The mental health nurse practitioner in the emergency department : An Australian experience
Wand, Timothy and Fisher, Jackie. (2006). The mental health nurse practitioner in the emergency department : An Australian experience. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 15(3), pp. 201-208. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1447-0349.2006.00415.x

Journal article

Schooling in Australia : The interplay of education, politics, and culture
Joseph, Cynthia, Winzer, Margaret and Pollard, Vikki. (2006). Schooling in Australia : The interplay of education, politics, and culture. In In Mazurek, Kas and Winzer, Margret (Ed.). Schooling Around the World : Debates, Challenges, And Practices pp. 104 Pearson Education.

Book chapter

Market Access for LDCs under the Hong Kong Ministerial of the WTO : Outcomes for Bangladesh
Islam, M Rafiqul and Khorseduzzaman, MD. (2006). Market Access for LDCs under the Hong Kong Ministerial of the WTO : Outcomes for Bangladesh. Journal of World Investment and Trade. 7(3), pp. 383-406. https://doi.org/10.1163/221190006X00234

Journal article

Ethical dilemmas : the “breadand butter” of educationalleaders’ lives
Cranston, Neil, Ehrich, Lisa and Kimber, Megan Paige. (2006). Ethical dilemmas : the “breadand butter” of educationalleaders’ lives. Journal of Educational Administration. 44(2), pp. 106-121. https://doi.org/10.1108/09578230610652015

Journal article

The Panel case pinions parody : TCN Channel Nine Pty Limited v Network Ten Pty Limited (No 2) [2005] and the balancing of public interest against the enlargement of intellectual property rights
Clark, Sevda. (2006). The Panel case pinions parody : TCN Channel Nine Pty Limited v Network Ten Pty Limited (No 2) [2005] and the balancing of public interest against the enlargement of intellectual property rights. Polemic. 15(1), pp. 22-28.

Journal article

Graviton emission from a higher-dimensional black hole
Cornell, Alan S., Naylor, Wade and Sasaki, Misao. (2006). Graviton emission from a higher-dimensional black hole. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2006(2), p. Article 12. https://doi.org/10.1088/1126-6708/2006/02/012

Journal article

At what hip fracture risk is it cost-effective to treat? International intervention thresholds for the treatment of osteoporosis
Borgström, F., Johnell, O., Kanis, John, Jönsson, B. and Rehnberg, C.. (2006). At what hip fracture risk is it cost-effective to treat? International intervention thresholds for the treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International. 17(10), pp. 1459 - 1471. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-006-0107-0

Journal article

Improving the health of indigenous Australians: Reforms in nursing education. An opinion piece of international interest
Turale, Sue and Miller, Maria. (2006). Improving the health of indigenous Australians: Reforms in nursing education. An opinion piece of international interest. International Nursing Review. 53(3), pp. 171 - 177. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1466-7657.2006.00476.x

Journal article

Smokers living in deprived areas are less likely to quit: A longitudinal follow-up
Giskes, Katrina, van Lenthe, Frank J., Turrell, Gavin, Brugemann, Johan and Mackenbach, Johan P.. (2006). Smokers living in deprived areas are less likely to quit: A longitudinal follow-up. Tobacco Control. 15(6), pp. 485 - 488. https://doi.org/10.1136/tc.2006.015750

Journal article

Professors of nursing : what do they profess ?
Thompson, David and Watson, Roger. (2006). Professors of nursing : what do they profess ? Nurse Education in Practice. 6(3), pp. 123 - 126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2006.03.001

Journal article

Outcome of patients rehabilitated through a New Zealand Forensic Psychiatry Service: A 7.5 year retrospective study
Simpson, Sandy, Simpson, A., Jones, Roland Morgan, Evans, Ceri G. and McKenna, Brian. (2006). Outcome of patients rehabilitated through a New Zealand Forensic Psychiatry Service: A 7.5 year retrospective study. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. 24(6), pp. 833 - 843. https://doi.org/10.1002/bsl.740

Journal article

Global sourcing partnerships and emerging MNC markets: a conceptual framework
Kim, Jai-Beom, Choi, C., Millar, Carla, Hilton, Brian and Cheng, Philip. (2006). Global sourcing partnerships and emerging MNC markets: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Services Technology and Management. 7(43987), pp. 463 - 474. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSTM.2006.011288

Journal article

Mediation Law and Practice
Spencer, David and Brogan, Michael. (2006). Mediation Law and Practice Cambridge University Press.


A framework for effective religious education leadership in the catholic secondary school
Engebretson, Kathleen Veronica. (2006). A framework for effective religious education leadership in the catholic secondary school. In In R. Rymarz (Ed.). Leadership in Religious Education pp. 135 - 151 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Vision within Abasement
Alasdair, MacIntyre,. (2006). Vision within Abasement Orange New South Wales: Flaming Youth: Orange Regional Gallery, NSW.

Creative work

Using recovery modalities between training sessions in elite athletes: Does it help?
Barnett, Anthony. (2006). Using recovery modalities between training sessions in elite athletes: Does it help? Sports Medicine. 36(9), pp. 781 - 796. https://doi.org/10.2165/00007256-200636090-00005

Journal article

The significance of autonomy and autonomy support in psychological development and psychopathology
Ryan, Richard M., Deci, Edward L., Grolnick, Wendy S. and La Guardia, Jennifer G.. (2006). The significance of autonomy and autonomy support in psychological development and psychopathology. In In Cicchetti, Dante and Cohen, Donald J. (Ed.). Developmental psychopathalogy : Volume 1 : Theory and method pp. 795-849 John Wiley & Sons. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470939383.ch20

Book chapter

Motivation in cross-cultural settings: A Papua New Guinea psychometric study
Nelson, Genevieve F., O'Mara, Alison J., McInerney, Dennis and Dowson, Martin. (2006). Motivation in cross-cultural settings: A Papua New Guinea psychometric study. International Education Journal.

Journal article

The Syrian church through bishops' eyes :the letters of Theodoret of Cyrrhus and Severus of Antioch
Allen, Pauline. (2006). The Syrian church through bishops' eyes :the letters of Theodoret of Cyrrhus and Severus of Antioch. In F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis (Ed.). Studia Patristica. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing.

Conference item

An examination of student meaning-making in the post-compulsory subject of study of religion
Craig, Mark Gerard. (2006). An examination of student meaning-making in the post-compulsory subject of study of religion [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94ba6a5e4da


Praesentia Substantialis: An examination of the Thomistic metaphysics of the Eucharistic Prescence
Goodwin, Colin Robert. (2006). Praesentia Substantialis: An examination of the Thomistic metaphysics of the Eucharistic Prescence [PhD Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b4175e4bb

PhD Thesis

Construction for watching Waterloo
Kershaw, Alex. (2006). Construction for watching Waterloo

Creative work

Using the learning federation's learning objects in the classroom
Gronn, Donna, Clarke, Olivia and Lewis, Gerard. (2006). Using the learning federation's learning objects in the classroom. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. 11(2), pp. 4 - 7.

Journal article

Witness and friend: Symbolism associated with John the Baptiser
Coloe, Mary. (2006). Witness and friend: Symbolism associated with John the Baptiser. In In J. Frey, J.van der Watt and R. Zimmermann (Ed.). Imagery in the Gospel of John: Terms, Forms, Themes and Theology of Figurative Language pp. 319 - 332 Mohr Siebeck.

Book chapter

Taxing speculation in financial markets: A comparison between United Kingdom and Australian common law and tax rulings
Ciro, Tony. (2006). Taxing speculation in financial markets: A comparison between United Kingdom and Australian common law and tax rulings. Derivatives and Financial instruments. 8(3), pp. 129 - 138.

Journal article

Generation in-between. The participation of generation X in lifelong learning
Rymarz, Richard Michael. (2006). Generation in-between. The participation of generation X in lifelong learning. In In J. Chapman, P. Cartwright and J.E. McGilp (Ed.). Lifelong Learning; Participation and Equity pp. 205 - 217 Springer.

Book chapter

Practical applications of multiparty secure computation
Seruga, Jan and Curtis, Brian. (2006). Practical applications of multiparty secure computation. In In H. Kisilowska and J. Seruga (Ed.). Business and Informatics - Current Trends (2) pp. 41 - 48 Warsaw University of Technology.

Book chapter

Young children developing place value understandings
Horne, Marjorie and Livy, Sharyn. (2006). Young children developing place value understandings. In Jarmila Novotna, Hana Moraova and Magdalena Kratka (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University. pp. 313 - 320

Conference item

Vegetation changes in a large estuarine wetland subsequent to construction of floodgates: Hexham Swamp in the Lower Hunter Valley, New South Wales
Winning, Geoffrey Bruce. (2006). Vegetation changes in a large estuarine wetland subsequent to construction of floodgates: Hexham Swamp in the Lower Hunter Valley, New South Wales [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b6b05e4c8


Soap, slip, slash
Bell, Catherine Elizabeth. (2006). Soap, slip, slash

Creative work

A motivational counseling approach to improving heart failure self-care : Mechanisms of effectiveness
Riegel, Barbara, Dickson, Victoria V., Hoke, Linda, McMahon, Janet P., Reis, Brendali F. and Sayers, Steven. (2006). A motivational counseling approach to improving heart failure self-care : Mechanisms of effectiveness. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 21(3), pp. 232-241. https://doi.org/10.1097/00005082-200605000-00012

Journal article

Bone fragility in men - Where are we?
Seeman, Ego, Bianchi, Georges, Khosla, Sundeep, Kanis, John and Orwoll, E. (2006). Bone fragility in men - Where are we? Osteoporosis International. 17(11), pp. 1577 - 1583. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-006-0160-8

Journal article

The Credibility and Acceptability of Befriending as a Control Therapy in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Acute First Episode Psychosis
Bendall, Sarah, Jackson, Henry, Killackey, Eoin, Allott, Kelly, Johnson, Tracy, Harrigan, Susan, Gleeson, John and McGorry, Patrick. (2006). The Credibility and Acceptability of Befriending as a Control Therapy in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Acute First Episode Psychosis. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 34(3), pp. 277 - 291. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1352465806002815

Journal article

Emotional expression, perceptions of therapy, and help-seeking intentions in men attending therapy services
Cusack, Jason, Deane, Frank P., Wilson, Coralie J. and Ciarrochi, Joseph. (2006). Emotional expression, perceptions of therapy, and help-seeking intentions in men attending therapy services. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 7(2), pp. 69 - 82. https://doi.org/10.1037/1524-9220.7.2.69

Journal article

Editorial: Critically Appraised Papers Related to Children with Autism
Wallen, Margaret and Imms, Christine. (2006). Editorial: Critically Appraised Papers Related to Children with Autism. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 53(3), pp. 237 - 238.

Journal article

Heart failure management programmes in Europe
Jaarsma, Tiny, Stromberg, Anna, De Geest, Sabina, Fridlund, Bengt, Heikkila, Johanna, Martensson, Jan, Moons, Philip, Reimer, Wilma Scholte, Smith, Karen, Stewart, Simon and Thompson, David. (2006). Heart failure management programmes in Europe. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 5(3), pp. 197 - 205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2006.04.002

Journal article

The art of talking and playing with children
Teoh, Hsien-Jin. (2006). The art of talking and playing with children Oak Enterprise.


Gender differences in adherence to the sodium-restricted diet in patients with heart failure
Chung, Misook, Moser, Debra, Lennie, Terry, Worrall-Carter, Linda, Bentley, B., Trupp, T. and Armentano, D.. (2006). Gender differences in adherence to the sodium-restricted diet in patients with heart failure. Journal of Cardiac Failure. 12(8), pp. 628 - 634. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2006.07.007

Journal article

A study of learning environment in the extended practicum of a pre-service teacher education course at a Catholic University
Kennedy, Joy. (2006). A study of learning environment in the extended practicum of a pre-service teacher education course at a Catholic University [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bb025e4dd


Our genetic future
Tobin, Bernadette. (2006). Our genetic future. In In M. Whelan (Ed.). Issues for Church and Society in Australia : The Aquians Academy Jubilee Lectures 2005 pp. 33 - 46 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Rhyming and folk tales: Resources for mathematical thinking
Clarkson, Philip. (2006). Rhyming and folk tales: Resources for mathematical thinking. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. 11(4), pp. 18 - 23.

Journal article

The holiday-maker's happy hunting ground: Travel writing in Queensland; 1860-1950
Ryan, Simon. (2006). The holiday-maker's happy hunting ground: Travel writing in Queensland; 1860-1950. Queensland Review. 13(1), pp. 63 - 78.

Journal article

Ethical truths; secular and sacred
Drum, Peter. (2006). Ethical truths; secular and sacred. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 12(1), pp. 12 - 17.

Journal article

Narcissus of liberty
Trotter, Penelope. (2006). Narcissus of liberty

Creative work

Bartholomew, Julie. (2006). Zoetrop

Creative work

The discipline of psychology from a university senior management perspective
Sheehan, Peter W.. (2006). The discipline of psychology from a university senior management perspective. Current Psychology. 24(4), pp. 215 - 217. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-005-1023-8

Journal article

Books and beyond: New ways to reach readers
Opitz, M., Ford, M. and Zbaracki, Matthew. (2006). Books and beyond: New ways to reach readers Heinemann.


What were you thinking? Empowering tomorrow's professionals today
Davis, Tim, Thomas, Theda and Kazlauskas, Alanah. (2006). What were you thinking? Empowering tomorrow's professionals today. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 2(1), pp. 34 - 46. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2.1.35

Journal article

Core components of a school-wide safe schools curriculum
Noble, Toni. (2006). Core components of a school-wide safe schools curriculum. In In H. McGrath and T. Noble (Ed.). Bullying Solutions. Evidence-based approaches to bullying in Australian Schools pp. 67 - 84 Pearson Education.

Book chapter

Corporate Social Responsibility :How to Act and What to Communicate
Stuart, Helen Joyce. (2006). Corporate Social Responsibility :How to Act and What to Communicate. In Professor C Patti and Dr J Drennan (Ed.). Brisbane, Australia: ANZMAC 2006. pp. 1 - 7

Conference item

Global public health communication: challenges, perspectives and strategies
Jones, Sandra. (2006). Global public health communication: challenges, perspectives and strategies. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 17(1), pp. 73 - 74.

Journal article

Stereotyping as a response strategy when faking personality questionnaires
Mahar, D, Coburn, B., Griffin, N., Hemeter, F., Potappel, F., Turton, C. and Mulgrew, Kate. (2006). Stereotyping as a response strategy when faking personality questionnaires. Personality and Individual Differences. 40(7), pp. 1375 - 1386. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2005.11.018

Journal article

Small-scale randomized controlled trials need more powerful methods of mediational analysis than the Baron-Kenny method
Cerin, Ester, Taylor, Lorian M., Leslie, Eva R. and Owen, Neville. (2006). Small-scale randomized controlled trials need more powerful methods of mediational analysis than the Baron-Kenny method. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 59(5), pp. 457 - 464. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclinepi.2005.11.008

Journal article

Satisfaction with general practitioner treatment of depression among residents of aged care facilitates
Mellor, David, Davison, Tanya E., McCabe, Marita, George, Kuruvilla, Moore, Kathleen and Ski, Chantal. (2006). Satisfaction with general practitioner treatment of depression among residents of aged care facilitates. Journal of Aging and Health. 17(10), pp. 435 - 457. https://doi.org/10.1177/0898264306286199

Journal article

A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on cognitive and retinal function in cognitively healthy older people : The Older People And n-3 Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (OPAL) study protocol [ISRCTN72331636]
Alan, Dangour D., Clemens, Felicity, Elbourne, Diana, Fasey, Nicky, Fletcher, Astrid E., Hardy, Pollyanna, Holder, Graham E., Huppert, Felicia A., Knight, Rosemary, Letley, Louise, Richards, Marcus, Truesdale, Ann, Vickers, Madge and Uauy, Ricardo. (2006). A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on cognitive and retinal function in cognitively healthy older people : The Older People And n-3 Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (OPAL) study protocol [ISRCTN72331636]. Nutrition Journal. 5. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2891-5-20

Journal article

Becoming Children: The Hidden Meaning of the Incarnation
Trakakis, Nick. (2006). Becoming Children: The Hidden Meaning of the Incarnation. Theandros. 3(3), pp. 1 - 5.

Journal article

Teacher actions :Enhancing the learning of mental computation in Year 2
Heirdsfield, Anne and Lamb, Janeen Therese. (2006). Teacher actions :Enhancing the learning of mental computation in Year 2. In Jarmila Novotna, Hana Moraova and Magdalena Kratka (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Prague, Czech Republic: Atelier Guimaec, sro. pp. 281 - 288

Conference item

The Internationalization of Chinese Brands
Papadimos, Andrew Christie. (2006). The Internationalization of Chinese Brands. In Vincent Calluzo (Ed.). San Francisco, USA: College of San Francisco State University.

Conference item

Learning about and learning from religion. The pedagogical theory of Michael Grimmitt
Engebretson, Kathleen. (2006). Learning about and learning from religion. The pedagogical theory of Michael Grimmitt. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 667 - 678 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Non-effect of water hardness on the accumulation and toxicity of copper in a freshwater macrophyte (ceratophyllum demersum): How useful are hardness-modified copper guidelines for protecting freshwater biota?
Markich, Scott, King, Angus and Wilson, Scott. (2006). Non-effect of water hardness on the accumulation and toxicity of copper in a freshwater macrophyte (ceratophyllum demersum): How useful are hardness-modified copper guidelines for protecting freshwater biota? Chemosphere. 65(10), pp. 1791 - 1800. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2006.04.024

Journal article

Supporting transitions from student to professional: a mentoring case study from early childhood education
Thomas, Louise Mary, Walker, Sue, Allwood, Joanne, Black, Alison, Meehan, Catherine, Heirsfield, Ann, Ewing, Bronwyn and Walsh, Kerryann. (2006). Supporting transitions from student to professional: a mentoring case study from early childhood education. In In G. Rienstra and A. Gonczi (Ed.). Entry to the teaching profession: Preparation, practice, pressure and professionalism pp. 48 - 55 Australian College of Educators.

Book chapter

Art and religious education: Seeking meaning in the sacred seriousness of art
Bernasconi, Gina. (2006). Art and religious education: Seeking meaning in the sacred seriousness of art [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bd2c5e4e8


A religious, ethical and philosophical study of the human person in the context of biomedical practices
Milne, Douglas J.W.. (2006). A religious, ethical and philosophical study of the human person in the context of biomedical practices [MPhil Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b4495e4bc

MPhil Thesis

Using students' assessment of classroom environment to develop a typology of secondary school classrooms
Dorman, Jeffrey, Aldridge, Jill and Fraser, Barry. (2006). Using students' assessment of classroom environment to develop a typology of secondary school classrooms. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives. 7(7), pp. 906 - 915.

Journal article

Mary in religious education: Theological foundations and educational frameworks
Carroll, Sandra. (2006). Mary in religious education: Theological foundations and educational frameworks. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 1191 - 1205 Springer.

Book chapter

Between Jerusalem and Antioch: The advent of the gentile mission
Elmer, Ian J.. (2006). Between Jerusalem and Antioch: The advent of the gentile mission. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 6(1), pp. 1 - 11.

Journal article

Introduction to Lifelong Learning; Participation and Equity
Chapman, Judith Dorothy, Cartwright, Patricia Anne and McGilp, Jacqueline. (2006). Introduction to Lifelong Learning; Participation and Equity. In In J. Chapman, P. Cartwright and E.J. McGilp (Ed.). Lifelong Learning; Participation and Equity pp. 15 - 26 Springer.

Book chapter

Belonging: the case of immigrants and the Australian Catholic Church
Noseda, Mary. (2006). Belonging: the case of immigrants and the Australian Catholic Church [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b6eb5e4c9


Mapping the terrain: Describing different perspectives on spirituality
Hyde, Brendan. (2006). Mapping the terrain: Describing different perspectives on spirituality. Journal of Religious Education. 54(2), pp. 19 - 29.

Journal article

School-based interventions for spinal pain - A systematic review
Steele, Emily, Dawson, Anna and Hiller, Janet. (2006). School-based interventions for spinal pain - A systematic review. Spine. 31(2), pp. 226 - 233. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.brs.0000195158.00680.0d

Journal article

Under CSR doona: Weaving ethics and internal democracy into the fabric of CSR doona
Butrous, Nasir and McBarron, Ellen. (2006). Under CSR doona: Weaving ethics and internal democracy into the fabric of CSR doona. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. 5(6), pp. 115 - 119.

Journal article

The cost-effectiveness of risedronate in the treatment of osteoporosis: An international perspective
Borgström, F., Carlsson, Å., Sintonen, H., Boonen, Steven, Haentjens, P., Burge, R., Johnell, O., Jönsson, B. and Kanis, John. (2006). The cost-effectiveness of risedronate in the treatment of osteoporosis: An international perspective. Osteoporosis International. 17(7), pp. 996 - 1007. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-006-0094-1

Journal article

E - Leadership (Motivation) - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). E - Leadership (Motivation) - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8v0y1


O - Reading the Bible; Government and the Media; the Wider World. - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). O - Reading the Bible; Government and the Media; the Wider World. - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8v0xz


Effect of altered pre-exercise carbohydrate availability on selection and perception of effort during prolonged cycling
Johnson, Nathan, Stannard, Stephen, Chapman, Phil and Thompson, Martin. (2006). Effect of altered pre-exercise carbohydrate availability on selection and perception of effort during prolonged cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 98(1), pp. 62 - 70. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-006-0243-4

Journal article

Use of factor analysis in Journal of Advanced Nursing: Literature review
Watson, Roger and Thompson, David. (2006). Use of factor analysis in Journal of Advanced Nursing: Literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 55(3), pp. 330 - 341. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.03915.x

Journal article

Prevalence of genital human papillomavirus DNA in a sample of senior school-aged women in the Australian Capital Territory
O'Keefe, Elissa, Gardner, Anne, Currie, Marian, Garland, Suzanne, Tabrizi, Sepehr and Bowden, Francis. (2006). Prevalence of genital human papillomavirus DNA in a sample of senior school-aged women in the Australian Capital Territory. Sexual Health. 3(2), pp. 91 - 94. https://doi.org/10.1071/SH05047

Journal article

Integration of multidimensional self-concept and core personality constructs: Construct validation and relations to well-being and achievement
Marsh, Herb, Trautwein, Ulrich, Ludtke, Oliver, Koller, O and Baumert, Jurgen. (2006). Integration of multidimensional self-concept and core personality constructs: Construct validation and relations to well-being and achievement. Journal of Personality. 74(2), pp. 403 - 456. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6494.2005.00380.x

Journal article

Mentally abnormal homicide in New Zealand as defined by legal and clinical criteria: A national study
Simpson, A., Skipworth, Jeremy J., McKenna, Brian, Moskowitz, Andrew K. and Barry-Walsh, Justin B.. (2006). Mentally abnormal homicide in New Zealand as defined by legal and clinical criteria: A national study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 40(9), pp. 804 - 809. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1614.2006.01887.x

Journal article

Alert but not alarmed? The rhetoric of terrorism and life after 9/11.
Walker, Kim. (2006). Alert but not alarmed? The rhetoric of terrorism and life after 9/11. Contemporary Nurse. 21(2), pp. 267 - 273. https://doi.org/10.5172/conu.2006.21.2.267

Journal article

Looking through zones at the teacher's role in technology-rich teaching and learning environments (TRTLE's)
Brown, Jill Patricia. (2006). Looking through zones at the teacher's role in technology-rich teaching and learning environments (TRTLE's). In C. Hoyles, J-b. Lagrange and L. H. Son (Ed.). Digital technologies and mathematics teaching and learning: Rethinking the terrain, Proceedings of the seventeenth ICMI Study: 'Technology revisited'. Hanoi, Vietnam: International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. pp. 56 - 65

Conference item

Mark God's humility: The humility of God and the humility of the teacher: Augustine’s de Catechizandis Rudibus
Canning, Raymond. (2006). Mark God's humility: The humility of God and the humility of the teacher: Augustine’s de Catechizandis Rudibus. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 311 - 325 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Educational Podcasting Using the Charles Sturt University Flexible Publishing Platform
Chan, M., Lee, Mark J.W. and McLoughlin, Catherine. (2006). Educational Podcasting Using the Charles Sturt University Flexible Publishing Platform. In T. Reeves and S. F. Yashima (Ed.). Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education; 2006. Chesapeake; Virginia,USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 2894 - 2901

Conference item

Fostering Student Motivation and Self Regulatory Skills in Online Learning Environments
Labone, Elizabeth Mary and Dennis, Christine. (2006). Fostering Student Motivation and Self Regulatory Skills in Online Learning Environments. In Elaine Pearson and Paul Bohman (Ed.). Proceedings of Ed-Media 20006: World Conference on Educational multimedia; hypermedia and telecommunications. Norfold,USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 1368 - 1372

Conference item

Literacy and learning with multimodal texts: Classroom glimpses
Walsh, Maureen. (2006). Literacy and learning with multimodal texts: Classroom glimpses. Synergy. 4(1), pp. 43 - 49.

Journal article

Be-medalled and be-ribboned: Soldiers and civilians on Brisbane's streets in World War II
Ryan, Delyse. (2006). Be-medalled and be-ribboned: Soldiers and civilians on Brisbane's streets in World War II. Journal of Australian Studies. 89, pp. 41 - 51.

Journal article

Focusing on ICT in rural and regional education in Australia
Reading, Chris, Fluck, Andrew, Trinidad, Sue, Smith, Howard, Shaw, Greg, Anderson, Neil, McLoughlin, Catherine and White, Bruce. (2006). Focusing on ICT in rural and regional education in Australia. Australian Educational Computing. 21(2), pp. 20 - 24.

Journal article

World of wonders: The shaping of reality in Maxims I
Di Napoli, Robert. (2006). World of wonders: The shaping of reality in Maxims I. Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association. 2, pp. 57 - 68.

Journal article

Exploring the limits of literal exegesis: Augustine's reading of gen 1:26
Neil, Bronwen. (2006). Exploring the limits of literal exegesis: Augustine's reading of gen 1:26. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 19, pp. 144 - 155.

Journal article

Pagan and Christian virtues
Drum, Peter. (2006). Pagan and Christian virtues. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 12(2), pp. 26 - 30.

Journal article

Silent Transfigurations
Trakakis, Nick. (2006). Silent Transfigurations Australia: Nick Trakakis.

Creative work

Asian Americans or Asians in America?
Chia, Edmund. (2006). Asian Americans or Asians in America? New Theology Review: an American Catholic journal for ministry. 19(4), pp. 81 - 84.

Journal article

Introduction: Education and social justice
Zajda, Joseph, Majhanovich, Suzanne and Rust, Val. (2006). Introduction: Education and social justice. International Review of Education. 52(1), pp. 9 - 22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11159-005-5614-2

Journal article

Interaction of the Doctrines of Undue Influence and Unconscionability in Malaysia: A Merger or Separate Development?
Cheong, May. (2006). Interaction of the Doctrines of Undue Influence and Unconscionability in Malaysia: A Merger or Separate Development? The Law Review.

Journal article

The Application of Customer Management Strategies using Internet Commerce in the Australian Energy Industry
Maher, Peter William and Steane, Peter. (2006). The Application of Customer Management Strategies using Internet Commerce in the Australian Energy Industry. Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI) Annual Conference. China: Asia Pacific Region of Decision Sciences Institute. pp. 758 - 773

Conference item

Masculinities and femininities and secondary schooling: The case for a gender analysis in the postmodern condition
Davison, Kevin and Frank, Blye W.. (2006). Masculinities and femininities and secondary schooling: The case for a gender analysis in the postmodern condition. In In C.Skelton and B. Francis (Ed.). The SAGE handbook of gender and education pp. 165 - 14 Sage Publications Ltd..

Book chapter

The age 1892 +: an early Brisbane catholic newspaper
MacGinley, Rosa. (2006). The age 1892 +: an early Brisbane catholic newspaper. In In C. Hanlon (Ed.). Proceedings of Brisbane Catholic Historical Society pp. 10 - 21 Brisbane Catholic Historical Society.

Book chapter

Functional democracy and the development of doctrine: A participative approach to religious education
English, Graham Joseph. (2006). Functional democracy and the development of doctrine: A participative approach to religious education. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 621 - 633 Springer.

Book chapter

Inorganic pollution of the sediments of the River Torrens, South Australia
Gale, Richard, Gale, Stephen and Winchester, Hilary. (2006). Inorganic pollution of the sediments of the River Torrens, South Australia. Environmental Geology: international journal of geosciences. 50, pp. 62 - 75. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00254-006-0187-3

Journal article

The psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the sf-36 health survey in patients with myocardial infarction in mainland China
Wang, Wenru, Lopez, Violeta, Ying, Sek and Thompson, David. (2006). The psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the sf-36 health survey in patients with myocardial infarction in mainland China. Quality of Life Research. 10(9), pp. 6 - 12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-006-0012-1

Journal article

Performance changes following a field conditioning program in junior and senior rugby league players
Gabbett, Tim. (2006). Performance changes following a field conditioning program in junior and senior rugby league players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(1), pp. 215 - 221. https://doi.org/10.1519/R-16554.1

Journal article

A nursing intervention to reduce prehospital delay in acute coronary syndrome : A randomized clinical trial
Dracup, Kathleen, McKinley, Sharon, Riegel, Barbara, Mieschke, Hendrika, Doering, Lynn V. and Moser, Debra K.. (2006). A nursing intervention to reduce prehospital delay in acute coronary syndrome : A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 21(3), pp. 186-193. https://doi.org/10.1097/00005082-200605000-00006

Journal article

What Were You Thinking? Empowering Tomorrow's Professionals Today
Davis, Tim, Thomas, Theda and Kazlauskas, Alanah. (2006). What Were You Thinking? Empowering Tomorrow's Professionals Today. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 2(1), pp. 34 - 46. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2.1.35

Journal article

Competitive Paradigms on Strategic Change: Mapping the Field and Further Research Development
Dufour, Yvon and Steane, Peter. (2006). Competitive Paradigms on Strategic Change: Mapping the Field and Further Research Development. Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance. 15(3), pp. 129 - 144.

Journal article

Challenges facing Australian higher education:
Carpenter, Peter Gregory and McMullen, Gabrielle Lucy. (2006). Challenges facing Australian higher education: In In H. Kisilowska and J. Seruga (Ed.). Business and Informatics - Current Trends (2) pp. 7 - 27 Warsaw University of Technology.

Book chapter

The 210Pb chronology of deposition in Tocal Homestead Lagoon, eastern Australia
Gale, Stephen and Cook, Duncan. (2006). The 210Pb chronology of deposition in Tocal Homestead Lagoon, eastern Australia. Quaternary Newsletter.

Journal article

A selective review of mental health nursing in New South Wales, Australia, in relation to clinical supervision
White, Edward and Roche, Michael. (2006). A selective review of mental health nursing in New South Wales, Australia, in relation to clinical supervision. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 15(3), pp. 209-219. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1447-0349.2006.00424.x

Journal article

Dealing with bullying
Teoh, Hsien-Jin. (2006). Dealing with bullying Oak Enterprise.


Al Ritmo di Dio
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2006). Al Ritmo di Dio [Composition].


An exploration of primary school principals' perspectives on the concept of community as applied to Catholic schools
Graham, John David. (2006). An exploration of primary school principals' perspectives on the concept of community as applied to Catholic schools [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bcf75e4e7


Exactly on all-fours with the English precedent: establishing a Public Accounts Committee in the Antipodes
Jones, Kate. (2006). Exactly on all-fours with the English precedent: establishing a Public Accounts Committee in the Antipodes. Victorian Historical Journal. 77(2), pp. 194 - 211.

Journal article

The male jouissance thing: Ode to Bowie
Trotter, Penelope. (2006). The male jouissance thing: Ode to Bowie

Creative work

Initial use of the perceptions of assessment tasks inventory (PATI) in English secondary schools
Dorman, Jeffrey and Knightley, Wendy. (2006). Initial use of the perceptions of assessment tasks inventory (PATI) in English secondary schools. Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 52(3), pp. 196 - 199.

Journal article

Sources in the shadows: John 13 and the Johannine community
Coloe, Mary. (2006). Sources in the shadows: John 13 and the Johannine community. In In F. Lozado Jr and T. Thatcher (Ed.). New Currents Through John: A Global Perspective pp. 69 - 82 Society of Biblical Literature.

Book chapter

The juxtaposition of Islam and violence
Albayrak, Ismail. (2006). The juxtaposition of Islam and violence. In In R.A.Hunt and Y.A.Aslogan (Ed.). Muslim Citizens of the Globalised World pp. 119 - 130 The Light, Inc & IID Press.

Book chapter

Global sourcing partnerships and emerging MNC markets: A conceptual framework
Kim, Jai-Beom, Choi, C., Millar, Carla, Hilton, Brian and Cheng, Philip. (2006). Global sourcing partnerships and emerging MNC markets: A conceptual framework. International Journal of Services Technology and Management. 7(June), pp. 463 - 474. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSTM.2006.011288

Journal article

Overcoming barriers that impede participation in lifelong learning
Chapman, Judith, McGilp, Jacqueline, Cartwright, Patricia, de Souza, Marian and Toomey, Ron. (2006). Overcoming barriers that impede participation in lifelong learning. In In J. Chapman, P. Cartwright and E.J. McGilp (Ed.). Lifelong Learning; Participation and Equity pp. 151 - 174 Springer.

Book chapter

Siebols, Jeannette. (2006). Illatum Sydney, Australia:

Digital or visual media

F - Leadership (Communications) - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). F - Leadership (Communications) - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8qvq7


Effects of a mutual support group for families of Chinese people with schizophrenia: 18-month follow-up
Chien, Wai, Chan, Sally and Thompson, David. (2006). Effects of a mutual support group for families of Chinese people with schizophrenia: 18-month follow-up. British Journal of Psychiatry. 189(1), pp. 41 - 49. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.105.008375

Journal article

Determinants of stages of smoking uptake among secondary school students
Baade, Peter and Stanton, Warren. (2006). Determinants of stages of smoking uptake among secondary school students. Addictive Behaviors. 31(1), pp. 143 - 148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2005.04.007

Journal article

Testing a self-determination theory intervention for motivating tobacco cessation: Supporting autonomy and competence in a clinical trial
Williams, Geoffrey C., McGregor, Holly, Sharp, Daryl, Lévesque, Chantal S., Kouides, Ruth W., Ryan, Richard and Deci, Edward. (2006). Testing a self-determination theory intervention for motivating tobacco cessation: Supporting autonomy and competence in a clinical trial. Health Psychology. 25(1), pp. 91 - 101. https://doi.org/10.1037/0278-6133.25.1.91

Journal article

Pharmacological treatment and perceived health status during 1- year follow-up in patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease, but in ineligible for revascularization. Results from the Euro Heart Survey on Coronary Revascularization
Lenzen, Mattie, Reimer, Wilma Scholte, Norekval, Tone, De Geest, Sabina, Fridlund, Bengt, Heikkila, Johanna, Jaarsma, Tiny, Martensson, Jan, Moons, Philip, Smith, Karen, Stewart, Simon, Stromberg, Anna, Thompson, David and Wijns, William. (2006). Pharmacological treatment and perceived health status during 1- year follow-up in patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease, but in ineligible for revascularization. Results from the Euro Heart Survey on Coronary Revascularization. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 5(2), pp. 115 - 121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2006.01.003

Journal article

Guiding the Transition of Nursing Practise From an Inpatient to a Community-Care Setting: A Saudi Arabian Experience
Simpson, Elaine, Butler, Mollie, Al-Somali, Shayda and Courtney, Mary. (2006). Guiding the Transition of Nursing Practise From an Inpatient to a Community-Care Setting: A Saudi Arabian Experience. Nursing and Health Sciences. 8(2), pp. 120 - 124. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-2018.2006.00258.x

Journal article

Message framing and the use of incentives - are they effective in increasing participation rates in disease management programs?
Jones, Sandra. (2006). Message framing and the use of incentives - are they effective in increasing participation rates in disease management programs? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1 - 37

Conference item

Ethical issues in social marketing: a review and analysis of complaints to the Australian Advertising Standards Board about social marketing advertisements
Jones, Sandra. (2006). Ethical issues in social marketing: a review and analysis of complaints to the Australian Advertising Standards Board about social marketing advertisements. At the Threshold : Second Australasian Non-profit and Social Marketing Conference. Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 22 - 23 Sep 2005 Australia: University of Newcastle.

Conference item

Heroic frames: Discursive constructions around the requested death movement in Australian print media in the late-1990s
McInerney, Fran. (2006). Heroic frames: Discursive constructions around the requested death movement in Australian print media in the late-1990s. Social Science & Medicine. 62(3), pp. 654 - 667. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.06.026

Journal article

Concepts of poverty
Serr, Klaus. (2006). Concepts of poverty. In In K. Serr (Ed.). Thinking about poverty pp. 49 - 65 Federation Press, the.

Book chapter

Manifestations of affordances of a technology-rich teaching and learning environment (TRTLE)
Brown, Jill Patricia. (2006). Manifestations of affordances of a technology-rich teaching and learning environment (TRTLE). In J. Novotna, H. Moraova and M. Kratke (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME),. Prague, Czech Republic: International Group for the Psychology of Mathemati.... pp. 241 - 248

Conference item

The elements of ascetical widowhood: Augustine’s de Bono Viduitatis and Epistula 130
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). The elements of ascetical widowhood: Augustine’s de Bono Viduitatis and Epistula 130. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 247 - 256 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Combining academic and Workplace Learning Experiences into the Design of a Professional Masters Degree
Chan, M. and McLoughlin, Catherine. (2006). Combining academic and Workplace Learning Experiences into the Design of a Professional Masters Degree. In I. Vardi and A. Bunker (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2006 Annual international Conference of the Higher Education; Research and Development Society of Australia Inc. (HERDSA). Milperra, Australia: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. pp. 229 - 236

Conference item

Critical review of resident assessment protocols
Dosa, D., Bowers, Barbara and Gifford, D.. (2006). Critical review of resident assessment protocols. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 54(4), pp. 659 - 666. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1532-5415.2006.00654.x

Journal article

"A school like Rice's school": The beginning of Edmund Rice education
McLaughlin, Denis. (2006). "A school like Rice's school": The beginning of Edmund Rice education. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Educating for hope; compassion and meaning in a divisive and intolerant world
de Souza, Marian. (2006). Educating for hope; compassion and meaning in a divisive and intolerant world. International Journal of Children's Spirituality. 11(1), pp. 165 - 176. https://doi.org/10.1080/13644360500504488

Journal article

Nietzsche's perspectivism and problems of self-refutation
Trakakis, Nick. (2006). Nietzsche's perspectivism and problems of self-refutation. International Philosophical Quarterly. 46(1), pp. 91 - 110.

Journal article

The Six Watchtowers of Dachau, designed by Paul Ludwig Troost and the Carmelite Convent, and Josef Wiedemann
Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2006). The Six Watchtowers of Dachau, designed by Paul Ludwig Troost and the Carmelite Convent, and Josef Wiedemann

Creative work

Mourning and the light within
Wailes, Andrew. (2006). Mourning and the light within

Creative work

Engaging children in research on sensitive issues: a literature review
Noble-Carr, Debbie. (2006). Engaging children in research on sensitive issues: a literature review Dickson, ACT: Australian Catholic University.


Managing New Organisational Forms
Jones, Grant. (2006). Managing New Organisational Forms. In In P. Murray, D. Poole and G. Jones (Ed.). Contemporary issues in Management and Organisational Behaviour pp. 1 - 33 Thomson Learning.

Book chapter

The role of spiritual intelligence in transforming catholic religious education leadership
de Souza, Marian. (2006). The role of spiritual intelligence in transforming catholic religious education leadership. In In R. Rymarz (Ed.). Leadership in Religious Education pp. 152 - 172 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Soulful learning: A vital component of curriculum development
Nuttall, Mary. (2006). Soulful learning: A vital component of curriculum development. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 1343 - 1359 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Solipsism as cultural condition : Some recent Irish Examples
Ryan, Matthew. (2006). Solipsism as cultural condition : Some recent Irish Examples. Arena Journal. 27, pp. 159 - 191.

Journal article

In the Eye of the Beholder
Margrain, Valerie. (2006). In the Eye of the Beholder. Kairaranga. 7(2), pp. 5 - 10.

Journal article

Picture this: My lesson. How LAMS is being used with pre-service teachers to develop effective classroom activities
Cameron, Leanne. (2006). Picture this: My lesson. How LAMS is being used with pre-service teachers to develop effective classroom activities. The First International LAMS Conference 2006: Designing the Future of Learning. Australia: LAMS Foundation. pp. 25 - 34

Conference item

Dance Party Consumer Motivations & Meaning
Marshall, Alistair Kenneth W.. (2006). Dance Party Consumer Motivations & Meaning. Honolulu, United States: Hawaii International Conference on Business. pp. 2175 - 2203

Conference item

Barriers to; and facilitators of; research utilisation: A survey of Hong Kong registered nurses
Lopez, Violeta and Chau, Janita. (2006). Barriers to; and facilitators of; research utilisation: A survey of Hong Kong registered nurses. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. 4(2), pp. 77 - 82.

Journal article

Reciprocal Effects of Self-Concept and Performance From a Multidimensional Perspective: Beyond Seductive Pleasure and Unidimensional Perspectives
Marsh, Herb and Craven, Rhonda. (2006). Reciprocal Effects of Self-Concept and Performance From a Multidimensional Perspective: Beyond Seductive Pleasure and Unidimensional Perspectives. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 1(2), pp. 133 - 163. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6916.2006.00010.x

Journal article

A new reader trial approach to peer review in funding research grants : An Australian experiment
Jayasinghe, Upali W., Marsh, Herbert W. and Bond, Nigel W.. (2006). A new reader trial approach to peer review in funding research grants : An Australian experiment. Scientometrics. 69(3), pp. 591-606. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-006-0171-4

Journal article

Moving forward: Alternative anti-poverty strategies
Serr, Klaus. (2006). Moving forward: Alternative anti-poverty strategies. In In K. Serr (Ed.). Thinking about poverty pp. 183 - 196 Federation Press, the.

Book chapter

Issues in Teaching Mathematics to Aboriginal Students
Howard, Peter and Perry, Joe. (2006). Issues in Teaching Mathematics to Aboriginal Students. In Peter Grootenboer, Robyn Zevenbergen and Mohan Chinnappan (Ed.). Identities; Cultures and Learning Spaces: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Adelaide, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 293 - 300

Conference item

Targeting in community care: A review of recent literature and analysis of the Aged Care Assessment Program Minimum data set
Howe, Anna, Doyle, Colleen Joy and Wells, Yvonne. (2006). Targeting in community care: A review of recent literature and analysis of the Aged Care Assessment Program Minimum data set Australian Institute of Primary Care.


Gender differences in students' perceptions of information technology as a career
Thomas, Theda and Allen, Alesha. (2006). Gender differences in students' perceptions of information technology as a career. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research. 5, pp. 165 - 178.

Journal article

Tracking, grading, and student motivation: Using group composition and status to predict self-concept and interest in ninth-grade mathematics
Trautwein, Ulrich, Ludtke, Oliver, Marsh, Herb, Koller, O and Baumert, Jurgen. (2006). Tracking, grading, and student motivation: Using group composition and status to predict self-concept and interest in ninth-grade mathematics. Journal of Educational Psychology. 98(4), pp. 788 - 806. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-0663.98.4.788

Journal article

Anger management
Cheong, Sau Kuan and Teoh, Hsien-Jin. (2006). Anger management Oak Enterprise.


An exploration of how nurses construct their leadership role during the provision of health care
Osborne, Yvonne Therese. (2006). An exploration of how nurses construct their leadership role during the provision of health care [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b9e15e4d7


The effect of the use of self-regulated learning strategies on college students' performance and satisfaction in physical education
Man-Chih, Ao. (2006). The effect of the use of self-regulated learning strategies on college students' performance and satisfaction in physical education [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b7585e4cb


Rowe's New Evidential Argument from Evil: Problems and Prospects
Trakakis, Nick. (2006). Rowe's New Evidential Argument from Evil: Problems and Prospects. Sophia: international journal of philosophy and traditions. 45(1), pp. 57 - 77.

Journal article

Spirituality in religious education: Implications of changing contemporary contexts
de Souza, Marian. (2006). Spirituality in religious education: Implications of changing contemporary contexts. Journal of Religious Education. 54(4), pp. 46 - 53.

Journal article

A brief history of approaches to religious education in Catholic schools
Buchanan, Michael Thomas. (2006). A brief history of approaches to religious education in Catholic schools. In In R. Rymarz (Ed.). Leadership in Religious Education pp. 11 - 29 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Expatriate success in China: Impact of personal and situational factors
Erbacher, David, D'Netto, Brian and Espana, Juan. (2006). Expatriate success in China: Impact of personal and situational factors. Journal of the American Academy of Business, Cambridge. 9(2), pp. 183 - 188.

Journal article

More Than Tools: Mathematically Enabled Technologies As Partner and Collaborator
Geiger, Vince. (2006). More Than Tools: Mathematically Enabled Technologies As Partner and Collaborator. In P.C. Hoyles, J. Lagrange and L. Son (Ed.). Technology Revisited: Digital Technologies; Rethinking the Terrain: Proceedings of the 17th ICMI Study Conference. London, England: International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. pp. 182 - 189

Conference item

"The times they are a 'changin'": A response to O'Malley and Schloesser
Ormerod, Neil. (2006). "The times they are a 'changin'": A response to O'Malley and Schloesser. Theological Studies. 67(4), pp. 834 - 855. https://doi.org/10.1177/004056390606700405

Journal article

The role of Mary in the early Byzantine Feast of the Hypapante
Allen, Pauline. (2006). The role of Mary in the early Byzantine Feast of the Hypapante. Patristica: Proceedings of the Colloquia of the Japanese Society for Patristic Studies. Supplementary Volume 2, pp. 1 - 22.

Journal article

The use of multiple sites for the diagnosis of osteoporosis
Kanis, John, Johnell, O., Oden, Anders, Johansson, Helena, Eisman, John A., Fujiwara, S., Kröger, Heikki, Honkanen, Risto, Melton, Lisa, O'Neill, T. W., Reeve, Jonathan, Silman, A. and Tenenhouse, A.. (2006). The use of multiple sites for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International. 17(4), pp. 527 - 534. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-005-0014-9

Journal article

Methods of measuring nursing workload in Australia.
Duffield, Christine, Roche, Michael and Merrick, Eamon Thomas. (2006). Methods of measuring nursing workload in Australia. Collegian. 13(1), pp. 16 - 22. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1322-7696(08)60512-0

Journal article

Beyond marks and measurement :Developing dynamic and authentic forms of e-assessment
McLoughlin, Catherine and Luca, Joe. (2006). Beyond marks and measurement :Developing dynamic and authentic forms of e-assessment. In L. Markauskaite, P. Goodyear and P. Rieman (Ed.). Proceedings of the 23rd annual ascilite conference: Who's learning? Whose Technology?. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. pp. 559 - 562

Conference item

Issues associated in chemical, biological and radiological emergency department response preparedness
Luther, Matt, Lenson, Shane and Read, Kate. (2006). Issues associated in chemical, biological and radiological emergency department response preparedness. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 9(2), pp. 79 - 84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aenj.2006.03.007

Journal article

Workaholism among Australian female managers and professionals: Job behaviours, satisfaction and psychological health
Fallon, Barry, Burke, Robert and Burgess, Zena. (2006). Workaholism among Australian female managers and professionals: Job behaviours, satisfaction and psychological health. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. 25(3), pp. 200 - 213.

Journal article

B - Coming to Faith - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). B - Coming to Faith - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8q673


Translation and validation of the Chinese version of the Charing Cross Venous Ulcer Questionnaire
Wong, Irene, Lee, Diana and Thompson, David. (2006). Translation and validation of the Chinese version of the Charing Cross Venous Ulcer Questionnaire. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 15(3), pp. 356 - 357. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01307.x

Journal article

The Effect of School Suspensions and Arrests on Subsequent Adolescent Antisocial Behavior in Australia and the United States
Hemphill, Sheryl, Toumbourou, John, Herrenkohl, Todd, McMorris, Barbara and Catalano, Richard. (2006). The Effect of School Suspensions and Arrests on Subsequent Adolescent Antisocial Behavior in Australia and the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health. 39(5), pp. 736 - 744. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2006.05.010

Journal article

Short-term suppression of plasma free fatty acids fails to improve insulin sensitivity when intramyocellular lipid is elevated
Johnson, Nathan, Stannard, Stephen, Rowlands, David, Chapman, Phil, Thompson, Campbell, Sachinwalla, Toos and Thompson, Martin. (2006). Short-term suppression of plasma free fatty acids fails to improve insulin sensitivity when intramyocellular lipid is elevated. Diabetic Medicine. 23(10), pp. 1061 - 1068. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1464-5491.2006.01952.x

Journal article

Recognizing and overcoming stress in children
Teoh, Hsien-Jin. (2006). Recognizing and overcoming stress in children Oak Enterprise.


Clinical supervision: Its influence on client-rated working alliance and client symptom reduction in the brief treatment of major depression
Bambling, Matthew, King, Robert, Raue, Patrick, Schweitzer, Robert and Lambert, Warren. (2006). Clinical supervision: Its influence on client-rated working alliance and client symptom reduction in the brief treatment of major depression. Psychotherapy Research. 16(3), pp. 317 - 331. https://doi.org/10.1080/10503300500268524

Journal article

Work family conflict and facilitation among social workers
Kalliath, Parveen and Kalliath, Thomas. (2006). Work family conflict and facilitation among social workers. In In S. Stashevsky (Ed.). Work Values and Behavior pp. 108 - 119 International Society for the Study of Work and Organisational Values.

Book chapter

Doing violence to the image of an empress: The destruction of Eudoxia's reputation
Mayer, Wendy. (2006). Doing violence to the image of an empress: The destruction of Eudoxia's reputation. In In H.A. Drake and H.A. (Ed.). Violence in Late Antiquity: Perceptions and Practices pp. 205 - 213 Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Book chapter

Everyone's learning with Podcasting
Lee, Mark J.W., Chan, M. and McLoughlin, Catherine. (2006). Everyone's learning with Podcasting. In L. Markauskaite, P. Goodyear and P. Rieman (Ed.). Proceedings of the 23rd annual ascilite conference: Who's learning? Whose Technology?. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. pp. 111 - 120

Conference item

Senior Australians at university :voices in the wilderness?
Cook, James Henry. (2006). Senior Australians at university :voices in the wilderness? In Chris Shanley and Teri Roberts (Ed.). ERA 2006 Abstracts and proceedings of the 5th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing. Sydney,Australia: Centre for Education and Research on Ageing, University of Sydney. pp. 83 - 85

Conference item

Defining moments in the graphing calculator solution of a cubic function task
Brown, Jill and Stillman, Gloria. (2006). Defining moments in the graphing calculator solution of a cubic function task. Nordisk Matematikkdidaktikk (Nordic Studies in Mathematics). 11(3), pp. 57 - 84.

Journal article

Naming the intolerable: Critiques of development and neoliberal globalisation from activists in rural India
Couch, Jen. (2006). Naming the intolerable: Critiques of development and neoliberal globalisation from activists in rural India. New Community. 4(1), pp. 47 - 53.

Journal article

MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2006). Journeyman

Creative work

The miracles of Saints Cyrus and John: The Greek text and its transmission
Neil, Bronwen. (2006). The miracles of Saints Cyrus and John: The Greek text and its transmission. Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association. 2, pp. 183 - 193.

Journal article

The process of ecumenical dialogue: The roman Catholic - eastern orthodox dialogue of love as a theological source
Cross, Lawrence. (2006). The process of ecumenical dialogue: The roman Catholic - eastern orthodox dialogue of love as a theological source. One in Christ: a Roman Catholic ecumenical review (print version). 41(2), pp. 3 - 39.

Journal article

Childcare for children with disabilities: Families search for specialized care and cooperative childcare partnerships
DeVore, S. and Bowers, Barbara. (2006). Childcare for children with disabilities: Families search for specialized care and cooperative childcare partnerships. Infants and Young Children: an interdisciplinary journal of special care practices. 19(3), pp. 203 - 212. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001163-200607000-00005

Journal article

The appearances of the risen Christ to Paul: Identifying their implications and complications
Sim, David. (2006). The appearances of the risen Christ to Paul: Identifying their implications and complications. Australian Biblical Review. 54, pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article

Work characteristics and employee outcomes in local government
Noblet, Andrew, McWilliams, John, Teo, Stephen and Rodwell, John. (2006). Work characteristics and employee outcomes in local government. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 17(10), pp. 1804 - 1818. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585190600965308

Journal article

Organizational change in the public sector: Augmenting the demand control model to predict employee outcomes under New Public Management
Noblet, Andrew, Rodwell, John and McWilliams, John. (2006). Organizational change in the public sector: Augmenting the demand control model to predict employee outcomes under New Public Management. Work and Stress. 20(4), pp. 335 - 352. https://doi.org/10.1080/02678370601050648

Journal article

Weight and place: A multilevel cross-sectional survey of area-level social disadvantage and overweight/obesity in Australia
King, Tania, Kavanagh, Anne M., Jolley, Damien, Turrell, Gavin and Crawford, David. (2006). Weight and place: A multilevel cross-sectional survey of area-level social disadvantage and overweight/obesity in Australia. International Journal of Obesity. 30(2), pp. 281 - 287. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ijo.0803176

Journal article

Depression : Helping and caring
Teoh, Hsien-Jin and Cheong, Sau Kuan. (2006). Depression : Helping and caring Oak Enterprise.


The evolution of personal development aims for Australian schools
Rossiter, Graham. (2006). The evolution of personal development aims for Australian schools. Journal of Catholic School Studies. 55(1), pp. 100 - 113.

Journal article

Physical activity of young children
Ziviani, Jenny, MacDonald, Doune, Jenkins, David, Rodger, Sylvia, Batch, Jenny and Cerin, Ester. (2006). Physical activity of young children. Occupation Participation and Health. 26(1), pp. 4 - 14. https://doi.org/10.1177/153944920602600102

Journal article

Health professionals' perspectives of providing care to people with dementia in the acute setting: Towards better practice
Borbasi, Sally, Jones, Jacqueline, Lockwood, Craig and Emden, Carolyn. (2006). Health professionals' perspectives of providing care to people with dementia in the acute setting: Towards better practice. Geriatric Nursing. 27(5), pp. 300 - 308. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2006.08.013

Journal article

A Homily on Severus of Antioch by a bishop of Assiut
Youssef, Youhanna. In Youssef and Y. Nessim (Ed.). (2006). A Homily on Severus of Antioch by a bishop of Assiut Brepols.


The Relationship Between Country of Residence, Gender and the Quality of Life in Australian and Taiwanese Midlife Residents
Anderson, Debra, Courtney, Mary, Fu, Shiu-Yun and McAvan, Brian. (2006). The Relationship Between Country of Residence, Gender and the Quality of Life in Australian and Taiwanese Midlife Residents. Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement. 79(1), pp. 25 - 49. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-005-3002-8

Journal article

NCLS Operations Data 2006. Sample data
Powell, Ruth. (2006). NCLS Operations Data 2006. Sample data [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8q3y9


I - Coming to and Sharing Faith - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). I - Coming to and Sharing Faith - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8q3y6


Quality of life measures for depressed and non-depressed Chinese older people
Chan, Sally, Chiu, Helen, Chien, Wai, Thompson, David and Lam, Linda. (2006). Quality of life measures for depressed and non-depressed Chinese older people. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 21(4), pp. 312 - 318. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.1611

Journal article

Personality and behaviour changes mark the early stages of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down's syndrome: Findings from a prospective population-based study
Ball, Sarah L., Holland, Anthony J., Hon, Johnny, Huppert, Felicia, Treppner, P and Watson, P C.. (2006). Personality and behaviour changes mark the early stages of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down's syndrome: Findings from a prospective population-based study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 21(7), pp. 661 - 673. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.1545

Journal article

Comparison of static and dynamic biomedical measures in military recruits with and without a history of third metarsal stress fracture
Dixon, Sharon, Creaby, Mark and Allsopp, Adrian. (2006). Comparison of static and dynamic biomedical measures in military recruits with and without a history of third metarsal stress fracture. Clinical Biomechanics. 21(4), pp. 412 - 419. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2005.11.009

Journal article

University - industry partnerships: Keeping child protection workers on the job, challenged and happy
Mcarthur, Morag, Allen-Kelly, Kandie and Duggan, Frank. (2006). University - industry partnerships: Keeping child protection workers on the job, challenged and happy. Communities, Families and Children Australia. 1(1), pp. 24 - 32.

Journal article

Maternity emergency care: Short course in maternity emergencies for remote area health staff with no midwifery qualifications
Kildea, Sue, Kruske, Sue and Bowell, Libby. (2006). Maternity emergency care: Short course in maternity emergencies for remote area health staff with no midwifery qualifications. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 14(3), pp. 111 - 115. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1584.2006.00785.x

Journal article

Effect of a six-month training programme on the physical capacities of Romanian schoolchildren
Greene, David, Serbescu, Carmen, Flora, D., Hantiu, Iacob, Benhamou, Claude Laurent and Courteix, Daniel. (2006). Effect of a six-month training programme on the physical capacities of Romanian schoolchildren. Acta Paediatrica. 10(10), pp. 1258 - 1265. https://doi.org/10.1080/08035250600599719

Journal article

The multicultural: Heritage of the uniting church
Prentis, Malcolm David MacKenzie. (2006). The multicultural: Heritage of the uniting church. In In H. Richmond and M.D. Yang (Ed.). Crossing Borders, Shaping Faith, Ministry and Identity in Multicultural; Australia pp. 43 - 52 UCA Assembly & NSW Board of Mission.

Book chapter

Portrait of the artist as a biblical exegete: Genesis, Michelangelo and a Jewish perspective
Collins, Antoinette Bernadett. (2006). Portrait of the artist as a biblical exegete: Genesis, Michelangelo and a Jewish perspective. In In S. Faigan (Ed.). Anafim, Proceedings of the Australasian Jewish Forum pp. 49 - 61 Mandelbaum Publishing.

Book chapter

Maximus and Irigaray: Metaphysics and difference
Casey, Damien Francis. (2006). Maximus and Irigaray: Metaphysics and difference. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 189 - 198 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

The two ways: A diversity of spiritualities in the earliest Jerusalem church
Elmer, Ian Jeffrey. (2006). The two ways: A diversity of spiritualities in the earliest Jerusalem church. In In W.Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 19 - 36 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Making magic in the Year 8 classroom :An exploration of the relationship between teacher leadership & boys' intrinsic motivation
McGoran, Neil and Neidhart, Helga. (2006). Making magic in the Year 8 classroom :An exploration of the relationship between teacher leadership & boys' intrinsic motivation. Conference Papers and Presentations - 2nd Edition. Otago, New Zealand: New Zealand Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 11

Conference item

To heal and enthuse: Developmental bibliotherapy and pre-service primary teachers' reflections on learning and teaching mathematics
Wilson, Sue and Thornton, Steve. (2006). To heal and enthuse: Developmental bibliotherapy and pre-service primary teachers' reflections on learning and teaching mathematics. In P. Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen and M. Chinnappan (Ed.). Identities; Cultures and Learning Spaces: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Sydney, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 35 - 44

Conference item

Innovative initiatives: Targeting the declining science enrolments in Ireland
McCauley, Veronica, Davison, Kevin and Sullivan, Keith. (2006). Innovative initiatives: Targeting the declining science enrolments in Ireland. New Zealand Annual Review of Education.

Journal article

Dialectical imagery and postmodern research
Davison, Kevin. (2006). Dialectical imagery and postmodern research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 19(2), pp. 133 - 146. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518390600575899

Journal article

Transitional bodies and department store series
Bartholomew, Julie. (2006). Transitional bodies and department store series

Creative work

MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2006). Journeyman

Creative work

Depression in cardiac patients: What can nurses do about it?
Thompson, David Robert and Froelicher, Erika Sivarajan. (2006). Depression in cardiac patients: What can nurses do about it? European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 5(4), pp. 251 - 252. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2006.09.001

Journal article

Spaced retrieval technique improves prospective memory among healthy adults and adults with possible early dementia
Rendell, Peter Gregory and Ozgis, Sesil. (2006). Spaced retrieval technique improves prospective memory among healthy adults and adults with possible early dementia. The 5th National Conference for Emerging Researchers in Aging. Sydney,Australia: Centre for Education and Research on Ageing, University of Sydney. pp. 156 - 159

Conference item

Religious Education in Catholic Secondary Schools
Goldburg, Peta. (2006). Religious Education in Catholic Secondary Schools. In In M. Ryan (Ed.). Religious education in Catholic Schools: An introduction for Australian students pp. 279 - 302 David Lovell Publishing.

Book chapter

Context and age-related differences in judgments about reflective racial tolerance: The case of Israel
Witenberg, Rivka. (2006). Context and age-related differences in judgments about reflective racial tolerance: The case of Israel. In In Y. Iram, H. Wahrman and Z. Gross (Ed.). Educating Towards a Culture of Peace pp. 191 - 206 Information Age Publishing.

Book chapter

The essence of education is religious
Hunt, Annemarie Jean. (2006). The essence of education is religious. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 635 - 650 Springer.

Book chapter

Strategic leadership and planning for universities in a global economy
Gamage, David, Eacott, Scott and Ueyama, Takeyuki. (2006). Strategic leadership and planning for universities in a global economy. Education and Society. 24(2), pp. 49 - 65. https://doi.org/10.7459/es/24.2.04

Journal article

Gathering online representations of practice about assessment for use as a professional development tool: a case in progress
Wilson, Gail, Thomson, Rosemary and Malfroy, Janne. (2006). Gathering online representations of practice about assessment for use as a professional development tool: a case in progress. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Annual Conference. Australia: Ascilite. pp. 893 - 898

Conference paper

Drug driving from a user's perspective
Davey, Jeremy, Davies, Amanda, French, Nicole, Williams, Clive and Lang, Cathryne. (2006). Drug driving from a user's perspective. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. 12(1), pp. 61 - 70. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687630410001731137

Journal article

Depression in coronary heart disease patients: etiological and screening issues
Martin, Colin R. and Thompson, David. (2006). Depression in coronary heart disease patients: etiological and screening issues. Current Psychiatry Reviews. 2(2), pp. 245 - 254. https://doi.org/10.2174/157340006776875923

Journal article

Growing pains: a personal development program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a specialist school
Sheppard, Loretta. (2006). Growing pains: a personal development program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a specialist school. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 10(2), pp. 121 - 142.

Journal article

The motivational pull of video games: A self-determination theory approach
Ryan, Richard, Rigby, C. S. and Przybylski, A. K.. (2006). The motivational pull of video games: A self-determination theory approach. Motivation and Emotion. 30(4), pp. 347 - 363. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11031-006-9051-8

Journal article

An examination of the psychometric properties of the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES)
Chan, Dominic, Martin, Colin R. and Thompson, David. (2006). An examination of the psychometric properties of the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES). Psychology, Health & Medicine. 11(4), pp. 507 - 521. https://doi.org/10.1080/13548500500407367

Journal article

International Collaboration and sharing lessons learned
Thompson, David. (2006). International Collaboration and sharing lessons learned. Journal of Research in Nursing. 11(4), pp. 285 - 287.

Journal article

Students as Producers :Second Year Students' experiences as Podcasters of content for First year Undergraduates
Chan, M., Lee, Mark J.W. and McLoughlin, Catherine. (2006). Students as Producers :Second Year Students' experiences as Podcasters of content for First year Undergraduates. In S. Housego and R. Ajhoun (Ed.). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on information Technology Based Higher Education; and Training. Sydney, Australia: University of Technology Sydney. pp. 236 - 249

Conference item

Nurturing the spirit in primary religious education classrooms
Hyde, Brendan Maxwell. (2006). Nurturing the spirit in primary religious education classrooms. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 1179 - 1192 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Internet recruitment and e-mail interviews in qualitative studies
Hamilton, Rebekah and Bowers, Barbara. (2006). Internet recruitment and e-mail interviews in qualitative studies. Qualitative Health Research. 16(6), pp. 821 - 835. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732306287599

Journal article

Five tumultuous years in Australian child protection: Little progress
Ainsworth, Frank and Hansen, Patricia. (2006). Five tumultuous years in Australian child protection: Little progress. Child and Family Social Work. 11(1), pp. 33 - 41. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2206.2006.00388.x

Journal article

Nam quam foris exercentur nullum habent salutis effectum :Cyprian and the Synod of 256
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). Nam quam foris exercentur nullum habent salutis effectum :Cyprian and the Synod of 256. In V. Grossi (Ed.). Pagani e Cristiani alla ricerca della salvezza (secoli I-III). Rome, Italy: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum.

Conference item

Indigenous women's careers: Australian voices that challenge educational leadership
Whiteley, Les. (2006). Indigenous women's careers: Australian voices that challenge educational leadership. Journal of Educational Leadership Policy and Practice. 21(2), pp. 32 - 42.

Journal article

Inter-Organizational Collaboration in a Government-Sponsored E-Commerce Adoption and Diffusion Program
McGrath, G and More, Elizabeth. (2006). Inter-Organizational Collaboration in a Government-Sponsored E-Commerce Adoption and Diffusion Program. International We-B Conference. Australia: Victoria University Press. pp. 219 - 236

Conference item

Why There Is Reason to Remain Sceptical of Durston's Scepticism
Trakakis, Nick. (2006). Why There Is Reason to Remain Sceptical of Durston's Scepticism. Religious Studies. 42(1), pp. 101 - 109. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034412505008140

Journal article

Using repeating patterns to explore functional thinking
Warren, Elizabeth and Cooper, Tom. (2006). Using repeating patterns to explore functional thinking. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. 11(1), pp. 9 - 14.

Journal article

Vulnerability and Human Rights
Turner, Bryan Stanley. (2006). Vulnerability and Human Rights Pennsylvania State University Press.


Organizational change in the public sector: Augmenting the demand control model to predict employee outcomes under new public management
Noblet, Andrew, Rodwell, John and McWilliams, John. (2006). Organizational change in the public sector: Augmenting the demand control model to predict employee outcomes under new public management. Work and Stress. 20(4), pp. 335 - 352. https://doi.org/10.1080/02678370601050648

Journal article

The spirit and power of the liturgy: Understanding liturgical catechesis
Rosier, Veronica. (2006). The spirit and power of the liturgy: Understanding liturgical catechesis. Australasian Catholic Record. 83, pp. 387 - 405.

Journal article

Self-regulation and the problem of human autonomy: Does psychology need choice, self-determination, and will?
Ryan, Richard and Deci, Edward. (2006). Self-regulation and the problem of human autonomy: Does psychology need choice, self-determination, and will? Journal of Personality. 74(6), pp. 1557 - 1585. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6494.2006.00420.x

Journal article

Competency and capability: imperative for nurse practitioner education
Gardner, Glenn, Carryer, Jenny, Dunn, Sandra and Gardner, Anne. (2006). Competency and capability: imperative for nurse practitioner education. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 24(1), pp. 8 - 14.

Journal article

Do clinicians know how to use pulse oximetry? A literature review and clinical implications
Elliott, Malcolm, Tate, R. and Page, Karen. (2006). Do clinicians know how to use pulse oximetry? A literature review and clinical implications. Australian Critical Care. 19(4), pp. 139 - 144. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1036-7314(06)80027-5

Journal article

An icon of Saint Menas written by Hanna Al-armani
Youssef, Youhanna. (2006). An icon of Saint Menas written by Hanna Al-armani. Coptica. 5, pp. 94 - 99.

Journal article

An investigation of the effects of school context and sex differences on students' motivational goal orientations
Dowson, Martin, McInerney, Dennis and Nelson, Genevieve F.. (2006). An investigation of the effects of school context and sex differences on students' motivational goal orientations. Educational Psychology. 26(6), pp. 781 - 811. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410600941920

Journal article

Sitting posture affects pelvic floor muscle activity in parous women: An observational study
Sapsford, Ruth, Richardson, Carolyn A. and Stanton, Warren. (2006). Sitting posture affects pelvic floor muscle activity in parous women: An observational study. Journal of Physiotherapy. 52(3), pp. 219 - 222. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0004-9514(06)70031-9

Journal article

Parent influences on early childhood internalizing difficulties
Bayer, J., Sanson, Ann and Hemphill, Sheryl. (2006). Parent influences on early childhood internalizing difficulties. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 27(6), pp. 542 - 559. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2006.08.002

Journal article

H - Wider Community Involvement - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). H - Wider Community Involvement - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.89yv2


Does living in a disadvantaged area mean fewer opportunities to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in the area? Findings from the Brisbane food study
Winkler, Elizabeth A. H., Turrell, Gavin and Patterson, Carla. (2006). Does living in a disadvantaged area mean fewer opportunities to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in the area? Findings from the Brisbane food study. Health and Place. 12(3), pp. 306 - 319. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brainresbull.2006.01.003

Journal article

Using a monitored sip test to assess risk of aspiration in postoperative patients
Osborne, Sonya, Gardner, Glenn, Gardner, Anne, Franklin, Susan, Tuohy, Elizabeth and Fisher, Alex. (2006). Using a monitored sip test to assess risk of aspiration in postoperative patients. AORN Journal. 83(4), pp. 908 - 928. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0001-2092(06)60010-0

Journal article

The development of a standardized skill assessment for junior volleyball players
Gabbett, Tim and Georgieff, Boris. (2006). The development of a standardized skill assessment for junior volleyball players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 1(2), pp. 95 - 107. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.1.2.95

Journal article

A multilevel model for movement rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) using virtual environments
Wilson, Peter H., Thomas, Patrick, Shum, David, Duckworth, Jonathan, Gugliemetti, Mark, Rudolph, Heiko, Mumford, Nicholas and Eldridge, Ross. (2006). A multilevel model for movement rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) using virtual environments. 2006 International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation. Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York City, New York, United States of America 29 - 30 Aug 2006 New York, New York: IEEE Computer Society. pp. 47-52 https://doi.org/10.1109/IWVR.2006.1707526

Conference paper

Cultural safety and maternity care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
Kruske, Sue, Kildea, Sue and Barclay, Lesley. (2006). Cultural safety and maternity care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Women and Birth. 19(3), pp. 73 - 77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2006.07.001

Journal article

Organizational practices supporting women and their satisfaction and well-being
Fallon, Barry, Burke, Robert and Burgess, Zena. (2006). Organizational practices supporting women and their satisfaction and well-being. Gender in Management: An International Journal. 21(5), pp. 416 - 425. https://doi.org/10.1108/09649420610676217

Journal article

Pilot Study of Nursing Student Transition To University
Mehta, Hemant, Hillege, Sharon Patricia and Robinson, Kathleen Mary. (2006). Pilot Study of Nursing Student Transition To University. ANZAME. Australia: Association for Health Professional Education.

Conference item

Der Einfluss des Augustinus auf die theologie des Papster Benedikt XVI
Lam, Joseph. (2006). Der Einfluss des Augustinus auf die theologie des Papster Benedikt XVI. Augustiniana: revue pour l'etude de Saint Augustin et de l'Ordre des Augustins. 56(April), pp. 411 - 432.

Journal article

Drifting from the mainstream: The religious identity of Australian core Catholic youth
Rymarz, Richard and Graham, John. (2006). Drifting from the mainstream: The religious identity of Australian core Catholic youth. International Journal of Children's Spirituality. 11(3), pp. 373 - 381. https://doi.org/10.1080/13644360601014114

Journal article

Finding fault in marital property law: A little bit of history repeating?
Alves-Perini, Nell, Harrison, Margaret, Rhoades, Helen and Swain, Shurlee. (2006). Finding fault in marital property law: A little bit of history repeating? Federal Law Review. 34(3), pp. 377 - 398.

Journal article

I am Louis Vuitton, I am Manolo, I am CoCo
Bartholomew, Julie. (2006). I am Louis Vuitton, I am Manolo, I am CoCo

Digital or visual media

Consequentialism and utilitarianism' form and content in recent moral theory
Buckle, Stephen. (2006). Consequentialism and utilitarianism' form and content in recent moral theory. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 12(2), pp. 13 - 21.

Journal article

Augustine; Cyril of Alexandria; and the Pelagian controversy
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). Augustine; Cyril of Alexandria; and the Pelagian controversy. Augustinian Studies. 37(1), pp. 63 - 88.

Journal article

Timing is everything, curated exhibition: A Matter of Time conference, COFA
von Mengersen, Belinda. (2006). Timing is everything, curated exhibition: A Matter of Time conference, COFA

Creative work

The Pluralist Model: An Asian Appraisal
Chia, Edmund. (2006). The Pluralist Model: An Asian Appraisal. New Theology Review: an American Catholic journal for ministry. 19(3), pp. 52 - 61.

Journal article

A Third (Meta-)Critique
Trakakis, Nick. (2006). A Third (Meta-)Critique. Sophia: international journal of philosophy and traditions. 45(2), pp. 139 - 142.

Journal article

Toward a Mosaic Society: The Praxis of Interculturality from an Asian Perspective
Cruz, Gemma. (2006). Toward a Mosaic Society: The Praxis of Interculturality from an Asian Perspective. In In E. Steffens and A. Meuthrath (Ed.). Utopie hat einen Ort. Beitrage fur eine interkulturelle Welt aus vier Kontinenten. Festschrift fur Raul Fornet-Betancourt pp. 135 - 143 IKO-Verlag for Interkulturelle Kommunikation.

Book chapter

Fish assemblages in three tidal saltmarsh and mangrove flats in temperate NSW, Australia: A comparison based on species diversity and abundance
Mazmuder, Debashish, Saintilan, Neil and Williams, Robert J.. (2006). Fish assemblages in three tidal saltmarsh and mangrove flats in temperate NSW, Australia: A comparison based on species diversity and abundance. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 14(3), pp. 201 - 209. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11273-005-7887-4

Journal article

Organizational change in stakeholder business systems: The role of institutions
Cheng, Philip, Millar, Carla and Choi, C.. (2006). Organizational change in stakeholder business systems: The role of institutions. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 19(3), pp. 383 - 392. https://doi.org/10.1108/09534810610668373

Journal article

Poverty: The impact of government policy on vulnerable families and older people
Webber, Ruth. (2006). Poverty: The impact of government policy on vulnerable families and older people. In In K. Serr (Ed.). Thinking about poverty pp. 79 - 91 Federation Press, the.

Book chapter

Easter and the empty tomb
Kelly, Anthony. (2006). Easter and the empty tomb. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 7(1), pp. 1 - 7.

Journal article

Religion and politics: Nationalism, globalisation and empire
Turner, Bryan. (2006). Religion and politics: Nationalism, globalisation and empire. Asian Journal of Social Science. 34(2), pp. 209 - 224. https://doi.org/10.1163/156853106777371175

Journal article

Thomas Merton and the Towers of Babel
O'Sullivan, Colleen Ann. (2006). Thomas Merton and the Towers of Babel [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b3e55e4ba


Australia has many MANagers but where are the FEMagers?
O'Brien, Elizabeth Margaret. (2006). Australia has many MANagers but where are the FEMagers? In Dr Jessica Kennedy and Associate Professor Lee Di Milia (Ed.). Sydney, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. pp. 1 - 17

Conference item

Risk Analysis and Protection for WBIS
Zhou, Bingyang. (2006). Risk Analysis and Protection for WBIS. In Ajith Abraham and Sang Yong Han (Ed.). Los Alamitos,USA: IEEE Computer Society. pp. 94 - 100

Conference item

The use of placebo in clinical nursing research
Chan, Carmen W. H. and Thompson, David. (2006). The use of placebo in clinical nursing research. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 15(5), pp. 521 - 524. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01373.x

Journal article

The adaptive change model: An advance on the transtheoretical model of change
Bowles, Terry. (2006). The adaptive change model: An advance on the transtheoretical model of change. Journal of Psychology: interdisciplinary and applied. 140(5), pp. 439 - 457. https://doi.org/10.3200/JRLP.140.5.439-457

Journal article

Sedation and analgesia management for mechanically ventilated adults: literature review, case study and recommendations for practice
Feeley, Kathy and Gardner, Anne. (2006). Sedation and analgesia management for mechanically ventilated adults: literature review, case study and recommendations for practice. Australian Critical Care. 19(2), pp. 73 - 77. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1036-7314(06)80012-3

Journal article

Fostering Reflection and Metacogniton through Student Generated Podcasts
Chan, Anthony, Lee, Mark J.W. and McLoughlin, Catherine. (2006). Fostering Reflection and Metacogniton through Student Generated Podcasts. In M. Williams and N. Anderson (Ed.). IT's up here for thinking! ACEC 2006 Conference Proceedings. Cairns, Australia: Australian Council for Computers in Education. pp. 1 - 8

Conference item

Improve your Small Firm Performance :The Benefits of an Interactive IT Consulting System
Baard, Vicki Caron. (2006). Improve your Small Firm Performance :The Benefits of an Interactive IT Consulting System. Melbourne, Australia: International Council for Small Business. pp. 1 - 11

Conference item

An exploration of how some staff members perceive Catholic school renewal in some primary schools in the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton
Watkins, Simon A.. (2006). An exploration of how some staff members perceive Catholic school renewal in some primary schools in the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b9b05e4d6


Comparing primary and secondary mathematics teachers' beliefs about mathematics: Mathematics learning and mathematics teaching in Hong Kong and Australia
Howard, Peter, Perry, Joseph Robert and Wong, Ngai-Ying. (2006). Comparing primary and secondary mathematics teachers' beliefs about mathematics: Mathematics learning and mathematics teaching in Hong Kong and Australia. In In K. Frederick, K. Graf and F. J. Lopez-Real (Ed.). Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions - A comparative study of East Asia and the West pp. 435 - 448 Springer.

Book chapter

A processual analysis of basic emotions and sources of concerns as they are lived before and after a competition
Cerin, Ester and Barnett, Anthony. (2006). A processual analysis of basic emotions and sources of concerns as they are lived before and after a competition. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 7(3), pp. 287 - 307. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2005.07.002

Journal article

Motivations to teach: Psychometric perspectives across the first semester of teacher education
Sinclair, Catherine, Dowson, Martin and McInerney, Dennis. (2006). Motivations to teach: Psychometric perspectives across the first semester of teacher education. Teachers College Record. 108(6), pp. 1132 - 1154.

Journal article

Experiences of teachers' daily work which nourish and sustain the spirituality of lay teachers in Catholic high schools
Downey, Michael John. (2006). Experiences of teachers' daily work which nourish and sustain the spirituality of lay teachers in Catholic high schools [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bac95e4dc


Maternal and child emotional regulation in paediatric chronic pain
Franks, Sophia. (2006). Maternal and child emotional regulation in paediatric chronic pain [PhD Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b4b75e4be

PhD Thesis

Fractions as division: The forgotten notion?
Clarke, Doug. (2006). Fractions as division: The forgotten notion? Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. 11(3), pp. 4 - 10.

Journal article

The Six Watchtowers of Dachau, designed by Paul Ludwig Troost and the Carmelite Convent, and Josef Wiedemann
Warner, Lachlan. (2006). The Six Watchtowers of Dachau, designed by Paul Ludwig Troost and the Carmelite Convent, and Josef Wiedemann

Creative work

Teacher Professional Development in Patterns and Algebra :Being Sensitive to a Teacher's Zone of Proximal Development
Lamb, Janeen Therese, Warren, Elizabeth Anne and Cooper, Tom. (2006). Teacher Professional Development in Patterns and Algebra :Being Sensitive to a Teacher's Zone of Proximal Development. In Peter Grootenboew, Robyn Zvenbrergen and Mohan Chinnappan (Ed.). Identities; Cultures and Learning Spaces: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Adelaide, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 543 - 550

Conference item

When successful comparison of decimals doesn't tell the story
Roche, Anne and Clarke, Douglas McLean. (2006). When successful comparison of decimals doesn't tell the story. In J. Novotna, H. Moraova and M. Kratka (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group of Psychology of Mathematics Education. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University. pp. 425 - 432

Conference item

Older adults' perceptions and understanding of direct-to-consumer advertising
Jones, Sandra and Mullan, Judy. (2006). Older adults' perceptions and understanding of direct-to-consumer advertising. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 23(1), pp. 6 - 14. https://doi.org/10.1108/07363760610641118

Journal article

Assessing children's emotional responses to surgery: A multidimensional approach
Lopez, Violeta and William, Ho Cheung. (2006). Assessing children's emotional responses to surgery: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 53(5), pp. 548 - 551. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.03756.x

Journal article

Does Evening Removal of Urinary Catheters Shorten Hospital Stay Among General Hospital Patients?: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Webster, Joan, Osborne, Sonya, Woollett, Kaylene, Shearer, Julie, Courtney, Mary and Anderson, Debra. (2006). Does Evening Removal of Urinary Catheters Shorten Hospital Stay Among General Hospital Patients?: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing. 33(2), pp. 156 - 163. https://doi.org/10.1097/00152192-200603000-00010

Journal article

Social pressure, coercion, and client engagement at treatment entry: A self-determination theory perspective
Wild, T. Cameron, Cunningham, John A. and Ryan, Richard. (2006). Social pressure, coercion, and client engagement at treatment entry: A self-determination theory perspective. Addictive Behaviors. 31(10), pp. 1858 - 1872. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2006.01.002

Journal article

Quality of life in Chinese elderly people with depression
Chan, Sally, Chiu, Helen, Chien, Wai, Thompson, David and Lam, Linda. (2006). Quality of life in Chinese elderly people with depression. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 21(4), pp. 312 - 318. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.1461

Journal article

Changes in skill and physical fitness following training talent-identified volleyball players
Gabbett, Tim, Georgieff, Boris, Anderson, Steve, Cotton, Brad, Savovic, Darko and Nicholson, Lee. (2006). Changes in skill and physical fitness following training talent-identified volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(1), pp. 29 - 35. https://doi.org/10.1519/R-16814.1

Journal article

Academic resilience and its psychological and educational correlates: A construct validity approach
Martin, Andrew J. and Marsh, Herb. (2006). Academic resilience and its psychological and educational correlates: A construct validity approach. Psychology in the Schools. 43(3), pp. 267 - 281. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.20149

Journal article

A multilevel study of socio-economic inequalities in food choice behaviour and dietary intake among the Dutch population : The GLoBE study
Giskes, Katrina, Turrell, Gavin, van Lenthe, Frank J., Brugemann, Johan and Mackenbach, Johan P.. (2006). A multilevel study of socio-economic inequalities in food choice behaviour and dietary intake among the Dutch population : The GLoBE study. Public Health Nutrition. 9(1), pp. 75-83. https://doi.org/10.1079/PHN2005758

Journal article

POP promotions for alcohol: increasing brand loyalty or just increasing binge drinking?
Jones, Sandra. (2006). POP promotions for alcohol: increasing brand loyalty or just increasing binge drinking? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1 - 7

Conference item

A theoretical discussion about the clinical value of phenomenology for nurses
Edward, Karen-Leigh. (2006). A theoretical discussion about the clinical value of phenomenology for nurses. Holistic Nursing Practice. 20(5), pp. 235 - 238.

Journal article

No pain, no gain: An investigation of the concept of persistence in learning in a Taiwanese college program
Pan, Li-Chi. (2006). No pain, no gain: An investigation of the concept of persistence in learning in a Taiwanese college program [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bb305e4de


The created world as sacrament: The so called Gnosticism of Father Pavel Florensky
Cross, Brian J. Lawrence. (2006). The created world as sacrament: The so called Gnosticism of Father Pavel Florensky. In In V. Porus (Ed.). Towards a Synthetic Unity of European Culture: Philosophic-theological heritage of Pavel Florensky and Modernity pp. 9 - 18 St Andrew's Biblical Theological College.

Book chapter

Best practice in online Assessment :Principles; Processes and Outcomes
Luca, Joe and McLoughlin, Catherine. (2006). Best practice in online Assessment :Principles; Processes and Outcomes. In E. Pearson and P. Bowman (Ed.). Proceedings of the Ed-Media 2006: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Norfolk, Virginia, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 2375 - 2383

Conference item

Cyprian's Care for the Poor :The Evidence of De opera et eleemosynis
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). Cyprian's Care for the Poor :The Evidence of De opera et eleemosynis. Studia Patristica. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing. pp. 363 - 368

Conference item

Teacher actions that assist young students write generalizations in words and in symbols
Warren, Elizabeth Anne. (2006). Teacher actions that assist young students write generalizations in words and in symbols. In Jarmila Novotna, Hana Moraova and Magdelena Kratka (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University. pp. 377 - 384

Conference item

Changing research contexts in teacher education in Australia: Charting new directions
Nuttall, Joce, Mitchell, Jane and Seddon, Terri. (2006). Changing research contexts in teacher education in Australia: Charting new directions. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 34(1), pp. 321 - 332. https://doi.org/10.1080/13598660600927224

Journal article

Development and validation of an instrument to assess secondary school students' perceptions of assessment tasks
Dorman, Jeffrey and Knightley, Wendy. (2006). Development and validation of an instrument to assess secondary school students' perceptions of assessment tasks. Educational Studies. 32(1), pp. 47 - 58. https://doi.org/10.1080/03055690500415951

Journal article

Tabula Rasa v
Siebols, Jeannette. (2006). Tabula Rasa v

Creative work

A Brand New Day
Fromyhr, Judith. (2006). A Brand New Day

Creative work

Early childhood learning communities: Sociocultural research in practice
Fleer, Marilyn, Edwards, Suzy, Kennedy, Anne, Ridgway, Avis, Robbins, Jill and Surman, Lynne. (2006). Early childhood learning communities: Sociocultural research in practice Pearson Education.


The rise of open access in the creative, educational and science commons
Kiel-Chisholm, Scott and Fitzgerald, Brian. (2006). The rise of open access in the creative, educational and science commons. Policy Futures in Education. 4(4), pp. 366 - 379.

Journal article

Centre and periphery in British child rescue discourse
Swain, Shurlee Lesley. (2006). Centre and periphery in British child rescue discourse. In In J. Edmonds and S. Furphy (Ed.). Centre and Periphery in British Child Rescue Discourse pp. 157 - 165 RMIT Press.

Book chapter

Everyday environmental education experiences: the role of content in early childhood education
Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy and Edwards, Suzy. (2006). Everyday environmental education experiences: the role of content in early childhood education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education. 22(2), pp. 13 - 19. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0814062600001348

Journal article

Turner, Bryan. (2006). Discipline. Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science. 23(2-3), pp. 183 - 186. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276406062698

Journal article

Teacher judgment: Building an evidentiary base for quality literacy and numeracy education
Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Cumming, Joy, Elkins, John and Neville, Mary. (2006). Teacher judgment: Building an evidentiary base for quality literacy and numeracy education Griffith University.


To lead, or not to lead: That is the question. An exploration of understandings of leadership in the context of the deputy principal in the Lutheran secondary school
Ruwoldt, Merryn Jane. (2006). To lead, or not to lead: That is the question. An exploration of understandings of leadership in the context of the deputy principal in the Lutheran secondary school [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b9265e4d4


Does gender modify associations between self rated health and the social and economic characteristics of local environments?
Kavanagh, Anne M., Bentley, Rebecca J., Turrell, Gavin, Broom, Dorothy H. and Subramanian, S V.. (2006). Does gender modify associations between self rated health and the social and economic characteristics of local environments? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 60(6), pp. 490 - 495. https://doi.org/10.1136/jech.2005.043562

Journal article

Daily Activities of families with a child with Severe Autism Revolved Around the Need to Occupy and Pacify the Child: Families Felt Robbed of Meaning and Satisfaction in Family Life: Commentary
Imms, Christine, Rodger, Sylvia and Ziviani, Jenny. (2006). Daily Activities of families with a child with Severe Autism Revolved Around the Need to Occupy and Pacify the Child: Families Felt Robbed of Meaning and Satisfaction in Family Life: Commentary. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 53(2), pp. 136 - 137.

Journal article

An EEG study of mental rotation-related negativity in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
Geuze, Reint, Wilson, Peter, Lust, Jessica and Wijers, A. (2006). An EEG study of mental rotation-related negativity in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Child: Care, Health and Development. 32(6), pp. 649 - 663. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2214.2006.00683.x

Journal article

A challenge to fitness testing in primary schools
Naughton, Geraldine, Greene, David and Carlson, John. (2006). A challenge to fitness testing in primary schools. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 9(February), pp. 40 - 45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2006.01.002

Journal article

Searching for Evidence in Pediatric Occupational Therapy Using Free versus Subscription Databases: A Comparison of Outcomes
Lovarini, Meryl, Wallen, Margaret and Imms, Christine. (2006). Searching for Evidence in Pediatric Occupational Therapy Using Free versus Subscription Databases: A Comparison of Outcomes. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 26(3), pp. 19 - 38. https://doi.org/10.1300/J006v26n03_03

Journal article

Reduction in bone relapse and improved survival with oral clodronate for adjuvant treatment of operable breast cancer [ISRCTN83688026]
Powles, Trevor, Paterson, Alexander, McCloskey, Eugene, Schein, Phil, Scheffler, Bobbi, Tidy, Alwynne, Ashley, Sue, Smith, Ian, Ottestad, Lars and Kanis, John. (2006). Reduction in bone relapse and improved survival with oral clodronate for adjuvant treatment of operable breast cancer [ISRCTN83688026]. Breast Cancer Research. 8(2). https://doi.org/10.1186/bcr1384

Journal article

Crisis management
Teoh, Hsien-Jin. (2006). Crisis management Oak Enterprise.


Developing higher-order thinking through explicit teaching :Guiding students through a personal and critical reading of texts
McDonald, Lorraine. (2006). Developing higher-order thinking through explicit teaching :Guiding students through a personal and critical reading of texts. In Alyson Simpson (Ed.). Proceedings of the National Conference on Future Directions in Literacy. Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney. pp. 134 - 148

Conference item

Religious education in catholic secondary schools
Goldburg, Peta. (2006). Religious education in catholic secondary schools. In In M. Ryan (Ed.). Religious Education in catholic Schools: An introduction for Australian students pp. 279 - 302 David Lovell Publishing.

Book chapter

Taking the lead: Opportunities await nurses
Borbasi, Sally Ann and Chaboyer, Wendy. (2006). Taking the lead: Opportunities await nurses. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 20(2), pp. 111 - 112. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-6712.2006.00426.x

Journal article

Vegetation change and surface elevation dynamics in estuarine wetlands of southeast Australia
Rogers, Kerrylee, Wilton, Kylee and Saintilan, Neil. (2006). Vegetation change and surface elevation dynamics in estuarine wetlands of southeast Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 66(April), pp. 559 - 569. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2005.11.004

Journal article

Supporting tranitions from student to professional: A mentoring case study from early childhood education /$cdr Louise Mary Thomas, sue walker, Joanne aliwood, Alison black, Catherine Meehan, Ann heirdsfield, Bronwyn Ewing, kerryann Walsh.
Thomas, Louise. (2006). Supporting tranitions from student to professional: A mentoring case study from early childhood education /$cdr Louise Mary Thomas, sue walker, Joanne aliwood, Alison black, Catherine Meehan, Ann heirdsfield, Bronwyn Ewing, kerryann Walsh. In Entry to the teaching profession: Preparation, practice, pressure and professionalism

Book chapter

"We are alienating the splendid Irish race": British Catholic Response to the Irish conscription controversy of 1918
Taouk, Youssef. (2006). "We are alienating the splendid Irish race": British Catholic Response to the Irish conscription controversy of 1918. Journal of Church and State. 48(3), pp. 601 - 622. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcs/48.3.601

Journal article

Postcolonial interventions within science education: Using postcolonial ideas to reconsider cultural diversity scholarship
Carter, Lyn. (2006). Postcolonial interventions within science education: Using postcolonial ideas to reconsider cultural diversity scholarship. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 38(5), pp. 677 - 691.

Journal article

Decentralisation and privatisation in education: The role of the state
Zajda, Joseph. (2006). Decentralisation and privatisation in education: The role of the state. In In J. Zajda (Ed.). Decentralisation and Privatisation in Education pp. 3 - 27 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Identifying key transition activities for enhanced engagement in mathematical modelling
Galbraith, Peter, Stillman, Gloria Ann and Brown, Jill Patricia. (2006). Identifying key transition activities for enhanced engagement in mathematical modelling. In P.Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen and M. Chinnappan (Ed.). Identities, cultures and learning spaces, Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA). Adelaide, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 237 - 245

Conference item

Shared Ownership and Community Capacity Building
Butcher, Jude, Howard, Peter and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2006). Shared Ownership and Community Capacity Building. Australian Association for Research in Education 2006 Conference Papers. ,Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 12

Conference item

The truth poured forth into our hearts. Encountering the paschal mystery: Vatican II and postconciliar developments
Rosier, Veronica. (2006). The truth poured forth into our hearts. Encountering the paschal mystery: Vatican II and postconciliar developments. Liturgical Ministry (print version). 15, pp. 118 - 121.

Journal article

Dei Verbum forty years on: Revelation, inspiration and the spirit
Rush, Ormond. (2006). Dei Verbum forty years on: Revelation, inspiration and the spirit. Australasian Catholic Record. 83(4), pp. 406 - 414.

Journal article

Low prevalence of depression and anxiety is linked to statutory retirement ages rather than personal work exit: A national survey
Villamil, Elena, Huppert, Felicia and Melzer, D.. (2006). Low prevalence of depression and anxiety is linked to statutory retirement ages rather than personal work exit: A national survey. Psychological Medicine. 36(7), pp. 999 - 1009. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291706007719

Journal article

Area variation in mortality in Tasmania (Australia): The contributions of socioeconomic disadvantage, social capital and geographic remoteness
Turrell, Gavin, Kavanagh, Anne M. and Subramanian, S. V.. (2006). Area variation in mortality in Tasmania (Australia): The contributions of socioeconomic disadvantage, social capital and geographic remoteness. Health and Place. 12(3), pp. 291 - 305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2004.08.012

Journal article

G - Society and Church - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). G - Society and Church - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.89448


Effect of short-term starvation versus high-fat diet on intramyocellular triglyceride accumulation and insulin resistance in physically fit men
Johnson, Nathan, Stannard, Stephen, Rowlands, David, Chapman, Phil, Thompson, Campbell, O'Connor, Helen, Sachinwalla, Toos and Thompson, Martin. (2006). Effect of short-term starvation versus high-fat diet on intramyocellular triglyceride accumulation and insulin resistance in physically fit men. Experimental Physiology. 91(4), pp. 693 - 703. https://doi.org/10.1113/expphysiol.2006.033399

Journal article

The employment of strontium to activate mouse oocytes: Effects on spermatid-injection outcome
Loren, Jean and Lacham-Kaplan, Orly. (2006). The employment of strontium to activate mouse oocytes: Effects on spermatid-injection outcome. Reproduction. 131(2), pp. 259 - 267. https://doi.org/10.1530/rep.1.00894

Journal article

Motor, visual and egocentric transformations in children with developmental coordination disorder
Williams, Jacqueline Louise, Thomas, Patrick, Maruff, Paul Thomas, Butson, Michael Lloyd and Wilson, Peter. (2006). Motor, visual and egocentric transformations in children with developmental coordination disorder. Child: Care, Health and Development. 32(6), pp. 633 - 647. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2214.2006.00688.x

Journal article

Comparison of anxiety between smokers and nonsmokerswith acute myocardial infarction
Sheahan, Sharon, Rayens, Mary Kay, An, Kyungeh, Riegel, Barbara, McKinley, Sharon, Doering, Lynn, Garvin, Bonnie J. and Moser, Debra. (2006). Comparison of anxiety between smokers and nonsmokerswith acute myocardial infarction. American Journal of Critical Care. 15(6), pp. 617 - 625.

Journal article

Assessment of cognitive function in heart failure patients
Wolfe, R, Worrall-Carter, Linda, Foister, K., Keks, N. and Howe, V.. (2006). Assessment of cognitive function in heart failure patients. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 5(2), pp. 158 - 164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2005.10.005

Journal article

Why Dick Fosbury flopped and answers to other big sporting questions
Farrow, Damian and Kemp, Justin Guy. (2006). Why Dick Fosbury flopped and answers to other big sporting questions Allen & Unwin.


Dimensions of adult religious education
Kelly, Anthony. (2006). Dimensions of adult religious education. In In M. de Souza et al (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 815 - 830 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Aim high - Beat Yourself :Effective mathematics teaching in a remote indigenous community
Cooper, Tom, Baturo, Annette, Warren, Elizabeth Anne and Grant, Edlyn. (2006). Aim high - Beat Yourself :Effective mathematics teaching in a remote indigenous community. In Jarmila Novotna, Hana Moraova and Magdelena Kratka (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University. pp. 339 - 376

Conference item

Counseling chaos: Techniques for practitioners
Pryor, Robert and Bright, Jim. (2006). Counseling chaos: Techniques for practitioners. Journal of Employment Counseling. 43(1), pp. 2 - 17.

Journal article

Using student generated podcasts to foster reflection and metacognition
McLoughlin, Catherine, Lee, Mark J. W. and Chan, Anthony. (2006). Using student generated podcasts to foster reflection and metacognition. Australian Educational Computing. 21(2), pp. 34 - 40.

Journal article

The historical status of the Qur'an: Modern discussion among Turkish academics
Albayrak, Ismail. (2006). The historical status of the Qur'an: Modern discussion among Turkish academics. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. 17(4), pp. 457 - 469. https://doi.org/10.1080/09596410600795068

Journal article

Faith on the Edge: Religion and Women in the Context of Migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2006). Faith on the Edge: Religion and Women in the Context of Migration. Feminist Theology. 15(1), pp. 9 - 25.

Journal article

HRM role in EEO: Sheep in shepherd's clothing?
Bennington, Lynne. (2006). HRM role in EEO: Sheep in shepherd's clothing? Journal of Business Ethics. 65(1), pp. 13 - 21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-005-0846-4

Journal article

The reduction of anxiety in school children: Preliminary results with www.climateschools.tv
Vliet, Helen Elizabeth Van, Andrews, Gavin and Wuthrich, V.. (2006). The reduction of anxiety in school children: Preliminary results with www.climateschools.tv. In In D. Castle, S. Hood and M. Kyrios (Ed.). Anxiety disorders: Current controversies, future directions pp. 149 - 159 Australian Postgraduate Medicine.

Book chapter

The spiritual and moral dimension to the school curriculum: A perspective on across-the-curriculum studies
Rossiter, Graham. (2006). The spiritual and moral dimension to the school curriculum: A perspective on across-the-curriculum studies. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 677 - 694 Springer.

Book chapter

Using capacity management: To address issues of airport management
Baard, Vicki Caron and Watts, Edward. (2006). Using capacity management: To address issues of airport management. In Business and Informatics - Current Trends (2) pp. 125 - 132 College of Social Sciences and Administration.

Book chapter

Confronting the horror of natural evil: An exchange between Peter Coghlan and Nick Trakakis
Coghlan, Peter and Trakakis, Nick. (2006). Confronting the horror of natural evil: An exchange between Peter Coghlan and Nick Trakakis. Sophia. 45(2), pp. 5 - 26. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02782478

Journal article

An Examination of the Current Approach to the Problem of Cartel Behaviour in Australia
More, Elizabeth. (2006). An Examination of the Current Approach to the Problem of Cartel Behaviour in Australia. Australia: Academy of World Business. pp. 927 - 939

Conference paper

Depression among older people with cognitive impairment: Prevalence and detection
McCabe, Marita, Davison, Tanya E., Mellor, David, George, Kuruvilla, Moore, Kathleen and Ski, Chantal. (2006). Depression among older people with cognitive impairment: Prevalence and detection. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 21(7), pp. 633 - 644. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.1538

Journal article

Construct validation of hebrew versions of three physical self-concept measures: An extended multitrait-multimethod analysis
Marsh, Herb, Bar-Eli, Michael, Zach, Sima and Richards, Carry E.. (2006). Construct validation of hebrew versions of three physical self-concept measures: An extended multitrait-multimethod analysis. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 28(3), pp. 310 - 343. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.28.3.310

Journal article

Australasian Trends in Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation Weaning: Results of a Postal Survey
Lewis, Peter, Mullany, Daniel, Courtney, Mary and Coyer, Fiona. (2006). Australasian Trends in Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation Weaning: Results of a Postal Survey. Critical Care and Resuscitation. 8(4), pp. 361 - 367.

Journal article

Factors influencing Hong Kong Chinese patients' decision-making in seeking early treatment for acute myocardial infarction
Kaur, Rajwinder, Lopez, Violeta and Thompson, David. (2006). Factors influencing Hong Kong Chinese patients' decision-making in seeking early treatment for acute myocardial infarction. Research in Nursing and Health. 29(6), pp. 636 - 646. https://doi.org/10.1002/nur.20171

Journal article

Eschatology and hope
Kelly, Anthony. (2006). Eschatology and hope Orbis Books.


Factors that assist curriculum change
Buchanan, Michael. (2006). Factors that assist curriculum change. Journal of Religious Education. 54(1), pp. 18 - 26.

Journal article

Identity, masculinity and spirituality: A study of Australian teenage boys
Engebretson, Kath. (2006). Identity, masculinity and spirituality: A study of Australian teenage boys. Journal of Youth Studies. 9(1), pp. 91 - 110. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676260500523663

Journal article

Mohammed; multiculturalism and cartoons
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2006). Mohammed; multiculturalism and cartoons. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 12(2), pp. 4 - 12.

Journal article

A short history of head wear
MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2006). A short history of head wear

Creative work

Financial Service Providers in Australia : Managing Conflicts of Interest
Ciro, Tony and Fox, M. (2006). Financial Service Providers in Australia : Managing Conflicts of Interest. International Company and Commercial Law Review. 17(1), pp. 6 - 12.

Journal article

Dancing with giants: Acquisition and survival of the family firm
Steen, Adam and Welch, Lawrence. (2006). Dancing with giants: Acquisition and survival of the family firm. Family Business Review. 19(4), pp. 289 - 300. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-6248.2006.00076.x

Journal article

Learning environments; attitudes; efficacy and perceptions of assessment: A lisrel analysis
Dorman, Jeffrey Paul and Fisher, Darrell. (2006). Learning environments; attitudes; efficacy and perceptions of assessment: A lisrel analysis. In In D. L. Fisher, L. Darrell L. and M.S. Kyine (Ed.). Contemporary Approaches to Research on Learning Environments pp. 1 - 28 World Views.

Book chapter

A cross-cultural study of behavioral inhibition in toddlers: East-West-North-South
Rubin, Kenneth H., Hemphill, Sheryl Ann, Chen, Xinyin, Hastings, Paul, Sanson, Ann V., Coco, Alida Lo, Zappulla, Carla, Chung, Ock-Boon, Park, Sung-Yun, Doh, Hyun Sim, Chen, Huichang and Sun, Ling. (2006). A cross-cultural study of behavioral inhibition in toddlers: East-West-North-South. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 30(3), pp. 219 - 226. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165025406066723

Journal article

Life Boat/Thuyen Cuu Roi
Martini, Nerine. (2006). Life Boat/Thuyen Cuu Roi Vietnam:

Digital or visual media

Turner, Bryan. (2006). Hospital. Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science. 23(3), pp. 573 - 579. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276406023002136

Journal article

An investigation into students' perceptions of multicultural classroom environments in Queensland Catholic secondary schools
Carroll, Michael John. (2006). An investigation into students' perceptions of multicultural classroom environments in Queensland Catholic secondary schools [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b77f5e4cc


Transforming professions: A case study of social work in the Australian Defence Organisation
Hughes, Roslyn Denise. (2006). Transforming professions: A case study of social work in the Australian Defence Organisation [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b5215e4c0


Demonising Australia's Christian and Muslim Arabs in cartoons
Ata, Abe. (2006). Demonising Australia's Christian and Muslim Arabs in cartoons. Compass: a review of topical theology. 40(4), pp. 31 - 34.

Journal article

Towards a Model for Goal Setting and Negotiation in Public Private Partnerships
Hui, Thia and Ross, Donald Gordon. (2006). Towards a Model for Goal Setting and Negotiation in Public Private Partnerships. pp. 1 - 18

Conference item

Heterogeneity of heart failure management programs in Australia
Driscoll, Andrea, Worrall-Carter, Linda, McLennan, Skye, Dawson, Anna, O'Reilly, J. and Stewart, Simon. (2006). Heterogeneity of heart failure management programs in Australia. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 5(1), pp. 75 - 82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2005.08.001

Journal article

Self-Efficacy-Enhancing Intervention Training and Example Application for People With Diabetes Mellitus
Wu, Shu-Fang, Courtney, Mary, Edwards, Helen, McDowell, Jan, Shortridge-Baggett, Lillie and Chang, Pei-Jen. (2006). Self-Efficacy-Enhancing Intervention Training and Example Application for People With Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 10(1), pp. 115 - 122.

Journal article

Paediatric Fever Management: Continuing Education for Clinical Nurses
Walsh, Anne, Edwards, Helen, Courtney, Mary, Wilson, Jenny and Monaghan, Sarah. (2006). Paediatric Fever Management: Continuing Education for Clinical Nurses. Nurse Education Today. 26(1), pp. 71 - 77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2005.07.007

Journal article

Reasons for living: Education and young people's search for meaning, identity and spirituality. A handbook
Crawford, Marisa and Rossiter, Graham. (2006). Reasons for living: Education and young people's search for meaning, identity and spirituality. A handbook Australian Council for Educational Research.


Bringing up children in Taiwan: Parents' beliefs, concerns and coping strategies relating to preschool children's food acceptance behaviour
Tsai, Shu-Fang. (2006). Bringing up children in Taiwan: Parents' beliefs, concerns and coping strategies relating to preschool children's food acceptance behaviour [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bb865e4e0


Corporate social responsibility and the employment relationship
McCarthy, Terry. (2006). Corporate social responsibility and the employment relationship. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. 6(3), pp. 145 - 154.

Journal article

Community care: National comprehensive assessment approach - Options paper (revised)
Foreman, Peter, Doyle, Colleen Joy and Gardner, Ian. (2006). Community care: National comprehensive assessment approach - Options paper (revised) Australian Institute for Primary Care.


Environmental social controls and capital investments: Australian evidence
Wood, Dorothy and Ross, Don. (2006). Environmental social controls and capital investments: Australian evidence. Accounting and Finance. 46(4), pp. 677 - 695. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-629X.2006.00180.x

Journal article

Construction for watching Waterloo
Kershaw, Alex. (2006). Construction for watching Waterloo

Creative work

Supporting learning in early algebra :A model of professional learning
Warren, Elizabeth Anne. (2006). Supporting learning in early algebra :A model of professional learning. In Peter Grootenboew, Robyn Zvenbrergen and Mohan Chinnappan (Ed.). Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Adelaide, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 535 - 542

Conference item

Catholic Alliance for International Development (CAID): International Development by Australian Catholic Agencies in East Timor & the Pacific Region
Taouk, Youssef. (2006). Catholic Alliance for International Development (CAID): International Development by Australian Catholic Agencies in East Timor & the Pacific Region [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.88x04


Abating the consequences of managerialism on the forgotten employees: The issues of support, control, coping and pay
Noblet, Andrew, McWilliams, John and Rodwell, John. (2006). Abating the consequences of managerialism on the forgotten employees: The issues of support, control, coping and pay. International Journal of Public Administration. 29(10), pp. 911 - 930. https://doi.org/10.1080/01900690600770652

Journal article

Critical religious literacy : A challenge for senior secondary religion studies
Goldburg, Peta. (2006). Critical religious literacy : A challenge for senior secondary religion studies. Religious Education Journal of Australia. 22(2), pp. 9-13.

Journal article

Appraisal in online discussion of literary texts
Love, Kristina. (2006). Appraisal in online discussion of literary texts. Text and Talk: an interdisciplinary journal of language, discourse and communication studies. 26(2), pp. 217 - 244. https://doi.org/10.1515/TEXT.2006.010

Journal article

Assessment of bone strength at differentially-loaded skeletal regions in adolescent middle-distance runners
Greene, David, Naughton, Geraldine, Briody, Julie, Kemp, Allan and Woodhead, Helen. (2006). Assessment of bone strength at differentially-loaded skeletal regions in adolescent middle-distance runners. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 9(3), pp. 221 - 230. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2006.03.030

Journal article

Engaging young children in shared conversations during the story book reading activity
Drabble, Anne Olivia. (2006). Engaging young children in shared conversations during the story book reading activity. AARE 2006 International Education Research Conference Engaging Pedagogies. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 14

Conference item

ACC/AHA 2006 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 1998 Guidelines for the M
Bonow, Robert O., Carabello, Blase A., Chatterjee, Kanu, de Leon, Antonio C., Faxon, David P., Freed, Michael D., Gaasch, William H., Lytle, Bruce Whitney, Nishimura, Rick, O'Gara, Patrick T., O'Rourke, Robert A., Otto, Catherine M., Shah, Pravin M., Shanewise, Jack S., Smith, Sidney C., Jacobs, Alice K., Adams, Cynthia D., Anderson, Jeffrey L., Antman, Elliott M., ... Riegel, Barbara. (2006). ACC/AHA 2006 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 1998 Guidelines for the M. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 48(3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2006.05.021

Journal article

Assessing surgeons' disclosure of risk information before carotid endarterrctomy
Middleton, Sandy, Gatellari, Melina, Harris, John P. and Ward, Jeanette E.. (2006). Assessing surgeons' disclosure of risk information before carotid endarterrctomy. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 76(7), pp. 618-624. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1445-2197.2006.03788.x

Journal article

Multicultural; classrooms: Contexts for much mathematics teaching and learning
Clarkson, Philip. (2006). Multicultural; classrooms: Contexts for much mathematics teaching and learning. In In F. Favilli (Ed.). Ethnomathematics and mathematics education pp. 9 - 16 Tipografia Editrice Pisana.

Book chapter

The link between emotional competence and well-being: A longitudinal study
Ciarrochi, Joseph and Scott, Greg. (2006). The link between emotional competence and well-being: A longitudinal study. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 34(2), pp. 231 - 243. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069880600583287

Journal article

Recruitment of nurses working outside nursing
Duffield, Christine, Pallas, Linda O'Brien, Aitken, Leanne M., Roche, Michael and Merrick, Eamon Thomas. (2006). Recruitment of nurses working outside nursing. Journal of Nursing Administration. 36(2), pp. 58 - 62. https://doi.org/10.1097/00005110-200602000-00002

Journal article

How ophthalmic day surgery patients convalesce at home: an exploration of the salient issues
Ryan, Fiona, O'Connell, Beverley and Gardner, Anne. (2006). How ophthalmic day surgery patients convalesce at home: an exploration of the salient issues. Day Surgery Australia. 5(3), pp. 11 - 16.

Journal article

Choice and ego-depletion: The moderating role of autonomy
Moller, Arien C., Deci, Edward and Ryan, Richard. (2006). Choice and ego-depletion: The moderating role of autonomy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 32(8), pp. 1024 - 1036. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167206288008

Journal article

ACC/AHA 2006 Practice Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease: Executive Summary. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise t
Bonow, Robert O., Carabello, Blase A., Chatterjee, Kanu, de Leon, Antonio C., Faxon, David P., Freed, Michael D., Gaasch, William H., Lytle, Bruce Whitney, Nishimura, Rick, O'Gara, Patrick T., O'Rourke, Robert A., Otto, Catherine M., Shah, Pravin M., Shanewise, Jack S., Smith, Sidney C., Jacobs, Alice K., Adams, Cynthia D., Anderson, Jeffrey L., Antman, Elliott M., ... Riegel, Barbara. (2006). ACC/AHA 2006 Practice Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease: Executive Summary. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise t. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 48(3), pp. 598 - 675. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2006.05.030

Journal article

A pilot study of the initial effects of anti-pronation taping on electromyographic activity of lower leg muscles during walking
Franettovich, M., Chapman, A. and Vicenzino, B.. (2006). A pilot study of the initial effects of anti-pronation taping on electromyographic activity of lower leg muscles during walking. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 9(1), pp. 33-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2006.12.078

Journal article

Incidental depiction of smoking in Australian young women's magazines: have we progressed since the 1990's?
Jones, Sandra. (2006). Incidental depiction of smoking in Australian young women's magazines: have we progressed since the 1990's? Marketing and Public Policy Conference Marketing and Public Policy Conference. United States of America: College of Business Administration. pp. 1 - 8

Conference item

Impact of eating disorders on family life: Individual parents' stories
Hillege, Sharon, Beale, Barbara and McMaster, Rose. (2006). Impact of eating disorders on family life: Individual parents' stories. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 15(8), pp. 1016 - 1022. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01367.x

Journal article

Mission through journalism : Elizabeth Hayes and the Annals of Our Lady of the Angels
Shaw, Pauline Joan. (2006). Mission through journalism : Elizabeth Hayes and the Annals of Our Lady of the Angels [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bd5a5e4e9


A short history of head wear
MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2006). A short history of head wear

Creative work

Education as encounter
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2006). Education as encounter. In In J. David and G.Evans (Ed.). Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy; Vol.4 Philosophy of Education pp. 111 - 115 Turkish Society of Philosophy.

Book chapter

On true humility: An anonymous letter on poverty and the female ascetic
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). On true humility: An anonymous letter on poverty and the female ascetic. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 233 - 246 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Insights about the addition strategies used by grade 1 and grade 2 children who are vulnerable in number learning
Gervasoni, Ann Maree. (2006). Insights about the addition strategies used by grade 1 and grade 2 children who are vulnerable in number learning. In J. Novotna, H. Moraova and M. Kratka (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics. Prague, Czeckoslovakia: Charles University. pp. 177 - 184

Conference item

Enhancing the quality of pre-service teachers' professional learning experiences within a national framework
Broadbent, Carolyn. (2006). Enhancing the quality of pre-service teachers' professional learning experiences within a national framework. In M. Haigh, E. Beddoe and D. Rose (Ed.). Towards Excellence in PEPE: A collaborative endeavour. Proceedings of PEPE Conference: Practical Experiences in Professional Education.. Auckland, New Zealand: Faculty of Education, University of Auckland. pp. 52 - 59

Conference item

Changing attitudes to property distribution and family law since the passage of the Australian family law act, 1975
Swain, Shurlee. (2006). Changing attitudes to property distribution and family law since the passage of the Australian family law act, 1975. Law and History.

Journal article

A sketch of the promotion of inter faith harmony at an Australian Islamic college: Challenges for Islamic schools
Engebretson, Kath. (2006). A sketch of the promotion of inter faith harmony at an Australian Islamic college: Challenges for Islamic schools. Journal of Religious Education. 54(3), pp. 72 - 74.

Journal article

Is the saving of embryos by altruistic surrogacy morally wrong?
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2006). Is the saving of embryos by altruistic surrogacy morally wrong? Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Home sweet home
Bell, Catherine. (2006). Home sweet home

Creative work

Herbicide impact on Hormosira banksii gametes measured by fluorescence and germination bioassays
Seery, Clifford R., Gunthorpe, Leanne and Ralph, Peter J.. (2006). Herbicide impact on Hormosira banksii gametes measured by fluorescence and germination bioassays. Environmental Pollution. 140(1), pp. 43 - 51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2005.07.001

Journal article

ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 Guideline Update for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - Summary article: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (ACC/AHA/SCAI Writing Committee to Update the 200
Smith, Sidney C., Feldman, Ted E., Hirshfeld, John W., Jacobs, Alice K., Kern, Morton J., King, Spencer B., Morrison, Douglass A., O'Neill, William W., Schaff, Hartzell V., Whitlow, Patrick L., Williams, David O., Antman, Elliott M., Smith, Sidney C., Adams, Cynthia D., Anderson, Jeffrey L., Faxon, David P., Fuster, Valentin, Halperin, Jonathan L., Hiratzka, Loren F., ... Riegel, Barbara. (2006). ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 Guideline Update for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - Summary article: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (ACC/AHA/SCAI Writing Committee to Update the 200. Circulation. 113(1), pp. 156 - 175. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.170815

Journal article

Catholic Schools and Religious Pluralism
Chia, Edmund. (2006). Catholic Schools and Religious Pluralism. East Asian Pastoral Review: a quarterly with focus on Asia for all church ministers and theology in context, interested laity and theological students. 43(2), pp. 191 - 196.

Journal article

La teologia dell'armonia yin-yang
Chia, Edmund. (2006). La teologia dell'armonia yin-yang. In In M. Amaladoss and R. Gibellini (Ed.). Teologia in Asia pp. 459 - 492 Editrice Queriniana.

Book chapter

Communication style and therapy: A preliminary investigation of clinical status and occupation
Bowles, Terence Victor. (2006). Communication style and therapy: A preliminary investigation of clinical status and occupation. In Terry Bowles (Ed.). The Australian Psychology Society's Psychology of Relationships Interest Group 5th Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Psychological Society. pp. 26 - 31

Conference item

Community center-based resistance training for the maintenance of glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes
Dunstan, David, Vulikh, Elena, Owen, Neville, Jolley, Damien, Shaw, Jonathan and Zimmet, Paul. (2006). Community center-based resistance training for the maintenance of glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 29(12), pp. 2586 - 2591. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc06-1310

Journal article

The presence and place of students who are not Catholic in Catholic schools: An analysis of official church documents
Chambers, Michael, Grajczonek, Jan P. and Ryan, Maurice James. (2006). The presence and place of students who are not Catholic in Catholic schools: An analysis of official church documents. Journal of Religious Education. 54(1), pp. 2 - 9.

Journal article

Reaching the unreached learner: Lifelong learning, adult and community education in Victoria, Australia
de Souza, Marian, Cartwright, Patricia Anne, Chapman, Judith Dorothy, McGilp, Jacqueline, Skilbeck, Malcolm, Toomey, Ron and Gaff, Janet. (2006). Reaching the unreached learner: Lifelong learning, adult and community education in Victoria, Australia. In In A. Oduaran and H.S. Bhola (Ed.). Widening access to education as social justice. Essays in honour of Michael Omolewa pp. 193 - 207 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Research and evaluation of psycho-educational approaches to prevention and intervention for marginalised young people in the Barwon region of Victoria
Green, Susan Margaret. (2006). Research and evaluation of psycho-educational approaches to prevention and intervention for marginalised young people in the Barwon region of Victoria [PhD Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b4e85e4bf

PhD Thesis

One step at a time: Australian parliamentarians, professionalism and the need for staff
Jones, Kate. (2006). One step at a time: Australian parliamentarians, professionalism and the need for staff. Parliamentary Affairs. 59(4), pp. 638 - 653. https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsl015

Journal article

Breaking the Paradox of Innovation :lessons from history; the study of a small manufacturing company
Watts, Edward and Baard, Vicki Caron. (2006). Breaking the Paradox of Innovation :lessons from history; the study of a small manufacturing company. Padova, Italy: Department of Economic Sciences, University of Padova. pp. 1 - 9

Conference item

Effect of high-fat meals and fatty acid saturation on postprandial levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin in healthy men
Poppitt, S. D., Leahy, F. E., Keogh, G. F., Wang, Y, Mulvey, T B., Stojkovic, M, Chan, Kai, Choong, Y S., McArdle, B H. and Cooper, G. J. S.. (2006). Effect of high-fat meals and fatty acid saturation on postprandial levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin in healthy men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 60(1), pp. 77 - 84. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602270

Journal article

Effect of belief in "psychic healing" on self-reported pain in chronic pain sufferers
Lyvers, Michael, Barling, Norman and Harding-Clark, Jill. (2006). Effect of belief in "psychic healing" on self-reported pain in chronic pain sufferers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 60(1), pp. 59 - 61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2005.06.066

Journal article

Subthreshold transcranial magnetic stimulation during the long latency component of the cutaneomotor reflex
Stuart, Meg and Taylor, Janet. (2006). Subthreshold transcranial magnetic stimulation during the long latency component of the cutaneomotor reflex. Experimental Brain Research. 170(3), pp. 285 - 294. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-005-0222-8

Journal article

Psychometric evaluation and predictive validity of Ryff's psychological well-being items in a UK birth cohort sample of women
Abbott, Rosemary A., Ploubidis, George B., Huppert, Felicia, Kuh, Diana, Wadsworth, Michael E. J. and Croudace, Tim J.. (2006). Psychometric evaluation and predictive validity of Ryff's psychological well-being items in a UK birth cohort sample of women. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 4(1), pp. 1 - 16. https://doi.org/10.1186/1477-7525-4-76

Journal article

Neonatal adrenal function after repeat dose prenatal corticosteroids: A randomized controlled trial
Ashwood, Patricia, Crowther, Caroline, Willson, Kristyn, Haslam, Ross, Kennaway, David J., Hiller, Janet and Robinson, Jeffrey. (2006). Neonatal adrenal function after repeat dose prenatal corticosteroids: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 194(3), pp. 861 - 867. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajog.2005.08.063

Journal article

A taxonomy for disease management: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Disease Management Taxonomy Writing Group
Krumholz, Harlan M., Currie, Peter M., Riegel, Barbara, Phillips, Christopher O., Peterson, Eric D., Smith, Renee, Yancy, Clyde W. and Faxon, David P.. (2006). A taxonomy for disease management: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Disease Management Taxonomy Writing Group. Circulation. 114(13), pp. 1432 - 1445. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.177322

Journal article

Layered video compression: A review
Chin, Suk Kim. (2006). Layered video compression: A review. In In H. Kisilowska and J. Seruga (Ed.). Business and Informatics - Current Trends (2) pp. 81 - 102 College of Social Sciences and Administration.

Book chapter

The association between parenting characteristics and adolescent identity development and moral development
Shlimkevych, Veronika and Terrett, Gillian. (2006). The association between parenting characteristics and adolescent identity development and moral development. In R.B Wilkinson and Z. Pearce (Ed.). Relationships - Near and Far: The Australian Psychological Society's Psychology of Relationships Interest Grou 6th Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Psychological Society. pp. 102 - 107

Conference item

Relational standards: Rules and expectations in romantic relationships
West, Alexandra Elizabeth. (2006). Relational standards: Rules and expectations in romantic relationships [PhD Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b47d5e4bd

PhD Thesis

Working with teachers
Rymarz, Richard Michael. (2006). Working with teachers. In In R. Rymarz (Ed.). Leadership in Religious Education pp. 98 - 115 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Reverting to English to teach mathematics: How are Malaysian teachers and students changing in response to a new language context for learning?
Clarkson, Philip and Indris, Noraini. (2006). Reverting to English to teach mathematics: How are Malaysian teachers and students changing in response to a new language context for learning? Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia. 29(2), pp. 69 - 96.

Journal article

Developing Interoperable Software for Differing XML Schemata
Nguyen, Linh Thuy. (2006). Developing Interoperable Software for Differing XML Schemata. In Hamid R. Arabnia (Ed.). Las Vegas; Nevada,USA: CSREA Press. pp. 92 - 99

Conference item

Prognostic importance of cognitive impairment in chronic heart failure patients : Does specialist disease management make a difference?
McLennan, Skye, Pearson, Sue, Cameron, Janette and Stewart, Simon. (2006). Prognostic importance of cognitive impairment in chronic heart failure patients : Does specialist disease management make a difference? European Journal of Heart Failure. 8(5), pp. 494 - 501. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejheart.2005.11.013

Journal article

Reading Cornelia Rau: At the limits of intelligibility
Gannon, Suzanne and Saltmarsh, Sue. (2006). Reading Cornelia Rau: At the limits of intelligibility. Thirdspace: A Journal of Feminist Theory and Culture. 6(1), pp. 1 - 24.

Journal article

Work characteristics and employee outcomes in local government
Noblet, Andrew, McWilliams, John, Teo, Stephen and Rodwell, John. (2006). Work characteristics and employee outcomes in local government. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 17(10), pp. 1804 - 1818. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585190600965308

Journal article

Effective recruitment and selection practices
Compton, Robert Leigh, Nankervis, Alan and Morrissey, William. (2006). Effective recruitment and selection practices CCH Australia.


Students' Evaluation of an Information Systems Program
Seruga, Jan. (2006). Students' Evaluation of an Information Systems Program. Proceedings 2006 SIGED: IAIM 21st Annual Conference. Milwaukee; Wisconsin,USA: International Academy for Information Management. pp. 17 - 31

Conference item

Whom to treat? The contribution of vertebral X-rays to risk-based algorithms for fracture prediction. Results from the European Prospective Osteoporosis Study
Kaptoge, Stephen, Armbrecht, Gabriele, Felsenberg, Dieter, Lunt, M., Weber, K., Boonen, Steven, Jajic, I., Stepan, Jan J., Banzer, D., Reisinger, W., Janott, J., Kragl, G., Scheidt-Nave, C., Felsch, B., Matthis, C., Raspe, H. H., Lyritis, G., Póor, G., Nuti, Ranuccio, ... Bhalla, A. (2006). Whom to treat? The contribution of vertebral X-rays to risk-based algorithms for fracture prediction. Results from the European Prospective Osteoporosis Study. Osteoporosis International. 17(9), pp. 1369 - 1381. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-005-0067-9

Journal article

Soap, slip, slash
Bell, Catherine Elizabeth. (2006). Soap, slip, slash

Creative work

Predictors of smoking cessation processes among secondary school students
Stanton, Warren, Baade, Peter and Moffatt, Jenny. (2006). Predictors of smoking cessation processes among secondary school students. Substance Use and Misuse. 41(13), pp. 1683 - 1694. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826080601006284

Journal article

Reading, writing and responsibility :young carers and education
Moore, Tim, Morrow, Ros, McArthur, Morag and Noble-Carr, Debbie. (2006). Reading, writing and responsibility :young carers and education Dickson, ACT: Australian Catholic University.


A pilgrim God with a pilgrim people
Green, Beatrice. (2006). A pilgrim God with a pilgrim people. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Initial survey - Utilising the information and communication technologies to build a professional learning community and to develop mentoring relationships between teachers in local, regional and rural schools.
Boyle, Maureen, Brady, Jo and Broadbent, Carolyn. (2006). Initial survey - Utilising the information and communication technologies to build a professional learning community and to develop mentoring relationships between teachers in local, regional and rural schools [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8874y


The therapeutic intent of the New Zealand Mental Health Review Tribunal
Diesfeld, Kate and McKenna, Brian. (2006). The therapeutic intent of the New Zealand Mental Health Review Tribunal. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. 13(1), pp. 100 - 109. https://doi.org/10.1375/pplt.13.1.100

Journal article

Individual calibration for estimating free-living walking speed using the MTI monitor
Barnett, Anthony and Cerin, Ester. (2006). Individual calibration for estimating free-living walking speed using the MTI monitor. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 38(4), pp. 761 - 767. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0000210206.55941.b2

Journal article

How well are cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator skills retained over time? Results from the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial
Riegel, Barbara, Nafziger, Sarah D., McBurnie, Mary Ann, Powell, Judy, Ledingham, Robert, Sehra, Ruchir, Mango, LynnMarie and Henry, Mark C.. (2006). How well are cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator skills retained over time? Results from the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial. Academic Emergency Medicine. 13(3), pp. 254 - 263. https://doi.org/10.1197/j.aem.2005.10.010

Journal article

Dementia related aggression in the acute sector: Is a Code Black really the answer?
Jones, Jacqueline, Borbasi, Sally, Nankivell, A. and Lockwood, Craig. (2006). Dementia related aggression in the acute sector: Is a Code Black really the answer? Contemporary Nurse. 21(1), pp. 113 - 115. https://doi.org/10.5172/conu.2006.21.1.103

Journal article

Children's Moods, Fears, and Worries: Development of an Early Childhood Parent Questionnaire
Bayer, J., Sanson, Ann and Hemphill, Sheryl. (2006). Children's Moods, Fears, and Worries: Development of an Early Childhood Parent Questionnaire. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 14(1), pp. 41 - 49. https://doi.org/10.1177/10634266060140010401

Journal article

Building resilience in young people through meaningful participation
Mosely, Kylie, Collin, Pippa, Burns, Jane and Nicholas, Jonathon. (2006). Building resilience in young people through meaningful participation. Advances in Mental Health. 5(1), pp. 34 - 40.

Journal article

ACC/AHA 2005 Practice Guidelines for the management of patients with peripheral arterial disease (lower extremity, renal, mesenteric, and abdominal aortic)
Hirsch, Alan T., Haskal, Ziv J., Hertzer, Norman R., Bakal, Curtis W., Creager, Mark A., Halperin, Jonathan L., Hiratzka, Loren F., Murphy, William R. C., Olin, Jeffrey W., Puschett, Jules B., Rosenfield, Kenneth A., Sacks, David, Stanley, James C., Taylor, Lloyd M., White, Christopher, White, John, White, Rodney A., Antman, Elliott M., Smith, Sidney C., ... Page, Richard L.. (2006). ACC/AHA 2005 Practice Guidelines for the management of patients with peripheral arterial disease (lower extremity, renal, mesenteric, and abdominal aortic). Circulation. 113(11), pp. 463 - 654. https://doi.org/10.1161/Circulationaha.106.174526

Journal article

A Cochrane Review of superficial heat or cold for low back pain
French, Simon D., Cameron, Melainie, Walker, Bruce F., Reggars, John W. and Esterman, Adrian J.. (2006). A Cochrane Review of superficial heat or cold for low back pain. Spine. 31(9), pp. 998-1006. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.brs.0000214881.10814.64

Journal article

Adolescents, sun protection and social marketing
Lynch, Melissa and Jones, Sandra. (2006). Adolescents, sun protection and social marketing. Controversies in social marketing : The way forward : Third Australasian Non-profit and Social Marketing Conference. University of Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales, Australia 10 - 11 Aug 2006 Callaghan, New South Wales: University of Newcastle.

Conference paper

Trialing collaborative nursing models of care: The impact of change.
Fowler, Joanna, Hardy, Jenni and Howarth, Teresa. (2006). Trialing collaborative nursing models of care: The impact of change. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 23(4), pp. 40 - 46.

Journal article

Recherches d'hymnographie copte(2) hermina et christodule
Youssef, Youhanna Nessim. (2006). Recherches d'hymnographie copte(2) hermina et christodule. In In A. Boud'hors, J Gascou and D. Vallancourt (Ed.). Etudes Coptes IX, Cahiers de la Bibliotheque Copte pp. 381 - 397 Association Francophone de Coptologie.

Book chapter

Handing on religious values to young orthodox people in a western: secularized society
Rymarz, Richard Michael. (2006). Handing on religious values to young orthodox people in a western: secularized society. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 513 - 523 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Are we really attracting the 'right' student into Technology Teacher Education programs?
Barlow, John Leslie. (2006). Are we really attracting the 'right' student into Technology Teacher Education programs? Values in Technology Education 2006 Conference Proceedings. Queensland, Australia: Centre for Learning Research, Faculty of Education, Griffith University. pp. 11 - 17

Conference item

Factors that impede curriculum change: A preliminary report
Buchanan, Michael. (2006). Factors that impede curriculum change: A preliminary report. British Journal of Religious Education. 28(1), pp. 51 - 63. https://doi.org/10.1080/01416200500273646

Journal article

Terms of endearment
MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2006). Terms of endearment

Creative work

Luminous beings are we
MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2006). Luminous beings are we

Creative work

La Chiesa e il Regno: Un nuovo modo essere Chiesa in Asia
Tan, Jonathan. (2006). La Chiesa e il Regno: Un nuovo modo essere Chiesa in Asia. In In M. Amaladoss and R. Gibellini (Ed.). Teologia in Asia pp. 320 - 342 Editrice Queriniana.

Book chapter

Creating policy partnerships: the nexus between child health and child protection
Richmond, Giovanna. (2006). Creating policy partnerships: the nexus between child health and child protection. Communities, Children and Families Australia. 2(1), pp. 15 - 25.

Journal article

The relationship between personality: Anger and communication style
Bowles, Terence Victor and Newton, Danielle. (2006). The relationship between personality: Anger and communication style. In R. Wilkinson and Z. Pearce (Ed.). The Australian Psychology Society's Psychology of Relationships Interest Group 5th Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Psychological Society. pp. 19 - 19

Conference item

Organizational change in stakeholder business systems: the role of institutions
Cheng, Philip, Millar, Carla and Choi, C.. (2006). Organizational change in stakeholder business systems: the role of institutions. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 19(3), pp. 383 - 392. https://doi.org/10.1108/09534810610668373

Journal article

Performance management: Theory and practice
Compton, Bob and Nankervis, Alan. (2006). Performance management: Theory and practice. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. 1, pp. 83 - 101.

Journal article

Teacher education for the future
Tuinamuana, Katarina, Burnett, Greg, Dorovolomo, Jeremy and Koya-Vaka'uta, Frances. (2006). Teacher education for the future. In Education and sustainable development: First steps towards changes pp. 324 - 337 Daugavpils University.

Book chapter

Handing on Religious Values to Young Orthodox People in a Western, Secularised Society
Rymarz, Richard. (2006). Handing on Religious Values to Young Orthodox People in a Western, Secularised Society. In International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 513-523 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Aboriginal Australians
Zubrzycki, Joanna and Bennett, Bindi. (2006). Aboriginal Australians. In In W.H. Chui and J. Wilson (Ed.). Social Work and Human Services Best Practice pp. 192 - 210 The Federation Press.

Book chapter

Economic liberalization and the ideology of work reforms in India: interpreting middle class responses to new economic policies
Scrase, Tim. (2006). Economic liberalization and the ideology of work reforms in India: interpreting middle class responses to new economic policies. Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference. Australia: University of South Australia. pp. 481 - 491

Conference item

Solution Focused Management :of Planned IT Outages
O'Callaghan, Katherine and Mariappanadar, Sugumar. (2006). Solution Focused Management :of Planned IT Outages. In Carmine Sellitto and Wenn, Andrew (Ed.). Melbourne, Australia: School of Information Systems, Faculty of Business & Law, Victoria University. pp. 127 - 136

Conference item

Catholic Church Documents on Religious Education
Fleming, Joe. (2006). Catholic Church Documents on Religious Education. In In M. de Souza, K. Engebretson and G. Durka, R. Jackson and A. McGrady (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education Part one pp. 607 - 620 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-5246-4_43

Book chapter

Editorial: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: They're Talking Our Language
Imms, Christine. (2006). Editorial: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: They're Talking Our Language. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 53(2), pp. 65 - 66.

Journal article

Telephone and online counselling for young people: A naturalistic comparison of session outcome, session impact and therapeutic alliance
King, Robert, Bambling, Matthew, Reid, Wendy and Thomas, Ian. (2006). Telephone and online counselling for young people: A naturalistic comparison of session outcome, session impact and therapeutic alliance. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 6(3), pp. 175 - 181.

Journal article

Neighborhood environment walkability scale: Validity and development of a short form
Cerin, Ester, Saelens, Brian, Sallis, Jim and Frank, Lawrence. (2006). Neighborhood environment walkability scale: Validity and development of a short form. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 38(9), pp. 1682 - 1691. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0000227639.83607.4d

Journal article

Middle-aged and mobility-limited: Prevalence of disability and symptom attributions in a national survey
Gardener, Elizabeth A., Huppert, Felicia, Guralnik, Jack M. and Melzer, D. (2006). Middle-aged and mobility-limited: Prevalence of disability and symptom attributions in a national survey. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 21(10), pp. 1091 - 1096. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1525-1497.2006.00564.x

Journal article

Portable oxygen: Longer for less with oxymizer pendant
Fulbrook, Paul and Serginson, John. (2006). Portable oxygen: Longer for less with oxymizer pendant. Airways Journal (print version). 4(2), pp. 105 - 108.

Journal article

Narrating the Trials and Deaths of Martin I and Maximus the Confessor
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Narrating the Trials and Deaths of Martin I and Maximus the Confessor. In J. Burke (Ed.). Byzantine Narrative: Papers in Honour of Roger Scott. Canberra, Australia: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies. pp. 71 - 83

Conference item

The impact of tertiary-level humanities education for homeless and marginalised people
Howard, Peter, Homel, Ross, Butcher, Jude, Henson, Connie, Egan, Luke Anthony and Hampshire, Anne. (2006). The impact of tertiary-level humanities education for homeless and marginalised people. AARE 2006 International Education Research Conference Engaging Pedagogies. Adelaide, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 15

Conference item

Principals' understandings of aspects of the law impacting on the administration of Catholic schools: Aome implications for leadership
McCann, Paul. (2006). Principals' understandings of aspects of the law impacting on the administration of Catholic schools: Aome implications for leadership [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b9815e4d5


Introduction to section five: The religious, moral and spiritual dimension in education: Pedagogical implications
de Souza, Marian. (2006). Introduction to section five: The religious, moral and spiritual dimension in education: Pedagogical implications. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 1083 - 1092 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Trophic relationships between itinerant fish and crab larvae in a temperate Australian saltmarsh
Mazumder, Debashish, Saintilan, Neil and Willia, Robert. (2006). Trophic relationships between itinerant fish and crab larvae in a temperate Australian saltmarsh. Marine and Freshwater Research. 57(2), pp. 193 - 199. https://doi.org/10.1071/MF05040

Journal article

An MRI investigation into the function of the transversus abdominis muscle during "drawing-in" of the abdominal wall
Hides, Julie, Wilson, Stephen, Stanton, Warren, McMahon, Shaun, Keto, Heidi, McMahon, Catherine, Bryant, Mary and Richardson, Carolyn A.. (2006). An MRI investigation into the function of the transversus abdominis muscle during "drawing-in" of the abdominal wall. Spine. 31(6), pp. 175 - 178. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.brs.0000202740.86338.df

Journal article

Direct-to-consumer branding of prescription medicines in Australia
Jones, Sandra. (2006). Direct-to-consumer branding of prescription medicines in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1 - 8

Conference item

E-Commerce in Malaysia: Issues and challenges in the formation of contracts
Cheong, May Fong. (2006). E-Commerce in Malaysia: Issues and challenges in the formation of contracts. In In K.L. Tee and S.S.S. Ahmad (Ed.). ICT: Its Impact on Selected Areas of the Law pp. 1 - 24 University of Malaya.

Book chapter

Monument to anti-monumentality: The space of the national museum Australia
Cvoro, Uros. (2006). Monument to anti-monumentality: The space of the national museum Australia. Museum and Society. 4(3), pp. 116 - 128.

Journal article

Competition v Copyright Protection in the Digital Age
Ciro, Tony and Fox, M. (2006). Competition v Copyright Protection in the Digital Age. European Intellectual Property Review. 28(6), pp. 329 - 334.

Journal article

Employee Perceptions of The Psychological Contract are Not Symmetrical: Cautions Derived from Analyses of The Dimensionality of the Psychological Contract Inventory
Jepsen, Denise and Rodwell, John. (2006). Employee Perceptions of The Psychological Contract are Not Symmetrical: Cautions Derived from Analyses of The Dimensionality of the Psychological Contract Inventory. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference. Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. pp. 1 - 17

Conference item

Social Action and Institution Building in Three Houses of the Australian Parliament: The Work of Parliamentary Committees
Jones, Grant. (2006). Social Action and Institution Building in Three Houses of the Australian Parliament: The Work of Parliamentary Committees Edwin Mellen Press.


The nature and demands of the sovereign rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew
Hannan, Margaret Ann. (2006). The nature and demands of the sovereign rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew T&T Clark International.


Payola Practices in the United States: An Examination of the Sony BMG Settlement and of Likely Future Developments
Fox, M and Ciro, Tony. (2006). Payola Practices in the United States: An Examination of the Sony BMG Settlement and of Likely Future Developments. Entertainment Law Review (UK). 17(1), pp. 29 - 34.

Journal article

HRM role in EEO: Sheep in shepherd's clothing?
Bennington, Lynne. (2006). HRM role in EEO: Sheep in shepherd's clothing? Journal of Business Ethics. 65(1), pp. 13 - 21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-005-0846-4

Journal article

Alcohol and sport : Can we have one without the other?
Jones, Sandra C., Phillipson, Lyn and Lynch, Melissa. (2006). Alcohol and sport : Can we have one without the other? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2006. Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2006 Brisbane, Queensland: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Conference paper

Unfair dismissals in Australia: Does arbitration help employees?
Chelliah, John and D'Netto, Brian. (2006). Unfair dismissals in Australia: Does arbitration help employees? Employee Relations. 28(5), pp. 483 - 495. https://doi.org/10.1108/01425450610683672

Journal article

Felt is the past tense of feel
Bell, Catherine Elizabeth. (2006). Felt is the past tense of feel

Creative work

Validity of baptism and ordination in African response to the 'rebaptism' crisis: Cyprian of Carthage's synod of spring 256
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). Validity of baptism and ordination in African response to the 'rebaptism' crisis: Cyprian of Carthage's synod of spring 256. Theological Studies. 67(2), pp. 257 - 274.

Journal article

The research ethics review process and ethics review narratives
Yule, Elisa. (2006). The research ethics review process and ethics review narratives. Ethics and Behavior. 16(4), pp. 377 - 395.

Journal article

E-services in government: Why do we need strategies for capacity building and capacity utilization?
Krishnaswamy, Girija. (2006). E-services in government: Why do we need strategies for capacity building and capacity utilization? In In G.P. Sahu (Ed.). Delivering e-Government pp. 15 - 24 Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management; (GIFT) Publishing.

Book chapter

Thermoregulatory behavior is disrupted in rats with lesions of the anteroventral third ventricular area (AV3V)
Whyte, Doug, Brennan, Timothy and Johnson, Alan. (2006). Thermoregulatory behavior is disrupted in rats with lesions of the anteroventral third ventricular area (AV3V). Physiology & Behavior. 87(3), pp. 493 - 499. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2005.11.019

Journal article

Methodological difficulties in a systematic review of social marketing for sun protection: Implications for research and practice
Jones, Sandra. (2006). Methodological difficulties in a systematic review of social marketing for sun protection: Implications for research and practice. At the Threshold : Second Australasian Non-profit and Social Marketing Conference. Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 22 - 23 Sep 2005 Australia: University of Newcastle. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

The causal ordering of self-concept and academic motivation and its effect on academic achievement
Green, Jasmine, Nelson, Genevieve F., Martin, Andrew J. and Marsh, Herb. (2006). The causal ordering of self-concept and academic motivation and its effect on academic achievement. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives. 7(4), pp. 534 - 546.

Journal article

Mismanagement of delirium places patients at risk
Ski, Chantal and O'Connell, Beverley. (2006). Mismanagement of delirium places patients at risk. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 23(3), pp. 42 - 46.

Journal article

Nurse specialists in adult congenital heart disease: the current status in Europe
Moons, Philip, Reimer, Wilma Scholte, De Geest, Sabina, Fridlund, Bengt, Heikkila, Johanna, Jaarsma, Tiny, Martensson, Jan, Smith, Karen, Stewart, Simon, Stromberg, Anna and Thompson, David. (2006). Nurse specialists in adult congenital heart disease: the current status in Europe. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 5(1), pp. 60 - 67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2005.10.010

Journal article

ACC/AHA 2005 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease (Lower Extremity, Renal, Mesenteric, and Abdominal Aortic): A Collaborative Report from the American Association for Vascular Surgery/Society for Vascular Surgery,Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Society for Vascular Medicine and Biology, Society of Interventional Radiology, and the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease)
Hirsch, Alan T., Haskal, Ziv J., Hertzer, Norman R., Bakal, Curtis W., Creager, Mark A., Halperin, Jonathan L., Hiratzka, Loren F., Murphy, William R. C., Olin, Jeffrey W., Puschett, Jules B., Rosenfield, Kenneth A., Sacks, David, Stanley, James C., Taylor, Lloyd M., White, Christopher, White, John, White, Rodney A., Antman, Elliott M., Smith, Sidney C., ... Page, Richard L.. (2006). ACC/AHA 2005 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease (Lower Extremity, Renal, Mesenteric, and Abdominal Aortic): A Collaborative Report from the American Association for Vascular Surgery/Society for Vascular Surgery,Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Society for Vascular Medicine and Biology, Society of Interventional Radiology, and the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease). Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 47(6), pp. 1239 - 1312. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2005.10.009

Journal article

Maternity care in the bush: Using the internet to provide educational resources to isolated practitioners
Kildea, Sue, Barclay, Lesley and Brodie, Pat. (2006). Maternity care in the bush: Using the internet to provide educational resources to isolated practitioners. Rural and Remote Health. 6(3), pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article

Adoption in Australia review and reflection
Hansen, Pat and Ainsworth, Frank. (2006). Adoption in Australia review and reflection. Children Australia. 31(4), pp. 22 - 28. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1035077200011317

Journal article

Primary prevention of diabetes mellitus: Present and future
Ahuja, Ajay GuptJaya and Fraser, Kym Michele. (2006). Primary prevention of diabetes mellitus: Present and future. In In K. Kohli, M. Gupta and S. Tejwani (Ed.). Contemporary Perspectives on Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics pp. 519 - 533 Elsevier.

Book chapter

The effect of participation in school-facilitated community service programmes on students' self-esteem, sense of community engagement and attitudes to Christianity
Reed, Luke Terrence. (2006). The effect of participation in school-facilitated community service programmes on students' self-esteem, sense of community engagement and attitudes to Christianity [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bb5b5e4df


Citizenship East and West: Reflections on revolutions and civil society
Turner, Bryan Stanley. (2006). Citizenship East and West: Reflections on revolutions and civil society. In In G. Delanty (Ed.). Europe and Asia Beyond East and West pp. 148 - 160 Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203963104

Book chapter

Talking about Jesus: And why it matters
Rymarz, Richard. (2006). Talking about Jesus: And why it matters. Journal of Religious Education. 54(2), pp. 79 - 84.

Journal article

Computer simulations; disclosure and duty of care
Barlow, John. (2006). Computer simulations; disclosure and duty of care. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 13(2), pp. 183 - 192. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v13i2.51

Journal article

God's got your back: Teenage boys talk about God
Engebretson, Kath. (2006). God's got your back: Teenage boys talk about God. International Journal of Children's Spirituality. 11(3), pp. 329 - 345. https://doi.org/10.1080/13644360601014056

Journal article

Anastasis: Icon, text and theological vision
Cross, Lawrence, Arendarcikas, Birute, Cooke, Brendan and Leach, Joseph. (2006). Anastasis: Icon, text and theological vision. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 7, pp. 1 - 14.

Journal article

Innocent I and the attacks on the Bethlehem monasteries
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). Innocent I and the attacks on the Bethlehem monasteries. Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association. 2, pp. 69 - 83.

Journal article

‘Dad, where are we going to live now?’ Exploring fathers’ experiences of homelessness
Mcarthur, Morag, Zubrzycki, Joanna, Rochester, Anthony and Thomson, Lorraine. (2006). ‘Dad, where are we going to live now?’ Exploring fathers’ experiences of homelessness. Australian Social Work. 59(3), pp. 288 - 300. https://doi.org/10.1080/03124070600833212

Journal article

Education on Judaism and Cathechesis of the Shoah
Goldburg, Peta. (2006). Education on Judaism and Cathechesis of the Shoah. In In C. Rittner and S. D. Smith (Ed.). No going back: Letters to Pope Benedict XVI on the Holocaust, Jewish-Christian Relations and Israel pp. 152 - 154 Quill Press.

Book chapter

The Search for Core Orchestrating Themes in Studying the Australian Winemakers' Entrepreneurial Spirit Using a Case-based Configurational Theory Research: The Example of Casella Wines
Dufour, Yvon and Steane, Peter. (2006). The Search for Core Orchestrating Themes in Studying the Australian Winemakers' Entrepreneurial Spirit Using a Case-based Configurational Theory Research: The Example of Casella Wines. WACRA 23rd International Conference on Case Method Research and Application. Australia: Queensland University of Technology. pp. 1 - 21

Conference item

Regulating Competition in Malaysia: The Policy and the Law
Cheong, May. (2006). Regulating Competition in Malaysia: The Policy and the Law. In In C. Lee and M. F. Cheong (Ed.). Competition Policy in Asia: Models and Issues pp. 1 - 20 Press of the National University of Malaysia.

Book chapter

Floss as democratic principle: Free software as democratic principle
Perry, Mark and Fitzgerald, Brian. (2006). Floss as democratic principle: Free software as democratic principle. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. 2(3), pp. 155 - 164.

Journal article

Education and social justice: Issues of liberty and equality in the global culture
Zajda, Joseph, Majhanovich, Suzanne and Rust, Val. (2006). Education and social justice: Issues of liberty and equality in the global culture. In In J. Zajda, S. Majhanovich and V. Rust (Ed.). Education and Social Justice pp. 1 - 12 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Security defences for internet-based email communications
Seruga, Jan and Po, Peng-Lee. (2006). Security defences for internet-based email communications. In In H. Kisilowska and J. Seruga (Ed.). Business and Informatics - Current Trends (2) pp. 59 - 68 Warsaw University of Technology.

Book chapter

Classical sociology and cosmopolitanism: A critical defence of the social
Turner, Bryan. (2006). Classical sociology and cosmopolitanism: A critical defence of the social. British Journal of Sociology. 57(1), pp. 133 - 151. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-4446.2006.00097.x

Journal article

Eco-literacy and the content-pedagogy relationship in early childhood education
Edwards, Susan and Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy. (2006). Eco-literacy and the content-pedagogy relationship in early childhood education. Australian Association for Environmental Education National 2006 Conference. Australia: Australian Association for Environmental Education. pp. 169 - 177

Conference item

Perceptions of parental styles and Eysenckian psychoticism in youth: A prospective analysis
Heaven, Patrick and Ciarrochi, Joseph. (2006). Perceptions of parental styles and Eysenckian psychoticism in youth: A prospective analysis. Personality and Individual Differences. 41(1), pp. 61 - 70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2005.12.011

Journal article

Is economic globalisation leading to the demise of state power?
More, Elizabeth. (2006). Is economic globalisation leading to the demise of state power? Journal of International Communication. 12(1), pp. 9 - 22. https://doi.org/10.1080/13216597.2006.9752000

Journal article

Best practice management strategies for mental health nurses during the clinical application of civil commitment: an overview
McKenna, Brian, Simpson, A. and Cloverdale, John H.. (2006). Best practice management strategies for mental health nurses during the clinical application of civil commitment: an overview. Contemporary Nurse. 21(1), pp. 62 - 70. https://doi.org/10.5172/conu.2006.21.1.62

Journal article

The development of a new measure of quality of life for children with congenital cardiac disease
Macran, Susan, Birks, Yvonne, Parsons, Jonathan, Sloper, Patricia, Hardman, Geoff, Kind, Paul, Doorn, Carin, Thompson, David and Lewin, Robert J. P.. (2006). The development of a new measure of quality of life for children with congenital cardiac disease. Cardiology in the Young. 16(2), pp. 165 - 172. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1047951106000102

Journal article

Exploring the construction of personal and professional boundaries in social work
Zubrzycki, Joanna. (2006). Exploring the construction of personal and professional boundaries in social work. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review. 18(3), pp. 4 - 12.

Journal article

Self-belief does make a difference: A reciprocal effects model of the causal ordering of physical self-concept and gymnastics performance
Marsh, Herb, Chanal, J. and Sarrazin, Philippe. (2006). Self-belief does make a difference: A reciprocal effects model of the causal ordering of physical self-concept and gymnastics performance. Journal of Sports Sciences. 24(1), pp. 101 - 111. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410500130920

Journal article

Registered nurses as responsible clinicians under the New Zealand Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992
McKenna, Brian, O'Brien, Anthony John, Dal Din, Toni and Thom, Kate. (2006). Registered nurses as responsible clinicians under the New Zealand Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 15(2), pp. 128 - 134. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1447-0349.2006.00412.x

Journal article

Benefits of mentoring to Australian early career women managers and professionals
Fallon, Barry, Burke, Robert and Burgess, Zena. (2006). Benefits of mentoring to Australian early career women managers and professionals. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. 25(1), pp. 71 - 79.

Journal article

In Plato's cave III
Siebols, Jeannette. (2006). In Plato's cave III

Creative work

A table for five: Competing aspects of the role of the religious education coordinator in the parish primary school context
Hyde, Brendan Maxwell. (2006). A table for five: Competing aspects of the role of the religious education coordinator in the parish primary school context. In In R. Rymarz (Ed.). Leadership in Religious Education pp. 30 - 46 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Variation by age in parish involvement scores of Catholic church attenders in Australia, New Zealand and the United States: Age effect or generational effect?
Dixon, Robert. (2006). Variation by age in parish involvement scores of Catholic church attenders in Australia, New Zealand and the United States: Age effect or generational effect? Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education. 27(1), pp. 81 - 93.

Journal article

Weaning Intraaortic Balloon Counterpulsation: The Evidence
Lewis, Peter and Courtney, Mary. (2006). Weaning Intraaortic Balloon Counterpulsation: The Evidence. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. 1(8), pp. 385 - 389.

Journal article

An insight into implementing person-centred active support
Hamilton, David and Rhodes, Junelle. (2006). An insight into implementing person-centred active support. Tizard Learning Disability Review. 11(3), pp. 31 - 36.

Journal article

Exploring student and teacher interactions for critical thinking in face to face and online environments in an EFL course in Taiwan
Chiu, Yi-Ching Jean. (2006). Exploring student and teacher interactions for critical thinking in face to face and online environments in an EFL course in Taiwan [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b8175e4cf


Industrial Relations, the Constitution and Federalism: Facing the Avalanche
Craven, Greg. (2006). Industrial Relations, the Constitution and Federalism: Facing the Avalanche. University of New South Wales Law Journal. 29(1), pp. 203 - 214.

Journal article

Physical self-concepts and gender differences in children, adolescents and young adults
Brake, Nicola Allison. (2006). Physical self-concepts and gender differences in children, adolescents and young adults. In R Jeffery, E. Wright and R. Feldman & A Davies (Ed.). Australian Association for Research in Education Conference 2006. Online, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 16

Conference item

Unfair dismissals in Australia: does arbitration help employees?
Chelliah, John and D'Netto, Brian. (2006). Unfair dismissals in Australia: does arbitration help employees? Employee Relations. 28(5), pp. 483 - 495. https://doi.org/10.1108/01425450610683672

Journal article

Exploring a novel through engagement with its grammatical form: Perspectives for a primary/middle school classroom
McDonald, Lorraine. (2006). Exploring a novel through engagement with its grammatical form: Perspectives for a primary/middle school classroom. In In R.Whittaker, M. O'Donnell and A. McCabe (Ed.). Language and Literacy: Functional Approaches pp. 231 - 248 Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.

Book chapter

Ecce Homo: Theological reflections on personhood and 'The Passions'
McArdle, Patrick. (2006). Ecce Homo: Theological reflections on personhood and 'The Passions'. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 7(1), pp. 1 - 22.

Journal article

Memorization and improvisation: A comparison of two strategies in the oral acquisition of english as a second language
Liu, Wen-Chung. (2006). Memorization and improvisation: A comparison of two strategies in the oral acquisition of english as a second language [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b7de5e4ce


The Australian Sony PlayStation Case: How Far Will Anti-circumvention Law Reach in the Name of DRM?
Fitzgerald, Brian F.. (2006). The Australian Sony PlayStation Case: How Far Will Anti-circumvention Law Reach in the Name of DRM? International Conference on Digital Rights Management: Technology Issues, Challenges and Systems (DRMTICS), November 2005. Sydney, NSW: Springer. pp. 32 - 51 https://doi.org/10.1007/11787952_3

Conference item

Listening to Ngaire: Teacher negotiation of the personal and the institutional in childcare.
Nuttall, Joce. (2006). Listening to Ngaire: Teacher negotiation of the personal and the institutional in childcare. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 12(2), pp. 139 - 150. https://doi.org/10.1080/13450600500467316

Journal article

A comparison of mental health in pet versus non-pet owners
Cheong, Sau Kuan, Teoh, Hsien-Jin and Ng, Lai Onn. (2006). A comparison of mental health in pet versus non-pet owners. Sunway Academic Journal. 2, pp. 85-92.

Journal article

What is the task of systematic theology?
Ormerod, Neil. (2006). What is the task of systematic theology? Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Letter of Vigilius to John
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Letter of Vigilius to John. In In J. Behr (Ed.). John Chrysostom. The Cult of the Saints pp. 265 - 280 St Vladmir's Seminary Press.

Book chapter

The music of Dom Stephen Moreno, OSB : A study of its sources, chronology and context
Curtis, Paul Raymond. (2006). The music of Dom Stephen Moreno, OSB : A study of its sources, chronology and context [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University School of Arts and Sciences https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bc935e4e5

PhD Thesis

The butterfly model of careers: Illustrating how planning and chance can be integrated in the careers of secondary school students
Bright, Jim, Borg, Tony and Pryor, Robert. (2006). The butterfly model of careers: Illustrating how planning and chance can be integrated in the careers of secondary school students. Australian Journal of Career Development. 15(3), pp. 54 - 59.

Journal article

Solution Focused Management :and Restoring Unplanned IT Outages
O'Callaghan, Katherine and Mariappanadar, Sugumar. (2006). Solution Focused Management :and Restoring Unplanned IT Outages. In Dr. Rajensh D. Singh (Ed.). Suva, Fiji Islands: PICISOC Secretariat. pp. 1 - 24

Conference item

A grounded theory study of midwives' decision-making: Use of continuous electronic foetal monitoring on low risk labouring women
Rattray, Janene. (2006). A grounded theory study of midwives' decision-making: Use of continuous electronic foetal monitoring on low risk labouring women [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bc2d5e4e3


Reinventing a school for the 21st century: A case study of change in a Mary Ward school
Degenhardt, Leoni Marilyn. (2006). Reinventing a school for the 21st century: A case study of change in a Mary Ward school [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b8a65e4d2


Bartholomew, Julie. (2006). Markings

Creative work

Affective commitment as a mediator of the effects of workplace bullying on intention to leave: A study of schoolteachers in China
McCormack, Darcy. (2006). Affective commitment as a mediator of the effects of workplace bullying on intention to leave: A study of schoolteachers in China. Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development. Australia: Academy of World Business. pp. 339 - 347

Conference item

Mashups, remixes and copyright law
O'Brien, Damien and Fitzgerald, Brian. (2006). Mashups, remixes and copyright law. Internet Law Bulletin. 9(2), pp. 17 - 19.

Journal article

An Australian fence-sitter's reading of Huscroft's living tree concerns
Brennan, Frank. (2006). An Australian fence-sitter's reading of Huscroft's living tree concerns. University of Queensland Law Journal. 25(1), pp. 25 - 37.

Journal article

Justice and hope
Gaita, Raimond. (2006). Justice and hope. In In D. Modjeska (Ed.). The Best Australian Essays 2006 pp. 396 - 409 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

The promise of cultural institutions: learning SOSE beyond the classroom
Hart, Catherine Robyn. (2006). The promise of cultural institutions: learning SOSE beyond the classroom. The Social Educator. 24(1), pp. 44 - 49.

Journal article

Perhaps the decision of some students not to engage in learning mathematics in school is deliberate
Sullivan, Peter, Tobias, Steve and McDonough, Andrea Mary. (2006). Perhaps the decision of some students not to engage in learning mathematics in school is deliberate. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 62(1), pp. 81 - 99. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-006-1348-8

Journal article

Introduction to A Longing for Peace: The Challenge of a Multicultural, Multireligious World
Chia, Edmund. (2006). Introduction to A Longing for Peace: The Challenge of a Multicultural, Multireligious World. In In E. Chia and J. W. Heisig (Ed.). A Longing for Peace: The Challenge of a Multicultural, Multireligious World pp. 13 - 24 Asociacion Haretxa.

Book chapter

E-Book Technology in Libraries
Wilkins, Linda C. and Chan, Elsie S. K.. (2006). E-Book Technology in Libraries. In P. Walden, M. L. Markus and J. Gricar (Ed.). 19th Bled eConference. Bled, Slovenia: 19th Bled eConference. pp. 1 - 14

Conference item

With the risen Lord: Francois-Xavier Durrwell CSsR (1912-2005): A tribute
Hunt, Anne. (2006). With the risen Lord: Francois-Xavier Durrwell CSsR (1912-2005): A tribute. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Performance Management: Theory and Practice
Compton, Bob and Nankervis, Alan. (2006). Performance Management: Theory and Practice. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. 1, pp. 83 - 101.

Journal article

Are conflict resolution styles related to conflict dimensions and conflict outcome satisfaction
Bowles, Terence Victor and Fallon, Barry John. (2006). Are conflict resolution styles related to conflict dimensions and conflict outcome satisfaction. In T Bowles.V. (Ed.). Relationships Near and Far: 6th Annual Conference of the APS Interest Group on the Psychology of Relationships. Melbourne ,Australia: Australian Psychological Society. pp. 42 - 48

Conference item

Multiple intelligence theory, knowledge identification and trust
Martin, Joyce. (2006). Multiple intelligence theory, knowledge identification and trust. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. 4(3), pp. 207 - 215. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.kmrp.8500101

Journal article

Visual guidance during competition performance and runthrough training in long jumping
Bradshaw, Elizabeth and Aisbett, Brad. (2006). Visual guidance during competition performance and runthrough training in long jumping. Sports Biomechanics. 5(1), pp. 1 - 14. https://doi.org/10.1080/14763141.2006.9628221

Journal article

The use of real-time ultrasound imaging for biofeedback of lumbar multifidus muscle contraction in healthy subjects
Van, Khai, Hides, Julie and Richardson, Carolyn A.. (2006). The use of real-time ultrasound imaging for biofeedback of lumbar multifidus muscle contraction in healthy subjects. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 36(12), pp. 920 - 925. https://doi.org/10.2519/jospt.2006.2304

Journal article

Disease management programs for older patients with heart failure: Crucial characteristics which improve post-discharge outcomes
Yu, Doris, Thompson, David and Lee, Diana. (2006). Disease management programs for older patients with heart failure: Crucial characteristics which improve post-discharge outcomes. European Heart Journal. 27(5), pp. 596 - 612. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehi656

Journal article

Measurement of reliability and validity of the Myocardial infarction Dimensional Assessment Scale for Chinese patients
Wang, Wenru, Lopez, Violeta and Thompson, David. (2006). Measurement of reliability and validity of the Myocardial infarction Dimensional Assessment Scale for Chinese patients. Zhonghua Huli Xuehui. 41(1), pp. 7 - 11.

Journal article

Acute effects of whole-body vibration on muscle activity, strength, and power
Cormie, Prue, Deane, Russell, Triplett, N. Travis and McBride, Jeffrey M.. (2006). Acute effects of whole-body vibration on muscle activity, strength, and power. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(2), pp. 257 - 261. https://doi.org/10.1519/R-17835.1

Journal article

A self-determination multiple risk intervention trial to improve smokers' health
Williams, Geoffrey C., McGregor, Holly, Sharp, Daryl, Kouides, Ruth W., Lévesque, Chantal S., Ryan, Richard M. and Deci, Edward L.. (2006). A self-determination multiple risk intervention trial to improve smokers' health. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 21(12), pp. 1288-1294. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1525-1497.2006.00621.x

Journal article

ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation - executive summary: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Aassociation task force on practice guidelines and the European society of cardiology committee for practice guidelines (writing committee to revise the 2001 guidelines for the management of patients With atrial fibrillation)Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation)
Anderson, Jeffrey L., Adams, Cynthia D., Antman, Elliott M., Bridges, Charles R., Califf, Robert M., Casey, Donald E., Chavey, William E., Fesmire, Francis M., Hochman, Judith S., Levin, Thomas N., Lincoff, A. M., Peterson, Eric D., Theroux, Pierre, Wenger, Nanette K., Wright, R. S., Smith, Sidney C., Jacobs, Alice K., Adams, Cynthia D., Anderson, Jeffrey L., ... Riegel, Barbara. (2006). ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation - executive summary: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Aassociation task force on practice guidelines and the European society of cardiology committee for practice guidelines (writing committee to revise the 2001 guidelines for the management of patients With atrial fibrillation)Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation). Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 48(4), pp. 854 - 906. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2006.07.018

Journal article

Profile of movement demands of national football players in Australia
Naughton, Geraldine, Burgess, Darren and Norton, Kevin. (2006). Profile of movement demands of national football players in Australia. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 9(4), pp. 334 - 341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2006.01.005

Journal article

Investigating functional thinking in the elementary classroom: Foundations of early algebra reasoning
Warren, Elizabeth, Cooper, Tom and Lamb, Janeen. (2006). Investigating functional thinking in the elementary classroom: Foundations of early algebra reasoning. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 25(3), pp. 208 - 223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2006.09.006

Journal article

The concurrent effects of workplace bullying, satisfaction with supervisor, and satisfaction with co-workers on affective commitment amongst schoolteachers in China
McCormack, Darcy, Casimir, Gian, Djurkovic, Nikola and Yang, Li. (2006). The concurrent effects of workplace bullying, satisfaction with supervisor, and satisfaction with co-workers on affective commitment amongst schoolteachers in China. International Journal of Conflict Management. 17(4), pp. 316 - 331. https://doi.org/10.1108/10444060610749473

Journal article

Environmental Social Controls and Capital Investment: Some Recent Australian Findings
Wood, Dorothy and Ross, Don. (2006). Environmental Social Controls and Capital Investment: Some Recent Australian Findings. In In R. Juchau and G. Tibbits (Ed.). Celebrating Accounting: Thirty Years of Accounting at University of Western Sydney pp. 355 - 373 University of Western Sydney.

Book chapter

Teaching scripture in religious education
Liddy, Sally. (2006). Teaching scripture in religious education. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 1361 - 1376 Springer.

Book chapter

Sublime utility: Early tourism propaganda and the Cairns-Kuranda railway
Ryan, Simon. (2006). Sublime utility: Early tourism propaganda and the Cairns-Kuranda railway. In In L. Dale and M. Henderson (Ed.). Terra Incognita: New Essays in Australian Studies pp. 37 - 46 Australian Research institute Curtin university of Technology.

Book chapter

Law and Religion
Turner, Bryan. (2006). Law and Religion. Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science. 23(2-3), pp. 452 - 454. https://doi.org/10.1177/026327640602300284

Journal article

The Church first called Christian: The Melkite Church of Antioch
Reeves, Elizabeth Ann. (2006). The Church first called Christian: The Melkite Church of Antioch [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b5c85e4c3


Socio-economic pathways to diet: Modelling the association between socio-economic position and food purchasing behaviour
Turrell, Gavin and Kavanagh, Anne M.. (2006). Socio-economic pathways to diet: Modelling the association between socio-economic position and food purchasing behaviour. Public Health Nutrition. 9(3), pp. 375 - 383. https://doi.org/10.1079/PHN2006850

Journal article

Powers of discrete goodness-of-fit test statistics for a uniform null against a selection of alternative distributions
Steele, Mike and Chaseling, J.. (2006). Powers of discrete goodness-of-fit test statistics for a uniform null against a selection of alternative distributions. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. 35(4), pp. 1067 - 1075. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610910600880666

Journal article

A cohort study of indoor nitrogen dioxide and house dust mite exposure in asthmatic children
Nitschke, Monika, Pilotto, Louis S., Attewell, Robyn G., Smith, Brian J., Pisaniello, Dino, Martin, James, Ruffin, Richard E. and Hiller, Janet E.. (2006). A cohort study of indoor nitrogen dioxide and house dust mite exposure in asthmatic children. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 48(5), pp. 462-469. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.jom.0000215802.43229.62

Journal article

Cyprian and women in a time of persecution
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). Cyprian and women in a time of persecution. Journal of Ecclesiastical History. 57(2), pp. 205 - 225. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022046905006226

Journal article

An Australian Fence-Sitter's Reading of Huscroft's Living Tree Concerns
Brennan, Frank. (2006). An Australian Fence-Sitter's Reading of Huscroft's Living Tree Concerns. University of Queensland Law Journal. 25(1), pp. 25 - 37.

Journal article

How a Focus on Intangible Assets Drives Performance in Australian Law Firms
Heys, Andrew and Rodwell, John. (2006). How a Focus on Intangible Assets Drives Performance in Australian Law Firms. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference. Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. pp. 1 - 17

Conference item

From El Salvador to Australia: A 20th century exodus to a promised land
Santos, Beatriz. (2006). From El Salvador to Australia: A 20th century exodus to a promised land [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b67b5e4c7


Teachers' stances towards Chinese international students: An Australian case study
Love, Kristina and Arkoudis, S.. (2006). Teachers' stances towards Chinese international students: An Australian case study. Linguistics and Education. 17(3), pp. 258 - 281. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2006.11.002

Journal article

Brothers and sisters together :On the idea of a common human nature
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2006). Brothers and sisters together :On the idea of a common human nature. In M. Freund, J.Mackenzie and M.O'Laughlin (Ed.). 35th Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Sydney, Australia: Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia.

Conference item

Exploring pastoral leadership in the context of an Australian Chinese congregational church
Ng, King Hung. (2006). Exploring pastoral leadership in the context of an Australian Chinese congregational church [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b8765e4d1


Is a Global Competition Regime Possible?
More, Elizabeth. (2006). Is a Global Competition Regime Possible? Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development. Australia: Academy of World Business. pp. 903 - 916

Conference item

In Plato's cave
Siebols, Jeannette. (2006). In Plato's cave

Creative work

'Mr Travelling-at-will Ted Doyle' : Discourses in a multiliteracies classroom
Mills, Kathy A.. (2006). 'Mr Travelling-at-will Ted Doyle' : Discourses in a multiliteracies classroom. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 29(2), pp. 132-154.

Journal article

Using structural equation modelling to investigate associations between environments and outcomes in technology-rich: Outcomes-focused classrooms in Australian secondary schools
Dorman, Jeffrey Paul, Aldridge, Jill and Fraser, Barry. (2006). Using structural equation modelling to investigate associations between environments and outcomes in technology-rich: Outcomes-focused classrooms in Australian secondary schools. In In D. L. Fisher, L. Darrell L. and M.S. Kyine (Ed.). Contemporary Approaches to Research on Learning Environments pp. 425 - 447 World Views.

Book chapter

The theory of international trade and unemployment
Oslington, Paul. (2006). The theory of international trade and unemployment Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.


E-Book Technology and Its Impact on Libraries
Chan, Elsie Siu King, Wilkins, and Swatman, Paula. (2006). E-Book Technology and Its Impact on Libraries. In Prof Paula Swatman and Prof Joan Cooper (Ed.). CollECTeR. Adelaide, Australia: Collecter. pp. 1 - 11

Conference item

Back to a way forward: Jacques Dupuis' trinitarian Christology and the invisible missions of the word and spirit
Hunt, Anne. (2006). Back to a way forward: Jacques Dupuis' trinitarian Christology and the invisible missions of the word and spirit. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 19(2), pp. 125 - 143.

Journal article

Paying the piper: Politicians and Workchoices
Jones, Kate. (2006). Paying the piper: Politicians and Workchoices. Just Policy: a journal of Australian social policy. 42, pp. 41 - 45.

Journal article

Constructing middle class culture: Globalization, modernity and Indian media
Scrase, Timothy J. and Ganguly-Scrase, Ruchira. (2006). Constructing middle class culture: Globalization, modernity and Indian media. In In B. Holden and T. Scrase (Ed.). tmedi@sia: Global media/tion in and out of context pp. 44 - 61 Routledge.

Book chapter

K - Church Life Issues and Local Community - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). K - Church Life Issues and Local Community - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.87521


A comparison of physiological and anthropometric characteristics among playing positions in sub-elite rugby league players
Gabbett, Tim J.. (2006). A comparison of physiological and anthropometric characteristics among playing positions in sub-elite rugby league players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 24(12), pp. 1273-1280. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410500497675

Journal article

Self; worldview and therapeutic techniques: East Asian vs. Western techniques
Matsuda, Yoshimi. (2006). Self; worldview and therapeutic techniques: East Asian vs. Western techniques. Japanese Bulletin of Social Psychiatry. 14, pp. 119 - 130.

Journal article

The failed Christian mission to the Jews: A historical and theological defence of the Jewish position
Sim, David Campbell. (2006). The failed Christian mission to the Jews: A historical and theological defence of the Jewish position. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 37 - 48 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Strategic Partnerships in ICT :a model of Professional Development shifting the focus of ICT as a vehicle for learning
McLean, Karen, McNamara, Sue and Jones, Mellita. (2006). Strategic Partnerships in ICT :a model of Professional Development shifting the focus of ICT as a vehicle for learning. IT's up here for thinking! ACEC 2006 Conference Proceedings. Cairns, Australia: Australian Computers in Education Conference. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

Our identity as educators: Influencing the profile of re as a curriculum area
Buchanan, Michael. (2006). Our identity as educators: Influencing the profile of re as a curriculum area. Religious Education Journal of Australia. 22(2), pp. 3 - 8.

Journal article

The harder I work; the more 'talented' I become: Views on the development of expertise in instrumental performance
Fromyhr, Judy. (2006). The harder I work; the more 'talented' I become: Views on the development of expertise in instrumental performance. The International Journal of the Arts in Society. 1, pp. 1 - 5.

Journal article

Quality use of medicines and nurses
Hunt, Susan, Green, Georgina and Stuart, Meaghan. (2006). Quality use of medicines and nurses. Collegian. 13(3), pp. 2 - 2. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1322-7696(08)60523-5

Journal article

Moral responsibility; luck and the penal lottery
Quilter, John. (2006). Moral responsibility; luck and the penal lottery. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 12(2), pp. 22 - 26.

Journal article

Tertullian's scriptural exegesis in de praescriptione haereticorum
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). Tertullian's scriptural exegesis in de praescriptione haereticorum. Journal of Early Christian Studies. 14(2), pp. 141 - 155. https://doi.org/10.1353/earl.2006.0032

Journal article

De las cristologias europeas de corte clasico-universalista a las cristologias contextuales asiaticas
Tan, Jonathan. (2006). De las cristologias europeas de corte clasico-universalista a las cristologias contextuales asiaticas. In In J. M. Vigil, L. E. Tomita and M. Barros (Ed.). Teologia liberadora intercontinental del pluralismo religioso pp. 147 - 155 Abya Yala.

Book chapter

"We've been wastin' a whole million watchin' her doin' her shoes" : Situated practice within a pedagogy of multiliteracies
Mills, Kathy A.. (2006). "We've been wastin' a whole million watchin' her doin' her shoes" : Situated practice within a pedagogy of multiliteracies. Australian Educational Researcher. 33(3), pp. 13-33. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03216840

Journal article

Judicial mediators: Is the time right? - Part 2
Spencer, David. (2006). Judicial mediators: Is the time right? - Part 2. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal. 17(3), pp. 189 - 199.

Journal article

FLOSS as Democratic Principle: Free software as Democratic Principle
Perry, Mark and Fitzgerald, Brian. (2006). FLOSS as Democratic Principle: Free software as Democratic Principle. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. 2(3), pp. 155 - 164.

Journal article

Copyright and the Creative Industries in China
Montgomery, Lucy and Fitzgerald, Brian. (2006). Copyright and the Creative Industries in China. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 9(3), pp. 407 - 418.

Journal article

Motivations and profiles of cooperating teachers: Who volunteers and why?
Sinclair, Catherine, Dowson, Martin and Thistleton, Judith. (2006). Motivations and profiles of cooperating teachers: Who volunteers and why? Teaching and Teacher Education. 22(3), pp. 263 - 279. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2005.11.008

Journal article

Changing conditions in the Hong Kong new issues market
Carey, Peter and Steen, Adam. (2006). Changing conditions in the Hong Kong new issues market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 14(5), pp. 484 - 500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pacfin.2006.02.003

Journal article

Foreword: Connecting Without Bitterness
Durrant, Cal. (2006). Foreword: Connecting Without Bitterness. In Only Connect: English Teaching, Schooling and Community pp. 7 - 9 Wakefield Press.

Book chapter

Teacher education: What are its prospects?
Mitchell, Jane, Murray, Sally and Nuttall, Joce. (2006). Teacher education: What are its prospects? In In B. Doecke, M. Howie and W. Sawyer (Ed.). Only connect: English teaching, schooling and community pp. 321 - 334 Wakefield Press.

Book chapter

Australia: Reconciling cultural differences with indigenous Australians
White, Nereda Dawn and Appo, D.. (2006). Australia: Reconciling cultural differences with indigenous Australians. In In J. Lidstone and John (Ed.). Cultural issues of our time pp. 83 - 96 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

Approaching the teaching of religious education through the creative arts
Goldburg, Peta. (2006). Approaching the teaching of religious education through the creative arts. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 1237 - 1252 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-5246-4

Book chapter

Rediscovering the spiritual dimension in education: Promoting a sense of self and place, meaning and purpose in learning
de Souza, Marian. (2006). Rediscovering the spiritual dimension in education: Promoting a sense of self and place, meaning and purpose in learning. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 1127 - 1142 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Commemorating Pope Martin 1 :his trial in Constantinople
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Commemorating Pope Martin 1 :his trial in Constantinople. Studia Patristica 39. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing.

Conference item

Practice MRI: Reducing the need for sedation and general anaesthesia in children undergoing MRI
Amorim e Silva, Cicero de, Mackenzie, Angela, Hallowell, Leanne, Stewart, Shari and Ditchfield, Michael. (2006). Practice MRI: Reducing the need for sedation and general anaesthesia in children undergoing MRI. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology. 50(4), pp. 319 - 323. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1673.2006.01590.x

Journal article

A Pentecostal study of Daniel's Prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13)
Guntrip, Elizabeth Denham. (2006). A Pentecostal study of Daniel's Prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13) [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b5955e4c2


Perceptions of anti-doping scientific work
Kazlauskas, Alanah Lucille and Crawford, Kathryn. (2006). Perceptions of anti-doping scientific work. In W. Schaenzer, H. Geyer and A. Gotzmann, U. Mareck (Ed.). Cologne, Germany: SPORTVERLAG Strauss. pp. 75 - 84

Conference item

AARN and CRANA: Peak rural and remote nursing bodies welcome Medicare item for maternity care
Kildea, Sue and Armstrong, Wendy. (2006). AARN and CRANA: Peak rural and remote nursing bodies welcome Medicare item for maternity care. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 14(2), pp. 91 - 92.

Journal article

Isometric squat force output and muscle activity in stable and unstable conditions
McBride, Jeffrey M., Cormie, Prue and Deane, Russell. (2006). Isometric squat force output and muscle activity in stable and unstable conditions. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(4), pp. 915 - 918. https://doi.org/10.1519/R-19305.1

Journal article

Who's saying what about food advertising to children?
Jones, Sandra. (2006). Who's saying what about food advertising to children? At the Threshold : Second Australasian Non-profit and Social Marketing Conference. Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 22 - 23 Sep 2005 Australia: University of Newcastle.

Conference item

Mashups, remixes and copyright law
O'Brien, Damien and Fitzgerald, Brian. (2006). Mashups, remixes and copyright law. Internet Law Bulletin. 9(2), pp. 17 - 19.

Journal article

Abating The Consequences of Managerialism on the Forgotten Employees: The Issues of Support, Control, Coping and Pay
Noblet, Andrew, McWilliams, John and Rodwell, John. (2006). Abating The Consequences of Managerialism on the Forgotten Employees: The Issues of Support, Control, Coping and Pay. International Journal of Public Administration. 29(10), pp. 911 - 930. https://doi.org/10.1080/01900690600770652

Journal article

Timing is everything, curated exhibition: A Matter of Time conference, COFA
von Mengersen, Belinda. (2006). Timing is everything, curated exhibition: A Matter of Time conference, COFA

Creative work

'Carey's love affair with fakery'
Lamb, Karen. (2006). 'Carey's love affair with fakery'. Australian Book Review (print version). 280(April), pp. 40 - 41.

Journal article

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation for cognitive function in healthy elderly people
Evans, J. Grimley, Malouf, R., Huppert, Felicia and Van Niekerk, J. K.. (2006). Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation for cognitive function in healthy elderly people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD006221

Journal article

Physical activity, aerobic fitness, body composition and asthma severity in children and adolescents
Welsh, Liam. (2006). Physical activity, aerobic fitness, body composition and asthma severity in children and adolescents [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bbc75e4e1


The relational person within a practical theology of health care
McArdle, Patrick. (2006). The relational person within a practical theology of health care [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b61c5e4c5


R&D and industrial districts in Asia: An application to Taiwan
Choi, C., Cheng, Philip, Eldomiaty, Tarek I., Chu, Robert and Millar, Carla. (2006). R&D and industrial districts in Asia: An application to Taiwan. International Journal of Technology Management. 33(43892), pp. 291 - 298.

Journal article

Perceived organisational support as a moderator of the effects of workplace bullying on intention to leave
Djurkovic, Nikola, McCormack, Darcy and Casimir, Gian. (2006). Perceived organisational support as a moderator of the effects of workplace bullying on intention to leave. Perth, Australia: The Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development,. pp. 1269 - 1273

Conference item

Identification of chlamydia pneumoniae proteins in the transition from reticulate to elementary body formation
Mukhopadhyay, Sanghamitra, Good, David M., Miller, Richard, Graham, James, Mathews, Sarah, Timms, Peter and Summersgill, James. (2006). Identification of chlamydia pneumoniae proteins in the transition from reticulate to elementary body formation. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 5(12), pp. 2311 - 2318. https://doi.org/10.1074/mcp.M600214-MCP200

Journal article

Seventh-century popes and martyrs: The political hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Seventh-century popes and martyrs: The political hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius Turnhout.


Rationale and design of the national benchmarking and evidence-based national clinical guidelines for chronic heart failure management programs study
Driscoll, Andrea, Worrall-Carter, Linda and Stewart, Simon. (2006). Rationale and design of the national benchmarking and evidence-based national clinical guidelines for chronic heart failure management programs study. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 21(4), pp. 276 - 282. https://doi.org/10.1097/00005082-200607000-00007

Journal article

J - Social Issues - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). J - Social Issues - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.86zyy


The role of mental illness in homicide-suicide in New Zealand, 1991 - 2000
Moskowitz, Andrew K., Simpson, A., McKenna, Brian, Skipworth, Jeremy J. and Barry-Walsh, Justin B.. (2006). The role of mental illness in homicide-suicide in New Zealand, 1991 - 2000. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. 17(3), pp. 417 - 430. https://doi.org/10.1080/14789940600761410

Journal article

Nonpharmacologic care by heart failure experts
Riegel, Barbara, Moser, Debra, Powell, Mary Ann, Rector, Thomas S. and Havranek, Edward P.. (2006). Nonpharmacologic care by heart failure experts. Journal of Cardiac Failure. 12(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2005.10.004

Journal article

Glucocorticoids reduce phobic fear in humans
Soravia, Leila M., Heinrichs, Markus, Aerni, Amanda, Maroni, Caroline, Schelling, Gustav, Ehlert, Ulrike, Roozendaal, Benno and De Quervain, Dominique. (2006). Glucocorticoids reduce phobic fear in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 103(14), pp. 5585 - 5590. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0509184103

Journal article

Factor structure of the Chinese version of the Geriatric Depression Scale
Chau, Janita, Martin, Colin R., Thompson, David, Chang, Anne and Woo, Jean. (2006). Factor structure of the Chinese version of the Geriatric Depression Scale. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 11(1), pp. 48 - 59. https://doi.org/10.1080/13548500500093688

Journal article

Interpretation of Morita therapy from the perspectives of cognitive psychology; information processing approach and neuroscience: An example
Matsuda, Yoshimi. (2006). Interpretation of Morita therapy from the perspectives of cognitive psychology; information processing approach and neuroscience: An example. Journal of Morita Therapy.

Journal article

The 'textual shift': Examining the reading process with print; visual and multimodal texts
Walsh, Maureen. (2006). The 'textual shift': Examining the reading process with print; visual and multimodal texts. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 29(1), pp. 24 - 37.

Journal article

Curriculum management: Influencing school outlook towards religious education
Buchanan, Michael. (2006). Curriculum management: Influencing school outlook towards religious education. Journal of Religious Education. 54(2), pp. 71 - 78.

Journal article

The second draft of the national statement on ethical conduct in human research a response and discussion
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2006). The second draft of the national statement on ethical conduct in human research a response and discussion. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 12(1), pp. 18 - 36.

Journal article

A Lake Without Water
Kershaw, Alex. (2006). A Lake Without Water

Digital or visual media

A Chinese Mandarin translation and validation of the Myocardial Infarction Dimensional Assessment Scale (MIDAS)
Wang, W., Lopez, V. and Thompson, D. R.. (2006). A Chinese Mandarin translation and validation of the Myocardial Infarction Dimensional Assessment Scale (MIDAS). Quality of Life Research. 15(7), pp. 1243 - 1249. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-006-0065-1

Journal article

Innovative analyses of artistic gymnastics: Past, present, and future
Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane. (2006). Innovative analyses of artistic gymnastics: Past, present, and future. In A Burnett, D Bishop and A Meade (Ed.). 2nd AAESS Confernece. Brisbane, Australian: Exercise and Sports Science Australia. pp. 97 - 97

Conference item

Under CSR Doona: Weaving Ethics and Internal Democracy into the Fabric of CSR Doona
Butrous, Nasir and McBarron, Ellen. (2006). Under CSR Doona: Weaving Ethics and Internal Democracy into the Fabric of CSR Doona. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. 5(6), pp. 115 - 119.

Journal article

Judicial mediators: Is the time right? - Part 1
Spencer, David. (2006). Judicial mediators: Is the time right? - Part 1. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal. 17(2), pp. 130 - 139.

Journal article

Educational Drama in Investments Management
Ross, Don and Pearce, Glenn. (2006). Educational Drama in Investments Management. Accounting Standards Board (ASB) Conference. United Kingdom: Accounting Standards Board. pp. 140 - 148

Conference item

Introduction to section three: Conversations about religious education
Engebretson, Kathleen Veronica. (2006). Introduction to section three: Conversations about religious education. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 549 - 558 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

In search of practical wisdom: A conversation between a researcher and a teacher
Goos, Merrilyn and Geiger, Vince. (2006). In search of practical wisdom: A conversation between a researcher and a teacher. For the Learning of Mathematics. 26(2), pp. 33 - 35.

Journal article

Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2006). Memorare [Composition].


Varieties of habitus and the embodiment of ballet
Wainwright, Steven, Williams, Clare and Turner, Bryan. (2006). Varieties of habitus and the embodiment of ballet. Qualitative Research. 6(4), pp. 535 - 558. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794106068023

Journal article

'Just crumbling to bits'? An exploration of the body, Ageing, injury and career in classical ballet dancers
Wainwright, Steven and Turner, Bryan. (2006). 'Just crumbling to bits'? An exploration of the body, Ageing, injury and career in classical ballet dancers. Sociology. 40(2), pp. 237 - 255. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038506062031

Journal article

Drama and religious education: A match made in heaven
Frawley-Mangan, Anne. (2006). Drama and religious education: A match made in heaven [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94ba0d5e4d8


The Guantanamo Detainees in America's ' War on Terrorism'
More, Elizabeth. (2006). The Guantanamo Detainees in America's ' War on Terrorism'. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism. 1, pp. 53 - 64. https://doi.org/10.1080/18335300.2006.9686878

Journal article

Subjectivity, objectivity, and the resurrection
Kelly, Anthony. (2006). Subjectivity, objectivity, and the resurrection. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Validation of the "important other" climate questionnaire: Assessing autonomy support for health-related change
Williams, Geoffrey C., Lynch, Martin F., McGregor, Holly, Ryan, Richard, Sharp, Daryl and Deci, Edward. (2006). Validation of the "important other" climate questionnaire: Assessing autonomy support for health-related change. Families, Systems, and Health. 24(2), pp. 179 - 194. https://doi.org/10.1037/1091-7527.24.2.179

Journal article

Carbonate binders: Reaction kinetics, strength and microstructure
De Silva, Pre, Bucea, L., Moorehead, David and Sirivivatnanon, V.. (2006). Carbonate binders: Reaction kinetics, strength and microstructure. Cement and Concrete Composites. 28(7), pp. 613 - 620. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2006.03.004

Journal article

Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Diabetes Empowerment Scale
Shui, Ann, Martin, Colin R., Thompson, David and Wong, Rebecca. (2006). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Diabetes Empowerment Scale. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 11(2), pp. 198 - 208. https://doi.org/10.1080/13548500500286845

Journal article

Molecular changes evoked by triethylenetetramine treatment in the extracellular matrix of the heart and aorta in diabetic rats
Gong, Deming, Lu, Jun, Chen, Xiuyin, Choong, Soon Y., Zhang, Shaoping, Chan, Kai, Glyn-Jones, Sarah, Gamble, Gregory D., Phillips, Anthony R. J. and Cooper, Garth J. S.. (2006). Molecular changes evoked by triethylenetetramine treatment in the extracellular matrix of the heart and aorta in diabetic rats. Molecular Pharmacology. 70(6), pp. 2045 - 2051. https://doi.org/10.1124/mol.106.028605

Journal article

Low back pain patients demonstrate increased hip extensor muscle activity during standardized submaximal rotational efforts
Pirouzi, Soraya, Hides, Julie, Richardson, Carolyn A., Darnell, Ross and Toppenberg, Rowena. (2006). Low back pain patients demonstrate increased hip extensor muscle activity during standardized submaximal rotational efforts. Spine. 31(26), pp. 999 - 1005. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.brs.0000250076.74366.9d

Journal article

It's a new day
Warner, Lachlan Phillip. (2006). It's a new day

Creative work

'Welcome to the online discussion group': Towards a diagnostic framework for teachers
Love, Kristina and Iles, M.. (2006). 'Welcome to the online discussion group': Towards a diagnostic framework for teachers. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 29(3), pp. 210 - 225.

Journal article

Reflections in abstract Coxeter groups
Franzsen, Bill, Howlett, Robert and Muhlheer, Bernard. (2006). Reflections in abstract Coxeter groups. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 81(3), pp. 665 - 697. https://doi.org/10.4171/CMH/69

Journal article

Teaching with technology: Using online chat to promote effective in-class discussions
Cameron, Leanne. (2006). Teaching with technology: Using online chat to promote effective in-class discussions. 23rd Annual Conference of the Australiasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education: "Who's Learning? Whose Technology?". Australia: Sydney University Press. pp. 22 - 25

Conference item

A Side by Side Comparison of the Two Organisational Citizenship Behaviouur Models and Their Measures :Expanding the Construct Domain's Scope
Jepsen, Denise M. and Rodwell, John James. (2006). A Side by Side Comparison of the Two Organisational Citizenship Behaviouur Models and Their Measures :Expanding the Construct Domain's Scope. pp. 670 - 674

Conference item

Dancing with giants: acquisition and survival of the family firm
Steen, Adam and Welch, Lawrence. (2006). Dancing with giants: acquisition and survival of the family firm. Family Business Review. 19(4), pp. 289 - 300. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-6248.2006.00076.x

Journal article

Copyright and the creative industries in China
Montgomery, Lucy and Fitzgerald, Brian. (2006). Copyright and the creative industries in China. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 9(3), pp. 407 - 418.

Journal article

The mathematical knowledge and understanding young children bring to school
Clarke, Barbara, Cheeseman, Jill and Clarke, Doug M.. (2006). The mathematical knowledge and understanding young children bring to school. Mathematics Education Research Journal. 18(1), pp. 78 - 102. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03217430

Journal article

Textbooks in religious education
Buchanan, Michael Thomas. (2006). Textbooks in religious education. In In M. de Souza, K. Engebretson and G. Durka et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of Religious; Spiritual and Moral Dimensions in Education pp. 747 - 760 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Approaching the teaching of Religious Education through the Creative Arts
Goldburg, Peta. (2006). Approaching the teaching of Religious Education through the Creative Arts. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebretson, R. Jackson and A. McGrady (Ed.). International handbook of the religious, moral and spiritual dimensions in education pp. 1237 - 1252 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/1402052464

Book chapter

Christian beauty
Hart, Kevin. (2006). Christian beauty. Communio: international Catholic review. 33(4), pp. 564 - 579.

Journal article

Multidimensional self-concept structure for preadolescents with mild intellectual disabilities: A hybrid multigroup-MIMC approach to factorial invariance and latent mean differences
Marsh, Herb, Tracey, Danielle and Craven, Rhonda. (2006). Multidimensional self-concept structure for preadolescents with mild intellectual disabilities: A hybrid multigroup-MIMC approach to factorial invariance and latent mean differences. Educational and Psychological Measurement: devoted to the development and application of measures of individual differences. 66(5), pp. 795 - 818. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164405285910

Journal article

Standing on the Outside: A Tale of How Technology Can Engage Those Working on the Margins of a Community of Inquiry
Geiger, Vince. (2006). Standing on the Outside: A Tale of How Technology Can Engage Those Working on the Margins of a Community of Inquiry. In P. Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen and M. Chinnappan (Ed.). Identities; Cultures and Learning Spaces: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Adelaide, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 246 - 253

Conference item

Mind, body and heart: Psychotherapy and the relationship between mental and physical health
Bambling, Matthew. (2006). Mind, body and heart: Psychotherapy and the relationship between mental and physical health. Psychotherapy in Australia. 12(2), pp. 52 - 59.

Journal article

School community leadership: The voice of the primary school principal
Spry, Gayle and Graham, John. (2006). School community leadership: The voice of the primary school principal. New Zealand Journal of Educational Leadership. 21(2), pp. 17 - 31.

Journal article

Cardiovascular risk estimation by professionally active cardiovascular nurses: results from the Basel 2005 Nurses Cohort
Reimer, Wilma Scholte, Moons, Philip, De Geest, Sabina, Fridlund, Bengt, Heikkila, Johanna, Jaarsma, Tiny, Lenzen, Mattie, Martensson, Jan, Norekval, Tone, Smith, Karen, Stewart, Simon, Stromberg, Anna and Thompson, David. (2006). Cardiovascular risk estimation by professionally active cardiovascular nurses: results from the Basel 2005 Nurses Cohort. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 5(4), pp. 258 - 263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2006.06.007

Journal article

Reducing delay in seeking treatment by patients with acute coronary syndrome and stroke: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Stroke Council
Moser, Debra, Kimble, Laura P., Alberts, Mark J., Alonzo, Angelo, Croft, Janet B., Dracup, Kathleen, Evenson, Kelly R., Go, Alan S., Hand, Mary, Kothari, Rashmi U., Mensah, George A., Morris, Dexter L., Pancioli, Arthur M., Riegel, Barbara and Johnson Zerwic, Julie. (2006). Reducing delay in seeking treatment by patients with acute coronary syndrome and stroke: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Stroke Council. Circulation. 114(2), pp. 168 - 182. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.176040

Journal article

Outpatient commitment and coercion in New Zealand: A matched comparison study
McKenna, Brian, Simpson, A. and Cloverdale, John H.. (2006). Outpatient commitment and coercion in New Zealand: A matched comparison study. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 29(2), pp. 145 - 158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2004.07.004

Journal article

Does area-based social capital matter for the health of Australians? A multilevel analysis of self-rated health in Tasmania
Kavanagh, Anne M., Turrell, Gavin and Subramanian, S. V.. (2006). Does area-based social capital matter for the health of Australians? A multilevel analysis of self-rated health in Tasmania. International Journal of Epidemiology. 35(3), pp. 607 - 613. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyl010

Journal article

Prolonged effects of a home-based intervention in patients with chronic illness
Pearson, Sue, Inglis, Sally, McLennan, Skye, Brennan, Lucy, Russell, Mary, Wilkinson, David, Thompson, David and Stewart, Simon. (2006). Prolonged effects of a home-based intervention in patients with chronic illness. Archives of Internal Medicine. 166(6), pp. 645 - 650. https://doi.org/10.1001/archinte.166.6.645

Journal article

A simple clinical score for estimating the long-term risk of fracture in post-menopausal women
van Staa, T. P., Geusens, P., Kanis, J. A., Leufkens, H. G. M., Gehlbach, S. and Cooper, C.. (2006). A simple clinical score for estimating the long-term risk of fracture in post-menopausal women. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 99(10), pp. 673-682. https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmed/hcl094

Journal article

A cost-effectiveness analysis of two community models of care for patients with venous leg ulcers
Gordon, Louisa, Edwards, Helen, Courtney, Mary, Finlayson, Kathleen, Shuter, Patricia and Lindsay, Ellie. (2006). A cost-effectiveness analysis of two community models of care for patients with venous leg ulcers. Journal of Wound Care. 15(8), pp. 348-353. https://doi.org/10.12968/jowc.2006.15.8.26942

Journal article

ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death - executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines
Zipes, Douglas P., Camm, A. J., Borggrefe, Martin, Buxton, Alfred E., Chaitman, Bernard, Fromer, Martin, Gregoratos, Gabriel, Klein, George, Moss, Arthur J., Myerburg, Robert J., Priori, Silvia G., Quinones, Miguel A., Roden, Dan M., Silka, Michael J., Tracy, Cynthia, Blanc, Jean J., Budaj, Andrzej, Dean, Veronica, Deckers, Jaap W., ... Riegel, Barbara. (2006). ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death - executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehl199


A review of the impact of marital conflict on child adjustment
Barletta, John and O'Mara, Bernie. (2006). A review of the impact of marital conflict on child adjustment. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools. 16(1), pp. 91 - 105.

Journal article

Chinese young people and spirituality: An Australian study
Chung, Mei Ling. (2006). Chinese young people and spirituality: An Australian study [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94ba985e4db


The Teaching and Learning consortium :a field based model for preservice teacher education
White, Paul, Moran, Wendy Kay and Long, Janette Adele. (2006). The Teaching and Learning consortium :a field based model for preservice teacher education. In Ruth Jeffery, Elizabeth Wright and Rebecca Feldman (Ed.). Australian Association for Research in Education 2006 Conference Papers. Melbourne,Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 9

Conference item

Co-operating teachers' perspectives under scrutiny: A comparative analysis of Australia and Canada
Mitchell, Jane, Clarke, Anthony and Nuttall, Joce. (2006). Co-operating teachers' perspectives under scrutiny: A comparative analysis of Australia and Canada. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 35(1), pp. 5 - 25. https://doi.org/10.1080/13598660601111109

Journal article

'You can't buy love': Trivializing and the challenge for religious education
Hyde, Brendan. (2006). 'You can't buy love': Trivializing and the challenge for religious education. Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education. 27(2), pp. 165 - 176.

Journal article

P25a Immunoreactive but a-synuclein immunonegative neuronal inclusions in multiple system atrophy
Baker, Kerry Graeme, Huang, Yue, McCann, Heather, Gai, Wei-Ping, Jensen, Paul Henry and Halliday, Glenda Mary. (2006). P25a Immunoreactive but a-synuclein immunonegative neuronal inclusions in multiple system atrophy. Acta Neuropathalogica. 111, pp. 193 - 195. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00401-005-0008-x

Journal article

ACC/AHA 2006 guideline update on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery: Focused update on perioperative beta-blocker therapy. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines
Fleisher, Lee A., Beckman, Joshua A., Brown, Kenneth A., Calkins, Hugh, Chaikof, Elliot L., Fleischmann, Kirsten E., Freeman, William K., Froehlich, James B., Kasper, Edward K., Kersten, Judy R., Riegel, Barbara, Robb, John F., Smith, Sidney C., Jacobs, Alice K., Adams, Cynthia D., Anderson, Jeffrey L., Antman, Elliott M., Faxon, David P., Fuster, Valentin, ... Riegel, Barbara. (2006). ACC/AHA 2006 guideline update on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery: Focused update on perioperative beta-blocker therapy. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines. Circulation. 113(22), pp. 2662 - 2674. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.176009

Journal article

Adaptive skeletal responses to mechanical loading during adolescence
Greene, David and Naughton, Geraldine A.. (2006). Adaptive skeletal responses to mechanical loading during adolescence. Sports Medicine. 36(9), pp. 723 - 732. https://doi.org/10.2165/00007256-200636090-00001

Journal article

Thinking, feeling and knowing the body: The role of experience in adolescent physical self-concepts
Brake, Nicola Allison. (2006). Thinking, feeling and knowing the body: The role of experience in adolescent physical self-concepts. 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, USA: Hawaii International Conference on Education. pp. 488 - 505

Conference item

Novel insights on lower limb musculoskeletal health and performance in pre-adolescent and adolescent gymnasts
Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane, Lorenzen, Hans Christian, Williams, Morgan David and Le Rossignol, Peter Freeman. (2006). Novel insights on lower limb musculoskeletal health and performance in pre-adolescent and adolescent gymnasts. In M Schwaneder, G Strutzenberger and Sastenbauer et al (Ed.). XXI International Conference on Biomechanics; in Sport. Salzburg, Austria: University of Salzburg. pp. 413 - 417

Conference item

Case Study: A Review of Information Systems Programs in Universities in Victoria
Chan, Elsie and Pollard, Carol. (2006). Case Study: A Review of Information Systems Programs in Universities in Victoria. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 14(1), pp. 231 - 250. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v14i1.19

Journal article

Competition Policy in Asia: Models and Issues
Cheong, May and Lee, Cassey. In C. Lee and C. M. Fong (Ed.). (2006). Competition Policy in Asia: Models and Issues University of Malaya.


R&D and industrial districts in Asia: An application to Taiwan
Choi, C., Cheng, Philip, Eldomiaty, Tarek I., Chu, Robert and Millar, Carla. (2006). R&D and industrial districts in Asia: An application to Taiwan. International Journal of Technology Management. 33(March), pp. 291 - 298.

Journal article

Dialectic of Australian catholic education
McLaughlin, Denis. (2006). Dialectic of Australian catholic education. In In H. Johnston (Ed.). Reflection on Faith Schools pp. 101 - 121 Routledge.

Book chapter

Contaminated sediments in the River Torrens, South Australia
Gale, Stephen, Gale, Richard and Winchester, Hilary. (2006). Contaminated sediments in the River Torrens, South Australia. South Australian Geographical Journal. 105(105), pp. 78 - 105.

Journal article

Biblical metaphors for God in the primary level of the education series To Know Worship and Love
Carswell, Margaret F.. (2006). Biblical metaphors for God in the primary level of the education series To Know Worship and Love [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b5f25e4c4


Discourse Analysis: Integrating theoretical and methodological approaches
Seibold, Carmel. (2006). Discourse Analysis: Integrating theoretical and methodological approaches. Nurse Researcher. 14(1), pp. 18 - 33. https://doi.org/10.7748/nr2006.

Journal article

'Are We There Yet?' Consumer Participation in Mental Health Services
Browne, Graeme and Courtney, Mary. (2006). 'Are We There Yet?' Consumer Participation in Mental Health Services. Australian Journal of Primary Health. 12(1), pp. 8 - 13. https://doi.org/10.1071/PY06002

Journal article

Multidimensions of perfectionism and self-concept in school aged children
Choy, Grace and McInerney, Valentina. (2006). Multidimensions of perfectionism and self-concept in school aged children. Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE). Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 10

Conference item

Ethical issues in supervision
Hammond, Sabine and Wingenfeld, Andrea. (2006). Ethical issues in supervision. In In S. Morrissey and P. Reddy (Ed.). Ethics and professional practice for psychologists pp. 138 - 149 Thomson Learning.

Book chapter

Bringing literacy education into the age of multiliteracies :Using online discussion to develop informed and critical literacy teachers
Ryan, Josephine Mary. (2006). Bringing literacy education into the age of multiliteracies :Using online discussion to develop informed and critical literacy teachers. In Jennifer Rennie (Ed.). Voices Vibes Visions Hearing the Voices Feeling the vibes Capturing the visions AATE/ALEA National Conference 2006. Darwin, Australia: Australian Literacy Educators' Association. pp. 1 - 10

Conference item

Age and aging: The social world of Foucault and Bourdieu
Dumas, Alex and Turner, Bryan Stanley. (2006). Age and aging: The social world of Foucault and Bourdieu. In Foucault and Aging pp. 145 - 156 Nova Science Publishers.

Book chapter

Laura's story: Using problem based learning in early childhood and primary teacher education
Edwards, Susan and Hammer, M.. (2006). Laura's story: Using problem based learning in early childhood and primary teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education. 22(4), pp. 465 - 477. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2005.11.010

Journal article

Gender and literacy
Davies, Bronwyn and Saltmarsh, Sue. (2006). Gender and literacy. In In C. Skelton, B. Francis and L. Smulyan (Ed.). The Sage handbook of gender and education pp. 236 - 248 SAGE Publications.

Book chapter

The 'new' middle class in India: a re-assessment
Scrase, Tim. (2006). The 'new' middle class in India: a re-assessment. Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA). Australia: Asian Studies Association of Australia & Australian National University. pp. 1 - 20

Conference item

Superficial heat or cold for low back pain
French, Simon, Cameron, Lainie, Walker, Bruce, Reggars, John and Esterman, Adrian. (2006). Superficial heat or cold for low back pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 31(9), pp. 998 - 1006. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD004750.pub2

Journal article

A cross-sectional study on the health related quality of life of depressed Chinese older people in Shanghai
Chan, Sally Wai-chi, Shoumei, J. I. A., Thompson, David R., Yan, H. U., Chiu, Helen K. F., Chien, Wai-tong and Lam, Linda. (2006). A cross-sectional study on the health related quality of life of depressed Chinese older people in Shanghai. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 21(9), pp. 883-889. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.1578

Journal article

Lay principals under contract: 'Going Down for the Good Turf': An exploration of the perceptions of selected secondary lay principals in relation to the religious and spiritual dimensions of their role
Davison, Liam G.. (2006). Lay principals under contract: 'Going Down for the Good Turf': An exploration of the perceptions of selected secondary lay principals in relation to the religious and spiritual dimensions of their role [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b8f25e4d3


Timing error by children identified with DCD leads to inefficient jump performance
Williams, Morgan David, Lythgo, Noel Desmond and Maschette, Wayne Edward. (2006). Timing error by children identified with DCD leads to inefficient jump performance. In M Schwaneder, G Strutzenberger and Sastenbauer et al (Ed.). XXIV International Symposium on Biomechanics; in Sports. Salzburg, Austria: University of Salzburg. pp. 54 - 57

Conference item

Using Job Strain and Psychological Contract Theories to Predict Employee Wellbeing in a Reformed Public Sector Agency
Noblet, Andrew, Rodwell, John, Deeble, Marissa and Botten, Julie. (2006). Using Job Strain and Psychological Contract Theories to Predict Employee Wellbeing in a Reformed Public Sector Agency. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference. Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. pp. 1 - 17

Conference item

Attainment among undergraduate entrants to business schools in two nations
McCormack, Darcy, Donnelly, M and Rimmer, Russell. (2006). Attainment among undergraduate entrants to business schools in two nations. British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference. United Kingdom: British Academy of Management.

Conference item

Australian Vietnamese students learning mathematics: High ability bilinguals and their use of their languages
Clarkson, Philip C.. (2006). Australian Vietnamese students learning mathematics: High ability bilinguals and their use of their languages. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 64(2), pp. 191 - 215. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-006-4696-5

Journal article

School leadership and sacramental education in the catholic school
Grajczonek, Janice Pauline. (2006). School leadership and sacramental education in the catholic school. In In R. Rymarz (Ed.). Leadership in Religious Education pp. 115 - 134 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

The vegetation history of the last glacial-interglacial cycle in eastern New South Wales, Australia
Williams, Nicola, Harle, Katherine, Gale, Stephen and Heijnis, Henk. (2006). The vegetation history of the last glacial-interglacial cycle in eastern New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Quaternary Science. 21(21), pp. 735 - 750. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.1069

Journal article

Harold Brookfield (1926-)
Connell, John and Rugendyke, Barbara. (2006). Harold Brookfield (1926-). In In David Simon (Ed.). Fifty Key Thinkers on Development pp. 56 - 60 Routledge.

Book chapter

A Practical Model for Improving Student Learning of a Programming Language
Chin, Suk Kim. (2006). A Practical Model for Improving Student Learning of a Programming Language. In Dan Budny and Goranka Bjedov (Ed.). FIE 2006 Conference Proceedings. Champaign,United States of America: Satpers Publishing LLC. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

Nursing in Hong Kong : issues and challenges
Thompson, David. (2006). Nursing in Hong Kong : issues and challenges. Nursing Science Quarterly. 19(2), pp. 158 - 162. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894318406286834

Journal article

The antecedents and consequences of autonomous self-regulation for college: A self-determination theory perspective on socialization
Niemiec, C. P., Lynch, Martin F., Vansteenkiste, Maarten, Bernstein, J H., Deci, Edward and Ryan, Richard. (2006). The antecedents and consequences of autonomous self-regulation for college: A self-determination theory perspective on socialization. Journal of Adolescence. 29(5), pp. 761 - 775. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2005.11.009

Journal article

Online counselling: The motives and experiences of young people who choose the internet instead of face to face or telephone counselling
King, Robert, Bambling, Matthew, Lloyd, Chris, Gomurra, Rio, Smith, Stacy, Reid, Wendy and Wegner, Karly. (2006). Online counselling: The motives and experiences of young people who choose the internet instead of face to face or telephone counselling. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 6(3), pp. 169 - 174.

Journal article

Building community and professional capacity at the end of life: an evaluation of health promoting palliative care in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Rosenberg, John and Mills, Jason. (2006). Building community and professional capacity at the end of life: an evaluation of health promoting palliative care in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8657q


Skill-based conditioning games as an alternative to traditional conditioning for rugby league players
Gabbett, Tim. (2006). Skill-based conditioning games as an alternative to traditional conditioning for rugby league players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(2), pp. 309 - 315. https://doi.org/10.1519/R-17655.1

Journal article

Positioning practices for ventilated intensive care patients: Current practice, indications and contraindications
Thomas, Peter, Paratz, Jennifer, Stanton, Warren, Deans, Renae and Lipman, Jeffery. (2006). Positioning practices for ventilated intensive care patients: Current practice, indications and contraindications. Australian Critical Care. 19(4), pp. 122 - 132. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1036-7314(06)80025-1

Journal article

Intrinsic versus extrinsic goal contents in self-determination theory: Another look at the quality of academic motivation
Vansteenkiste, Maarten, Lens, Willy and Deci, Edward. (2006). Intrinsic versus extrinsic goal contents in self-determination theory: Another look at the quality of academic motivation. Educational Psychologist. 41(1), pp. 19 - 31. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15326985ep4101_4

Journal article

Exercise for type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Thomas, Diana, Elliot, Elizabeth and Naughton, Geraldine. (2006). Exercise for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 3, pp. CD002968 - CD002968. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD002968.pub2

Journal article

An investigation of the relation between artistic practice; teaching practice and research in universities
Carroll, Judith. (2006). An investigation of the relation between artistic practice; teaching practice and research in universities. Working Papers in Art and Design. 4, pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

In Plato's cave III
Siebols, Jeannette. (2006). In Plato's cave III

Creative work

Luminous beings are we
MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2006). Luminous beings are we

Creative work

A Configurational Approach of the Australian Winemakers' Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Example of Casella Wines
Dufour, Yvon and Steane, Peter. (2006). A Configurational Approach of the Australian Winemakers' Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Example of Casella Wines. Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development. France: Academy of World Business. pp. 940 - 952

Conference item

An analysis of problems, issues and trends in the provision of lifelong learning: Lessons learned
Chapman, Judith Dorothy. (2006). An analysis of problems, issues and trends in the provision of lifelong learning: Lessons learned. In In J. Chapman, P. Cartwright and E.J. McGilp (Ed.). Lifelong Learning; Participation and Equity pp. 317 - 336 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-5322-3

Book chapter

References to Mary in the Writings of Cyprian of Carthage
Dunn, Geoffrey David. (2006). References to Mary in the Writings of Cyprian of Carthage. Studia Patristica. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing.

Conference item

ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation-Executive Summary. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and the European Society of Cardiology
Fuster, Valentin, Rydén, Lars E., Cannom, David S., Crijns, Harry J., Curtis, Anne B., Ellenbogen, Kenneth A., Halperin, Jonathan L., Le Heuzey, Jean-Yves, Kay, G. Neal, Lowe, James E., Olsson, S. Bertil, Prystowsky, Eric N., Tamargo, Juan L., Wann, Samuel, Smith, Sidney C., Jacobs, Alice K., Adams, Cynthia D., Anderson, Jeffrey L., Antman, Elliott M., ... Zamorano, José L.. (2006). ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation-Executive Summary. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and the European Society of Cardiology. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 48(4), pp. 854 - 899. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2006.07.009

Journal article

Predictability of physiological testing and the role of maturation in talent identification for adolescent team sports
Pearson, D. T., Naughton, Geraldine A. and Torode, Margaret. (2006). Predictability of physiological testing and the role of maturation in talent identification for adolescent team sports. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 9(4), pp. 277 - 287. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2006.05.020

Journal article

British sociology and public intellectuals: Consumer society and imperial decline
Turner, Bryan. (2006). British sociology and public intellectuals: Consumer society and imperial decline. British Journal of Sociology. 57(2), pp. 169 - 188. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-4446.2006.00100.x

Journal article

Governing the government: the paradoxical place of the Public Accounts Committee
Jones, Kate and Jacobs, Kerry. (2006). Governing the government: the paradoxical place of the Public Accounts Committee. Australasian Parliamentary Review. 21(1), pp. 63 - 78.

Journal article

Teaching to create empowered learners
Kalliath, Parveen and Kalliath, Thomas. (2006). Teaching to create empowered learners. The International Journal of Learning. 12(5), pp. 71 - 78.

Journal article

Readmission to intensive care: a review of the literature
Malcolm, Elliott,. (2006). Readmission to intensive care: a review of the literature. Australian Critical Care. 19(3), pp. 96 - 104. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1036-7314(06)80004-4

Journal article

Perceived benefits and difficulties experienced in a mutual support group for family carers of people with schizophrenia
Chien, Wai, Norman, Ian and Thompson, David. (2006). Perceived benefits and difficulties experienced in a mutual support group for family carers of people with schizophrenia. Qualitative Health Research. 16(7), pp. 962 - 981. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732306290140

Journal article

On the benefits of giving as well as receiving autonomy support: Mutuality in close friendships
Deci, Edward, La Guardia, J. G., Moller, Arien C., Scheiner, Marc J. and Ryan, Richard. (2006). On the benefits of giving as well as receiving autonomy support: Mutuality in close friendships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 32(3), pp. 313 - 327. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167205282148

Journal article

Turner, Bryan. (2006). Logic(s). Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science. 23(3), pp. 87 - 93. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276406062572

Journal article

Clinical supervision
Barletta, John. (2006). Clinical supervision. In In N. Pelling, R. Bowers and P. Armstrong (Ed.). The practice of Counselling pp. 118 - 135 Thomson Publishing.

Book chapter

Textiles :Much more than a girl's past-time
Duvernet, Louise Frances. (2006). Textiles :Much more than a girl's past-time. 2006 Conference Proceedings for 4th Biennial International Conference on Technology Education Research. Adelaide, Australia: Centre for Learning Research, Faculty of Education, Griffith University. pp. 93 - 100

Conference item

Beyond authenticity: Contemporary leadership from a worldview perspective
Branson, Chris. (2006). Beyond authenticity: Contemporary leadership from a worldview perspective. Values and Ethics in Educational Administration. 4(4), pp. 1 - 8.

Journal article

Australian core Catholic youth, Catholic schools and religious education
Rymarz, Richard and Graham, John. (2006). Australian core Catholic youth, Catholic schools and religious education. British Journal of Religious Education. 28(1), pp. 79 - 89. https://doi.org/10.1080/01416200500273745

Journal article

Case studies of precocious readers: Self regulated and spontaneous literacy achievement
Margrain, Valerie. (2006). Case studies of precocious readers: Self regulated and spontaneous literacy achievement. Biennial meeting of the international society for the study of behavioural development. Australia: Australasian Human Development Association. pp. 1 - 32

Conference item

The threat of hepatitis C as an influence on injecting amphetamine users' change towards non-injecting
Davey, Jeremy, Richards, Naomi, Lang, Cathryne and Davies, Amanda. (2006). The threat of hepatitis C as an influence on injecting amphetamine users' change towards non-injecting. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 15(4), pp. 89 - 104. https://doi.org/10.1300/J029v15n04_05

Journal article

Coping with ministry: Developmental of a multidimensional measure of internal orientation to the demands of ministry
Miner, Maureen, Sterland, Sam and Dowson, Martin. (2006). Coping with ministry: Developmental of a multidimensional measure of internal orientation to the demands of ministry. Review of Religious Research. 48(2), pp. 212 - 230.

Journal article

The Protevangelium of James in the Formulation of Eastern Christian Marian Theology
Cross, Brian J Lawrence. (2006). The Protevangelium of James in the Formulation of Eastern Christian Marian Theology. In Mark Edwards, Frances Young and Paul Parvis (Ed.). The Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing.

Conference item

Attitudes to reading: An investigation across the primary years
Black, Anne-Marie L.. (2006). Attitudes to reading: An investigation across the primary years [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b71d5e4ca


Withdrawal of neonatal mechanical ventilation against the parents' wishes
Isaacs, David, Kilham, Henry, Gordon, Adrienne, Jeffrey, Heather, Tarnow-Mordi, William, Woolnough, Jodie, Hamblin, Julie and Tobin, Bernadette. (2006). Withdrawal of neonatal mechanical ventilation against the parents' wishes. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 42(9), pp. 311 - 315. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1754.2006.00861.x

Journal article

What makes a good teacher? They have respect for our culture
Lake, David, Faragher, Rhonda Muriel, Lenoy, Max, Sellwood, Juanita, Archer, Louise and Anderson, Neil. (2006). What makes a good teacher? They have respect for our culture. In In T. Lyons and Terry (Ed.). Science, ICT and Mathematics Education in Rural and Regional Australia: State and Territory Case Studies pp. 123 - 147 University of New England.

Book chapter

Expatriate Success in China: Impact of Personal and Situational Factors
Erbacher, David, D'Netto, Brian and Espana, Juan. (2006). Expatriate Success in China: Impact of Personal and Situational Factors. Journal of the American Academy of Business, Cambridge. 9(2), pp. 183 - 188.

Journal article

Between the desert and the temple: Finding God in first-century Judea
McLaren, James Stuart. (2006). Between the desert and the temple: Finding God in first-century Judea. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 73 - 84 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Alternative approaches to assessment with online technologies
McLoughlin, Catherine and Luca, Joe. (2006). Alternative approaches to assessment with online technologies. In In B. L. Mann (Ed.). Selected styles in Web-based Educational Research pp. 368 - 383 Information Science Publishing.

Book chapter

Workplace counselling; downunder: Caring hrm or a licence to print money?
Compton, Robert Leigh. (2006). Workplace counselling; downunder: Caring hrm or a licence to print money? In Business and Informatics - Current Trends pp. 115 - 124 College of Social Sciences and Administration.

Book chapter

Living in the Gap: A Tale of Two Different Types of Researchers
Geiger, Vince and Goos, Merrilyn. (2006). Living in the Gap: A Tale of Two Different Types of Researchers. In P. Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen and M. Chinnappan (Ed.). Identities; Cultures and Learning Spaces: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Adelaide, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 254 - 261

Conference item

The shape of the socioeconomic-oral health gradient: Implications for theoretical explanations
Sanders, Anne E., Slade, Gary D., Turrell, Gavin, Spencer, A John and Marcenes, Wagner. (2006). The shape of the socioeconomic-oral health gradient: Implications for theoretical explanations. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 34(4), pp. 310 - 319. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0528.2006.00286.x

Journal article

Do self-concept interventions make a difference? A synergistic blend of construct validation and meta-analysis
O'Mara, Alison J., Marsh, Herb, Craven, Rhonda and Debus, R. (2006). Do self-concept interventions make a difference? A synergistic blend of construct validation and meta-analysis. Educational Psychologist. 41(3), pp. 181 - 206. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15326985ep4103_4

Journal article

The need for the development and evaluation of preventive psychosocial forensic interventions in mainstream adult community mental health services
Gleeson, John, Nathan, Pamela and Bradley, Gail. (2006). The need for the development and evaluation of preventive psychosocial forensic interventions in mainstream adult community mental health services. Australasian Psychiatry. 14(2), pp. 180 - 185. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1665.2006.02278.x

Journal article

Self-determination theory and public policy: Improving the quality of consumer decisions without using coercion
Moller, Arien C., Ryan, Richard and Deci, Edward. (2006). Self-determination theory and public policy: Improving the quality of consumer decisions without using coercion. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 25(1), pp. 104 - 116. https://doi.org/10.1509/jppm.25.1.104

Journal article

Causal ordering of physical self-concept and exercise behavior: Reciprocal effects model and the influence of physical education teachers
Marsh, Herb, Papaioannou, Athanasios and Theodorakis, Yannis. (2006). Causal ordering of physical self-concept and exercise behavior: Reciprocal effects model and the influence of physical education teachers. Health Psychology. 25(3), pp. 316 - 328. https://doi.org/10.1037/0278-6133.25.3.316

Journal article

The influence of prior choices on current choice
De la Piedad Garcia, Xochitl, Field, Douglas and Rachlin, Howard. (2006). The influence of prior choices on current choice. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 85(1), pp. 3 - 22. https://doi.org/10.1901/jeab.2006.132-04

Journal article

Year 2 inaccurate but flexible mental computers: Teacher actions supporting growth
Heirdsfield, Ann and Lamb, Janeen. (2006). Year 2 inaccurate but flexible mental computers: Teacher actions supporting growth. In P. L. Jeffery (Ed.). AARE 2006 International Education Research Conference Engaging Pedagogies. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 8

Conference item

Student Engagement in the Middle Years :Describing Influences and Possible Teacher Actions
Prain, Vaughan, Sullivan, Peter and McDonough, Andrea Mary. (2006). Student Engagement in the Middle Years :Describing Influences and Possible Teacher Actions. Australian Association for Research in Education 2005 Conference Papers. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 8

Conference item

Multiliteracies pedagogy in Action :A case study
Scott, Anne Lia. (2006). Multiliteracies pedagogy in Action :A case study. In N. Anderson and C. Sherwood (Ed.). Australian Computers in Education Conference: IT's up there for thinking. Cairns,Australia: Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

Mid-holocene development of mangrove communities featuring rhizophoraceae and geomorphic change in the Richmond river estuary, New South Wales, Australia
Saintilan, Neil, Hashimoto, Takehiko and Haberle, Simon. (2006). Mid-holocene development of mangrove communities featuring rhizophoraceae and geomorphic change in the Richmond river estuary, New South Wales, Australia. Geographical Research. 44(1), pp. 63 - 76. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-5871.2006.00360.x

Journal article

Premature obituaries: The global justice movement after September 11
Couch, Jen. (2006). Premature obituaries: The global justice movement after September 11. New Community. 3(4), pp. 51 - 55.

Journal article

The education charism of blessed Edmund Rice
McLaughlin, Denis. (2006). The education charism of blessed Edmund Rice. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Career aspirations of potential applicants for principals of Catholic schools: An Australian perspective
d'Arbon, Tony. (2006). Career aspirations of potential applicants for principals of Catholic schools: An Australian perspective. Catholic Education: a journal of inquiry and practice. 10(1), pp. 46 - 60.

Journal article

Felt is the past tense of feel
Bell, Catherine Elizabeth. (2006). Felt is the past tense of feel

Creative work

A doxology for the month of Kihak
Youssef, Youhanna. (2006). A doxology for the month of Kihak. Journal of Coptic Studies. 8, pp. 79 - 85.

Journal article

Divine discontent - Betty Friedan and Pope John XIII in conversation
McGrath, Sophie. (2006). Divine discontent - Betty Friedan and Pope John XIII in conversation. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

John Henry Newman: A father of the church?
Cross, Lawrence. (2006). John Henry Newman: A father of the church? Newman Studies Journal. 3(1), pp. 5 - 11.

Journal article

The concurrent effects of workplace bullying, satisfaction with supervisor, and satisfaction with co-workers on affective commitment amongst schoolteachers in China
McCormack, Darcy, Casimir, Gian, Djurkovic, Nikola and Yang, Li. (2006). The concurrent effects of workplace bullying, satisfaction with supervisor, and satisfaction with co-workers on affective commitment amongst schoolteachers in China. International Journal of Conflict Management. 17(4), pp. 316 - 331. https://doi.org/10.1108/10444060610749473

Journal article

Lifelong learning: Helping address disadvantage through community-based learning projects
Broadbent, Carolyn, Burgess, Jillian Elizabeth and Boyle, Maureen. (2006). Lifelong learning: Helping address disadvantage through community-based learning projects. In In J. Chapman, P. Cartwright and E.J. McGilp (Ed.). Lifelong Learning; Participation and Equity pp. 265 - 286 Springer.

Book chapter

Towards establishing a wisdom dimension in education through poetry: An exploration of some of Thomas Merton’s ideas
Keating, Ross. (2006). Towards establishing a wisdom dimension in education through poetry: An exploration of some of Thomas Merton’s ideas. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 1263 - 1275 Springer.

Book chapter

Public intellectuals, globalization and the sociological calling: A reply to critics
Turner, Bryan. (2006). Public intellectuals, globalization and the sociological calling: A reply to critics. British Journal of Sociology. 57(3), pp. 345 - 351. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-4446.2006.00114.x

Journal article

Integration as a key concept in knowledge Management :- implications for e-government
Krishnaswamy, Girija. (2006). Integration as a key concept in knowledge Management :- implications for e-government. In KMICE'06 Proceedings Committee (Ed.). Kedah, Malaysia: Universiti Utara Malaysia. pp. 191 - 195

Conference item

Potential Use of Advanced; Online Technologies within Australian Accommodation Sector Enterprises
McGrath, G, Abrahams, Brooke and More, Elizabeth. (2006). Potential Use of Advanced; Online Technologies within Australian Accommodation Sector Enterprises. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Conference. Australia: Springer. pp. 183 - 195 https://doi.org/10.1007/3-211-32710-X_27

Conference paper

Indigenous Australians' access to higher education: A Catholic university's response
Carpenter, Peter and McMullen, Gabrielle. (2006). Indigenous Australians' access to higher education: A Catholic university's response. Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education. 25(2), pp. 215 - 235.

Journal article

Inhibition of indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase activity by H2O2
Poljak, Anne, Grant, Ross, Austin, Chris J. D., Jamie, Joanne F., Willows, Robert D., Takikawa, Osamu, Littlejohn, Tamantha K., Truscott, Roger J. W., Walker, Mark J., Sachdev, Peminder and Smythe, George A.. (2006). Inhibition of indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase activity by H2O2. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 450(1), pp. 9 - 19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abb.2006.03.003

Journal article

Prediction versus reality: The use of mathematical models to predict elite performance in swimming and athletics at the Olympic games
Heazlewood, Tim. (2006). Prediction versus reality: The use of mathematical models to predict elite performance in swimming and athletics at the Olympic games. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 5(4), pp. 541 - 547.

Journal article

Incidence of injuries in the in the New Zealand national rugby league sevens tournament
King, Doug, Gabbett, Tim, Dreyer, Clive and Gerrard, David. (2006). Incidence of injuries in the in the New Zealand national rugby league sevens tournament. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 9(43862), pp. 110 - 118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2005.09.001

Journal article

Athlete development
Naughton, Geraldine Ann. (2006). Athlete development. In In N. Goodman (Ed.). Beginner Coaching Manual pp. 121 - 137 Australian Sports Commission.

Book chapter

Severus of Antioch in Scetis
Youssef, Youhanna. (2006). Severus of Antioch in Scetis. Ancient Near Eastern Studies. 43, pp. 141 - 162. https://doi.org/10.2143/ANES.43.0.2018768

Journal article

The horizons of a bishop's world: The letters of Augustine of Hippo
Allen, Pauline. (2006). The horizons of a bishop's world: The letters of Augustine of Hippo. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 327 - 337 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Strengthening interventions increase strength and improve activity after stroke: a systematic review
Ada, Louise, Dorsch, Simone Lise and Canning, Colleen G.. (2006). Strengthening interventions increase strength and improve activity after stroke: a systematic review. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 52(4), pp. 241 - 248. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0004-9514(06)70003-4

Journal article

Balance, mobility and gaze stability deficits remain following surgical removal of vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma): An observational study
Low Choy, Nancy, Johnson, Natalie, Treleaven, Julia, Jull, Gwendolen, Panizza, Ben and Brown-Rothwell, David. (2006). Balance, mobility and gaze stability deficits remain following surgical removal of vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma): An observational study. Journal of Physiotherapy. 52(3), pp. 211 - 216.

Journal article

Factors Contributing to Success :A Performance Measurement Model Specific to Small Service Sector Firms
Watts, Edward and Baard, Vicki Caron. (2006). Factors Contributing to Success :A Performance Measurement Model Specific to Small Service Sector Firms. Melbourne,Australia: International Council for Small Business. pp. 1 - 11

Conference item

Terms of endearment
MacIntyre, Alasdair. (2006). Terms of endearment

Creative work

Risky business: Contested knowledge over safe birthing services for Aboriginal women
Kildea, Sue. (2006). Risky business: Contested knowledge over safe birthing services for Aboriginal women. Health Sociology Review. 15(4), pp. 387 - 396.

Journal article

Investigating the Dimensionality of Organisational Justice: Employees have their Voice
Jepsen, Denise and Rodwell, John. (2006). Investigating the Dimensionality of Organisational Justice: Employees have their Voice. Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI) Annual Conference. Hong Kong, China: Chinese University of Hong Kong. pp. 675 - 678

Conference item

Patterns of Culture
Jones, Grant. (2006). Patterns of Culture. In In P. Murray, D. Poole and G. Jones (Ed.). Contemporary issues in Management and Organisational Behaviour pp. 90 - 113 Thomson Learning.

Book chapter

Kicking into the wind: Australian songwriters singing football
Frawley, John. (2006). Kicking into the wind: Australian songwriters singing football. In In M. Nicolson, B. Stewart and R. Hess (Ed.). Football Fever: Moving the Goalposts pp. 195 - 205 Maribyrnong Press.

Book chapter

Theology east and west: Difference and harmony
Cross, Lawrence. (2006). Theology east and west: Difference and harmony. Irish Theological Quarterly. 71(February), pp. 67 - 76. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021140006072569

Journal article

Pressure injury: an exploration of the relationship between risk factors and interface pressure
Gardner, Anne, Dunk, Ann Marie, Eggert, Marlene, Gardner, Glenn and Wellman, David. (2006). Pressure injury: an exploration of the relationship between risk factors and interface pressure. Wound Practice & Research. 14(4), pp. 140 - 149.

Journal article

The effects of short-term training on MCT expression in moderately endurance-trained runners
Bickham, Dale, Bentley, David, Le Rossignol, Peter and Cameron-Smith, David. (2006). The effects of short-term training on MCT expression in moderately endurance-trained runners. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 96(6), pp. 636 - 643. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-005-0100-x

Journal article

An economic evaluation of strontium ranelate in the treatment of osteoporosis in a Swedish setting: Based on the results of the SOTI and TROPOS trials
Borgström, F., Jönsson, B., Ström, O. and Kanis, John. (2006). An economic evaluation of strontium ranelate in the treatment of osteoporosis in a Swedish setting: Based on the results of the SOTI and TROPOS trials. Osteoporosis International. 17(12), pp. 1781 - 1793. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-006-0193-z

Journal article

It's true! Sport stinks
Kemp, Justin Guy and Farrow, Damian. (2006). It's true! Sport stinks Allen & Unwin.


An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures
Johnell, O. and Kanis, John. (2006). An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporosis International. 17(12), pp. 1726 - 1733. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-006-0172-4

Journal article

Predictors of career decidedness: A preliminary test of a model
Godfrey, Tarryn. (2006). Predictors of career decidedness: A preliminary test of a model. The 40th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference: Past reflections, Future directions.

Conference item

NCLS Attender Data 2006. Sample data
Powell, Ruth. (2006). NCLS Attender Data 2006. Sample data [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.85v02


2006 NCLS Attender Surveys
Powell, Ruth. (2006). 2006 NCLS Attender Surveys [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.85qzz


Stress reactions and perceived difficulties of lay responders to a medical emergency
Riegel, Barbara, Mosesso, Vincent N., Birnbaum, Alice, Bosken, Lois, Evans, Lisa M., Feeny, David, Holohan, Jennifer, Jones, Constance D., Peberdy, Mary Ann and Powell, Judy. (2006). Stress reactions and perceived difficulties of lay responders to a medical emergency. Resuscitation. 70(1), pp. 98 - 106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2005.10.029

Journal article

Assessing multidimensional physical activity motivation: A construct validity study of high school students
Martin, Andrew J., Tipler, David V., Marsh, Herb, Richards, Carry E. and Williams, Melinda R.. (2006). Assessing multidimensional physical activity motivation: A construct validity study of high school students. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 28(2), pp. 171 - 192. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.28.2.171

Journal article

Administering self-concept interventions in schools: No training necessary? A meta-analysis
O'Mara, Alison J., Green, Jasmine and Marsh, Herb. (2006). Administering self-concept interventions in schools: No training necessary? A meta-analysis. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives. 7(4), pp. 524 - 533.

Journal article

Developmental changes in motor imagery in primary school-aged children
Wilson, Peter, Thomas, Patrick, Maruff, Paul Thomas, Butson, Michael Lloyd and Williams, Jacqueline Louise. (2006). Developmental changes in motor imagery in primary school-aged children. Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society. Australia: Australian Psychological Society. pp. 1 - 10

Conference item

Jump kinetic determinants of sprint acceleration performance from starting blocks in male sprinters
Maulder, Peter, Bradshaw, Elizabeth and Keogh, Justin. (2006). Jump kinetic determinants of sprint acceleration performance from starting blocks in male sprinters. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 5(2), pp. 359 - 366.

Journal article

Comparative mathematical language in the elementary school: A longitudinal study
Warren, Elizabeth A.. (2006). Comparative mathematical language in the elementary school: A longitudinal study. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 62(2), pp. 169 - 189. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-006-4627-5

Journal article

Mystic maybes
Hart, Kevin. (2006). Mystic maybes. In In J. P.Manoussakis (Ed.). After God : Richard Kearney and the religious turn in continental philosophy pp. 208 - 221 Fordham University Press.

Book chapter

Another allusion to a Marian work attributed to Severus of Antioch
Youssef, Youhanna Nessim. (2006). Another allusion to a Marian work attributed to Severus of Antioch. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 101 - 112 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Where have all the religious educators gone?
Long, Janette Adele and Hemmings, Margaret. (2006). Where have all the religious educators gone? In Ruth Jeffery, Elizabeth Wright and Rebecca Feldman (Ed.). Australian Association for Research in Education 2006 Conference Papers. Victoria, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 12

Conference item

Ordinary officials - building community capacity through cross-sectorial collaboration
Winkworth, Gail. (2006). Ordinary officials - building community capacity through cross-sectorial collaboration. Public Administration Today (print version).

Journal article

Alternative light source (polilight®) illumination with digital image analysis does not assist in determining the age of bruises
Hughes, Vanessa, Ellis, Peter and Langlois, Neill. (2006). Alternative light source (polilight®) illumination with digital image analysis does not assist in determining the age of bruises. Forensic Science International. 158(2), pp. 104 - 107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2005.04.042

Journal article

Works from the fourth estate
Burgess, Peter. (2006). Works from the fourth estate

Creative work

A survey study in Hong Kong nursing students' perception of the clinical learning environment
Chan, Dominic Shung Kit. (2006). A survey study in Hong Kong nursing students' perception of the clinical learning environment. 1st Nurse Education International Conference: Developing collaborative practice in health and social care education. Vancouver, Canada: Elsevier. pp. 14 - 16

Conference item

Neuroticism and the psychosomatic model of workplace bullying
Djurkovic, Nikola, McCormack, Darcy and Casimir, Gian. (2006). Neuroticism and the psychosomatic model of workplace bullying. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 21(2), pp. 73 - 88. https://doi.org/10.1108/02683940610643224

Journal article

Contemporary Issues in Management and Organisational Behaviour
Murray, Peter, Poole, David and Jones, Grant. (2006). Contemporary Issues in Management and Organisational Behaviour Thomson Learning.


Competitive paradigms on strategic change: Mapping the field and further research development
Dufour, Yvon and Steane, Peter. (2006). Competitive paradigms on strategic change: Mapping the field and further research development. Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance. 15(3), pp. 129 - 144.

Journal article

If we don't shout loudly: We might be forgotten
Brady, Josephine, McLoughlin, Catherine, Wilson, Sue Anne and Arnold, Stephen Mark. (2006). If we don't shout loudly: We might be forgotten. In In T. Lyons (Ed.). Science; ICT and Mathematics Education in Rural and Regional Australia pp. 88 - 99 University of New England.

Book chapter

Counterfeit Heroes or Colourblind Visionaries: The Black Conservative Challenge to Affirmative Action in Modern America
Ondaatje, Michael. (2006). Counterfeit Heroes or Colourblind Visionaries: The Black Conservative Challenge to Affirmative Action in Modern America. Australasian Journal of American Studies (AJAS).

Journal article

Turner, Bryan. (2006). Body. Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science. 23(3), pp. 223 - 229. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276406062576

Journal article

Neo liberal Globalisation and Women's Experiences of Forced Migrations in Asia
Ganguly-Scrase, Ruchira, Vogl, Gillian and Julian, Roberta. (2006). Neo liberal Globalisation and Women's Experiences of Forced Migrations in Asia. Australia: Queensland University of Technology. pp. 1 - 18

Conference item

The Church as family of God: Its development and implications for the church in Vietnam
Tien, Ngo Dinh. (2006). The Church as family of God: Its development and implications for the church in Vietnam [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b5525e4c1


Observing different faiths, learning about ourselves: Practice with inter-married Muslims and Christians
Furlong, Mark and Ata, Abe. (2006). Observing different faiths, learning about ourselves: Practice with inter-married Muslims and Christians. Australian Social Work. 59(3), pp. 250 - 264. https://doi.org/10.1080/03124070600833048

Journal article

Developmental coordination disorder: current issues
Wilson, Peter, Zoia, Stefania, Barnett, Anna and Hill, Elizabeth. (2006). Developmental coordination disorder: current issues. Child: Care, Health and Development. 32(6), pp. 613 - 618.

Journal article

Testicular cell conditioned medium supports differentiation of embryonic stem cells into ovarian structures containing oocytes
Lacham-Kaplan, Orly, Chy, Hun and Trounson, Alan. (2006). Testicular cell conditioned medium supports differentiation of embryonic stem cells into ovarian structures containing oocytes. Stem Cells. 24(2), pp. 266 - 273. https://doi.org/10.1634/stemcells.2005-0204

Journal article

Randomized Controlled Trial of Telephone Case Management in Hispanics of Mexican Origin With Heart Failure
Riegel, Barbara, Carlson, Beverley, Glaser, Dale and Romero, Tomas. (2006). Randomized Controlled Trial of Telephone Case Management in Hispanics of Mexican Origin With Heart Failure. Journal of Cardiac Failure. 12(3), pp. 211 - 219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2006.01.005

Journal article

Preservation of thoracic spine microarchitecture by alendronate: Comparison of histology and microCT
Hordon, L. D., Itoda, M., Shore, P. A., Shore, R. C., Heald, M., Brown, M., Kanis, John, Rodan, G. A. and Aaron, J. E.. (2006). Preservation of thoracic spine microarchitecture by alendronate: Comparison of histology and microCT. Bone. 38(3), pp. 444 - 449. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bone.2005.09.020

Journal article

Living with a mother with chronic depression: to tell or not to tell?
Baik, Seong-Yi and Bowers, Barbara. (2006). Living with a mother with chronic depression: to tell or not to tell? The Internet Journal of Mental Health. 3(1), pp. 1 - 5.

Journal article

A longitudinal study of student and experienced nurses' self-concept.
Cowin, Leanne S., Craven, Rhonda G., Johnson, Maree and Marsh, Herbert W.. (2006). A longitudinal study of student and experienced nurses' self-concept. Collegian. 13(3), pp. 25-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1322-7696(08)60529-6

Journal article

A review of the work-family balance construct
Kalliath, Parveen and Kalliath, Thomas. (2006). A review of the work-family balance construct. In In S. Stashevsky (Ed.). Work Values and Behaviour pp. 228 - 239 International Society for the Study of Work and Organisational Values.

Book chapter

Vitality and loyalty in religious education: Renewing forms or perpetuating the myth?
Chambers, Michael. (2006). Vitality and loyalty in religious education: Renewing forms or perpetuating the myth? Journal of Religious Education. 55(1), pp. 17 - 22.

Journal article

Literacy in k-12 teacher education: The case study of a multimedia resource
Love, Kristina. (2006). Literacy in k-12 teacher education: The case study of a multimedia resource. In Handbook of research on literacy in technology at the K-12 level pp. 469 - 492 Idea Group Publishing.

Book chapter

Transforming pre-service teacher knowledge in science education through multimedia and ICT
Keys, Phil and Watters, Jim. (2006). Transforming pre-service teacher knowledge in science education through multimedia and ICT. NARST 2006 Annual Meeting. United States of America: National Association of Research in Science Teaching. pp. 1 - 13

Conference item

Does living in a disadvantaged area entail limited opportunities to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in terms of price, availability, and variety? Findings from the Brisbane Food Study
Winkler, Elizabeth A. H., Turrell, Gavin and Patterson, Carla. (2006). Does living in a disadvantaged area entail limited opportunities to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in terms of price, availability, and variety? Findings from the Brisbane Food Study. Health and Place. 12(4), pp. 741 - 748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2005.09.006

Journal article

The relationship of cervical joint position error to balance and eye movement disturbances in persistent whiplash
Treleaven, Julia, Jull, Gwendolen and Low Choy, Nancy. (2006). The relationship of cervical joint position error to balance and eye movement disturbances in persistent whiplash. Manual Therapy. 11, pp. 99 - 106.

Journal article

The Outdoor Educators Effect on Achieving Program Outcomes :A cross-section of Australian Schools
Allen-Craig, Sandra Joan and Miller, Jacqueline. (2006). The Outdoor Educators Effect on Achieving Program Outcomes :A cross-section of Australian Schools. In Fiona Stoddart (Ed.). Preston, Lancashire,England: Division of Outdoor Education, University of Central Lancashire. pp. 1 - 30

Conference item

Seeking mission integrity: The Mercy School Culture audit as a Map in process for the journey
Schneider, Annette. (2006). Seeking mission integrity: The Mercy School Culture audit as a Map in process for the journey. Journal of Catholic School Studies. 78(1), pp. 61 - 73.

Journal article

In Plato's cave
Siebols, Jeannette. (2006). In Plato's cave

Creative work

The combined effects of delay and probability in discounting
Yi, Richard, De la Piedad Garcia, Xochitl and Bickel, Warren. (2006). The combined effects of delay and probability in discounting. Behavioural Processes. 73(2), pp. 149 - 155. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2006.05.001

Journal article

Hitler's Bavarian antagonist: Georg Moenius and the Allgemeine Rundschau of Munich, 1929-1933
Munro, Greg. (2006). Hitler's Bavarian antagonist: Georg Moenius and the Allgemeine Rundschau of Munich, 1929-1933 Edwin Mellen Press.


Predictors of Wellbeing Experienced by Australian Police Officers
Noblet, Andrew, Rodwell, John, Deeble, Marissa and Botten, Julie. (2006). Predictors of Wellbeing Experienced by Australian Police Officers. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference. Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. pp. 1 - 17

Conference item

Business Ethics A Realistic Approach
Jones, Grant. (2006). Business Ethics A Realistic Approach. Annual International Business and Economics Research (IBER) and College Teaching and Learning (TLC) Conference. United States of America: Clute Institute. pp. 1 - 6

Conference item

Applying situated learning theory to the creation of learning environments to enhance socialisation and self-regulation
McLoughlin, Catherine and Luca, Joe. (2006). Applying situated learning theory to the creation of learning environments to enhance socialisation and self-regulation. In In A. Herrington and J. Herrington (Ed.). Authentic Learning Environments in Higher Education pp. 194 - 213 Idea Group Publishing.

Book chapter

Infanticide; savagery and civilization: The Australian experience
Swain, Shurlee Lesley. (2006). Infanticide; savagery and civilization: The Australian experience. In In B. Bechtold and D. Graves (Ed.). Killing Infants pp. 85 - 105 Edwin Mellen Press.

Book chapter

Assessment for learning: An Australian study in middle schooling
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Bridges, Susan M.. (2006). Assessment for learning: An Australian study in middle schooling. 32nd Annual Conference International Association for Educational Assessment. Singapore: pp. 1 - 18

Conference item

A longitudinal study of children's mental computation skills
Clarke, Douglas McLean, Clarke, Barbara and Horne, Marjorie. (2006). A longitudinal study of children's mental computation skills. In J. Novotna, H. Moraova and M. Kratka (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group of Psychology of Mathematics. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University. pp. 329 - 336

Conference item

The International Mariology Project: A case-study of Augustine's letters
Allen, Pauline. (2006). The International Mariology Project: A case-study of Augustine's letters. Vigiliae Christinane. 60(2), pp. 209 - 230.

Journal article

Phenomenology and religious education theory
Engebretson, Kathleen. (2006). Phenomenology and religious education theory. In In M. de Souza, G. Durka and K. Engebret et al. (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 651 - 665 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome after repeat exposure to antenatal corticosteroids: a randomised controlled trial
Crowther, Caroline, Haslam, Ross, Hiller, Janet, Doyle, L and Robinson, Jeffrey. (2006). Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome after repeat exposure to antenatal corticosteroids: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet. 367(9526), pp. 1913 - 1919. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(06)68846-6

Journal article

L - About the Attender (Priorities and Giving) - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). L - About the Attender (Priorities and Giving) - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.855w9


D - Belonging and Personal Characteristics - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). D - Belonging and Personal Characteristics - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.855w8


Nurse Practitioner competency standards: Findings from collaborative Australian and New Zealand research
Gardner, Glenn, Carryer, Jenny, Gardner, Anne and Dunn, Sandra. (2006). Nurse Practitioner competency standards: Findings from collaborative Australian and New Zealand research. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 43(5), pp. 601 - 610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2005.09.002

Journal article

Exciting career opportunity beckons! Early intervention and vocational rehabilitation in first-episode psychosis: Employing cautious optimism
Killackey, Eoin, Jackson, Henry, Gleeson, John, Hickie, Ian and McGorry, Patrick. (2006). Exciting career opportunity beckons! Early intervention and vocational rehabilitation in first-episode psychosis: Employing cautious optimism. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 40(44176), pp. 951 - 962. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1614.2006.01918.x

Journal article

Child and family predictors of therapy outcome for children with behavioral and emotional problems
Hemphill, Sheryl and Littlefield, Lyn. (2006). Child and family predictors of therapy outcome for children with behavioral and emotional problems. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 36(3), pp. 329 - 349. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-005-0006-1

Journal article

Marketing experts' assessment of nutritional claims in Australian food advertising
Jones, Sandra. (2006). Marketing experts' assessment of nutritional claims in Australian food advertising. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2001 : Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice. Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 05 Dec 2001 Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. pp. 1 - 7

Conference item

ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines and the European society of cardiology committee for PRAC
Fuster, Valentin, Rydén, Lars E., Cannom, David S., Crijns, Harry J., Curtis, Anne B., Ellenbogen, Kenneth A., Halperin, Jonathan L., Le Heuzey, Jean Y., Kay, G. N., Lowe, James E., Olsson, S. B., Prystowsky, Eric N., Tamargo, Juan L., Wann, Samuel, Smith, Sidney C., Jacobs, Alice K., Adams, Cynthia D., Anderson, Jeffrey L., Antman, Elliott M., ... Zamorano, José L.. (2006). ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines and the European society of cardiology committee for PRAC. Circulation. 114(7), pp. e257 - e354. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.177292

Journal article

Improving your child's learning ability
Cheong, Sau Kuan and Teoh, Hsien-Jin. (2006). Improving your child's learning ability Oak Enterprise.


The psychotherapy and counselling federation of Australia: How the federation model contributes to the field
Barletta, John, Schofield, Margot, Grant, Jan and Holmes, Sofie. (2006). The psychotherapy and counselling federation of Australia: How the federation model contributes to the field. International Journal of Psychology. 41(3), pp. 66 - 70. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207590544000149

Journal article

Human rights in crisis: is there no answer to human violence? A cultural critique in conversation with Rene Girard and Raymund Schwager
Stork, Peter Robert. (2006). Human rights in crisis: is there no answer to human violence? A cultural critique in conversation with Rene Girard and Raymund Schwager [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bc5c5e4e4


Paradoxes, parallels and pedagogy: A case study of Ignatian pedagogy and of teachers' perceptions of its implementation in Australian Jesuit schools
Hayes, Christopher Xavier. (2006). Paradoxes, parallels and pedagogy: A case study of Ignatian pedagogy and of teachers' perceptions of its implementation in Australian Jesuit schools [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94ba355e4d9


Instructing beginners in faith: Augustine of Hippo
Canning, Raymond and Ramsey, Boniface. (2006). Instructing beginners in faith: Augustine of Hippo New City Press.


Assessing student understanding of fractions using task-based interviews
Clarke, Douglas McLean, Roche, Anne, Mitchell, Annie and Sukenik, Michal. (2006). Assessing student understanding of fractions using task-based interviews. In J. Novotna, H. Moraova and M. Kratka (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group of Psychology of Mathematics Education. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University. pp. 337 - 344

Conference item

Implications of preservice teachers intentions to use particular learning tasks
Scott, Anne Lia. (2006). Implications of preservice teachers intentions to use particular learning tasks. In P. Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen and M. Chinnappan (Ed.). Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia; Mathematics Education Research. Sydney,Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 463 - 470

Conference item

Being 'child centred' in child protection: What does it mean?
Winkworth, Gail and McArthur, Morag. (2006). Being 'child centred' in child protection: What does it mean? Children Australia. 31(4), pp. 13 - 21.

Journal article

Participation for all? Searching for marginalised voices: The case for including refugee young people
Couch, Jen and Francis, Steve. (2006). Participation for all? Searching for marginalised voices: The case for including refugee young people. Children, Youth and Environments. 16(2), pp. 277 - 295.

Journal article

Keener sounds: Stevens, intimacy, and gender politics
Masel, Carolyn. (2006). Keener sounds: Stevens, intimacy, and gender politics. Wallace Stevens Journal. 30(2), pp. 159 - 170.

Journal article

The discipleship of equals
Tuohy, Anne. (2006). The discipleship of equals. eOikonomia.

Journal article

Have we lost our nerve? Changing theologies of Christian mission
Hall, Gerard. (2006). Have we lost our nerve? Changing theologies of Christian mission. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Does Hard Determinism Render the Problem of Evil even Harder?
Trakakis, Nick. (2006). Does Hard Determinism Render the Problem of Evil even Harder? Ars Disputandi: the online journal for philosophy of religion. 6, pp. 1 - 26.

Journal article

The effectiveness of a six-week jump shot intervention on the kinematics of netball shooting performance
Hume, Patricia, Henderson, M. and Bradshaw, Elizabeth Jane. (2006). The effectiveness of a six-week jump shot intervention on the kinematics of netball shooting performance. In M Schwaneder, G Strutzenberger and Sastenbauer et al (Ed.). XXIV International Conference on Biomechanics; in Sport. Salzburg, Austria: University of Salzburg. pp. 339 - 342

Conference item

Changing conditions in the Hong Kong new issues market
Carey, Peter and Steen, Adam. (2006). Changing conditions in the Hong Kong new issues market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 14(5), pp. 484 - 500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pacfin.2006.02.003

Journal article

Starting from the beginning: Primary teacher education in east Timor
Beck, Margaret Helen. (2006). Starting from the beginning: Primary teacher education in east Timor. In In J. Earnest and D. Treagust (Ed.). Education Reform in Societies In Transition. International Perspectives. pp. 145 - 157 Sense Publishers.

Book chapter

How is religious leadership understood and practised by principles in Catholic secondary schools in South Australia?
McEvoy, Francis Joseph. (2006). How is religious leadership understood and practised by principles in Catholic secondary schools in South Australia [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b84a5e4d0


Josephus' Jewish war as a narrative five-act tragedy
Shenoy, Suresh A.. (2006). Josephus' Jewish war as a narrative five-act tragedy [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94b64f5e4c6


Picturing parenting in the words and illustrations of Bob Graham
Hillel, Margot. (2006). Picturing parenting in the words and illustrations of Bob Graham. CREArTA. 6(Special Issue), pp. 75 - 82.

Journal article

The good old days of nurse training : rose-tinted or jaundiced view
McKenna, Hugh, Watson, Roger, Thompson, David and Norman, Ian. (2006). The good old days of nurse training : rose-tinted or jaundiced view. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 43(2), pp. 135 - 137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2005.09.007

Journal article

A grief diagnostic instrument for general practice
Clark, Sheila, Marley, John, Hiller, Janet E., Leahy, Catherine and Pratt, Nicole. (2006). A grief diagnostic instrument for general practice. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. 52(2), pp. 169-195. https://doi.org/10.2190/9AP6-DGY9-EY2Y-Q4M8

Journal article

Being the subject of a complaint to a regulatory board: Complaints happen
Hammond, Sabine and Wingenfeld, Andrea. (2006). Being the subject of a complaint to a regulatory board: Complaints happen. In In S. Morrissey and P. Reddy (Ed.). Ethics and professional practice for psychologists pp. 150 - 162 Thomson Learning.

Book chapter

The rise of Open Access in the Creative, Educational and Science Commons
Kiel-Chisholm, Scott and Fitzgerald, Brian. (2006). The rise of Open Access in the Creative, Educational and Science Commons. Policy Futures in Education. 4(4), pp. 366 - 379.

Journal article

The two ways: A diversity of spiritualities in the earliest Jerusalem church
Elmer, Ian J.. (2006). The two ways: A diversity of spiritualities in the earliest Jerusalem church. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and spirituality in the early Church: Volume 4: The spiritual life pp. 19 - 35 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Examining the changed role of numeracy coordinators
Clarke, Douglas McLean and Cheeseman, Jill. (2006). Examining the changed role of numeracy coordinators. In P. Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen and M. Chinnappan (Ed.). Identities; Cultures; and Learning: Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Canberra, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 123 - 130

Conference item

Literacy teaching and learning in Victorian schools
Czislowski-McKenna, Ann T., Cumming, Joy, Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree and Elkins, John. (2006). Literacy teaching and learning in Victorian schools Australia: Victoria Dept. of Education and Training.


'Stop thinking of culture as geography': Early childhood educators' conceptions of sociocultural theory as an informant to curriculum
Edwards, Susan. (2006). 'Stop thinking of culture as geography': Early childhood educators' conceptions of sociocultural theory as an informant to curriculum. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 7(3), pp. 238 - 252.

Journal article

The role of the religion teacher: Ecclesial and pedagogical perceptions
Buchanan, Michael. (2006). The role of the religion teacher: Ecclesial and pedagogical perceptions. Journal of Christian Education. 49(2), pp. 23 - 34.

Journal article

Schooling, education reforms, and policy shifts in the Russian federation
Zajda, Joseph. (2006). Schooling, education reforms, and policy shifts in the Russian federation. In In K. Mazurek and M.A. Winzer (Ed.). Schooling around the world : debates, challenges and practices pp. 246 - 263 Pearson Ally and Bacon Publishing.

Book chapter

Neoliberal Development and its Implications for the Garment Industry and its Workers in India: A case study of West Bengal
Ganguly-Scrase, Ruchira. (2006). Neoliberal Development and its Implications for the Garment Industry and its Workers in India: A case study of West Bengal. Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA). Australia: Asian Studies Association of Australia. pp. 1 - 20

Conference item

A life-course approach to measuring socioeconomic position in population health surveillance systems
Chittleborough, C. R., Baum, F. E., Taylor, A. W. and Hiller, J. E.. (2006). A life-course approach to measuring socioeconomic position in population health surveillance systems. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 60(11), pp. 981-992. https://doi.org/10.1136/jech.2006.048694

Journal article

Picturing Parenting in the Words and Illustrations of Bob Graham
Hillel, Margot. (2006). Picturing Parenting in the Words and Illustrations of Bob Graham. CREArTA: the International Journal of the Centre for Research and Education in the Arts. 6(Special Issue), pp. 75 - 82.

Journal article

Changing and coping, and the stimulus to change from an adolescent perspective: A replication of adult research
Bowles, Terry and Fallon, Barry. (2006). Changing and coping, and the stimulus to change from an adolescent perspective: A replication of adult research. Australian Journal of Psychology. 58(1), pp. 8 - 15. https://doi.org/10.1080/00049530500230999

Journal article

Teaching religion in catholic primary schools
Grajczonek, Janice Pauline and Chambers, Michael. (2006). Teaching religion in catholic primary schools. In In M. Ryan (Ed.). Religious Education in Catholic Schools: An Introduction for Australian Students pp. 257 - 278 David Lovell Publishing.

Book chapter

Using and creating knowledge with new technologies: A case for students-as-designers
Kimber, Kay and Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (2006). Using and creating knowledge with new technologies: A case for students-as-designers. Learning, Media and Technology. 31(1), pp. 19 - 34. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439880500515440

Journal article

Taxing Speculation in Financial Markets: A comparison between United Kingdom and Australian Common Law and Tax Rulings
Ciro, Tony. (2006). Taxing Speculation in Financial Markets: A comparison between United Kingdom and Australian Common Law and Tax Rulings. Derivatives and Financial instruments. 8(3), pp. 129 - 138.

Journal article

Influences of motivational orientation on academic achievement within the context of lower and upper primary year levels
Hamilton, Peta. (2006). Influences of motivational orientation on academic achievement within the context of lower and upper primary year levels [Masters Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a94bcc45e4e6

Masters Thesis

Development of a model to advance the uptake of e-portfolios for undergraduates in teacher education and registered nurse preparation :An exemplar of best practice
White, Paul, Hardy, Jennifer Lynette and Dennis, Christine. (2006). Development of a model to advance the uptake of e-portfolios for undergraduates in teacher education and registered nurse preparation :An exemplar of best practice. In Elaine Pearson and Paul Bohman (Ed.). Proceedings of Ed-Media 2006: World Conference on Educational multimedia; hypermedia and telecommunications. Norfold,USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. pp. 248 - 253

Conference item

Psychometric testing of the Heart Failure Somatic Awareness Scale
Jurgens, Corrine Y., Fain, James A. and Riegel, Barbara. (2006). Psychometric testing of the Heart Failure Somatic Awareness Scale. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 21(2), pp. 95 - 102. https://doi.org/10.1097/00005082-200603000-00004

Journal article

Pixels vs. paper: Comparing online and traditional survey methods in sport psychology
Lonsdale, Chris, Hodge, Ken and Hargreaves, Elaine A.. (2006). Pixels vs. paper: Comparing online and traditional survey methods in sport psychology. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 28(1), pp. 100 - 108. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.28.1.100

Journal article

C - Worship and Multicultural Issues - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey
Powell, Ruth. (2006). C - Worship and Multicultural Issues - 2006 National Church Life Survey: Sample Attender Survey [Dataset]. Sydney: NCLS Research. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.85096
