Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Dharma and diversity
Kearney, Patrick and Hwang, Yoon-Suk. (2018). Dharma and diversity. In In S. Stanley, R. E. Purser and N. N. Singh (Ed.). Handbook of ethical foundations of mindfulness pp. 285 - 303 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Sense-making in mathematics: Towards a dialogical framing
Scheiner, Thorsten. (2018). Sense-making in mathematics: Towards a dialogical framing. New Zealand: MERGA. pp. 669 - 676

Conference item

Scaffolding statistical inquiries for young children
Fielding-Wells, Jill. (2018). Scaffolding statistical inquiries for young children. In In A. Leavy, M. Meletiou-Mavrotheris and E. Paparistodemou (Ed.). Statistics in early childhood and primary education: Supporting early statistical and probabilistic thinking pp. 109 - 127 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

The procedural learning deficit hypothesis of language learning disorders: we see some problems
West, Gillian, Vadillo, Miguel A., Shanks, David R. and Hulme, Charles. (2018). The procedural learning deficit hypothesis of language learning disorders: we see some problems. Developmental Science. 21(2), pp. 1 - 13.

Journal article

How students with autism spectrum conditions understand traditional bullying and cyberbullying
Hwang, Yoon-Suk, Dillon-Wallace, Julie, Campbell, Marilyn, Ashburner, Jill, Saggers, Beth, Carrington, Suzanne and Hand, Kirstine A.. (2018). How students with autism spectrum conditions understand traditional bullying and cyberbullying. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 22(4), pp. 391 - 408.

Journal article

Development and psychometric evaluation of the father engagement questionnaire
Jiang, Yixin, Tully, Lucy A., Burn, Matthew T., Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Collins, Daniel A. J., Moul, Caroline, Frick, Paul J., Hawes, David J., Kimonis, Eva R., Lenroot, Rhoshel K., Anderson, Vicki and Dadds, Mark R.. (2018). Development and psychometric evaluation of the father engagement questionnaire. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 27(11), pp. 3457 - 3467.

Journal article

Shifting more than the goal posts: developing classroom norms of inquiry-based learning in mathematics
Makar, Katie and Wells, Jill. (2018). Shifting more than the goal posts: developing classroom norms of inquiry-based learning in mathematics. Mathematics Education Research Journal. 30(1), pp. 53 - 63.

Journal article

Early predictors of escalating internalizing problems across middle childhood
Wang, Cen, Williams, Kate N. and Shahaeian, Ameneh. (2018). Early predictors of escalating internalizing problems across middle childhood. School Psychology Quarterly. 33(2), pp. 200 - 212.

Journal article

A benchmarking study of father involvement in Australian child mental health services
Dadds, Mark R., Collins, Daniel A. J., Doyle, Frances L., Tully, L. A., Hawes, D., Lenroot, Rhoshel, Anderson, Vicki, Frick, Paul, Moul, C. and Kimonis, Eva R.. (2018). A benchmarking study of father involvement in Australian child mental health services. PLoS ONE. 13(8), pp. 1 - 11.

Journal article

Investigating the offending histories of undocumented immigrants
Bersani, Bianca E., Fine, Adam D., Piquero, Alex R., Steinberg, Laurence, Frick, Paul J. and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2018). Investigating the offending histories of undocumented immigrants. Migration Letters. 15(2), pp. 147 - 166.

Journal article

New cultures in teacher education
Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Adie, Lenore. (2018). New cultures in teacher education. In In C. Wyatt-Smith and L. Adie (Ed.). Innovation and Accountability in Teacher Education: Setting directions for new cultures in teacher education pp. 1 - 15 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Expecting the unexpected? Expectations for future success among adolescent first-time offenders
Mahler, Alissa, Fine, Adam, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2018). Expecting the unexpected? Expectations for future success among adolescent first-time offenders. Child Development. 89(6), pp. e535 - e551.

Journal article

Empirical research on teaching and learning of mathematical modelling:a survey on the current state-of-the-art
Schukajlow, S., Kaiser, Gabriele and Stillman, Gloria. (2018). Empirical research on teaching and learning of mathematical modelling:a survey on the current state-of-the-art. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 50(43132), pp. 5 - 18.

Journal article

iPad animations : Powerful multimodal practices for adolescent literacy and emotional language
Mills, Kathy A. and Unsworth, Len. (2018). iPad animations : Powerful multimodal practices for adolescent literacy and emotional language. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 61(6), pp. 609-620.

Journal article

2018 Queensland NAPLAN review: School and system perceptions report and literature review
Cumming, Joy, Jackson, Christine, Day, Chantelle, Maxwell, Graham, Adie, Lenore, Lingard, Bob, Haynes, Michele and Heck, Elizabeth. (2018). 2018 Queensland NAPLAN review: School and system perceptions report and literature review Australia: Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University.


Teacher practices for building young children's concepts of the internet through play-based learning
Edwards, Susan, Mantilla, Ana, Henderson, Michael, Nolan, Andrea, Skouteris, Helen and Plowman, Lydia. (2018). Teacher practices for building young children's concepts of the internet through play-based learning. Educational Practice and Theory. 40(1), pp. 29 - 50.

Journal article

A critical examination of Teach for Bangladesh’s Facebook page: ‘Social-mediatisation’ of global education reforms in the ‘post-truth’ era
Adhikary, Rino Wiseman, Lingard, Bob and Hardy, Ian. (2018). A critical examination of Teach for Bangladesh’s Facebook page: ‘Social-mediatisation’ of global education reforms in the ‘post-truth’ era. Journal of Education Policy. 33(5), pp. 632 - 661.

Journal article

Reconceptualising the role of teachers as assessors: teacher assessment identity
Looney, Anne, Cumming, Joy Joy, Van der Kleij, Fabienne Michelle and Harris, Karen. (2018). Reconceptualising the role of teachers as assessors: teacher assessment identity. Assessment in Education. 25(5), pp. 442 - 467.

Journal article

Bayesian models for weighted data with missing values: a bootstrap approach
Goldstein, Harvey, Carpenter, James and Kenward, Michael G.. (2018). Bayesian models for weighted data with missing values: a bootstrap approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics. 67(4), pp. 1071 - 1081.

Journal article

Image design for enhancing science learning: helping students build taxonomic meanings with salient tree structure images
Ge, Yun-Ping, Unsworth, Len, Wang, Kuo-Hua and Chang, Huey-Por. (2018). Image design for enhancing science learning: helping students build taxonomic meanings with salient tree structure images. In In K.S Tang and K. Danielsson (Ed.). Global Developments in Literacy Research for Science Education pp. 237 - 258 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Ontology matters : A commentary on contribution to cultural historical activity
Martin, Jenny. (2018). Ontology matters : A commentary on contribution to cultural historical activity. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 13(3), pp. 639-647.

Journal article

Is quality initial teacher education where the music stops? Conceptualizing the becoming of a teacher: lessons from the field
Du Plessis, Anna. (2018). Is quality initial teacher education where the music stops? Conceptualizing the becoming of a teacher: lessons from the field. In In C. Wyatt-Smith and L. Adie (Ed.). Innovation and Accountability in Teacher Education: Setting directions for new cultures in teacher education pp. 223 - 240 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Validity and participation: implications for school comparison of Australia's national assessment program
Thompson, Greg, Adie, Lenore and Klenowski, Val. (2018). Validity and participation: implications for school comparison of Australia's national assessment program. Journal of Education Policy. 33(6), pp. 759 - 777.

Journal article

Toward father-friendly parenting interventions: a qualitative study
Sicouri, Gemma, Tully, L. A., Collins, Daniel A.J., Burn, Matthew, Sargeant, Kristina, Frick, Paul, Anderson, Vicki, Hawes, D., Kimonis, Eva R., Moul, C., Lenroot, Rhoshel and Dadds, Mark. (2018). Toward father-friendly parenting interventions: a qualitative study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy: innovative and contextual approaches to human problems. 39(2), pp. 218 - 231.

Journal article

The national curriculum in Australia: A response to and articulation of globalisation
Lingard, Bob. (2018). The national curriculum in Australia: A response to and articulation of globalisation. In In A. Reid and D. Price (Ed.). The Australian Curriculum: Promises, Problems and Possibilities pp. 253 - 262 Australian Curriculum Studies Association.

Book chapter

Perception of student errors under time limitations: Are teachers faster than mathematicians or students?
Pankow, Lena, Kaiser, Gabriele, König, Johannes and Blömeke, Sigrid. (2018). Perception of student errors under time limitations: Are teachers faster than mathematicians or students? ZDM. 50(4), pp. 631 - 642.

Journal article

A revised writer(s)-within-community model of writing
Graham, Steve. (2018). A revised writer(s)-within-community model of writing. Educational Psychologist. 53(4), pp. 258 - 279.

Journal article

Enhancing inclusive education through teacher education reforms
Cumming, Joy, Tones, Megan, Day, Chantelle and Heck, Elizabeth. (2018). Enhancing inclusive education through teacher education reforms. In In C. Wyatt-Smith and L. Adie (Ed.). Innovation and accountability in teacher education: Setting directions for new cultures in teacher education pp. 201 - 221 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Assessment: the trilogy of standards, evidence and judgement in australian education reform
Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Adie, Lenore. (2018). Assessment: the trilogy of standards, evidence and judgement in australian education reform. In In A. Reid and D. Price (Ed.). The Australian Curriculum: Promises, problems and possibilities pp. 163 - 176 Australian Curriculum Studies Association.

Book chapter

Diagnostic competence for dealing with students' errors: fostering diagnostic competence in error situations
Heinrichs, Hannah and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2018). Diagnostic competence for dealing with students' errors: fostering diagnostic competence in error situations. In In T. Leuders, K. Philipp and J. Leuders (Ed.). Diagnostic Competence of Mathematics Teachers - Unpacking a Complex Construct in Teacher Education and Teacher Practice pp. 79 - 94 Springer.

Book chapter

Educational psychology: a future retrospective
Harris, Karen. (2018). Educational psychology: a future retrospective. Journal of Educational Psychology. 110(2), pp. 163 - 173.

Journal article

Development and initial validation of a social emotional learning assessment for universal screening
Elliott, Stephen, Davies, Michael D., Frey, Jennifer R., Gresham, Frank M. and Cooper, Greta. (2018). Development and initial validation of a social emotional learning assessment for universal screening. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 55, pp. 39 - 51.

Journal article

Supported playgroups in schools: bonding and bridging family knowledge about transition to formal schooling
McLean, Karen, Edwards, Susan, Evangelou, Maria and Lambert, Pamela. (2018). Supported playgroups in schools: bonding and bridging family knowledge about transition to formal schooling. Cambridge Journal of Education. 48(2), pp. 157 - 175.

Journal article

The historical emergence of early childhood education research in Australia
Nuttall, Joce and Grieshaber, Susan. (2018). The historical emergence of early childhood education research in Australia. In In M. Freer and B. van Oers (Ed.). International handbook of early childhood education, Volume I pp. 511 - 529 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Teacher support within an ecological model of adolescent development: Predictors of school engagement
Quin, Daniel, Heerde, Jess and Toumbourou, John. (2018). Teacher support within an ecological model of adolescent development: Predictors of school engagement. Journal of School Psychology. 69, pp. 1 - 15.

Journal article

Lingard, Bob. (2018). Miseducation. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 39(5), pp. 723 - 728.

Journal article

Engaging with ambivalence: The neglect of early childhood teacher education in initial teacher education reform in Australia
Nuttall, Joce. (2018). Engaging with ambivalence: The neglect of early childhood teacher education in initial teacher education reform in Australia. In In C. Wyatt-Smith and L. Adie (Ed.). Innovation and accountability in teacher education: Setting directions for new cultures in teacher education pp. 155 - 169 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Early shared reading, socioeconomic status, and children’s cognitive and school competencies : Six years of longitudinal evidence
Shahaeian, Ameneh, Wang, Cen, Tucker-Drob, Elliot, Geiger, Vince, Bus, Adriana G. and Harrison, Linda J.. (2018). Early shared reading, socioeconomic status, and children’s cognitive and school competencies : Six years of longitudinal evidence. Scientific Studies of Reading. 22(6), pp. 485-502.

Journal article

Formative interventions in leadership development in early childhood education: the potential of double stimulation
Nuttall, Joce, Thomas, Louise and Henderson, Linda. (2018). Formative interventions in leadership development in early childhood education: the potential of double stimulation. Journal of Early Childhood Research. 16(1), pp. 80 - 91.

Journal article

Evaluation of a parent-delivered early language enrichment programme: evidence from a randomised controlled trial
Burgoyne, Kelly, Gardner, Rachel, Whiteley, Helen, Snowling, Margaret J. and Hulme, Charles. (2018). Evaluation of a parent-delivered early language enrichment programme: evidence from a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 59(5), pp. 545 - 555.

Journal article