Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Reading for writing: a meta-analysis of the impact of reading interventions on writing
Graham, Steve, Liu, Xinghua, Bartlett, Brendan John and Harris, Karen. (2018). Reading for writing: a meta-analysis of the impact of reading interventions on writing. Review of Educational Research. 88(2), pp. 243 - 284.

Journal article

Diverse perspectives on student agency in classroom assessment
Adie, Lenore, Willis, Jill and van der Kelij, Fabienne S.. (2018). Diverse perspectives on student agency in classroom assessment. The Australian Educational Researcher. 45(1), pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article

The Australian curriculum: A critical interrogation of why, what and where to?
Lingard, Bob. (2018). The Australian curriculum: A critical interrogation of why, what and where to? Curriculum Perspectives. 38(1), pp. 55 - 65.

Journal article

A software package for the application of probabilistic anonymisation to sensitive individual-level data: A proof of principle with an example from the ALSPAC birth cohort study
Avraam, Demetris, Boyd, Andy, Goldstein, Harvey and Burton, Paul. (2018). A software package for the application of probabilistic anonymisation to sensitive individual-level data: A proof of principle with an example from the ALSPAC birth cohort study. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 9(4), pp. 433-446.

Journal article

Teaching writing in grades 7-9 in urban schools in Chinese societies in Asia
Hsiang, Tien P., Graham, Steve and Wong, Ping M.. (2018). Teaching writing in grades 7-9 in urban schools in Chinese societies in Asia. Reading Research Quarterly. 53(4), pp. 473 - 507.

Journal article

General pedagogical knowledge versus pedagogical content knowledge? The structure of professional knowledge in pre-service teachers of German, English, and Mathematics at university
König, Johannes, Doll, Jörg, Buchholtz, Nils, Förster, Sabrina, Kaspar, Kai, Rühl, Anna-Maria, Strauß, Sarah, Bremerich-Vos, Albert, Fladung, Ilka and Kaiser, Gabriele. (2018). General pedagogical knowledge versus pedagogical content knowledge? The structure of professional knowledge in pre-service teachers of German, English, and Mathematics at university. Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft. 21(3), pp. 1 - 38.

Journal article

Race and racism in digital media : What can critical race theory contribute to research on techno-cultures?
Mills, Kathy A. and Godley, Amanda. (2018). Race and racism in digital media : What can critical race theory contribute to research on techno-cultures? In In Mills, Kathy A., Stornaiuolo, Amy, Smith, Anna and Zaher Pandya, Jessica (Ed.). Handbook of writing, literacies, and education in digital cultures pp. 111-122 Routledge.

Book chapter

Does the effect of justice system attitudes on adolescent crime vary based on psychosocial maturity?
Fine, Adam, Wolff, Kevin T., Baglivio, Michael T., Piquero, Alex R., Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2018). Does the effect of justice system attitudes on adolescent crime vary based on psychosocial maturity? Child Development. 89(6), pp. e468 - e479.

Journal article

Verbal task demands are key in explaining the relationship between paired-associate learning and reading ability
Clayton, Francina J., Sears, Claire, Davis, Alice and Hulme, Charles. (2018). Verbal task demands are key in explaining the relationship between paired-associate learning and reading ability. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 171, pp. 46 - 54.

Journal article

A queer critical media literacies framework in a digital age
van Leent, Lisa and Mills, Kathy. (2018). A queer critical media literacies framework in a digital age. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 61(4), pp. 401-411.

Journal article

Teachers’ and school leaders’ perceptions of commercialisation in Australian public schools
Hogan, Anna, Thompson, Greg, Sellar, Sam and Lingard, Bob. (2018). Teachers’ and school leaders’ perceptions of commercialisation in Australian public schools. The Australian Educational Researcher. 45(2), pp. 141 - 160.

Journal article

Clinical assessment judgements and "Connoisseurship": surfacing curriculum-wide standards through transdisciplinary dialogue
Bridges, Susan M., Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Botelho, Michael G.. (2018). Clinical assessment judgements and "Connoisseurship": surfacing curriculum-wide standards through transdisciplinary dialogue. In In D. Carless, S. M. Bridges and C. K. Y. Chan, and R. Glofcheski (Ed.). Scaling up Assessment for Learning in Higher Education pp. 81 - 98 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Personalising learning in teacher education
Jones, Mellita and McLean, Karen. (2018). Personalising learning in teacher education


Understanding the link between exposure to violence and aggression in justice-involved adolescents
Myers, Tina D. W., Salcedo, Abigail, Frick, Paul, Ray, James V., Thornton, Laura, Steinberg, laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2018). Understanding the link between exposure to violence and aggression in justice-involved adolescents. Development and Psychopathology. 30(2), pp. 593 - 603.

Journal article

A critical policy analysis of ‘Teach for Bangladesh’: a travelling policy touches down
Adhikary, Rino Wiseman and Lingard, Bob. (2018). A critical policy analysis of ‘Teach for Bangladesh’: a travelling policy touches down. Comparative Education. 54(2), pp. 181 - 202.

Journal article

Strategic and interactive writing instruction: An efficacy study in grades 3-5
Wolbers, Kimberly A., Dostal, Hannah M., Graham, Steve, Branum-Martin, Lee, Kilpatrick, Jennifer R. and Saulsburry, Rachel. (2018). Strategic and interactive writing instruction: An efficacy study in grades 3-5. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology. 8(1), pp. 99 - 117.

Journal article

An examination of the design principles underlying a self-regulated strategy development study
Graham, Steve and Harris, Karen. (2018). An examination of the design principles underlying a self-regulated strategy development study. Journal of Writing Research. 10(2), pp. 139 - 187.

Journal article

Positive parenting and callous-unemotional traits: Their association with school behavior problems in young children
Clark, Julia E. and Frick, Paul. (2018). Positive parenting and callous-unemotional traits: Their association with school behavior problems in young children. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 47(1), pp. 242 - 254.

Journal article

The multimodal construction of race : A review of critical race theory research
Mills, Kathy A. and Unsworth, Len. (2018). The multimodal construction of race : A review of critical race theory research. Language and Education. 32(4), pp. 313-332.

Journal article

Not playing the game: student assessment resistance as a form of agency
Harris, Lois, Brown, Gavin T.L. and Dargusch, Joanne. (2018). Not playing the game: student assessment resistance as a form of agency. The Australian Educational Researcher. 45(1), pp. 125 - 140.

Journal article

An exploration of the dimensions of children’s lived experience of spirituality on “The Walk”
Hobby, Kristen Jaye. (2018). An exploration of the dimensions of children’s lived experience of spirituality on “The Walk” [Thesis].


What images reveal: A comparative study of science images between Australian and Taiwanese junior high school textbooks
Ge, Y. P., Unsworth, Len, Wang, Kuo-Hua and Chang, Huey-Por. (2018). What images reveal: A comparative study of science images between Australian and Taiwanese junior high school textbooks. Research in Science Education. 48(6), pp. 1409 - 1431.

Journal article

The school experiences of male adolescent offenders: implications for academic performance and recidivism
Fine, Adam, Simmons, Cortney, Miltimore, Sarah, Steinberg, laurence, Frick, Paul and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2018). The school experiences of male adolescent offenders: implications for academic performance and recidivism. Crime and Delinquency. 64(10), pp. 1326 - 1350.

Journal article

'In-betweenners': Chinese students' experiences in China-Australia articulation programs
Dai, Kun, Lingard, Bob and Reyes, Vicente. (2018). 'In-betweenners': Chinese students' experiences in China-Australia articulation programs. Scottish Educational Review. 50(1), pp. 36 - 55.

Journal article

Research-informed conceptualization and design principles of teacher performance assessments: wrestling with system and site validity
Adie, Lenore and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2018). Research-informed conceptualization and design principles of teacher performance assessments: wrestling with system and site validity. In In C. Wyatt-Smith and L. Adie (Ed.). Innovation and Accountability in Teacher Education: Setting directions for new cultures in teacher education pp. 115 - 132 Springer Nature.

Book chapter

Policy expectations and support for teacher formative assessment in Australian education reform
Van der Kleij, Fabienne Michelle, Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Looney, Anne. (2018). Policy expectations and support for teacher formative assessment in Australian education reform. Assessment in Education. 25(6), pp. 620 - 637.

Journal article

Student experiences of NAPLAN: sharing insights from two school sites
Swain, Katharine, Pendergast, Donna and Cumming, Joy. (2018). Student experiences of NAPLAN: sharing insights from two school sites. The Australian Educational Researcher. 45(3), pp. 315 - 342.

Journal article

Rethinking grammar in language arts: insights from an Australian survey of teachers' subject knowledge
Macken-Horarik, Mary, Love, Kristina and Horarik, Stefan. (2018). Rethinking grammar in language arts: insights from an Australian survey of teachers' subject knowledge. Research in the Teaching of English. 52(3), pp. 288 - 316.

Journal article

Methods in feedback research
Brown, Gavin T. L. and Harris, Lois. (2018). Methods in feedback research. In In A. A. Lipnevich and J. K. Smith (Ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback pp. 97 - 119 Cambridge University Press (Anthem Press).

Book chapter

Formative assessment and feedback using information technology
van der Kleij, Fabienne S. and Adie, Lenore. (2018). Formative assessment and feedback using information technology. In In J. Voogt, G. Knezek and R. Christensen and K. Lai (Ed.). Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary pp. 601 - 615 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Attentional orienting to emotional faces moderates the association between callous-unemotional traits and peer-nominated aggression in young adolescent school children
Ciucci, Enrica, Kimonis, Eva R., Frick, Paul, Righi, Stefania, Baroncelli, Andrea, Tambasco, Giovanna and Facci, Carolina. (2018). Attentional orienting to emotional faces moderates the association between callous-unemotional traits and peer-nominated aggression in young adolescent school children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 46(5), pp. 1011 - 1019.

Journal article

Reforming education: The spaces and places of education policy and learning
Lingard, Bob. (2018). Reforming education: The spaces and places of education policy and learning. In In E. Hultqvist, S. Lindblad and T. S. Powkewitz (Ed.). Critical Analyses of Educational Reforms in an Era of Transnational Governance pp. 41 - 60 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

The impact of supplemental handwriting and spelling instruction with first grade students who do not acquire transcription skills as rapidly as peers: a randomized control trial
Graham, Steve, Harris, Karen and Adkins, Mary. (2018). The impact of supplemental handwriting and spelling instruction with first grade students who do not acquire transcription skills as rapidly as peers: a randomized control trial. Reading and Writing. 31(6), pp. 1273 - 1294.

Journal article

Excellence in education policies: Catering to the needs of gifted and talented or those of self-interest?
Rasmussen, Annette and Lingard, Bob. (2018). Excellence in education policies: Catering to the needs of gifted and talented or those of self-interest? European Educational Research Journal. 17(6), pp. 877 - 897.

Journal article

“I learn for a job promotion!”: The role of outcome-focused career goals in motivating distance learners to learn
Ng, Chi-hung (Clarence). (2018). “I learn for a job promotion!”: The role of outcome-focused career goals in motivating distance learners to learn. Distance Education. 39(3), pp. 390 - 410.

Journal article

Examining practitioner competencies, organizational support and barriers to engaging fathers in parenting interventions
Tully, L. A., Collins, Daniel A.J., Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Mairet, Kathleen S., Hawes, D., Moul, C., Lenroot, Rhoshel, Frick, Paul, Anderson, Vicki, Kimonis, Eva R. and Dadds, Mark R.. (2018). Examining practitioner competencies, organizational support and barriers to engaging fathers in parenting interventions. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 49, pp. 109 - 122.

Journal article

Sensory literacies, the body, and digital media
Mills, Kathy A., Unsworth, Len and Exley, Beryl. (2018). Sensory literacies, the body, and digital media. In In Mills, Kathy A., Stornaiuolo, Amy, Smith, Anna and Zaher Pandya, Jessica (Ed.). Handbook of writing, literacies, and education in digital cultures pp. 26-36 Routledge.

Book chapter

Dot plots and hat plots: Supporting young students emerging understandings of distribution, center and variability through modeling
Fielding-Wells, Jill. (2018). Dot plots and hat plots: Supporting young students emerging understandings of distribution, center and variability through modeling. ZDM. 50(7), pp. 1125 - 1138.

Journal article

Aspirational ambivalence of middle-class secondary students in Hong Kong
Tsao, Jack, Hardy, Ian and Lingard, Bob. (2018). Aspirational ambivalence of middle-class secondary students in Hong Kong. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 39(8), pp. 1094 - 1110.

Journal article

Effectiveness of a small-group vocabulary intervention programme: evidence from a regression discontinuity design
Dyson, Hannah, Solity, Jonathan, Best, Wendy and Hulme, Charles. (2018). Effectiveness of a small-group vocabulary intervention programme: evidence from a regression discontinuity design. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 53(5), pp. 947 - 958.

Journal article