Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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"Which child left behind?': Historical issues regarding equity in science assessment
Fensham, Peter J. and Cumming, J. Joy. (2013). "Which child left behind?': Historical issues regarding equity in science assessment. Education Sciences. 3(3), pp. 326 - 343.

Journal article

University mission creep? Comparing EU and US faculty views of university involvement in regional economic development and commercialization
Goldstein, Harvey, Bergman, Edward M. and Maier, Gunther. (2013). University mission creep? Comparing EU and US faculty views of university involvement in regional economic development and commercialization. The Annals of Regional Science. 50(2), pp. 453 - 477.

Journal article

Change and stability in ethnic diversity across urban communities: explicating the influence of social cohesion on perceptions of disorder
Zahnow, Renee, Wickes, Rebecca, Haynes, Michele and Mazerolle, Lorraine. (2013). Change and stability in ethnic diversity across urban communities: explicating the influence of social cohesion on perceptions of disorder. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 46(3), pp. 335 - 356.

Journal article

Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry at school level: Report on WG 4
Kaiser, Gabriele, van der Kooij, Henk and Wake, Geoff. (2013). Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry at school level: Report on WG 4. In In A. Damlamian, J. F. Rodrigues and R. Sträßer (Ed.). Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry: Report on an ICMI-ICIAM-Study pp. 263 - 270 Springer.

Book chapter

The contribution of TIMSS to the link between school and classroom factors and student achievement
Drent, Marjolein, Meelissen, Martina and van der Kleij, Fabienne. (2013). The contribution of TIMSS to the link between school and classroom factors and student achievement. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 45(2), pp. 198 - 224.

Journal article

Seeing both wood and trees: a theory-of-mind spectrum emerges from the conversations with students identified with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual difficulties
Hwang, Yoon-Suk. (2013). Seeing both wood and trees: a theory-of-mind spectrum emerges from the conversations with students identified with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual difficulties. Journal of the Korean Association for Persons with Autism. 13(3), pp. 117 - 141.

Journal article

Conceptualising teachers' assessment literacies in an era of curriculum and assessment reform
Willis, Jill, Adie, Lenore and Klenowski, Val. (2013). Conceptualising teachers' assessment literacies in an era of curriculum and assessment reform. The Australian Educational Researcher (print). 40(2), pp. 241 - 256.

Journal article

Setting proficiency standards for school leadership assessment: an examination of cut score decision making
Cravens, Xiu Chen, Goldring, Ellen B., Porter, Andrew C., Polikoff, Morgan S., Murphy, Joseph and Elliott, Stephen. (2013). Setting proficiency standards for school leadership assessment: an examination of cut score decision making. Educational Administration Quarterly. 49(1), pp. 124 - 160.

Journal article

The OECD and global governance in education
Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2013). The OECD and global governance in education. Journal of Education Policy. 28(5), pp. 710 - 725.

Journal article

Parenting styles and academic procrastination
Zakeri, Hamidreza, Esfahani, Behnaz N. and Razmjoee, Maryam. (2013). Parenting styles and academic procrastination. In H. Uzunboylu and M. Demirok (Ed.). Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. Turkey: Elsevier B.V.. pp. 57 - 60

Conference item

Improving mathematics teacher education in Germany: empirical results from a longitudinal evaluation of innovative programs
Bucholtz, Nils and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2013). Improving mathematics teacher education in Germany: empirical results from a longitudinal evaluation of innovative programs. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 11(4), pp. 949 - 977.

Journal article

Learning to Read: What we know and what we need to understand better
Hulme, Charles and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2013). Learning to Read: What we know and what we need to understand better. Child Development Perspectives. 7(1), pp. 1 - 5.

Journal article

Toward a model for early childhood environmental education: Foregrounding, developing, and connecting knowledge through play-based learning
Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy and Edwards, Susan. (2013). Toward a model for early childhood environmental education: Foregrounding, developing, and connecting knowledge through play-based learning. Journal of Environmental Education. 44(3), pp. 195 - 213.

Journal article

The enabling power of assessment for Learning Improvement and Accountability
Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Klenowski, Val, Colbert, Peta and Colbert, Peta. (2013). The enabling power of assessment for Learning Improvement and Accountability Springer.


Opportunities and obstacles to consider when using peer- and self-assessment to improve student learning: Case studies into teachers' implementation
Harris, Lois and Brown, Gavin T. L.. (2013). Opportunities and obstacles to consider when using peer- and self-assessment to improve student learning: Case studies into teachers' implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education. 36, pp. 101 - 111.

Journal article

Promoting obesity prevention together with environmental sustainability
Skouteris, Helen, Cox, Rachael, Huang, Terry, Rutherford, Leonie, Edwards, Susan and Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy. (2013). Promoting obesity prevention together with environmental sustainability. Health Promotion International.

Journal article

Ethical issues in cross-cultural research
Honan, Eileen, Hamid, Obaidul M., Bandar, Alhamdam, Phommalangsy, Phouvanh and Lingard, Bob. (2013). Ethical issues in cross-cultural research. International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 36(4), pp. 386 - 399.

Journal article

Literacy and technology in the early years of education: Looking to the familiar to inform educator practice
McLean, Karen. (2013). Literacy and technology in the early years of education: Looking to the familiar to inform educator practice. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 38(4), pp. 30 - 41.

Journal article

Digital play in the early years: A contextual response to the problem of integrating technologies and play-based pedagogies in the early childhood curriculum
Edwards, Susan. (2013). Digital play in the early years: A contextual response to the problem of integrating technologies and play-based pedagogies in the early childhood curriculum. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 21(2), pp. 199 - 212.

Journal article

The role of textbooks in developing a socio-critical perspective on mathematical modelling in secondary classrooms
Stillman, Gloria, Brown, Jill P., Faragher, Rhonda Muriel, Geiger, Vince and Galbraith, Peter. (2013). The role of textbooks in developing a socio-critical perspective on mathematical modelling in secondary classrooms. In In GA Stillman, G Kaiser and W Blum & JP Brown (Ed.). Teaching mathematical modelling: connecting to research and practice pp. 361 - 373 Springer.

Book chapter

The architecture of children's use of language and tools when problem solving collaboratively with robotics
Mills, Kathy A., Chandra, Vinesh and Park, Ji Yong. (2013). The architecture of children's use of language and tools when problem solving collaboratively with robotics. Australian Educational Researcher. 40(3), pp. 315-337.

Journal article

Pedagogical Play Types: What do they suggest for learning about sustainability in Early Childhood Education
Edwards, Susan and Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy. (2013). Pedagogical Play Types: What do they suggest for learning about sustainability in Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Early Childhood. 45(3), pp. 327 - 346.

Journal article

Biomedical time series clustering based on non-negative sparse coding and probabilistic topic model
Wang, Jin, Liu, Ping, She, Mary F. H., Nahavandi, Saeid and Kouzani, Abbas. (2013). Biomedical time series clustering based on non-negative sparse coding and probabilistic topic model. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 111(3), pp. 629 - 641.

Journal article

Globalization, edu-business and network governance: The policy sociology of Stephen J. Ball and rethinking education policy analysis
Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2013). Globalization, edu-business and network governance: The policy sociology of Stephen J. Ball and rethinking education policy analysis. London Review of Education. 11(3), pp. 265 - 280.

Journal article

Distinguishing primary and secondary variants of callous-unemotional traits among adolescents in a clinic-referred sample
Kahn, R, Frick, Paul, Youngstrom, E, Youngstrom, J, Feeny, N and Findling, R. (2013). Distinguishing primary and secondary variants of callous-unemotional traits among adolescents in a clinic-referred sample. Psychological Assessment.

Journal article

'Catalyst data': Perverse systemic effects of audit and accountability in Australian schooling
Lingard, Bob and Sellar, Sam. (2013). 'Catalyst data': Perverse systemic effects of audit and accountability in Australian schooling. Journal of Education Policy. 28(5), pp. 634 - 656.

Journal article

Emotion Regulation and Heterogeneity in Attenton-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Musser, Erica, Galloway-Long, Hilary, Frick, Paul and Nigg, Joel. (2013). Emotion Regulation and Heterogeneity in Attenton-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Journal article

Mathematical applications, modelling and technology as windows into industry based mathematical practice
Geiger, Vince. (2013). Mathematical applications, modelling and technology as windows into industry based mathematical practice. In In A. Damlamian, J. F. Rodrigues and R. Straser (Ed.). Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry pp. 271 - 278 Springer.

Book chapter

Is working memory training effective? : A meta-analytic review
Melby-Lervag, Monica and Hulme, Charles. (2013). Is working memory training effective? : A meta-analytic review. Developmental Psychology.

Journal article

Callous-Unemotional Traits and Response to Functional Family Therapy in Adolescent Offenders
White, Stuart, Frick, Paul, Lawing, K and Bauer, D. (2013). Callous-Unemotional Traits and Response to Functional Family Therapy in Adolescent Offenders. Behavioral Sciences and the Law.

Journal article

The development of teacher assessment identity through participation in online moderation
Adie, Lenore. (2013). The development of teacher assessment identity through participation in online moderation. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 20(1), pp. 91 - 106.

Journal article

A trial of family partnership and education interventions in heart failure
Dunbar, S, Clark, P, Reilly, C, Gary, R, Smith, Andrew, McCarty, F, Higgins, Melinda, Grossniklaus, D, Kaslow, N and Frediani, J. (2013). A trial of family partnership and education interventions in heart failure. Journal of Cardiac Failure.

Journal article

English in The Tempest: The value of metaphor and re-imagining grammar in English
Macken-Horarik, Mary Rose. (2013). English in The Tempest: The value of metaphor and re-imagining grammar in English. English in Australia. 48(3), pp. 46 - 53.

Journal article

Pathways through the life course: the effect of relationship and parenthood transitions on domestic labour
Baxter, Janeen, Hewitt, Belinda, Haynes, Michele A. and Western, Mark. (2013). Pathways through the life course: the effect of relationship and parenthood transitions on domestic labour. In In A. Evans and J. Baxter (Ed.). Negotiating the Life Course pp. 145 - 159 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Gender, inclusivity and engagement
Nagel, Michael and Scholes, Laura. (2013). Gender, inclusivity and engagement. In In M. Hyde, L. Carpenter and R. Conway (Ed.). Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement pp. 91 - 105 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Self-regulated strategies development in writing: Development, implementation and scaling up
Harris, Karen, Graham, Steve and Santangelo, Tanya. (2013). Self-regulated strategies development in writing: Development, implementation and scaling up. In In H. Bembenutty, T. J. Cleary and A. Kitsantas (Ed.). Applications of Self-Regulated Learning across Diverse Disciplines: A Tribute to Barry J. Zimmerman pp. 59 - 87 Information Age Publishing.

Book chapter

Redistribution, recognition and representation: Working against pedagogies of indifference
Lingard, Bob and Keddie, Amanda. (2013). Redistribution, recognition and representation: Working against pedagogies of indifference. Pedagogy Culture and Society. 21(3), pp. 427 - 447.

Journal article

Inter-professional work with young children in hospital: The role of 'relational agency'
Nuttall, Joce. (2013). Inter-professional work with young children in hospital: The role of 'relational agency'. The Early Years. 33(4), pp. 413 - 425.

Journal article

Evaluating educational changes: A statistical perspective
Goldstein, Harvey. (2013). Evaluating educational changes: A statistical perspective. Ensaio: Avaliacao e Politicas Publicas em Educacao. 21(78), pp. 101 - 114.

Journal article

Language and culture restrictions and discrimination in K-12 private schools: An Australian perspective
Mawdsley, Ralph and Cumming, J. Joy. (2013). Language and culture restrictions and discrimination in K-12 private schools: An Australian perspective. International Journal of Education Reform. 22(2), pp. 152 - 166.

Journal article