabeth Anne

Jones, Grant Adam Dewitt

Jones, Jeffrey Robert

Jones, Sandra Carol

Kan, Chen Hou

Kandale, Ajit

Kane, Louise Margaret

Kaur, Chanchal Preet

Keen, Debbie Lee

Kehoe, Tanya Maree


Khalil, Wajeeha

Khan, Abid

King, Andrew

King, Suzanne Lena

Kirchhoffer, David Gerrard

Kirjanenko, Marija

Knight, Allanah Cheree Gisela

Koay, Dong Liang

Kobayashi, Sarah

Kuhne, Sally

Kuikman, Megan

Kusaka, Nadia

Lafferty, Susan Agnes

Lai, Wing Man

Lam, Josephine

Lamb, Janeen Therese

Lau, Jacky

Lauf, Theresa

Laughland-Booy, Jacqueline

Le Saux, Guilhem

Leighton, Elizabeth Ann

Light, Tracey

Ling, Li-Der

Liston, Frances Mary

Littleton, Sarah

Lonsdale, Christopher Sean

Lorenzen, Hans Christian

Lucas, Nina

Lui, Chi-Wai

Lukovic, Svetlana

Ly, Timothy

Lyall, Mark Alexander

Lynch, Bernardine

Maglen, Krista

Mahoney, John William

Mander, Bronwen Jane

Matthews, Stephen Crawford

Mavloudi, Diako

McArdle, Patrick Thomas

McArthur, Morag

McCarthy, Helen Mary

McCoy, Leanne

McDonald, Sarah

McDougall, James

Mcginley, Marea Philippa

McKenna, Conal Wayne Francis

McKenry, Timothy John

McLauchlan, Laura

McPherson-Crowie, Tatum Taryn

Micallef, Maryanne

Migliore, Catherine

Moore, Timothy Peter

Morris, Genevieve Margaret

Mukuria, Valentine Tabitha Wangui

Mullins, Angela

Munro, Amelia Louise

Murphy, Michael Paul

Murphy, Priscilla Eng Lian

Nakamura, Yasutoshi

Newman, Jesse Christopher

Newton, Caitlin Rose

Nguyen, Quyen

Nguyen, Tin

Nicholson, James Craig

Noh, Jae-Eun

Noonan, Clare

Nosworthy, Mary

Nulty, Duncan David

Nuttall, Mary

Nyland, James Joseph

O'Neill, Maureen

Oakhill, Jonathan

Okelo, Koronji

Overton, Kirsten

Owens, Alison Rhona

Palmer, Christopher James

Palumbo, Rosetta


Parker, Philip David

Paton, Matthew Bruce

Pepe, Avni

Phillips, Rachel Elizabeth

Phillipson, Melinda Jane

Pink, Matthew Andrew

Poinen, Ramachandra Darren

Pollard, Vikki

Powell, Mary Ann

Powell, Richard

Prabhu, Catherine

Pratt, Bridget

Precians, Natalie

Prestia, Josephine

Quine, Janine Frances

Ramsay, Lindy Jean

Rawlings-Sanaei, Felicity

Raymond, Caroline Edith

Reeves, Nicole Louise

Rigby, Nicole

Roberts, Joshua

Rogers, Donna

Rosenberg, Jennifer Mary

Russ-Smith, Jessica

Russell, Douglas

Russell, Rupert Murray

Ryan, Teresa

Sabsabi, Mohammed

Saha, Bithika

Salisbury, David

Salva, Natasha

Santhanam, Elizabeth

Sarroff, Adrian Paul

Sarroff, Bernadette Marie Therese

Saunders, Tracy

Saxton, Laura Elizabeth

Scotellaro, Grazia

Scott, Adam

Scully, Vicki Anne

Sgambellone, Loucilla

Shackleton, Pamela Kay

Shaw, Ljubica

Shead, Sharnai

Shepherd, Nicholas

Shi, Ni

Silva, Devundara Liyanage Janaka Samantha

Sim, Aylwin Chun Wei

Singer, Lyndsey Frances

Singh, Preeti

Sisko, Ebru

Skrbis, Zlatko

Slattery, Leah

Smith, Jonathan

Smith, Renee

Soboleva, Alena

Stacey, Tamara Anne

Starr, Graeme

Steane, Peter

Stephenson, Aidan Guy

Stewart, Jacqueline

Stroebel, Mandy Yvette

Stuart, Meaghan

Sullivan, Susan Nell

Sultmann, William Francis

Suomi, Aino Inkeri

Suttle, Petra Mary

Sweeney, Matthew

Symons, Xavier

Talukdar, Joy

Taouk, Youssef

Taplin, Stephanie Ann

Taylor, Craig

Thangavel, Saravanan

Tobin, Bernadette Margaret

Trew, Sebastian

Tsakmakis, Veronica

Tullio, Silvia

Turner, Kimberley Claire

Turner, Laura

Turner, Nicole

Tynan, Belinda Robyn

Vandenberg, Bradley

Veckranges, Keri-Lyn

Vincent, Andrew Dean

Vincent, Shane

von Guttner Sporzynski, Darius Maria Claudius

von Mengersen, Belinda Joy

Wagner, Alexandra

Walker, Jazmine

Walker, Karen

Wang, Jinling

Wang, Qingyu

Weller, Stephen Adrian

West, James

Wheeler, Penelope Jane

White, Miriam Jane

Whitty, Anthony Gerard

Williams, Helena Frances

Williams, Kathryn May

Williamson, Kristal

Wilson, Emily

Wilson, Philippa Mary

Winchester, Joanna Mary

Winkworth, Gail

Wong, Kalina

Woods, Peter

Wu, Di

Yin, Zihan

Young, Gabrielle Anne

Zaveri, Meheer

Zhang, Kessy Kexi