Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Time and temporality in early childhood educators work
Nuttall, Joce and Thomas, Louise. (2015). Time and temporality in early childhood educators work. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 23(4), pp. 512 - 523.

Journal article

Connecting in rhizomic spaces : Peer-assisted learning (PAL) and e-learning in teacher education
Bone, Jane and Edwards, Susan. (2015). Connecting in rhizomic spaces : Peer-assisted learning (PAL) and e-learning in teacher education. Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 55(1), pp. 54 - 74.

Journal article

Towards a better understanding of the relationship between executive control and theory of mind : An intra-cultural comparison of three diverse samples
Shahaeian, Ameneh, Henry, Julie, Razmjoee, Maryam, Teymoori, Ali and Wang, Cen. (2015). Towards a better understanding of the relationship between executive control and theory of mind : An intra-cultural comparison of three diverse samples. Developmental Science (online version). 18(5), pp. 671 - 685.

Journal article

Interrogating policy contradictions in literacy reforms about persuasive texts
Exley, Beryl and Mills, Kathy Ann. (2015). Interrogating policy contradictions in literacy reforms about persuasive texts. 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL 16 - 20 Apr 2015 American Educational Research Association. pp. 1-8

Conference item

Sentence repetition as a marker of language skills in children with dyslexia
Moll, Kristina, Hulme, Charles, Nag, Sonali and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2015). Sentence repetition as a marker of language skills in children with dyslexia. Applied Psycholonguistics. 36(2), pp. 203 - 221.

Journal article

Facilitating opportunity to learn for students with disabilities with instructional feedback data
Roach, Andrew, Kurz, Alexander and Elliott, Stephen. (2015). Facilitating opportunity to learn for students with disabilities with instructional feedback data. Preventing School Failure. 59(3), pp. 168 - 178.

Journal article

Predictors of traditional and cyber-bullying victimization : A longitudinal study of Australian secondary school students
Hemphill, Sheryl, Tollit, Michelle, Kotevski, Aneta and Heerde, Jessica. (2015). Predictors of traditional and cyber-bullying victimization : A longitudinal study of Australian secondary school students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence. 30(15), pp. 2567 - 2590.

Journal article

Effects of motivation on the belief systems of future mathematics teachers from a comparative perspective
Blömeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2015). Effects of motivation on the belief systems of future mathematics teachers from a comparative perspective. In In B. Pepin and B. Roesken-Winter (Ed.). From beliefs to dynamic affect systems in mathematics education: Exploring a mosaic of relationships and interactions pp. 227 - 243 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Longitudinal relationships between language and verbal short-term memory skills in children with Down syndrome
Næss, Kari-Anne B., Lervag, Arne, Lyster, Solveig-Alma H. and Hulme, Charles. (2015). Longitudinal relationships between language and verbal short-term memory skills in children with Down syndrome. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 135, pp. 43 - 55.

Journal article

Intelligibility in Context Scale: Normative and validation data for English- speaking preschoolers
Mcleod, Sharynne, Crowe, Kathryn and Shahaeian, Ameneh. (2015). Intelligibility in Context Scale: Normative and validation data for English- speaking preschoolers. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools. 46, pp. 226 - 276.

Journal article

Using self-reported callous-unemotional traits to cross-nationally assess the DSM-5 'With Limited Prosocial Emotions' specifier
Kimonis, Eva, Fanti, Kostas, Frick, Paul, Moffitt, Terrie, Essau, Cecilia, Bijttebier, Patricia and Marsee, Monica. (2015). Using self-reported callous-unemotional traits to cross-nationally assess the DSM-5 'With Limited Prosocial Emotions' specifier. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 56(11), pp. 1249 - 1261.

Journal article

Longitudinal prediction of mid-adolescent psychosocial outcomes from early adolescent family help seeking and family support
Heerde, Jessica, Toumbourou, John, Hemphill, Sheryl and Olsson, Craig. (2015). Longitudinal prediction of mid-adolescent psychosocial outcomes from early adolescent family help seeking and family support. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 25(2), pp. 310 - 327.

Journal article

Building a critical stance in academic and civic discourse : Burnishing and tarnishing
Humphrey, Sally. (2015). Building a critical stance in academic and civic discourse : Burnishing and tarnishing. TESOL International Journal. 10(1), pp. 47 - 61.

Journal article

Teacher Change During Induction: Development of Beginning Primary Teachers’ Knowledge, Beliefs and Performance
Blömeke, Sigrid, Hoth, Jessica, Döhrmann, Martina, Busse, Andreas, Kaiser, Gabriele and König, Johannes. (2015). Teacher Change During Induction: Development of Beginning Primary Teachers’ Knowledge, Beliefs and Performance. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(2), pp. 287 - 308.

Journal article

The writing performance of elementary students receiving strategic and interactive writing instruction
Wolbers, Kimberly A., Dostal, Hannah M., Graham, Steve, Cihak, David, Kilpatrick, Jennifer R. and Saulsburry, Rachel. (2015). The writing performance of elementary students receiving strategic and interactive writing instruction. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 20(4), pp. 385 - 398.

Journal article

Researching the habitus of global policy actors in education
Lingard, Bob, Sellar, Sam and Baroutsis, Aspa. (2015). Researching the habitus of global policy actors in education. Cambridge Journal of Education. 45(1), pp. 25 - 42.

Journal article

Bullying in schools: Rates, correlates and impact on mental health
Hemphill, Sheryl A., Tollit, Michelle, Kotevski, Aneta and Florent, Ariane. (2015). Bullying in schools: Rates, correlates and impact on mental health. In In J. Lindert and I. Levav (Ed.). Violence and Mental Health: Its Manifold Faces pp. 185 - 206 Springer.

Book chapter

Interviewer effects on non-response propensity in longitudinal surveys : A multilevel modelling approach
Vassallo, Rebecca, Durrant, Gabriele, Smith, Peter and Goldstein, Harvey. (2015). Interviewer effects on non-response propensity in longitudinal surveys : A multilevel modelling approach. Royal Statistical Society. Journal. Series A: Statistics in Society. 178(1), pp. 83 - 99.

Journal article

Peeling the onion - A textual model of critical analysis
Humphrey, Sally and Economou, Dorothy. (2015). Peeling the onion - A textual model of critical analysis. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 17, pp. 37 - 50.

Journal article

Restraint of students in schools in the USA
Mawdsley, Ralph and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2015). Restraint of students in schools in the USA. International Journal of Law and Education. 20(1), pp. 21 - 31.

Journal article

Navigating the demands of the English schooling context: Problematics and possibilities for social equity
Keddie, Amanda and Lingard, Bob. (2015). Navigating the demands of the English schooling context: Problematics and possibilities for social equity. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 19(11), pp. 1117 - 1125.

Journal article

The influence of multiple administrations of a state achievement test on passing rates for student groups
Nese, Joseph, Tindal, Gerald, Stevens, Joseph and Elliott, Stephen. (2015). The influence of multiple administrations of a state achievement test on passing rates for student groups. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 23(70), pp. 1 - 26.

Journal article

Sibling, family, and social influences on children's theory of mind understanding : New evidence from diverse intracultural samples
Shahaeian, Ameneh. (2015). Sibling, family, and social influences on children's theory of mind understanding : New evidence from diverse intracultural samples. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 46(6), pp. 805 - 820.

Journal article

Accommodating taboo language in English language teaching : Issues of appropriacy and authenticity
Liyanage, Indika, Walker, Tony, Bartlett, Brendan and Guo, Xuhong. (2015). Accommodating taboo language in English language teaching : Issues of appropriacy and authenticity. Language, Culture and Curriculum. 28(2), pp. 113 - 125.

Journal article

Mathematical modelling in Australia
Geiger, Vince. (2015). Mathematical modelling in Australia. In In Hoe, L. and Dawn, N. (Ed.). Mathematical modelling from theory to practice pp. 73 - 82 World Scientific.

Book chapter

Understanding the lived experiences of novice out-of-field teachers in relation to school leadership practices
Du Plessis, Anna, Carroll, Annemaree and Gillies, Robyn. (2015). Understanding the lived experiences of novice out-of-field teachers in relation to school leadership practices. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 43(1), pp. 4 - 21.

Journal article

Integrating data-based decision making, assessment for learning and diagnostic testing in formative assessment
van der Kleij, Fabienne, Vermelulen, Jorine, Schildkamp, Kim and Egen, Theo. (2015). Integrating data-based decision making, assessment for learning and diagnostic testing in formative assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 22(3), pp. 324 - 343.

Journal article

"If it doesn't have an apex it's not a pyramid": Argumentation as a bridge to mathematical reasoning
Fielding-Wells, Jill and Makar, Katie. (2015). "If it doesn't have an apex it's not a pyramid": Argumentation as a bridge to mathematical reasoning. Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. 2, pp. 297 - 304.

Journal article

Analysis of New Zealand primary and secondary student peer- and self-assessment comments: applying Hattie and Timperley’s feedback model
Harris, Lois, Brown, Gavin T.L. and Harnett, Jennifer A.. (2015). Analysis of New Zealand primary and secondary student peer- and self-assessment comments: applying Hattie and Timperley’s feedback model. Assessment in Education. 22(2), pp. 265 - 281.

Journal article

Self-compassion protects against the negative effects of low self-esteem : A longitudinal study in a large adolescent sample
Marshall, Sarah, Parker, Philip D., Ciarrochi, Joseph, Sahdra, Baljinder, Jackson, Chris and Heaven, Patrick. (2015). Self-compassion protects against the negative effects of low self-esteem : A longitudinal study in a large adolescent sample. Personality and Individual Differences. 74, pp. 116 - 121.

Journal article

Longitudinal associations between cyber-bullying perpetration and victimization and problem behaviour and mental health problems in young Australians
Hemphill, Sheryl, Kotevski, Aneta and Heerde, Jessica. (2015). Longitudinal associations between cyber-bullying perpetration and victimization and problem behaviour and mental health problems in young Australians. International Journal of Public Health. 60(2), pp. 227 - 237.

Journal article

A multilevel modelling approach to measuring changing patterns of ethnic composition and segregation among London secondary schools, 2001-2010
Leckie, George and Goldstein, Harvey. (2015). A multilevel modelling approach to measuring changing patterns of ethnic composition and segregation among London secondary schools, 2001-2010. Royal Statistical Society. Journal. Series A: Statistics in Society. 178(2), pp. 405 - 424.

Journal article

'The teacher doesn't know what it is, but she knows where we are : Young children's secret places in early childhood outdoor environments
Moore, Deborah. (2015). 'The teacher doesn't know what it is, but she knows where we are : Young children's secret places in early childhood outdoor environments. International Journal of Play. 4(1), pp. 20 - 31.

Journal article

Modelling competencies: Past development and further perspectives
Kaiser, Gabriele and Brand, Susanne. (2015). Modelling competencies: Past development and further perspectives. In In G. A. Stillman, W. Blum and M. S. Biembengut (Ed.). Mathematical modelling in education research and practice: Cultural, social and cognitive influences pp. 129 - 149 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Schooling elsewhere: Rurality, inclusion and education
Pini, Barbara, Carrington, Suzanne and Adie, Lenore Ellen. (2015). Schooling elsewhere: Rurality, inclusion and education. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 19(7), pp. 677 - 684.

Journal article

'I can sort of slot into many different roles': examining teacher aide roles and their implications for practice
Harris, Lois and Aprile, Kerry T.L.. (2015). 'I can sort of slot into many different roles': examining teacher aide roles and their implications for practice. School Leadership and Management. 35(2), pp. 140 - 162.

Journal article

Associations between youth homelessness, sexual offenses, sexual victimization, and sexual risk behaviors : A systematic literature review
Heerde, Jessica A., Scholes-Balog, Kirsty E. and Hemphill, Sheryl A.. (2015). Associations between youth homelessness, sexual offenses, sexual victimization, and sexual risk behaviors : A systematic literature review. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 44(1), pp. 181-212.

Journal article

New ways of working 'with grammar in mind' in school English : Insights from systemic functional grammatics
Macken-Horarik, Mary, Sandiford, Carmel, Love, Kristina and Unsworth, Leonard. (2015). New ways of working 'with grammar in mind' in school English : Insights from systemic functional grammatics. Linguistics and Education. 31, pp. 145 - 158.

Journal article

Validity, science and educational measurement
Goldstein, Harvey. (2015). Validity, science and educational measurement. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 22(2), pp. 193 - 201.

Journal article

New ways of working 'with grammar in mind' in school English : Insights from systemic functional grammatics
Macken-Horarik, Mary, Sandiford, Carmel, Love, Kristina and Unsworth, Len. (2015). New ways of working 'with grammar in mind' in school English : Insights from systemic functional grammatics. Linguistics and Education. 31, pp. 145 - 158.

Journal article