Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Multichannel biomedical time series clustering via hierarchical probabilistic latent semantic analysis
Wang, Jin, Sun, Xiangping, Nahavandi, Saeid, Kouzani, Abbas, Wu, Yuchuan and She, Mary. (2014). Multichannel biomedical time series clustering via hierarchical probabilistic latent semantic analysis. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 117(2), pp. 238 - 246.

Journal article

Making productive use of four models of school english: A case study revisited
Macken-Horarik, Mary Rose. (2014). Making productive use of four models of school english: A case study revisited. English in Australia. 49(3), pp. 7 - 19.

Journal article

Theoretical Framework, Study Design and Main Results of TEDS-M
Blömeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Theoretical Framework, Study Design and Main Results of TEDS-M. In International Perspectives on Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Opportunities to Learn: TEDS-M Results pp. 19 - 47 Springer.

Book chapter

A known group analysis validity study of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education in US elementary and secondary schools
Minor, Elizabeth Covay, Porter, Andrew C., Murphy, Joseph, Goldring, Ellen B., Cravens, Xiu and Elliott, Stephen N.. (2014). A known group analysis validity study of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education in US elementary and secondary schools. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. 26(1), pp. 1 - 20.

Journal article

Young children's play and environmental education in early childhood education
Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, Edwards, Susan, Moore, Deborah and Boyd, Wendy. (2014). Young children's play and environmental education in early childhood education Springer.


Assessing students' opportunity to learn the intended curriculum using an online teacher log : Initial validity evidence
Kurz, Alexander, Elliott, Stephen, Kettler, Ryan and Yel, Nedim. (2014). Assessing students' opportunity to learn the intended curriculum using an online teacher log : Initial validity evidence. Educational Assessment. 19(3), pp. 159 - 184.

Journal article

Using league table rankings in public policy formation: Statistical issues
Goldstein, Harvey. (2014). Using league table rankings in public policy formation: Statistical issues. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application. 1(1), pp. 385 - 399.

Journal article

The interface between spoken and written language: Developmental disorders
Hulme, Charles and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2014). The interface between spoken and written language: Developmental disorders. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 369(1634), pp. 1 - 8.

Journal article

Media representation of teachers across five countries
Alhamdam, Bandar, Al-Saadi, Khalid, Baroutsis, Aspa, Du Plessis, Anna, Hamid, Obaidul and Honan, Eileen. (2014). Media representation of teachers across five countries. Comparative Education. 50(4), pp. 490 - 505.

Journal article

A meta-analysis of writing interventions for students with learning disabilities
Gillespie, Amy and Graham, Steve. (2014). A meta-analysis of writing interventions for students with learning disabilities. Exceptional Children. 80(4), pp. 454 - 473.

Journal article

Evaluating and advancing the effective teaching of special educators with a dynamic instructional practices portfolio
Elliott, Stephen N., Roach, Andrew T. and Kurz, Alexander. (2014). Evaluating and advancing the effective teaching of special educators with a dynamic instructional practices portfolio. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 39(2), pp. 83 - 98.

Journal article

Comorbidities in preschool children at family risk of dyslexia
Gooch, Debbie, Hulme, Charles, Nash, Hannah M. and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2014). Comorbidities in preschool children at family risk of dyslexia. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 55(3), pp. 237 - 246.

Journal article

Knowledge and numbers in education
Goldstein, Harvey and Moss, Gemma. (2014). Knowledge and numbers in education. Comparative Education. 50(3), pp. 259 - 265.

Journal article

The camera is not a methodology : Towards a framework for understanding young children's use of video cameras
Bird, Joanne, Colliver, Yeshe and Edwards, Susan. (2014). The camera is not a methodology : Towards a framework for understanding young children's use of video cameras. Early Child Development and Care. 184(11), pp. 1741 - 1756.

Journal article

Is there income mobility in the Philippines?
Martinez, Arturo, Western, Mark, Haynes, Michele and Tomaszewski, Wojtek. (2014). Is there income mobility in the Philippines? Asian-Pacific Economic Literature. 28(1), pp. 96 - 115.

Journal article

E-motion diaries : Blogging emotional responses to online learning in higher education
Mills, Kathy A. and Ritchie, Stephen M.. (2014). E-motion diaries : Blogging emotional responses to online learning in higher education. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA 03 - 07 Apr 2014 American Educational Research Association. pp. 1-15

Conference item

Enabling all students to learn through assessment: A case study of equitable outcomes achieved through the use of criteria and standards
Colbert, Peta and Cumming, Jacqueline Joy. (2014). Enabling all students to learn through assessment: A case study of equitable outcomes achieved through the use of criteria and standards. In In C. Wyatt-Smith, V. Klenowski and P. Colbert (Ed.). Designing assessment for quality learning pp. 211 - 231 Springer.

Book chapter

From 'bored witless' to 'rhetorical nous' : Teacher orientation to knowledge about language and strengthening student persuasive writing
Love, Kristina, Sandiford, Carmel, Macken-Horarik, Mary and Unsworth, Leonard. (2014). From 'bored witless' to 'rhetorical nous' : Teacher orientation to knowledge about language and strengthening student persuasive writing. English in Australia. 49(3), pp. 43 - 56.

Journal article

Assessment understood as enabling: A time to rebalance improvement and accountability goals
Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree, Klenowski, Valentina and Colbert, Peta Jane. (2014). Assessment understood as enabling: A time to rebalance improvement and accountability goals. In In C Wyatt-Smith, V Klenowski and P Colbert (Ed.). Designing Assessment for Quality Learning. The Enabling Power of Assessment pp. 1 - 20 Springer.

Book chapter

Re-articulating social justice as equity in schooling policy: The effects of testing and data infrastructures
Lingard, Bob, Sellar, Sam and Savage, Glenn C.. (2014). Re-articulating social justice as equity in schooling policy: The effects of testing and data infrastructures. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 35(5), pp. 710 - 730.

Journal article

Multimodal reading comprehension: Curriculum expectations and large-scale literacy testing practices
Unsworth, Len. (2014). Multimodal reading comprehension: Curriculum expectations and large-scale literacy testing practices. Pedagogies: An international journal. 9(1), pp. 26 - 44.

Journal article

Cultural and family influences on children's theory of mind development: A comparison of Australian and Iranian school-age children
Shahaeian, Ameneh, Nielsen, Mark, Peterson, Candida and Slaughter, Virginia. (2014). Cultural and family influences on children's theory of mind development: A comparison of Australian and Iranian school-age children. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 45(4), pp. 555 - 568.

Journal article

Mindful and mutual care for individuals with developmental disabilities: A systematic literature review
Hwang, Yoon-Suk and Kearney, Patrick. (2014). Mindful and mutual care for individuals with developmental disabilities: A systematic literature review. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 23(3), pp. 497 - 509.

Journal article

A systematic review of associations between perpetration of physically violent behaviours and property offenses, victimization and use of substances among homeless youth
Heerde, Jessica Anne and Hemphill, Sheryl A.. (2014). A systematic review of associations between perpetration of physically violent behaviours and property offenses, victimization and use of substances among homeless youth. Children and Youth Services Review. 44, pp. 265 - 277.

Journal article

White matter morphometric changes uniquely predict children's reading acquisition
Myers, Chelsea A., Vandermosten, Maaike, Farris, Emily A., Hancock, Roeland, Gimenez, Paul, Black, Jessica M., Casto, Brandi, Drahos, Miroslav, Tumber, Mandeep, Hendren, Robert L., Hulme, Charles and Hoeft, Fumiko. (2014). White matter morphometric changes uniquely predict children's reading acquisition. Psychological Science. 25(10), pp. 1870 - 1883.

Journal article

Learning to read new words in individuals with Down syndrome: Testing the role of phonological knowledge
Mengoni, Silvana E., Nash, Hannah M. and Hulme, Charles. (2014). Learning to read new words in individuals with Down syndrome: Testing the role of phonological knowledge. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 35(5), pp. 1098 - 1109.

Journal article

Homogeneity or Heterogeneity? Profiles of Opportunities to Learn in Primary Teacher Education and Their Relationship to Cultural Context and Outcomes
Blömeke, Sigrid and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2014). Homogeneity or Heterogeneity? Profiles of Opportunities to Learn in Primary Teacher Education and Their Relationship to Cultural Context and Outcomes. In In S. Blömeke, G. Kaiser and F. Hsieh & W. H. Schmidt (Ed.). International Perspectives on Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Opportunities to Learn: TEDS-M Results pp. 299 - 325 Springer.

Book chapter

Children's emotions and multimodal appraisal of places : Walking with the camera
Mills, Kathy, Unsworth, Len, Bellochi, Alberto, Park, Ji Yong and Ritchie, Stephen. (2014). Children's emotions and multimodal appraisal of places : Walking with the camera. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 37(3), pp. 171-181.

Journal article

Supporting young ESL students from disadvantaged contexts in their engagement with mathematics : Teachers' pedagogical challenges
Warren, Elizabeth, Harris, Katherine and Miller, Jodie. (2014). Supporting young ESL students from disadvantaged contexts in their engagement with mathematics : Teachers' pedagogical challenges. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 9(1), pp. 10 - 25.

Journal article

Tensions between discourses of development, religion and human capital in early childhood education policy texts : The case of Indonesia
Formen, Ali and Nuttall, Joce. (2014). Tensions between discourses of development, religion and human capital in early childhood education policy texts : The case of Indonesia. International Journal of Early Childhood. 46(1), pp. 15 - 31.

Journal article

Multimodality and reading: The construction of meaning through image-text interaction
Unsworth, Len and Cléirigh, Chris. (2014). Multimodality and reading: The construction of meaning through image-text interaction. In In C. Jewitt (Ed.). The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis pp. 176 - 188 Routledge.

Book chapter

Predicting end-of-year achievement test performance: A comparison of assessment methods
Kettler, Ryan, Elliott, Stephen, Kurz, Alexander, Zigmond, Naomi, Lemons, Christopher, Kloo, Amanda, Shrago, Jacqueline, Beddow, Peter, Williams, Leila and Bruen, Charles. (2014). Predicting end-of-year achievement test performance: A comparison of assessment methods. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 39(3), pp. 156 - 169.

Journal article

Analysing the semiotic potential of typographic resources in picture books in english and in translation
Unsworth, Len, Meneses, Alejandra, Ow Gonzalez, Maili and Castillo, Guillermo. (2014). Analysing the semiotic potential of typographic resources in picture books in english and in translation. International Research in Children's Literature. 7(2), pp. 117 - 135.

Journal article

Profiles of the forms and functions of self-reported aggression in three adolescent samples
Marsee, Monica, Frick, Paul, Barry, Christopher, Kimonis, Eva, Munoz Centifanti, L and Aucoin, K. (2014). Profiles of the forms and functions of self-reported aggression in three adolescent samples. Development and Psychopathology. 26(3), pp. 705 - 720.

Journal article

Adjusting for differential misclassification in multilevel models: The relationship between child exposure to smoke and cognitive development
Ferrao, Maria and Goldstein, Harvey. (2014). Adjusting for differential misclassification in multilevel models: The relationship between child exposure to smoke and cognitive development. Quality and Quantity (Print). 48(1), pp. 251 - 258.

Journal article

Different Patterns, but Equivalent Predictors, of Growth in Reading in Consistent and Inconsistent Orthographies
Caralovas, Marketa, Lervag, Arne, Defior, Sylvia, Seidlova-Malkova, Gabriela and Hulme, Charles. (2013). Different Patterns, but Equivalent Predictors, of Growth in Reading in Consistent and Inconsistent Orthographies. Psychological Science. 24(8), pp. 1398 - 1407.

Journal article

Effect of a group intervention to promote older adults' adjustment to driving cessation on community mobility: a randomized controlled trial
Liddle, Jacki, Haynes, Michele, Pachana, Nancy A., Mitchell, Geoffrey, McKenna, Kryss and Gustafsson, Louise. (2013). Effect of a group intervention to promote older adults' adjustment to driving cessation on community mobility: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist. 54(3), pp. 409 - 422.

Journal article

The prevailing voice in choice in schooling: The balancing rights of parents, children and the courts
Cumming, J. Joy and Mawdsley, Ralph D.. (2013). The prevailing voice in choice in schooling: The balancing rights of parents, children and the courts. International Journal of Law and Education. 18(1), pp. 39 - 55.

Journal article

Gendering in gender research in education: Methodological considerations
Martino, Wayne, Rezai-Rashti, Goli and Lingard, Bob. (2013). Gendering in gender research in education: Methodological considerations. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 26(4), pp. 391 - 399.

Journal article

CUOL : See you online
Mills, Kathy A.. (2013). CUOL : See you online. Screen education. 70(Winter), pp. 52-57.

Journal article