Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Evaluating the effectiveness of a phonologically based reading intervention for struggling readers with varying language profiles
Duff, Fiona, Hayiou-Thomas, Marianna and Hulme, Charles. (2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of a phonologically based reading intervention for struggling readers with varying language profiles. Reading and Writing: An interdisciplinary journal. 25(3), pp. 621 - 640.

Journal article

Continuing professional learning in the Asia-Pacific region: tensions and opportunities in teacher knowledge and the governance of education
Nuttall, Joce, Seddon, Terri and Phan, Hien TT. (2012). Continuing professional learning in the Asia-Pacific region: tensions and opportunities in teacher knowledge and the governance of education. In In C. Day (Ed.). The Routledge International Handbook of Teacher and School Development pp. 293 - 301 Routledge.

Book chapter

Tier 1, Teacher Implemented self-regulated stratergy development for students with and without behavioural challenges: A randomized controlled Trial
Harris, Karen, Lane, Kathleen, Driscoll, Steven, Graham, Steve, Wilson, Kristen, Sandmel, Karin, Brindle, Mary and Schatschneider, Chris. (2012). Tier 1, Teacher Implemented self-regulated stratergy development for students with and without behavioural challenges: A randomized controlled Trial. The Elementary School Journal. 113(2), pp. 160 - 191.

Journal article

Learning as identity and practice through involvement in online moderation
Adie, Lenore. (2012). Learning as identity and practice through involvement in online moderation. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (print). 24(1), pp. 43 - 56.

Journal article

Primary and secondary variants of juvenile psychopathy differ in emotional processing
Kimonis, Eva, Frick, Paul, Cauffman, E, Goldweber, A and Kimonis, Eva. (2012). Primary and secondary variants of juvenile psychopathy differ in emotional processing. Development and Psychopathology. 24(3), pp. 1091 - 1103.

Journal article

A story of early years educators’ experiences of technology and literacy in early years learning environments
McLean, Karen J.. (2012). A story of early years educators’ experiences of technology and literacy in early years learning environments [Thesis].


The role of children's phonological and semantic knowledge in learning to read words
Duff, Fiona and Hulme, Charles. (2012). The role of children's phonological and semantic knowledge in learning to read words. Scientific Studies of Reading. 16(6), pp. 504 - 525.

Journal article

Validity of a protocol for adult self-report of dyslexia and related difficulties
Snowling, Margaret, Dawes, Piers, Nash, Hannah and Hulme, Charles. (2012). Validity of a protocol for adult self-report of dyslexia and related difficulties. Dyslexia: an international journal of research and practice. 18, pp. 1 - 15.

Journal article

Intelligent clothing for automated recognition of human physical activities in free-living environment
Wu, Yuchuan, Chen, Ronghua, Wang, Jin, Sun, Xiangping and She, Mary F. H.. (2012). Intelligent clothing for automated recognition of human physical activities in free-living environment. Journal of the Textile Institute. 103(8), pp. 806 - 816.

Journal article

Learning to lead: A social justice perspective on understanding elementary teacher leadership in Papua New Guinea
Brownlee, Joanna, Scholes, Laura, Ann, Farrell, Davis, Julie and Cook, Donna. (2012). Learning to lead: A social justice perspective on understanding elementary teacher leadership in Papua New Guinea. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 37(4), pp. 18 - 35.

Journal article

Violence exposure mediates the relation between callous-unemotional traits and offending patterns in adolescents
Howard, A. L., Kimonis, Eva R., Munoz, L. C. and Frick, Paul. (2012). Violence exposure mediates the relation between callous-unemotional traits and offending patterns in adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 40(8), pp. 1237 - 1247.

Journal article

Callous-Unemotional Traits and Their implication for Understanding and Treating Aggressive and Violent Youths
Munoz, L and Frick, Paul. (2012). Callous-Unemotional Traits and Their implication for Understanding and Treating Aggressive and Violent Youths. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 39(6), pp. 794 - 813.

Journal article

Engaging the creative arts to meet the needs of twenty-first-century boys
Scholes, Laura and Nagel, Michael C.. (2012). Engaging the creative arts to meet the needs of twenty-first-century boys. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 16(10), pp. 969 - 984.

Journal article

Maternal History of reading difficulty is associated with reduced language-related gray matter in beginning readers
Black, Jessica, Tanaka, Hiroko, Stanley, Leanne, Nagamine, Masanori, Zakerani, Nahal, Thurston, Alexandra, Kesler, Shelli, Hulme, Charles, Lyytinen, Heikki and Glover, Gary. (2012). Maternal History of reading difficulty is associated with reduced language-related gray matter in beginning readers. NeuroImage. 59, pp. 3021 - 3032.

Journal article

Effects of feedback in a computer-based assessment for learning
van der Kleij, Fabienne, Egen, Theo, Timmers, Caroline and Veldkamp, Bernard. (2012). Effects of feedback in a computer-based assessment for learning. Computers & Education (print). 58(1), pp. 263 - 272.

Journal article

Bullying and violence: Changing an act of disconnectedness into an act of kindness
de Souza, Marian and McLean, Karen. (2012). Bullying and violence: Changing an act of disconnectedness into an act of kindness. Pastoral Care in Education: an international journal of personal, social and emotional development. 30(2), pp. 165 - 180.

Journal article

Annual Research Review : The Nature and Classification of Reading Disorders - commentary on proposals for DSM-5
Snowling, Margaret and Hulme, Charles. (2012). Annual Research Review : The Nature and Classification of Reading Disorders - commentary on proposals for DSM-5. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 53(5), pp. 593 - 607.

Journal article

Nonword-Repetition ability does not appear to be a causal influence on Children's vocabulary Development
Melby-Lervag, Monica, Lervag, Arne, Lyster, Solveig-Alma, Klem, Marianne, Hagtvet, Bente and Hulme, Charles. (2012). Nonword-Repetition ability does not appear to be a causal influence on Children's vocabulary Development. Psychological Science. 23(10), pp. 1092 - 1098.

Journal article

CERME7 Working Group 6: Applications and modelling
Kaiser, Gabriele, Carreira, Susana, Lingefjard, Thomas and Wake, Geoff. (2012). CERME7 Working Group 6: Applications and modelling. Research in Mathematics Education. 14(2), pp. 195 - 196.

Journal article

Phoneme awareness, visual-verbal paired-associate learning, and rapid automatized naming as predictors of individual differences in reading ability
Warmington, Meesha and Hulme, Charles. (2012). Phoneme awareness, visual-verbal paired-associate learning, and rapid automatized naming as predictors of individual differences in reading ability. Scientific Studies of Reading. 16(1), pp. 45 - 62.

Journal article

Gender Differences in the Assessment, Stability, and Correlates to Bullying Roles in Middle School Children
Crapanzano, A, Frick, Paul, Childs, K and Terranova, A. (2011). Gender Differences in the Assessment, Stability, and Correlates to Bullying Roles in Middle School Children. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. 29(5), pp. 677 - 694.

Journal article

Managing without public examinations: Successful and sustained curriculum and assessment reform in Queensland
Maxwell, Graham and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2011). Managing without public examinations: Successful and sustained curriculum and assessment reform in Queensland. In In Lyn Yates, Cherry Collins and Kate O-Connor (Ed.). pp. 202 - 222 Melbourne University Press.

Book chapter

Response to Early Intervention of Children with Specific and General Language Impairment
Bowyer-Crane, Claudine, Snowling, Margaret, Duff, Fiona and Hulme, Charles. (2011). Response to Early Intervention of Children with Specific and General Language Impairment. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal. 9(2), pp. 107 - 121.

Journal article

Image capture for concrete programming: Building schemata for problem solving
Estivill-Castro, Vladimir and Bartlett, Brendan. (2011). Image capture for concrete programming: Building schemata for problem solving. CSEDU 2011 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education. Portugal: Scitepress. pp. 56 - 68

Conference item

Teachers' perceptions of declining participation in school music
Ng, Chi-hung and Hartwig, Kay. (2011). Teachers' perceptions of declining participation in school music. Research Studies in Music Education. 33(2), pp. 123 - 142.

Journal article

Image-language interaction in online reading environments: Challenges for students' reading comprehension
Chan, Eveline and Unsworth, Len. (2011). Image-language interaction in online reading environments: Challenges for students' reading comprehension. The Australian Educational Researcher. 38(2), pp. 181 - 202.

Journal article

Writing Difficulties
Graham, Steve and Harris, Karen. (2011). Writing Difficulties. In In Anne McGill-Franzen and Richard L. Allington (Ed.). Handbook of Reading Disability Research pp. 232 - 241 Routledge.

Book chapter

Attitudes towards inclusion: Gaps between belief and practice
Hwang, Yoon-Suk and Evans, David. (2011). Attitudes towards inclusion: Gaps between belief and practice. International Journal of Special Education. 26(1), pp. 136 - 146.

Journal article

Teachers' personal conceptions of numeracy
Goos, Merrilyn, Geiger, Vince and Dole, Shelley. (2011). Teachers' personal conceptions of numeracy. In B. Ubuz (Ed.). Proceedings of the 35th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: developing mathematical thinking. Turkey: International Group for the Psychology of Mathemati.... pp. 457 - 464

Conference item

Time perception, phonological skills and executive function in children with dyslexia and/or ADHD symptoms
Gooch, Debbie, Snowling, Margaret and Hulme, Charles. (2011). Time perception, phonological skills and executive function in children with dyslexia and/or ADHD symptoms. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines. 52(2), pp. 195 - 203.

Journal article

Promoting rural and remote teacher education in Australia through the Over The Hill project
Beutel, Denise, Adie, Lenore and Hudson, Suzanne. (2011). Promoting rural and remote teacher education in Australia through the Over The Hill project. The International Journal of Learning. 18(2), pp. 377 - 388.

Journal article

A grammatics 'good enough' for school English in the 21st century: Four challenges in realising the potential
Macken-Horarik, Mary Rose, Love, Kristina and Unsworth, Len. (2011). A grammatics 'good enough' for school English in the 21st century: Four challenges in realising the potential. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 34(1), pp. 9 - 23.

Journal article

Evaluation of the Literacy - Key to Learning: Framework for Action 2006-2009
Johnson, Greer, Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Colbert, Peta and Klieve, Helen Margaret. (2011). Evaluation of the Literacy - Key to Learning: Framework for Action 2006-2009 Griffith University.


REALCOM-IMPUTE Software for Multilevel Multiple Imputation with Mixed Response Types
Carpenter, James, Goldstein, Harvey and Kenward, Michael. (2011). REALCOM-IMPUTE Software for Multilevel Multiple Imputation with Mixed Response Types. Journal of Statistical Software. 45(5), pp. 1 - 14.

Journal article

'I'm making it different to the book' : Transmediation in young children's multimodal and digital texts
Mills, Kathy. (2011). 'I'm making it different to the book' : Transmediation in young children's multimodal and digital texts. Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 36(3), pp. 56-65.

Journal article

The short-term impact of a problem-solving skills programme for Iranian parents
Shokoohi-Yekta, Mohsen, Harnett, Paul, Parand, Akram and Shahaeian, Ameneh. (2011). The short-term impact of a problem-solving skills programme for Iranian parents. Clinical Psychologist. 15(2), pp. 85 - 89.

Journal article

Children's Reading Comprehension Difficulties: Nature, Causes, and Treatments
Hulme, Charles and Snowling, Margaret J.. (2011). Children's Reading Comprehension Difficulties: Nature, Causes, and Treatments. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 20(3), pp. 139 - 142.

Journal article

Theoretical Frameworks and Ways of Seeing: Operating at the Intersection - Literacy, Numeracy and Learning Difficulties
Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Elkins, John. (2011). Theoretical Frameworks and Ways of Seeing: Operating at the Intersection - Literacy, Numeracy and Learning Difficulties. In In C Wyatt-Smith, J Elkins and S Gunn (Ed.). pp. 1 - 15 Springer.

Book chapter

The brain basis of the phonological deficit in dyslexia is independent of IQ
Tanaka, Hiroko, Black, Jessica, Hulme, Charles, Stanley, Leanne, Kesler, Shelli, Whitfield-Gabrieli, Susan, Reiss, Allan, Gabrieli, John and Hoeft, Fumiko. (2011). The brain basis of the phonological deficit in dyslexia is independent of IQ. Psychological Science. 20(10), pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

Building a knowledge structure for English: Reflections on the challenges of coherence, cumulative learning, portability and face validity
Macken-Horarik, Mary Rose. (2011). Building a knowledge structure for English: Reflections on the challenges of coherence, cumulative learning, portability and face validity. Australian Journal of Education. 55(3), pp. 197 - 213.

Journal article