Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Datafication and surveillance capitalism : The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS)
Holloway, Jessica and Lewis, Steven. (2021). Datafication and surveillance capitalism : The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS). In In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Lingard, Bob and Heck, Elizabeth (Ed.). Digital disruption in teaching and testing : Assessments, big data, and the transformation of schooling pp. 181-194 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

Towards a typology of touch in multisensory makerspaces
Friend, Lesley and Mills, Kathy A.. (2021). Towards a typology of touch in multisensory makerspaces. Learning, Media and Technology. 46(4), pp. 465-482.

Journal article

Writing motives and writing self-efficacy of Chinese students in Shanghai and Hong Kong : Measurement invariance and multigroup structural equation analyses
Ng, Clarence, Graham, Steve, Lau, Kit-Ling, Liu, Xinghua and Tang, Kit-Yi. (2021). Writing motives and writing self-efficacy of Chinese students in Shanghai and Hong Kong : Measurement invariance and multigroup structural equation analyses. International Journal of Educational Research. 107, p. 101751.

Journal article

Subject choice and perezhivanie in mathematics : A longitudinal case study
Ng, Clarence. (2021). Subject choice and perezhivanie in mathematics : A longitudinal case study. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 107(3), pp. 547-563.

Journal article

Separable effects of the approximate number system, symbolic number knowledge, and number ordering ability on early arithmetic development
Malone, Stephanie A., Pritchard, Verena E. and Hulme, Charles. (2021). Separable effects of the approximate number system, symbolic number knowledge, and number ordering ability on early arithmetic development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 208, p. 105120.

Journal article

Test-based accountability, standardized testing and minority/racialized students' perspectives in urban schools in Canada and Australia
Rezai-Rashti, Goli and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Test-based accountability, standardized testing and minority/racialized students' perspectives in urban schools in Canada and Australia. Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 42(5), pp. 716-731.

Journal article

Bourdieu and position-making in a changing field : Enactment of the national curriculum in Australia
Musofer, Reshma Parveen and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Bourdieu and position-making in a changing field : Enactment of the national curriculum in Australia. Curriculum Journal. 32(3), pp. 384-401.

Journal article

'We don't read in science' : Student perceptions of literacy and learning science in middle school
Scholes, Laura, Stahl, Garth, Comber, Barbara, McDonald, Sarah and Brownlee, Jo Lunn. (2021). 'We don't read in science' : Student perceptions of literacy and learning science in middle school. Cambridge Journal of Education. 51(4), pp. 451-466.

Journal article

The links between pedagogical competence, instructional quality, and mathematics achievement in the lower secondary classroom
König, Johannes, Blömeke, Sigrid, Jentsch, Armin, Schlesinger, Lena, née Nehls, Caroline Felske, Musekamp, Frank and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). The links between pedagogical competence, instructional quality, and mathematics achievement in the lower secondary classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 107(1), p. 189–212.

Journal article

Do content revising goals change the revising behavior and story writing of fourth grade students at-risk for writing difficulties?
Graham, S., Harris, Karen R., Adkins, Mary and Camping, April. (2021). Do content revising goals change the revising behavior and story writing of fourth grade students at-risk for writing difficulties? Reading and Writing. 34(7), pp. 1915-1941.

Journal article

Practices of scalecraft and the reassembling of political boundaries : The contested nature of national schooling reform in the Australian federation
Savage, Glenn C., Di Gregorio, Elisa and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Practices of scalecraft and the reassembling of political boundaries : The contested nature of national schooling reform in the Australian federation. Policy Studies. pp. 1-22.

Journal article

Mathematics teacher learning to notice : A systematic review of studies of video-based programs
Santagata, Rossella, König, Johannes, Scheiner, Thorsten, Nguyen, Ha, Adleff, Ann-Kristin, Yang, Xinrong and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Mathematics teacher learning to notice : A systematic review of studies of video-based programs. ZDM Mathematics Education. 53(1), pp. 119-134.

Journal article

How to achieve a ‘revolution’ : Assembling the subnational, national and global in the formation of a new, ‘scientific’ assessment in Japan
Takayama, Keita and Lingard, Bob. (2021). How to achieve a ‘revolution’ : Assembling the subnational, national and global in the formation of a new, ‘scientific’ assessment in Japan. Globalisation, Societies and Education. 19(2), pp. 228-244.

Journal article

How Chinese characters are taught : An analysis of three popular textbooks used in Macao
Hsiang, Tien Ping, Graham, Steve, Wang, Zhisheng and Gong, Yang. (2021). How Chinese characters are taught : An analysis of three popular textbooks used in Macao. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. 26, pp. 255-381.

Journal article

Growth of professional noticing of mathematics teachers : A comparative study of Chinese teachers noticing with different teaching experiences
Yang, Xinrong, König, Johannes and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2021). Growth of professional noticing of mathematics teachers : A comparative study of Chinese teachers noticing with different teaching experiences. ZDM Mathematics Education. 53, pp. 29-42.

Journal article

Enriching educational accountabilities through collaborative public conversations : Conceptual and methodological insights from the Learning Commission approach
Lingard, Bob, Baroutsis, Aspa and Sellar, Sam. (2021). Enriching educational accountabilities through collaborative public conversations : Conceptual and methodological insights from the Learning Commission approach. Journal of Educational Change. pp. 1-23.

Journal article

Disrupting the 'boys don't read' discourse : Primary school boys who love reading fiction
Scholes, Laura, Spina, Nerida and Comber, Barbara. (2021). Disrupting the 'boys don't read' discourse : Primary school boys who love reading fiction. British Educational Research Journal. 47(1), pp. 163-180.

Journal article

Children's perspectives on why and when teachers listen to their ideas : Exploring opportunities for participation in the early years of school
Mascadri, Julia, Lunn Brownlee, Joanne, Johansson, Eva, Scholes, Laura, Walker, Sue and Berthelsen, Donna. (2021). Children's perspectives on why and when teachers listen to their ideas : Exploring opportunities for participation in the early years of school. International Journal of Educational Research. 107, p. 101747.

Journal article

Assessment and learning : an in-depth analysis of change in one school's assessment culture
Adie, Lenore, Addison, Bruce and Lingard, R.. (2021). Assessment and learning : an in-depth analysis of change in one school's assessment culture. Oxford Review of Education. 47(3), pp. 404-422.

Journal article

Teacher concerns regarding commercialisation
Thompson, Greg, Hogan, Anna, Shield, Paul, Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2021). Teacher concerns regarding commercialisation. In In Thompson, Greg and Hogan, Anna (Ed.). Privatisation and commercialisation in public education : How the public nature of schooling is changing pp. 152-167 Routledge.

Book chapter

Teach For Bangladesh as a de facto social enterprise : What is it and where is it going?
Wiseman Adhikary. Rino and Lingard, Bob. (2021). Teach For Bangladesh as a de facto social enterprise : What is it and where is it going? In In Thomas, Matthew A. M., Rauschenberger, Emilee and Crawford-Garrett, Katherine (Ed.). Examining Teach for All : International perspectives on a growing global network pp. 117-137 Routledge.

Book chapter

National curriculum making as more or less expressions of and responses to globalization
Lingard, Bob. (2021). National curriculum making as more or less expressions of and responses to globalization. In In Priestley, Mark, Alvunger, Daniel, Philippou, Stavroula and Soini, Tiina (Ed.). Curriculum making in Europe : Policy and practice within and across diverse contexts pp. 29-51 Emerald Publishing Limited.

Book chapter

Globalisation and education : Theorising and researching changing imbrications in education policy
Lingard, Bob. (2021). Globalisation and education : Theorising and researching changing imbrications in education policy. In In Lingard, Bob (Ed.). Globalisation and education pp. 1-27 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

Explaining publicness : a typology for understanding the provision of schooling in contemporary times
Mockler, Nicole, Hogan, Anna, Lingard, Bob, Rahimi, Mark and Thompson, Greg. (2021). Explaining publicness : a typology for understanding the provision of schooling in contemporary times. In In Hogan, Anna and Thompson, Greg (Ed.). Privatisation and commercialisation in public education : how the public nature of schooling is changing pp. 198-211 Routledge.

Book chapter

Data, diagnosis and prescription : Governing schooling through the OECD's PISA for schools
Lewis, Steven. (2021). Data, diagnosis and prescription : Governing schooling through the OECD's PISA for schools. In In Wilmers, Annika and Jornitz, Sieglinde (Ed.). International perspectives on school settings, education policy and digital strategies : A transatlantic discourse in education research pp. 253-265 Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Book chapter

Towards a more comprehensive model of teacher noticing
Scheiner, Thorsten. (2021). Towards a more comprehensive model of teacher noticing. ZDM. 53, pp. 85-94.

Journal article

The turn towards policy mobilities and the theoretical-methodological implications for policy sociology
Lewis, Steven. (2021). The turn towards policy mobilities and the theoretical-methodological implications for policy sociology. Critical Studies in Education. 62(3), pp. 322-337.

Journal article

Parental incarceration and the mental health of youth in the justice system : The moderating role of neighborhood disorder
Kitzmiller, Mary K., Cavanagh, Caitlin, Frick, Paul, Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2021). Parental incarceration and the mental health of youth in the justice system : The moderating role of neighborhood disorder. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 27(2), pp. 256-267.

Journal article

Neighborhood disorder and risk-taking among justice-involved youth - The mediating role of life expectancy
Kan, Emily, Knowles, Alissa, Peniche, Monica, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2021). Neighborhood disorder and risk-taking among justice-involved youth - The mediating role of life expectancy. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 31(2), pp. 282-298.

Journal article

Middle school students' science epistemic beliefs : Implications for measurement
Lunn Brownlee, Jo, Ferguson, Leila, Scholes, Laura, McDonald, Sarah, Stahl, Garth, Comber, Barbara and Mills, Reece. (2021). Middle school students' science epistemic beliefs : Implications for measurement. International Journal of Educational Research. 105, p. 101719.

Journal article

Language difficulties are a shared risk factor for both reading disorder and mathematics disorder
Snowling, Margaret J., Moll, Kristina and Hulme, Charles. (2021). Language difficulties are a shared risk factor for both reading disorder and mathematics disorder. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 202, p. 105009.

Journal article

Exploring disproportionate minority contact in the juvenile justice system over the year following first arrest 
Padgaonkar, Namita Tanya, Baker, Amanda E., Dapretto, Mirella, Galván, Adriana, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2021). Exploring disproportionate minority contact in the juvenile justice system over the year following first arrest . Journal of Research on Adolescence. 31(2), pp. 317-334.

Journal article

‘Indentured autonomy’ : Headteachers and academisation policy in Northern England
Thompson, Greg, Lingard, Bob and Ball, Stephen J.. (2021). ‘Indentured autonomy’ : Headteachers and academisation policy in Northern England. Journal of Educational Administration and History. 53(3-4), pp. 215-232.

Journal article

Psychometric properties of a semistructured interview to assess limited prosocial emotions
Walker, Toni M., Frick, Paul, Matlasz, Tatiana M., Robertson, Emily L., Mikolajewski, Amy J., Mitchell, Colter, Lopez-Duran, Nestor, Monk, Christopher and Hyde, Luke W.. (2021). Psychometric properties of a semistructured interview to assess limited prosocial emotions. Assessment. 28(7), pp. 1755-1764.

Journal article

Mathematics self-schema, motivation, and subject choice intention : A multiphase investigation
Ng, Clarence. (2021). Mathematics self-schema, motivation, and subject choice intention : A multiphase investigation. Journal of Educational Psychology. 113(6), pp. 1143-1163.

Journal article

‘So you can make it fast or make it up’: K–12 teachers’ perspectives on technology’s affordances and constraints when supporting distance education learning
Kate Ames, Lois Ruth Harris, Joanne Dargusch and Corey Bloomfield. (2021). ‘So you can make it fast or make it up’: K–12 teachers’ perspectives on technology’s affordances and constraints when supporting distance education learning. The Australian Educational Researcher. 48, p. 359–376.

Journal article

Using the sociocultural concept of learning activity to understand parents' learning about play in community playgroups and social media
McLean, Karen. (2021). Using the sociocultural concept of learning activity to understand parents' learning about play in community playgroups and social media. British Journal of Educational Studies. 69(1), pp. 83-99.

Journal article

Relationship between Chinese mathematics teachers’ knowledge and their professional noticing
Yang, Xinrong, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2021). Relationship between Chinese mathematics teachers’ knowledge and their professional noticing. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 19, pp. 815-837.

Journal article

A social justice challenge for school leadership in Australia
Kimber, Megan Paige. (2020). A social justice challenge for school leadership in Australia. In Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education pp. 523-543 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

The writing bridge : Investigating reading and writing reciprocity
Dostal, Hannah and Graham, Stephen Edward. (2020). The writing bridge : Investigating reading and writing reciprocity. In The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Literacy pp. 308-322 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter